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VRGR '%&((!1#VCEB R BP A"'!#$#1!$"#0$"T utqBVQWBuxy( 6 7 C - 6 6 6 &()*&+,-. ;4 $ #$% '< &&' !=> ;, 5 , 2)345 ()*+,- .)/01 #0@,3%2,3, 53#. 5,.%0+5%@554 3#3,@,$5+3#35 3#*030,A 3 -5,$25B%/ - -3#$20@,, -%05 !" ,/ 01,23!,04 = $ %'( $) +,-,#,./-, R !! /4/5%3,6,#7%,3467047,, ive empty trains, 15 buses Fand many other public properties, including shops !" ### and Central Government facil- # #$ ## # ities, were torched in different %& # parts of Bengal even as the State # !' # continued to boil and burn for () ## the second consecutive day on !"# Saturday over the enactment of # * # # # Citizenship Act and possible !+, %&# # invoking of National Register # for Citizens (NRC). - # ! Even as Chief Minister " # # !" ' Mamata Banerjee made frantic ! " ## appeal to people against taking #$ % #( law in their hands, protesters & " ## * %! torched empty rakes at Lalgola - # the last Indian Railway station Howrah-CSMT Geetanjali Passenger etc. ' Q / # a few miles from Bangladesh Express, Howrah-Ernakulam The agitators mostly from !", 0%&M # # border. The CM said she won’t Antodaya Express, Howrah- a particular community not M allow NRC or CAB in the Digha-Howrah Kandari only targeted Government # !2 P4 #Q State. Lalgola is in Express, Coromondal Express properties but also torched # #
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