STORIES INSIDE XXXXXXX - p. 3 XXXXXX - p. 5 XXXXXXX - p. 6 XXXXXXXX - p. 2 February 2010
[email protected] Micah 4:4 Volume 27 Number 2 (509) 535-1813 Monthly newspaper and website covering faith in action throughout the Inland Northwest online in color at Curiosity about cultures opens eyes By Mary Stamp She also believes Americans While the United States was de- should learn about other countries bating health care reform in Janu- and people. ary, Marilyn Wilson, a registered “Traveling in other countries, nurse and administrator with the we see that people who are not Hyperbaric and Comprehensive Americans or Christians are happy Wound Care unit at Deaconess, and doing well,” Marilyn said. “We participated in a 10-day Witness for can learn from each other. Peace health care research delega- “If we dislike Cuba’s govern- tion to Cuba. ment, we still need to go there and On that trip, she found a third- see what is happening,” she said. world country with a first-world While she is aware the 10-day health care system that challenges trip planned by Cubans with inter- assumptions about U.S. health pretation may have been slanted, care. she still felt organizers at the Martin Three year ago, she had been Luther King Center in Havana pro- surprised to read about the quality vided a broad experience. of Cuban health care outcomes. She On the visit, Marilyn confirmed mentioned her desire to learn more her belief that the United States to former directors of the Peace and should not be afraid of universal, Justice Action League of Spokane single-payer health care.