Cheilanthes Distans Distans (Bristly Rockfern)

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Cheilanthes Distans Distans (Bristly Rockfern) Listing Statement for Cheilanthes distans (bristly rockfern) Cheilanthes distans bristly rockfern T A S M A N I A N T H R E A T E N E D F L O R A L I S T I N G S T A T E M E N T Image by Richard Schahinger Scientific name: Cheilanthes distans (R.Br.) Mett., Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 3: 69 (1859) Common name: bristly rockfern (Wapstra et al. 2005) Group: vascular plant, pteridophyte, family Adiantaceae Status: Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 : endangered Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 : Not Listed Distribution: Endemic: Not endemic to Tasmania Tasmanian NRM Region: North Figure 1 . Distribution of Cheilanthes distans in Tasmania Plate 1 . Cheilanthes distans : habit (image by Tim Rudman) 1 Threatened Species Section - Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment Listing Statement for Cheilanthes distans (bristly rockfern) IDENTICATION & ECOLOGY are dark brown and spherical (Duncan & Isaac Cheilanthes distans is a terrestrial fern in the 1986). Adiantaceae family (Duncan & Isaac 1986). It is known in Tasmania from three sites in the Confusing Species Eastern Tiers and Fingal Valley, where it grows Cheilanthes distans can be distinguished from on well-insolated rock plates. small forms of Cheilanthes sieberi or Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia by the presence of a thick coating Cheilanthes distans is one of the so-called of scales on the under-surface of its pinnules ‘resurrection’ ferns, resurrection referring to its (Quirk et al . 1983, Garrett 1996). ability to recover from a desiccated state following rain. It is also capable of apogamic DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT (i.e., asexual) reproduction (Quirk & Chambers 1981); this obviates the need for free water to Cheilanthes distans occurs in inland regions of facilitate fertilisation, as is required for sexual Australia, and is common along the east coast reproduction, allowing the species to reproduce to mid-northern Queensland, with isolated in xerophytic conditions. However, spread at occurrences in South Australia and Western sites in Tasmania appears to be primarily from Australia (Duncan & Isaac 1986, Walsh & rhizomes, with plants capable of resprouting Entwisle 1996, Bostock et al. 1998). after physical damage. Cheilanthes distans was first recorded in Tasmania Survey techniques in 1993 (Garrett 1997), and is currently known from three sites: Apsley River, Royal George, The species is more or less deciduous over and Avoca (Table 1). The species grows in summer, but may recover in response to shallow moss or lichen-covered soils on significant rain events. Any planned searches exposed rock outcrops within dry sclerophyll should thus be mindful of rainfall patterns forest (Plate 2). The three known sites occur on during the previous months and adjusted dolerite or sandstone, with northeast to accordingly. The species’ distinctive frond northwest aspects. Co-occurring species include vestiture means that it can be identified even in the allied resurrection ferns Cheilanthes a relatively desiccated state. austrotenuifolia (green rockfern) and Cheilanthes sieberi (narrow rockfern), and the xerophytic Description ferns Asplenium flabellifolium ( necklace fern), Cheilanthes distans has a short, coarse, scaly Pellaea calidirupium (hotrock fern) and Pleurosorus rhizome that is semi-erect or horizontal. Scales rutifolius (blanket fern). The Apsley River site is are narrow and tapering and are dark and shiny surrounded by low dry forest dominated by with paler borders. Fronds are clustered Allocasuarina verticillata (drooping sheoak) (Plate towards the tip of the rhizome. They are stiffly 2), with occasional Bursaria spinosa (prickly box), erect and usually small (to 18 cm tall by 2 to 2.5 Acacia mearnsii (black wattle), Callitris rhomboidea cm broad). The stipe is slender, dark brown, (oyster bay pine), Leptospermum grandiflorum shiny, densely scaly when young and the (autumn teatree) and Dodonaea viscosa (broadleaf shallow groove in the upper surface continues hopbush) as well as the rare Teucrium into the rachis. The lamina is greyish-green, corymbosum , (forest germander), while the Avoca narrowly oblong and 2-pinnate. The rachis site also supports scattered Allocasuarina brown, shiny, covered with pale scales. The verticillata. pinnae are short and usually well separated along the rachis. Pinnules are blunt, and The altitude range of known sites in Tasmania shallowly lobed, lower surface densely clad in is 120 to 350 m above sea level, and the mean pale, flat scales with fine tips; upper surface annual rainfall 575 to 750 mm. The species’ with or without scattered, long, white hairs. The linear range is 48 km, the extent of occurrence sori are more or less continuous beneath 100 km 2, and the area of occupancy is thought reflexed margins of shallow lobes, and spores to be less than 1 ha. 2 Threatened Species Section - Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment Listing Statement for Cheilanthes distans (bristly rockfern) Table 1. Population summary for Cheilanthes distans in Tasmania Subpopulation Tenure NRM 1:25 000 Year last Area Number of region mapsheet (first) seen occupied mature plants 1 Apsley River Douglas-Apsley North Henry 2011 4 m 2 c. 1200 * National Park (1993) (1 genotype) 2 Red Rock Private North St John 1996 < 4 m 2 c. 1000 * (Royal George) (1993) (6 genotypes) 3 Avoca Private North Hanleth 1996 Unknown (1996) NRM region = Natural Resource Management region; * = estimates from Garrett (1997) However, despite targeted surveys no new sites have been discovered since 1996. RESERVATION STATUS Reserved in Douglas-Apsley National Park. CONSERVATION ASSESSMENT Cheilanthes distans was listed as endangered on the original schedules of the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995. The species qualifies under criterion D: • total population with an area of occupancy less than one hectare , and in Plate 2. Cheilanthes distans : rockplate habitat near fewer than five locations that provide an Apsley River (image by Richard Schahinger) uncertain future due to the effects of human activities or stochastic events, and thus capable of becoming extinct POPULATION ESTIMATE within a very short time period. Cheilanthes distans can reproduce vegetatively to form a large number of clonal plants that THREATS, LIMITING FASCTORS & connect via underground rhizomes, making MANAGEMENT ISSUES estimates of plant numbers problematic The species’ rock-outcrop habitat renders sites (Table 1). The Apsley River and Royal George unsuitable for forestry and most agricultural subpopulations have been estimated to contain purposes, with one of the three sites within a in the order of 1000 to 1200 clones, but with National Park. Key threats include physical only 1 and 6 genetically distinct individuals, disturbance by stock, fire and stochastic events. respectively (Garret 1997). The species has been described as being locally common at the Stock: The two sites on private property are Avoca site, though accurate estimates of plant both open to grazing by sheep, with the slab- numbers and area of occupancy are not like character of the Avoca site making it available. particularly susceptible to physical disturbance (though there is no evidence to date of the There is no apparent shortage of potential species having been affected). habitat for Cheilanthes distans in eastern Garrett (1995) found no field evidence of Tasmania, and it is considered likely that grazing of xerophytic ferns in Tasmania by additional sites exist within its known range. domestic, feral or native animals. He noted that Cheilanthes distans had been suspected of being 3 Threatened Species Section - Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment Listing Statement for Cheilanthes distans (bristly rockfern) toxic to cattle and sheep. Reports from • gain a better understanding of the species’ mainland Australia indicate that the allied ecological requirements. species Cheilanthes sieberi may give rise to ‘staggers’ in sheep, and haemorrhagic syndrome What is needed? in cattle similar to that caused by ingestion of Recovery actions necessary to improve the bracken (Everist 1974). Stock have been known conservation status of Cheilanthes distans include: to feed on Cheilanthes species only during periods of severe food shortage (Everist 1974). • survey all known subpopulations and obtain Fire: Fire is unlikely to be a direct threat to improved estimates of abundance and Cheilanthes distans , as the species is well adapted population size, as well as identifying any to survive fire by virtue of its protected threatening processes; rhizome or growing point, while the species’ • encourage landholders of the Avoca and sparsely vegetated habitat means that fires are Royal George sites to consider protection unlikely to carry (Plate 2). However, burning of of the species’ habitat through a vegetation vegetation around the species’ rock outcrop management agreement or conservation habitat may have an indirect impact on the covenant under the Tasmanian Nature species through post-burn tree falls. Conservation Act 2002; Stochastic events: Plants at two of the three • conduct extension surveys of suitable known sites occupy only a few square metres, habitat in the foothills of the Fingal Valley; meaning that there is a high risk of local extinction through unforeseen stochastic • provide information and extension support events. Such small subpopulations may be to relevant Natural Resource Management susceptible to inadvertent losses from a range Committees,
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    Checklist of the New Zealand Flora Ferns and Lycophytes 2017 A New Zealand Plant Names Database Report © Landcare Research New Zealand Limited 2017 This copyright work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Attribution if redistributing to the public without adaptation: "Source: Landcare Research" Attribution if making an adaptation or derivative work: "Sourced from Landcare Research" DOI: 10.7931/P18901 CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION Checklist of the New Zealand flora : ferns and lycophytes [electronic resource] / Allan Herbarium. – [Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand] : Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua, 2017- . Online resource Annual August 2017- ISSN 2537-9054 I.Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. II. Allan Herbarium. Citation and Authorship Schönberger, I.; Wilton, A.D.; Brownsey, P.; Perrie, L.; Boardman, K.F.; Breitwieser, I.; Cochrane, M.; de Pauw, B.; Fife, A.J.; Ford, K.A.; Gibb, E.S.; Glenny, D.S.; Korver, M.A.; Novis, P.M.; Prebble, J.M.; Redmond, D.N.; Smissen, R.D.; Tawiri, K. (2017) Checklist of the New Zealand Flora – Ferns and Lycophytes. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research. This report is generated using an automated system and is therefore authored by the staff at the Allan Herbarium and collaborators who currently contribute directly to the development and maintenance of the New Zealand Plant Names Database (PND). Authors are listed alphabetically after the fourth author. Authors have contributed as follows: Leadership: Wilton, Breitwieser Database editors: Wilton, Schönberger, Gibb Taxonomic and nomenclature research and review for the PND: Schönberger, Wilton, Gibb, Breitwieser, de Lange, Ford, Fife, Glenny, Novis, Prebble, Redmond, Smissen Information System development: Wilton, De Pauw, Cochrane Technical support: Boardman, Korver, Redmond, Tawiri Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................
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