A DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR OUTLINE OF MADA, A PLATEAU LANGUAGE OF CENTRAL NIGERIA 2019 version BASED ON THE RIJA DIALECT Mada-English-Mada Roger Blench Barau Kato (†) McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research University of Cambridge Correspondence to: 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Ans (00-44)-(0)1223-560687 Mobile worldwide (00-44)-(0)7847-495590 E-mail
[email protected] http://www.rogerblench.info/RBOP.htm (Cambridge, 27 December 2018) Roger Blench and Barau Kato (†) Mada Dictionary Front matter Preface This dictionary is a preliminary attempt to record the richness of the Mada language. It was prepared in its first form by Roger Blench and Barau Kato. However, Barau died prematurely in 2016, and subsequently, Roger Blench, with assistance from Robert Hedinger, converted the Word file to Flex, which enabled both the preparation of an English-Mada dictionary and more elaborate internal cross- referencing. The dictionary is intended to help standardise the spelling of Mada words and to define words which are no longer in current use, especially cultural terms. The primary goal is to assist Mada speakers to use and spell words correctly. We hope also that the dictionary will be useful to students of the languages of Nigeria and of African languages in general. An introduction has been provided to facilitate the effective use of the dictionary. It covers Mada phonology; current orthography; an outline of Mada grammar; Mada language use; abbreviations; and illustrates the structure of individual entries. The appendices provide information of both cultural interest, such as Mada personal names, towns and villages; and words developed for Mada Bible Translation.