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.TfAKCMRY 8 THE WASHINGTON TIMES; TUESDAY, 20, 1914. ( IF THE KIDS HAD A CHANCE TO BRING, UP THEIR ) By. BREAKING EVEN FATHER AND MOTHER. Goldberg FANS APPRECIATE Wise Fans Look Here f - 7 . E "". T-- -- """ A r He'h05NT GO K bwT eep HJrA Too W YoO JOMT Best Sport Pages - ( 'L(-- TOArJCnofte lonjG BECAUSE" HE g AFPRSUfXCe I S?AWdMS For VANS For TH,Fbo. VJr THe bOCTOfc mJlUG PICTURE 0 TVte WOSlCfL-- N Bel wo LA7.Y- - i jfXrvJb. shows-Twefu- g tfS we You;e rBarf looter TS.C HiN. gspm? ' 'bOcPvnoM omuc reACTicek D1GgT10Ky Stove League Education by AFRMK uig'LlL. VWVTfA ALL rtIS LKTlkl To'bo fcGFRer HE z 9 A FioeTV MIMitmr: --" ANTI-TOXI- N J GIVES TOIifC Famous Umpire Is Calculat- ENGEL HIGH FEVER ed to Keep You on Edge. to Charlottesville, in By THE PROBLEM EDITOR. mg before gome many the Capital, where he has Billy Evana" third series of nroMm A f tphoid Injection Does Not friends are setting many answers from the fans Ala Williams' signed contract arrived who are snowing tnat they appreciate Agree With the Climbers' Mondav evening, and George McBride the value of a stove league education has sent his from his home in Mil- and VIll be ready cianjr waukee Thus far not a Washington for the of the Young Twirler. plaer has protested against the figures Bong in April to show that they know In his 1914 contract, and all are ex- all about the umpiring game. pected to be Inside tho fold within a The problems try out the best knowl- week. edge of the game and all of the fans r IS EXPECTED are ZCOVERY SUm" Love, the south- putting in a line or two on the paw, grabbed from , will not baseball problems to show that they report here this season. Grif-ftt- h like them and wnnt t f .i... completed all arrangements inA having game. If voa were Billv Rvnn. ,. -- ., Con-Tra- ct Angeles club, J.3vard Shanks' Signed to send him to tho Los umpire you lr the Pacific Coast League. Love, other would be called upon to the Old Fox, needs more u mae a aecuion Immediately and Arrives at Club Head- before he can get away with your ability as an umpire would He In his iob under the main tent. In a letter the correctness and dispatch with which quarters. to Manager Frank Dil'on, Clark Grif- you solved the difficulty. fith tells him that Tom Hughes will also Remember, von fnn tTn rani.- c vrry likely accompany Iove to tho na a second or so to dope out the Dlay coast but if Hughes lands an umpires And that new nnct a. mh.!.. ... Zit birth another Ditcher of equal caliber the while. Many of the plays gtven the By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. vU renlaco him. Hughes 13 now being fans have been taken BUIy berth ip from Evans' taking treat- - ccrsldered for an arbitrator's experiences on tne diamond, but new As a result of the the Western League. plays are cropping up all the while. One pnt to prevent typhoid fever, pre-- or two of the fans have sent In original Bobby Lowe, for twelve years star problems, many by Maii- - Na- of which are either cribed for all his players with the Boston wcreu ui prumeins io come or nave - tional Leaguo team In the days when been given by iger Griffith, Joe Engel, the Climb- won pennants in tho Billy Evans. - the Beaneaters KnTf vf 4t?ht tntr. tin.. n4 ... promising young speed mer- old circuit, has been signed as coach j ou know about baseball. your "s of the Washington and Jefferson var- Address . hart, is confined to his home with a year. several jears replies io j.ne xrooiem junior and try sity sauad this For and get your name In the honor roll. glng fever Today it is said that ho has been a scout for the Here are those who nlvcl Tlcers. He will report to Washington problem: vfr4nv ' " will recover, but will hardly be and Jefferson early in April and remain lie to leave his bed for several days with the squad until the close of its John R .Desha, House Office IKiildin;,' season. t P'ngel is the first player of tho Miss Jean Stockman. r Norman Nick Cullop. the young and IT. E. O'Conner. to suffer any illness from tho Naps, some erratic southpaw of the Wallace Taylor. aiment. He and Ainsmith under Is a wise vouth. He has Just been mar- H. A I marry-iw- anti-typho- for r Capt. George B. Hughes. cut the id injection at ried. He explains his reason thus early in his life. "Of course,' Bill Evans Has New same time, but Ainsmith has not he writes to a friend In Cleveland, "you ( Engel has know I got married to Miss Paulino E50SH,t - e55- - l: .. Track Team Expected n bothered whatever. Dungan, of Seven Mile Ford. I suppose SPEAKING OF SPORTS Problem for the Fans fn compelled o take to his bed. those queer names we have around 3, To Sidestep these parts make ou laugh, but it was By CUREDj - Contest He a mere passing fever," said LOUIS A. DOUGHER. By BILLY EVANS. no laughinc matter for Nick when Ji" TeU-iu-G I don't A play came up In ono of big c'JrVmMo oou.GSe gtYjrTWTNf we He WJth out one exception to the seven uiiager Griffith today, "and Joell had to walk those seven miles. tha arraignment have, to walk 'em now. Weddings bells leagues several years ago that caused feVJT IV-- I LUC!Y COMIMG Home f53M of Georgetown Unlversltj all right In a few days. I am not Day." Cul- cvoOtSH In the letter severing football relations - Tb'ix for mo on Christmas one of the clubs to forfeit. is a play rrymg about the boy. This treat lop That Battle at Ardmore. It Be rBLG MV ccJLLese PfWMeA sent to Francis X. Anglln, faculty ath-letJ- c lives In Chilhowie. Va that comes up very often, and always TO TO siie iz nt 13 never fatal." Thursday night, som, THg vits.T- - director of the university, the re- thf same time Ensel s illness may Ivan Howard. utlllt player vvlih Los That battle at Aidmoro between Kid Egan and Young creates more or less confusion. It he'll' MAce Hs ply to be sent to Charlottesville Ic event h's joining the start of young Angeles last season has slimed his contract McCue, featherweights, ought to furnish the Capital's flght fans with a deals with interference, and the crowd, i CJ(aH Lb SU0SLL. answer to the charges will call off al' Hers to report at the Y M. C. A. to play with the St Louis Brownies. He real evenings enjoyment. Kid Egan is the champion feather of the South. as a rule, insists on trying to utKa i basketball and baseball games for thi Is a. brother of Del Howard, former utility determine VU WVTtt year. e next month, and thus slow up his champion was ln-- ?feVbe elopment for mound duties. The star with the Cubs Hr playea Hie opponent is the former bantam of the same section, grown whether 6r not the interference l No mention la made of the coming jnester is most anxious to make good such (rood ball on the coat last vear that a b t and now seeking the title in the clr.ss above him. They will go on at tentlonal. Georgetown indoor track games nut i s season, and he is worrying not a he was drafted bj the Brownies catch wcignts and, therefore, both should be strong and able to go the I The play, as it came up In the big Is thought by the Charlottesville fol le over h s present illness. In , league, created a Wild West finish. The lowers that Virginia will hardly accepi Fred Falkenberu, the Naps elongated limit. There are enough boxing lovers the District to make this bout an Invitation sent, wlU least twentj-fl- ve bases were filled, with one man out in to enter if nor ar-- d tnlrler. reached first base at wel! while, expect to bee a large crowd on hand Then the they oward Shanks signed contract year never (rot worth and I avail themselves of the opportuni headquarters today, accom- - times last and far enouch the last half of the ninth. Three runs ty to advantage of at to cross the plate FaJk comes out with principals enter the ring. were take the fact that iiri bv a short letter assuming Man-- r a prophecy now that ho will break this needed to tie and four to win. The the games are open to all colleges. "Monaca grounder Georgetown, through Griffith that the Marvel record in 1S14 bj making at least one . Yes, and don t forget that the semi- And the people went wild over our act. batter a hard at the short- Its athletic head, uld report in good shape and would upon stop. It looked as if the latter had a takes exception to the fact that Virginia way final Is going to be a hummer. C clone When I cane forth the forum, the 191 that he stayed that for the lm rnmifillr fhn lfttlA nutfl.Moi. Clrft nt thunder of their applause was sweet sure play in front of him that played, in and 1912. both games be of the season. Shanks It the first signed 1911 JIarx is the lad who stirred up such a would lng subsequent to the matters brought regular up to the Boston Braves, has far to my ears. retire the side and end the rally the outfielders to sign for Bo has Larr Gilbert, the Milwaukee star scrap a while ago about agreeing to Q. Well, what kind of an act did of the hqme team. All runners, of out as belnc the chief causes for th cautrht In the draft. Connolly called up meet any boy In the city at his weight. you have' A What kind of an act? course, started to advance as soon as Virginia grievances. President Gaffney on tho phone and asked to with My boy, we had the greatest act on the ball was hit. The Blue and Gray authorities decline msu John Henry armed in town have a contract sent him "How much do. He is willing to back himself a to controversy Vir- side bet of J30. Buddy Ray was ono the American stage. Kick and me. And After settling himself for the ball, enter into a with ida and after a jrort conference you want" asked GsJtne) "I'll leave that upon the shortstop evidently decided that f ginia, believing that wrancllnsr woUlc Manager Griffith, his 1SH replied Connollj Gaffney Immedl-- of the lads who eagerly Jumped to tho when I came forth the forum, like come) cloned to jou," front With an acceptance of that chal- this, stretching my hand to stop the he took a step backward he would be n rteuLo, ?pzeg to no good end and as Virginia 'ract Henry looks well and Bays j ately tacked on a substantial raise over the con- a slightly position hur- i nas on will - figures lenge. Both boxers are In flno applause, the people went wild. better to make a caned ruture football dates, spend mort of the time remain- 1'in Q. I ried throw to second. That decision MEEb BOCfcS the HlUtoDPers take the course obvi dition, and their eight rounds should bo know all about that, but what (ooo ously filled with action Marx has bunches of did j ou do' - A. What did I do? My was a fatal one. Tho runner going Fht? A Mtvxl f IKCOfcEb!, left ODen to them and cancel al friend3 In the Bureau of Engraving and boy. the peoplo don't ask me to do any- from second to third was Just in back baseball and basketball contests. Printing who are going out to Ardmoro thing There is something about the of the shortstop aa he took the step pofcgR to oack him up with sturdy rooting. old boy that captivates throngs with a The two men collided, both going to o? cHl?s mere glance, and when I came forth the ground, while the ball continued its Indians Are Afraid HOW SULLY GAVE The Federal Leaguers say they have upon the forum course to the outfield The left fielder WASHINGTON". Pa.. Jan. 2). Accord 510,000,000 Q you let It get away from him, and to put into their venture. If Are ever going back to it rolled lng to Manager iL 31. Murphy "Wash they get ten more they'll be able to vaudeville' A Am I ever going back? to the fence. All four runs scored, ap- fit out their teams with four or five Mv bov. I turned down offers from o. parently Winning the game for the ington and Jefferson has been unable tc players apiece. Keith. Shubert, and the K. and E home team. book a game with Carlisle for 1911 be- TIGERS PENNANT forces this winter. They'll all be after Tho game was played in the days of cause Glenn Warner fears defeat foi Bob Fltzslmmons Insists on boxing me again They all know that when tho one umpire For some reason, the his Indian eleven. starving. ad- I come upon people official in charge of the game was look- jrlve i- again for fear of Fine forth the forum the livan would not and handed mission for a husky athlete to make go wild over me and my act. And ing elsewhere when the interference the spitball pitcher the fast ball sign I Stars Are Lecturing. con- when so many perfectly good teamsters' when I happened, and his attention was not "y Cobb Tells Times' Read- for the third time At last. Walsh to the mix-u- p saw ceded it He bluffed at the iobs are vacant. You'll never hear Ping called until he both Chief Bender and Harry Davis, twe v.iUnc make that whine. Basketball is the cause of fallen runner and fielder on tho ground. stars, ball and wound up, withpll three men . big of the Hackmcn's are touring ers of Inside Trick of- - Vet- on move, arches for many athletes. and There was a kick, of course. Tho on the bases the tut It shot CHARACTERISTIC INTERVIEW fallen arches prevent a man from be- crowd surged on the field, the home Pennsylvania with a moving picture ex- : across me prite hi ajoie h Knees aiiu "GERMANY SCHAEFER coming football or buseball player. club hurried to It3 dressing quarters, hibition of the last world's series, each j fooled the bljr Frenchinm, who had WITH a player eran Catcher. I Question Mr Schaefer. is it true that Yes, and fallen arches unfit a ma.i for while the visiting plaers and crowd lecturing and explaining tht been looking for a spitter and expected poor, scenes. bad, wnen saw jou drew largt rowds to see our life This much for basketball. Some surged arounJ the unfortunate various the ball to break he vaudeville sketch Answer Mj, boy. dav I II say some more It will be umpire. What do you suppose hap- uuw low 1L vi a cuiiiuiK lie uiuugui il ball, would the houses were packed from cellar to quite as compllmentarv pened' would syrely be a and it celling The people went simply wild MOVING PICTURES By . have been had Walsh tnrown a spitter heavyweight (Copyright, 19H. by the Wheeler Syndicate. , Js same height as Lajoie figured when I appeared Chicago is falling for the s fBig Leagues' Champion Batsman.) at the Q Did jou plaj the big towns' A v. rollers again, and the papers In the Inc1) he would The big towns'' Well. I should Kay I Windv City are howling with rage. Old "B llj" Sullivan, catcher of the Chicago, City, I funnv many spring Cxheatbe Ninth and "Jot" Jackson Is also a wonderful did Detroit. and Kansas It's how suckers Answer to Yesterday's Problem it Sox used to be a wonder at natural batter He was ripe when guess, are tne big towns, ain't they up overnight 11 A. 31. TO 11 P. BI. League The umpire In charge of the gamo MCSIC BT PROP. GREEN'S ORCHESTRA. ring out batters and then crossing first came up to the big Big and runner joined the Athletics Tn 1&"S Jackson permitted tho originally on sec- Cooke Will Run. AMUSEMENTS lOc ALL SEATS 10c v He slipped one over on Lajoie was born a sticker, has alwavs been ond tc score, desplto tho fact that he Today Father John. d strong enough CHARLOTTESVILLE. 20. va-- thp ripe since he has been had apparently been retired at the Va.. Jan. the end of season of 1908 Wiley Cooke. Virginia's champion half-mile- r, The Rag Picker of Paris. to swing a bat. and will be able to plate. Section 3 of Rule 72, relating to Tonight. 8:15. .Ich practically Cleveland ' bust 'em" long after his legs and arms BINGLES AND BUNTS has been persuaded to run for Tomorrow For Ireland's Sake. Tene Irial-dram- knocked around rules, savs "In all cases where Virginia made and In wear out It is the way with all men By GRANTLAND RICE. ball goes again. During the indoor sea- Hktlnees. Silo acted Ireland. t of the pennant that year and of his tpo The retain their batting a thrown into a stand for! son he win report to "Pop" Lannigan wmsm Tbnrm. & Sat. Hig League sreclttors, or through any fence sur- three days week, e the flag to Detroit. That is vvhj abilit after their other rounding the playing field, or into the a devoting the rest 4 CHAVNCET "J" STEAMSHIPS qualities have been fray d out. Look at Winter League Dope No. 6 The Ring. rln"prs' bench, whether the. hall of his time to his studies. Lannigan heard the play discussed so often Mike Donlln and ev en Lajoie. who ! r. ' said today that he was sorry for the Blow up or. bounds Into the field or not. tho runner severing MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANS. Cu. d why I attach so much import--- e beginning to his leg, but j.iiy run 'Wio cin di.soect pugdom's present elastic dope, including or .runners shall be entitled to two of athletic relations with In a New Play by who vlngs the ball as hard as ever hopes and report an is bird of rarity. screen on Georgetown, as he had hoped for Vir- RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG. to it At this time, to which I But Jackson, to mj mind loses a lot white auswei a considerable The rases The used all grounds ginia to have come to only ligl.tveigDt divihiop o v even sweep directly behind the catcher Is placed this decision fer. Chicago, Cleveland. St. Louis, of hits he would get if he studied out alone ork witn an where there prevent after victory "SHAMEEN DHU" FLORIDA TOUR there simply to accidents, as "Nine-da- d Detroit were all bunched the the game. For Instance, he cannot tell is a fairly level trail to follow, but Die rest of it has assumed a tangle be- majority Direction of Mr. Henry Miller. y trip, personally conducted, ic for any el-- e how to bat. Hr a of the balls fouled and Jacksonville, Augustine. one doesn't yond any unraclinr. go directly In Savannah. and St. nnant Cleveland looked best, know himself how he hits, or when he thrown back of the AMUSEMENTS Week Now Selling ule St Louis was about to crack, is going to hit, or where he will hit catcher Tho screen is not placed there Next Seats the ball Jupt at prefont the mam argument appears to be fired m the direction to prevent balls going into the stand '' the hitp Sox still had .1 chance. for any other reason. While the ball THE TRAIL of the $50.00 In tb final game of of the heavwveipht title where we have a comic opera situation beyond did go into the suuul. the um-- NATIONAjLsYin0.? Including transportation, meals, and state the last series (Continued Tomorrow ) rot room accommodations on steamer, hotel at th feeason between Chicago and any show rf recent jears. Jack Johnson still holds the title, with a num- plre held it would have done so had the LONESOME PINE commojatlons. drives, etc. Leave Baltiroor wps ber of furoiMJun nations itte".Miig to knock it from his ebony dome, s reen not Doen mere, and lie also JOSEPH WITH on new S S Somerset Monday. Feb. IS. Foi "Atrland the late "Addie" Joss TV. s took Into consideration tho fact that itinerary reservations etc.. address R. n-- Would pr cc-- clr'nipiohnhip AND rkinc. aga t "Ed" Walsh at his Says Jennings without due ol a battle Johnson can't lobe the title the player was forced to remove his CHARLOTTE WALKER TURNER. P T M. Baltimore. Md. ot Thf White Sox had a lead of Have Jumped Detroit until va pghts, and ficv won't let him fight until he has lost tho title. rlove and throw it at the ball to re- HIS run, but the Naps had managed move It from the screen The presi A Play by EUGENE WALTER. a-- leaguo All of whifli brings on a f.nil ti vvouln be no inusnon s to his cham- denl of the upheld the umpire BRETHREN From the Novel by JOHN FOX. Jr. WINTER RESORTS get three men en bases the A prece- lhe in J PITTSBI'RGH. Pa . Jan 20 "Hughey situation Th Smoke is now barred pionship status Hut with his lack and commended his judgment. With t inning of the game Tv,o were of 1 Ik h slid needs additional speed dent having been established, other um--ir- et JAMES O'NEIM miANDEN TTNAN. DAILY in land wherf sufficient civiliza- "50 ' erv to icach Out now follow It. Hilly Evans PAULINE FREDERICK, and More. when L'ljoie came to the bat as ( be-- first rank of the lot of 't for the Federal League In l'jlS." nays tion has established to erect a them the Gunboat should como nearly AilO hope Cleveland I appear be an B.F.KEITH'S final of It was a Secret.trv William T MrCullough, of rlze ring There dot n t to lullng tho heavyweight ear SUNDAY x-aw-ra.K will ever be al- Next Week Seats Thur. kKsli situation, and Walsh and I local Federal League club today as outsloe chance thut he Wants Field Judge. &UJ!MS3 the lowed to ring In a ehaniplon-I'l'l- p TrCTeats v the following fnter tho (Continued tomorrow ) , DU CHARLES FROHilAN MAT, 25c EVE., 25c to 75c allivan nt to vvork carefully on he txhibited letter hi& onlv NEW HAVEN, Conn Jan Walter outrun ii- i I fraj Apparentlv then V ni o at "Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, August Is b death, Camp, Yale's football authority, says .i JC t MtVO sl:ger. Z. chance to loro the title 7A' 4Hft had aome difficulty in Mi Is X John-ro- n Is well night E3M:i2 The Marriage lavs T. McCullough which likelj to be about Russell Ford Is Said thut football perfect now a ODortsu t ' Rh pitters. s.o Bie Ed" lr the first ring hampK'n ever needing only the addition of a lleld t Iicar sir Yours to me at Letrolt. i ui1p. and no nulled these I iirron to anv such xtent and unless judl'e t6 the number of officials 'In fSBAG3 Market DESERVES r.o im-- - , verj glad to hear from Mi con- To Have Jumped for hard inves tut each jou th title goes bv default, there seems Traces charge ol a game Ho says that two T1IF PKHFECT MUSICAL COilEDT Winter foul The i u'i on Lajoie tract with Vavin expires this fall If begin lew ftf you little chance for an citiick hange in officials cannot to cover enough CROWDED BOUSES"-Eeral- d. ' allj"i narrowed dunn to three can give me a contract for two He done the game more Russell Ford tin i,pitball of ground under present conditions cvr National Theatre enjoyed J Is I v crowr.i! his twirler I1KIIT CLAKK & MABEL HAMIL- may be Is tn d two strikes, v.ll the came jears that attractive. ill Join youri anv other factor that ever ad- t - harm than the New York Yankee, is said to havo PIIIIcAOULI'III.V OHCHESTHl, TON. MCALLISTER & Co. i m.v the pennant deneiidlnc on In the hlstorv of the sport from Pill, to the best Jt next pitch Sul.lv in nifrned for I trust you ill treat it so Addrasi mc tro!e " Knwl a Fedi ral I .ague contract, while fatokcmtkl. Conductor IiniNE DVVIES & CO. MILT COL- vantage at the the time that David knot ked out Goliath SHET-I.VN- as ha I. but Walsh slicoK his head in Detroit same wav slipped Ed Sweenev the Yankees veteran SI.COXD THIS AFTi:n- - LINS. IIOWAIIU'S MUSICAL of THE to ti.e punct th it Gunbo it hmith I Resorts ad jrieat faith in Ii-- sp'tter when Signed) HIGH JENNINGb " Is RUB COM'ERT NOO. VT It'll). and TERRIERS. CHADWICK over or. a Mr 1'clkev catcher. eonMderinB terms Contracts & FEA-Tl'Il- CAROLINAS, - , m t a It t1 at da and YiACNCIl PROCSHAM. TRIO CO. FIVE OTHER u.'ii by Wade Kllllfr, the Phillies IS TKCIAI. OF RARE G I A, dr red t. place he burden on the Hope situation Is begin- m Tickets. T Arthur Smith's. 132: F at N W ENJOYMENT. EORG White 1 on It The cat her. and Enos Klrkpatrlck, of the if and take a chame Carpentier Wins. ning U clear up Jubt a trllle, although ALABAMA, !, Wide of the plate and loslnp his huperbas, have been shown by President 1 R 20 -t- Car-jr'i'le- r. still pungent and recking with the odor MAT. 25c-$- F LO IDA. . perhaps, no jraine A splt- - NICE France Jan leorges Gllmore, of BELASCO 1 ii champion, of p ale cheese In a number of spots the outlaw league. Joe BACK YSAYE, G0D0WSKY of steel Is the s hard to cpntrol. hut Walsh did the Frencli put Pat "vho most to Lake, sent to by Tigers TONIGHT 8l20 WED. The short way in trains Lajoie would It go If the The eitl7en has done the LAI Vm. A. '.. ire let jOKeefe. Irish heavvwlght. to sleep In J.r.i"h away a good bit of the murk Is last season in part payment Ml Brady, Ltd. d to be nc strike. for Ralph was at all close 1 tlio second round of their battle hero a Mr Gunboat Smith, of California Comstock Is said to have signed Present progress the dlscu,-lo- i v with GERARDY riurlig the of ith a right hook to the Jaw O Keefe The Gunboat has tome fairly close to the Baltimore Federals and A Play Filled With Love. Laughs, and SEABOARD tween "ftalsh and Sullivan on the kind was hopelessly outclassed from the all league ?o crisis, a cltannp the harbor o. minor Bill Brennan, umpire, RECITAL Tense Moments. LINE RAILWAY lal jfive Iajole in the frtart a number of over- has signed to JOINT AIP booklet, a- - on bv means of raft He has sunk officiate in the Federal Rub Backache away Write ui for schedules. arried -- away l.eigue 1914 with tia 'h batter had been flRUrinR this loaded gileons and hot the for National Theater, Friday, Jan. 23, 4:30 F. B. MA SI, Trav. Pass. Act, - r van had piobably askel for a Adkins main mast of certain tramp steamers Howard Camnitz, the Phillies pitcher, small trial bottle of old THE FAMILY CUPBOARD 1413 V. A. Ate-- 1ihlngon. O. C. e Coaches Trinity. j oped in the olTIng He has had the is r ported to h iv e been In conference PRICES . tt.60. $:. $1 00. IU Boxtt $. ki md Walsh hail shaken his hope Monday On Droop's. 13th G A linlv had repeated his lequest Doc Adklns the old Washington test vear ever known b a white with Doc Gessler, manager "St. Jacobs Oil." tain at and looking year ahead of tin Federals Alex Mc- Next Week llata. Wed. and Sat. fast one hut Walsh had rhaken tulrle'. has been signed to coach th--a- and has the best W II contender Carthy, of the Pirates, Choul-nar- d. Statu Now d a second time tv team at Trinitv College Dur- c'tainly no other and Felix C1IVRLES DILLINGHAM Preaenta Walsh nodded N hns shf.An anv thing to be listed In his White Sox outfielder, are consid- ACADEMY 25c Atlantic City. strain and hid ham He has had charge of this ering terms --from THE DISTINGUISHED ACTRESS 1 e sisn salted him Sullivan had j.qu.ic for several seasons with great class, unless it be the predominating Joe Tinker Tommy Rack hurt Ou' Can't straighten up K;:& r so thought Lajoie. and alsh success bulk of Jess Willard Willard Is no Clarke, the Reds' backstop, has been without feeling sudden palni. iharp1 LITT & DINGWALL OFFER offered $6,000 on three-ye- ar i. hro the spitter He Jlnured on part of the fighter that Smith is He a contract aches and twinges'' Now llstei' DORIS KEANE flDarlbo vouQb - JBIenMm k man slvlnjr in. and his mis- - fhoulin't be liFteil In the same round- That's lumbago, pclatl.-- a or maybe In Old Kentucky up he more , about tho Heinle Zimmerman, the Cubs' slugging and you'll get In EDWARD SHELDOVS on cost Cleveland the , fame Hildebrand Wins. But knows from a strain blessed S Ktntucky Thoroughbred Horses. C1TI, X. spitb-ill- Morris, etc , Is baseman, who you your ATL4MIC J. 'h pit h had been a as garde than such as and third has a year yet to relief the moment, rub back By a 100 Si two-ye- Plckannlny Uand "ROMANCE" .Ionian White A Sons Coinnany. Joie f jrured he would have Kotten a score of to Hildebrand fairly shifty On e waked up from his run on a ar contract, signed with hoothlne-- penetrating "St Ja- The Famous Brass In nas I Direct From In New 10 .n a run would have been defeated Davis the Bloomlngdale trance and he might carry too mui h up for three more years cobs Oil." Nothing else takes out DANCING CONTEST FKIDY NIGHT Ita Lone Rnna ced ome, and the score would have Billiard Parlor tournament and is in excess poundage to give the G It an at $7,000 a soreness, lameness and stiffness so York nnil Chicago. ten-doll- ar George Bau-ma- n EXCURSIONS n tid possession of the prize The opening, but for all that the Callfor-n.a- n ar Dauss and Paddy quickly You simply rub It on and Hi i pe was wronK That aas all. winner defeated Davis in straight has the call have signed with the Tigers Roy out comes the ualn It It perfectly me- - games .Mitchtll, " - was lacking about his after a tie had been established Carl Wcilcnmami. Bill James, harmless and doesn t burn or dis- & 1 xei utlon There never is with Gunboat is coming along at an even and Earl Hamilton all pitchers, have color the skin Norfolk Washington iof He has the greatest natural pace He improved immensely through hlgned with the Biowns Owen Bush Limber up" Don't suffer" Get a E 'i& "V Hlaifl naseball. to mv mind, but I Hyatt Signs, Pappa Goes. 1911, acquired a bale of needed experi- baa mailed his signed contract to :he small trial bottle from any Steamboat Co. 1 dies 1 Tigers' office In Dolly In more to saj about that later 20 ence aim is apparently still under Detroit and nft.r using it J'ist on Popular Poll Play era Twice Modern Steamers PITTSBURGH. Jan. Ham Hvattt yet-n- ot Ban aren& ji this benes steam. He Isn't a gre.it fighter Johnson has signed eight umpnes vou'll forget von over had MOLLIE WILLIAMS the Pirates' slugging utility rran. has for the coming campaign. 'hat bark .VORTIIL.OD A SOUTHLAND n Fltzilmmons or a Jeffries or a Jack Shericl ache, lumbago Ui-1- in. oi clatlca lupine Nine". And Her Company la 3 p. m. OLD After Walsh had shaken '.is head to signed fqr mi. while Jules Pappa, the Ccrbctt of the old days JJut he is Billy Evans, DHL Dlneen, Tommy Con- vour back will never hurt or cause any "The Ninety and Oallr for roiNT, or outfielder, Is any nolly, Egan. NORFOLK ana all points SOTJTIL he sign a fast ine, Sullivan caino il'onjf has been turned over still young as gamo as of them, Jack Hildebrand. Frank mere misery. It never disappoints and s The Queen of Bohemia It, to- - St- Joseph, 4 Via - .1 1 a van I Tn cr .. Next Weslc William Favcr-shanT- Greatest ack at hlnv with and once more - in the Western League, (ftiiics wig JLiUK.llll- UiiU io iuttiiwh f id O'Loughlln and Ollle Chill. One more has been recommended for 60 jears. Next Week Koaey Posey GIrIa City Ticket Office, 731 13th St. N. IV. his bead to mean no. Sul-- Xor another season's experience. la to signed as eucot-- s Valsh shook It ho was only a trifle shilUer there be an alternate. A.dt, -- .... "The World UK 1U Wife" iWoodvrard BoUdlasX