GV6 Departure

Tour Code: TTGLTU07-E3 Valid till 31st Mar’21



06Jun,31Jul,20Aug,31Aug,16Sep,03Oct,29Oct,14Nov, 25Nov,01Jan'21,12-13Feb'21

15Jul-31Aug, 01-07Oct, 24Dec'20-01Jan'21, 11-15Feb21

ITINERARY 行程: Day 01 Arrival 抵达亚庇 (No Meals/ 无餐) Arrival at Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of , also known as "The Land Below the Wind". Upon arrival, warmest welcome by our representative and proceed to visit Kota Kinabalu City Tour: Sabah State , Atkinson Clock Tower, Floating Mosque, Tun Mustapha Building, Poh Tou Temple & Filipino Market. Then transfer to check-in hotel. Free & easy at own leisure and rest for the night. 抵达风下之乡沙巴州首府——亚庇。由导游接机后前往游览亚庇市区游:沙巴州立清真寺、艾京生钟楼、水上清真寺、沙巴基 金大厦、普陀寺 & 菲律宾市场。

Day 02 TAR Marine Park (Overnight Kundasang) 东姑阿都拉曼海岛 (夜宿于昆达山) (Breakfast, BBQ Lunch, Dinner/ 早, BBQ 午, 晚餐) After breakfast, proceed to jetty for around 20mns boat ride to one of the islands within the Tunku Abdul Rahman's Marine Park: Manukan Island. You are free at leisure - enjoy Water Sports (own expenses) in the crystal-clear waters and observe corals and many coloured fish, or just laze around the beach and soak up the tropical sun. There are also some trails in the forest of this small island for short nature walks, bird watching and you can try and spot the smaller animals that make the island their home: crabs, monitor lizards and squirrels. By 1230hrs, a BBQ lunch will be serving on beach side. After lunch, transfer back to KK mainland; take an easy 2-hour scenic drive from Kota Kinabalu to south- east of Sabah to the ’s first World Heritage Site of Mount Kinabalu which designated by UNESCO in December 2000. Stop by Nabalu, a small town located near the foot of Mount Kinabalu to buy some local fruits & handicrafts. Then, check in hotel or resorts. 早餐后于酒店大厅集合,前往市区码头。抵达码头后,乘快艇前往颇负盛名的海上乐园 东姑阿都拉曼海岛公园—马奴干岛。抵达海岛后,您可以穿上救生衣再戴上浮潜用具在清澈透明的海水中浮潜与那些缤纷灿烂的鱼群来个近距离接触。您还可以自费享受精彩刺激的 水上活动的乐趣。尔后于岛上享用美味的烧烤自助午餐。餐後您还可以再次投向大海的拥抱,再次体验游泳与浮潜的乐趣。于指定时间带着依依不舍的心情乘快艇离开海岛。之后, 前往京那巴鲁国家公园,约 1 个半小时的车程,通过山路蜿蜒的克罗克范围沿路的村庄和稻田。路上将途中的那巴鲁稍作停留。这里是当地人聚集销售当地农产品,水果和手工艺纪 念品的地方。入住酒店, 自由活动。

Day 03 Kundasang – Sandakan 昆达山- 山打根 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/ 早, 午餐, 晚餐) After breakfast, proceed to the Poring Hot Spring for a relaxing soak in the hot sulphuric mineral rich water, which is claimed to have curative powers. The main attraction here is the CANOPY WALK over the 157.8-meter-long suspension bridge. Before departing the Hot Spring, a lunch will be serving at local restaurant. After lunch start our journey to Sandakan. Visit Labuk Bay Proboscis Moneky Santuary. This sanctuary grants you the chance of observing the Proboscis Monkeys up close. After dinner, check in hotel. 早餐 后,启程前往一个有趣的奇景,此乃天然的露天温泉 -波令温泉。在神山公园约 47 公里处,大片茂盛的修竹林,波令温泉因此而得名。这个天然露天温泉,也设有日式天然浴场, 在这里游客可以将自己浸浴在温泉中享受热带雨林的大自然洗礼,让您身心灵焕然一新。温泉水含有硫磺,能让您获得疗理体肤的良好效益。游客也可以尝试横渡离地 41 公尺,长 度 157 米悬挂在半空的树顶雨林吊桥一游,以欣赏婆罗洲热带雨林草木苍翠茂盛的壮丽景色。结束泡汤的乐趣后,前往享用美味午餐。前往山打根,参观拉卜克湾长鼻猴庇护中心。 这里是近距离接触长鼻猴的最佳地点。尤其赶上投食时间,长鼻猴们会争先恐后地从树林里冒出来。入住山打根酒店。

Day 04 Sandakan 山打根 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/ 早, 午餐, 晚餐) After breakfast, proceed to visit Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary. The sanctuary attracts myriads of tourists and researchers to the rehabilitation centre in order to seize the opportunity of watching these magnificent creatures up close in their natural habitat. Visit Sun Bear Conversation Centre, provides a rare chance to see sun bears in our natural forest enclosures. After lunch, start with our Sandakan City Tour Sightseeing. Visit St Michael , Puh Jih Temple, Sim-Sim Water Village, , English Tea House & Sandakan Memorial Park. 早餐后,前往参观西必洛人猿保护区。这里专门保护有“婆罗洲野人” 之称的红毛猩猩,研究者认为,这是与人类亲缘最近的灵长类动物 之一,是目前全世界最的大的类人猿保护区。前往参观婆罗洲太阳熊保育中心。太阳熊是全球最小的熊类物种,也是最濒临绝种的熊类物种。因胸前有一撮明亮黄色毛发而得名,午 餐后,前往游览山打根市区游:圣麦克天主教堂、普济寺、凯斯故居、英式茶屋、森森水屋 & 山打根战争纪念园。

Day 05 Sandakan- Kota Kinabalu 山打根- 亚庇 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/ 早, 午餐, 晚餐) After breakfast, proceed back to Kundasang visit Desa Dairy Farm that known as “Little New Zealand”. Then make a brief stopover at the KINABALU PARK stop by at the vegetable & fruits market in Kundasang. Have a visit at Kinabalu Park Headquarters. In late evening, transfer back to Kota Kinabalu. 早餐后,离开山打根返回神山,前往参观享 有“小新西兰”之称的迪沙奶牛场。尔后前往神山公园,您可在这享受着清新和凉快的空气。在天气晴朗时,你甚至可能发现京那巴鲁山的壮丽美景。下午时分,返回酒店。

Day 06 Depart from Kota Kinabalu 离开亚庇 (Breakfast / 早餐) After breakfast, free at own leisure. Meet at stated time and transfer to airport for your flight back Home Sweet Home. 早餐后,自由活动。于指定时间送往机场返回甜蜜家园。

Package Inclusive: Package Exclusive: ✓ 2-nights hotel accommodation at Kota Kinabalu  International air ticket to & from Kota Kinabalu ✓ 1-night hotel/ resort accommodation at Kundasang  Personal insurance and visa fee if necessary ✓ 1-night hotel accommodation at Sandakan  Compulsory tipping of S$ 20/ person for tour guide & driver ✓ 5 breakfast in the hotel, 4 lunch and 4 dinner as per itinerary (to collect upon booking made) ✓ 5 days shared transport for airport, hotel and sightseeing  Compulsory tourism tax of MYR10/room/night for Non-Malaysian (pay upon check-in) ✓ 1-way shared departure transfer from hotel to airport ✓ 1 local tour guide service throughout the trip

Terms & Conditions: • Transtar Travel reserve the rights to alter routes, timetables and itineraries reserved should conditions beyond our control render it necessary • This package is based on join-in basis of shared guide and transport vehicle. • Private Guide or Tour is available upon request at a reasonable fee. Please inform us when making the bookings. • No refund after reservation/confirmation made. Cancellation charges apply accordingly • Price & Schedule subjects to change without prior notice