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All BLM CALIFORNIA SPECIAL STATUS PLANTS Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:00:38 AM CA RARE PLANT RANK RECOVERY PLAN? PALM SPRINGS MOTHER LODE GLOBAL RANK NNPS STATUSNNPS BAKERSFIELD BLM STATUS RIDGECREST STATE RANK FED STATUS EAGLE LAKE NV STATUS EL CENTRO CA STATUS HOLLISTER TYPE BARSTOW SURPRISE REDDING ALTURAS NEEDLES ARCATA OF DATE BISHOP SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANT FAMILY UPDATED COMMENTS UKIAH Abronia umbellata var. pink sand-verbena VASC Nyctaginaceae BLMS 1B.1 G4G5T2 S1 No 29-Apr-13 Formerly subsp. breviflora (Standl.) K breviflora Munz. Abronia villosa var. aurita chaparral sand-verbena VASC Nyctaginaceae BLMS 1B.1 G5T3T4 S2 No 06-Aug-13 CNDDB occurrences 2 and 91 are on S K BLM lands in the Palm Springs Field Office. Acanthomintha ilicifolia San Diego thornmint VASC Lamiaceae FT SE 1B.1 G1 S2 No 12-Mar-15 Status changed from "K" to "S" on S 8/6/2013. Naomi Fraga was unable to find the species on BLM lands when trying to collect seeds in 2012. Although there are several CNDDB occurences close to BLM lands, none of these actually intersect with BLM lands. Acanthoscyphus parishii Cushenberry oxytheca VASC Polygonaceae FE 1B.1 G4?T1 S1 No 06-Aug-13 Formerly Oxytheca parishii var. K var. goodmaniana goodmaniana. Name change based on Reveal, J.L. 2004. Nomenclatural summary of Polygonaceae subfamily Eriogonoideae. Harvard Papers in Botany 9(1):144. A draft Recovery Plan was issued in 1997 but as of 8/6/2013 was not final. Some of the recovery actions in the draft plan have been started and partially implemented. Acmispon argyraeus var. scrub lotus VASC Fabaceae BLMS 1B.3 G4?T2 S2 No 13-Sep-12 Formerly Lotus argyraeus (Greene) K multicaulis Greene var. multicaulis (Ottley) Isely. Occurs on BLM lands in vicinity of Dinosaur Trackway ACEC. Occurrence there discovered in 2008 acc. Jim Weigand. Acmispon rubriflorus red-flowered lotus VASC Fabaceae BLMS 1B.1 G1 S1 No 16-Nov-10 Formerly Lotus rubriflorus H.K. S Sharsm. Page 1 CA RARE RANK PLANT RECOVERY PLAN? PALM SPRINGS PALM MOTHER MOTHER LODE GLOBAL RANK NNPS STATUS NNPS BAKERSFIELD BLM STATUS RIDGECREST STATE RANK FED STATUS FED EAGLE LAKE NV STATUS NV EL CENTRO CA STATUS TYPE HOLLISTER BARSTOW SURPRISE REDDING ALTURAS NEEDLES ARCATA BISHOP OF DATE UKIAH SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANT FAMILY UPDATED COMMENTS Agave utahensis var. ivory-spined agave VASC Agavaceae BLMS 1B.3 G4T3Q S2 No 08-Dec-10 Added to list on 12/8/2010. Species K eborispina documented in April 2010 as part of CNPS Rare Plant Treasure Hunt on limestone outcrops in Chicago Canyon, Nopah Range, at a location where is was first discovered in 1978 (CNDDB Occurrence No. 4). Other older locations are also on BLM lands. Agrostis blasdalei Blasdale's bent grass VASC Poaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2 S2 No 29-Apr-13 On Shell Island off of Sea Ranch, K Sonoma County, part of the California Coastal National Monument (source: Jim Weigand). Also suspected on the Stornetta Unit because it is known from closeby at Manchester State Beach (Jim Weigand, 2/3/2015). Agrostis hooveri Hoover's bent grass VASC Poaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2 S2 No 29-Apr-13 K Agrostis lacuna-vernalis vernal pool bent grass VASC Poaceae BLMS 1B.1 G1 S1 No 18-Sep-12 New species added as California K Rare Plant Rank 1B.1 on 6-14-2012. Known only from Butterfly Valley and Machine Gun Flats in the Fort Ord National Monument and adjacent Army lands. Albatrellus caeruleoporus blue-pored polypore FUNG Albatrellaceae BLMS G3? S1 No 16-Nov-10 G and S Heritage Rankings are from S Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center 2007. Albatrellus ellisii greening goat's foot FUNG Albatrellaceae BLMS G4 S2S3 No 16-Nov-10 G and S Heritage Rankings are from S Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center 2007. Albatrellus flettii blue-capped polypore FUNG Albatrellaceae BLMS None None No 16-Nov-10 S Allium hickmanii Hickman's onion VASC Alliaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2 S2 No 29-Apr-13 Fort Ord. Added based on 9/9/08 K email from Bruce Delgado Allium jepsonii Jepson's onion VASC Alliaceae BLMS 1B.2 G1 S1 No 15-Nov-10 K S Allium munzii Munz's onion VASC Alliaceae FE ST 1B.1 G1 S1 No 13-Sep-12 S Allium shevockii Spanish Needle onion VASC Alliaceae BLMS 1B.3 G2 S2 No 15-Nov-10 Southern Sierra Nevada. K K Page 2 CA RARE RANK PLANT RECOVERY PLAN? PALM SPRINGS PALM MOTHER MOTHER LODE GLOBAL RANK NNPS STATUS NNPS BAKERSFIELD BLM STATUS RIDGECREST STATE RANK FED STATUS FED EAGLE LAKE NV STATUS NV EL CENTRO CA STATUS TYPE HOLLISTER BARSTOW SURPRISE REDDING ALTURAS NEEDLES ARCATA BISHOP OF DATE UKIAH SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANT FAMILY UPDATED COMMENTS Allium tuolumnense Rawhide Hill onion VASC Alliaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2 S2 No 13-Sep-12 K Ambrosia pumila San Diego ambrosia VASC Asteraceae FE 1B.1 G1 S1 No 06-Aug-13 CNDDB Occurrence 54 is based on a K 2005 collection by Salvato (UCR167870). CNDDB shows BLM as the land owner and most of the mapped 2/5 mile radius circle is BLM. On the basis of this occurrence the status was changed from "S" to "K" on 8/6/2013. Amsinckia lunaris bent-flowered fiddleneck VASC Boraginaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2? S2? No 13-Sep-12 Walker Ridge/Bear Creek (Source: S K Jim Weigand). Documented within the proposed right-of-way, as well as within the area of potential effect, of the AltaGas/Greenwing Energy proposed Walker Ridge wind farm (Vollmar Consulting, 2010 Sensitive Botanical Resources Survey Report, Walker Ridge Project Site, Lake and Colusa Counties, California, October 2010). Ancistrocarphus keilii Santa Ynez groundstar VASC Asteraceace BLMS 1B.1 G1 S1 No 15-Nov-10 S Anisocarpus scabridus scabrid alpine tarplant VASC Asteraceae BLMS 1B.3 G2G3 S2S3 No 15-Nov-10 S Arabis mcdonaldiana McDonald's rock-cress VASC Brassicaceae FE SE 1B.1 G2 S2 Yes 13-Sep-12 Name change from Arabis K macdonaldiana to Arabis mcdonaldiana as of March 3, 2011. Arctostaphylos bakeri The Cedars manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2T2 S2 No 23-Oct-12 CNDDB occurrence 1 on BLM and K subsp. sublaevis pvt lands at The Cedars. Headwaters of Big Austin Creek and East Austin Creek. 10,000's of plants according to CNDDB. Page 3 CA RARE RANK PLANT RECOVERY PLAN? PALM SPRINGS PALM MOTHER MOTHER LODE GLOBAL RANK NNPS STATUS NNPS BAKERSFIELD BLM STATUS RIDGECREST STATE RANK FED STATUS FED EAGLE LAKE NV STATUS NV EL CENTRO CA STATUS TYPE HOLLISTER BARSTOW SURPRISE REDDING ALTURAS NEEDLES ARCATA OF DATE BISHOP SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANT FAMILY UPDATED COMMENTS UKIAH Arctostaphylos cansecens Sonoma canescent VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G3G4T2 S2 No 31-Mar-15 Walker Ridge/Bear Creek (Source: K subsp. sonomensis manzanita Jim Weigand). Documented within the proposed right-of-way, as well as within the area of potential effect, of the AltaGas/Greenwing Energy proposed Walker Ridge wind farm (Vollmar Consulting, 2010 Sensitive Botanical Resources Survey Report, Walker Ridge Project Site, Lake and Colusa Counties, California, October 2010). Arctostaphylos cruzensis Arroya de La Cruz VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G3 S3 No 31-Mar-15 S manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa Gabilan Mountains VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G5T2 S2 No 13-Sep-12 Name change from Arctostaphylos S ssp. gabrielensis manzanita gabrielensis to Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. gabrielensis as of August 23, 2010 Arctostaphylos hookeri Hooker's manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G3T2 S2 No 31-Mar-15 K subsp. hookeri Arctostaphylos Klamath manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G3 S3 No 31-Mar-15 S klamathensis Arctostaphylos Monterey manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2? S2? No 31-Mar-15 Fort Ord. K montereyensis Arctostaphylos morroensis Morro manzanita VASC Ericaceae FT 1B.1 G2 S2 Yes 13-Sep-12 K Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Ione manzanita VASC Ericaceae FT 1B.2 G2 S2 No 13-Sep-12 K Arctostaphylos nissenana Nissenan manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G1 S1 No 31-Mar-15 K Arctostaphylos otayensis Otay manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2 S2 No 31-Mar-15 K Arctostaphylos pajaroensis Pajaro manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.1 G1 S1 No 31-Mar-15 Fort Ord. Added based on 9/9/08 K email from Bruce Delgado. Arctostaphylos pilosula Santa Margarita manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G3 S3 No 13-Sep-12 K Arctostaphylos pumila sandmat manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G1 S1 No 31-Mar-15 K Page 4 CA RARE RANK PLANT RECOVERY PLAN? PALM SPRINGS PALM MOTHER MOTHER LODE GLOBAL RANK NNPS STATUS NNPS BAKERSFIELD BLM STATUS RIDGECREST STATE RANK FED STATUS FED EAGLE LAKE NV STATUS NV EL CENTRO CA STATUS TYPE HOLLISTER BARSTOW SURPRISE REDDING ALTURAS NEEDLES ARCATA BISHOP OF DATE UKIAH SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANT FAMILY UPDATED COMMENTS Arctostaphylos rainbow manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.1 G2 S2 No 31-Mar-15 CNDDB Occurrence 43 is on BLM K rainbowensis lands in Riverside County. Occurrence 56, is based on a 2005 collection by Woelfel and Woelfel, who claim it was collected on BLM lands in San Diego County, but CNDDB maps it as a 1/5 mile radius circle, some of which is BLM and some of which is private. Some other occurrences are close to but not on BLM lands. Arctostaphylos rudis sand mesa manzanita VASC Ericaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2 S2 No 31-Mar-15 K Aristocapsa insignis Indian Valley spineflower VASC Polygonaceae BLMS 1B.2 G2? S2? No 31-Mar-15 S Astragalus agnicidus Humboldt milk-vetch VASC Fabaceae SE BLMS 1B.1 G3 S3 No 13-Sep-12 S Astragalus agrestis field milk-vetch VASC Fabaceae BLMS 2.B2 G5 S2? No 31-Mar-15 This species is rather widespread K K elsewhere, so the primary value of this population is its disjunct location in CA, and maintaining the genetic viability of the species across its range.