Obtaining Environmental Clearance and CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park

ToR Clarifications August 2019

L&T Infrastructure Engineering Limited C1181302 A Andhra Pradesh Z-\ tndustria! lnfrastructute Corporation Ltd., APIIC (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Undertaking)

To, The Membt'r Secretan., ('onstruction N_crv Project and Intlustrial Estates, Ministn of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indir:r Pa ry ava ra n B harv a n, .logbagh Road, New Delhi - I 1000-3.

Kind Attention: Sri Raghu Kumar Kodali, Scientist F


sub: Deveropment rndustriar park of at Rambili near Rambiri Vi age, Rambili Mandat, District in an area of 1025 Ha IZSSZ ac-res; Uf Uts Andhra pradesh rnfrastructure corporation Limited (Aprc). iropo.rt No lA/Ap/NCp tB4O97-rndustriar t2O1B& F. No. 21_139t2O1A_lA't _ Submission of Response to Additional detaijs sought by EAC _ reg.

Ref: Minutes of 204rh meeting of Expert Appraisar committee for prolects rerated to rnfrastructure Deveropment, rndustriar estate/parks/com prexes/areas, Export Processing Zones, Speciar Economic zones, Biotech parks, Leather comprexes and Nationar Highways projects to be herd on tz,n oecemuer zotg- item no 3.3.

with reference to the minutes of 2o4rhEAC meeting pertaining to item 3.3, we herewith submitting the response to the observations raised biEicio,. your kind consideration with request to consider and approve a the subject proj""t propo"rl in the forthcoming meeting. EAC

l-C hief Engi

Regd. Officc : Corporate Office : PARISRAMA BHAVAN,6Th floor, APIIC TOWERS, lT Park, 0863-2381850 $$58/8, Fateh Maidan Road, Mangalagiri, Guntur Dast., Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-S0o 004. Andhra Pradesh-522503, CIN tto. U99999TG1973SGC001 630

Minutes of 204th meeting of Expert Appraisal Committee for Projects related to Infrastructure Development, Industrial estate/parks/complexes/areas, Export Processing Zones, Special Economic Zones, Biotech Parks, Leather Complexes and National Highways projects to be held on 17th December, 2018

1 Certificate from APPCB that proposed industrial area is more than 2 km away from the Critically Polluted Area and no activity has been started in the Krishnapalem Industrial Area for which EC was granted

Certificate from APPCB is enclosed as Annexure 1 regarding distance from critically polluted area. Regarding no construction activity, APIIC addressed a letter to APPCB, same is enclosed as Annexure 2.

2 Copy of Board of Directors regarding approval of establishment of the proposed industrial area.

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited (APIIC) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) has a mandate to develop industrial areas across Andhra Pradesh. The corporation was formed in 1973 by issue of GO no 831 dated 10th September 1973 issued by Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP). The corporation has so far developed more than 300 Industrial Parks spreading over an extent of about 1,21,655 acres.

APIIC has taken up the task of development of Industrial hubs in the newly formed state of Andhra Pradesh post bifurcation and as part of their mandate they are promoting Industrial Parks.

With this background, APIIC proposes to develop Industrial Park at Rambilli near Rambilli Village, Rambilli Mandal, in an area of 1025 Ha (2532 acres).

3 Copy of Government order for land acquisition

Land acquisition for the said project is being carried out as a part of Visakhapatnam Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) and G.O pertaining to land acquisition for cluster where Rambilli I.P is proposed has been enclosed as Annexure 3.

4 Surrender of Krishnapalem Environmental clearance before applying for integration with the proposed industrial area.

Environmental Clearance of krishnapalem I.P was surrendered to SEIAA and copy of letter by APIIC to SEIAA is enclosed as Annexure 4.

5 Submission of revised Form-1 of application with details of integration of Krishnapalem Industrial Area.

Revised Form-1 of application with details of integration of Krishnapalem Industrial Area is enclosed as Annexure 5.

6 Submission of details of ETP/CETP and likely discharges

Based on the land use distribution and population projection of the various planning areas, the wastewater generation has been worked out for the proposed development as shown in Table 1. l:\ports\2018\c1181302 - ec & cfe for rambilli ip\working\reports\rp001- form-1 tor pfr\tor clarifications 06.08.19\tor clarifications-july 03, 2019.doc Page 1

Table 1: Projected Wastewater Flow and Treatment Industrial Sewage S. Land use/Zoning Wastewater Generation No Generation 1 Industrial Area 9954 1306 2 CFC 17 3 Amenities 5 4 Residential 1176 5 R&R 19 6 Utility 66 Total in KLD 9954 2589

Industries willing to have own treatment facilities for effluent and sewage shall be developed by the industry in their premises. If industry likes to utilise common treatment facilities, effluent and sewage generated in the industrial area, CFC, amenities and utilities will be treated in proposed CETP of 11.5 MLD capacity (to be developed on modular basis). Treated wastewater will be disposed into sea through APSEZ marine outfall facility. Sewage generated in IP totalling 1.19 MLD from Residential and R&R will be treated in proposed STP of 1.2 MLD capacity (to be developed on modular basis). Treated sewage will be reused for greenbelt and toilet flushing etc.

7 Submission of EC amendment copy of APSEZ at Achutapuram with permission to use the marine disposal facility for the proposed project

A separate marine outfall will be developed for Rambilli I.P and earlier proposal of utilising APSEZ marine outfall facility is not considered due to administration aspects.

Mathematical model studies and CRZ demarcation for proposed marine outfall facility for Rambilli I.P will be conducted for identification of suitable marine outfall facility.

l:\ports\2018\c1181302 - ec & cfe for rambilli ip\working\reports\rp001- form-1 tor pfr\tor clarifications 06.08.19\tor clarifications-july 03, 2019.doc Page 2

Annexure- 1 Certificate from APPCB Regarding Distance from the Critically Polluted Area

ANDHRA PRADESH POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD D.No. 33-26-14 D/2, Near Sunrise Hospital, Pushpa Hotel Centre, Phone: 0866 - 2436217 Chalamalavari Street, Kasturibaipet, Vijayawada – 520010. Website

Lr.No.428/APPCB/CFE/RO-VSP/HO/2017 Dt. 03.06.2019


The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., 9th, 10th and 11th Floors, APIIC Towers, Plot No. CFC – 1, IT Park, Mangalagiri – 522503. Guntur District.


Sub: APPCB - CFE – Certification from APPCB regarding distance from critically polluted area to proposed Rambilli Industrial Cluster - Reg.

Ref: 1. Lr. No. GM/EMP/APIIC/IP Rambilli/EC/2017, dt. .01.2019. 2. EE, RO: Visakhapatnam lr. dt. 24.04.2019.

The Board is in receipt of the letter vide reference 1st cited requesting certification from APPCB regarding distance from critically polluted area to proposed Rambilli Industrial Cluster.

In this regard, the EE, RO: Visakhapatnam vide reference 2nd cited submitted report informing the following:

“The MOEF&CC restricted the ban to the bowl area (the area between hill range in the south to Simhachalam hill range in the north and sea on the east and the present NH-16 (Earlier – NH – 5) in the west direction) vide MoEF notification on 15.03.2010 with respect to the CEPI score as critically polluted area.

The radial distance between the western boundary (nearest boundary) of bowl area and to the M/s. Industrial Park of Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., Sy No. 24 to 34, 64 to 108, 116 to 125, 137 to 139, Krishnampalem (V), Rambilli (M), Visakhapatnam District is about 36.0 km”.

In view of the above, it is to inform that the radial distance between the western boundary (nearest boundary) of bowl area and to the Industrial Park of M/s. Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., Sy No. 24 to 34, 64 to 108, 116 to 125, 137 to 139, Krishnampalem (V), Rambilli (M), Visakhapatnam District is about 36.0 km.

Yours faithfully,


Annexure – 2 Letter to APPCB Requesting No Activity Certificate for the Krishnapalem Industrial Area

File No.GM/EM P/APllC/lP-RAM BILLI/EC/201 7

l ,t.. 1t

'I ANDHRA PRADESH .A,rrltE ln{lin's Surrilse StntD ^@. ;] ANDHRA PRADESH INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CORPORATION LTD., (A Government of Andhra Pradesh Undertaking)

BABU A rAs Mail lD :- [email protected] Web Site:- Vice Chairman & Managing Director

Lr-No.GM/EMPIAPIIC/IP Rambilli/ECl20l7. dt: .01.2019

To, Member Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) D.No. 33-26-14 D12, Near Sunrise Hospital, Pushpa Hotel Centre, Chalamalavari Street, Kasturibaipet, Vijayawada - 520 010.

Sir, Sub: Request for revoke the EC accorded for Klishnampalem lndustrial Park- Reg. Ref: 1) Minutes of 204th meeting of Expert Appraisal Committee for Projects related to Infrastructure Development, Industrial estate/ parks/ complexes / areas, Export Processing Zones, Special Economic Zones, Biotech Parks, Leather Complexes and National Highways projects to be held on 17th December, 2018; Proposal No. IA/APA{CP184097120181 and [F.No. 21- 13912018-IA.lIIl. 2) SEIAA, AP Vide Letter No: SEIAA/AP/VSP/CON/04/2016/80 dated: May

26,2017 .

***d* ,-\ Andhra Pradesh Industrial lnfiastructure Corporation Limited (APIIC) has obtained Environmental Clearance for Krishnampalen-r Industrial Park proposed in an area of 250.75 Acre under Area Development Category,8 (b) of EIA notification schedule from SEIAA, A.P through Vide Letter No: SEIAA/AP/VSP/CON/04/2016/80 dated }day 26,2017with following line of activities:

o R&D units of Bio-Pharma, . Vaccines, Probiotic, o Industrial enzymes, o Bio thcrapeutics, o Pharma Formulations etc.


D.No.59A-20- 3/2A, L* to 3'd Floor, Sri Siva Complex, Gurunanak Nagar Colony Vijayawada -520 008, Andhra Pradesh Fi le N o.GM/EM P/APl lC/l P-RAM BILL\IEC 12017

CFE also has been obtained for Krishnampalern IP, however no development activity has been taken up so far. During the Krishnampalem i.P EC process, no production of Chemicals, Phannaceuticals or compounds, downstream processiug and no drug manufacturing on commercial scale were envisaged by APIIC.

Government of has identified Visakliapatnaur node with clusters at Rambilli and Nakkapalli Mandals under VCIC for large scale industrics. The consultant appointed by ADB idcntified Pharmaceuticals, Chernicals lndustrial Electronics, Aerospace and Defencc, Engineering Auto and Auto cornponents, CRZ Permissible Storage sectors (falls in Category A & B of EIA Notification Schedule).

In this connection, it is to inform that IP Krishnampalem also forms part of Rambilli Cluster. Under the above circumstances, it is proposed to integrate development of IP Krishnarnpalem with Rambilli Cluster with provision for developing Category A & B industries. Accordingly EC process is being initiated for Rarnbilli Cluster (including IP Krishnampalem) .It is also submitted that no construction was taken up in lP Krishnampalem (Photographs enclosed).

In view of the above, it is requested to revoke the EC accorded to IP Krishnampalern and issue the order accordingly and also requested to certifli that no construction activity has been carried out at IP Krishnampalem to submit the same to MoEF for according Tenns of Reference (roR).

Yours faithfullv,

Vice Chairman & Managing Director

1. Copy Submitted to The Chairman, SEIAA, A.P, Pushpa Hotel Centre, Kastribaipet, Vijayawada with a request to revoke the EC accorded to IP- Krishnampalem. 2. Copy Submitted to The Chairman, SEAC, A.P, Pushpa Hotel Centre, Kastribaipet, Vijayawada with a request to revoke the EC accorded to IP- Krishnampalem.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally #g{ed by UA Date. 2019.02.251 :09 IST Reason: Aopioved J

Annexure – 3 G.O. MS. No. 160 Dated: 13-11-2017 (VCIC-DP – LA)


Industries and Commerce Department - Land Acquisition – Visakhapatnam District – Rambilli & Atchutapuram Mandals – Pudi, Krishnapalem, Gorapudi, Lalamkoduru, Z.Chinthuva & Villages – Acquisition of lands over an extent of 1,143.30 Acres (extent notified:2,279.05 Acres - Award passed:1,135.75 Acres) for Atchutapuram Cluster of Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) in Visakhapatnam District – Compensation @ Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre for Patta lands excluding the value of trees & structures as per Sec 24 (a) New L.A. Act, 2013 (Act 30 of 2013) – Orders - Issued.


G.O.MS.No. 160 Dated: 13-11-2017 Read the following: 1.G.O.Ms.No.262, Revenue (LA) Dept, dt.13.07.2015. 2.G.O.Ms.No.6 Ind & Com (Infra) Dept., dt.02.01.2016. 3.G.O.Rt.No.492, Revenue (Land Acquisition) Dept, dt.25.04.2016. 4.G.O.Ms.No.160, Ind & Com (Infra) Dept, dt.16.11.2016. 5.From the District Collector, Visakhapatnam District Lr.Rc.No.3221/2006/G2, dt.24.01.2017. 6.From the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., Vijayawada Single File No.8816/Lands/VSP/2015, dt.04.03.2017. 7.Minutes of State level committee Meeting held on 21.03.2017. 8.From the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., Vijayawada Single File No.APIIC-19025/10/2017/LW/ APIIC, dt.12.09.2017. **** ORDER:

In the reference 4th read above, orders were issued superseding the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.6, Ind & Com (Infra) Dept, dt.02.01.2016, for payment of compensation @ Rs.18.00 Lakhs per Acre (including solatium and additional market value) excluding the value of trees & structures and excluding the extent of 102.74 Acres in D.L. Puram (V) for which consent Award was already passed in the year 2011 and compensation was already paid, subject to pass consent awards in terms of G.O.Ms.No.262 Revenue (LA), Department, dt.13.07.2015 for the acquisition lands in (05) five Villages of Nakkapalli Mandal, Visakhapatnam District as a lumpsum amount package, including all benefits for the establishment of Industrial Park (Part of PCPIR). The said orders were issued based on the proposal of District Collector, Visakhapatnam District vide his D.O.Lr.dt.22.03.2016 and the proposal of VC&MD, APIIC Ltd., vide his Lrs.dt.09.08.2016 & 18.08.2016 duly placing the proposal before the Committee constituted vide G.O.Rt.No.492, Revenue (Land Acquisition) Department, dt.25.04.2016 for consideration.

2. In the reference 5th read above, the District Collector, Visakhapatnam District has stated that earlier vide his D.O.Lr.dt.22.03.2016 has requested the Government to approve the compensation of Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre over the subject area, the orders of Government are awaited. He further stated that the subject lands were notified to an extent of 2,279.05 Acres for acquisition in the year 2006 for payment of compensation @ Rs.5.00 Lakhs per Acre and the same was paid for certain lands only to an extent of 1,135.75 Acres and the awards could not be passed for the remaining lands to an extent of 1,143.30 Acres due to interim orders of Hon’ble High Court in various WPs. Now it was decided to complete the L.A. on payment of compensation for Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre and as per the legal opinion offered by the G.P. (LA), High Court of AP if the Ryoths/land owners come forward to accept the offer of Govt notarized affidavit from them may be obtained that they are fully agreed for the said compensation and ready to withdraw the WPs filed by them and as such there is no need to file any petition before the Hon’ble High Court seeking modification of the orders passed in various WPs. The District Collector, Visakhapatnam District has therefore requested the Government to issue necessary orders approving the compensation of Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre over the subject area to complete the LA process.

3. In the reference 6th read above, the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., has stated that the Dist Collector, Visakhapatnam has addressed a D.O. Lr.dt.22.03.2016 to the Government and to the APIIC stating that GoI has sanctioned Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) Project for the State in which Atchutapuram Cluster is important one. In the said Cluster land acquisition of around 3,200 Acres has to be completed at the earliest in other than SEZ & Non-SEZ area already acquired to develop necessary infrastructure and the orders requested on the following are still awaited:



(i) to approve the Land Acquisition value of Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre (including solatium & additional Market value) excluding the value of the trees & structures for the lands notified in Six Villages of Rambilli & Atchutapuram Mandals of Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC); and

(ii) to sanction funds of Rs.328.66 Crores initially for completing of LA proceedings duly passing of the awards and duly resuming Government lands by paying compensation as per Rules in vogue.

4. The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., has further stated that pending receipt of the orders from Government, an amount of Rs.50.00 Crores has been released to the Zonal Manager, APIIC Visakhapatnam vide Progs, dt.01.02.2017 to deposit the same with Dist Collector, Visakhapatnam for completion of Land Acquisition Progs duly passing awards in Atchutapuram & Nakkapalli lands duly resuming Government lands by paying compensation as per Rules in vogue. The VC&MD, APIIC Ltd., has therefore requested the Government to issue orders approving the negotiated rate for taking up further process.

5. In the reference 7th read above, the State level Committee which held on 21.03.2017 to clear the proposal of higher compensation than the LARR Act, 2013, in connection with the Land Acquisition in Six Villages of Rambilli & Atchuthapuram Mandals, Vishakhapatnam District for the Achuthapuram Cluster of Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC), the committee observed that as reported by the Collector most Farmers/interested persons have come forward to part with their lands on payment of compensation @ Rs.20,00,000/- per Acre including Solatium and additional Market value, excluding the value of trees & Structures as fixed by the concerned Departments. The committee also took note of the remarks of the Special Deputy Collector, APIIC, Visakhapatnam and District Collector, Visakhapatnam, wherein they have stated that it is reasonable to fix the market value of the lands @ Rs.20,00,000/- per Acre (including Solatium and additional Market value excluding the value of trees & structures subject to pass consent awards in terms of G.O.Ms.No.262, Revenue (LA), Dept., dt.13.07.2016. The committee also observed that the Loan has been sanctioned for the VCIC corridor development by Asian Development Bank, under which Achutapuram is a node and many infrastructural works have been planned and sanctioned by ADB recently, hence considering the urgency of the land required for taking up the infrastructure projects, the committee concluded that the proposed increase in the compensation amount by District Collector is well justified due to the above mentioned reasons. With this background, the Committee decided to approve the proposal of the District Collector, Visakhapatnam for payment of compensation @ Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre for an extent of 1,143.30 Acres (extent notified 2,279.05 Acres-Award passed 1,135.75 Acres) of Patta Lands, excluding the value of trees and structures.

6. In the reference 8th read above, the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., has requested the Government for issue of orders for payment of Rs.20.00 Lakhs per Acre excluding tree & structure value as recommended by the District Collector, Visakhapatnam stating that that the State level committee in its meeting held on 21.03.2017 has approved the proposal. The VC&MD, APIIC Ltd., while quoting the Lr.dt.06.09.2017 of Special Deputy Collector, (LA), APIIC, Visakhapatnam has stated that an amount of Rs.258.66 Crores has to be paid towards the compensation for an extent of 1,143.30 Acres to pass the award before 20.09.2017 as per the directions of Hon’ble High Court in various WPs.

7. Government, after careful examination of the above proposal of the District Collector, Visakhapatnam hereby accord permission to the District Collector, Visakhapatnam for payment of compensation @ Rs.20.00 (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only) per Acre (including solatium and additional market value) excluding the value of trees & structures as per Sec 24 (a) New L.A. Act, 2013 (Act 30 of 2013) towards the acquisition of Patta lands over an extent of 1,143.30 Acres (extent notified:2,279.05 Acres - Award passed:1,135.75 Acres) in the (6) Villages of Pudi, Krishnapalem, Gorapudi, Lalamkoduru, Z.Chinthuva & Pudimadaka of Rambilli & Atchutapuram Mandals, Visakhapatnam District for Atchutapuram Cluster of Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) subject to the following conditions:

(i) The land losers are not entitled to ask for a reference to Land Acquisition and R&R Authority, under Section 64 of the A.P. Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition and R&R Act, 2013; and

(ii) To verify the calculations of payable compensation thoroughly one again before passing of Award and deposition of compensation to the accounts of the legitimate land losers/owners with reference to the actual extent of acquisition of land as requirement, to avoid excess and double payment.


8. The District Collector, Visakhapatnam is directed to follow the procedure stipulated in Rule 28 (A) of the A.P. State Right to Fair Compensation & Transparency Rules, 2014 while paying the compensation.

9. The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., Vijayawada shall take further necessary action for depositing the required amount with the District Collector, Visakhapatnam.



To The District Collector, Collector’s Office, Visakhapatnam. The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., H.No.12B, 59A-8-12B, Guru Nanak Colony Road, Teacher's Colony, Vijayawada-520 008. Copy to: The Revenue (L.A.) Department, A.P. Secretariat, Amaravathi, Velagapudi (V), Thullur (M), Guntur District. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Government of A.P., D.No.22-19, Floor-II, Block-A, Jasthi Towers, Sai Puram Colony Road, Gollapudi, Vijayawada – 521 225. The P.S. to Principal Secretary to C.M. (GSP), A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi. The Secretary to Government & CIP, Ind & Com Department. SF/SC.


Annexure - 4 SEIAA Approval for Surrender of Krishnampalem Environmental clearance

    .      ^_585   .  . 5 #588 

118 th SEIAA, A.P.


     .      ^_585   .  . 5 #588 

Present :

The following members were present:

1. Sri S. Balasubramnayam I.A.S (Retired). Chairman

2. Dr.Smt.PadmaSree Ravi, Department of Chemical Engineering,

A.U College of Engineering, Member Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

3. Sri. A. JanardhanaBabu Special Secretary to Govt. (FAC), Environment, Forests, Sciences and Technology Department, Govt. of Andhra Member Secretary Pradesh.

     .      ^_585   .  . 5 #588 

 118.54 2.003 Ha. Gravel Quarry of Sri GummadiNaganjaneyulu at Sy. No. 17 (P), Thotapalli Village, AgiripalliMandal, Krishna District

Recommendations of the SEAC on 30.04.2019 Category : B2 The Committee recommended for issue of Environmental clearance to this proposed Gravel mining project for the production quantities: Gravel -30917.4 m 3/Annum, duly stipulating a condition that the project proponent shall maintain the setback distance 7.5 meters buffer zone all around the mine lease area for greenbelt development and other conditions are to be fulfilled. The project proponent shall allocate sufficient funds for implementation of CSR activities as committed by the proponent/representative along with the EMP.

The avenue plantation (tall plants) for 1 km length of the approach road on either side of the road is to be developed and maintained.

Decision of SEIAA: Agreed with recommendation of the SEAC, A.P.

118.55 Development of Industrial Park of Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd., Sy. Nos. 24 to 34, 64 to 108, 116 to 125, 137 to 139, Krishnampalem (V), RambiliTaluk, Visakhaptnam District, A.P. Recommendations of the SEAC on 30.04.2019 Category : B1 The committee noted that M/s. APIIC has surrounded the original Environmental Clearance order dated 26.05.2017. to the SEIAA,A.P., and requested for revocation of EC order vide their letter dated 24.04.2019 The Committee recommended to accept the request of the proponent for surrender of the Environmental Clearance (EC) issued to APIIC, IP, Krishnapalem, Visakhapatnam District. Decision of SEIAA: Agreed with recommendation of the SEAC, A.P.

118.56 10.0 Ha. (Block-A) Laterite Mine of Sri A. Srinivas – Block - A, Compartment No. 703, Girijanapuram RL, Lingamparthi Beat, Yeleswaram Range (V), Prathipadu (M), East Godavari District Recommendations of the SEAC on 30.04.2019 Category : B2 at par with B1.

     .      ^_585   .  . 5 #588 

 118.67 2.0 Ha of Black Galaxy Granite M/s Sai Balaji Granites at Sy.No 514/5(P), Illapavullur (V), Chimakurthy (M), Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh-Transfer of EC-Reg.

Decision of SEIAA: Decided to transfer the EC from M/s Sai Balaji Granites to M/s.Sri Hanuman Granites.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sri. A.JanardhanaBabu. Dr.Smt.PadmaSree Ravi, Sri.S.Balasubramanyam, I.A.S, (Retired). Special Secretary to Govt. Department of Chemical (FAC), Engineering, Chairman, SEIAA,A.P Environment, Forests, A.U.College of Engineering, Sciences and Technology A.P. Department, Govt of A.P.,& Member, SEIAA,A.P Member Secretary, SEIAA,A.P.

Annexure - 5

Revised Form-1

L&T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd. Client: Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited (APIIC) Project: Obtaining Environmental Clearance and Project No.: CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park C1181302 Title: Document No.: Rev.: Revised Form-1 RP001 D

This document is the property of L&T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd. and File path: must not be passed on to any person or body not authorised by us to receive it l:\ports\2018\c1181302 - ec & cfe for rambilli ip\working\reports\rp001- form- nor be copied or otherwise made use of either in full or in part by such person or 1 tor pfr\04.10.18\form-1 04.10.18.docx body without our prior permission in writing.

Notes: 1.

Revision Details:

D 03.07.2019 Fifth Revision SNV SAP CVS C 30.10.2018 Fourth Submission SNV SAP CVS B 01.10.2018 Third Submission SNV SAP CVS A 06.07.2018 Second Submission SNV Sd/- SAP Sd/- CVS Sd/- 0 18.06.2018 First Submission SNV SAP CVS Init. Sign. Init. Sign. Init. Sign. Rev. Date Details Prepared Checked Approved

Obtaining Environmental Clearance and CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park C1181302 Revised Form-1 RP001 rev. Error! Reference source not found.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Basic Information ...... 1 2 Activity ...... 4 3 Environmental Sensitivity ...... 17

Table of Contents Page i

Obtaining Environmental Clearance and CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park C1181302 Revised Form-1 RP001 rev. Error! Reference source not found.

FORM -1 1 Basic Information S. No. Item Details Whether it is a violation case No and application is being submitted under Notification No. S.O.804 (E) dated 14.03.2017?* 1. Name of the Project Development of Industrial Park at Rambilli. as to be appeared in agenda Proposal Number IA/AP/NCP/84097/2018 Project Cost (in lacs) 68100 2. S.No in Schedule 7 (c) i.e. Industrial Estates/Parks/ Complexes/ Project Sector Areas of EIA Notification, 2006 (as amended). Proposed development is planned in an area of ~1025 ha (2532 Acres) and falling under Category A of EIA Notification. 3.

4. Shape of the project land Block (Polygon) 5. Upload GPS file* KML only Annexure-GPS file (KML) uploaded 6. Site alternative under No alternative sites, note on same will be attached consideration (If any) : 7. Upload copy of survey of India Annexure- boundary on Survey of India toposheet Toposheet* : uploaded 8. Location of the project Project site is located near to Rambilli village, Rambilli mandal, of Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh 9. Brief summary of project (at uploaded least one page document)* : 10. State of the project Andhra Pradesh None of the above areas Does your project location falls under out of any following areas* :  Ghaziabad(UP)  Indore (M.P)  Jharsuguda (Orissa)  Ludhiana(Punjab)  Panipat (Haryana)  Pattancheru-Bollaram (TS)  Singraulli (UP and MP)  Vapi (Gujarat)  None of the above areas Number of states in which One project will be executed*: Main State of the project * : Andhra Pradesh Details of State of the project

1 Basic Information Page 1 C1181302 Obtaining Environmental Clearance and CFE for Rambilli Industrial Park RP001 rev. Error! Reference source not found. Revised Form-1

S. no State Name District Name Tehsil Name 1 Andhra Pradesh Visakhapatnam Rambilli S. No. Item Details 11. Town / Village Krishnapalem – Krishnampalem (Rajannakompalu), (Name of more than one town Narappapalem; Gorapudi – Gorapudi, may be entered by separating Appanapalem; Z. Chintuva - Z. Chintuva, with ',') Manyapuchintuva, Lovapalem, Sitapalem; Lalamkodaru – No settlements 12. Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Gorapudi - 1p, 2 to 74, 76 to 85, 88 to 96, 97p, 98 (Name of more than one to 104, 108 and 109 Plot/Survey/Khasra may be entered by separating with ',') Z. Chintuva – 31 to 58, 59P, 60 to 67, 82 to 99, 100P, 101 to 104, 105P, 106 to 116, 117P, 118P, 119 to 121, 122P, 123 to 146, 152 to 156, 164 to 175, 176P, 177 to 185, 192 to 195, 197 to 199, 200P, 201 to 238 Lalamkoduru - 15/31, 81 part, 88 part, 92/1, 122 to 127, 128 part, 129 to 134 Krishnampalem – 24 to 34, 43 to 59, 60 to 108, 116 to 126, 136 to 139 13. Project/activity in the schedule* : The proposed IP attracts activity 7 (c) i.e. Industrial estates/ parks/ complexes/ areas, export processing Zones (EPZs), Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Biotech Parks, Leather Complexes of EIA Notification, 2006 (as amended). Proposed development is planned in an area of ~1025 ha (2532 Acres) and falling under Category A of EIA Notification 14. Project type* : New New Expansion Modification 15. Proposed ~1025 ha (2532 Acres) capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/number or wells to be drilled 16. Existing capacity/area etc.* : NA Plant operating on CTE/ CTO 17. Proposal number* : NA 18. Date of Previous EC* : NA 19. Upload Previous EC letter* : NA 20. Category of project i.e. 'A' or 'B' Category A * : 21. Does, it attract the general No conditions given below? 22. Does it attract the specific Yes condition 23. If any Industrial Estate/Complex / Export processing 15. (a) Zones /Special Economic Zones/Biotech Parks / Leather Complex with homogeneous type of

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industries such as Items 4(d), 4(f), 5(e), 5(f), or those Industrial estates with pre-defined set of activities (not necessarily homogeneous, obtains prior environmental clearance, individual industries including proposed industrial housing within such estates /complexes will not be required to take prior environmental clearance, so long as the Terms and Conditions for the industrial estate/complex are complied with (Such estates/complexes must have a clearly identified management with the legal responsibility of ensuring adherence to the Terms and Conditions of prior environmental clearance, who may be held responsible for violation of the same throughout the life of the complex/estate). (a). i EC application yet to be submitted (a) i. Status of the Environmental Clearance to the Project

Project Profile 24. Is there any litigation pending - against the project? 25. Nearest railway station along with distance in kms. Yelamanchili R.S - 10.4 km NW 26. Nearest airport along with Vizag Airport - 35.5 km, NE distance in kms 27. Nearest Town/City/District Yelamanchili - 9.7 km, N Headquarters along with Visakhapatnam – 30 km, NE distance in kms 28. Distance of the project from Gorapudi, Zirayti Chintuva, Krishnapalem nearest Habitation (Rajannakompalu), Narappapalem, Appannapalem, Kondavaripalem, Lovapalem, Seetapalem are the settlements located inside the project site. 29. Details of alternative sites - examined shown on a toposheet. Uploaded details 30. Whether part of interlinked No projects?* : 31. Whether the proposal involves No approval/clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? 32. Whether the proposal involves No approval/ clearance under the wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? 33. Whether the proposal involves Yes approval/clearance under the C.R.Z notification, 2011? 34. Whether there is any Yes Government Order/Policy G.O. MS. No. 160 Dated: 13-11-2017, Vizag - relevant/relating to the site? Chennai Industrial Corridor Development Programme (VCIC-DP) – LA

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35. Whether there is any litigation - pending against the project and/or land in which the project is proposed to be set up? 36. Village panchayats, Zila Rambilli Gram Panchayat, Rambilli Mandal, Parishad, Municipal Yelamanchili Taluka, Pin – 531061. MPDO office Corporation, Local body Ph. no. 08931 - 234280 (Complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given)* : 37. Whether any Forest Land No Involved?

2 Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation with source of information data Land requirement for development of the proposed IP is about ~1025 ha (2532 Acres). There will be a permanent change in land use, land cover and topography due to the development of proposed IP. Change in the land use to industrial is envisaged due to the Permanent or temporary change proposed project. in land use, land cover or 1.1 topography including increase in Yes An area of 250.75 acres which was intensity of land use (with proposed to be developed as respect to local land use plan) Krishnampalem I.P is now integrated into Rambilli I.P area of 1025 ha. The Environmental clearance obtained from SEIAA vide SEIAA/AP/VSP/CON/04/ 2016/80 dated May 26, 2017 was surrendered over to SEIAA. No construction activity was taken place at Krishnampalem area. The site is mostly comprised of Agriculture, plantation and fallow land, Barren unculturable, wastelands, Scrub Clearance of existing land, lands, water Bodies, stream and 1.2 Yes vegetation and buildings? settlements. Clearance of vegetation, buildings shall be carried out as per Project requirement. As per the requirement for the development of IP and its supporting 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes infrastructure facilities new land use will be created. Master Plan layout is given in the Pre-Feasibility Report.

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Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation with source of information data All the requisite Pre-construction Pre-construction investigations 1.4 Yes investigations will be carried out for the e.g. bore houses, soil testing? area to be developed.

The buildings, necessary civil structures will be constructed along with infrastructure facilities. The following are the target industrial sectors proposed:  Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals  Industrial and Consumer Electronics  Auto and Auto components 1.5 Construction works? Yes  Aerospace and defence  Light and heavy Engineering  CRZ permissible hazardous material storages  Building Materials Industry/Non Metallic minerals  MSME (Leather, Plastics, wood etc.,); Food and Agro Processing Industry; Textile and apparel Yes Scattered dwellings located in project 1.6 Demolition works? site will be relocated, demolition of buildings/structure will be carried out. Yes Unskilled workforce from nearby villages & towns will be engaged for construction works. Temporary sites used for Temporary construction worker camps 1.7 construction works or housing of for semi-skilled and skilled will be construction workers? located near the project site and adequate provision of water, power, fuel, medical facilities and sanitation facilities will be ensured. As per development plan/ Master plan requirements which include Industrial/Administrative buildings, assembly/manufacturing shed, logistics, support & Social Infrastructure facilities Above ground buildings, will be constructed. Power Transmission, structures or earthworks Storm water, effluent & sewage 1.8 Yes including linear structures, cut conveyance networks and Treatment and fill or excavations facilities will be developed. Topsoil excavated during construction activities will be used for construction work/landscape development in project site is envisaged as a part of development plan As per project requirement such as Underground works including water supply, electrical and electronic 1.9 Yes mining or tunneling? transmission lines, storm drainage system & waste water conveyance

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Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation with source of information data system etc., will be developed 1.10 Reclamation works? No NA 1.11 Dredging? No NA Existing Marine outfall system including 1.12 Offshore structures? No conveyance pipeline of APSEZ will be used for disposal of treated wastewater. The proposed Industrial Park is aimed to attract investments in the following target industrial sectors proposed:  Pharmaceuticals; Chemicals  Industrial and Consumer Electronics  Auto and Auto components  Aerospace and defence Production and manufacturing 1.13 Yes  Light and heavy Engineering CRZ processes? permissible hazardous material storages  Building Materials Industry/Non Metallic minerals  MSME (includes Leather, Plastics, wood etc.,); Food and Agro Processing Industry; Textile and apparel The facilities required for storage of raw materials and finished products such as warehousing, storage facilities etc. will Facilities for storage of goods or 1.14 Yes be developed within the industrial units materials? proposed in the IP. Temporary storage sheds are proposed during construction phase. Industries willing for own treatment facilities shall be developed in their premises. If industry wants to utilise common facilities, effluent&sewage generated in industrial area will be treated in 11.5 MLD CETP. Treated Facilities for treatment or wastewater will be disposed into sea disposal of solid waste or liquid Yes 1.15 through APSEZ marine outfall. Sewage effluents? from residential/R&R area will be treated in 1.2 MLD STP. Treated sewage will be reused for greenbelt&toilet flushing. Hazardous waste will be sent to proposed common TSDF, till then JNU TSDF will be used Long term housing for operational workers will be provided. Facilities for long term housing 1.16 Yes In residential zone, housing and allied of operational workers? infrastructure like educational facility, health care facility, recreational facilities, cultural facilities, playgrounds and community facilities, etc. are proposed.

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Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation with source of information data Construction Phase Traffic:  Vehicles involved in transport human & material resource in and out of project area.  Construction equipment/ machinery and material shall be brought to site New road, rail or sea traffic by road. 1.17 during construction or Yes operation? Operation Phase Traffic:  Vehicles involved for the transportation of men and raw material, finished goods and waste.  Road/Rail traffic during import/export of raw materials and finished goods. The strategic location of site with good New road, rail, air waterborne or transport facility offers comfortable other transport infrastructure access to site and other cities of India. 1.18 including new or altered routes Yes However, in order to provide dedicated and stations, ports, airports access to IP, access roads are proposed etc.? to be developed. Closure or diversion of existing The proposed facility shall not attract transport routes or infrastructure 1.19 No any closure or diversion of the existing leading to changes in traffic major transport routes. movements? There are power lines and poles in the project area which will be rerouted in consultation with relevant department. New or diverted transmission New Power transmission and water 1.20 Yes lines or pipelines? supply pipelines and wastewater conveyance pipelines will be developed. The internal road corridor will include all the primary utility pipelines and cables. Existing major streams in the project site will be retained by providing adequate Impoundment, damming, green buffer. Minor streams will be culverting, realignment or other rerouted as per the drainage plan. 1.21 Yes changes to the hydrology of Adequate Storm water drainage system watercourses or aquifers? will be provided to ensure that the drainage pattern of the area is maintained. 1.22 Stream crossings? No - Total water demand for the proposed IP is ~20.77 MLD but considering the reuse of treated sewage in the proposed STP, the net fresh water demand is ~19.8 Abstraction or transfers of water 1.23 Yes MLD. The quantity of water required for from ground or surface waters? fire protection is 900 KL. The fresh water will be sourced from the industrial water supply scheme for APIIC from Yeleru Left Main Canal (YLMC)

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Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation with source of information data which is located at ~16 km from the project site. Changes in water bodies or the Yes Grading of project site will be planned in 1.24 land surface affecting drainage such a way that the natural drainage or run-off? pattern will not be much affected Construction Phase: Transportation of construction materials such as cement, aggregates, rock, sand, steel, waste etc. Transport of personnel or and movement of construction workers 1.25 materials for construction, Yes by vans or buses operation or decommissioning? Operation Phase: Transportation of raw materials/finished goods/waste. Movement of workforce from the nearby habitations to the project site Long-term dismantling or 1.26 decommissioning or restoration No NA works? Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could 1.27 No NA have an impact on the environment? Influx of people to an area in Temporary and limited during either temporarily or construction phase. 1.28 Yes permanently? Marginal and permanent during operation phase 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No NA Loss of native species or 1.30 No NA genetic diversity? 1.31 Any other actions? No NA

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources that are non-renewable or in short supply): Details thereof (with approximate Information/checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Land proposed for development of IP near Rambilli is ~1025 ha (2532 Acres). The site is comprised of mostly Land especially undeveloped or Yes scrub land, partly plantations, water 2.1 agricultural land (ha) bodies, single crop land and habitations etc.

An area of 250.75 acres which was proposed to be developed as Krishnampalem I.P is now

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data integrated into Rambilli I.P area of 1025 ha. The Environmental clearance obtained from SEIAA vide SEIAA/AP/VSP/CON/04/ 2016/80 dated May 26, 2017 was surrendered over to SEIAA. No construction activity was taken place at Krishnampalem area. Construction Phase - 1.0 MLD Source: Partly will be sourced water supply scheme of YLMC and partly from local municipality/panchayat. Operation Phase: Water demand for proposed IP is ~20.77 MLD but considering reuse of treated sewage Water (expected source & 2.2 Yes in proposed STP, net fresh water competing users) unit: KLD demand is ~19.8 MLD. Water required for fire protection is 900 KL. Fresh water will be sourced from the industrial water supply scheme for APIIC from Yeleru Left Main Canal (YLMC) which is located at ~16 km from the project site 2.3 Minerals (MT) No NA Soil, sand, gravel and stone aggregates will be procured from nearby sources. Construction material – stone, Topsoil excavated during 2.4 aggregates, sand / soil (expected Yes construction activities will be stored source – MT) and used for construction work/ landscape development/Greenbelt development within the project site. As per project requirement wood materials (Wood Chips for walls, Forests and timber (source – 2.5 Yes doors, floor, other interior, etc.) for MT) construction/ operation if any will be sourced from licensed suppliers. Construction phase: Power requirement: 5 mVA Source: APTRANSCO and partly will Energy including electricity and be sourced through DG sets. 2.6 fuels (source, competing users) Yes Operation phase: Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW) Power requirement: 230 mVA Source: APTRANSCO Nearest substation details Any other natural resources (use 2.7 No NA appropriate standard units)

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3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data As per requirement Production/manufacturing processes in IP will use various hazardous chemicals/materials. Protection programs shall be developed & implemented. Workers shall be Use of substances or materials, protected from exposure to process which are hazardous (as per chemicals including but not limited 3.1 MSIHC rules) to human health or Yes to: acids, bases, solvents, metals the environment (flora, fauna, powders and metal sludge as well and water supplies) as toxic, cryogenic and pyrophoric gases. Risks associated with handling, storage of chemical/ equipment at IP & accordingly mitigation measures will be suggested in the EIA report. Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors 3.2 No - (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) Communication and transportation facilities will improve. With the development of the project, direct and indirect employment will be generated during construction and operation phases. Direct Affect the welfare of people e.g. 3.3 Yes employment of 39,000 will be by changing living conditions? generated. There will be improvement in living standards of the people in the surrounding region and general welfare will improve in the area as per capita income will go up in the post project period. The impact (both benevolent and Vulnerable groups of people who malevolent) on nearby habitations could be affected by the project 3.4 Yes will be studied and addressed in EIA e.g. hospital patients, children, considering all sensitive receptors if the elderly etc., any. 3.5 Any other causes No NA

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Spoil, overburden or mine 4.1 No wastes The estimated municipal solid waste generation is 26 T/d. Municipal wastes in the form of canteen waste domestic waste etc. will be Municipal waste (domestic and generated. Disposal of Solid waste 4.2 Yes or commercial wastes) will be carried out as per prevailing norms. Details regarding quantifications, collection, handling and disposal/management shall be covered in the EIA study 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per The estimated industrial solid waste Hazardous Waste Management generation is 88 T/d Hazardous Rules) waste will be sent to proposed TSDF by APIIC, until it is Yes operational, TSDF at JNU pharmacity will be used. Industries shall follow Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules. Non-hazardous industrial waste consists of recyclable and non- recyclable waste. Biodegradable waste will be mixed with MSW and given to approved vendors. Other recyclable waste will be sent to 4.4 Other industrial process wastes Yes nearest recycling facility, if any for reuse. The details and disposal methods will be further evaluated during detail planning stage. Industrial e-waste will be handled and disposed as per the prevalent rules 4.5 Surplus product No - Value addition options will be identified for waste management Sewage sludge or other sludge and adopted by individual 4.6 Yes from effluent treatment industries. Sludge from process waste and CETP will be sent to the authorised TSDF site. During construction phase, construction debris may be generated which will be segregated and whatever is re-saleable will be 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes sold to buyers and rest of the waste will be used for filling up of low lying areas and development of internal roads and boundary walls. 4.8 Redundant machinery or No -

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data equipment It is not expected during normal operations. But in case of accidental spills, efforts will be taken to recover Contaminated soils or other spilled material/ substances and 4.9 No materials subsequently corrective/ remedial actions will be taken. Improved engineering measures will be taken to prevent fugitive losses 4.10 Agricultural wastes No - 4.11 Other solid wastes No -

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr) Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Construction phase: Emissions will be from the operation of DG sets, exhaust of construction equipment’s including moving vehicles/ trucks carrying human and material resource. Emissions from combustion of Operation phase: emissions from 5.1 fossil fuels from stationary or Yes D.G sets, vehicular traffic & industrial mobile sources units which would result in the build- up of particulate matter and gaseous emissions. All vehicles will have Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate as applicable; DG sets will ensure the stipulated standards for emission and others The emissions from production process are anticipated which include greenhouse gases, toxic, reactive, and corrosive substances. Suitable Emissions from production abatement measures as available 5.2 Yes processes such as Point of Use Systems will be presented in the EIA report. Relevant units proposed in the IP will adopt the necessary measures to control emissions.

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Adequate measures will be taken during storage and handling of material. Regular inspection, barriers Emissions from materials at the perimeter of storage materials, 5.3 handling including storage or Yes proper maintenance of vehicles etc. transport The details of the emissions and control measures will be provided in EIA report. Emissions from diesel operated pumps, concrete mixers, equipment vibrators, excavators during Emissions from construction construction activities. These 5.4 activities including plant and Yes equipments will be maintained equipment properly to ensure minimum emissions. However, construction activity will be for a short duration and restricted within boundary. Dust generated due to handling of construction material will be controlled by sprinkling of water. Dust generation is anticipated during Dust or odours from handling of operation phase also while handling 5.5 materials including construction Yes raw materials and finished goods. materials, sewage and waste Odour from treatment system is envisaged, odour mitigation measures will be followed. Dust Suppression system and Greenbelt will be provided. Emissions from incineration of 5.6 No - waste Emissions from burning of waste - 5.7 in open air (e.g. slash materials, No construction debris) Emissions from any other - 5.8 No sources

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Noise generating from Vehicular movement, Construction equipment & activities. Effect of the noise is mostly From operation of equipment e.g. localized and temporary will cease on 6.1 engines, ventilation plant, Yes completion of construction activity. crushers During Operation Phase, it shall be maintained <85 dB(A). Some emission of light due to welding

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data activities during construction & operations within the premises is temporary in nature. Proper cooling /ventilation system will be used to extract/utilise the heat generated during operations. Different operation processes are expected to generate noise. Suitable control measure such as acoustic enclosure, plantation (green belt) around the site etc. would be provided to minimize the noise levels. From industrial or similar 6.2 Yes All workers, working in the high noise processes areas would be provided with Personnel Protection Equipment’s (PPEs). Regularly maintaining operation equipment’s etc. will be taken to ensure the noise levels within prescribed limits. During demolition and construction, there will be noise generation. 6.3 From construction or demolition Yes Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) will be provided to workers. Piling will be carried out as per project requirement; there will also be blasting activity during the construction stage to remove stony 6.4 From blasting or piling Yes waste/rocky materials. Necessary precautions and Personal Protecting Equipment will be provided to the work force. Traffic movement during operation phase will increase the noise levels. From construction or operational 6.5 Yes Suitable measures like paved roads; traffic regular maintenance of vehicles shall be ensured During welding, cutting, electrical lighting, power circuits, drilling etc., lighting may be produced where workers will be provided with 6.6 From lighting or cooling systems Yes necessary PPE. Air conditioning and ventilation system generate noise and necessary enclosure and vibration control measures will be provided 6.7 From any other sources No -

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7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities/rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use or Hazardous materials will be stored spillage of hazardous materials and handled as per the provisions of the Manufacturer, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 and Yes Amendments thereof by Individual industries. During accidental spill if any. Spill contingency plan will be adopted to prevent the release of pollutant in to the environment by each industry. From discharge of sewage or Industries willing for own treatment other effluents to water or the facilities shall be developed in their 7.2 No land (expected mode and place premises. If industry wants to utilise of discharge) common facilities, effluent&sewage generated in industrial area will be treated in 11.5 MLD CETP. Treated wastewater will be disposed into sea through APSEZ marine outfall. Sewage from residential/R&R area will By deposition of pollutants be treated in 1.2 MLD STP. Treated 7.3 emitted to air, onto the land or Yes sewage will be reused for into water greenbelt&toilet flushing. Hazardous waste will be sent to proposed common TSDF, till then JNU TSDF will be used

7.4 From any other sources No - Is there a risk of long term build Not envisaged in view of proposed -up of pollutants in the pollution preventive and control 7.5 No environment from these measures to comply with the sources? prescribed statutory norms.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Risks associated with handling, 8.1 From explosions, spillages, storage of hazardous materials will fires, etc. from storage, be covered in the EIA study and handling, use or production of accordingly mitigation measures will hazardous substances be suggested in the EIA report. Hazardous materials if any will be stored and handled as per the Yes provisions of the manufacturer, storage and import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 and Amendments thereof to avoid accidents during construction or operational phase. 8.2 From any other causes No -

Proposed project site falls under Could the project be affected Seismic Zone II (Low Risk Zone) as by natural disasters causing per IS 1893 (Part I). Probable affects 8.3 environmental damage (e.g. Yes due to natural disasters which include floods, earthquakes, floods, etc., will be studied and landslides, cloudburst etc.)? addressed in the EIA report

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data Lead to development of Development of the proposed project supporting utilities, ancillary will lead to overall socio-economic development or development development of region. stimulated by the project which Necessary supportive utilities, could have impact on the infrastructure, housing, etc. to cater environment e.g. the requirements of the project will be 1. Supporting infrastructure developed 9.1 Yes (roads, power supply, waste or wastewater treatment, etc.) 2. Housing development 3. Extractive industries 4. Supply industries 5. Other Lead to after-use of the site, The proposed project would be a 9.2 which could have an impact on No permanent establishment the environment

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Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist quantities /rates, wherever S. No. Yes/No confirmation possible) with source of information data The proposed development would Set a precedent for later 9.3 Yes lead to various developmental developments activities in the region. Have cumulative effects due Cumulative effects, if any, will be to proximity to other existing addressed in the EIA study. 9.4 Yes or planned projects with similar effects

3 Environmental Sensitivity Yes/No Name/Identity S. Areas Aerial distance (within 10 km) Proposed No. project location boundary Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation 1 No - for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value  - 0.2km, E Areas which are important or  Sitapalem PF - 0.05km, SE sensitive for ecological  Rambilli RF – 0.05 km, W reasons - Wetlands,  Pudimadaka R.F - 2.9km, NE 2 watercourses or other water Yes  Panchadarla R.F - 7.2km, N bodies, coastal zone,  Gokivada R.F - 3.6km, NNW biospheres, mountains,  Vemagiri R.F - 9.7km, NW forests  Kalavalapalli R.F - 1.4km, W  Rambilli P.F - 1.1km, WSW

 Sitapalem PF - 0.05km, SE Areas used by protected,  Rambilli RF – 0.05 km, W important or sensitive  Pudimadaka R.F - 2.9km, NE species of flora or fauna for  Panchadarla R.F - 7.2km, N 3 Yes breeding, nesting, foraging,  Gokivada R.F - 3.6km, NNW resting, over wintering,  Vemagiri R.F - 9.7km, NW migration  Kalavalapalli R.F - 1.4km, W  Rambilli P.F - 1.1km, WSW

 Bay of Bengal - 0.2km E  Sani Kaluva - 9.4km NE Inland, coastal, marine or  Sharada River - 3.6km NW 4 Yes underground waters  Rama Sagaram - 9.5km WSW  Mala Gedda - 7.4km WSW  Varaha River - 9.3km WSW

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Yes/No Name/Identity S. Areas Aerial distance (within 10 km) Proposed No. project location boundary

5 State, National boundaries No Routes or facilities used by the public for access to  SH 97 - 3.4 NNW 6 Yes recreation or other tourist,  NH-16 (AH 45) - 9.7 NW pilgrim areas 7 Defence installations No -

Densely populated or built-up  Elamanchili – 9.7 km NW 8 Yes area  Atchutapuram – 9.4 km NE

Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses  Elamanchili – 9.7 km NW 9 Yes (hospitals, schools, places of  Atchutapuram – 9.4 km NE worship, community facilities)  Sitapalem PF - 0.05km, SE Areas containing important,  Rambilli RF – 0.05 km, W high quality or scarce  Pudimadaka R.F - 2.9km, NE resources (ground water  Panchadarla R.F - 7.2km, N 10 resources, surface Yes resources, forestry,  Gokivada R.F - 3.6km, NNW agriculture, fisheries,  Vemagiri R.F - 9.7km, NW tourism, minerals)  Kalavalapalli R.F - 1.4km, W  Rambilli P.F - 1.1km, WSW Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental 11 damage. (those where No -- existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) Areas susceptible to natural Proposed development area falls under hazard which could cause Seismic Zone II (Low Damage Risk Zone) as the project to present per IS 1893 (Part I). During the design stage, environmental problems 12 No the effects from natural disasters will be (earthquakes, subsidence, considered as per IS: 1893 (Part-1):2002 and landslides, erosion, flooding necessary precautionary measures would be or extreme or adverse built-in /implemented. climatic conditions)

3 Environmental Sensitivity Page 18 L&T INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING LIMITED 6-3-1192/1/1, 5th Floor, Block No.3, White House, Kundan Bagh, Begumpet, Hyderabad – 500 016 Ph: 91 -040 – 40354444 ; Fax: 91-040-40354430