EN International Version

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Centre for Scoliosis and other Spinal Deformities


Arriving. Being informed. 4

Feeling well. Staying in the Clinic. 8

Successful. The Scoliosis Intensive Rehabilitation. 10

Being active. The Free-time Program. 16

Enjoying. The Surroundings. 18 “Our aim - a pleasant stay and a successful rehabilitation for you. That is what we and our team stand for. United for health.”

Facts. The Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik.

The Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-­ Our treatment follows the three-dimensional scoliosis therapy Klinik is an orthopaedic rehabilita- as developed by Katharina Schroth®. This kind of therapy is tion centre specialized in the treat- unique in the world and has been used for more than 90 ment of scoliosis and other spinal years and since the end of the nineties in our modern clinic deformities. building not far from the centre of Bad Sobernheim in the idyllic “Nachtigallental”.

An excellent treatment method, a comfortable atmosphere and a highly specialized trained team with a lot of expe- rience are waiting for our patients. The charming settings of a region with famous vineyards in the area of the “Mittlere ” known for its great diversity of landscape and favourable climate offer best conditions for rehabilitation and regeneration.

Convince yourself, try our diversified offer and the great range of activities available in our region.

We are looking forward to you.

Annett Traue Omar Zabar Managing Director Medical Director

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 3 Arriving. Being informed.

4 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim Elvira G. „ First impressions count – a comfortable atmosphere and a hearty way of treating people.“

Finally here! Many of our patients The Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik is embedded into come from far away. It is a nice a harmonious landscape and attracts by its modern ar- feeling when arriving in our clinic­ chitecture. The interior is warm and pleasantly designed, in Bad Sobernheim and being the team is friendly and helpful. welcome from the beginning. Our clinic offers a unique treatment in a familiar and friendly atmosphere. You can feel that the roots of the clinic were a family company and although it has become larger within the Asklepios Group it was able to keep its own identity.

Our patients get a friendly welcome at the nice reception area. Here they get the first information about their stay and daily tasks. Before the patient comes to our clinic the appointments for medical, physiotherapeutic, diagnostic as well as nursing checks have already been planned. You feel it right away: We care for you!

Short History of the Clinic

1921 Katharina Schroth (*1894 - ✝ 1985) lived in Meißen and was the first who introduced the principle of postural education combined with the awareness of posture and movement by the patient as well as his breathing. 1961 Beginning of the in-patient treatment in Sobernheim in a newly founded centre. 1995 The Centre of Scoliosis becomes a member of the Asklepios Clinic Group. 1997 Construction of a new building in the Nachtigallental, ­ moving and start of therapy. 2002 Enlargement of the Clinic by 34 rooms, 4 therapy halls and other treatment areas. 2011 Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Clinic in Bad Sobernheim. 2012 Certification according to KTQ1.1 including the BAR criteria (voluntary certification procedure in German Health System), receipt of the quality certification. „ …I’m proud that we have such an extraordinary clinic in our community, which is known worldwide…“

The Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik is one The medical and therapeutic treatment is based of the largest centres worldwide, which is spe- on scientific knowledge and follows modern cialized exclusively in the in-patient treatment standards. Quality is a dynamic process in the of scoliosis and other spinal deformities. sense of a permanent amelioration. Therefore we take efforts to optimize and adapt the pro- In 1997 our clinic moved and started treatment cesses and organization structures in our clinic. in the new clinic building in the Nachtigallen- tal. In 2002 the building was enlarged. Thus it Certified was possible to accommodate 188 patients in double and single rooms. Our team works to- In 2012 the organization structures and processes gether with our patients for a successful reha- in our clinic were tested and certified according bilitation in an area of 2.600 m². to the KTQ certification procedure. KTQ is a spe- cific certification procedure which controls insti- tutions of the German Health System in order to Quality – our Demand optimize processes every three years. Our most important task is the permanent op- timization of the treatment, the care and the guidance of our patients.

We maintain a mutual exchange of information with the health insurances, the patients them- selves and their relatives. Criticism and praise can be forwarded to our complaint manage- ment. Our acting is defined by expertise as well as by the needs and wishes of our patients.

6 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim Rolf Kehl (Mayor of the Community of Bad Sobernheim)


1997 Construction of the new clinic 188 beds in double and single rooms 2.600 m2 space for therapy rooms 128 m2 pool size 11 group rooms 14 rooms for individual therapy 140 members in our clinic team

EN International Version 10% of the patients are Well informed at any Time coming from other European countries It is always kind of exciting when going to a clinic for treatment. There are many questions to be answered. We supply our Welcome to our Clinic Necessary Information patients with the necessary information. Our info brochure for example gives all necessary information for the daily life in Die Klinik von A-Z. ASKLEPIOS KATHARINA-SCHROTH-KLINIKUnsere BAD Hausordnung. SOBERNHEIM ASKLEPIOS KATHARINA-SCHROTH-KLINIK BAD SOBERNHEIM the clinic. Abfall Aufenthaltsräume Versuchen Sie bitte, größere Abfallansammlungen zu Für unsere jugendlichen Rehabilitanden stehen im vermeiden. Benutzen Sie bitte für AbfälleIn die unserer vorgese- Klinik sindEG Kinder, ein Freizeit- Jugendliche sowie und im Erwach-2.OG ein Aufenthaltsraum henen Behälter. sene untergebracht.zur Dies Verfügung. erfordert Ebensogegenseitige befi ndet Rück- sich im 2.OG ein Auf- sichtnahme auf unterschiedlichsteenthaltsraum fürBedürf unsere nisse. erwachsenen Um Ih- RehabilitanRuhe, Besucheden. Rehabilitanden Apotheke ren Aufenthalt in unsererDie Aufenthaltsräume Einrichtung so angenehm sind jeweils und mit einem(a) Wir TV-Gerät wollen, dass Sie und andere Menschen sich bei uns Vom Abteilungsarzt verordnete Medikamentesicher werden wie möglichvon zuaus gestalten,gestattet. Weiterbitten wirnutzen Sie höflunsere ich erwachsenenwohlfühlen. Reha- Die Klinik ist kein öffentlicher sondern ein geschützter und ein beschützender Raum, in dem Hei- unserem Pfl egedienst ausgegeben. Für zusätzlicheum die Beachtung Medi- derbilitanden Be stimmungen abends unsererden Speisesaal Hausord- zum Beisammensein. nung. Für alle Besucher und sonstigen Personen wird die lung und Ruhe im Vordergrund stehen. Bitte verhalten kamente, die nicht mit der Erkrankung im Zusammen- Hausordnung mit dem Betreten des Klinikgeländes ver- Sie sich daher so, dass Sie keinen anderen stören. hang stehen, die zu Ihrem Aufenthalt geführt hat, stehen Bank & Wertsachen bindlich. Rehabilitanden, Begleitpersonen und Besucher (b) Die tägl. Mittagsruhe von 13.00 - 14.00 Uhr, als auch Our clinic plan gives an overview from the Ihnen in Bad Sobernheim zwei Apotheken zur Verfügung. Geldautomaten der Sparkasse und der Volksbank sind verpfl ichtet, die Anordnung des Klinikpersonals zu die Nachtruhe, sind fester Bestandteil der Therapie stehen Ihnen in Bad Sobernheim zur Verfügung. ASKLEPIOS KATHARINA-SCHROTH-KLINIK BAD SOBERNHEIMbeachten. und somit von allen Rehabilitanden einzuhalten. Zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Wertsachen im Der Klinikplan.Kur-Apotheke Felke-Apotheke Nachtruhe Marktplatz 2 SaarstraßeVerstöße 28 gegen die Hausordnungzimmer eigenen können Tresor zum einzuschließen. Abbruch

ASKLEPIOS KATHARINA-SCHROTH-KLINIKTel. 06751/857980 Tel. der06751/5010 RehabilitationsBAD SOBERNHEIM maßnahme führen. Das Hausrecht wird Rehabilitanden bis 17 Jahre primär durch unseren Pfl egedienst und Abenddienst aus- Rehabilitanden ab 18 Jahren 22.30 - 07.00 Uhr21.30 - 07.00 Uhr 8.00 - 13.00 Uhr 8.00 - 13.00 Uhr Behandlungsplan Mo.-Fr. geübt, allen die fünf als Aufsichtspersonen Etagen die relevanten die Klinikleitung Bereiche farblich vertre- un- 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Behandlungsplan(c) Wir bittenzu allen Sie, sich zu den Ruhezeiten im ganzen ten,terteilt. die Hausordnung So sehen Sie überwachen direkt, wo und sich Verstöße was befi melden. ndet. ground floor to the highest level. Verschaffen Sie sich einenSa. ersten 8.00 Überblick - 13.00 überUhr unser 8.00 - 13.00 Uhr Untersuchungen und Behandlungen mit.Haus angemessen leise zu verhalten. Vermeiden Sie Klinikgebäude. Zum optimalenMittwochnachmittag Verständnis geschlossen sind auf bspw. lautstarke Unterhaltung auf den Fluren, lautes Stationärer Aufenthalt Blumen Zuschlagen der Türen, lautes Telefonieren im Zim- (a) Um eine RehabilitationsbehandlungEin schöner Blumenstrauß in unserer Klinik schafft einemer freundliche und auf Balkon / Terrasse, Rennen auf den Flu- Arzt Schulräume erfolgreich abzuschließen,Atmosphäre. ist Ihre AllzuMithilfe große notwen- Blumen könnenren undjedoch in den stö- Treppenhäusern. Ihr Abteilungsarzt ist erster Ansprechpartnerdig, daher für bitten alle wir Sie,rend die wirken. Termine Bitte gem. achten Ihrem Sie in- darauf, (d)dass Der Ihre Samstagnachmittag Besucher und der Sonntag stehen für Besucher zur Ver fügung. Für Besuche stehen die Ein- 4. Obergeschossmedizinischen Fragen. Hierzu könnendividuellen Sie sich Therapieplan in Psychologischekeine sowie Topfpfl Abteilung unsere anzen Essenszeiten mitbringen. R148, 1.OG zur Sprechstunde anmelden.ein zuhalten und wahrzunehmen. gangshalle und die allgemeinen Aufenthaltsbereiche (b) Es dürfen nur die von Ärzten oder auf ärztliche An- zur Verfügung. Besucher sind verpfl ichtet sich an der Für Begleitpersonen kann eine notwendige ärztliche Besuchszeiten Rezeption anzumelden. weisung veranlassten Heil- / Hilfs- und Arzneimittel Behandlung zu Lasten Ihrer KrankenkasseHalle 11 nur von ex- Angehörige und Freunde unserer Rehabilitanden sind angewendet bzw. eingenommen werden. Eine An- Sicherheit ternen, niedergelassenen Ärzten durchgeführt werden. in unserer Klinik herzlich willkommen. Bitte passen Sie wendung von Heilmitteln über Ihren individuellen (a) Das Betreten von fremden Patientenzimmern ist ver- House rules. Where many people live Die in der Klinik tätigen Ärzte sind gesetzlich nicht zur Ihre Besuchsplanung an die Behandlungszeiten an. Behandlungsplan hinaus ist ohne ärztliche Zustim- boten. Zum geselligen Beisammensein sind die Auf- kassenärztlichen Tätigkeit ermächtigt. mung nicht möglich. Der Samstagnachmittag und der Sonntagenthaltsbereiche stehen für und /-räume vorgesehen. 3. Obergeschoss Besuche zur Verfügung. Bitte melden(b) Begleitpersonen Sie Ihren Be- und Gäste, die in der Klinik unterge- (c) Kinder und Jugendliche dürfenPhysiotherapie das Klinikgelände nur Alkohol such an der Rezeption an. mit einer unterschriebenen Einverständniserklärung bracht sind, erhalten bei Anreise ein Namensschild. Alkohol beeinträchtigt den Rehabilitationserfolg. Für Wir bitten Sie, das Namensschild in der Klinik konse- Physiotherapie eines ErziehungsberechtigtenWir bitten verlassen. Sie, Ruhezeiten Folgende zu beachten und auf die Privats - unsere Rehabilitanden besteht ein striktes Alkoholverbot. quent zu tragen, damit Sie von unseren Mitarbeitern AufenthaltsraumAusgangszeiten (Jugendliche) sind in unsererphäre anderer Klinik festgelegt: Rehabilitanden Rücksichtjeder zu zeit nehmen. erkannt werden. and work together, rules are absolutely Rehabilitanden unter 13 Jahren bis Aufenthaltsraum 18.00 Uhr (Erwachsene) Ausfl üge Küche (c) Gäste, die keine Angehörigen besuchen und das Klinik- Speisesaal Bücherei Nähere Informationen fi nden Sie Rehabilitanden in unseren 13 Schau- und 14 Jahre bis 20.30 Uhr gelände, die Klinik oder einen Rehabilitanden nicht aus Im Freizeitraum unserer Klinik befi ndet sich eine kleine kästen vor dem Speisesaal und an Rehabilitanden der Rezeption. 15 bis 17 Jahren bis 21.30 Uhr privatem Anlass aufsuchen, müssen sich vorher unter Bücherei. Hier können Sie kostenlosBekanntgabe Bücher ausleihen. der Gründe an der Rezeption anmelden. 2. Obergeschoss Rehabilitanden ab 18 Jahren Physiotherapie Halle 9 (d) Rehabilitanden oder Besuchern ist die Umstellung bis 22.30 Uhr (d) Um 21.30 Uhr müssen alle Jugendlichen auf ihren Halleoder 8 Auswechslung von Einrichtungsgegenständen nicht gestattet. Ergotherapie Zimmern sein. Um 22.30 Uhr wird das Klinikgebäu-Halle 7 Aufenthaltsraum (Jugendliche) Halle 6 necessary. de verschlossen. Unsere Rezeption ist ebenfalls bis zu (e) Feuer, brennende Gegenstände, Heizplatten oder an- W-LAN Ergotherapie Lehrküche dieser Uhrzeit besetzt. Physiotherapie dere Elektrogeräte, die nicht zur Klinik gehören, sind Arztsekretariat auf dem gesamten Gelände und im Gebäude unter- Therapieplanung (e) Wir weisen ausdrücklich daraufhin, dass Beurlau- sagt. Ausgenommen sind Geräte, die der Körperpfl e- bungen, Rehaunterbrechungen oder vorzeitige Abrei- ge dienen, wie z. B. Rasierapparat oder Föhn. Private 1. Obergeschoss sen nicht möglich und von den Kosten trägern nicht Legende Unterhaltungselektronik ist dann gestattet, wenn sie erlaubtTerrasse sind. Ausnahmen bestehen lediglich bei drin- mit einem Kopfhörer betrieben wird und Zimmer- genden familiären oder medizinischen Angelegenhei- Therapieräumegenossen damit einverstanden sind. Feuerwerkskör- ten und sind nur mit Zustimmung der ärztlichen Lei- per und Waffen aller Art sind verboten. tung möglich. Dringende familiäre Angelegenheiten (f)Ärztlicher Nehmen Dienst Sie keine Wertgegenstände mit in die Klinik!

sindRezeption z.B. Tod, schwere Erkrankung oder Unfall eines (g)Pflegedienst/Diagnostik Bei Feuergefahr und sonstigen Notständen ist den W-LAN nahen Angehörigen. Verwaltungvon unseren Mit arbeitern getroffenen Anordnungen Kiosk Halle 5 unbedingt Folge zu leisten. Erdgeschoss Halle 10 Halle 4 Aufenthaltsbereiche Patientenzimmer Haupteingang Halle 3 Speisesaal Halle 2 R30 - Massageabteilung Ko Halle 1 Toiletten rczakst raß Treppen e Schwimmbad

Fahrstühle 08/2012 - 3.000 - 08/2012

Korczakstr. 2 | 55566 Bad Sobernheim | Tel.: 0 67 51 / 8 74 - 0 | Fax: 0 67 51 / 8 74 - 1 70 [email protected] | www.skoliose.com

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 7 Feeling well. Staying in the Clinic.

The success of therapy depends on Our Rooms – perfect for Relaxing many factors. Apart from the pro- The rooms have a cosy design. Dark flooring in wood- fessional work of our clinic team, en optic or wall-to-wall carpets and bright wall colouring it is also very important for us that harmonize with the modern architecture of the building. all patients feel well from the very The 106 rooms, which offer sufficient space, are equipped beginning, as they spend much with bathroom, shower and WC. Each room has a phone time in our clinic besides the treat- and balcony. ment time. Meeting People In a pleasant atmosphere you can read a book from our small library, watch TV or talk to other patients. Adult patients can also use the dining room in the evening as a meeting point. In our clinic we have an internet terminal and you have access to WLAN.

8 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim Lena-Miriam „I really feel well here.“

Being active Train your fitness by swimming some lanes in our pool Comprehensive Care (16 m x 8 m), by jogging on the Katharina-Schroth path not We offer free-time activities for far from the clinic, by making a long walk, by biking through young patients five days a week. the beautiful landscape or taking part in an exciting table A free-time program is organized tennis match. daily for all patients by an expert team. Outside we have an area for beach volleyball and a field We organize trips and guided tours where patients can play soccer or basketball. There is also a to close cities like , Bad large hobby room, where you can do creative works with the Kreuznach or Idar-Oberstein known help of our experienced team. as the town of precious stones. For more information please see Having a good Time page 16. Our patients get 5 meals per day: breakfast, Müsli (cereals during break in the morning), lunch, fruit (during break in the afternoon) and dinner in form of a buffet. Additionally, we offer nutritional guidance.

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 9 Successful. The Scoliosis Intensive Rehabilitation. All divisions work together - for a professional therapy.

A multi professional treatment is Medical Service essential in order to obtain a success- Physicians from different medical fields are working in ful rehabilitation of spinal deformi- our clinic. This medical team has solid knowledge in ties with long lasting effect. the ­conservative treatment of spinal deformities. The comprehensive continued training and the specializing Besides the comprehensive medical in the conservative therapy of scoliosis guarantees a and diagnostic initial examinations qualified treatment of all patients on a high medical level also the diagnosis by the physio- following the latest scientific knowledge. therapist at the beginning (with a special diagnosis of the scoliosis Nursing and Diagnostics and deformity) is the basis of further physiotherapeutic proceedings. The members of our nursing team are examined nurses. Their task is to respond to the demands of our mainly ado- lescent patients with spinal deformities. Our nursing team is available 24 hours per day. As we have a lot of young patients educational work is also important. The daily duty of our nursing team is the individual care of our patients, who are sick and must stay in bed as well as the realization of the orders given by the physicians. The control of the brace wearing time is also among the daily duties of our nursing team.

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 11 Udo Roevenich, Therapy Department „ Our task: obtaining the individual medical and therapeutic rehabilitation aims…“

The Three-Dimensional Scoliosis Therapy The basis of our intensive scoliosis rehabilita- individual curve pattern and anatomical devi- tion is the three-dimensional scoliosis therapy ations and develop an individualized exercise according to Katharina Schrothwith therapy program. standards which have been tested and developed During the exercise program of the following for decades. This treatment method respects treatment weeks the patients learn to be aware the feedback mechanisms especially the aware- of the wrong habitual posture and correct this ness for posture and movement. Patients posture consciously and maintain it also in exercise under the supervision of physical strainful situations in everyday life. The scolio- thera­pists to improve posture by reduction of sis therapy is realized mainly in groups guided the asymmetrical loading and the imbalance. by physical therapists or in individual training Correct breathing is a basic part of the Schroth sessions supervised by a physical therapist. The therapy. The idea is to affect the typical scoli- size of the group depends on the indication and otic breathing patterns and help to correct the the kind of exercises which have to be learned rotation and side deviation of the spine. During and trained. the functional and individual training sessions This exercise program is very intensive and can patients perform the expansion of the collapsed only be learned during an in-patient treatment. trunk areas. In this way we can guarantee many and inten- The first week of therapy is regarded as a learn- sive hours of therapy. The aim of the in-patient ing stage and is to give knowledge about the rehabilitation program is the straightening of

12 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim Person to Contact

Therapy Department | Udo Roevenich | phone +49 6751 874-146 | [email protected]

the curves and the muscular stabilization as rect posture to avoid deterioration of the curva- well as to teach the patients how to exercise ture in everyday life. correctly and to enable them to perform these Our program trains how to support postures in exercises by themselves at home. standing and sitting positions in daily life to re- Curve progression should be prevented and duce strain on the spine and trunk, thus aiming minor functional curves should be corrected. at a reduction of the load on the main curve. Patients should develop an awareness of cor-

Main Therapies of the Three-Dimensional Scoliosis Concept according to Katharina Schroth®

deformity-specific group therapy water exercises diagnosis-specific therapy in small groups occupational therapy individual functional training relaxation training teaching of an exercise program which can ADL-training be done at home massages, lymph drainage, balneotherapy, diagnosis-specific individual therapy electrotherapy physiotherapy for pain

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 13 Pain Therapy Patients who suffer from pain get pain therapy Recognizing typical strainful situations at which is ordered by the treating physician. Pain work or at home. therapy which takes place in small groups or is Acting and finding solutions to organize an given individually, consists of different compo- ergonomic working place (working place nents. There is the therapy which follows the training). methods of Katharina Schroth and respects the Recognizing how patients can get support individual pain, also alleviated by the care of and strain reduction in everyday life. our psychologists. Other components are phys- iotherapeutic techniques as for example manual Becoming aware of the relations which exists therapy, PNF (activation and strengthening of between posture and pathophysiolgic re- supporting muscles), MC Kenzie and Brügger actions due to strain and pain. (stabilizing technique to reduce painful strain). Training of motorical capabilities to be able to respond to the demands of everyday life. Occupational Therapy Testing of certain jobs and daily situations (for Our occupational therapy concept is realized in example work in the office and household). small groups or in an individual therapy: Training for young people who begin their Supporting and training of self-competence professional life. for a correct posture and movement in pro- Creating an awareness and the capability of fessional life (at work). changing typical postures when learning at Training to get a body feeling. and doing homework.

14 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim Julia „ There is always someone who cares. This is important for me.“

Person to Contact

Course to get Schroth Therapist Certification | Edelgard Mahler | phone +49 6751 874-174 | [email protected]

Further Offers

Course to get Schroth Therapist Certification The Asklepios Katharina Schroth Spinal Deformities Rehabilitation Centre ­ Schulungsskript zur Fortbildung Schroth-Therapeut provides training courses in German and English language for physical Udo Roevenich therapists and physicians to become a certified Schroth Therapist. After a successful written and practical exam the participants are authorized to apply the three-dimensional scoliosis therapy according to Katharina Schroth. They are admitted to the international list of Schroth therapists. The cooperation with these therapists creates a network which makes it possible to continue this specific treatment on an out-patient basis before or after the rehabilitation.

Scoliosis Symposium Our clinic organizes regular symposiums about spinal deformities and treatment. Experts from our clinic and international professionals inform about interesting subjects and new treatment concepts. Physicians, physical therapists, orthopaedic mechanics and patients can exchange their knowledge and experience.

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 15 Being active. The Free-time Program.

The organization of an active free- Games and Fun – the Free-time Program for our young Patients time is very important and com- We offer a supervised free-time program for our young pletes the medical and physio- patients from Monday to Friday. During this time the therapeutic treatment. For us it is children can play, do handicrafts, read or take part in out- essential that patients are balanced, door activities. A specially trained team takes care of the creative and are able to have fun. children and encourages them to do something together.

Active and creative – Organized Free-time for all In the evening of all weekdays and at the weekends patients have different possibilities to spend their free-time individually.

The team who is responsible for organizing the free-time always comes up with new ideas for those who want to spend their free-time actively, for example by doing sports, by hiking, taking part in competitions, playing social games or other activities and for those who choose more creative activities as for example doing handicrafts.

16 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim Alexander „There is always action here. Boring? - No way!“

Indoor and outdoor – enough Space for spending Free-time Our patients have enough rooms and areas to spend their free-time actively. They can use two large rooms provided for free-time, an indoor pool, tables for playing table tennis, a place for playing beach volley ball, a field for soccer and basket ball.

Our young patients can regularly watch films for children among others blockbusters. In front of our big screen they nearly get the feeling of being in a cinema. They can take part in the public viewing of important sport contests or karaoke and disco nights and get raised up by the euphoria. Our team also organizes beauty sessions or inform about many interesting subjects.

Just leaving for a While – Excursions to the Surrounding Areas Enjoying free-time together with others makes much more fun, for example during guided tours through the vineyards and woods around Bad Sobernheim. We also organize excursions and visits. The programs which are thoroughly set up by our team are highlights and are widely accepted by the patients.

The region has a lot to offer. For more information please see the next two pages.

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 17 Enjoying. The Surroundings. © Sebastian Görner

A successful rehabilitation also de- Many new Impressions – Bad Sobernheim pends on the surroundings. Bad Sobernheim is known for its location in the scenic “Mittlere Nahetal” with untouched nature, rich in history, premium vines, The particular location of the Askle- superbly cooked dishes and interesting offers for your free-time. pios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik close Bad Sobernheim and its neighbourhood have many attractions, to the centre of Bad Sobernheim for example ’s first barefoot path. While walking suc- is perfect for an active free-time cessively on grass, mud, sand, stones and a dexterity parcours program. The Clinic is surround- you get to a ford and cross the river Nahe. You can also cross the ed by nature. Not far from the city Nahe via a wooden bridge and get back to the starting point by centre with its shops you can en- using a 40 m long suspension bridge. It is also possible to cross joy sightseeing points in the near the river “Nahe” in a small boat by steering it yourself. Another neighbourhood. highlight is the open air museum situated very close to the Clin- ic. Many historic buildings give impressions of 500 years of life in Rhineland-Palatinate. Many miles of bike tracks in a wonder- ful nature can be found in the valley of the river “Nahe”.

Where Saint Hildegard lived – The Abbey on the The ruins of the abbey can be seen on the top of the Disiboden- berg embedded in the charming landscape between the “” and “Nahe” rivers. The abbey is surrounded by a romantic park (created by Johann Metzger, the famous garden architect of Heidelberg), from which you have a wonderful view over the landscape. Here, Saint Hildegard began to write down her visions which are still of great importance for many people.

18 Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim © Sebastian Görner


Tourist Information Bad Sobernheim | phone +49 6751 81-241 | [email protected] | www.bad-sobernheim.de Naheland-Touristik GmbH | phone +49 6752 137610 | [email protected] | www.naheland.net

On Rails – Draisine tour on the Banks of the river “Glan” At a certain time the railroad between “” and “” was no longer used. The distance of 40 km „So many beautiful can now be covered by carriages on rails (Draisine) designed for two or more people. The carriages must be moved by landscapes, nice towns hand or pedals. The rails lead through a very enchanting and interesting landscape. There are many stops, from where you can dis- cover the neighbourhood. sightseeing points. – a Town with Flair and rich in History You would like to stay This town located at the river “Nahe” is the main centre of the region. It is worthwhile to visit the beautiful old town for ever.“ with the famous bridge houses (“little Venice”) excavations Ralf Schneberger (Head of the of Roman sites as well as the health and spa area. In the Tourists‘ Information Bad Sobernheim) “Salinental”, an open-air inhalatorium, you can inhale the salt-enriched air from the salines and relax.

Bad Münster am Stein – a Town between the Rocks The romantic health and spa resort lies embedded between two large rocks not far from Bad Kreuznach. The “Roten- fels” with the height of 202 m is the steepest rocky wall between the Alps and Scandinavia. From its top you have a beautiful panoramic view. A hiking trail follows the steep wall. Get the kick!

Asklepios Katharina-Schroth-Klinik Bad Sobernheim 19 Membership Certification

Address ASKLEPIOS KATHARINA-SCHROTH-KLINIK BAD SOBERNHEIM Korczakstr. 2 55566 Bad Sobernheim Germany Tel.: +49 67 51 / 8 74 - 0 Fax: +49 67 51 / 8 74 - 1 70 [email protected] www.skoliose.com | machART GbR | www.mach-art-design.de | GbR machART | Concept & Layout Layout & Concept 04/2017 - 04/2017