1950-05-11, [P ]
W 1 A."-SV’«W" ^Thursday, May H, 1950 MM AOTOMOBILES F01 SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE FOR RENT FOB RIHT FOR RENT 1937 FOR®. tudor sedan; cheap. IV. WILLYS station wagon; food condition. ATTRACTIVT room in EucTTd home SLEEPING room, kitchen privilege, EASTERLING < 1-1017, after H p. m,_____________ RE. 1-4136._________________________ kitchen and livmg room privileges. after 5:30 p. m. or Saturday and Goller Eady <S Sunday. 134Q4 Woodworth rd.. Apt.5. STOHE FOH RENT 1935 TERRAPLANE, aedan; fair condl- CHEVROLETS, 1935, four door; 1937, GENUINE _KE J -1820,_ after-t_________________ Fender Shop IGNITION ■ lion, best offer takes it. 19406 Pawnee two door; good condition. KE. 1-7065, 3 ROOMS and bath. 20796 Westport ave. 2 FURNISHED rooms, private en 20x50, full basement, corner, ideal •J' $ve. even; n g»._____________________ NEWLY furnished room, garage op trance, semi-bath, gas. lights, heat spot for good grocer. East 156th st 21171 GoUer Ave. 326 Eait 260th Street tional. 1461 East 221st st. KE. 1-2445. furnished, newly decorated, 1 or 2 and Grovewoo<t 1942 DODGE, Master deluxe, business working people. LI. 1-8801, Off East 200th Si. REdwood 1-7282 coupe; blue, good condition. PO. REDUCTIONS LARGE room, twin beds, two men, 267 East 156th Street Ggpcf 1-0831.____________ HALL FOR RENT near Five Points. LI. 1-5244, 840 East Genuine ParU Clean — Modern 150th. Suite 2 Upstairs CARS PAINTED 1939 FORD, coupe; good condition, 1950 Chevrolet De Luxe apart tedan; • TUNE-UP • BBAXEB ROOM for gentleman, near transpor TRUCK BUYS! heater, $235. Call after 6 p, m.
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