Oklahoma State University • 2010

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Oklahoma State University • 2010 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY • 2 0 1 0 AR ERIN Y HE ET AL V T R H O S C F I R E E N T C MAGAZINE N E E S C VET CETERA O THE VET MED MAGAZINE FALL 2010/VOLUME 13 K Y L IT A S H 19 48 R O E M NIV A STATE U www.cvhs.okstate.edu COVER: Which way lies the future? This baby goat, owned by Dr. Christopher Ross, professor and associate dean of academic affairs, surveys the terrain to choose his path. Similarly, the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences studies the trends present in today’s environment to move forward confidently into its future. 2 FRESH FACES The center adds three new members to its outstanding faculty. 6 SOME OF THE GREATS OSU veterinarians garner respect in their communities and among their peers. 15 GOOD PRESS From the local scene to national headlines, veterinary center students, faculty and alumni make news. 41 IN A NEARBY GALAXY The future looks different from here, but it’s still recognizable. 71 WHAT’S THE CONNECTION? The past and future come together in the present. DEAN, CENTER FOR VETERINARY HEALTH SCIENCES Michael Lorenz, DVM DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT Sharon Worrell [email protected] COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS, MARKETING, AND ALUMNI AFFAIRS Derinda Blakeney, APR [email protected] EDITOR Eileen Mustain ART DIRECTOR Paul V. Fleming PHOTOGRAPHERS Gary Lawson Phil Shockley ASSOCIATE EDITOR Janet Varnum The Center for Veterinary Health Sciences graduates competent, confident, practice-ready veterinarians — a tradition it has proudly carried forward since the day the veterinary college opened its doors 62 years ago. Please join us at the CVHS website: www.cvhs.okstate.edu. The OSU homepage is located at www.okstate.edu. Vet Cetera magazine is a publication of the Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences. Its purpose is to connect the college with its many alumni and friends, providing information on both campus news and pertinent issues in the field of veterinary medicine. Oklahoma State University © 2010 Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. Title IX of the Education Amendments and Oklahoma State University policy prohibit discrimination in the provision of services or benefits offered by the University based on gender. Any person (student, faculty or staff) who believes that discriminatory practices have been engaged in based upon gender may discuss their concerns and file informal or formal complaints of possible violations of Title IX with the OSU Title IX Coordinator, Mackenzie Wilfong, J.D., Director of Affirmative Action, 408 Whitehurst, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, (405) 744-5371 or (405) 744-5576 (fax). This publication, issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by The Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, was printed by University Marketing, University Printing Services at a cost of $5,596.80. 5300/#3289/NOV2010. Welcome to our award-winning publication, Vet Cetera. The well-attended 2010 hooding ceremony included 22 members of the class of 1960 who returned to campus for their 50th anniversary reunion. We graduated 75 new Cowboy veterinarians. They are an impressive group performing with a 100 percent pass rate on national board examinations and headed to jobs all over the world. Unprecedented cuts in Oklahoma given or pledged by Feb. 26, 2011 to be We have an excellent program to higher education reduced FY 2010 state eligible for the match. Matching funds assure that our students receive the appropriations $834,032. The FY 2011 are based on a first-come, first-matched knowledge and technical skills to be was reduced $674,576 and increases in basis. About 70 percent of the Pickens outstanding primary care veterinarians. health insurance and other areas will Legacy Match funds have been matched While our hospital still needs to develop add $348,159 to our budget, causing a to date. areas of specialization, we have been gap of $1,022,735. Leadership of our veterinary alumni very careful to emphasize primary care We have few alternatives to fund association has established a goal across all animal species. the gap other than not filling open for a $1 million scholarship endow- Our shelter medicine program is a faculty and staff positions, increasing ment called The Alumni and Friends tremendous asset in developing student enrollment in years two and three Endowed Scholarship Fund — “The surgical skills and exposing students to and increasing tuition along with 1,000 Giving a $1,000 Campaign.” The common dog and cat diseases. This year, strategic one-time expenditures from goal is for 1,000 alumni or their friends students will perform more than 4,000 college reserves. With the anticipated to give or pledge $1,000 to the fund. surgical procedures and numerous additional state budget reductions, the These funds, equaling or exceeding other clinical procedures. FY 2012 outlook is not good. Currently $50,000, qualify for the Pickens Legacy I have announced my desire to enter state appropriations comprise 30 to 32 Match if received prior to Feb. 26, 2011. a program of phased retirement as soon percent of the veterinary center budget. Following a site visit by the Council as the center can appoint a new dean. The university has entered a on Education of the American Veteri- I have enjoyed being dean of veteri- $1 billion capital campaign called nary Medical Association in March, our nary medicine, and I have especially Branding Success. O u r g o a l i s program received full accreditation for appreciated the support of faculty, staff, $30 million ($7 million for student up to seven years. students, alumni, practitioners and scholarships and fellowships, $5 We have received notice that the friends of the veterinary college. I plan million for chairs and professorships, Association for Assessment and Accredi- to finish my career working in our $10 million for facilities and $8 million tation of Laboratory Animal Care hospital as I continue to be a strong for program support). approved our application for certifica- cheerleader for our college and veteri- To date we have raised $14,958,629 tion. Following a site visit this summer, nary medicine in general. or nearly 50 percent of our goal. A we received full accreditation. $100 million deferred gift from Boone Increasingly, economic conditions Pickens will match two dollars for every will force veterinary colleges to operate PORTRAIT / GARY LAWSON dollar donated and 1.5 dollars for every more and more like private institu- dollar pledged in excess of $50,000 in tions. There will be more reliance on endowed scholarships. Funds must be self-generated revenues, private giving MICHAEL D. LORENZ, DVM, DIPL. ACVIM and novel educational approaches to DEAN AND PROFESSOR improve student hands-on training. W H O ’ S N E W New Faces at the Center Dr. Kimberly Carter is a lecturer in animal Dr. Lara Sypniewski is a clinical assistant profes- shelter medicine in the clinical sciences department. She sor in the veterinary clinical sciences department. She earned her doctor of veterinary medicine degree from works in the small animal community practice at the OSU in 1989. Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Following graduation, she worked more than a year Sypniewski earned her DVM degree from Purdue as a test barn veterinarian at Ross Meadows Downs, University and then completed a small animal rotating Ada, Okla. For the next six years, she worked as a relief internship at Georgia Veterinary Specialist in Atlanta. veterinarian and, later, as the solo practitioner with VET- While working 12 years in private small animal prac- FARE, a mobile veterinary practice. tice, she became a Diplomate of the American Board of Before joining OSU this spring, Carter supervised Veterinary Practitioners, Canine and Feline Practice. the veterinary program for the Oklahoma City Animal Prior to joining OSU, Sypniewski worked as a veteri- Welfare Division. nary medical officer at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Ariz. CONTINUES PHOTOGRAPHY / GARY LAWSON 2 C e n t e r f o r Veterinary Health Sciences 2 0 1 0 Oklahoma State University 3 W H O ’ S N E W PHOTOGRAPHY / GARY LAWSON 4 C e n t e r f o r Veterinary Health Sciences Who Is A Distinguished Alum? IF YOU’VE EVER WONDERED HOW SOMEONE RECEIVES A DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARD, Dr. Jared Taylor is an assistant YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE FIRST THING IT professor of veterinary epidemiology TAKES IS TO BE NOMINATED. and public health in the veterinary ANY OSU COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE pathobiology department. GRADUATE CAN NOMINATE A CANDIDATE FOR He earned his DVM degree from THE DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD. THE CVM Virginia Maryland Regional College of ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE Veterinary Medicine, a master of public BOARD THEN SELECT THE RECIPIENTS. health degree from the University of Iowa and a doctorate from OSU. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A DISTINGUISHED Taylor is also a Diplomate of the ALUMNUS AWARD, A VETERINARIAN MUST BE A GRADUATE OF THE COLLEGE AND POSSESS A American College of Veterinary Inter- 20-YEAR OR MORE CAREER RECORD. HE OR SHE nal Medicine – Large Animal and a MUST HAVE CONTRIBUTED SIGNIFICANT SERVICE Diplomate of the American College of TO OSU, THE CVM AND ITS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Veterinary Preventive Medicine.
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