“Today’s Accomplishments Were Yesterday’s Impossibilities.” April 25, 2021 –– Robert H. Schuller
[email protected] 3 THE FACT CORNER BRAIN TEASERS English Proverbs and Meanings 1 Q. Which word does NOT belong with the others? * Every man for himself. something you will find away. others? A. heading B. body You must think of your own A. parsley B. basil C. letter D. closing interests before the interests of * If you chase two rabbits, you C. dill D. mayonnaise others. will not catch either one. 5 Q. Which word does NOT belong with the If you try to do two things at 2 Q. Which word does NOT belong with the others? * He who hesitates is lost. the same time, you won't others? A. tape B. twine If you delay your decision too succeed in doing either of A. tulip B. rose C. cord D. yarn long, you may miss a good them. C. bud D. daisy opportunity. 6 Q. Odometer is to mileage as compass is to * Lightning never strikes in the 3 Q. Which word does NOT belong with the A. speed B. hiking * He who plays with fire gets same place twice. others? C. needle D. direction burnt. An unusual event is not likely A. guitar B. flute If you behave in a risky way, to occur again in exactly the C. violin D. cello 7 Q. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to you are likely to have same circumstances. A. winter B. bear problems. 4 Q. Which word does NOT belong with the C.