Torrance Herald

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Torrance Herald M, 1*47 9.4 lt«»ai Kstato 8« Repairing 97Antomobll*»n 95 Automobile* 95 Antomoblles 95 NftANCf HBRALD ' October KXfHANOK* eejd WANTF.n Money to Loan »2 Auto %atomobiles 95 toRepalrinjB; 97 Listings Wanted LOANS ON Autoe, Furniture, Fixturae, Come In And See equipment and Trucks TAKE A LOOK AT THESE O NEED TO WORRY Homes Loti Acreage NEWEST * 1IM Craven. Av/T.rranct T GARDENA'S Butineit Opportunities Phone (ft . TRU-VALU AND MOST BEAUTIFUL ABOUT A CRACKED And You'll See What We Mean USED CAR LOT Whltney Finance Co. MOTOR BLOCK Leonard A. Groves When We Say Which Will Be Open V - SATURDAY, NOV. 1st OR HEAD 908 Crenehaw Blvd.. Torrance Automobiles 95 Phone Torranca 1470-J _ TKCCKO. TRAIMER*, RFC. BEST FOR LESS! On The Corner of Compton WE CAN FIX 'EM -U.S.C. Win, 48-6 Blvd. and Western Ave. 1M2 Da soto custom 4-dr. sedan. With the New K.W ELECTRO. Jadlo and heater, original paint. MECHANICAL METHOD . REAL ESTATE WANTED price. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Sedan ................ $1 195 A sharp car. I15M full Brings $70 Cut A Quicker, Better, Easier way Do You Want to Sell? 1*41 Ford convertible club coupe. $1095 KAZAN Radio and heater, chrome discs, 1940 CHEVROLET Club Coupe ..................... o repair cracked motor block* white wall tires. A-1 shape. A real nd heads. Call ui. we need right now 3 mall beauty. I14U full price. $1375 houMt In the S«,00ff to H.OOO prlca 1941 DODGE Sedan ............................. MOTORS with Car range. Alio 3-bedroon, hornet 1*41 Chevrolet special deluxe club On Tru-Valu ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 1 suitable land tor a couplt of horses. See 1941 FORD Convertible Coupe ............... ...... $1295 Saa coupe. Cleaneat car In town. WESTERN AVE. If you really want to Mil his car before you buy. 11476 full 15155 So. Tru-Valu car buyers rated price cuts last week by pick­ $1345 LOMITA J.F. LEWIS & CO. Two 1941 PONTIAC 6 Sedan .......................... Gardena 1»41 Chevrolet 2. door sedan, chrome ing football winners; U.S.C. and U.C.L.A. $10 off for every AUTO PARTS 1872 Pacific Coast Hiway discs. New leather upholstery, per- and your 1939 DODGE 2-Door Sedan ........................$ «95 Phona Lomlta 880 i ect running car. |12«5 full price. winning touchdown. Pick your Ttu-Valu Car Coast Highway Saturday winner. It pays cash. 1942 'MERCURY Sedan ............................ $1445 2034 Pacific CARS WANTED TO BUY OR RENT good. 11395 full price. HERE ARE A FEW OF MORE THAN 30 WINNERSI $ 795 1098 1938 CHRYSLER Conv. Coup* ...................... W* are stiH paying the highest Phone Lomita Hava you an unfinished house, 940 Bulck super deluxe 4-dr. sedan. double oaraaa or anything vacant Radio and heater. New upholstery, Blue Our >ric*f for used cart. MOTOR REBUILDING aultabla to alora furniture or make white Beauty rims, spotlights, tog Book Price TRANSPORTATION CARS quartara? shape. Into living Ights. A real clean car, A-l 1*42 FORD Super Deluxe Business Coupe. t 1 COC C 1 19S REBORING 13»» full prlca. one owner. Immaculate from stem to atern. » ' 3 ' 3 , * ' 3 » 3 1935 CHEVROLET Sedan .... .................... $ 295 CASH WAITING IF SO SEE -or any make or model, paid R. D. (Bill) McEWEN »3» Ford sedan. All completely re- COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP . upholstered. Exchange motor, IBM 1941 HUDSON Deluxe 4 Door Sedan. Ra­ 1935 OLDSMOBILE Sedan ......................... $ 395 ror or wt 1308 Lomlta Blvd.. Lomlta ull price. dio. New aqua-marine blue finish. Clean Phona Lomlta 712-W l .conomCrPmo,8orr<>°V<1 rUbber' $ 1 45 $1095 1*W Bulck 4. dr. sedan. Radio, aood SX?U.^; 1929 MODEL A Coup* ............................ $ 195 paint, runs perfect. S8«S full price. SEE US NOW WANTKI) Irimi.'illatclv --5 Ic'\'»l lota 1941 FORD Deluxe 2-Door Sedan. Heater, OLDSMOBILE uml.T II MH» TKiinlnal 9-7K20. 1*1* Ford 2. door sedan. New 'paint, Before you i*H your car. new upholstery. tt*« full price. c^sum "in«?lo°rn b Q;ie(i n "ehconomlMf' Vmob 'oU' $ 1 1 75 $ 1 095 TRUCK CADILLAC M 1*37 Chevrolet coupe. New paint, ra­ Property 1937 FORD 4-Door Sedan. Sound, Inexpensive * f. \ C * OQC 1940 DODGE M/2 Ton Stake ....................... $1295 I HOWARD MOTORS OWNERS INDIWTRMI. dio, rune good. SM5 full price. transportation. * 3 ' > ? 3 » 3 WRIGHT 1*37 Dodge aedan. A-1 shape. Price 727 W. Anahelm, Wllmlngten full price. Be Trading For Just The Car You Want. Atk Us It Pays to Get 5 to °30 ACRE FACTORY SITES to sell, (595 W* May Ph. Terminal 43t*3 1*37 Bulck 4-door aedan. Radio, runs About What's Coming in This Week. After alx. BM4 GENUINE good. A steal at lew full price. ANAKIN-KOLASH 1. J. HALLANSER OPEN SUNDAYS OLDSMOBILE R«*Hor Many others to choose from. AUTHORIZED STUDEBAKER DEALER 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 1520 CRAVENS AVE CADILLAC (Oppoiitt City Hall) GARDENA I860 South Pacific Avenue SERVICE SAN PEDRO ask LINCH FORD 4-Door deluxe. 100 h.p. Torrance 690 Used Car Merchant 40 USED CAR LOT For Over 26 Years A New and 1947 motor, new fuel pump, new AT oil pump, new dlatrlbutor. now DODGE-PLYMOUTH and DO*DOE JOB RATED TRUCK* ktnff plna. Complete new brakes. Den eUeile, Proprietor Dealer Good rubber. Apt. 108, Burcka, CECIL L. THOMAS BuslneM 99 Complete Satisfaction I With Every Transaction hotel, Torrance. AND SONS orrOBTUNITIlM 1 6430 S. NormandiB 316 So. Elena Ave. Mcnlo 4-4606 Cadillac Oldsmoblla . TRU-VALU Redondo Beach Accessories 96 QMC Trucks lure and Raataurant. All with living PHONE FRONTIER 2122 4th and Pacific Dial TE 3-&2II quartara. AUTO PARTS San Pedro OPEN" DAILY \/ SUNDAYS Since 1922 Bear Parlor. Oood Buy at S5.250. THE SOUTH BAY'S 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. y 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Jewelry itore. itock and flxturet. LARGEST SAVE UP TO 50% We Specialize in . W.OOO. SMALL CAR DEALER On New and Used Auto Parts. BURTON AUTO PAINTING - WILLYS FIAT Torrance 231-R CROSLEY FALL SPECIALS SELECT USED CARS V-8 New Cluster Gears ... $9 BODY and FENDER WORK Some Good Used Car Buys: TOM KING At 7th and Mesa V-8 Generator! .......... $8 CORNER STORE dan, New Paint. Clean. S«ve 25% on All Mufflers Signs by Lehr Dealer 1946 CHEVROLET Stylemaster 4-dr Exceptionally desirable corner 1>40 WILLYS 4- Door sedan. Ford Sedan. Like new. FREE ESTIMATES Itore. 1204 square feet, cen. 1938 BUICK 4 Door Sedan. $2040 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN ....................... $»95 Lomita Auto Wreckers Budget Terms Arranged BETTER CARS! "6" 2- dr. Sedan 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN .... .................... $695 2026 Pacific Coast Hiway Torrance. Call Mr. Pillow Paint. 1947 PONTIAC ORRIS BROS. Los, Angeles. $945 TUclcer 6212, BETTER PRICES! $2295 1939 OLDSMOBILE 6 CLUB COUPE .............. Lomrta 322 AND FENDER SHOP BARRETT BROS. BODY BETTER HURRY! 1942 DO DOE 4-dr. Sedan. Radio 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN, New Engine .......... $1445 25*04 Narbomt* Av*.. LomH* Hamburger Stand on 101 High­ Redondo Beach $1295 298 N. Pacific, 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN way. Hot Spot Priced to Sell. SpedaUzini hi FRontlar MM or FRontlar 4ni« 1929 MODEL A Coupe $165 1942 FORD 4-Dr. Sedan. Maroon, fully equipped, driven RUMLEY'S HARRY DUNNEBACK $1295 only 6,000 miles (trade) .................... .$1995 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Meal Katata Broker. Inauranc* 1934 HUDSON 4-Door $145 MACHINE SHOP and Notary Public. AND WELDING 1940 HUDSON 4. Dr. Sedan. 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN 501 W. Ith St. at Pacific 1934 FORD coupe . $185 Dial TE 2 0859 or 2-3168 1937 CHEVROLET W, ton truck. Blue, fully equipped (trade) ................. $1995 Guaranteed Work Fair Prioee AND GARAGE 16' Inch wheel base with flatbed $945 1710 LOMITA BLVD. and tool boxes. Dual rear tires. A 1934 CHEVROLET coupe $325 real truck for your hauling needs. 1939 DODGE 4. Dr. Sedan . Black Shorty's Auto Repair Harbor Crty-Lomita Only «S75. % The Chevrolet Dealer In Redondo Beach OPERATE YOUR 1935 FORD 4-door .. .. $485 9 yeare In Lemita Motor 1935 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. 25107 Walnut Corner 101 Hiway Complete Oood transportation car that has FORD 4-door .. $445 $935 end Walnut OWN GAS STATION plenty of miles left in It ... A 1936 Samuel A. Miller- L»ule J. Worohare Rebuilding bargain at $2*5. 1939 PONTIAC "f 4. Dr. Sedan. We can furnlah and finance build. 1937 PLYMOUTH 2-door $495 KENDALL'S CHEVROLET General Auto Repairing Ing and equipment If you own a 1(33 FORD V « aedan. aood trans­ lot. Phone Newmark 111*3. Aa la. W75. $995 portation. 1937 FORD Conv. coupe $495 COMPANY A«to Repairing 97 Acetylene and Electric 1938 STUDEBAKER "6" 4-Dr. Sedan Just Opposite the High School Welding MALT SHOP PAUL'S CHEVROLET $695 Phone Lomita 342 TOM KING,- FORD 1931 PACKARD "6" Com. Coupe. 315 N. CAMINO REAL, REDONDO BEACH Are You Getting One Day Getting moat of high school trade. 1 635 Border Avenue $665 buelneea* Sudden Illness "forcing eale. Torrance 6I7 PHONE FRONTIER 8422 on Crankshaft This la really a dandy buy. 336 So. ELENA Service 1939 DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan . Oreen AUTO TOPS 117 W. Anabeim, Wilmington (Highway 101) Open Evenings Till 7:30 P.M. $875 Grinding? AND UPHOLSTERY REDONDO BEACH Saturday & Sundays All Day. Extra Seats Built in Coupes ty. K.|iil]>|.,.(i to do more thai new paint, aaat covera.- (885. If Not. 18.000 |H>r month. Pllimo MEtilu Fine Tailoring on Sport Top* $365 PHONE TORRANCE 2 1 86 Loan 92 We Sell Materials Money to P. J. RICKS 1934 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Sedan. For Better Service and Quality $345 The USED CAR CENTER CHAS.
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