Obtaining Environmental Clearance and CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park
ANDHRA PRADESH INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CORPORATION LIMITED Obtaining Environmental Clearance and CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park ToR Clarifications August 2019 L&T Infrastructure Engineering Limited C1181302 A Andhra Pradesh Z-\ tndustria! lnfrastructute Corporation Ltd., APIIC (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Undertaking) To, The Membt'r Secretan., ('onstruction N_crv Project and Intlustrial Estates, Ministn of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indir:r Pa ry ava ra n B harv a n, .logbagh Road, New Delhi - I 1000-3. Kind Attention: Sri Raghu Kumar Kodali, Scientist F Sir. sub: Deveropment rndustriar park of at Rambili near Rambiri Vi age, Rambili Mandat, Visakhapatnam District in an area of 1025 Ha IZSSZ ac-res; Uf Uts Andhra pradesh rnfrastructure corporation Limited (Aprc). iropo.rt No lA/Ap/NCp tB4O97-rndustriar t2O1B& F. No. 21_139t2O1A_lA't _ Submission of Response to Additional detaijs sought by EAC _ reg. Ref: Minutes of 204rh meeting of Expert Appraisar committee for prolects rerated to rnfrastructure Deveropment, rndustriar estate/parks/com prexes/areas, Export Processing Zones, Speciar Economic zones, Biotech parks, Leather comprexes and Nationar Highways projects to be herd on tz,n oecemuer zotg- item no 3.3. with reference to the minutes of 2o4rhEAC meeting pertaining to item 3.3, we herewith submitting the response to the observations raised biEicio,. your kind consideration with request to consider and approve a the subject proj""t propo"rl in the forthcoming meeting. EAC l-C hief Engi Regd. Officc : Corporate Office : PARISRAMA BHAVAN,6Th floor, APIIC TOWERS, lT Park, 0863-2381850 $$58/8, Fateh Maidan Road, Mangalagiri, Guntur Dast., www.apiic.in Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-S0o 004.
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