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DAILY OAPITAIi JOTJE3TAL, UXLBH. OBOOH, FBIDAT, JUKB IS, WIS. Mel TZIEB. WtMIMMimitlllHIIU DON'T GIVB TJP IF YOU ABE SENT BACK TO MINORS mat urn is a SPORTS JOLTS Don 't be discouraged if you get sent Snre 'Goaner,' Now Saturday Saturday back to the minors, said Joe Tinker to BE IN BIG MEET one of "GETS-IT- New-PIa- ' mmmmm . the juniors the other day. Al- " the n Corm Cure, ways figure it out you will im et Any Specials THIS PITCHER GOOD Manager Bay L. Baker, of the Salem that Corn Sorely, Quickly. Specials prove with experience, or else that the You'll gay, "It does beat all how senators, is making extensive prepara McClure, Olympic Distance Runne: manager umn't know how good you i quick "GETS-IT- " got rid of that corn. I tions for the excursion to McMinnville Will Be Left Behind, It Is An really were that in either event some It's almost magic!" "GETS-IT- Sunday. As an incentive to those who nounced by Hayward. " Kets big club will surely call you back. every corn, every time, sell tickets, he has offered an automo- as sure as the Correct lots of them have been nol- - sun rises. bile to the train, will eive the winner a It takes about 2 seconds ished by special an extra session in the minors. Something seat on the train, and at Mc- University of Oregon, About History of Nichols, and lots more have shown that the first Eueene. Ore.. SUITCASES Minnville there will be another automo- June 13. Who Is in Automobile Business manager didn't know a ball plaver Trainer "Bill" Hayward will Matting Suit Cases, bile ride around the town and a big din- lead nine durable but light weight, 24 inches in Kansas City. whe.,he saw one. Incidental to athletes to Portland today to long, ner. Refreshments on the way home this leather trimmed, good, serviceable lock and han- train of thought: How about represent the University of Oreiron in will also be on the Wallv dle. Special $1.00. list. the annual track and field meet of the I' you want to arouse an Smith, whom the Cardinal's sent South f Pacific Northwest Athletic Association fan, whisper to him, Everybody in the South savs that "Pid Nichols." Birdie Croe, speedy - the little out- Wally became the best ball Saturday. Captain Walter McClure, It is a broad statement, but thou- player in fielder of the New York team, once Olympic distance runner, will not be sands will support it, fine and he would have shown hiirh that baseball known for his hitting ability, has not one of the delegation. neVer produced class at St. Louis if worked often Children's Wash Dresses a finer gentleman, a been to any noticed extent by Manacer enough to demonstrate. The reason that Hayward is leaving greater pitcher, or a more splendid Childrens' dainty dresses in a variety of pretty styles Chance during the present championship Ye-a- McClure behind is and type of they do guess 'em wronir now I that the rangy run- shades. man than Charles A. Nichols. race. Last season Birdie was one of ner has turned out practice 2-- and then. Gavvy was back three for onlv Ages 6. Today he is owner of a flourishing turned Special 57c. Ages 4. Special $1.48 the heaviest sluggers in the American or four one night since the conference moot automobile sales agency times, but look at his hitting and a bowling league, whaling the ball for an aver- almost two weeks ago. alley in now! Gandil and Moeller, ave. and "Captain or no Kansas City. age of .322. Foster, too, all of them captain," says Hayward, "all candi- When he was 22, slender pretty nifty "Nerer Could Do This Before. "GETS-- in build, dates look alike to me." McClure boyish in cogs in, the great Washington machine, IT" Jfade Erery Corn Vanish appearance, Nichols earned pleads like Pacific Coast League. were turned back as being way below a badly strained tendon in his Magic Lingerie Waists the monicker, "Kid," which has stuck W. right leg. The Oregon captain has been PC. the fast standard. George McBride to apply It, corn and down-to-dat- to him like a burr, by pitching Boston the shrlrols up, and Womens misses' lingerie waists, chic, e Los Angeles 44 26 .629 got two or three out of condition the entire season. into the championship kicks out of big socie- It's gone! Ever try anything like that? models in voile and lawn. Al sizes. Special in 1891 Oakland $1.19. I 35 32 .522 ty. Jimmy Archer got two or three never did. s no more Boston won the pennant in 1891, '92, lou There fuss San Francisco 35 36 .493 boilers with lurid adjectives. Strunk ing with plasters '93, '97 ad '98, and al- that press on the Nichols was Venice THE ROUND-U- P. 33 38 .465 bobbed in and out and in again. The corn, no more salves off ways there, doing his share, and more. that take the Sacramento 28 35 .444 Giants condemned Danny Murphy as a surrounding flesh, no more bandages. In those five years the "kid" pitched Hand Bags Portland 28 36 .438 won't-d- performer. Jesse Burkett got Albany has started a campaign for a No more knives, flies or 222 games, of which he won 156, giving razors that National League. the hook from New $165,000 fund to erect buildings on the Women's bags, fit-te- . him York only to come make corns grow and cause danger of hand serviceable frames, d the wonderful average of .702. Philadelphia 30 13 .698 back as a demon batsman. Lots new campus recently purchased south blood poison. "GETS-IT- with neat handles; In the '90 'a and lots " Is equally a variety of styles to select from. earlv haadiAll woi a New York of 27 18 .600 of 'em the same way. Young man, if the city. harmless to healthy or irritated flesh. Special 98c. rough and rowdy game. The Tebeaus, .Brooklyn 23 21 .523 you have confidence and gall, It "gets" every corn, the MeCIraws, the Burketts don't wart, callus and and the Chicago 25 25 .500 worry when they At the school election at The Dalles. Kellys tell you to pack and bunion you'vo got were in the ascendent and Bal- Pittsburg to 24 25 .490 pop away. be held June 16, a woman will be a "GETS-IT- " Is sold at all druggists' timore, Cleveland and Pitsburg were St. Louis 22 28 .440 candidate for school director. at 25 cents a bottle, or sent on receipt Muslin spesially hard teams to handle. Play- Boston Two Fi.jhts Montana, Underwear 19 26 .422 in of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chica- ers surged about the umpires, Women's ques- Cincinnati 18 23. 360 Butte, Mont., June 13. Montana The estimato of cost of the bridge go. and misses' gowns and combinations, cut on tioning every other decision,, but Nich- American League. comes back on the pugilistic map again across the Columbia at Vancouver. roomy lines of good materials, neatly trimmed in lace. ols was at all times quiet and orderly Philadelphia 38 11 .776 tonight, when two fights are staged Wash., has been reduced by the engin Special 98c. until play was sue produces a fae similo of the front resumed, when he quick- Cleveland 35 16 .685 here. Fighting Bob Moha and Jack eer, and is now place dat Si .200.01 (). ly retired the page of the Lafayetto Courier of July batter. Washington 27 23 .540 Dillon meet at the Copper City club and This sounds bettor, but the bridge will The best 28, 1868. Tho Visitor is publishing a 9UAL.Tr hitters were clay in the Chicago 28 25 .528 Eddie McGoorty and Jimmy dabby probably cost as much as first esti POPULAR hands of line of articles relating to old times in Nichols when he was in his Boston 23 25 .479 fight at the Treasure State club. Both mutes, and then some. prime. No Oregon and the old time. mater how rough or un- Detroit 21 33 .389 are scheduled to go 12 rounds. These ruly they were, the players always re- St. Louis 21 36 .368 are the first two matches of any im- The Southern Oregon mines are look- spected Nichols as a lone Bulletin: F. M. Griffin, of !tt.hiuleu niTOmi! man and as a New York 12 36 .250 portance to be staged in Montana since ing up. Grants Pass reports the al nrri' Fairvlcw, has pitcher. the rocoived the first copy uetnn iisteT otrwteii touBT paTcra passing of the law legalizing box- of many gonuino goU bricks. A elenn-u- MERCHANDISE itatc I Behind the Pacific of every newspaper published in the "Kid" on the old Boston Coast League. ing by the last legislature. Today is from Beven wagon loads of ore at team county tho past 20 years, and whilo In were Tom Tucker, Herman Long, R. II. E. Miners' Union Day, the biggest holiday one mine yielded 7o7. town Tuesday did not neglect to Bobby Lowe, Hugh Duffy, Tom Mc- Portland 2 13 2 of the year in Butte, and both matches call on Cheap people are always looking for A theory is afways Carthy, "King" Kelly, Charlie Los Angeles 5 6 1 are expected to tho Bulletin editor and have his name all right until it Ganzel, draw capacity audi Orlie Rush a ycung rancher, was something cheaper thoinsolves.