Winning Contract J

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Winning Contract J * AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (Coitf.K AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTOMOBILES WANTED (Cwit.l. _ PRIVATE BREGER ABROAD Dave CfilV'MLtl 1939 2-door immaculate. PLYMOUTH 1941 4-door de luxe aedan; piUTatepXSTt must have a aood late —By Bregeri Contract tires: car; fine every model will pay all cash. Columbia Winning Flood. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8400 radio, heater, perfect car; CHEVROLET 1940 2-door: low miles: way; $975. FR 4020. 21* By THE FOUR ACES. ACREAGE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. immaculate. FlooC 4221 Connecticut. PLYMOUTH 19.38 4-door sedan: ha* been WO. 8400. wrecked good only for parts and motor. PLTMODTH8 about miles Penta- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES to sell with us FORDS. AND* ARLINGTON. VA., 2'i CHEVROLET 1941 8-pass, sedan: very Price. $125 cash. Mr Shelton. CH. 9000 CHimigSft'S 5800. 4 000 ft west of Glebe rd 21 We have a waiting list of clients who are _TELEPHONE ATLANTIC *on Bldg condition, below market price, only days: GL. 2279 evenings. STEP ART MOTORS. 3rd AND H STS H.l Giving Up Gracefully utilities al $42- ready and willing io mirehase homes in (good wooded acres, properly *098. Fred Motor Co, 5013 Georgia PLYMOUTH 1941 special de luxe sedan: East dealer. Enter st from Columbia city, sub nearby Maryland. Personal at- WILL PAT TOP CASH PRICES 600 Taylor ave. TA. 2900. perfect tires, radio and heater: sailor must Mr Gerbich tention to all listings La Salle Realty Co., j For Any Make or Model Car. pike, signs on property. 1941 special de luxe con- sell. .3922 14th st. n.w. RA 5169. North-South vulnerable. 471 N. Y. ave. n.w. NA. 3*44 •}<• ICHEVROLET PACKARD MOTOR SALES CO BE. .. — 2334.__ vertible; excellent condition throughout: PLYMOUTH 19.37 4-door sedan: privately 1242 24th 8t. N.W. * ARLINGTON COUNTY. VA. NEAR CO 495 Parkway Motor Co, 3061 M st. owned, driven carefully only 34.000 mi.; _RE._0123.__ for im- |*1 ANT MODEL CAR. TOP CASH PRICE. lumbla Dike. 30 acres suitable ! ti w MI 0185. installments can be arranged. MI. .3100. 7KJ1062 war Water OUT-OF-TOWN RIAL ISTATI. • Our buyer will call at your home or offlce mediate development after the i CHEVROLET 194 1 special de luxe 5-pass, 21 0 closs any time. Open eye«. and Sun. K8 sewer, gas and electricity available FLORIDA, near lake Jr*smv on Orlandn- coupe; radio, heater. Briggs clarifier; pre- PLYMOUTH 1941 3-door sedan. Parkway acre 0. McMAHON CHEVROLET CO. to bus lines: a bargain at $000 per Oveido hwy -Lot. Y0O\4t0 ft $".b ! war tires, offered owner: ex- Motor Co .3051 M st. n.w MI. 0185. * AKQ965 by original 8323 Oa. ATC 0100. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. terms. ?',\S down $to month larger ad ceptional bargain price. $1.1.75 cash, im- PLYMOUTH J 9.3? convertible coupe: radio N.W_OE. AK98542 llRrt acreage available for and AQ763 1710 K St. N W_NA jacant erodes i mediate sale OR 4338 or DU. 3341. 21* and heater Parkway Motor Co.. 3051 M IMMEDIATE CASH! truck farming Slauson Realty Co JOB (lUYKOlEf 1940 special de luxe town st. n.w MI. 0185. <?Q V83 rtrt.1t ANT MAKE. SEE MR. DDKS. w r REAL ESTATE WANTED. Peoples Lite Insurance Bids NA ! «etlaii original black factory finish like PLYMOUTH 1941 2-door sedan: radio, OJ642 O ; ora shows car has had excellent care; heater, defroster: 1-owner car: very clean; WCE 71 proper- LOGAN MOTOR CO., B f”AM INTERESTED in purchasing good ptewat tires *885 Selling out en- motor in fine condition. Open evenings *73 * J 10 8 4 2 at the price for cash SEASHORE PROPERTY 18th ST N.W.. BETWEEN K AND L. ties for colored right tire stock of «;t cats Jack Pry Motors, and Sunday. McMahon Chevrolet Co., * A J 10 For action _ __ Any section In the city. quick I t rtlh attd Pa ave x.e 6.32.3 Georgia ave. n.w GF. 01OO. RRPDBLIC32M Sunday.' call CO. 8004 or DE 1710 all day CHESAPEAKE BAY (HhNOUT n»u APtcirtl rir luxe ‘.'-dr PLYMOUTH 194 1 special de luxe 2-door; SELL 7A9754 and weekdays. Mr. Guyton._ Large lawn, trees and bra. h <aPPvo\ 0 vrttAr. mlleuftf prrlfd condition radio black finish: 19.non miles; A-l condition: YOUR CAR NOW 0 A 10 9 3 DON'T SELL acres lO*rm bath honsr ar\d o'- and heatet X good tires. Private owner: $1,195: guaranteed: term1?. Logan Motor Q ■ FOR TOP PRICE TO — BEFORE GETTING MY OFFER tages suitable for chtb o vrhoo; J m at xtt tift l.VUi Ext lot! Co 18th st. n.w between K and L. RE. CASH * white or col- rlub I will pay cash for houses, P C Write only. M >' KRA« k* l « HkVROLE t toil special de luxe .3351 TRIANGLE MOTORS, The ored: fiats, apartment houses or business N SI " '' siittf me:oon finish Motorola push-but- PLYMOUTH 19.39 special de luxe t-door bidding: g _ Uni Rhode IslandAve. property. D. C only. G. G. DUTY 107-1 too ladle ,X prewar first-grade tires, nio- m nan; excellent paint and 4 good prewar N.E^ Decatur_«nq2_ East South West WILL North Vermont ave. NA. 4482 hati ooheUlr:v a beautiful car and fully tires; bargain at $545 Selling out entire BUY ANY MAffE OR MODEt,. WATER FRONT PROPIRTY Pass 17 1 * 2 * guatanlead lor 30 days at no cost to you; stock ol 63 cars. Jack Pry Motors, 16th WE NEED USED CARS SUMMER CAMPS. tvoonl.AVn nr *< m ttrn> -m V »t ‘t'x terms. Logan Motor Co.. and Pa. ave. s.e 3* 4 0 4* ■' <' : AT 6<7 ’low .viecned porches miiiv'E «? ! tv!; st tt w between K and L. RE. 3351. PLYMOUTH 1946 4-dr. sedan, excel pvt. AND TRUCKS ONCE. V .3906 W and 10 6 * 7 7 7 * BONNIE’S HAVEN, partly furnished ««w' \, -on «Mf t IIMROt l t UNO special de luxe t-donr; party. st. n.w.. bet. 8 p.m. Pass < LEO ROCCA, INC., ,4rtt» ertathal owner clean, seat covers, heater No ohone alls. Pass Dbl. BROADWATER. MD. ■ Pass Pass I AKF JACKbON i» \ m PLYMOUTH 37 dr luxe 4-door; radio, 4.",01 Connecticut Ave. Emerson 7900. For children 4 to 7; facing on Chesa- atur deirbstet good condition. TA. 4304. D C log cabin ro.M.Bs kitchen and heater: A-l mechanical condition. Apply Open 8 9 P.M.. Closed Sunday. The choice of final bids on 28 miles from Washington at t UnmiLCV 194 1 special de luxe sport A.M_to today's peake Bay. bgth large MF 4100 Room 101, 530.3 Baltimore blvd., Hyatts- Md. A large modern home f.irplace sedan undersea heater and defroster: SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL hands determined the result of a Broadwater RKURt l Rl At N on Che***** a* ville. Md. with shaded grounds completely fenceo a set' beautiful black car with good tires. Summer homes and building shea Write PLYMOUTH 1941 3-door dr luxe sedan: POHANKA SERVICE. team-of-four match in a electrical modern plumbing A Call Ml Via AT. 4000, days, and JA. national equipment, for catalogue Baa IT M*'o A A <V Md low -mileage, excellent condition. Direct 20th Ft. N.W. Piatrict 9141. outdoor activities, carefully planned menus 2043. evenings _1178 HFRAID HARBOR. MV F\jt nohrd cot from owner. EM. 1290. championship tournament. excellent supervision. Session June CHRYSLER into Traveler: blue finish: original tage a m met ahowei Bent b* neek. PONTIAC J9.37 3-door sedan; heater, WAR WORKERS NEED The was Sept. 10. For information, call Atlantic good radio and heater; excellent condi- bidding given correct. or ..rason \\ AM before good tires, excellent condition, mechani- YOUR CAR. 864.3 or West River 236-F-5. or write Mrs ! unit, St 450 or best offer. Call 2 East-West, not chose s e or after 6 KM. 0482. cally and otherwise. Recently overhauled. PLEASE CALL US FOR HIGHEST OFFER. vulnerable, L. D. Bonbrest. 1144 Branch ave * CHRYSLER 1938 4-door sedan: excellent $600 cash. Glebe 3814. BUY WAR BONDS! to make a sacrifice bid against a proposal*. and good tires Less right PONTIAC 19.37 6 4-door: radio, heater, MONEY TO LOAN finish prewar MOTOR vulnerable slam. At seven FEDERAL WORKS aoenoY PUBLIC now than OPA ceiling price. July 10. clean, good tires, excellent transportation, WORRELL CO., grand D C WE PURCHASE 2nd trust notes. Buildings Administration Washington Jack Pry Motors, loth st. and Pa. ave. s.e. privately owned: must sell. Capt. Gul- 1553 PA. AVE. S.E. FR. 1039. were down seven 1st trust spades they tricks, Md. and Va. Also negotiate D June m. 1944 -Sealed bids in CHRYSLER 1941 Royal sedan; one owner, lcdfte. offer 6 p.m.. Temple 9861. PAY PftlVATE CASH Prompt C. while loans. Small monthly payments duplicate will be publicly opened in this excellent tires, radio and heater, fluid PONTIAC 1931 3-door sedan: green finish: 1,300 points, having seven Breneman. Federal Fi- FOR ANY PRIVATE CAR. action. Call Mr i office at l nm. standard time June 29. drive, economy overdrive; bargain Wheeler, 5 very good tires: excellent condition; $155 hearts made them NA • against would nance Co., 915 New York are. n.w cards the Federal lire.. 4810 Wisconsin. OR. 1020. cash. Franklin 0003. 1M4, KINO FEATURES SYNDICATE, lat. WOMB 23* | 1944. for color tor CALL FR. 6005. j 7<H6 l Building.'* Adminis- CHRYSLER 1942 Saratoga 4-door sedan: PONTIAC 1941 6-cylinder.
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