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University of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF Chemistry NEWSLETTER Letter from the Chair It’s a pleasure for me to send you greet- carry out faculty searches in organic chem- spring, Mary Browning, Lauren Meyers ings from Ann Arbor and to highlight istry, analytical chemistry, and theoreti- and Phyllis Peters retired from the Uni- some of the exciting news from the De- cal physical chemistry. versity and this summer Wayne Burkhardt partment of Chemistry in the last year. Graduate student recruitment during retired as supervisor of the electronic shop. Faculty and graduate student recruitment the past year has been better than ever in There have been a number of new staff remains a high priority for the Depart- both quality and quantity. In addition to hires in the last year. In the technical area, ment. This past year has been an out- the new students that come with Profes- Dr. Todd Raeker joined the Department as standing one in both areas. sors Fierke and Yaghi, we will have 56 system manager in computing and In January, Professor Edwin Vedejs, new graduate students. It is also encour- Mohammed Hague in the area of NMR. the Moses Gomberg Professor of Chemis- aging to note that at least 15 new entering Diane Viebahn and Laura Martinez joined try, arrived in Ann Arbor from Wisconsin students have research interests in inor- the business office; Jacqueline Kuehn re- with some of his research group. Ed has ganic chemistry. This past year, the De- placed Phyllis Peters and Karen Sturtz now settled in and has put together a partment was successful in obtaining an began as secretary to Professor Vedejs. research group numbering eighteen al- NSF IGERT grant for $2.5 M over five On the University front, a major new ready. Renovations of laboratories for years jointly with the Department of Ma- research initiative has been launched, and Professor Carol Fierke will be completed terials Science in Engineering to train it is called the Life Sciences Institute. in August, and Carol and her group will graduate students in materials science. Last spring, President Bollinger an- arrive then. Another exciting new senior Other news in the Department includes nounced a Life Sciences Commission hire in the past year is Professor Omar the promotions of Dr. Mark Banaszak chaired by Bill Roush from chemistry and Yaghi from Arizona State University. Holl and Dr. Roseanne Sension to Associ- Huda Akil from neurosciences to analyze Omar’s research interests center around ate Professor with tenure. Associate Pro- the status of Life Sciences research at inorganic and materials chemistry. He fessor Gary Glick was promoted to Pro- Michigan and make recommendations for will be a very significant addition to our fessor and named to a Collegiate Chair, a comprehensive initiative. The report of efforts towards materials chemistry. Omar which will be named the Werner this Commission resulted in the projec- has already moved to Ann Arbor and his Bachmann Professor of Chemistry. Pro- tion of a $200 million-dollar investment research group arrives in August. A fourth fessor Mark Meyerhoff finishes his term in the Life Sciences beginning with a 90 addition to our faculty in 1999 is Assis- as Associate Chair for Graduate Student million dollar building to be the first of a tant Professor Nils G. Walter who re- Affairs and will take a sabbatical leave Life Sciences Institute. A search for a ceived his Ph.D. from the Max-Planck- next year. The Department and I are most director will begin this fall. Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in grateful to Mark for the outstanding and In the College, interim Dean Patricia Gottingen, Germany. He will arrive in effective job that he has done. I am Gurin is completing her year as Dean. Pat Ann Arbor from a postdoctoral stay in the pleased to announce that Professor Dimitri has been very supportive of the Department of Microbiology and Molecu- Coucouvanis has agreed to succeed Pro- Department’s efforts in faculty hiring. We lar Genetics at the University of Vermont. fessor Meyerhoff as Associate Chair. appreciate all the hard work she has done Nils’ research plans will focus on the During the past year, Professor Thomas this past year. In August, Professor Shirley structure and dynamics in small catalytic Dunn retired and Professor Richard Neuman from the University of British RNA. His research interests span a vari- Lawton began a retirement furlough year. Columbia will begin her term as Dean of ety of biophysical problems in chemical the College of LS&A. Currently, Profes- biology. In the coming year, we plan to There have been a number of changes and retirements on the staff side. This past sor Neuman is Dean of Arts at British 1999 U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Columbia. We also have a new Vice- department during the past year. We are Contents President for Research. He is Professor fortunate to have such a loyal group of Fuwwaz Ulaby from the Department of alums. We do plan to have a private Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci- alumni reception at the next national meet- Letter from the Chair .................... 1 ence. He is very interested in preparing a ing of the American Chemical Society in coherent science agenda for LS&A with San Francisco on March 27, 2000. I hope Symposia and Seminars ................ 2 input from the science chairs. to see some of you on this occasion. Spotlight Profiles ........................... 3 I would like to thank all of you for your New Faculty ................................... 4 generous gifts and financial support to the J. P. Marino Faculty News.................................. 6 Special Events ................................. 7 Graduate Program News Graduate Awards ....................... 8 Doctoral Degrees ......................11 Undergraduate Program News ...13 Undergraduate Awards.............15 ter Schultz (Berkeley) opened the morn- Summer Research Programs ....17 Symposia/ ing with Functional Molecules: A Lesson Undergraduate Degrees ...........18 from Nature. Chaitan Khosla (Stanford) Seminars followed with Assembly Line Synthesis Gifts................................................19 The visit of Nobel laureate, Professor Using Modular Enzymes. The afternoon Alumni News .................................21 Thomas Cech, on May 19 to present the presentations were given by Jack Szostak (Massachusetts General Hospital) In Memoriam .................................28 annual Bachmann Lecture was one of the high points of the seminar program this RIVA-Protein Fusions: Applications to Faculty Listing ..............................29 year. Professor Cech gave a compelling Directed Protein Evolution and Func- tional Genomics, and Jonathan Ellman Conference Announcements........ 30 review of the discovery of catalytic RNA chemistry and recent results from his labo- (Berkeley) From Small Molecule Librar- Alumni Reply ratory. The lecture and traditional ies to Function. Form............... inside back cover celebratory dinner were among the most The Moses Gomberg Lecture series, stimulating departmental events this year. coordinated by the assistant professors, It has become customary to hold sev- and sponsored by the Dow Chemical Co. eral of the special lectures in May when continued its tradition of inviting distin- The guished leaders from across chemistry Department of Chemistry scheduling is more propitious. In this vein, the Elving Lecture was held the throughout the year. The series began in Newsletter previous week. This biennial affair hon- October with Jon Clardy (Cornell) dis- cussing Natural Products and Their Pro- is published once a year by the Depart- ors an analytical chemist. Dr. Janet ment of Chemistry at the University of Osteryoung who is the director of the tein Targets. In November, Stephen Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055 chemistry program at the National Sci- Benkovic (Penn State) spoke on Enzyme ence Foundation presented this year’s Assembly. Josef Michl (Colorado) spoke lecture. She maintains close ties with her in January on Localization and Delocal- home department and electrochemistry ization of Electron Excitation in Sigma Frameworks. The February lecture was Printed on Recycled Paper oriented research group at North Caro- lina State University. given by Robert Shulman (Yale) on Let Us Do Biochemistry In Vivo. Carl On May 7 the Fifth Annual Michigan Lineberger spoke in March on Organic Chair: Joseph P. Marino Symposium on Contemporary Challenges Radicals, Reactive Intermediates, and Editor: Doreen Fussman in Molecular Medicine was held in the Transition States: Spectroscopy of the Asst. Editor: Agnes Soderbeck department co-hosted with Parke-Davis Reaction Coordinate. In successive weeks Alumni News: Robert C. Taylor Pharmaceutical Research. This year’s in April, lectures were presented by Nicho- theme was “Molecular Diversity at the las Turro (Columbia) Stable Radicals Re- Interface of Chemistry and Biology”. Pe- visited: Supramolecular Stabilization, and The Regents of the University of Michigan: by Yves Chabal (Bell Labs/Lucent) Semi- David A. Brandon, Laurence B. Deitch, Daniel conductor Surface Passivation: The Ubiq- D. Horning, Olivia P. Maynard, Rebecca McGowan, Andrea Fischer Newman, S. Martin uitous Role of Oxygen and Hydrogen. Taylor, Katherine E. White, Lee C. Bollinger, ex World Wide Web Address: officio. Lee C. Bollinger, president. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. E-mail: [email protected] 2 1999 The annual Floyd Bartell Memorial Lecture, which brings a