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SDI DEC09 Web.Pdf Portola Europe has developed its new Easy Flip sports closure using their reputable light weighting technologies. The new flip top design has a visual tamper evidence that remains on the dust cover (no throw away bands), it is easy to open and closes with an audible snap for re-seal. Easy Flip has an integral double hinge allowing the consumer to hold the dust cover at 180 degrees for ease of consumption. Easy Flip has a long spout for drinking comfort, and features the same high flow rate as our other 3 piece sports closures Available with natural or opaque covers in a wide range of colours. Ergonomically designed, the Easy Flip double hinge fits inside the overall diameter of the closure; thus ensuring that it will perform on existing capping heads with minimal adjustment within the filling machine. As leaders of light weight closures technology, Portola Europe have reduced the weight of Easy Flip by 28% of polymer compared to a normal 3 piece sports closure, so making it one of the lightest functional 2 piece sports closures. Available for 28mm PCO1810 followed by 38mm & 30mm finishes being developed in tandem. Portola Europe is a ISO 14001 Certified Operation Portola Packaging are a leading global supplier of plastic CAPS and CLOSURES for the Food and Beverage Industries. The Easy Flip is a Portola Registered Design Portola Packaging Ltd. PORTOLA s.r.o “Portola” LLC 3 Carriage Drive Prmyslová 2724 Akademika Koroleva ul, 8/1, White Rose Way CZ 440 01 Louny Moscow, Doncaster, Czech Republic. 129515, South Yorkshire, Russia, The Caps and Closures Company DN4 5NT Great Britain Soft Drinks Internationa l – December 2009 ConTEnTS 1 news Europe 4 Africa 8 Middle East 10 The leading English language magazine published in Europe, devoted exclusively to the India 12 manufacture, distribution and marketing of soft drinks, fruit juices and bottled water. Asia Pacific 14 Americas 16 features Trading For Success 38 Juices & Juice Drinks 22 According to the lateSt reportS from the Food and Drink Federation, Energy & Sports 24 Smoothies 30 exportS of Soft drinkS from the UK Brian Morgan aSSeSSeS the impact of Functional Drinks have bucked the receSSionary trend. 25 the economic Slowdown on the Simon Waring diScuSSeS how Some Waters & Water Plus Drinks 26 Smoothie category, and how it might buSineSSeS have achieved thiS. fare over the coming yearS. Carbonates 28 Red Bull In China 40 Fortified Smoothies 32 The indiSputable leader in energy Packaging 46 Enhancement of SmoothieS with nutri - drinkS haS alSo become market leader tional ingredientS can offer a meanS of in China. Bruce Zhang diScuSSeS how Environment 48 product differentiation, writeS Paul itS recent inveStment in new KroneS Donegan. SyStemS haS enabled local demand to People 50 be fulfilled. Events 51 The Third Dimension 42 Bubbling Up 53 Planning and viSualiSing production SyStemS haS become a whole lot eaSier with KHS 3D line deSign, writeS Peter regulars Hoffman. Dark Clouds Linger 44 Comment 2 The EaSt Europe beverage market haS, like other regionS, Suffered from the BSDA 20 economic down turn. However, unlike Science Monitor 21 WeSt Europe, the Summer failed to Brazil Bonanza 34 brighten performance, reportS Richard From The Past 52 SDI waS invited to Sample at firSt- Corbett. hand, the development of the fruit Buyers Guide 54 juice induStry in Brazil. Kelvin King Classified reportS on the region’S ambitionS to 57 become a major Supplier to the world. Front Cover: ©Olga Lyubkina (image from Want cranberry concentrate? Going once Join Ocean Spray’s online auction Going Don’t miss the chance to secure your cranberry concentrate twice needs. Concentrate from Ocean Spray’s harvest will be offered through an innovative web-based auction on 20 Sold January 2010. Potential buyers can easily track and observe Ocean Spray’s concentrate pricing and availability. Information and registration available at 2 CoMMEnT Soft Drinks Internationa l – December 2009 Published by ASAP Publishing Limited Editor Philip Tappenden News Editor Annette Sessions Correspondents: EUroPE Tidings of good news Gerard o’Dwyer Lubomír Sedlák Bernadette Tournay AS another challenging year for the induStry drawS to a cloSe, readerS can take heart from Some upbeat forecaStS regarding two categorieS which had Stalled ASIA & PACIFIC Kelvin King during recent difficult timeS: bottled water and carbonateS. T. C. Malhotra The paSt two yearS haS Seen a hitherto thriving UK bottled water market decline - the reSult of poor SummerS, environmental concernS and the receSSion. But now AMErICAS richard Davis Mintel reSearch ShowS reaSonS for optimiSm. In 2009, the decline in SaleS Slowed to only 1% with the BritiSh drinking 2.3 billion litreS of bottled water and the Market Analyst market worth £1.9 billion. With economic conditionS expected to improve, Mintel richard Corbett forecaStS that volume SaleS will Start growing Steadily from 2011 onwardS and that Scientific Adviser by 2014 the BritiSh will be conSuming 2.5 billion litreS a year, a return to 2007 Diana Amor levelS. The bottom line here for bottled water producerS iS that aS conSumerS Start to looSen their purSe StringS, they will benefit. The reSearch revealS that 35% of Annual Subscription Rates (inc. postage) conSumerS think bottled water taSteS better than tap; a fifth of conSumerS feel that EU Member State: £110, €150 drinking bottled water meanS they are taking care of themSelveS, 21% feel that rest of World: £125, €170, $200 without it they wouldn't drink enough water and 18% feel that it provideS a Individual copies: £15, €20, $27 healthier alternative to drinking Sugary Soft drinkS or caffeine-baSed beverageS. The report concludeS moSt of uS do not have the time or inclination to fill up a Subscription Enquiries bottle with tap water for when we are out and about and plain bottled water Soft Drinks International allowS uS to rehydrate without conSuming calorieS or additiveS – a major Selling Po Box 4173, Wimborne BH21 1YX, UK point to an increaSingly health and weight obSeSSed conSumer. Tel: +44 (0)1202 842222 AS for carbonateS, deSpite Stagnating, in recent timeS the category remainS the Fax: +44 (0)1202 848494 moSt popular of all Soft drinkS. Canadean reSearch conSultantS are forecaSting E-mail: better timeS ahead; they expect the global market growth rate to accelerate next year aS economieS move out of receSSion. WhilSt the developed marketS have Editorial - News reached maturity, there are Significant growth opportunitieS in the developing A & S Editors marketS of ASia, the Middle EaSt and North Africa. 5 Gloucester Street, Further good cheer – and timely newS aS the world leaderS meet in Copenhagen Faringdon, oxon. Sn7 7JA, UK thiS month to diScuSS climate change - iS the announcement of The Coca-Cola Tel: +44 (0)1367 241660 Company'S new partially plant-baSed PET plaStic packaging. PlantBottle iS being E-mail: rolled out throughout the world. Coca-Cola Canada, for example, iS to feature it throughout the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter GameS. Editorial - Features PlantBottle iS a PET package with up to 30% of itS material derived from plant- Soft Drinks International baSed waSte material, made through a proceSS that turnS Sugar cane and molaSSeS, Po Box 4173, Wimborne BH21 1YX, UK a by-product of Sugar production, into a key component for PET plaStic. The Sugar Tel: +44 (0)1202 842222 cane being uSed comeS from predominantly rain-fed cropS that were proceSSed Fax: +44 (0)1202 848494 into ethanol, not refined Sugar. Coca-Cola SayS itS ultimate goal iS to uSe other E-mail: typeS of plant-baSed waSte, Such aS wood chipS or wheat StalkS, to produce recyclable PET plaStic bottleS. US Representative Such a SuStainability initiative from the world'S leading brand iS likely to 105 South Fifth Street influence the packaging deciSionS of other producerS of fmcg brandS. Having Set Paris, Arkansas 72855, USA the bar at thiS level, it iS to be hoped that otherS will aSpire to it. Tel: 00 1 479 963 6399 Fax: 00 1 775 406 5643 E-mail: Advertisement Sales Soft Drinks International Po Box 4173, Wimborne BH21 1YX, UK Soft Drinks International (1997), formerly Soft Drinks Management International (1988), Tel: +44 (0)1202 842222 was originally founded as the Soft Drinks Trade Journal in 1947, incorporating The British & Fax: +44 (0)1202 848494 E-mail: Colonial Mineral Water Trade Journal (1888) with the Soft Drinks & Allied Trade Review, formerly the Mineral Water & Allied Trade Review (1873). The entire contents of Soft Drinks International are protected by copyright and no part of it may be reproduced without written © 2009 ASAP Publishing Limited permission of the publishers. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained in S oft Drinks International is accurate, the editor and publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors, and the views expressed do not necessarily represent those ISSn - 1367 8302 of the editor or publisher. The fact that product names are not identified as trademarks is not to be taken as an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. Soft Drinks Internationa l – December 2009 3 Late Bulletin SUBSCRIPTIONS The Coca-Cola Co iS readying itS Burn energy drink brand for the Indian market. The brand will initially be available only in Selected outletS, reportS out of the country have claimed The Don’t forget to renew your annual subscription Indian verSion of Burn will be available in a 250ml pack and priced at between INR70 and INR90 ($2). The company'S firSt promptly to avoid suspension of delivery introduction in thiS Segment, Shock, haS Struggled to make a mark on India'S fledgling energy drinkS market Since itS intro - duction in 2001.
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