Application Part 5, Attachments

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Application Part 5, Attachments 18.18 Supplemental Information 17 Environmental Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grant ID: 5569 The following documents include: 1. Environmental Assessment Maps 2. Specie Accounts 3 Pages Withheld in their entirety pursuant to FOIA Exemption 4 (5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(4)) 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab WITHIN, AND IN VICINITY OF, CONIFEROUS FOREST. USES OLD NESTS, AND MAINTAINS northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis 113 G5 S3 7 5 AB 4 427 SC ALTERNATE SITES. WITHIN, AND IN VICINITY OF, CONIFEROUS FOREST. USES OLD NESTS, AND MAINTAINS northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis 237 G5 S3 7 5 AB 4 427 SC ALTERNATE SITES. WITHIN, AND IN VICINITY OF, CONIFEROUS FOREST. USES OLD NESTS, AND MAINTAINS northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis 239 G5 S3 7 5 AB 4 427 SC ALTERNATE SITES. WITHIN, AND IN VICINITY OF, CONIFEROUS FOREST. USES OLD NESTS, AND MAINTAINS northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis 241 G5 S3 7 5 AB 4 427 SC ALTERNATE SITES. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, PINYON AND JUNIPER coyote gilia Aliciella triodon 5 G5 S1.2 7 5 PD 1 5 2.2 WOODLAND. VICINITY OF WET MEADOWS IN CENTRAL HIGH SIERRA, 6400 TO 11,300 FEET IN Yosemite toad Anaxyrus canorus 18 G2 S2 5 5 AA 3 223 SC ELEVATION. VICINITY OF WET MEADOWS IN CENTRAL HIGH SIERRA, 6400 TO 11,300 FEET IN Yosemite toad Anaxyrus canorus 24 G2 S2 5 5 AA 3 223 SC ELEVATION. VICINITY OF WET MEADOWS IN CENTRAL HIGH SIERRA, 6400 TO 11,300 FEET IN Yosemite toad Anaxyrus canorus 114 G2 S2 5 5 AA 3 223 SC ELEVATION. FRESHWATER LAKES AND SLOW-MOVING STREAMS AND RIVERS. TAXONOMY UNDER California floater Anodonta californiensis 2 G3Q S2? 7 5 IM 1 3 REVIEW BY SPECIALISTS. DESERTS, GRASSLANDS, SHRUBLANDS, WOODLANDS & FORESTS. MOST COMMON IN OPEN, DRY HABITATS WITH ROCKY pallid bat Antrozous pallidus 120 G5 S3 7 5 AM 2 398 SC AREAS FOR ROOSTING. DESERTS, GRASSLANDS, SHRUBLANDS, WOODLANDS & FORESTS. MOST COMMON IN OPEN, DRY HABITATS WITH ROCKY pallid bat Antrozous pallidus 211 G5 S3 7 5 AM 2 398 SC AREAS FOR ROOSTING. Page 1 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab ROLLING FOOTHILLS, MOUNTAIN AREAS, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos 38 G5 S3 7 5 AB 1 142 SAGE-JUNIPER FLATS, & DESERT. JOSHUA TREE WOODLAND, PINYON- JUNIPER WOODLAND, MOJAVEAN DESERT pinyon rock-cress Arabis dispar 16 G3 S2.3 7 5 PD 1 24 2.3 SCRUB. Arabis fernaldiana var. stylose rock-cress stylosa 1 G4T3 S2 7 5 PD 1 1 3.3 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Astragalus argophyllus var. silver-leaved milk-vetch argophyllus 1 G5T4 S1.2 7 5 PD 5 9 2.2 MEADOWS AND SEEPS, PLAYAS. Astragalus argophyllus var. silver-leaved milk-vetch argophyllus 2 G5T4 S1.2 7 5 PD 5 9 2.2 MEADOWS AND SEEPS, PLAYAS. Astragalus argophyllus var. silver-leaved milk-vetch argophyllus 4 G5T4 S1.2 7 5 PD 5 9 2.2 MEADOWS AND SEEPS, PLAYAS. Astragalus argophyllus var. silver-leaved milk-vetch argophyllus 8 G5T4 S1.2 7 5 PD 5 9 2.2 MEADOWS AND SEEPS, PLAYAS. Page 2 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab Astragalus argophyllus var. silver-leaved milk-vetch argophyllus 9 G5T4 S1.2 7 5 PD 5 9 2.2 MEADOWS AND SEEPS, PLAYAS. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 2 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 3 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 5 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 7 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 8 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Page 3 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 9 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 10 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 11 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 12 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 13 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 15 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 16 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Page 4 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 17 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 19 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 20 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. Long Valley milk-vetch Astragalus johannis-howellii 21 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 16 19 1B.2 GREAT BASIN SCRUB. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, MEADOWS AND Lemmon's milk-vetch Astragalus lemmonii 1 G3? S2.2 7 5 PD 5 13 1B.2 SEEPS, MARSHES AND SWAMPS. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, MEADOWS AND Lemmon's milk-vetch Astragalus lemmonii 2 G3? S2.2 7 5 PD 5 13 1B.2 SEEPS, MARSHES AND SWAMPS. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, MEADOWS AND Lemmon's milk-vetch Astragalus lemmonii 3 G3? S2.2 7 5 PD 5 13 1B.2 SEEPS, MARSHES AND SWAMPS. Page 5 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab GREAT BASIN SCRUB, MEADOWS AND Lemmon's milk-vetch Astragalus lemmonii 4 G3? S2.2 7 5 PD 5 13 1B.2 SEEPS, MARSHES AND SWAMPS. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, MEADOWS AND Lemmon's milk-vetch Astragalus lemmonii 9 G3? S2.2 7 5 PD 5 13 1B.2 SEEPS, MARSHES AND SWAMPS. Astragalus lentiginosus var. Fish Slough milk-vetch piscinensis 3 G5T1 S1.1 2 5 PD 3 4 1B.1 MEADOWS, PLAYAS. Astragalus lentiginosus var. Fish Slough milk-vetch piscinensis 4 G5T1 S1.1 2 5 PD 3 4 1B.1 MEADOWS, PLAYAS. Astragalus lentiginosus var. Fish Slough milk-vetch piscinensis 5 G5T1 S1.1 2 5 PD 3 4 1B.1 MEADOWS, PLAYAS. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, UPPER MONTANE Mono milk-vetch Astragalus monoensis 8 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 3 22 1B.2 CONIFEROUS FOREST. Page 6 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab GREAT BASIN SCRUB, UPPER MONTANE Mono milk-vetch Astragalus monoensis 12 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 3 22 1B.2 CONIFEROUS FOREST. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, UPPER MONTANE Mono milk-vetch Astragalus monoensis 13 G2 S2.2 7 3 PD 3 22 1B.2 CONIFEROUS FOREST. Astragalus serenoi var. CHENOPOD SCRUB, PINYON AND JUNIPER Shockley's milk-vetch shockleyi 13 G4T3 S2? 7 5 PD 1 13 2.2 WOODLAND, GREAT BASIN SCRUB. OPEN, DRY ANNUAL OR PERENIAL GRASSLANDS, DESERTS & SCRUBLANDS CHARACTERIZED BY LOW-GROWING burrowing owl Athene cunicularia 566 G4 S2 7 5 AB 1 1179 SC VEGETATION. GREAT BASIN SCRUB, MEADOWS AND smooth saltbush Atriplex pusilla 1G5S175PD11 2SEEPS. upswept moonwort Botrychium ascendens 13 G2G3 S1.3? 7 5 PP 2 19 2.3 LOWER MONTANE CONIFEROUS FOREST. upswept moonwort Botrychium ascendens 14 G2G3 S1.3? 7 5 PP 2 19 2.3 LOWER MONTANE CONIFEROUS FOREST. Page 7 of 152 17 Environmental - Critical Habitats Title: Digital 395 Middle Mile Easy Grants ID: 5569 Species Accounts cname sname occnumber grank srank fedlist callist taxacode noccscnt noccstot cdfg cnpslist genhab BOGS AND FENS, MEADOWS, LOWER MONTANE CONIFEROUS FOREST, scalloped moonwort Botrychium crenulatum 31 G3 S2.2 7 5 PP 2 39 2.2 FRESHWATER MARSH. BOGS AND FENS, MEADOWS, LOWER MONTANE CONIFEROUS FOREST, scalloped moonwort Botrychium crenulatum 32 G3 S2.2 7 5 PP 2 39 2.2 FRESHWATER MARSH. BREEDS IN GRASSLANDS WITH WITH SCATTERED TREES, JUNIPER-SAGE FLATS, RIPARIAN AREAS, SAVANNAHS, & Swainson's hawk Buteo swainsoni 256 G5 S2 7 2 AB 5 1677 AGRICULTURAL OR RANCH BREEDS IN GRASSLANDS WITH WITH SCATTERED TREES, JUNIPER-SAGE FLATS, RIPARIAN AREAS, SAVANNAHS, & Swainson's hawk Buteo swainsoni 289 G5 S2 7 2 AB 5 1677 AGRICULTURAL OR RANCH BREEDS IN GRASSLANDS WITH WITH SCATTERED TREES, JUNIPER-SAGE FLATS, RIPARIAN AREAS, SAVANNAHS, & Swainson's hawk Buteo swainsoni 1246 G5 S2 7 2 AB 5 1677 AGRICULTURAL OR RANCH BREEDS IN GRASSLANDS WITH WITH SCATTERED TREES, JUNIPER-SAGE FLATS, RIPARIAN AREAS, SAVANNAHS, & Swainson's hawk Buteo swainsoni 1247 G5 S2 7 2 AB 5 1677 AGRICULTURAL OR RANCH BREEDS IN GRASSLANDS WITH WITH SCATTERED TREES, JUNIPER-SAGE FLATS, RIPARIAN AREAS, SAVANNAHS, & Swainson's hawk Buteo swainsoni 1248 G5 S2 7 2 AB 5 1677 AGRICULTURAL OR RANCH Inyo County star-tulip Calochortus excavatus 1 G3 S3.1 7 5 PM 18 67 1B.1 CHENOPOD SCRUB, MEADOWS (ALKALINE).
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