...CHESSPROBLEMS.CA Contents . ISSUE 14 (JULY 2018) 1 Originals 667 2018 Informal Tourney....... 667 Hors Concours............ 673 2 ChessProblems.ca Bulletin TT6 Award 674 3 Articles 678 Arno T¨ungler:Series-mover Artists: Manfred Rittirsch....... 678 Andreas Thoma:¥ Proca variations with e1 and e3...... 681 Jeff Coakley & Andrey Frolkin: Four Rebuses For The Bulletin 684 Arno T¨ungler:Record Breakers VI. 693 Adrian Storisteanu: Lab Notes........... 695 4 Last Page 699 Pauly's Comet............ 699 Editor: Cornel Pacurar Collaborators: Elke Rehder, . Adrian Storisteanu, Arno T¨ungler Originals:
[email protected] Articles:
[email protected] Correspondence:
[email protected] Rook Endgame III ISSN 2292-8324 [Mixed technique on paper, c Elke Rehder, http://www.elke-rehder.de. Reproduced with permission.] ChessProblems.ca Bulletin IIssue 14I ..... ORIGINALS 2018 Informal Tourney T369 T366 T367 T368 Rom´eoBedoni ChessProblems.ca's annual Informal Tourney V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec S´ebastienLuce is open for series-movers of any type and with ¥ any fairy conditions and pieces. Hors concours mp% compositions (any genre) are also welcome! Send to:
[email protected]. |£#% 2018 Judge: Manfred Rittirsch (DEU) p4 2018 Tourney Participants: # 1. Alberto Armeni (ITA) 2. Erich Bartel (DEU) C+ (1+5)ser-h#13 C+ (6+2)ser-!=17 C+ (5+2)ser-!=18 C- (1+16)ser-=67 3. Rom´eoBedoni (FRA) No white king Madrasi Madrasi Frankfurt Chess 4. Geoff Foster (AUS) p| p my = Grasshopper = Grasshopper = Nightrider No white king 5. Gunter Jordan (DEU) 4 my % = Leo = Nightrider = Nightriderhopper Royal pawn d6 ´ 6. LuboˇsKekely (SVK) 2 solutions 2 solutions 2 solutions 7.