6 R O.° ^.K 1 N G G03q Viol 9 Htw Xr.Ots the Business£T and RADIO Ëpïs4utu.Zona ; 948Ìt00 Bn
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JANUARY 18, 1960 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS 6 R O.° ^.k 1 N G g03Q viol 9 hTw xr.oTS THE BUSINESs£t AND RADIO ëpïs4utu.zoNa ; 948ìt00 bN Will agencies yield control of television programming? Page 27 McCann -Erickson regroups to emphasize ad operations Page 30 SPECIAL MARKET STUDY: Hawaii, the busy new state Page 67 New vhf coverage concept: signals beyond map patterns Page 92 tM9RNINGSIUE COLLEGE in Richmond and Central Virginia .. LIBRARY tOÜX CITY IOWA ...the most potent merchandising is on Get extra sales with WXEX -TV's 12 performance -proven merchandising plans: Promotional Spots Newspaper Ads Feature Foods Merchandising Community Club Awards In -Store Food Displays In -Store Drug Displays In -Store Food Demonstrations, sampling, couponing Store Window Displays Bargain Bar Promotions Mailings to Retailers Personal calls on Jobbers, Wholesalers, Retailers Reports to Advertisers WXEX -TV NBC -TV Basic Tom Tinsley, President; Irvin Abeloff, Vice President National Representatives: Select Station Representatives in New York, Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia;Adam Young in Boston, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Seattle; rlarke Brown Company in the South and Southwest. r' MONTANA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA IOWA NEBRASKA BIG AGGIE RIDES HIGH IN PERSIA (SOUTH DAKOTA) Persia is just one of thousands of cities and towns in growing every clay -example, 1959 mail count is up Big Aggie Land -the vast. 175- county coverage area 33 %. It's a well -to -do market, too. The 21/4 plus mil- defined and delivered by WNAX-570. Whichever town lion people who live in Big Aggie Land have a spend- you choose you'll find Big Aggie an old and trusted able income of over $3 billion. friend. Profitable promotion in Persia-or anywhere in Big There are 609,590 radio homes in Big Aggie Land. And Aggie Land -begins with WNAX -570. See your Katz WNAX -570 delivers a 66.4% share of audience that's man. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION WNAX'570 CBS RADIO WNAX, Yankton, S.D. KVTV, Sioux City, Iowa WGAR, Cleveland, Ohio IPROGRAMMING FOR ADULTS OF ALL AGES WRFD, Worthington, Ohio WTTM, Trenton, N.J. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION WMMN, Fairmont, W. Va. Yankton, South Dakota Sioux City, Iowa ONE SHOT TAKES ALL THREE LANSING o JACKSON a BATTLE CREEK The, best shot in outstate Michigan pockets three major mark'ets ranking. 11th* in retail sales - gives you more Grade.A coverage of Central Michigan and TV V population households. Nation- ally,'the 26th ** mar- SERVING MICHIGAN'S ket. Your cue to call Venard, Rintoul & McConnell, Inc GOLDEN TRIANGLE SRDS Consumer Market Data -Television Age 100;Top Markets 11/30/59 WILX is associated with WILS - Lansing WPON - Pontiac BROADCASTING, January 13, 19sO 3 r._ ,.. :t..i. , yx'- - located in the H I S T O R I C GETTYSBURG W G A L V PENNSYLVANIA STATE MEMORIAL AT GETTYSSURG AMERICA'S 10th TV MARKET The WGAL -TV market is richly steeped in tradition. This broad area has always been -and is - prosperous and stable ... has $63/4 billion in annual income, spends $33/4 billion in retail sales. WGAL -TV delivers depth coverage in its many cities, is first with viewers in Lancaster, Harrisburg, York READING and numerous other cities. HARRISBURG LANCASTER ...._, ..A......UM <..T.,YL,. FITGAI,,,IInnL-TV ..,.,.,I ._.. MATNIMINO Lancaster, Pa. U NBC and CBS Su .17V ..sa.l STEINMAN STATION /100000 Clair McCollough, Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco CLOSED CIRCUIT® Movies in the air Technicolor is provided that plug for (I) composers, than $6 million (after discouts) in time latest motion picture entry in station (2) show, (3) its star and (4) theatre has been sold since plan was announced ownership. Technicolor Broadcasting where playing is given "each and every last November. Sales of entertainment Corp., newly created subsidiary of time you broadcast all or part of such shows in NBC Program Service are Technicolor Corp., has reached agree- recording." Letter suggested plug go something else again; not many stations ment for purchase of KICN Denver "substantially" like this: "From the are buying. new Rodgers from Empire Broadcasting Inc. (Don and Hammerstein hit Seavey changes channels Hollis show 'The Sound Burden) or $575,000. Transfer papers of Music,' starring M. Seavey, former director of Clear Mary Martin, now playing will be filed with FCC upon formal at the Lunt - Channel Broadcasting Service and until execution of contract expected in 10 Fontanne Theatre in New York." Simi- last week owner of WCUM Cumber- days. Contract was negotiated with Mr. lar letters accompanied albums of land (CHANGING HANDS, page 95), has Burden R -H's by John R. Clark, newly- elected "Flower Drum Song" music been retained by newly -formed Re- earlier in 1959. president and general manager of Tech- Though distributed by gional Broadcasters as consultant. nicolor, and John J. Daly, vice presi- Columbia, albums pressed for radio Group organized fortnight ago (BROAD- dent. stations carried this credit on label: "A CASTING, Jan. 11) espouses ratification Rodgers and Hammerstein Records at this session of NARBA treaty and Zenith to try toll Despite tough cri- Inc. production." teria specified by FCC last year for "on- collateral Mexican agreement on am the -air" pay -tv tests, Zenith Radio Fast report Although hearings still broadcast allocations. Headquarters are Corp. intends to file for authorization have not been completed, FCC Net- 1735 DeSales St., Washington, D.C. within next few months. Joseph S. work Study Staff Chief Ashbrook Payson Hall, Meredith stations, who Wright, Zenith president, tells BROAD- Bryant last week privately proposed heads group, this week is circularizing CASTING application now is being amendment to Sec. 326 (anti- censor- Class IB, Class II and Class III sta- drafted and one of five markets now ship) of Communications Act to allow tions on membership. Commission to consider under study will be selected. FCC an- programming School days Because of Washington at time of original grant, nounced last year it would accept ap- renewals and events, many broadcasters are boning in station sales. Bryant, who plications for a three -year toll -tv test, Counsel up on FCC's rules and regulations, submitted proposed but set up these stringent conditions: legislation in writ- codes of fair practice and other refer- ing to chairman, labelled it "internal system could be tested in only one city, ence works relating to station opera- matter" that can go no farther without and that city must receive at least four tions. At all NBC owned- and -operated approval of commissioners. Grade A off -the-air tv signals; decod- General stations, top staff members are taking counsel's office is conducting "extended ing equipment must not be sold to pub- what amount to refresher courses. Ob- study" of same problems, recommenda- lic; arrangements between pay -tv pro- jective: operations as clean as a hound's moter and stations must be severely tions of which will supersede Bryant tooth. limited to retain station's independence measure, it was learned. and licensee responsibility. End of suit With election of Joseph It was completely unintentional, but S. (Dody) Sinclair, manager of WJAR- Zenith remains committed to "on- current FCC hearings have forced AM-TV, to vice presidency of Outlet the -air" pay -tv as against wire distribu- Capitol Hill to delay first of many ex- Co., Providence department store, liti- tion methods. Zenith engineers say that pected trips to Congress by commis- gation involving sale of properties single coaxial cable with capacity of sioners during new session. Sen. John shortly may be terminated. Mr. Sin- 41/2 me width can carry as many as Pastore (D- R.I.), chairman of Com- clair had initiated litigation with dozen video channels with good quality munications Subcommittee, had planned trustees of his grandfather's estate, through phasing method evolved by Bell Jan. 25 (next ?Monday) session with owner of Outlet CO. (BROADCASTING, Labs for wire service. This is nature of FCC on tv allocations. Senator, how- Oct. 26, 1959), and this resulted in competition that would confront tv ever, bowed to prior Commission plans court ruling that William Zeckendorf, stations if pay -tv is barred from regu- (program hearing) and again postponed New York realtor, who had negotiated lar spectrum. Bell is installing and will oft -delayed hearings. At last word. for Outlet company purchase for $12.5 maintain cable to be used for Toronto, Feb. 2 was tentative new date. million, was not party to suit. Canada, wire pay -tv experiment by Progress report In operation two Fm's day There's a yet- unannounced International Telemeter and Famous weeks, NBC Radio's new format - feature in preparation for NAB's an- Players. combination of conventional network- nual convention -full day of program- The plug experts Station music ing (mostly Monitor, news and special ming for fm membership. As now con- librarians must be wondering what gives events) with entertainment shows avail- ceived, Fm Day will be built around when they read Rodgers -Hammerstein's able to stations on fee basis -is getting Sunday (April 3) pre- opening schedule. and other critics' protestations against encouraging reaction from both affili- Idea is to meet criticism at 1959 con- broadcaster exploitation of own musical ates and advertisers, according to net- vention when fm was relegated to brief interests. Reason: when original -cast work sources. That is, networking part early- morning session. Morning portion albums of R -H's "Sound of Music" is. They report better than 96% of of Fm Day will be devoted to program- went out last fall, letter (from Colum- stations are clearing News on the Hour ming by National Assn.