i- - ? fl&Stni. -- '



wero periods when a pinch batter could r. Ryan, J. R. Cobb. W. W. Puller. Grant to wed 5Is.s E,'e!mnn on account of the HITS BEAT nave - Hay. religious bellefe, Prusan-rk- y TIMELY done wonders foe- the visitor?. Plttlnc-e- r II. Schley. Frank II. Anthony M. COPPER TRUST BUYS difference In their pitched fair ball, bu became trifle ? RsssiiiiiiiHBBsB'SsiSe llmly. c. a Diiia. W. R. Harris, P. A. U. had planned lo elope with her lo Belle- n a i ceremony was nave rattled when pa-t- Wldener. Pcrclval S. Hill. U. N. Duks ami ville, whete the to he gaic u the seventh Hallow ell. leen performed yesterday. Inning, which ultimately tied the score. He Chtrlcs II BOSTON REMNANTS. had S The directors organized by electing Jamrs ITS COMPETITORS. In the form of peritonitis death took its held Burhctt and Heldrlck at bay up 9BPIFf7faMBSM(.uv' sMssi B. Duke president. Thomas K. Ryan first grasp on Frusnnsky. and thlny-sl- x hours Jo the fatal inning, but sent over one nice vice president. J. II. CoLb second ice ptes-Id-- nt. liefore the time set for the'r trip lo Belle- Imll to each of them. That is all they gen- .". C Dula third vice president. Win. ville he was dead. The fureral services erally require. It. Harris treasurer and C. 8. Keene were conducted at hl home yrs'erday aft- Burkett lined his out for Capital cas- three bases, and but for nap by of the Trust Doubled and ernoon Miss Kvlman nat beside tho Is the taken An olllcer of the company stntf.l Ihit ket of the one whom she Intended weddi.il. Sudhoff Made Poor Start, but His Sudhoff at first, the game would have been cnnslderaldy than n majority Its Monopoly Practically deplle parental objection nnd difference In won Sud-hof- rs irore of the Gonld right there, but Heldrlck paid for common slock of Ihe American am religious creed, attired In what was to Finish Not Have Been expense 1 '' Perfected. gown. Contempt doze at the of Piulncer, with S I T'BsHfewV ''SS --riSBSBBBBBBBBBBKaiSaQBBr JM coinisnlcs ha,s already l,eeii hae en her bridal itcd a clean sIiikIc. ' t pledgeil for exchange Inlo the Inpplness had changed lo deepest sorrow, Improved Upon. There hands of the were plenty of brilliant plays ma.le S BBMr T4lSBBHj 5 ? vJFf93lBBSKBBr7SBSBV t. SBBB r rorexllfnteit company. Thlt Fame offlclil and she was pitied by all who saw her, on Loth sides, but the Donovanltes showed '' n.ade It clear that In the consolidation the ItlUTUMf SPECIAL. so manifest was her grief. a. - young tendency to make dumb plays at times prefcrnsl shares of the American and Con- New- York. June C stormy meet- Prusansky was a Jew nr.d the when the proper one to After a hnd selected us his partner meant a deal them. tinental compaiiao nrc not disturbed. ing, to- woman whom he This has been the case for and Thj company con- lasting three hour". In Jersey Cltr. a Gentile. acquaintance dated no several day, consolidated will also for life Thir young one wems to realize It so much a -- the Cigar 7i day, the Amalgamated Copper Company back only a few months, when Ihe BURKETT AND HEIDRICK WON. a B4BHfBsr . tSvs-v4- T i t j Cxbkvsbsts'tSsbbbbBbbbbbbI a trol Airerirnn I'ominnr, per the St. Louts players themselves. They 'v'f rnt of lh enpltai of that corjsiratlon be- voted to approve the lncrcae of the com- imn was Introduced lo Miss KKlman. who would fhther make a dozen er- ing IieM by the American and Continental 11..C.1 K,i sir tlnnrn ntrav. Acquaintance rors than one dumb play, and there Is not ccmpsnlex. pany's capital stock from $73.ttW. to rt. ! soon ripened Into mutual love. Mr. Pru-- much dancer of the fault becoming a habit The vote wis C94.KB shares) In favor sansgy propoi-e- marnuRe aim .n?s lci-nin- n believed th-T- with them. of the Increase 305 against It. The accepted. Neither that IP The liostonlans scored all of their runs HOT WAVE SWEEPSTEXAS. lo shares would be any objection lo their union, but The First Batter a and in the first inning, and but three hits were meeting was held by permission of Vico In this they were- - dl3ippoInted. Mr. Sud-hoff- 's - Scored the Wiuuing Una on minio In the balance of the game off Unprecedented Chancellor Stevens, with the provio that family refused to grant perrals- delivery. Weather for This the Increase In not Lecome ' slon. He pleaded In vain, but determined the Center Fielder's Hamilton went out on a biting grounder the stock shall , not to five up hi love. A few days tgo to Wallace. Tenney singled to Ictt clean- Season of the Year. effecthe until the Court of Chancery shall the tria to nell"llle was planned. Soon af Br Single Score. ly, and was followed by Demont, who made dispose of tho proceedings now finding for terwards I'rusansay lenime in. jiisb rri-ma- n a hit to right. Long batted a mcisley l't-t- le nnrrnuc fpeciau an injunction to testialn the stockholders nursed him and physicians did all they grounder to ..ml latter Tex.. C Is pres- could save his are In answer to her Wallace. the Austin. June Texas at from making the increase. to -- dropped the ball when about to throw, as ent being visited by nn unparalleled hot pleas. All their forts proed of no he wns overanxious to entch Tenney at wave for this season of the jear. The The increase is wanted to pay for the avail, ami the girl M)"n he had chosen to the plate. This rattled SuHiolT a bit an I humtdtlv is something frightful, affecting stuck of tho Ilostuu and Montana and the acromranv him Ihrt. ill death knelt at his T.V.DIXU OP . In- THE Cl.lllS. he made n most savage attempt in hl3 nett ' ''IBBBBBBBBBBlSfs'aBBKjiw Kith man and beast. The fretpifnt rains Butte nrd Boston companies, and the when death came. She followed Pitch. The ball rolled 10 the UicKstop. and i 5K4BBBr,'-r'ii,'t-'(- . i at r.lght. Instead of relieving the situation, junction suit was brought by stockholders the bodv to the grave, from which friends . Demont trotted In vlth ihe tally. make it all the worse. This Is thn hottest , of the two companies. Clarence II. with dltflcutly led her away after a heart- Amnlcm Ineue d I latter , ciot. lv. i.. rot. cmtw. w. u ret. Smith hit to. Wallace nni for-e- I.org at season Texas has known tn sorre years. Vennor upposed the merger, but was voted rending scene. r-.- 3 H BBBBBBBBBSBaSflsH to-d- de- - I Toik....l 14 .u Chicaeo 15 12 .7 third. Dlnren singled to right with a hard SBBBIIkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIg f The thermometer reglsteri'd 109 down. As the decl!e vote was taken Mr. Cincinnati ...it it .f.3 22 u .ssi smash, but Donovan made a great sto;. al- grees. Venner a speech, declaring 1 made that the Cnloa. rmaioir? IS .i. Waehlnston 12 .5. though he did not hold the hull. and. while proceedings were "fraudulent" and Ihe pro- Christian Ksdeator Phlladelprda..l9 .Ml Baltimore 11 14 '1. SliXiA!- - ii .7 Smith scored a third . Dineen made h posed deal "scandalous." He added: ltH'fU.IC Ilrooklrn ....IS IT .4M Boston It IS .46 good Hi.. June . The seventh an- 17 1 .4..7 try for third. By a relay. Donovan SUGGESTIONS FOR does enjoin In- Bunker Hill. Ft. Loul ID .47; Philadelphia IS - "If Ihe ewirt not thla of Macoupin County Boiton IT .414 Milwaukee ..14 and Padden caught him nt Kruger's- eoi ner. iquitous proceeding, then I say we have no nul contention lue t: :t .x Maiter-of-Fa- r4 ' In ,2m .Scoring. K1 ?".& 1 & N sBaBBBBB0Bs9sBBrsn Christian Endeavor Union wid be held II u .Kl Ocreland ...10 zi Ileldrlrk's ! J TABLE AND KITCHEN. further u.e for tl'e court." l Burkett went out easily to Tenney, but O . BsBsHsvPaaaBBBa S The resolutions lo Increase the stock as the Congrsgaiion.-i- Church of this city June Heldrlck drew a In 1 mast proposed and to purchase th Boston and IS nud PS. 'ihe following have beea ct BBTC,4BfE2lSBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBM programme: XratrrAay'm Games. matter-of-fa- way, and when Mcdann had C tf'"ilfSN"rf JT. 4 ". BSBBSMSV- - otSbV S companies to participate In the Cakes ran be Iced when warm, but it Is Montana and Bstte and Boston county president: the Reverend exposed his short ilbs to Pittinger'r PSBBllaBBBBSBBBBBBBBDSBBBBBBBBBl ' lV2-'Itt- 'idsBH parses S. 11. Ilroarn. National Leajrae. . .Ir: 'TSBBBBBBBBBBBSk.'' were by a vote of 5M.&i'to 31. . Jt- ox pitch, pair proceeded pilfer i2BBBUjBSBBrS9lP4BSBBBM4pSaBV4r'v' 1? better to let delicate cakes cool first. Fruit I i K. E. rTamr n, iraner mil. - uiueraon St. 4. Boston CJeva. 4. 2. the to sack?. L iVBBBBBBBBBKn IrfBSB The purchase price mentioned the reso- . . in- - ... .&mwmi.1 ,.,.. Louis I. Ualllracre They worked the ie.il cleverly. Don cakes should not be Iced until they are to larunwos. mc ..c...... I...... tf ...i...... tlr nrsst."- - Phlla. 14. Chicago 4. lution b 5"s shares of Amalgamated stock Cent lllacabjrn LnHermy: the Keerrm Ldwln Brook. 4. 1. ovan to ixing, out camo Icing will 1 Plttfbun nit neicincK eer BPSSBBBBBBBBBBBB1&' . s'JvL'X -- . SBJBVSSPapaaJBBKjl L be used, us the turn brown from fur share or Boston and Montana stock of Brighton; A. H. UacDonald. Stat ll J i ,iTfi i& VJT' liairla Nw the plate. He made Ihe entire circuit nlt"r if long standing. Whtn whites of egg are and 1 3 shares or Butte and Boston stock. president, of Cnicao: iTolesaor A. r Hertal ef postponed. Oorebea-te- r, ffim the manner of a man talking around tfie to lie usrd in the frosting, have them per- e.arllnvtlie. Mrs. Jnn Laittenberger of corner for lunch. 'IcQ-i'i- was lef; a eltre-Ik- -t o. S. Stoweii of Alton. Miss Annie Ttayer of In- fectly frtsh and very cold. Allow two PROMINENTHJCAGJOANS WED. .'. A. Challacombe ot e. To-Da- at third through Padden's Urtc Wuoutum. l'rofeseo? SeNednle. effectual swlnt" at he leath-- r. whites of eggs for a large cake. and the Reverend J. P. Parsons of er csMiburn. National Lesgue. American League. Wallace's In the fourth, fol- Sciape und trim off all brown and loose will be represented. Boston at St. Louis. Milwaukee at lloston. lowed by Kruger"s single, gave the tribe of particles from the cakes to be Iced, and Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eiehiee.n churches PItt-bur- Washington. Brooklyn at t3dcago at Donovan another run. ,lu-- t well with Ilour. Shake oil all Phlla. at eadcago. Detroit at Philadelphia. In the seventh Kruger was passed on that Morris Becomes Mrs. Schwab. N. Y. at Cincinnati. Cleveland at Baltimore. will nut cling to cake. four bad ones, and advanced a base on 1'i-- granulated sugar lor boiled icing. Ryan's grass cutter to Demont. Sudhoff A ery good plan Is tu cat a piece of Iini'l'UMC SPECIAL singled with sufficient force to Kru- Chicago. Juoe K. A brilliant wedding was With the exception of two lapses of mind, ger allov. l.iMii...iril two Inches than the ABSOLUTE Sud-llo- to complete the circuit. Sudhn-r- that of Miss Maude Mctrls. daurhtrr of which almost lost the game, Willie ff after &iM&i&$-- 4'nke. t'mer this with white paper, place one close shave at first, was caught away ?&. &J& v ir?jw9.Sr i oiir cake on this and till and Ice. In this Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Monls. tu Mr. Henry earned his victory over the Boston off the bag and easily run down, .'turkett way. )uu have a smooth, flat surface for C. Schwab, at the Standard Club Club at League Park yesterday, but It took drew a big. straight ball, which he sent your and the maris 111 of pasteboard Several hundred gursls were present at whistling to Held inke clubhouse, which was elaborately dec- clever uphill work on part of the team the left bleachers, and will uti'h Ihe Ictng that ma) run down or the the did not stop running until he met the drip frum the cake; besides, the cako will orated. The Heverend Joeph Slots of- to make the final score 4 to J. with the odd stranger. Hlnton. at third. lUlrlck was k.r nicely on the pasteboard and Is easily ficiated. The maid of honor was Miss Kus-lu- a SECURITY. run on St. Louis's side of the ledger. Mill In that blase state of mind and ham- huiiilltd. Deutsch. and the best man was the mered out a single as though was only grooms brother. Mr. Jerome Schwab. patched-u- p Beaneatera presented a It When tilling or Icing a rake place the The a question of will power to score Burkett. mlklure by KuDfuls In the center, and The bride wore a princess gown of white strange appearance to the fans. It took It was a great hit In a pinch, as two men work out toward the edxe. working aw lft-l- y satlu covered with point lace, a handsome two good looks before pn could were out. another on third, and only a deftly flexible Fur bertha ot the same lace being worn over or three single needed to win the game. and with a knife. the bodice. recognize any old acquaintances among In trying smoothing the icing dip the knife Into hut Genuine to steal second Heldrlck collided - tn Hr. water to preent ll from sticking. Mr. Schwab and his bride have planned them. Truly, the Hub Is In a bad way for man Ixrag. and the latter wn badly I tlW&l'? , (IssKIHI i e: the cuke In a cool place to harden the an rxtetiMre European tour, and will be bumped. ssstsssam. -- longer. League team reason. He wrenched hN back, but con- , . 'WsssssssssbsHbBpS? ifmfflKE!9B9Bt icing. nbsrut three months or a fast National this tinued in the game. The score: i i Inlield made the nine from 1 lie cake may be ornamented with piping The great which ST. LOUIS. If dflred. This can be done by pressing MAYORALTY CONTEST. the New England metropolis a factor In .. All. R. K. O. A. 12. tL 4jteasBfijpjrgSM5r..gysBpsssa:sT.iS Icing thrpugb tubes made Carter's 4 n ) f the stiff little years, la virtual- Barkett. l i ; iiyir"oj'?9BPBB,BViltSj4Bi4aasB . of ssiff white paper. the League races of recent Heldrlck. cf 1 1 0 Com-niencc- He d ly gone. Fred Tenny Is still at first and McGann. lb.. 3 0 0 w o While of i:gg Icing. Takino; of Evidence Will Donnran. Tb...... 4 u 1 J 1 " '' Wet s uf n cupful of confec-tUmer- 'y at short. A. young man, I'adJen. 2b 4 0 3 ? KsBJB3Bi4MsssBit-- PXfifY' a' Xext Week. Liver SSBWryjg . sugar of risg Little Pills. WBnlBSBIBBBBBBBaaBBT T " with the white an Wallace. 4 1 2130 S ? aBJnBJllBasaS4SBWStrir wV 'ifilBBCSK&ilr'''l named Hlnton, who was lately a member of Kruver. 3 i and two lublesiioontuls uf cold water, lleut 31...... Is taking or In Parker-Wel- ls Homestead, Pa., team. Is the corner Itan. e 3 0 2 S 1 until It ilrui and white, then add a Utile The eUdence the the at SudholT. p. 1113 lemon Juice or cream of elections contest probably will be Must Bear Signature f which always covered for , 3 0 3 " 2 - irWseii9irwXiW9 bbbVBsbbbbbsv ,i2titSmKJtUft tartar. 10 sbi7- - Plain Hulled leing. commenced next week. Demontre-vlll- e. j; "i Boston In such Inimitable style. Totals. ij s it 3 S mteCrt&JMimm&S'- .. flBBSSSSSSBBBBr2llsBSISBUa e Put one and one-ha- lf lupfuls of sugar The cuiitt hearing will hardly take place or Demont. as he Is known now. Is BOSTOX. In a aucepati with half a cupful uf water. before the fall term, as it has been Alt. R. A. B. Stir uiilli the sugar is dissolved, and to courtroom No. Z. Judge Spencer, playing second, and Bobby Lowe, another Hamilton .. 4 thru ef.... 0 0 J SWSBsBf?SsBaBKiEBBBKEaBSBRBKBBBBw'') ! not disturb. I.- -l bull until it will thread wlieie the of Coroner. Circuit At- favorite all along the circuit. Is missed. Tenner. lb .. 4 1 when ilroppil from a spoon. While torney. Assistant Circuit Attorney and Pub-ll- u and Freeman are with the Demont. 3b .. 4 1 T jrup also been sent. I.nK. r .. 4 S MiiirnrTOaBmPru i Is bulling, beat the whites of two eggs to a Administrator have 5ee U Wrsafcr Below. merican team, and an attempt has Smith, lr .. Z 0 sllff fiuth und when sirup Is ready pour Attornev Miner Meriwether, who has been made to replace them with Elmer Dlnetn. rf...... 4 0 " it gradually Into beating Lrlrkly. chaigr of tho Public Ownership party con- 4 the egi. Tear as 4Msj Smith and Gammons. The latter did not Hlnton. 3b...... 9 i Continue to licat uuttl thick and gloisy. tent, slated that the iar:y was making no ssaaH aad Klttrldxe. c .. 4 2 Add Ilaorli'g. To thin icing may be added matkrd headway, being hampered by a lack 1 play In right field yesterday, but Dtoeen rittlnser, p...... 3 2 chopped W. I!. Curls. sevrtary of the tataluaasafsB. gobbled up everything came way shredded roeoaiiut, nuts, almond of fundr. that that Totals 3 paste ur chopped fruits. A litlle cocoa Municipal Ownership says that no Dingle In first In- S ( !l II and made a timely the Ft. 1 with vanlla flnruring will make a delicious starllirg eildenre has been unearthed by ning. Hamilton still holds away over the Button 3 00O100304 0 0 0 0 0 ..403 TIsbMiT nRKHrWmMWnSr' TiTsffl icing. ihe lejsue. CARJER'SlKSf: a rr territory about center field. Earned runs St. Lculi ;. Boston 0. To-b- Fnsilast lelng. Baxrtam Good hits Donovan I. Wallace 1. Three-bs- e hits This Is a ery dainty king and requires MARRIAGE. Gave a Exhibition. Butkett 1. 4. Uoston DEATH PREVENTED patched-u- p Left on bine St. Louts i. no eiisT. It keeps well and cuts smooth. It Though the team Is the most Hit br Piteher By llttlnser 1. Double plas Is fNTHMUffl. lyne. jSudhoff. made bv lulling the sugar as for plain IBiVFII affair that ever attempted to play baseball Demont and Tenner, I; Wallaco DAN McGAXN. boiled icing, but until It will form a soft Iiriile;rooiu'M Took Place IMINtTIMIIsW. In National League, always excepting and McCann. 1. Bare on lulls OtT Sudhoff 3. off Funeral filaiu'sV the Plttlnser 2. Wild pitrhei Sudhoff 1. rnck oyt Local ball lieineen the lingers when dropped lu Tim Hurst's bunch of mljflts. It gave a Br SudholT 4. by Plttlmrer 4. Stolen haee First l'asiiiKin of the St. Louis Club, Who Is Popular With the he water. Pour this out on an oiled marble on Day He Was to Have Wed. IWSeliUWsNHL really good exhibition yesterday. Not one iteiuricK 2. aicuann l. rune or game une hour Lovers of the Gam1.'. paltry slab or cold platter, and when cold Death succeeded where the efforts of par- mlsplay was made, there and forty minutes. Umpire Dwyer. rnoiiith to show the Impression of the fin-g- preventing Jf mechanical but ents were aliout to fall in the stir It rapidly with a wooden paddle marriage uf Samuel ITusancjcy of No. SSC BROOKLYN A, 11 PITTSBl'RG 1. Umpire until white and nn. Knead a few minutes Finney avenue Minnie Eselman of Umpire Cantllllon. ha was atslsted by with Heldrlck in tho seventh, but the great dough. Into saucepan, acd Miss of ATTRACTIVE GIRL'S FROCK. tsherluan. oie: shortstop gamely like Put a stand No SM Finney a enue yesterday. Brllllaat Work: tn the Field and Fast continued. The gritty over bulling wuter and stir until It Is sort get consent of his parents Doable Plays C!eeUnd. Baltimore. In which he hung to th- - hall unu enough to run, pour quickly dYer l!nable lo the CURE SICK HEADACHE. Defeated Pirates. AILH.O.A.U. stnpiied then the Pittsburg. Pa.. June 6. Brooklyn's bril- AUlt.O.A.K. . lleidrick's steal wai a sight which cake. If too stiff, add a ery little boiling Blue and White Corded Chambray liant work In the Held with Keeler cf..4 2 2 l 0 IcGtan-- 3b.4 4 1 2 W would delight the lieatt of any man. water, a trw drops at a time, being careful as at third cCartli. If.3 2 I K Donlln. K....4 1 Is Here Prettily Trimmed. the star defeated the home team. Twice ll'Urien. rf..4 3 3 0 0 WlllUtr.a. 2b S 1 Rruger the u nut to make It too thin. Pittsburg seemed in position to win ana lb.4 2 3 0 0 Xelter. S....4 cloeil contst with clever Opera. Caramel lelng. lchnce. 1 stop of a hit off K!ttrldg!'s both times play spoiled Bradley, 2b. .4 u 3 1 i Vlinour. rf.4 bat. one-ha- lf No. 828t and white a fast double the lut one and cupfuls of brown Girls" Dress, Blue opportunity. 2J0O. leaser. C....4 0 J.ickun. cf..4 I sugar In a saucepan. Add three-quurlr- chambray prettily trimmed Attendance. Score: Woods. 110 lb 3 1 If Jones cou'd pitch n few sucli games as corded is here I....4 Halt, cupful table-spoonf- ul with lace Insertion. Pittsburg. Brooklyn. Ueck. 3b 3 211112 3 Hreirah'n. c.4 2 Sudhoff put up the l'.cul aggre- of a of thin cream and a level The waist Is made over a fitted body lin- AU.M.O.A.H. AII.1I.O.A.BL Dowtln;. p. .3 1 u 3 j Dunn, p 4 0 gation would not be long a resident of the of butter. Doll until a toft bill Beaum't. cf.4 l s o o Davla. rf. 3 m can b formed by dropping a little of the ing, which is faced with lace to simulate 12 21 U 21 11 colli dhbloii. col- Clarke. If....: 0 2 0 0 Keeler. . Ib...S 1 3 Total.....!? l Totals sirup Into Ice water. Then remove from a shield, and completed with a narrow z o o Scheck-d- 1 itaKner. rr..i l If4 2 0 0 I Is the tire nnd brat until it Is stiff enough In lar band. BranaS'd. lb.3 0 14 0 0 Daly. 4 2 1 Cleveland 0 0 0 13 0 . Schrlver making iille a record et tbfrd lb ' u 1 1 0 0- spreid nicely. The back fits smoothly, with small gath- RltChey. b..4 Dahlen. 1 1 Baltimore 0 0 0 -2 base. .He Is net playing there, but he has New Store. 1111 ....4 e ers belt and the fronts fasten In 3b.. ..4 3 0 McCreerr. cf.4 1 I To-l- hits-- lck 1. I'lckeilnff J. Williams 1. engineered several Uevrr scores from the Ice Cream Filling. at the a 1 13 balii Yeager 1. lta-- e Off gela- double-breast- style, the fullness forming Tar. 114 1 lb...4 0 12 Passed fn balls Dunn coacher's hox at that corner. Soak quarter of a packag if any mouse over the belt, Droaa O'Connor e.4 o a 0 0 SIcGulie. C...4 0 5 1. off Dowlln MrucK .nt Ely lUn? 2. Lft tine preparation In quarter of a cupful of a ine satin Phtlllppl. P..S 10 2 0 Hushea. p.. 0 0 on bases Hjltimorei X Cleieland 1. Time one Southern League. cold water until tender. Whip a pint of Broadway and St. Charles. hour and thirty minutes. Umpires Cantllloc and sweet cream very stiff, off Totals SI 1 37 1 Sheridan. Attendance. wi. Btrmlntliam. .Ma.. June C Initio double llfilnir (RU Totalf 12713 same rain. the frolh as It forms and plaeing It onH A Plttfburg 0 0 10 0 0 0 o 1 REPUBLICS HEAT UL.OUU-DEHOCR.- fine wire sieve. Place sieve In a liasln and Brooklm .2 1 0 0 1 o 0 0 01 ChitunOT'Sa, June 4 Chattanoofa-Nei- r Orleans set in the refrigerator or very cold Our advertisements have been mostly Two-ha- s Three-bas- e csrr.e hits Daly 1. . hits Mc- Score X to 4 NrDnmun'a Delivery Was ioetjiiiel; rain. to kep the cream stiff. When all the cream Creerr 1. Stolen bases Wacner 2. Double plara 1 whipped, sprinkle over It half a cupful Keeler. unasststed. 1; Keeler and Kartell 1. a Pnzale. Nashville, Tenn.. June . NaihyUle-Memnht- a of powdered sugar. Fold In carefully. about line china, but we would not have First bate on balls Oft Hushea 4. Struck out The Republics defeated the ts ball game postponed; ruin. a teaspoonfnl Br Phllllppl 2. by Hushes 4. IMsed yesterday afternoon Athletic Flavor with of vanlla or a I. Time One hour and xcrty minutes. Um- at Park tablernoonfnl of wine. Dissolve the gela- pire Emslle. by a score of S to 1. Three I. League. In a quarter of cupful boiling At Itock IkUnd -- Hoc s; 4. tine a of you think for a moment that there are no Neumann, The Itcpubllcs' craik pitcher, k Islan'l. Daxenport, water and strain Into the cream, then stir was In excellent form In yesterday's con- until the selallne Is thorouehly mixed PHILADELPHIA 14, CHICAGO 4. test, and the opponents were unable to Western Aasorlntlon. throucli the cream and the mixture rtlff low-price-d after the third Inning. Sampson put At Columbus Vlumbus 2. T,iIelo 0. enough drop, goods here. There are, more of up great game At lntllaratiolls lndlana;Klls 4. 1'ort Wayne 1) lo then spread between the a behind tne bat for 'fh Daytou-Marlc- n layers Anarchists Made Eight Errors and the Republic team, At Das ton sum puUKnel: of cake. Quakers' Eighteen lilts Did Rest. and ltd his teammates at art Grounds. the bat. At lulsvllle IatulsvHIe-Wbeellr- g same pot them without a doubt than in any other Chicago. June 6. The fleldlrg of the. lo- The game was fast from beginning to puned; rain. cals to-d- was disgracefully poor, their end. and van witnessed by a large crowd of SPKCIMEX MEXrs. errors of the rankest kmd and followed bv enthusiastic rooters. The score: Calleire llnselinll. store in town, and better for same fierce batting. Donohue let down in the y.. -- the at Syracuse. N. June Syracuse Chicago Monday. ninth, and allowed six hits. Attendance. Republics. Unuersliy 2. ji o. Score: AU.lt. II.O.B. A IS. K.I I O.E. BREAKFA8T. IfcW'nr. lb S 3 t It 0 Tammanr.p.5 1 2 7 1 SPKOIAI.! Fruit. money. The fact is we want you to know Chlcaso. I'hlladeinhla. Sampson. c.S 13 10 struck, ib...& 1 1 1 HKPI'RMC Cereal. Cream. AU.1IU.A E. AII.II.O.A.K Neumann, p.4 117 0 Tamroanv. c.S GalesturK III.. June t-- In cue of the moet Hartcell. K..3 Thomas. z Harris. 2b...! 0 3 Cjrley. lb. ..4 exciting finishes n en the Knox campus this Plain Omelet. Bacon. et..t 12 year, Knox tea-- n Plain Boiled Potatoes. tJreen. cr... 1 Deleb'tv. lb. 4 IT Sharpe. K....S 0 111 i;ar.s. s the luseball won fmm M. our China Store, and to make it worth your DeMer. lb...S 2 hick. rr.....5 irconnor.cf.; 1 1 1 u Htaed. 2b... .4 A linns Academy by a score ot to 5. Knox I'd Roils. Coffee, 1M 1 1 0 0 Campbell, cf.4 until the eighth Innlni:. when th academy LUNCH. Dolan. rf....S I Barrr. 3b....s IJeljnan. came m'i chllds. a ...4 1 CUrle. f....s ItebecK. rf..5 0 Jiliuoes. rt...4 near hatting out a ilctory. In Ihe rerirs Kippered Herring. Potato Salad. low-price- 4 1 McF-lan- d. 1100 4 Knox has won four games d Rarmer. lb.. c. Shirley. Sb.i 110 iMrztld. If.. - out of tie Cheese. Wafers, while to get acquainted we are selling Mct'm'k. s..4 2 Cross, s 5 Score Ij- lnnlnas: Cereal Coffee. Kahoe. c.!...S 0 Hallm'n. 2b.4 Total ...i"in27 3 Totals ..33 4 Knox 2 0 0 1 o t 2 g Waddell. p...4 1 Donohue. p..S St. Alabans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 I DINNER. 1 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 J Itet.ul.lle 2 Uatterles; Kticx-Ksslc- IJndstrom i Cream or Corn Soup, goods at unusually low prices. Profit at 1 2 1 l 0 0 V 0 o 4 Albans-llaytho- and Total 3J 1 I Totals ...,4S 1$ 27 U o st. rne and Suite. Rolled Steak. Stewed Onions. ril Three-bas-e lilts Tammany 1. Two-bas- e hits llaktd Potatoes. New Chicago 0 Harris 1. Struck out Br Tammany C by Nea-roa- n Ilret. Philadelphia 2 00000000 S 44 . 1. Minor Games. Lettuce. is not under consideration. 0 0 0 0 3 11 Hit by pitcher lly Tammanv B3es Fruit. Cake. Left on bases Chicago . 11. Two-ba- re on balls Off Tammany 3. off Neuman I. Time nnrunuc special. Philadelphia . Coffee. hits MeCormlck 1. Three-bas- e hits HaU-tna- n of game Ono hour and fifty minutt-s- Umpire ,.?"!a Tn T'rre' "nte baseball . 1. Delehantr 1. Flick Home runs Casey. the.JuntThree I I .en sue defeated i'eorta I. Barrr team y a 1. SacrMee hits Hallman 1. Stolen bases Dex- by a score ot 3 to i. Tuesday. ter 1 Harry X Delehantv 1, Hick 2. Waddell 1. Western League. Dinner' Toilet Rtruik out fiy Waddell 7. bv Donahue I. Bus's Joseph, Mo.. June C an error on Amateur I1KKAKFAST. .n balls-- Off St. But fcr Ilasrhnll Xnten. Waddell 2. off Donohue 1. Wild the part of Pitcher McDocald In the elshth In- The Schah Clothing Company Fruit. tdtehe Waddell I. Time of rrnne-O- ne hour er- defeated the Sets. Sets. 8M1-QIR- and ning, he nould shut out Denver. lai I'tell UillUms on 1 Cereal. Cream, L'S forty-riv- e minutes. Umpire O'Day. hae TtU Jun at Deck's Park. DRESS. ror, followed bystwo more and two hits, netted Tuey iM.y. uarr. Oliver & Singer Saturday. June Shredded lrled Beef. Ilea Sauce. tho tuns. scare: 8, lieck's 4, 6, Sand 10 years. i!tor flte The at Irk. Hashed Brown Potatoes. 100 AMERICAS LEAGUE. P.. II. E. Tho Jefferson Club Juniors hace orranlzfd Pop Overs. Coffee. Dinner English Porcelain. We have both imported and do St. Joseph 0 0 0 2 A 4 A .-.- 7 S and woujd like to arranae games dec-- , Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 3 In with all teams LUNCH. piecei. peacock and penciled collar Is trimmed with lace, and a band of Cleveland 4, Baltimore 2. i t the class In nr out of to'tn. Ad- Slice Cold Rolled Steak. mestic wares and undoubtedly ex- Clet eland. O.. June . Dowllng pitched for Batteries St. Joseph McDcnald and Dooln; dress W. k. Wolfe. No. 2SH I.tclede avenue. orations, first qnalitv, no seconds, . the Insertion the edge of the front Is y Macaroni Balln. Cream at Oereland and redeemed himself for the Denier Kyler and James fullUant . The Missouri Pacific detested the I. M.s Sauce, worth easily 310.00, $6.75. . tended down the left lde of the front gore loss bla same Owing K Well.played In Cucumber and Onion Salad. giving Rus- of first here. to the Illness same last SundsV. They are op--n best assortment in the Wert. In the skirt, the effect of a TVs Moires. la.. June . Des Moines took the. for eneairemenis. Addrefa ltill Sheridan, care of Tea. Dinner Set Underglaze Porcelain, ! sian dress. second rtme from St. Paul The feature. Mlssourt Pacific. DINNER. 3 styles and 4 The sleeves are fitted with inside seams aa the poor work of the umpire. The Sller Seals and the Heavy Vegetable Soup, bine or Rreen. 100 piece set, worth ' Sets color,, M on score: Haulers will cross blue, green, brown and gray, ,. only, have comfortable fullness the sts at Park Sunday afternoon for the Veal Pot Stewed Carrots. 915.00, worth edges n. 11. E. championship of lie. fur SI0.00. -- nhoulders. and flare nt the lower 4 1 0- S Missouri. Spinach, 92.60 our price Des Mnlnrs 0 0 0 a 3 0 -4 0 A first-clas- s $tS3. where they are gathered on the wristbands. 1 amateur first baseman, left Rice Pudding. Coffee. 112 'I St. Paul 0 3 0 1 07 li 2 fielder and pitcher to good Dinner Set pieces, blue and The skirt is made with five gores, fitting Des 110 wishes Jin a club. Sets Same colors and smoothly around the waist and over the Baltetles: J!olnesciade and Cole; Ft. Address I.. U. Kellr. No. S"13 Adams street. gold or green and gold; similar Paul ilrcllenstcln. MrtSIll and Wilson. Attend- b- $5, hips. The backs arc arranged in nn under- Umpire The Will'am J. Lemps wTI play Friday good cannot - bought elsewhere styles, worth oar price $3.75. ance. R0. Jlcilll'tn. and Sunday at Kehouah. Is., and wou.j IX lying plait center. llnt-clas- s Sets-Fil- at each side of the like to hear from all teims In or out for less than 18.50 ouly $t4.59. Fine led in colors. Attractive frocks In this style may be Omaha. Nb.. Jure . Payne struck out five per- Fer--us- Semi-Porcela- in made of cheviot. Henrietta, challie, men and xave but one base on balls, while Fine Sets-1- 12 and bine and gold, green and gold, pink cotton, was easy and a. suprlanfM by Ullllam cale, gingham or mercerized with 113 illumi-nste- d and gold,worth ft, onr price $3.85. embroidery or fancy braid for trimming. Proiste Blgestiu Care Djspspsli. after the fcunh Inning. The score: TRAINS CRASHED TOGETHER. pieces, bine and gold 8 years n. ir. n. and other decorations, well To make the dress for a girl of aw 2 2 ft 1 9 X Omaha. t 2 0 0 . 3 will require one-ha- lf yards These Tablets arcespecially jire-pare- d 1 1 rt 0- 521.00-on- ly two and of 0 0 0 0 0 -2 3 S Head-En- vorlh SI6.S0. r-inch Nine Persons Injured in d material. The pattern. No. Batteries: Omaha-Paj- ne and Oondlng: Minne- for the various forms of dys- 100-pie- Jardinieres SSI. Is cut In sizes for girls 4. 6, S and 10 apolis Ferguscn. C.HlHtn and Klelnow. Collision Near Vicksburg. 23 Dinner Sets. English years. edge, pepsia manifested by distress or Kansas Oty. Mo.. June Costly errors by Porcelain, gold full color and uneasiness after meals, accom- the home team In the Tilth tInninr. and their In- Vlcksbiirg. Miss., June 6. Nine persons decorations, pink, green and yel- ability to hit Klttrldse. Colorado Sprites were lnjutcd. three seriously. in head- low, THE REPUBLIC PATTERN COUPON. Attendance. l"y.irae a never sold elsewhere at less Pedestals. panied by nausea, fullness of the tho same. Score: end collision between two MHslsslopI Val- 816.50 AND ADDRESS: n. ir. e. ley passenger S o'clock this morn- than our price $12.50. FILL IN NAME Kansas City " 4 4 trains at is stomach, bloating, etc. 2000000021 1 ing, north of Vicksburr. This undoubtedly the best you NO. 8281. heartburn, CoV.rsdo prlnss..O 4 II sssssHMrl Some of the R. B. Gray stock still lotteries: Kansas 0003000City Uwlng and Beville. Of the passengers. Miss Mary Doughty am ever saw for the money. Their object is to do the work of Colorado SpnnKS Klttlidce and Donahue. of Nacogdoches, Tex., was the most setl-ou-- iy here, 20 patterns, yellow and gteen digest ion, so Injured, her arm and hand being Gray's price tl.e'S sow St.99. Be sure to give bust measure, name as to partake of heart3 GOSSIP OP IIASEBAI.L PLAYERS. badly crushed. A of other rs 10 cents to meals suffiaving un- were badlr shaken u?. 12-in- Jardiniere and 38-ia- Ped- and address, and mail with without any St. Lonl. Team Will Have to Fight The trains met on a sharp curve nrwr Steins. :n : estal, worth 97 onr price $4.73. PATTERN DEPARTMENT OF To-Da- Florence, THE pleasant conditions, and prevent Harder la Game. sixteen miles rorth of this city. ( REPUBLIC. Selee and hut for the nrnmot action of Kneln- - THE and his Bostcnlan.i will be north-boun- Large Jardiniere Pedestal 3 colors the breaking down of the entire ecr Jonei of the d train. In re- - at League Park again this afternoon, and ! The days these will be useful as well 9U.8:-o- nr versing his engine, the wreck would have MM BV underglaze Gray's price tribe of Donovan will no be bbbb- I- 4smL aaaiBk system. ac- the doubt called MM At? - as ornamental are coming on we No. S2S1. Bust measure years. They are prepared upon to face one of Ms cracks. Willis. oeen more complete. MW T price SB. 75. The south-boun- d train was two and one-hi-lf have Steins of every description, cording to process and formula Nichols and Dlncen have all been pitching 15 6, 6, 7 aad the well for the last two weeks, and any ona hours late, and was running at a high from 25c to $15.99 each. dozen odd Jardinieres rate of speed to make up time. At Clarks-dai-e, 8 inches underglazed decorated-wo- rth of a specialist, and are the only of them will be much harder to solve than south-loun- was Pittinger yesterday. me hours turner. i d train Ice Tea aadLemoaade tUMsmem. 35c to 91.36; your choice Name remedy sold under guarantee crashed Into a caboose and Hng'neer Dana to received Injuries which may prave fatal. 65c. 75c, $i.0t? and St. 39 per doz. I 25c cure money refunded. Powell will be the mainstay In the box for or St. Louis this afternoon, unless Manager liSas-sSU- S! Address Gallatin. Ark. Anzust 1. TWO. Donovan decides that Murphy has earned NEW TOBACCO CONSOLIDATION. I hays' been a sufferer fro-- n indigestion for tea another opportunity ahead of man who years. everrthlnjr recom- the M I hare tried almost twlee took the taw of Matthcwson. mended. EfPFPSIA TABLETS did me mora American Continental Com-- v good than all the medicine hae ever taken. 1 and heartily recommend EUPKPSIA TABUBTS tn It seems to bs the general Impression that ts all who may b troubled with Indigestion or ca- the Boston team never could hit Sudhoff. panies Are Included. wishine latest style tarrh of the stcmach. Tours truly, but the figures show that yesieruavs game Anv one the R. F. FLATT. was the first one Sudhoff has won from the New Tork. June 6. The ConrolUIated To- sMCTitam by call- At all dnugtsts. or direct, for Mc per box of Reaneaters since 1SS9. He pitched against bacco Cvmpany Incorporated In patterns may obtain them twoweeks treatment. Samples and Treatise on Niw Jer- I '11JaVifrttMsmiscecal to troubles sent free. and lost them twice last year. sey en Wednesday was formally organised New Store, Repub- stomach to-d- room 20, second floor, In this city by the election cf these i i I mn i,?wcnj ing at Toar Money Back It Tkey FalL From the stand it looked as if Herman directors: M lic building, Seventh aad Olire. BVPEPSIACO..iUCImrkAn, SL Lawb, Jwt, Long had broken his back la the collUion James O. Duke. Oliver H. Payne. Thossas Broadway and St. Charles. I it 'l &,. X