(Not yet approved) Sundridge with Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 February 2017, 7.00 pm Ide Hill Village Hall

Present: Councillors Jolley (Chair), Lovegrove (Vice Chair), Baker (in part), Banbrook, Denbigh, Evans, Meldan

Apologies: Councillor Edmonds and Hughes

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Edmonds and Cllr Hughes. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. None. Cllr Jolley advised that he will not be standing as a Cllr following the elections in May 17 and that the Chair should now come from the Ide Hill ward. 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 January 2017. The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record following a change to item 7.9. The Cllrs discussed the issue over the amount that the Parish Council have agreed to give towards Ide Hill Playground. 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 7.1 The Clerk confirmed that she had written to District Council confirming that that precept had been set at £61,950. 7.4 The Clerk confirmed she had sent letter to Council regarding the Ide Hill Cark park and the response has been circulated. 5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. None. 6. Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies. Cllr Evans reported that he had been contacted by the Bow Beech Nature Reserve, the Barn Owl Trust and the Wildlife Trust to advise they have got together because they want to build a wildlife tower within view of the Visitors Centre. The Clerk reported that she had also been contacted and advised that the matter would be discussed at the Amenities Committee. It was agreed that Cllr Evans would contact Robert Piper to discuss the issue. (Action: Cllr Evans) 7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7.1 To approve, as recommended by Finance Committee, the budget for 2017/18 Cllr Lovegrove advised that there has been a big uplift to grass cutting and a reduction of in administration costs. The Members unanimously resolved to adopt the 2017/18 Budget. 7.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions regarding the Vacancy on the Parish Council. The Clerk confirmed that she had received no applications. It was agreed that the Chair would put the advert in his column in the local paper and the Clerk would be an advert in the shop and public house. It was agreed the Clerk would produce a flyer and the Sundridge Cllrs would distribute. It was also agreed that the Clerk would send the flyer to the school and Rector. (Action: Clerk, Cllrs Powell and Meldan) 7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions for the Sundridge & Social Club Cllrs discussed the issues over the lease and it was resolved that the Clerk would request the Club’s audited accounts for the last 2 years and sight of their insurance policy as per the lease. Members resolved that the Clerk would request that the audited accounts and a copy of the insurance policy prior to the next Full Council meeting. (Action: Clerk) 7.4 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions regarding the grass tendering document The Amenities Committee recommend to the Cllrs that the grass tendering document be ratified and it be sent out to tender. The Cllrs resolved to agree that the grass tendering document be submitted. The Cllrs agreed that tender should be sent to the current contractors and be advertised widely. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Sevenoaks District Council to see if they could give the Parish a list of contractors. (Action: Clerk)

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Please visit our website at: www.sundridgewithidehillpc.kentparishes.gov.uk (Not yet approved) Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 February 2017, 7.00 pm Ide Hill Village Hall

7.5 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions and allocation of funds for Sundridge Recreation Ground, the appointment of a Warden and closing the bank account Cllr Evans advised that Cllr Meldan has agreed to take over the responsibility of Sundridge Recreation Ground and the Amenities Committee recommend that the Parish Council look for a volunteer to act as a warden. It was agreed that the account would be changed to show Cllr Lovegrove and Cllr Banbrook as the signatures. It was resolved that the account would then be closed and the Sundridge Recreation Ground account be moved to the main Parish account. It was agreed that the Finance Committee would discuss the next actions. (Action: Clerk) 7.5 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions regarding the Playground within the Ide Hill Recreation Ground Cllr Baker advised that there is a group in the Village who are making applications to different organisations. Events are also being organised to raise money. Quotations are being asked for from several different organisations. A consultation is being carried out and Cllr Baker requested that the Parish Council agree a sum of £59 for printing of the consultation document. Members resolved to spend a sum of up to £60 for the printing of the documents. It was agreed to take the Stubbs Wood item before Cllr Baker left the meeting. 8.1 Stubbs Wood 8.1.1. To note update on Stubbs Wood from Management Committee A meeting was held with Richard Don, Stephen Palmer, Caroline Linghman, Clive Witton and Cllr Lovegrove, Baker and Hughes. Cllr Lovegrove has also kindly agreed for her forester to be part of the group. A sub Committee was formed and points were made. The Committee will be asking the Clerk to look for some further documentation to look at the legal positions. A brief management plan is being formed using the template from the Forestry Commission. Cllr Denbigh advised that Charity Commission has closed down the application and he has reopened the application. 7.6 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions and the allocation of funds for new parish email addresses and website It was agreed to defer this item to the next Finance Committee meeting in March. (Action: Clerk) 7.7 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions and the allocation of funds for new parish computer equipment. Members resolved that the Parish should purchase a new laptop from Arron as per their quote. (Action: Clerk). 7.8 To approve/note items payable and paid Members resolved to approve the items paid and payable totalling £4,211.29. Items for noting 8.2 Stubbs Wood 8.1.1. To note update on Stubbs Wood from Management Committee This item was taken after Agenda Item 7.5. 8.3 Amenities Committee 8.2.1 To note minutes of the Amenities Committee on 8 February 2017 Noted. 8.4 Finance Committee 8.3.1 To note minutes of the Finance Committee on 25 January 2017 Noted. 8.5 Correspondence 8.5.1 To note correspondence attached at Appendix A. Noted. 9 Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. The Cllrs discussed the issues over work being carried out at the Montreal Estates. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed to put preparation for the meeting on the next Full Council Agenda. (Action: Clerk)

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Please visit our website at: www.sundridgewithidehillpc.kentparishes.gov.uk (Not yet approved) Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 February 2017, 7.00 pm Ide Hill Village Hall

Cllr Banbrook thanked Cllr Jolley for his contribution to the Parish Council. 10 Date of next meeting Monday 20 March 2017 at 7pm at Ide Hill Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

NOTES: Members are reminded of the need for them to declare any interests not previously declared as a pecuniary interest, which they may have on any matters coming before the Parish Council for consideration. Further advice can be sought, whenever necessary, from the Clerk. Members are asked to be in the Village Hall in good time prior to commencement of the meeting at 7p.m. so that they may acquaint themselves with the contents of any written material laid round the table.

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Please visit our website at: www.sundridgewithidehillpc.kentparishes.gov.uk (Not yet approved) Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 February 2017, 7.00 pm Ide Hill Village Hall

Appendix A Correspondence - January 21 to February 20 2017

Email Correspondence

1. Draft minutes HWCAAG meeting 24.01.17 2. FW: KFRS/KALC Fire Hydrant Initiative - Review Meetings 3. FW: Night Flight Consultation Response 4. KALC - Locality 'How to Keep it Local' Guide 5. SDC - Cabinet - 9 February 2017 – Agenda 6. SDC - Direct & Trading Advisory Committee - 19 January 2017 – Minutes 7. SDC - Licensing Hearing - 30 January 2017 – Minutes 8. SDC - Development Control Committee - 26 January 2017 – Minutes 9. KALC - The Plunkett Rural Community Co-operatives' Programme 10. Edenbridge Town Centre -Eden Valley Tourism Forum - Tuesday 28 February 11. KALC - Online scams advertorial 12. SDC - Cabinet – 9 February 2017 – Supplementary agenda (1)Planning Advisory Committee – 25 January 2017 – Minutes 13. DfT Night Flight Consultation - HWCAAG response 14. KALC - They Dynamic Councillor...Our Workshop for the New Councillor – sent to all Cllrs 15. HWCAAG -Notification of planned modification to Departure Route 5 16. - Kent Police volunteer opportunities 17. Rural Kent – Village Hall Convention 18. SDC - Fly-tipping reports 19. SDC -Cabinet – 9 February 2017 – Supplementary Agenda (2)Finance Advisory Committee – 31 January 2017 – Minutes 20. Kent Police - New data published for December 2016 21. Kent Tree and Pond Partnership - Tree and Pond Warden activities, February and March – sent to John Evans 22. KCC - FW: Invicta Law - Employment Legal Update February 2017 23. HWCAAG Structure – sent to Roni Lovegrove 24. Sevenoaks District Council: Residents to help decide future of Archbishop’s Palace 25. Sevenoaks District Council: Council invests in Sevenoaks shop and offices 26. Sevenoaks District Council: Youth production educates pupils on Safer Internet Day 27. SDC - Governance Committee - 2 February 2017 – Minutes 28. HWCAAG - Re: http://www.noflybynight.com 29. KALC - RURAL CONFERENCE - 9TH MARCH 2017 – John Evans attended 30. SDC - Council – 21 February 2017 – Agenda 31. Fields In Trust - Parliamentary Inquiry reveal our parks are at a "tipping point" 32. Parliamentary Inquiry reveal our parks are at a "tipping point" 33. SDC - Cabinet - 9 February 2017 – Minutes 34. SDC - 30 (2016/17) – Property Investment Strategy – Acquisition of Property 96 High Street, Sevenoaks 35. 31 (2016/17) Write Off of Housing Benefit Overpayment 36. KALC - 30 (2016/17) – Property Investment Strategy – Acquisition of Property 96 High Street, Sevenoaks (2016/17) Write Off of Housing Benefit Overpayment 37. KALC - FW: Chief Executive's Bulletin 5 - 10 February 2017 38. Sevenoaks District Council: Residents invited to run, walk or push against dementia 39. SDC - Council – 21 February 2017 - Supplementary Agenda (1) 40. Agenda for Eden Valley Tourism Forum - Tuesday 28 February 41. Sutton and East Surrey Water rebrand 42. Charity Commission News - Winter 2016

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Please visit our website at: www.sundridgewithidehillpc.kentparishes.gov.uk (Not yet approved) Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 February 2017, 7.00 pm Ide Hill Village Hall

43. Emergency Road Closure - Ide Hill Road, Sundridge – 27th February 2017 (Sevenoaks) – sent to all Cllrs 44. HWCAAG - Night Flight Consultation 45. SDC - Development Control Committee – 23 February 2017 – Agenda 46. SDC - Defibrillator & First Aid Training Session - Saturday 25th March 9:30am 47. Agenda for HWCAAG meeting 21.02.17 48. Community Speedwatch Online training workshop - sent to all Cllrs 49. SDC - Council – 21 February 2017 - Supplementary Agenda (2) 50. KALC - Kent Estates Partnership Board – sent to John Evans 51. SDC - 32 – Fees and Charges – Bradbourne Car Park 52. KentCan - Cross-Sector Network Exchange - Limited Availability 53. SDC - Emergency Road Closure - Goathurst Common Ide Hill, Sundridge – 17th February 2017 (Sevenoaks) – sent to all Cllrs 54. SDC - Housing & Health Advisory Committee - 28 February 2017 – Agenda 55. Abby Lloyd- A new school for Edenbridge, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells 56. SDC - FW: T&PC Forum Minutes January 2017 57. Kent Rural Police Update- 30 January 2017 58. Finance Advisory Committee - 31 January 2017 - Supplementary Agenda SDC - 29 (2016/17) – Annual Vehicle Replacement Programme 59. KentCan - REVAMP Quality Mark workshop - 23rd February

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Please visit our website at: www.sundridgewithidehillpc.kentparishes.gov.uk (Not yet approved) Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 February 2017, 7.00 pm Ide Hill Village Hall

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Items Payable and Paid

Cheque Payments up to 8 February 2017 Cheque Basic Total Contract / Cllr Pls tick when VAT vch no. No Payee Details Amount Payable Authorised authorised £ £ £ 467 The Play Inspection Compnay Annual Inspection of Children's Play Area 225.00 45.00 270.00 468 BT Final BT bill 173.20 173.20 469 Simon Goacher Payroll Services 155.25 155.25 470 Mrs A Barlow Salary 926.95 926.25

1,480.40 45.00 1,524.70

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Items Payable and Paid

Cheque Payments up to 20 February 2017

Cheque Basic Total Contract / Cllr Pls tick when VAT vch no. No Payee Details Amount Payable Authorised authorised £ £ £ 471 Clarkson, Wright & Jakes Ltd Legal fees for Stubbs Wood charity 1,750.00 350.00 2,100.00 472 KCC Legal fees 51.00 10.20 61.20 473 KCC Commercial Services 496.60 496.60 474 A Barlow Expenses 28.79 28.79

2,326.39 360.20 2,686.59

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Please visit our website at: www.sundridgewithidehillpc.kentparishes.gov.uk