Harvard University Press, 1966 #347 pages #1966 #Floyd Alonzo McClure #The : a fresh perspective, #F McClure

FA, Harvard University Press, The Bamboos, Fresh Perspective, Bambusa vulgaris, perspectives, Bamboos, perspective, freshly, fresh, Harvard Univer, Floyd A. McClure, Smithsonian Institute Press, Harvard Univ. Press, McClure, Harvard Univ, Harvard University, flowering

F McClure. Studies on the absence of seed set in Bambusa vulgaris, in vitro germination studies using freshly col lected pollen grains were carried out in standard Brew baker and Kwack's14 medium, supplemented with 1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20% sucrose and scored. 27. 2. McClure, FA, The Bamboos - A Fresh Perspective, Harvard University. Tissue culture approaches to the mass-propagation and genetic improvement of bamboos pdf, m. Phil. Thesis. Univ. Delhi, Delhi, India. McClure, FA 1966. The Bamboos: A Fresh- Perspective. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA. Mehta, Usha; Rao, IV Ramanuja & Mohan Ram, HY 1982. Somatic embryogenesis in .: 109- 110. In Fujiwara, A.(ed) Proc. Bamboo: A multipurpose agroforestry crop, the Bamboos by Floyd A. McClure, a 368-page book reprinted by Smithsonian Institute Press in 1994, was originally published as Bamboos: A Fresh Perspective by Harvard University in 1966. McClure was a contributor to the USDA Agriculture Handbook on bamboos in 1961. Floral biology and breeding behavior in the bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus Nees, the different sugar solutions and media compositions were freshly prepared and a drop of each medium was placed on a glass microscope slide. Fresh pollen was dusted over the slides. 1966. The bamboos- a fresh perspective. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Micropropagation of Dendrocalamus asper by shoot proliferation using seeds, iV. Organogenesis leading to adventitious shoots and in excised shoot apices. Environ Exp Bot 29:307-315 McClure FA (1966) The bamboos - a fresh perspective. Harvard Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, Mass. Murashige. Chloroplast DNA phylogeny of Asian bamboos (Bambusoideae, ) and its systematic implication, in this study, we report the results of a phylogenetic study on 16 genera of Asian bamboos using restriction site mutations of cpDNA and discuss. Total DNA was extracted from fresh leaves according to the protocol of a modified CTAB method (Hasebe and Iwatsuki 1990. Review in vitro-induced flowering in bamboos, science Reporter 32(6):16-20; 1995. John, CK; Nadgauda, RS; Mascarenhas, A. E Bamboos--some newer perspectives. Curt. Cell Rep. 17:617-620: 1998. McClure, E A. Bamboos--a fresh perspective. Cambridge: Harvard Univer- sity Press; 1966. Mast flowering and semelparity in bamboos: the bamboo fire cycle hypothesis pdf, mast Flowering and Semelparity in Bamboos: The Bamboo Fire Cycle Hypothesis. Jon E. Keeley 1, * and William J. Bond. Bamboos are an exception as mast flowering is largely restricted to semelparous species that flower once and die (Janzen 1976. Influence of different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes on induction of hairy roots and artemisinin production in Artemisia annua, pl., 1810, p. 26, pl. 27. 2. McClure, FA, The Bamboos - A Fresh Perspective, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1966, pp. 82-83. 3. Banik, RL, Bano Biggyan Patrika, 1979, 8, 90-91. 4. Banik, RL, in Recent Research on Bamboos (eds Rao, AN et al.), IDRC, Canada, 1987. The Bamboos: A Fresh Perspective, for reasons like these and in ways like these, the book can be confusing and retrograding except to those who read it only superficially or else are able to overcome its inadequacies.(We have bought the book for our departmental library.) One final point. Bambusa vulgaris blooms, a leap towards extinction pdf, 1. Schräder ex Wendland, Collect. Pl. 1810, p. 26,,pl. 27. 2. Gamble, JS, The of British India, Ann. Roy. Bot. Garden, Calcutta, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 43-45, pl. 40. 3. McClure, FA, The Bamboos, A Fresh Perspective, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 1966. Flowering, seeding, germination, and flowering periodicity of Phyllostachys pubescens, jap. J. Bot. 3: 335â¢`349, 1927 (9) MAEDA, M.: (Flowering of Phyllostachys pubescens and the cultivation of seedlings.) J. Jap. Bot, 1: 228â¢`238, 1917** (10) MCCLURE, FA: The bamboos-A fresh perspective. 347 pp, Harvard Univ. Press, Mass. A. The bamboos. A fresh perspective, how often do plant breeders complain that all the most striking improvements in their particular crops have been achieved and a ceiling is rapidly being reached? For consolation let such a one read this book or better still, start breeding bamboos. For we are told that. A comparison of in vitro with in vivo flowering in bamboo: Bambusa arundinacea pdf, the Macmil- lan Company, New York Mc Clure FA (1966) Bamboos - A fresh perspective. Harward Uni- versity Press Cambridge, Massachusetts Murashge T & Skoog F (1962) A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. A commentary on the bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae, certainly the most thorough life history of the bamboo plant is found in McClure's 1966 treatise, The Bamboos: A Fresh Perspective. In this monu- mental work the author discusses the vegetative phase, reproductive phase, seedling, and flowering and fruiting behavior. Micropropagation and in vitro flowering of the bamboo Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Munro, annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 7:347-391 McClure FA (1966) The Bamboos-A Fresh Perspective. Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts Murashige T & Skoog F (1962) A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. Techniques of bamboo propagation with special reference to pre-rooted and pre- rhizomed branch cuttings and tissue culture download, for example, direct sowing of seeds of B. tulda resulted in 24.78 germina- tion against 5.5% in nursery beds (Banik 1980). Freshly collected bamboo seeds germi- nated better than those stored at room condi- tion. McClure, FA 1967. The bamboos; a fresh perspective. On the flowering of Actinocladum verticillatum (Gramineae: Bambusoideae, jpn. J. Bot. 3: 335-349. MCCLURE, FA 1966. The bamboos, a fresh perspective. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. NICORA, EG, AND ZER AGRASAR. 1979. La floracion de Arundinaria variegata (Sieb. ex Miq.) Makino (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) Hickenia (Bol. by F McClure The bamboos: a fresh perspective,