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     R       P    Q  R          The driver couldn’t have seen it. What should we order an enquiry for? Trains travel in OP      speed only,” said Sinha when he was asked if an enquiry would be ordered against the driver.           Lohani had explained that    !           the accident site falls under the           “mid-section of the two sta- !         tions” where the trains run at   79( 9 "       their “assigned speed” as per            the condition of the track. he man who played the             “Trains run at their assigned Tcharacter of demon king             speed and people are not Ravana at the Ram Leela at        expected to go on tracks,” he Joda Phatak was among those        said. killed in the train accident.         Northern Railways After he enacted the role         spokesperson Deepak Kumar of Ravana, Dalbir Singh, in his           said neither the area adminis- twenties, was watching the           tration nor the organisers burning of an effigy from the        informed it about any Dusshera tracks when he, along with 58             ceremony at the spot. others, was run over by a thing else in store for him as          “Therefore granting permission train. the train ran over him, killing          from the Railways does not Another friend of Dalbir him on the spot,” he said.     !    arise,” he added. said that on seeing a speeding Dalbir has an eight- !          "!  ! !  # %& No information about the train approaching the area, he month-old daughter. Unable to           event was given to the Railway had rushed towards them to control her emotions, Dalbir            08( “The Commission conducts tracks and the people did not authorities by the civil admin- save them. Singh’s mother said her son   ! statutory investigation into rail- hear the train coming. It is istration.” “Dalbir was able to push 7 was playing different charac- $ !         he Railways on Saturday way accidents. This was an inci- extremely sad,” Sinha told So far, all accidents, besides to 8 people away from the rail ters in the Ram Leela for the            Tasserted that it was not dent where people were tres- reporters while leaving for Railways doing its own track...But there was some- past many years.    & '   responsible for the tragedy passing on the tracks and not . enquiry, are done by the CRS.        involving Dussehra revelers in an accident.” When asked whether the           Amritsar and ruled out the The CRS enquiry is man- railways were aware of the cel-          mandatory probe by the dated for any rail accidents to ebrations taking place near the          Commissioner of Railway enquire into the reasons relat- railway tracks, he said,         Safety (CRS). It also refused to ed to the accidents on rail “Railways did not have infor-      &   take any punitive action against tracks and thereby, prepare a mation about the celebration. P     Q     P Q  the driver of the train. dossier so that such a case is I spoke to the railway officials,             Union Minister of State prevented in future. they did not know.               (MoS) for Railways Manoj In this case, though the It is the responsibility of the !*   +N Sinha and Railway Board accident took place on the rail local administration, which    Chairman Ashwani Lohani tracks, the railways has made it should be careful about such         both went on record main- clear it was not at fault for once. events.” The Minister said the              taining that the tragedy was not Responding to a query, venue was nearly 70 metres   Q    due to the Railways’ fault. Sinha said that as per his infor- from the accident spot which                Sinha said there was no negli- mation, no permission had was not of the Railways.     gence on the part of the nation- been sought or intimation Giving clean chit to train        " K      !  al transporter even as he given for the Dussehra event at driver, the Minister said drivers %       advised people not to organise Amritsar. “I have been are given specific instructions  79( 9   !   such events near tracks. informed that the event was on where to slow down the  K '    For his part, Lohani said, organised near the railway train. “There was a curve. unjab Chief Minister (            PCaptain Amarinder Singh Q    on Saturday set a four-week             deadline for the completion of      enquiry by the     !         Divisional Commissioner into  %  *   !           the tragic train accident in '( !"( #) "*' #) #            Amritsar.  !    +( ,                (       Within hours, the Punjab # %&       %  Home Department issued a  '         +,-.%%     ((   :9(3 notification directing taken against those responsi- to the victims. %*    /%%   Divisional Commissioner, ble for the tragedy once the The 3-member Crisis              /77 our siblings were found Jalandhar, Baldeo Purushartha, inquiry report comes. The Management Group, headed             0 Fhanging from ceiling fans in to conduct an enquiry into the probe will cover all aspects of by Health Minister Brahm *    O. !    ' aking advantage of the their rented house in Surajkund Amritsar tragedy. the tragedy, he added. Mohindra, will camp in      Tabsence of mainstream area near in Haryana The enquiry has been At the same time, the Amritsar as long as they are    /0      political parties — National on Saturday. authorised “to conduct a thor- Chief Minister urged all polit- needed to monitor and assist              Q !N   O   Conference and the Peoples According to Inspector ough probe into the unfortu- ical parties to rise above petty in the relief operations, said the     O  !"#$%   Democratic Party — from the Vishal Kumar, station house nate incident and to examine politicking to join hands to Chief Minister.                poll arena, the BJP on Saturday officer (SHO) of Surajkund acts of omission and commis- mitigate the sufferings of the The Chief Minister said he                *1   reaped a “bumper crop” by police station, sion by an individual or victims and their families. was at the airport, ready to  1   !    %   winning 97 wards for the first the siblings — three sisters and agency, if any, and according- Asked if there were any leave for Tel Aviv, when he         ( time in urban local bodies a brother — were unmarried ly fix responsibility. lapses on the part of the heard of the terrible tragedy  2             %   ' election at the grass roots level and aged between 37 and 52. The Magisterial Enquiry Railways, the Chief Minister and had to rush back after &         in Kashmir valley. “The deceased are identi- has also been asked “to suggest said the probe will look into postponing his Israel visit         ! &'   Twenty-two BJP candi- fied as Meena Matthew (52), remedial measures to ensure the matter, and when asked about the delay in &       (    dates won in a straight contest, Beena (51), Jaya (49) and their that such unfortunate incident will ascertain whether visiting the site of tragedy.         ")%*    while 75 candidates won unop- youngest brother Pradeep do not reoccur”. approvals for holding the func- Capt Amarinder        34     posed in the absence of oppo- (37),” said the SHO. Talking to reporters after tion were given or not. announced that mourning will     3       3*  sition. “The incident came to light reviewing the situation on the However, this was not the continue in Amritsar district          !     4   Out of 132 wards spread after a caretaker raised an ground and meeting the time to play political games on till Monday and the national  !    3 ' %  across four terrorism-infested alarm about injured in three hospitals, the issue, said the Chief flag will fly at half mast and all 5 Q6    7!   5'6,% South Kashmir districts, BJP foul smell emanating from besides visiting the spot where Minister, calling upon all to educational institutions            4   7    candidates emerged victorious their rented flat in the tragedy had occurred, Capt join hands with the will remain closed in this           P  Q 7  ' in 53 wards. Dayalbagh. Amarinder said action will be Government to provide relief period.             '    ! ! Q       8                          ,) !. +                      !         08( ing authorities who were plan-           ning to roll out more stringent 9           elhi on Saturday was measures to combat pollution.  08( !"    !      !    Dengulfed in a thin haze as The air quality temporari- #$R  %%              air quality deteriorated further ly improved on Friday after- he CBI has booked its own        !   with values of Suspended noon after rainfall, but it wors- TSpecial Director Rakesh          Q    Particulate Matters (SPMs) ened again in the evening. An Asthana for accepting 2 crore & ' R      7      approaching “severe” on the official warned that the PM2.5 bribe to sabotage the probe             National Air Quality Index was reaching a dangerous level. against controversial meat     !        (NAQI) in some parts. The Supreme Court exporter Moin Qureshi. :     7          Incidentally, average values appointed Environment The CBI’s Anti-Corruption (   4     *      of SPMs in Dwarka and CRRU Protection Control Unit has arrested one Manoj   *       Mathura Road were 414 and Authority (EPCA) had on Kumar, the middleman who in the CBI and tried to facili- *            402 micro cubic per gram Friday held a meeting with gave money to settle the case on tate closing of the case against  $        (μgm-3) respectively as record- Government officials of Delhi October 16. Senior CBI officials Qureshi.            ed by Central Pollution Control and neighbouring States to confirmed this unprecedented Currently, Goel, a 1984 *   !8 !       Board (CPCB), Ministry of discuss the pollution situation. development and said the FIR batch IPS officer from Punjab     *     Environment, Forest and An EPCA member said was registered against Asthana cadre, is not made an accused 7  Q      Climate Change (MoEF &CC). after taking stock of the situa- on October 15 and Manoj has in the FIR, but his role in facil-         Notably, if the concentra- tion, it was confessed and recorded his itating bribe to Asthana has  !   Q    tions of pollutants in air crossed Rajouri Garden, Anand The deterioration of air decided that special attention statement before a Magistrate been mentioned.      400 (μgm-3), it falls under the Vihar, DTU, Mundka, Narela, quality comes a day after fire would be given to vulnerable about the bribe. Sources said that CBI team         !   category of “severe”, hence as Nehru Nagar and Rohini bore crackers were burst on the hotspots where Manoj admitted to the CBI has recorded his statement and 8     5 Q6     ! per CPCB data, Delhi’s the brunt occasion of ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ air quali- that he was paying bribe to will soon add his name as an       !   & M air quality can be termed “high- An AQI between 0 and 50 Dusshera even after repeated ty is observed. Asthana on behalf of Qureshi, accused in the FIR.       M    ly toxic”. is considered “good”, 51 and appeals by authorities to go for On Saturday, the PM2.5 who is facing many cases from Goel currently holds the            Further, the CPCB placed 100 “satisfactory”, 101 and 200 eco-friendly celebrations. On (presence of particles in the air the CBI. The FIR also said rank of Additional Secretary in           31 places in Delhi under the “moderate”, 201 and 300 “poor”, Wednesday and Thursday, the with a diameter RAW’s second senior most RaW and looks after West Asia  Q        category of “very poor” on 301 and 400 “very poor”, and air quality had deteriorated to of less than 2.5 micrometres) officer Samant Kumar Goel, affairs. Goel and Querishi used          pollution index. 401 and 500 “severe”. the ‘very poor’ category, alarm- touched a new high at 158. was part of the extortion gang to meet in Dubai frequently.    (  ) *+, *-+.   

!1#& $+: "; "#) !  L  (       .% 7 >' ++%*-+%*9! %*;*  . / +R    What: Gourmet   Burgers at @Barcelos    F     When: 11 am- 11 pm (O *J F   Where: Barcelos, DLF    %(O   Place Saket    04'     Barcelos is always  K   %*>L known for F    **     experimenting with   K      % the food and being        04O F able to achieve the      '    love from all over the world. The specialty   "  * of the South African restaurant is it's          different coloured burgers and Mexican    % % delicacies . The Black Burger Bun, The Red      Burger Bun, and the Classic with natural    %'3  ingredients play a great role in how the food  %C tastes. Head out to the restaurant where you  *     can enjoy their signature handcrafted %  % "   burgers. %%      C O      C "!*7*8+*9"#:*!  %  7 %O8   ;#-+8"        Date: October 23, 2018  K  C %   %   04O        Venue: Habitat Centre %         %  : 04H % Timings: 7pm 3     <% M    9  04' Anant Dayal brings to life The Legend 1%   ><% of Ila, a story in Song. The play tells the 1%'  (( 0   story of Ila who at different points of time *   %   1/   . lives either as a man or a woman. Being 0(1+ 1# is no end to it! taking a break from it, draws you into <%         H %  ' almost entirely performed in a song format 2  *  3   Badhai Ho! deals with this the middle-class family living in     '4%%          revolves around the process of exploration 4 3 !  3 55 societal embarrassment and a Lodi Colony’s Governmental     <%1%DL < +- +,-H  1/ of gender fluidity and queerness. It’s a 3 !   ! woman’s travails after she refuses to underbelly.    FFF      ' revelation as well as a celebration of   6789 abort the child despite having young Sanya Malhotra as Aysuhmann’s             --6    doubt, wonder and inclusiveness set against adults as her children. Neena Gupta love interest squares up the sides of      '     '0  1/ 9  the larger cultural framework of Hindu yushmann Khurrana is on a is stunning in her bloated, aged self this engaging story with amazing     %      91   '  traditions and norms. roll, giving two back t back as Priyamvada who has a mind of her screen presence and beauty, not      %         %  %' Ahits, first in Andha Dhun and own despite being a middle class even once complaining of being put     (  % %   now with Badhai Ho! You could say dutiful bahu, mother and wife. She on the periphery of the movie.        '           +*-!*!(++-( ! Badhai Ho! is a great film in a small is, in fact, the central character of the Surekha Sikri as the cantankerous       %   3   ' Date: October 21, mould — cute, happening and film and a perfect fit in that space. saas plays up the angst of children not               > 2018 dealing with an issue that has long Her husband, played by Gajraj Rao, being with their elderly parents in a   '       11 9   Time: 11 am-11 pm been lost between the sheets when it is equally so and the two together passionate manner and laughter          1% *1 /  Venue: DLF Place, comes to parents being assessed by complement each other completely evoking lines. %  % % % 1  1 1  Saket their grown and growing up children, — he, as a doting husband, and she Gajraj Rao is a delight as Gupta’s           %1  %  With the fasting in this case computer engineer as a dutiful mother, bahu and wife. loving husband trying to balance all  'M    ' of Navratri coming to Ayushmann and his teenaged brother. Everything here is real, zones of life with mother on one side,  %   % end, DLF Place is all Of course, there is no question of interesting and arresting. The children on the other and of course %      excited to bring the a parental couple engaging in sex, it’s humour in the situation is never lost his wife becoming pregnant almost "   %': %  wholeness of a taken for granted that they never did though it is more subtle than the in old age as the centre of his (       Lebanese shawarma, it and the children came from raging embarrassment on all faces existence.         the zing of an American hotdog along with celestial intervention! It’s that visit the screen. The beauty of The film has everything for  %    F some yummy French crepes. embarrassing for the kids even if a this film is that every character everyone — humour, situation and   '(*       The well know street food brands like stray thought of a romantic seems to be the lead, playing his or family drama. The subject, can % % O C Firangi House, Shawarma House, Sleepy relationship between their parents her part with minimum fuss but parents have sex — and a baby — is  -H  Owl, Baking Bad, Dilli 19, Zabardast comes to light. And if that romance maximum impact. The film ambles hatke and interesting. This movie will    -HI-H %   Zaffran, Nayab, Emoi and Shawarma culminates into a baby coming, there along this one idea and despite not make your week so do go for it! %      J: House will be offering their specialities. N9          O )*#+#+"     #,#,,-#&+#./      0 1 2     3 4   * 1 he is from a middle-class tough to make others laugh. face in your journey? that differences make life interesting. family and a homemaker. She How did acting happen I went through the Which role came close to you? is concerned about her family. with you? normal ups and downs — It is difficult to name one because all the roles that She is a devoted person but It happened by chance; it normal struggle that every you play are different aspects of your personality. While not in a boring and a filmy started as a hobby when I was actor goes through. The real playing them you bring them closer to yourself. You way. She is straightforward in Class VIII. I used to take challenges are the practical connect them with your experiences and your life. So and outspoken in a way that theatre workshops during ones. When you come to a every role you play has something of you, different doesn’t hurt the other person. summer holidays. My father, new city, you don’t know emotions are explored through different roles. There is What made you say yes? Vishnu Khare, is a well- about the city, the people no role that is close to you because you are not that This role was something known journalist and I had a who live there, so it is very character, you are yourself, you just experience different different from what I have very cultural background. My hard to adapt. There is a emotions through that role. played in the last six-seven family wanted to me to do language barrier, the food is What are some of the best moments of your journey? years of my career. I have something different other different, you come directly For me each and every moment that I have lived was mostly played negative and than just taking more tuitions from a protected good but when I was nominated for IIFA for the Best powerful roles and this was and enrolling myself in more environment of your home Supporting Role in Devdas and when I won the National something that I haven’t tried academic classes. They are and start living in a PG Award for Best Supporting Role in Chandni Bar were the my hands on. It is also creative people so they accommodation, so you have two moments that my family and I cherish a lot. because of the producer encouraged me to do acting. to adjust to all of those things. How do you define acting and what is your approach Ashwini’s vision who saw me My first show Nirmala These are practical and towards it? play Sarla in Mere Angne happened with me when I emotional difficulties. You Acting is a representation of real life through one’s Mein. He thought I fit the bill was in Class XI. The show feel alone, you go through a expression and movements. My acting is instinctive, there for this role. was based on Munshi mental breakdown, you start is no school of acting that I follow. In practical life, you How hard is it to get into Premchand’s novel and I feeling what you are doing can’t follow any school for acting because different the skin of the character? played the role was of a 15- and then people may try to mediums require different acting approach. You can’t It is very difficult to play year-old girl. At that time, I stereotype you because every follow a set pattern, you have to keep adjusting, different roles because it is was doing theater and individual is different and modulating and changing according to the role and the another person that you are someone from the serial’s you may not feel comfortable medium. playing. You have to get team saw my performance around them or the way they What will make you quit a show? convinced of what you are and they approached me for think about you. When you Not being able to express myself and my role because and the creative one is when you doing and how you want to it. That is how I got my first are young, these things do of any reason, be it because of the other actor or whether enjoy your work. play the character. It is role. matter a lot in your life. But the script is not working out for me or because of too What are your upcoming difficult to do comedy; it is What challenges did you as you grow older you realise much politics off-cameras. Also, if there is unpleasantness projects? or if I feel restricted in my roles I will quit a show. Currently, I am very busy Where do you get your inspiration from? doing Beechvale and it is not There are two types of inspirations one is practical possible to do two shows and the other one is creative. Practical inspiration comes consistently that too playing lead from the thought that you have to pay the bills (laughs) roles.

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  79( 9 flung on the stones and the mother was probably trampled WhatsApp photograph of to death by the crowds trying Aa head flashed on Vijay to flee. Kumar's phone screen at 3 am Jagunandan, a 40-year-old Saturday, confirming his worst wage labourer from Hardoi in fears -- his 18-year-old son Uttar Pradesh who has suffered Manish was one of the revellers injuries in the head and leg, mowed down by a train while said he was not standing near they were watching Ravan's the tracks but was pushed as effigy burnt the evening before. people started running away His younger son, Ashish, from the main stage after the returned safely from the fes- Ravan effigy was set afire. tivities, said Kumar, but the The father of four was frantic search for Manish ended brought to hospital by a rela- with that 'ping' on his phone. tive, who accompanied him to He has since been roaming the event. from hospital to hospital look- girl Khushi, who accom- ing for the remains of his elder panied her mother Paramjit son. Kaur for the festivities, remains  79( 9 At the same time, the chief needed to monitor and assist in district authorities which did by the district officials and the ernment and private hospitals It was a night of unspeak- in a state of shock on her hos- minister urged all political par- the relief operations, said the not want a VIP movement to Crisis Management Group on in the district, besides Rs. 5 able horrors, said the father, pital bed. fter the death of 61 people ties to rise above petty poli- Chief Minister. divert attention from the urgent the situation following the acci- lakh as compensation to the aware that his son was decap- Khushi, who also fell close Ain the Dussehra tragedy, ticking to join hands to mitigate The Group, constituted by rescue and relief efforts need- dent. The Chief Minister, who families of those killed in the itated when the train hurtled to the tracks, was brought to Punjab Chief Minister Captain the sufferings of the victims the Chief Minister last night, ed at that hour. was accompanied by Local accident that took place during through the tracks, killing 61 the hospital in an unconscious Amarinder Singh on Saturday and their families. has Revenue Minister Capt Amarinder Government Minister Navjot Dussehra celebrations. people and injuring more than state. She lies wordless in her set a four-week deadline for Asked if there were any Sukbinder Singh Sarkaria and announced that mourning will Singh Sidhu and Punjab Several ministers, MPs and 70. A leg was found and one hospital bed. She, too, fell close completion of inquiry by lapses on the part of the rail- Forest Minister, Sadhu Singh continue in Amritsar district Congress President Sunil MLAs, along with senior hand, but they are not to the tracks. Divisional Commissioner ways, the Chief Minister said Dharamsot, as its members, till Monday and the national Jakhar, along with his Media bureaucrats and police officials, Manish's. Recounting the minutes Jalandhar into the tragic train the probe will look into the and is closely monitoring the flag will fly at half mast and all Advisor Raveen Thukral and were present during the Chief "My son was wearing blue before the disaster, most of the accident in Amritsar. matter, and will ascertain situation and supervising the educational institutions will Chief Principal Secretary Minister’s visit and apprised jeans. This one is not wearing injured said they could not hear Talking to reporters after whether approvals for holding relief efforts. Top police officials remain closed in this period. Suresh Kumar, took detailed him of the work being done to blue jeans. I have lost my the horn of the approaching reviewing the situation on the the function were given or not. have also been asked to stay in The Chief Minister inputs from the team and other provide relief and assistance to world," an inconsolable Kumar train. They said another train ground and meeting the However, this was not the Amritsar till they are required expressed grief at the tragic officials to assess the cause and the victims and their kin. said outside the Guru Nanak had passed moments earlier. injured in three hospitals, time to play political games on to ensure that the situation sta- incident, extending his gov- damage of the incident. Hospital, attached to the The sound of the firecrackers besides visiting the spot where the issue, said the Chief bilises. ernment’s full support to the He later visited the injured Government Medical College, as the effigy came down, the the tragedy had occurred last Minister, calling upon all to The Chief Minister said he victims and their families. He in Amandeep Hospital, Civil where most of the 70 who were train heading at a high speed evening during Dussehra cel- join hands with the govern- was at the airport, ready to observed that two little girls he Hospital Amritsar and Guru 4  injured Friday evening have led to commotion, triggering a ebrations, Capt Amarinder said ment to provide relief to the leave for Tel Aviv, when he met in the hospital had lost Nanak Dev Hospital, where he been taken. stampede like situation, they action will be taken against victims. heard of the terrible tragedy their entire families in the met the injured and directed 8%   As people milled around said. those responsible for the The 3-member Crisis and had to rush back after post- mishap, which the whole the doctors to provide the best the hospital compound, some Motilal, a 35-year-old daily tragedy once the inquiry report Management Group, headed by poning his Israel visit. He said nation was mourning. possible medical treatment. stunned into silence by the wager from Bihar's Gopalganj comes. The probe will cover all Health Minister Brahm though he had wanted to visit Earlier, on his arrival at the The state government has    enormity of the tragedy that district who is undergoing aspects of the tragedy, he Mohindra, will camp in Amritsar last night itself, he Amritsar airport this morning, already announced free treat- felled their loved one and oth- treatment for chest injuries at added. Amritsar as long as they are was advised against it by the the Chief Minister was briefed ment for the injured at all gov-    ers holding back tears, the the civil hospital, said, "I was injured were inside, grappling standing on one side of the with their wounds and trying tracks. Suddenly, people start- % to piece together what had ed running and I fell down. *   !      happened. Everything happened in a frac-  79( 9 Among them was Sapna, tion of a second, giving very lit- who was on a WhatsApp call tle time to people to react."  79( 9 “All family members mated in batches at a ground the state government and fam- post-mortem examination on n the backdrop of the with her husband Satender to Sandeep, a 23-year-old res- rushed to Guru Govind near Shitla Mata Temple here ily members of the deceased. 29 bodies has been done. IAmritsar train tragedy, relay the 'Ravan Dahan' event ident of Amritsar, suffered any panic-stricken fami- Hospital, where I was told in the presence of officials of According to officials, the Punjab Chief Minister Capt live to him, when the accident serious head injuries and was Mly members of those Sujeet is admitted at Civil Amarinder Singh on Saturday took place. admitted to the civil hospital. killed or wounded in the Hospital,” he said. directed Home Secretary NS The 30-year-old, who suf- Her husband, Jitendra, a Amritsar train accident Several other distraught Kalsi to prepare detailed guide- fered head injuries, said she saw daily wager, said his wife, their searched frantically from one family members of those "      lines for permission to hold body parts scattered around the two children and father-in- hospital to another to know injured or killed in the accident religious and social congrega- tracks and a severed head. law had gone to watch 'Ravaan about the fate of their loved also had to search from one tions to prevent such tragedies. "When the effigy was set dahan'. ones as the festive spirit hospital to another to locate The guidelines should afire, people started moving "The train came at the drowned in sorrow and shock their loved ones. )! .  clearly define the rules and reg- away from the stage and speed of light and it led to a following the tragic incident. Most people who were ulations for holding such events towards the tracks," she said, stampede-like situation as there At least 59 people were mowed down by the speeding  79( 9 were held at the 'Dhobi ghat' and AAP have demanded or gatherings in any part of the recalling the minutes before was a large crowd present on killed Friday evening after a train were migrant workers ground here. The commis- strict action against those state on any occasion, as per the tragedy struck. the spot," he said, adding his crowd of Dussehra revellers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. he Amritsar Municipal sioner said unlike last year, the who gave permission for directives issued by the Chief As a train approached the six-year-old daughter, three- that had spilled onto railway A senior official in the TCorporation on Saturday event was held on a large scale holding the event. They have Minister. area, people tried to clear the year-old son and father-in-law tracks while watching the burn- district administration said said no permission was grant- on Friday evening. "Last year, also held the Congress-led The chief minister also tracks and move towards died in the rush. ing of the Ravana effigy was most migrant workers from ed to hold Dussehra celebra- the scale of the function was Punjab government respon- asked the Home Secretary to another line, leading to a stam- Dr. Rakesh Sharma, pro- run over by a train near Joda Uttar Pradesh and Bihar work tions at 'Dhobi ghat' ground in not as big as it was witnessed sible for allowing the issue an immediate advisory for pede-like situation. Moments fessor in-charge at the Phatak in Amritsar. in an industrial area at a stone’s Amritsar. At least 61 people on Friday evening,” she said, Dussehra celebrations near sale and storage of crackers for later, another train came from Gurunanak Hospital's surgery “My son, Jugu, is missing throw away from the accident were killed and 72 injured adding there was also a small the railway track. At the time the upcoming Diwali festival, to the opposite direction at a unit, said 20 people were since the train accident. I went site and live nearby. Friday evening after a crowd temple at the ground. of the tragic incident, at least ensure strict adherence to the high speed and ran over the brought dead there. Most of the to Civil Hospital and Guru 40 of those killed in of Dussehra revellers that had Navjot Kaur Sidhu, for- 300 people were watching safety rules and guidelines for crowds. She said they could not injured people suffered injuries Govind Hospital, but I am Amritsar mishap identified 36 spilled onto railway tracks mer MLA and wife of Punjab 'Ravana dahan' at the ground the same. hear sound of the horn due to in the head and legs. unable to find him,” Sushila, bodies cremated while watching burning of minister Navjot Singh Sidhu, adjacent to the elevated rail Taking serious note of the the sound of the bursting Dr Mayank said, "Most of who lives in a nearby area. Forty of the 59 people Ravana effigy was run over by was the chief guest of the tracks. train tragedy that killed and crackers. the injured belong to Uttar Lakhmeet, another person killed in the train accident a train near Joda Phatak here. event. The event was report- As the effigy was lit and injured dozens, when a train "The train driver should Pradesh and Bihar. 80-90 doc- who was looking for his broth- near here have been identified "Nobody was given the edly organised by Saurabh the fireworks went off, a sec- mowed them down on railway have noticed the crowd as tors have been put on emer- er-in-law and found him in a so far and the bodies of 36 of permission for organising the Madan, husband of Congress tion of the crowd started tracks in Amritsar, the Chief there was light and people gency duty and they are work- hospital, said: “I was shocked were cremated, officials said on Dussehra event. Moreover, Councillor Vijay Madan. retreating towards the tracks Minister made it clear that no were holding their mobile ing round-the-clock." when I heard about the train Saturday. nobody had applied for the Posters of Navjot Singh Sidhu, where a large number of peo- laxity would be tolerated in phones up to record the event," "Some of the injured have accident. I got a call from The bodies of four other permission with the Amritsar his wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu, ple were already standing to these matters. Sapna said. been admitted to private hos- home that my brother-in-law persons, who belonged to Uttar Municipal Corporation," councilor Saurbah Madan watch the event, officials had "While the culpability in Sapna lost her cousin and pitals and PGI, ," he Sujeet, who went out to watch Pradesh, have been sent to Amritsar Municipal and his wife Vijay Madan said. Two trains arrived from the tragic incident would be her one-year-old niece, who said. Mayank said the Dussehra celebrations last their home towns by the dis- Corporation Commissioner were displayed at the event. the opposite direction at the fixed, it was imperative to she said were not killed crushed Gurunanak Hospital is facing evening, had not come back trict administration, an official Sonali Giri said here. Opposition parties, same time giving little time to ensure that such an incident is by the train but in the stampede a shortage of ventilators in the home. said.The 36 bodies were cre- She said the celebrations including the Akali Dal, BJP people to escape, they said. not repeated," he said. that ensued. The baby was ICU. 1    > F   +5        %%   8(70 imachal Chief Minister Jai     HRam Thakur on Saturday launched four new health schemes < 6 for the state including Mukhaya Mantri Chikitsa Raahat Kosh,   8 Mukhya Mantri Rajya Swasthya  48( 98         48( 98 Dekhbhal Yojana, Himachal    Pradesh Health Protection Scheme aryana Chief Minister aryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal has and Telemedicine scheme for Pangi HManohar Lal would ded- $  Happroved the draft of Haryana Community in Chamba district. icate elevated track built in    Participation and Public Services Social Audit He also inaugurated OPD/IPD, Rohtak city, to the people of the      Act, 2018 under which village level committee Trauma Centre of Shri Lal Bahadur State on October 27 and would will be constituted to review the efficient deliv- Shastri government medical col- also address a public meeting    ! ery of public services and to ensure transparen- lege, Ner Chowk, and Nursing on that day at old ITI Ground  *$, cy in the development works upto the village College at Ner Chowk in Mandi on the completion of four years &      level. district. of the tenure of the present A spokesman of Development and Thakur announced to open Haryana Government.  , &  Panchayats Department on Saturday said that for Atal Medical and Research In his meeting with the -* (  $ the first time in the history of Haryana, social University in Ner Chowk medical officers regarding the ongoing      audit of developmental works upto the village college and enhancing the month- preparations for this occasion $ !  level would ensure the involvement of villagers ly pay of medical officers appoint- at Rohtak on Saturday, Minister in developmental activities for bringing com- ed on contract basis by Rs. 10,000 of State for Cooperation, -  $  /*  plete transparency. and that of specialist medical offi- Manish Kumar Grover said    $ The village level committee would comprise cers on contract basis by Rs. 15,000 that the length of this elevated   01  of total ten non-official members representing per month. track is 2 Km long and is built Civil Society Organisation, village institutions Addressing a public meeting at an estimated cost of Rs. 150 and organizations of workers and disadvantaged on this occasion, the Chief Minister be facilitated by enhancing the &  $         $  crore. Dayachand Mayna Jayanti groups. said that with the starting of this assistance under Mukhaya Mantri He said that after the open- Samaroh at village Mayna The spokesman said these included ex-ser- medical college, the people of the Awasthya Dekhbhal Yojana ,      *$  ing of this elevated track, the today. He assured that the pub- vicemen, retired teacher, retired engineer, high- area would get specialised medical through 175 registered government   $ $  $  traffic congestion in the area lic demands of Village Mayna ly educated person of the village, social worker, and emergency services round the and private health institutes by   *$  !2 3  $  would ease beside providing would be fulfilled on priority. two members to be nominated by Deputy clock. He said that financial assis- enhancing the financial assistance commercial benefits. He said that Poet Dayachand Commissioner (one woman and one Scheduled tance would be provided to the from existing provision of Rs.     *$ /  $$  Apart from this, a Passport Mayna was an eminent poet Castes), one head volunteer of Gramin Vikas Ke patients from Mukhaya Mantri 30000 to Rs. five lakh. Under     &*! &  !  Seva Kendra would be inau- and folklore artists of Haryana Liye Tarun (GRAVIT) scheme and two benefi- Chikitsa Rahat Kosh who were not Himachal Pradesh Universal  -    $ *$ gurated at the premises of Post who gave the proper direction ciaries of the concerned scheme. Overall atleast covered under social security pen- Health Protection Scheme the Office Rohtak on October 27. to the society through his poet- three women members would be nominated, he sion scheme. facility for free treatment upto Rs.   *     Grover also attended Poet ry and writings. added. He said the people would also five lakh would be made available.    (  ) *+, *-+.   4

& "  " ' "(# +   ,,   ! !! /       48( 98 located on second floor, 30-   48( 98 by Additional Chief Secretary ( 8< (:(4 (<( 3M( (<048(:49 9M bays building, Sector 17-B,      Home Nirmaljit Singh Kalsi, 8<7(970/( ( 810( 30< 9 89 88 aryana Chief Minister, Chandigarh at 12 noon on   7 unjab Home Department Baldeo Purushartha has been HManohar Lal on Saturday October 21 for discussion with Pon Saturday issued a noti- appointed Special Executive 3<( 4(0I4 (>7 ( 9  9 8 appealed to the representatives the Director General and offi-       fication directing Divisional Magistrate under the provi- 9<>((<<:4 (<+-<:4<<:49(7(09<4 9 and office-bearers of Haryana cers of the department.      Commissioner Jalandhar, sion of Section 21 of Code of Roadways Employees Unions "Their genuine demands ((  Baldeo Purushartha, to con- Criminal Procedure, 1973, -5=6 800I94(00 48<94<:99 to join their duty immediate- would be considered sympa- duct a Magisterial Enquiry and shall exercise all such ly keeping in view the festival thetically and action would be into the Amritsar tragedy. powers conferred upon an <I4 (>7 ( 9 8(04< 4 (  8( season and also the problems taken to fulfill them," a state- and moral responsibility that Considering the enormi- Executive Magistrate while 7 ( 9(0N (9M being faced by the general ment issued by the state gov- any of our acts should not cre- ty of the unfortunate incident, conducting this Magisterial public. ernment said. ate problem for the general Punjab government had Enquiry. Emphasising that the The statement said that the public. In festival season, on decided to institute a The notification also lists nate incident and to examine has also been asked “to sug- Minister’s Office, the Enquiry Government is always ready to continuous five days strike by not getting cheap, convenient Magisterial Enquiry into the the terms and reference of the acts of omission and com- gest remedial measures to shall be completed within hold discussions with them, he Haryana Roadways employees and reliable travel facility by incident. The Enquiry will Magisterial Enquiry. mission by an individual or ensure that of such unfortu- four weeks and the report appealed to all the Unions’ since October 16 has caused the Haryana State Transport, look into all aspects of the The Enquiry has been agency, if any, and according- nate incident do not reoccur“. shall be submitted to office-bearers to come to the inconvenience to the general public resentment is under- unfortunate incident. authorised “to conduct a thor- ly fix responsibility. According to a Department of Home and office of Director General, public in their daily routine standable," the statement In a the notification issued ough probe into the unfortu- The Magisterial Enquiry Spokesperson of the Chief Justice. State Transport, Haryana work. "It is our Constitutional added. . 1   +  )  : The National Capital Earlier on Friday, Delhi saw a sudden spike in the air-pol- Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal lution on Saturday, a day after expressed his disappointment Dussehera. that the Centre along with the As stubble-burning stepped state governments of Punjab up in neighbouring Punjab and and Haryana did not do any- Haryana, the combined effects of thing to manage stubble. Dussehera and meteorological Kejriwal warned that he reasons such as low winds in Delhi will turn into a 'gas cham- Delhi gripped the city in haze ber' soon. with many regions heading The average presence of towards 'severe-plus' or 'emer- major pollutant PM2.5 or parti- gency level' air quality. cle with diametre less than The Air Quality Index (AQI) 2.5mm, also spiked in past 24 of Delhi on Saturday was 326 -- hours, mostly credited to festival marked very-poor -- against where hundreads of Ravana effi- 276 on Friday, at about 4pm. gies were set ablaze to mark While Dwarka sub-city Dussehera and the festival traf- turned out to be the most pol- fic. luted with 'severe-plus' air-qual- The average PM2.5 con- ity and an average AQI of 405, centration was 186 units across according to Central Pollution 48 regions of NCR against 129 Control Board (CPCB). units merely 24 hours back. The average PM2.5 across 36 areas of Delhi was 191 units at around 5 pm, against 133 units on Friday. Dwarka sub-city, where inci- dents of garbage burning inten- sified the air-pollution levels, saw 239 units of PM2.5 concentra- tion, about seven times the inter- national safe standards. IANS   )   )  !  ( )      ! . ) %#  

            :(9   "    New Delhi: An advocate got into a scuffle with her broth- er's wife within the court  ((   9( 9  $  Friday between security forces compound on Saturday. The * *  $ and Naxals near Nilamadgu vil- police have lodged cross FIRs. hree Maoists were gunned /  5* lage in Indravati national park While the bar associa- Tdown in an encounter with area of Bijapur, during which tion has complained about security forces in Bijapur dis-    !$ two Maoist camps were delayed action, the advocate trict of Chhattisgarh on   / destroyed, he said. involved in the scuffle said Saturday, police said.   "As per the ground report, she had no complaints against The skirmish took place over five rebels were spotted the police. around 9.30 am in the forest forces near Madpal, the ultras getting injured during the Deputy Commissioner of near Madpal village under opened fire on them that led to encounters, but their colleagues Police (DCP) Meghna Yadav Mirtur police station limits the gun-battle, Garg said. managed to drag them into the said the incident happened when a team of District Reserve After the face-off, bodies of forest area," Garg said. around 10.30 a.m. in the Guard (DRG) was out on an three Naxals along with one Huge tents, bags filled with Karkardooma Court, where anti-Naxal operation, accord- .303 rifle and two muzzle load- explosives, gelatin rods, IEDs, Aruna Singh is fighting her ing to Bijapur Superintendent ing guns were found from the gunpowder, bundles of more brother's divorce case. of Police (SP), Mohit Garg. spot, he said. than 200 metre electric wire A few lawyers, she said, "After getting the infor- Besides that, some explo- and weapon-repairing went to the nearest police sta- mation that a group of Naxals sive material, Naxal literature machines were also found from tion and started "screaming" was holding a meeting to chalk and pamphlets which spoke the camps. at the Assistant out strategies to disrupt the against the upcoming assembly The ultras had recently Commissioner of Police next month's assembly elec- polls were also seized from the put up posters and banners in (ACP) even after he had sent tions, a squad of DRG was dis- spot, the police officer said. Bijapur wherein they asked two women police personnel patched to the area," he said. Meanwhile, multiple people to boycott the state to deal with the matter. After spotting the security exchanges of fire took place on polls. IANS 33"" (3 & # 6 07   ) #!  

 ((   9( 9 Prasad from Bhilai Nagar 9(48/< (: 9799( ( 8 assembly constituency. utting all the speculations Reacting on his wife being 798(707( /< (8< Pto rest, daughter-in-law declared as BSP candidate, of former Chhattisgarh Chief Marwahi MLA Amit Jogi 3(4 (><0( (4L3 Minister and Janata Congress remarked, “BSP-JCC (J) are Chhattisgarh (Jogi ) (JCC) (J) ‘two parties’ but having ‘one : 9:<97 (<<:/44O/P8 Supremo Ajit Jogi , Richa heart.’ 3474 (>7739 Jogi has been declared as “ Richa represents symbol candidate of Bahujan Samaj of unity of both parties. Both 9 (4( <:4< 4 Party (BSP) for the Assembly parties showcase relationship polls in the State slated next of sister-brother, having sim- 9< 977 30(4 month. ilar ideology and will use its She will be in fray from massive base for forming gov- 7 ( <: 89 M Akaltara Assembly con- ernment in the state after the stituency. polls,” Amit Jogi said. BSP’s sitting MLA Keshav He further added, “Polls of the party. Patel joined the BSP on late Prasad Chandra has been are fought to win. In some She was also nominated on Friday night. Geetanjali retained from Jaijaipur seat. places, the foothold of ele- as In-charge of Rajnandgaon Patel was earlier declared as In the second list released phant (BSP symbol) is strong assembly constituency after JCC (J) candidate from by BSP for the second phase of while impact of plough (JCC) Ajit Jogi had earlier declared Chandrapur. poll,s around 12 candidates (J) symbol is strong in few to contest against Chief The Chandrapur assem- have been announced. As per others. Minister Raman Singh . bly constituency after alliance the list, State BSP President “Based on it the strategy But after alliance with was to go to BSP candidate for Omprakash Bachpayi would be devised, the need of hour is BSP and JCC (J) came into contesting but now as per in fray from Navagarh, Shyam that mass voter base should existence, Communist Party announcement, Geetanjali has Tandon from Bhilaigarh, not get split. The decision has of India (CPI) also joined the been retained in fray from Rameshwar Kaiwarth (Nishad) been welcomed by Akaltara alliance at a later stage. Chandrapur itself but on BSP from Kasdol, Arvind Khatkar residents,” he said. Ajit Jogi was being ticket. will be in fray from Sarangarh, Notably, Richa Jogi after declared as the Chief Minister Meanwhile, JCC (J) Geetanjali Patel from marriage with Marwahi MLA candidate for the alliance but Supremo Ajit Jogi has also Chandrapur, Kanhaiya Lal Amit Jogi has not been in with political developments withdrawn himself from the Sahu from Kurud, Bhojran active politics; but after for- taking place in the alliance, a poll fray while announcing Gaurkhede from Raipur mation of JCC (J) she became different political scenario is that he would now fully con- (West), Chaitram Raj from an active member and par- emerging. centrate on election Pandariya, Chabilal Ratre from ticipant of contact pro- As per developments, campaign in the 90 seats for Saraipali and Deenanath grammes and public meetings Richa Jogi and Geetanjali the alliance.    (  ) *+, *-+.   1

66 " " '  ' " " *&  3 ! '   => *(      !*)  &     3   (F       %  =  According to Minister of Lakhimpur and Tinsukia dis- 08(@ 8 ( State (MoS) for Home Affairs tricts to remain alert and take *  Kiren Rijiju, the government all possible steps to prevent any  1   " '  *$  s many as 32 teams of of China is sharing information major catastrophe. The chief F  8$   0  ANDRF have been deployed with India and the information minister said that six compa- $ /*$  !  in various parts of and is being passed on to the dis- nies of the NDRF has arrived    6 (*$ !    08( Arunachal Pradesh after China trict administration in Siang in the state and that they are    9 88&$ informed India about a possi- belt of Arunachal Pradesh, being deployed wherever nec-         /  ble flood situation because of a after China told about a land- essary. He also asked the peo- rime Minister Narendra landslide that blocked the slide blocking a river in Tibet ple of the state not to panic but / F F7 %%       !2 PModi and his Sri Lankan mainstream of Brahmaputra leading to the formation of an remain on alert. Meanwhile, " *$,  counterpart Ranil River in the Tibet Autonomous artificial lake. He added that all Sonowal has talked to External  08( $ &* 8* 3 Wickremesinghe held talks Region. Both Assam and precautionary measures are Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj :$ , " ; $ , Saturday covering the entire Arunachal Pradesh have been being taken and it's not a con- over the telephone regarding he National Investigation $ &$  ; / gamut of bilateral relations and "*"     #2   put on high alert following the spiracy. Rijiju informed that the the issue of possible artificial TAgency (NIA) on  $ / discussed ways to deepen the 3) ! )*.  #  threat of sudden flood. Siang is a very big river and floods that may affect the State. Saturday arrested a key $    "historically close" relations However, the Central when there are some natural The Inland Water accused absconding in the between the two countries. two leaders. also separately called on the vis- Water Commission (CWC) calamities like earthquakes or Transport (IWT) department Nagrota Army Camp attack was also media advisor of All The Ministry of External Both prime ministers dis- iting Lankan leader. said that although there is landslides, it possesses a dan- of Assam, however, suspended case. The person has been Parties Hurriyat Conference Affairs (MEA), in a statement, cussed the entire gamut of Wickremesinghe and slight increase in the water lev- ger to people who live down- the ferry service in Dibrugarh identified as Mohammad (Geelani faction). said the two leaders also bilateral relations and ways to Singh discussed issues related els of Siang river in Arunachal stream. district from today as precau- Ashraf Khandey, a resident of The investigating agency exchanged views on regional further deepen the "histori- to security and anti-terror Pradesh, the water level of "Chinese government is tionary measure. Pulwama in Jammu has named him in the terror and global issues during their cally close and friendly rela- cooperation between India and Brahmaputra had not increased sharing information with The Arunachal Pradesh & Kashmir. funding case in which Hafiz meeting on the third and final tions" between the two coun- Sri Lanka. so far. Indian authorities and Indian government has also instruct- He was arrested from the Saeed and Syed Salahuddin day of the Sri Lankan leader's tries, it said. In her meeting with the Earlier, Beijing, under the authorities have shared infor- ed and alerted all the districts Indira Gandhi International among 10 other Kashmiri visit here. Key decisions taken in Lankan premier, Swaraj also 'Emergency Information mation with district adminis- located near Siang which Airport in Delhi while he was militants are accused. During the talks, Modi stepping up bilateral coopera- reviewed the progress of India- Sharing Mechanism' with tration in Siang belt. All pre- might be affected due to the trying to flee to Saudi Arabia In its investigation, the and Wickremesinghe reviewed tion during Modi's visit to assisted development projects India, informed New Delhi cautionary measures are being water flow of the river in via Sri Lanka. NIA unearthed a well- the progress in implementa- Lanka in May 2017 for the in the island nation. that a landslide has blocked one taken. You can't say it's a near future. According to NIA, Ashraf planned conspiracy and bust- tion of various decisions taken International Vesak Day cele- Prime Minister Modi also of the major rivers in Tibet conspiracy. Siang river is a Earlier on Friday, the Khandey was a co-conspirator ed a network of Over Ground during the high level brations , Sri Lankan prime hosted a luncheon for the vis- leading to the formation of an very big river & when there Ministry of External Affairs in facilitating, harbouring and Workers of Jaish-e- exchanges in the recent past, minister's visit to India in April iting dignitary. artificial lake. are some natural calamities (MEA) had informed about the transporting a group of three Mohammad which was including Modi's visit to Sri and November last year, and Sri Wickremesinghe's India "In view of emerging sit- like earthquakes or landslides, landslide blocking of Yarlung heavily armed Pakistani ter- responsible in facilitating Lanka in May 2017. Lankan President Maithripala visit came in the backdrop of uation and as a precautionary it possesses a danger to peo- Zangbo/Brahmaputra River in rorists belonging to the pro- this attack. They also discussed the Sirisena's visit for the controversial media reports measures, 32 well prepared ple who live downstream," the Tibet Autonomous Region. scribed terrorist organisation Three accused, namely progress of India-assisted International Solar Alliance that the Lankan President has NDRF teams have been said Rijiju. The MEA said that they are in Jaish-e-Mohammad. Sayeed Munir-ul Hassan development projects in the founding conference in March accused Indian intelligence deployed in various parts of Based on the information constant touch with the The three terrorists had Qadri, Tariq Ahmed Dar, and island nation. this year, were discussed dur- agency Research and Analysis Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. provided by China, all relevant Chinese side about updates on infiltrated into India from Mohd. Ashiq Baba have "This multi-faceted part- ing the meeting. Wing of plotting his assassina- Out of which 13 teams have authorities of the Central and the landslide. Kathua-Samba sector of already been arrested in nership has been marked by The issue of India taking tion, a claim firmly rejected as been deployed in Arunachal State governments have been Chinese Embassy Jammu & Kashmir in the case. close contacts at the highest charge of operating Sri Lanka's "false" by Colombo. Pradesh, two at Upper Siang informed about the emerging spokesperson Counselor Ji the intervening night of The investigation has political level, growing trade loss-making Mattala Wickremesinghe was and 13 at east Siang district," situation. Rong said that his country has 27/28th November 2016 and established the role of all the and investment, wide ranging Rajapaksa International accompanied by his wife, Prof. the NDRF said in a statement. Assam Chief Minister activated the 'Emergency carried out an attack on 166 accused in providing shelter development cooperation, Airport in Hambantota was Maithree Wickramasinghe, All NDRF teams are fully Sarbananda Sonowal on Information Sharing Medium Regiment and transportation to the ter- increasing linkages in the fields also understood to have fig- Minister of Development equipped with various flood Saturday directed authorities in Mechanism' with India fol- Camp, Nagrota, Jammu in rorists on the directions of of education, health, infra- ured in the talks. Strategies and International rescues and life saving equip- districts bordering Arunachal lowing the landslide on the early hours of 29th leaders/handlers of Jaish-e- structure, connectivity and Earlier in the day, Home Trade Malik Samarawickrama, ment. Some additional teams Pradesh to "remain alert" for Wednesday morning near Jiala November 2016. Mohammad based in capacity building and broad- Minister Rajnath Singh, Minister of Petroleum have also been kept in ready in possible flash flood. Sonowal Village in Milin County in the The Army had neutral- Pakistan for carrying out the ening people to people con- External Affairs Minister Resources Development case of emergency situation has directed the authorities in lower ranges of Yarlung ized three Pakistani terrorists terrorist attack, the NIA said tacts," the MEA said after del- Sushma Swaraj, and National Arjuna Ranatunga, and arise. Dhemaji, Dibrugarh, Tsangpo river in Tibet. in retaliatory action. Geelani in its release. egation level talks between the Security Advisor Ajit Doval, senior officials 4      !56     1 ,#5/         : The Uttar Pradesh Government will honour wid- ows of UP Police personnel   08( Annapurna--will be evaluated. conditions of many senior who laid down their lives in the The programme aims to citizens who are in need of line of duty during Police acing flak from the Supreme ensure minimum national help given the fact that 70% of Commemoration Day on FCourt for huge gaps in the standard for social assistance, the families in India have Sunday (October 21). Central sponsored programme, in addition to the benefits that gone nuclear leaving the elder- Chief Minister Yogi National Social Assistance states are currently providing or ly high and dry. Adityanath, who will be pre- Programme (NSAP), which might provide in future, for old The bench had asked addi- sent at the function to pay deals with person for elderly, and poor citizens. tional solicitor general Pinky homage to the martyred widows and other issues, the The Supreme Court hear- Anand to come out with details policemen, is likely to make Centre has decided to conduct ing two PILs by advocates of the implementation mecha- some announcements. a study to evaluate its perfor- Ashwani Kumar, a former law nism that has been put in Recently, the State mance and take steps to plug minister, and Sanjeeb Panigrahi place by the Centre to ensure Government had promoted a the loopholes. had noted that the NSAP was that the benefits reached the record number of cops and also Sources in the Union "prima facie" a good scheme destitute senior citizens. started the process for recruit- Rural Development Ministry but there were "huge gaps" in its Anand said as per 2011 ment of about a lakh police per- said that expression of inter- implementation which needed census, there were 10.38 crore sonnel to reduce stress on the est has been issued and we are to be filled. people above the age group of existing force. in the process of finalising the The bench of justices 60 years and 28.9% of them Director General of Police agency to conduct the study of Madan B Lokur and Deepak were categorised as living OP Singh said here on Saturday the scheme which was Gupta asked additional solici- below the poverty line. She that Police Commemoration launched in 1995. All the tor general Pinky Anand to said Rs 6,564 crore have been Day was observed every year to schemes under the NSAP— come out with details of the earmarked for the welfare pay homage to supreme sacrifice Indira Gandhi National Old implementation mechanism schemes. of 10 policemen, who died Age Pension Scheme that has been put in place by She said that NSAP has a defending the borders with (IGNOAPS), Indira Gandhi the Centre to ensure that the budget of around Rs. 9,975 China on October 21 in 1959. National Widow Pension benefits reached the destitute crore in 2018-19 and the gov- Singh said this year too, UP Scheme (IGNWPS), Indira senior citizens. ernment has allotted funds for Police would honour the fam- Gandhi National Disability Advocates Kumar and pension covering around three ilies of 67 cops who lost their Pension Scheme (IGNDPS), Panigrahi had alleged that crore elderly persons under the  ) %     !  #     # %& lives in the last one year. National Family Benefit the NSAP schemes have failed Indira Gandhi National Old PNS Scheme (NFBS) and to improve the pitiable living Age Pension Scheme.   & 6 '3, 36     2) # )  3 +78+  !   /         Bengaluru: Karnataka's popular Sabarimala: A woman from  08( N>(9 (( M  ( O including forced virginity exam- Lingayat seer Siddalinga Swami Tamil Nadu was allowed inside 9(:<94 9< M inations. Virginity tests on passed away at Gadag in the the Sabarimala temple on $ 3 $(0     lobal agencies like UN < (<<::70 women prisoners are common, state's northwest region, a mem- Saturday after facing initial GHuman Rights, UN I 0( M 9 intimidating and humiliating; ber of his Thontadarya Mutt said protests, as traditionalists pre- Women and the World Health they violate women's rights to on Saturday. He was 69. sumed her to be below 50 Organization (WHO) has called (N 0( M' 8 privacy and physical integrity, "Doctors at a private hos- years of age.          for ban on the virginity testing I7( (<43 and further disempower them, pital declared Swamiji dead The Supreme Court on - a gynecological examination (: 0 8 7(0( (  said the UN agencies. today (Saturday) morning after September 28 overturned a cen-  39(70O190P Frenzied protests and Lord Ayyappa temple Tantri's conducted under the belief that 9 7 (4 Besides a few parts of India, a massive cardiac arrest," the turies-old practice that barred threats to close down the tem- statement, and that no action it determines whether a woman virginity testing reportedly hap- member told reporters at women of menstrual age (10-50 ravancore Devasom Board ple forced two women on could be taken by the TDB or girl has had vaginal inter- be painful, humiliating and trau- pens in numerous countries, Gadag, about 390 km from years) from entering the hill T(TDB) member KP Friday to return from against the Sabarimala staff. course - calling it traumatic and matic. Given that these proce- including Brazil, Egypt, India, Bengaluru. State Chief Minister temple, where a celibate deity Shankara Das on Saturday dis- Sabarimala on the third day of On the fourth day on unscientific. dures are unnecessary and Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, H.D. Kumaraswamy, however, Lord Ayyappa is worshipped. agreed with the Sabarimala unrest as Kerala Police Saturday there has been no In India, the practice of vir- potentially harmful, it is uneth- Jordan, Libya, Malawi, Morocco, told reporters here that when Latha, 52, accompanied by Tantri family's threat to close declined to escort a third report of any women between ginity test still exists in certain ical for doctors or other health the UK and more places. the pontiff did not come out of her husband and son, was the temple doors if any woman woman to the hill shrine. the age of 10 to 50 attempting parts of India among nomads providers to undertake them. But the report notes that his room till 9 a.m., he was stopped just as she was about within the barred age group The Tantri family and a trek to the hilltop shrine and tribals besides a few other Such procedures must never be there is no scientific evidence rushed to the hospital where he to climb the hallowed 18 steps arrive for darshan. members of the Pandalam Pathanamthitta District communities. carried out, said the statement. to support that looking at or was pronounced dead due to leading to the temple. The "It's the Supreme Court royal family considered closing Collector P.B. Nooh told the In a joint statetment issued In many settings such tests feeling someone's genitalia can cardiac arrest. protesters presumed her to be that has directed that women down of the temple if further media here that he has not got here, the UN agencies said that are considered part of assess- tell you whether or not they've "Siddalinga was one of the below 50, despite her protesta- within the age group of 10 to attempts were made by women any request from any woman it has no scientific or clinical ment of survivors of rape. This had sex, meaning that girls and most revered Lingayat seers in tions to the contrary. 50 will be allowed within the from the barred age group. for darshan at the temple on basis. "There is no examination is unnecessary, and can cause women are subjected to inva- Karnataka and known for his It was only after the inter- shrine's sanctum sanctorum. Chief Priest Kantararu Saturday. that can prove a girl or woman pain and mimic the original act sive tests that aren't medically oratory. He had slammed the vention of state BJP leader K. Hence all are duty bound to Rajeeveru later on Friday con- Security has been further has had sex - and the appear- of sexual violence, exacerbating necessary. Veerashaiva-Lingayat seers for Surendran and others that the adhere to it," the former legis- firmed that he would have no tightened around the shrine ance of girl's or woman's hymen survivors' sense of disempow- "The concept of virginity is opposing the Siddaramaiah-led devotees allowed Latha to enter lator told the media here: other choice but to close down which will close its doors on cannot prove whether they have erment and cause re-victimi- not a medical or scientific term; government's decision to grant the sanctum sanctorum after "It is not fair to say that the the temple, if the age old tradi- October 22. had sexual intercourse, or are sation, the agencies said. The rather, it is a social, cultural and minority status to the com- checking her identity card. temple will be locked. tions of the temple was violated. The TDB would be sub- sexually active or not," they said. result of this unscientific test religious construct . The dis- munity," said Kumaraswamy in Meanwhile, a 38-year-old Moreover the protest staged on On Saturday, Rajeeveru mitting a detailed report about "Virginity testing" is a vio- can impact upon judicial pro- proportionate social expecta- a statement here. Recalling that woman, Manju, presented her- Friday by temple staff and the garnered more support. the happenings in and around lation of the human rights of girls ceedings, often to the detriment tion that girls and women the seer was a great writer and a self before senior police offi- Tantri (chief priest) was wrong Malikepuram temple chief the temple both to the and women, and can be detri- of victims and in favour of per- should remain 'virgins' (i.e. patron of education and litera- cials and requested them to and an explanation will be priest Anish Nampoothiri said Supreme Court and the Kerala mental to women's and girls' petrators, sometimes resulting without having sexual inter- ture, the Chief Minister said the facilitate her pilgrimage to demanded," he said. he could not find fault with the High Court next week. physical, psychological and social in perpetrators being acquitted. course) until marriage is root- pontiff had thousands of devo- the temple in the light of the well-being. "Virginity testing" In addition, women pris- ed in stereotyped notions of tees for his progressive and SC verdict. Hindu traditionalists had dug age group in defiance of the President of the Kerala Dalit reinforces stereotyped notions of oners and those in detention female sexuality that have been straight approach to various The police officials cau- their heels in, opposing the SC order. Mahila Federation, would have female sexuality and gender facilities are at heightened risk harmful to women and girls social and religious issues. tioned her about the risks, as entry of women in the 10-50 However, Manju, who is the none of it. inequality. The examination can of abuse and mistreatment, globally," said the statement. IANS    (  ) *+, *-+. $ <

 ?#;-+9 " + ":?- !    4    -)%! %  # 869   #!;#::8 9"-"7 * "#-*+":+%*! 9-""- +* P     +  "%-"7B"!"#    ( 9(M8 !   ))P    audi Arabia on Saturday  Q 1  Sadmitted that critic Jamal   8( < Khashoggi was killed inside its ( 13 0 election” across the war-torn consulate in Istanbul, more S President Donald Trump country. than two weeks after his dis-  1   R Usaid Saturday he believed early 170 Afghans were Violence also disrupted appearance tipped the kingdom Saudi Arabia’s explanation that Nkilled or wounded in poll- voting in the northern city of into one of its worst interna- ( ( 3 0 Anadolu news agency report- dissident journalist Jamal related violence on Saturday, Kunduz where a health official tional crises. ed.Khashoggi, a Washington Khashoggi died in a “fist fight” officials said, as the legislative said three people died and 39 The kingdom also sacked urkey vowed on Saturday to Post contributor and critic of and termed the arrest of 18 election turned chaotic with were wounded after more than deputy intelligence chief Treveal all details of the the Islamic petro-state’s pow- people by the Gulf kingdom “a Saudi officials would continue, many polling centres opening 20 rockets rained down on the Ahmad al-Assiri and royal death of journalist Jamal erful crown prince, was last great first step”. including raising some ques- hours late — or not at all — due provincial capital. court media advisor Saud al- Khashoggi after Saudi Arabia seen on October 2 entering his Saudi Arabia on Saturday tions about their account of to technical glitches and lack of An Independent Election Qahtani, both top aides to admitted he was killed at its country’s consulate in Istanbul. announced that Khashoggi, events that led to the death of staff. Commission (IEC) employee Crown Prince Mohammed bin cussions that took place Istanbul consulate, state media Riyadh’s admission came 60, died following a “fist fight” Khashoggi, and that he would In the latest attack, a sui- was killed and seven others Salman who has faced mount- between him and the persons reported. after persistent claims by the at the Saudi consulate in work with Congress to devel- cide bomber blew himself up were missing after the Taliban ing pressure over the who met him... At the Saudi “Turkey will reveal what- Saudi authorities that the jour- Istanbul, without disclosing op a response. inside a Kabul polling centre, attacked a polling centre several Khashoggi affair. consulate in Istanbul led to a ever had happened. Nobody nalist had left the consulate any details on the whereabouts “We are saddened to hear killing at least 15 people and kilometres from Kunduz city, The admission that brawl and a fist fight with the should ever doubt about it,” alive.Turkish police and pros- of his body. confirmation of Mr wounding 20, police said, tak- destroying ballot boxes, Khashoggi died at the hands of citizen, Jamal Khashoggi, said Omer Celik, spokesman ecutors this week searched “Preliminary investiga- Khashoggi’s death, and we offer ing the number of casualties provincial IEC director Saudi officials after weeks of which led to his death, may his for the ruling Justice and both the consulate as well as the tions... Revealed that the dis- our deepest condolences to across the Afghan capital to 19 Mohammad Rasoul Omar said. vehement denials by the Gulf soul rest in peace,” the attorney Development Party (AKP), the consul’s residence in Istanbul. cussions that took place his family, fiancee and friends,” dead and nearly 100 wounded. Eight explosions were kingdom comes after President general said in a statement. between him and the persons White House Press Secretary There was no immediate recorded in the eastern Donald Trump said that the In its first reaction to who met him... At the Saudi Sarah Sanders said after Saudi claim of responsibility for the province of Nangarhar, with United States, which is Saudi Khashoggi’s confirmed death, consulate in Istanbul led to a Arabia issued the statement. blast, but the Taliban said ear- two people killed and five Arabia’s biggest backer, could the White House said it was brawl and a fist fight with the An investigation in the lier it had carried out more wounded, the provincial gov- impose sanctions if it was “saddened” but made no men- citizen, Jamal Khashoggi, killing is on. than 300 attacks on the “fake ernor’s spokesman said. proved the journalist was killed. tion of any possible action which led to his death, may his “The United States Saudi Attorney General against its major ally. soul rest in peace,” Saudi acknowledges the announce- Sheikh Saud al-Mojeb said “We will continue to close- Attorney General Sheikh Saud ment from the Kingdom of Khashoggi died after “discus- ly follow the international al-Mojeb said in a statement. Saudi Arabia that its investiga- sions” at the consulate devolved investigations into this tragic The government said that tion into the fate of Jamal into an altercation, without incident and advocate for jus- 18 Saudis had been arrested for Khashoggi is progressing and disclosing any details on the tice that is timely, transparent further investigation while that it has taken action against whereabouts of his body. and in accordance with all due * +:) +  !+%  +) +  ! Deputy Director of Saudi the suspects it has identified “Preliminary investiga- process,” White House spokes-  % ;     ))#'   Intelligence Ahmed al-Assiri thus far,” Sanders said. tions... Revealed that the dis- woman Sarah Sanders said.    ))+#  &  #  has been dismissed. “We will continue to close- “I do. I do,” Trump said ly follow the international when asked about his confi- investigations into this tragic .  dence in the Saudi explanation. incident and advocate for jus- F  “Again, it’s early. We haven’t tice that is timely, transparent      =2 finished our review, our inves- and in accordance with all due   6Q tigation. But I think it’s a great process,” the White House    first step,” he said. Press Secretary said. !)      +  ) )  ((   P   Q Trump said talks with    ,   +   !!)  #       (6  ( 3(9       ( 7 7  "6"" '( n offensive by US-backed he Comoros military on Aforces against the Islamic Moscow: Moscow on Saturday the 2016 presidential elections  .3 TSaturday started an opera- State group’s last redoubt in condemned Washington for won by Donald Trump, “in ( tion to disperse armed rebels eastern Syria killed 35 jihadists indicting a Russian woman for Washington they are now try- "#+ 38%*  who had taken control of on Saturday, a Britain-based interfering in US 2018 elec- ing to play the same card   -+%  Mutsamudu’s city centre on the war monitor said. tions, saying the accusations ahead of the approaching elec-       island of Anjouan earlier this Twenty-eight IS members were fabricated in order to tion day in the US”.       week, a Government Minister were killed in air strikes by the impose further sanctions on On November 6,   3  said. US-led coalition around the Russia. Americans will vote in mid- %' “The Army has started to town of Hajin, the Syrian “We understand that term congressional elections. take up positions inside the Observatory for Human Rights Washington is fabricating a The finance chief of   medina (old city centre), no said. pretext in order to impose its Russia’s leading troll farm, (    shots have been fired. The Another seven jihadists notorious sanctions once more named as Yelena Khusyainova, ++9$+  " forces are content to secure the were killed in ground fighting against our country,” deputy was indicted by the     7   medina so that the population with the Syrian Democratic foreign minister Sergei US Justice Department on  % 7 9 can move freely,” said Forces, who launched a coali- Ryabkov was quoted as saying Friday, becoming the first per-  %      Mahamoud Salim Hafi, who tion-backed offensive against in a statement. son to face charges of inter- 0    has led the Government the IS-held pocket in the He complained that after fering in next month’s vote.   7  response to the uprising. Euphrates Valley last month. previous accusations involving AFP   %  '  7>2  ?!  $       (   +#-+#          4       /     O    Washington: President Donald official told White House 7 '(   % Trump will likely have his sec- reporters Friday that a meeting        ond meeting with Kim Jong Un is “likely sometime after the  ' *   early next year to continue first of the year.” 3 4%   charting a way for the North The official spoke on con-      Korean leader to give up his dition of  % :  334 nuclear weapons in a verifiable anonymity because details of '      way. the meeting have not been 1  ' A senior administration finalized. AP    (  ) *+, *-+.   =

 :  "# '3 " '  ,.<(=8  !  "         0+A  8>? 7+@@7 )  !  :( (

New Delhi: After Emerging as completing negotiations as vency resolution process for           the highest bidder for Essar swiftly as possible", the com- ESIL," ArcelorMittal said in a Steel, global giant, pany said after it emerged as statement last night. ArcelorMittal, aims to complete the highest bidder for Essar The company said it will New Delhi: Industry body companies like the housing sumer loans as well as micro- New Delhi: Private sector NPAs of the bank stood at the "negotiations as swiftly as Steel late last night. now enter into further final Assocham on Saturday hailed finance companies and infra finance loans, feel the experts. HDFC Bank on Saturday report- 10,097.73 crore by end of possible" with the debt-laden Earlier, Mittal, Chairman negotiations with the CoC. the Reserve Bank's decision to financing NBFCs. The NBFCs have come ed a rise of 20.6 per cent in its September quarter, compared firm's creditors committee. and CEO of ArcelorMittal, Essar Steel was among the incentivise banks to enhance "A typical NBFC model is a under heavy pressure with their net profit to 5,005.73 crore for to 7,702.84 crore. The Lakshmi N Mittal- told PTI in an interview that he 12 companies referred by the their lending to non-banking retail lending model with short stock prices witnessing sharp the second quarter ended on The net NPAs or bad loans, owned company, which is the would be surprised if the RBI for insolvency proceed- finance companies (NBFCs), tenures of 2-5 years and small fall on the bourses, triggered by September this fiscal, as the core however, fell to 0.40 per cent of world's largest steel maker, has world's largest steelmaker with ings. saying the step will help them ticket sizes where asset liability a series of loan defaults by income grew at a healthy pace. the net loans by end of second been locked in a murky legal sound financials and strong ArcelorMittal, earlier this in tackling liquidity crunch. mismatch is not a concern. IL&FS group firms about a The bank had registered a quarter against 0.43 per cent. battle with other bidders, espe- technology will be declared week has said it will pay 7,469 The RBI on Friday allowed NBFCs have shown impressive month ago and has crippled the net profit of 4,151.03 crore in The absolute value of net NPAs cially Russian VTB Bank-pro- ineligible to participate in the crore to the creditors of Uttam the banks to use Government growth for the last few years prospects of smooth credit flow the July-September quarter of was at 3,028.24 crore as moted NuMetal to take over bid for Essar Steel. Galva and KKS Petron to be eli- securities equivalent to their maintaining a high capital ade- of the sector. 2017-18. against 2,596.83 crore. Essar Steel, under the insol- Last night, the CoC of gible to acquire the debt-laden incremental credit to non- quacy ratio which is higher Sensing the enormity of the Total income for the quar- The provisions and con- vency proceedings. Essar Steel declared the firm as firm, as per the Supreme Court banking financial companies than the minimum prescribed crisis IL&FS group which is ter grew by 21.2 per cent to tingencies for the quarter ended The company has been the preferred bidder for Essar order. (NBFCs) for a three-month levels. This growth has also been laden by debt to the tune of 28,215.2 crore as against September 30, 2018 were 1,820 trying for long to enter India Steel. The Supreme Court on period to meet their liquidity healthy as reflected in better 91,000 crore, the Government 23,276.2 crore, the bank said crore as against 1,476.20 crore but has not succeeded so far. It "ArcelorMittal confirms it October 4 had granted one coverage ratio (LCR) require- asset quality," Assocham said. swung into action quickly and in a regulatory filing. as on September 30, 2017. had announced over a decade has been informed by the more opportunity to ments. However, provision of a took the management control The net interest income The lender said it made back to set up two plants - with Committee of Creditors (CoC) ArcelorMittal and NuMetal to The provision will allow dedicated refinance window, by disbanding its board and (interest earned minus interest preferential allotment of more 12 million tonnes per annum for Essar Steel India Limited bid for Essar Steel if they clear banks to free up 50,000- especially, for the large number replaced it by six newly expended) for the quarter grew than 3.90 crore equity shares to capacity each — in Jharkhand (ESIL) that it has been evalu- their non-performing asset 60,000 crore of liquidity which of small and medium sized appointed members headed by by 20.6 per cent to 11,763.4 its parent Housing and Odisha, which could not ated to be the H1 Resolution (NPA) dues of their related cor- banks can lend to NBFCs till NBFCs is very important to banker Uday Kotak of Kotak crore, driven by average asset Development Finance be materialised. Applicant (the preferred bid- porate debtors within two December 31. ensure future growth, it said Mahindra Bank. growth of 22.9 per cent and a Corporation (HDFC Ltd) at a "Now, look forward to der) in the corporate insol- weeks. PTI "This shall also send a further. The latest measure by Besides, LIC and SBI — net interest margin of 4.3 per price of 2,174.09 crore on July message that the recent devel- the RBI to boost capital flow to who are amongest the key cent, it said. 17 aggregating to 8,500 crore. opments do not indicate any NBFCs has been however stakeholders in IL&FS — have The net interest income On August 2, the bank    systemic problem but it is downplayed by industry play- come to the rescue of IL&FS stood at 9,752.1 crore in concluded a qualified institu- merely a case of sentiments ers and analysts and described and are expected to infuse September quarter of 2017-18. tional placement (QIP) of over     having gone wrong after one of it as too little and too late. capital by raising their respec- On asset front, the gross 1.28 crore equity shares at a the big NBFCs defaulted," According to them, it will tive stakes in the company. non-performing assets (NPAs) of price of 2,160 aggregating to  3  Assocham said. not help much, especially to Separately, country's the bank rose slightly to 1.33 per 2,775 crore and an ADR offer- The industry body said those NBFCs which are into largest lender SBI has also cent of the gross advances as on ing of 17.5 million, representing     the whole issue of asset liabil- home and auto loans. announced to buy quality September 30, 2018 from 1.26 5.25 crore equity shares aggre- ity mismatch is more relevant The only beneficiary will assets worth 45,000 crore per cent on September 30, 2017. gating to $1.82 billion (equiva- in case of long-term lending be those into short-term con- from the NBFCs. PTI In value terms, the gross lent to 12,440.90 crore). PTI New Delhi: Gold prices rose by 220 to 32,270 per 10 grams as upward trend continued unabated for the fourth straight .  >? week, backed by persistent buying by local jewellers to meet festive season demand #:#  ) ! : ( ")    <<@ coupled with positive global cues. Silver after moving both ways on alternate bouts of , 7 "! ?AB  buying and selling, managed to end higher by 200 to 39,600 New Delhi: ICICI Lombard floods), it added. per kg.     5   General Insurance Company The Board of Directors of Traders attributed the sus- on Saturday reported a jump of the company has also declared tained rise in gold prices to 43.6 per cent in net profit to interim dividend of 2.50 per increased buying by local jew- !   293 crore for the second quar- share for first half of 2018-19. ellers, driven by ongoing festive ter ended September this fiscal. ICICI Lombard said that its season and a firming trend in Islamabad: Pakistan's Finance Khan's administration has sent The company's net profit in profit before tax (PBT) and global markets. Minister promised on Saturday mixed messages over whether the corresponding July- profit after tax (PAT)/ net prof- Besides, weakness in the to end the country's reliance on Pakistan will enter another September quarter of 2017-18 it includes a one off impact of rupee, making imports costlier, International Monetary Fund IMF programme, with the for- was at 204 crore. 58 crore recovered on account also fuelled the upside in gold bailouts to shore up its shaky mer cricketer suggesting this The gross direct premium of doubtful reinsurance recov- prices. economy, as officials prepare to week that going to the fund income (GDPI) of the company erable already provided in ear- Globally, gold ended the negotiate a new loan. may not be necessary. increased to 3,530 crore in the lier years. week higher at $1,227.50 an Asad Umar's pledge comes But Umar spoke in grave September quarter, registering a Profit before and after tax ounce and silver at $14.70 an days after Pakistan's central terms of the country's balance growth of 11.3 per cent over grew by 36.6 per cent and 25.1 ounce in New York against the bank warned inflation could of payment crisis, which has 3,173 crore in the same period per cent, respectively, in the previous week's of $1,218.80 double in the coming year — sparked a depreciation of the previous fiscal, ICICI Lombard second quarter of the fiscal and $14.68, respectively. hitting 7.5 per cent — while the rupee and sent stocks tumbling. said in a regulatory filing. excluding the one-off impact. In the national Capital, country's growth target rate of "We are heading towards The combined ratio ICICI Lombard General gold of 99.9 per cent and 99.5 6.2 per cent would likely be bankruptcy very fast. We have improved to 101.1 per cent in Insurance Company offer prod- per cent purity commenced the missed. to save the 210 million second quarter from 102.9 per ucts, including motor, health, week higher at 32,250 and "This will be the 13th and Pakistanis," Umar added. cent in the same quarter a year crop, fire, personal accident, 32,020 per ten gram, respec- the last IMF programme," An IMF team is set to ago (combined ratio was 99.9 marine, engineering and liabil- tively, but slipped to a low of Umar said during a speech at arrive in Pakistan in early per cent in second quarter ity insurance, through multiple 32,180 and 32,020 for want the Karachi Stock Exchange. November to begin negotia- excluding the impact of Kerala distribution channels. PTI of support. PTI Prime Minister Imran tions. AFP 0     6 /     )

New York: This year was tout- equality in the workplace rages, advocates for women in senior ed as the year of women in pol- and amid increasing calls for positions. itics in the United States, but in women to break through the "Women have gotten into the business world, female "glass ceiling." entry-level positions very suc- bosses remain few and far Recently, a number of cessfully, and then they get to between. prominent women have left middle management, and And some warn the situa- their posts as company heads, things stall out," she said. tion is unlikely to improve including Denise Morrison of "Women still today are not with men unwilling to play the Campbell Soup, Margo reaching the top, particularly role of mentor to younger Georgiadis of Mattel, Sherilyn women of colour." female colleagues in the era of McCoy of Avon, Meg Whitman Dismissing the idea that the #MeToo movement, which of Hewlett-Packard, Ursula the glass ceiling is down to has heightened awareness of Burns of Xerox, and Ellen women's decision to focus on sexual abuse and inappropriate Kullman of Dupont. family rather than career, behaviour in the workplace. All of them have been experts lay the blame more on The departure in replaced by men, a blow for deep-rooted cliches. September of India's Indra diversity since fewer than five Hariton said her group's Nooyi as head of PepsiCo after per cent of leaders of the S&P research "shows that the stereo- more than a decade in the job 500 largest enterprises are now type that men 'take charge' and has only reinforced a trend that women, down from 5.4 per women 'take care' puts women has been growing for the past cent in 2017. leaders in a double bind and two years: the decline in the "We are going in the wrong can potentially undermine number of women CEOs even direction," said Lorraine their leadership and career and as debate about the need for Hariton, whose NGO Catalysts advancement options." AFP    (  ) *+, *-+.  7 #*0*#&",0"#808$.99",#)#9"#

    08( can keep the fast bowlers fit they have a very to win the crucial moments of the game. De "He has got that talent. I have seen him that's the secret of his playing. The best good chance. I saw some of the guys were Villiers feels the trend of losing the series playing well in the IPL and told Virat that possible of playing cricket is to know your outh African great AB de Villiers believes not hundred percent fit (Bumrah and opener will have to change if India were to this guy is going to be amazing one day. But strength and that you can maximize when SIndia "has a very good chance" of beating Bhuvi but have recovered now). If they can do well against Australia, who will be it doesn't matter what we say and that's what you are out there in the field. And he knows Australia in the upcoming away series get all the fast bowlers ready, if not the best, without their star players David Warner and Prithvi believes. We'll see how it goes. He that well which in turn makes him the best notwithstanding their recent losses overseas. they are one of the best bowling attacks in Steve Smith. has got a lot of talent within him. He is a batsmen in the world." India played better in South Africa than the world at the moment. And we know "They have got to take the opportunity, fantastic player. He has got a bright future. On his remaining cricketing career, de what they managed in England but ended what the batting unit is capable of," said the especially going to Australia. If you slip first He just needs to tell himself that he really Villiers said he is not done yet and is looking up losing both the high-profile series. 34-year-old. Test match there, it becomes a snowball. wants to achieve this." forward to playing South Africa's newly The batting let India down on both The former South African international Actually anywhere in the world, the minute De Villiers who played alongside Virat launched domestic T20 league next month. tours but de Villiers backed batsmen to do backs Indian batsmen referring them as the you are playing away from home, the way in IPL for eight years also praised Virat's He will also continue to play in the IPL. well Down Under in the four-Test series best in the world despite their poor outing you start is very important. They slipped in captaincy saying that he is a great leader. "I am pretty happy with my decision (of beginning from 7th December in Adelaide. in England, which cost side way too much. South Africa and England and it snowballed "Virat is a fantastic captain. Great quitting international cricket) but I am not "They have a very good chance, to be "India's Bowling attack is one of the best (into a series loss)," said de Villiers on the leader. He has got a really good mind around finished yet. You will see me playing honest with you. They came to South Africa, but India's batting lineup is the best in the sidelines of Royal Stag Barrel Select Perfect the game of cricket. He has learned a lot in around the world in the next few years. I still probably played better cricket (but lost 1- world. So there's absolutely no problem with Strokes. the past few years and is growing as a love the game but playing 12 months in a 2). Lost in England now but once again the the batting lineup amid the poor outing in Talking about young Prithvi Shaw, captain. He is someone who Indian player year got a little too much for me," he said. first Test was on a knife's edge and could Eng, that's my opinion. They can't always who gained highlights after his brilliant follows." "I had to make a really tough decision. have gone either way, which would have score 500-600 but we know what they are debut against West Indies in the recently He also added that Indian skipper is well But as they say 'never say never'. You never changed the whole complexion of the capable of." concluded Test series. Ab says that young aware of his game and that what makes him know what is going to happen in the next series," said de Villiers here on Saturday. The series opener in South Africa and Shaw has got a lot of talent and is going to different from the others. six to 12 months. It has been a very intense "Going to Australia now, I think if they England were fiercely fought but India failed be a big asset. " Virat knows his game very well and 15 years," he said.  ! 8  1 4   % 7 3    %

    !)#2    8 ( the spin department will see the "%-% :+#  !#: + potent duo of Kuldeep Yadav and 9--7+*-*)*+$9+ formidable India will hope to Yuzvendra Chahal, while fast  ( >1  :*'*( !:' get more answers for their bowlers Mohammad Shami and an      % F  Aunresolved middle-order in-form Umesh Yadav will share the    %9 puzzle when they take on a reeling workload in the absence of  %          R West Indies in the five-match ODI Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Jasprit     %       series starting here on Sunday, Bumrah, who have been rested for #(+ !:+:!  4 ' ticking off the home team's the first two ODIs. 1           countdown to the 2019 World Cup. Rookie left-arm pacer Khaleel %   R ( 1M umpire did not give him out -- The World Cup in England is Ahmed, who impressed in the two   9        but Sri Lanka demanded a less than eight months away and matches he played in Asia Cup, will      %      hunder, lightning and review, which proved their India have 18-odd games left to look to grab the opportunity.  %    ' Ttorrential rain halted England shouting was justified. decide their middle order, mainly Unlike the Tests, the West Indies S      on their Sri Lanka tour on Morgan himself was the number four position where were expected to be much more  %  Saturday, but they wrapped up shunting ahead with a six and many have been tried but with competitive in ODIs but they are % '     %     the one-day series against their three fours in 34 balls when the little success. grappling with multiple woes.         hosts with a faster run rate. deluge started. The series will also mark captain Dynamic opener Evin Lewis has  %          After Dasun Shanaka hit a Earlier, Shanaka led another 's return to white-ball withdrawn from the ODI series   S 1         boundary-smattered 66 to help starring role for Sri Lanka's cricket as he had taken a much citing personal reasons, dealing  F   (   Sri Lanka make 273-7 from their middle order after England won needed break during the team's another blow to the side which is ' 50 overs, Jason Roy made 45 and the toss and made the home side triumphant campaign in Asia Cup. already missing Chris Gayle and S  9 %   England pair Joe Root and bat at the Pallekele stadium. Kohli is expected try out a new Andre Russell.   4  captain Eoin Morgan were just Opener Niroshan Dickwella's combination in the middle order To make matters worse, coach  %   %  %    shifting up a gear in the chase 52 was the only resistance shown that will see Rishabh Pant make his Stuart Law, who is into his 4     when dark clouds gathered over by Sri Lanka's leading batsmen. ODI debut, following his exploits in penultimate assignment with the    S  ' Kandy. Shanaka made five sixes and the longest format. team, will not be allowed in the <       With England on 132-2 from four fours in his highest 50-over The 21-year-old wicketkeeper- dressing room in the first two ODIs %   4    1 27 overs, Root (32) and Morgan score, which kept Sri Lanka in a batsman, who scored a century at due to a breach of ICC's code of    (0  9      .,+ (31) seemed well placed to put game they had to win to hold out the Oval in his debut series against conduct.        R6',,   their side on the route to victory. any hope of avoiding another England, continued his sublime However, the team has veteran  F   -R5'=Q      They already led the series 2-0 series defeat. form with consecutive scores of 92 Marlon Samuels, captain and all-  F     <(     going into the fourth of the five Moeen Ali was England's against the West Indies in the two- rounder Jason Holder and pacer         games. most effective bowler, taking match Test series. Kemar Roach. The squad features  MFM ' As with the other wins, the two for 55 as the tourists used a The focus once again will be on three uncapped players — opener 3 %    decision came with the mixture of spin and pace to MS Dhoni, whose batting ability is Chandrapaul Hemraj, all-rounder    4     %   Duckworth-Lewis-Stern run rate maintain pressure. on the wane and with limited Fabian Allen and pacer Oshane    %     ( system,and England were Dickwella steadied the Sri playing time in the middle, the job   9  Thomas. % ' awarded victory by 18 runs. Lanka innings, putting on 60 for gets only tougher for the legendary The ninth ranked side lost 1-2 S  %   K ( Every game in the series has now the second wicket, with captain cricketer. However, chief selector on Ambati .  C+BD 2 India will also to Bangladesh in its last ODI   % K    O9P  been halted or interrupted by Dinesh Chandimal (30) after MSK Prasad has time and again said Rayudu , who is !$ !"#$! 8 have the services assignment and has not won a        %    rain. Sadeera Samaawickrama fell for that Dhoni remains the first choice expected to bat of all-rounder series since 2014. % '   % F While frustrated, Morgan one. Thisara Perera (44) and wicketkeeper at least till the World four and will look to carry forward Ravindra Jadeja in the lower-order The venue, Barsapara Stadium,    %        S will be satisfied with the show Dananjaya (32 not out) put on 56 Cup. his fine form of Asia Cup where he and in the absence of injured Hardik will be hosting its second 1 ' from his team in difficult for the seventh wicket to give a Dhoni was far from his best in amassed 175 runs, averaging 43.75 Pandya, he will have to step-up. The international match after staging the S         circumstances. late boost to the score. the Asia Cup, scoring 77 runs in four from six innings. However, time preceding Test series was productive debut game, a T20 between India         ' 8   Roy closed in on a half The final one-day game is in innings with an average of 19.25 and may be running out for Manish for the southpaw and so was the and Australia last year. The game     %%  century which included a six and Colombo on Tuesday while the a strike rate of 62.09. Pandey as he is yet to cement his Asia Cup, where he made his ODI had made headlines for wrong    (0'8   five fours when an Akila two play a 20 over challenge next While the top-three select place in the team after making his comeback after a year's gap. reasons after the visiting team's  <(  ('( Dananjaya leg spin hit his pad as Saturday. They will play three themselves, the spotlight will also be debut more than three years ago. Looking at the bowling attack, bus was attacked on way to the hotel.     'S  he came down the wicket. The Tests in November. P   !   7%8 

A    3 0 9 ditya Tare struck a fluent half- ( 81 outside Zimbabwe they have Acentury as a clinical the best record in Bangladesh. defeated Delhi by four wickets to win angladesh captain So we have to give 100 per their third Vijay Hazare Trophy title at BMashrafe Mortaza cent," he said. M Chinnaswamy stadium here on warned his players against An eight-wicket loss in Saturday. complacency ahead of the Friday's warm-up against a Mumbai last won the trophy way start of a one day series Bangladesh Cricket Board back in 2006-07 when they defeated against outsiders Zimbabwe XI did not help the visitors' Rajasthan. on Sunday. morale, but Zimbabwe Opting to bowl after winning the Zimbabwe go into captain Hamilton Masakadza 9  #  toss, pacers, Shivam Dubey (3/29) and Sunday's game in Dhaka as Dhawal Kulkarni (3/30) picked up whipping boys of three wickets apiece as Mumbai bowled international cricket after       out Delhi for a paltry 177 in 45.4 overs. losing every match during a Later, Tare starred with the bat with recent tour of South Africa. an 89-ball 71 that included 13 The visitors have not ( 3 83( disappointing after the first Test boundaries and a six and in the won a one day international fightback. company of crisis man Siddesh Lad in Bangladesh since 2010. ead coach Justin Langer on "I think really, a huge (48) stitched 105 runs for the fifth "If we win everyone will HSaturday urged his batsmen to use disappointment," said Langer. wicket to seal the win for Mumbai with say this is what should have their feet in Test matches following his "I thought our preparation was 15 overs to spare. "    !). B',!   happened. But if we lose side's 373-run defeat against Pakistan, brilliant. We came into the first Test But Tare had his heart in his mouth they will take it differently," to lose the two-Test series 1-0. really encouraged, really upbeat. We in 19th over of the innings when he the innings after he smashed two innings. Soon Unmukt Chand (13) said Mortaza, whose team are Langer, himself a batsman of great knew we were evenly matched with survived a caught behind decision. consecutive boundaries of Navdeep and Manan Sharma (5) also went seventh in the world rankings repute, said feet movement is Pakistan in terms of ages and games Repeated TV replays showed the ball Saini. cheaply. against Zimbabwe's 11th. P  "!"  important. played." had bounced before nestling into Ajinkya Rahane (10), captain Delhi were reeling at 21 for three "It can create pressure at  )  !  "You talk about the great Australian Langer admitted key batsman Delhi wicket-keeper Unmukt Chand's Shreyas Iyer (7) and Suryakumar in six overs, but Nitish Rana (13) and the back of the mind. It's not players they moved their feet like Shaun Marsh was a big flop in the gloves. Yadav (4) all departed cheaply to Saini Dhruv Shorey (31) tried to stabilise the as though we have never lost insisted his side was not boxers, every one of them," said Langer, series, managing just 14 runs in four Tare eventually fell prey to Manan and Kulwant Khejrolia, leaving innings for a brief period before the to Zimbabwe." Mortaza said despondent. who scored 7696 runs in 105 Tests innings. Sharma, trapped plumb in front of the Mumbai struggling at 40 for four in 7.4 former was removed by Dubey, leaving the three match series — with "We didn't have a great during an illustrious career. "Shaun has obviously had a poor wicket in the 31st over but by then he overs. Delhi precariously placed at 60 for four. two more 50 over games in time in South Africa or in the "They had footwork patterns and series and he knows that. You can see had already taken Mumbai to sniffing Earlier, Delhi began their innings Shorey too did not last long as he Chittagong on Wednesday match yesterday. But the then from there you have the skill of it in his face he knows he's had a poor distance of a win. Lad's valiant 48 on a bad note with Mumbai pacers was stumped by Tare off a brilliant and Friday — would be main thing is to focus on run-scoring ability. And it's a really series," said Langer of the left-handed came off 68 deliveries with four Kulkarni and Tushar Deshpande Shams Mulani's delivery. doubly important as tomorrow and to focus on the important thing. top order batsman. boundaries and two sixes but he fell two exploiting the moist conditions. Thereafter, Pawan Negi (21), Bangladesh have only four tour and what we have come "Even in T20 cricket or one-day "Whether you're making them in short of his half century, caught by Deshpande (2/30), Dubey and Subodh Bhati (25) and Himmat Singh more series to prepare for to achieve," he said. and most certainly first-class and Test T20 cricket or one day cricket or Dhruv Shorey off Lalit Yadav with Kulkarni picked up eight wickets (41) scored vital runs to take Delhi to next year's World Cup in "We can only go up from cricket when the ball starts moving Sheffield Shield cricket or Test cricket. Mumbai scoreboard reading 176 for between them to rattle Delhi's batting 177. England. where we are and we are around, if you don't' move your feet The only currency of value are runs. six. line-up. But once Negi walked back to the "They have almost all really looking forward to then you're going to come unstuck." That's just the truth of it," said the Chasing 178, Mumbai lost in-form Captain Gautam Gambhir got pavilion retired hurt, Mumbai ran their senior players back and this. The guys are upbeat." Langer termed series loss as coach. Prithvi Shaw for eight in third ball of out for one in second over off the through Delhi's tail in quick time.      E ?C?DCF

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nce known as the Pearl of Indian (the Argentine Marxist revolutionary), Ho Chi ferent mettle and the LTTE thoroughly underes- about the recent scenario,” were the words with Ocean, Sri Lanka has suffered a Minh (the Vietnamese revolutionary), and timated his abilities,” added Siri. which Gotabhaya welcomed this writer to his series of setbacks due to power Yasser Arafat (the Palestine Liberation Now Gotabhaya, the soldier, has mel- house. “Tell me about my friend Dr Subramanian play and ethnic crisis, which Organization chief). But Prabhakaran was the lowed down. He doesn’t speak much because Swamy. He is the best friend Sri Lanka has in prompted Pope Francis to describe embodiment of all that represented evil. The his actions, looks, expressions, and body lan- India. How is he?” asked Gota as we settled into Oit as the “tear drop in the Indian Ocean”. Life in LTTE fought on land, water, and air; its guage are sufficient to make his colleagues his beautifully arranged office-cum-library. Sri Lanka has undergone a major change from activists died to kill. Any voice different from understand what is on his mind. Trained in More than the present-day politics in Sri the crisis-ridden period of 1975 to 2009, and that of Prabhakaran was silenced. 8 << some of the best military establishments in Lanka, what was haunting the mind was the the ‘tear drop’ is slowly but steadily on its way The media blitzkrieg unleashed by the LTTE 90 (<( 8 8 the world, including the Defence Services reason behind Mahinda’s defeat in the 2015 to regain the sobriquet of ‘the pearl’. The num- across the world portrayed the Sinhalese as a Staff College at Wellington, Nilgiri, and the polls. “It is something that has to be explained ber of people who lost their lives and property cruel, unethical, dictatorial, and racist regime. 77<8( 8F0 Jungle Warfare School in Assam, Gotabhaya in detail. The result of that election is also an during the period of strife runs into lakhs. The LTTE media had stakes in the media (espe-  <>97 ''' 8M is still passionate about his alma mater. experience we gained in our strides to progress Several eminent people, both Sinhala and cially in Tamil Nadu), which portrayed the The Sri Lankan forces crushed the LTTE by and prosperity,” said Gotabhaya before reveal- Tamil, were the victims of the Liberation Tigers Tigers as heroes. Pictures of Sinhalese and Tamil 80 (< 99 May 2009, of course, with active and dynamic ing the hitherto untold story. The reasons for of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the dreaded terrorist children butchered by the LTTE, the Muslims  (  80 '3 help from India. The economy of the island Mahinda’s defeat are as important as the lessons organisation led by Velupillai Prabhakaran. slaughtered by them in Batticaloa, and thou- nation had been hit severely because of three gained by the outside world from the victories The remnants of the LTTE days are still vis- sands of Buddhist monks, who were massacred (<   7 48 decades of terrorism. Mahinda, who led the registered by the Sri Lankan Army in its war ible in the island nation, as people are yet to by suicide assassins were conveniently buried by (7 < 30(8 << country in its fight against the LTTE, gave a new against the LTTE and holds good for all politi- recover fully from the reign of kidnappings, the pro-LTTE media, as well as human rights direction to the economy and development once cians, irrespective of the region, nation, conti- murders, and mayhem. When there were no organisations across the globe. (( 8 8 the civil war came to an end. Massive infrastruc- nent, and the part of the world they belong to. healthy men to fight as suicide bombers and Gotabhaya entered the Defence Ministry ((<::(4(0 0(1 ture development to make Sri Lanka an El According to Gotabhaya, Mahinda declared terrorists, the LTTE forcefully took away chil- headquarters at a time when the morale of the Dorado began in right earnest. The economy the elections well in advance because he was dren above the age of six and groomed them as forces was at its lowest. The LTTE had outnum- /( <>0<9 8 gathered pace as the tourism industry flourished confident of winning. “It was a winnable elec- young warriors. Even girls were not spared in bered and outmaneuvered the Sri Lanka Army :<9( 49 9M in an unprecedented manner. An annual con- tion because of a number of factors. Once the this coercive recruitment drive. Adele, wife of and taken possession of the Elephant Pass, the : 9 848 <: clave called the Defence Seminar was organised LTTE was wiped out, the country lost no time the then LTTE strategist Anton Balasingham, wild and narrow link connecting the mainland by the Sri Lankan Army to share with friendly in ushering in an era of development. Economy played a key role in this ghastly drive. After the with Jaffna in the north. “The moment he was <>97 (+,-R nations its experiences in fighting terrorism and was progressing and was in a good condition. end of the conflict in May 2009, human rights appointed as the Defence Secretary with the the vast knowledge gained by it in counter- The entire country was witnessing develop- organisations have been on the warpath with mandate to finish off the LTTE challenge, we insurgency operations. Colombo turned out to mental activities on a fast rate. We were doing the Sri Lankan Government with demands to knew that Prabhakaran’s fate was sealed. The be a hub of disseminating skill and knowledge quite well in agriculture; farmers were getting declare the army commanders and political question I asked myself was how long it would in national development, prosperity, and securi- good prices for their crops and were economi- chiefs, who led the country during the civil war, take for Gota to give us the results,” said Siri ty in a regional and global context. cally well off. All over the country, there was a as criminals and prosecute them. Although, Fernando, former corporate honcho and a long- But in spite of the excellent leadership he feel good factor and the general impression was they never mention Adele or other LTTE lead- time friend of the Rajapaksas. provided to the country in its fight against that it was a winnable time and thus the elec- ers, who wreaked havoc all over South Asia. Siri recounted the day when he and his jour- secessionism, terrorism, and isolation by some tion,” explained Gotabhaya. If Sri Lanka is breathing easy and on its nalist wife, Hiranthi, called on Gota to extend of the international bodies, Mahinda lost the He pointed out that though there were vari- way to recovery, it’s majorly because of one Christmas greetings. “Gota spent considerable 2015 Presidential Elections. He decided to hold ous forces working against the Mahinda man. No, it’s not Mahinda Rajapaksa, the then time with us that day and spoke to us about his early elections to reap the benefits of his good Government, they were a minuscule fraction of President, who led the nation in obliterating challenges and strategies to lift the morale of the reputation and the image he had gained fighting the total population. “They unleashed a campaign the Tamil Tigers who were fighting for seces- forces. By the time we came out of the meeting, terrorists and making the country a haven of accusing Mahinda and his family of corruption. sion from the country and demanding a sepa- we were sure that Mahinda had appointed the peace. But he lost, a la Winston Churchill, who They alleged that the Government was authorita- rate Tamil Eelam. The country is obliged to a right person for the job, and the mission was rejected by the people of the United tive and Mahinda’s family was calling the shots, low-profile former Lieutenant Colonel in Sri would be accomplished,” said Siri, who is Kingdom in the 1945 General Election. It which were false and blatant lies,” he said. Lankan Army, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the leading a retired life in Colombo. The was the leadership of Churchill which Mahinda’s other brothers — Chamal, younger brother of Mahinda. 78-year-old also recollected how led the Allies to a great victory in Basil, and Namal — are active in politics Till Mahinda became the President in 2005, Gotabhaya entrusted officers with the World War II, defeating the then “evils” and were holding important positions in the nobody had heard of Gotabhaya, who had responsibility of speaking to each that included Hitler and Mussolini. (It Government during his tenure as the President. retired from the Army. It was in November soldier and find out the problems is another thing that Churchill was Basil was in the Government not because he 2005 that Mahinda appointed Gotabhaya as the they faced in the fight against the called out of retirement in 1951 by the was the brother of the President, but because Defence Secretary of Sri Lanka with the man- Tigers. “When Gota took same British people and he served he was the main strategist and brain of the date to obliterate the LTTE. When he assumed charge, he had to deal with them as the Prime Minister till 1955). Sri Lanka Freedom Party. office, the LTTE had emerged as heroes among some Commanders who he “Don’t ask me anything about a section of the global community, who saw in never saw eye to eye with. national politics. I am not in politics Prabhakaran a combination of Che Guevara But Gota was made of dif- and won’t be able to tell you anything BB >      80:<:((O ( 9 (<0(9<9  8(4890<4 ( a‚ia€iut < 8(( 9( 8( Q,,17<:48< 89 E ?C?DCF


3 %  % %   " 8 O ( %(     %     %    9( 89 9/

t does not take much time to While India’s airport infrastructure sent traffic growth at RGIA, projected tional departures, potentially making it dered growth is a ubiquitous phenom- recognise that today’s airports are needs to take a giant leap, it also needs traffic growth, rapid capacity assess- completely open for domestic departures. enon across all sectors of the economy fast becoming hotspots for conges- to be understood that any expansion will ments of airside and land-side facilities The terminal building is at par with any and it is in this context that we need to tion. The long queues at check-in take a time of three-four years before the among others. While analysing these at of the airport terminals in India. The understand the importance of innovative counters, clogging of boarding facility gets operational for passengers. micro levels, it was observed that passen- 8 97(0 construction techniques employed at ideas like the proposal to come up with Igates and associated risks and delays With the current geometric progression ger traffic is stressed the most at the pre- every level are designed in such a way an IIDT Building in RGIA which can act (008>97( 7 clearly reiterate this. Many of the major of the year-on-year growth, any mean- boarding stage. Thus developed this idea that enables this facility to be modified, as a temporary shock absorber before the airports in India are already operating ingful enhancement of capacity should of an exclusive concourse to handle 4841F(:4(0( ML dismantled or reused for a different pur- big expansion works take shape. beyond their capacity and a few more are also address the interim passenger check-in, security, immigration and 3 (40 pose in the future. And to make all these As mentioned by the Civil Aviation expected to breach their capacity this growth that will be taking place in these customs process for international pas- aspects significant is the fact that this ter- Secretary RN Choubey in his speech at the year. To refresh our memory, it was only three to four years in a phased manner. sengers. After completing these formal-  94 minal has been constructed in fast- inauguration function, we need more around a decade ago that the new, state- The recently inaugurated Interim ities, passengers will move into the >(0(  track mode — it took just six months. people like GMR International of-the-art airports were built in International Departure Terminal (IIDT) main passenger terminal building Today, we are living in an India Airport CEO SGK Kishore and GMR Bengaluru and Hyderabad with Delhi. A building at the Rajiv Gandhi though a connecting corridor from 4841F(9<4' where the demand for infrastructure is Group Business Chairman GBS Raju. few more are set to join the club. These International Airport (RGIA), where they will proceed to boarding. The burgeoning and the citizens are becom- Their idea of conducting an exhaustive and airports were designed with operational Hyderabad has not got a lot of attention. terminal will also have a premium ( 0<3<  ing increasingly aspirational. The meticulous infrastructure planning exer- capacities considering the passenger- It is not a giant infrastructure project check-in facility from where passengers <:((O:(9  demand for enhancing infrastructure is cise well in advance and using those results traffic growth for at least the next two built with thousands of crores spent over travelling in business class can avail per- also progressing exponentially and this analytically in coming up with innovative decades. But the unprecedented growth the years. The press coverage on it has sonalised and assisted check-in process. >997<  is something which has its own gestation ideas is something which needs to be repli- in the Indian aviation industry at near- also been meagre. Needless to say, it is The terminal also boasts of India’s first 83   period to come up. More often than not, cated across the board. These are the prac- ly 20 per cent every year is crippling our not something that has sought much ever remote, hand baggage screening the whole situation becomes messy on tices which have the potential of keeping Airport Infrastructure. Added to this, we limelight. However, there are a lot of facility which can increase passenger 49( :4(0( M various accounts while the infrastructure India’s economy flying high at all times, have the UDAN Scheme of the things which need to be appreciated in throughput and reduce the consumption is actually being built. In fact, the issue without any hindrance. Government of India to boost regional this facility. This terminal building has of time at security check. of catering to the rising interim demand % # :) ) connectivity which is in turn contribut- been carved out of a meticulous planning The terminal thus frees the main pas- for infrastructure while the actual infra- !  , :   ing further to the increased demand. exercise involving and analysing the pre- senger terminal building from interna- structure is being built to ensure unhin-  '  ) B'*(   6& ( 0

he Rajapaksas could titled ‘Force Works’, Menon not be singled out for wrote: “Security was Tbringing family mem- 9    1  Gotabhaya’s sole preoccupa- bers into politics and the tion, which made him sensi- Government. The history of tive to India’s concerns, while Sri Lanka politics is full of his brother Mahinda was the roles played by family He also revealed the role the seriousness of the LTTE much more compliant with members of the leader, played by urban elites, upper issue and stood by us during Chinese demands, having whether it is SWRD middle class, and a section of the war. But we did not get built a political machine on Bandaranaike, Sirimao the youth in the mission to much time to establish good Chinese money. The basic Bandaranaike, Junius Richard defeat Mahinda. “These are ties with the new Indian offi- assurances that Gotabhaya Jayewardane or Premedasa. the sections of the population cials, like National Security and more reluctantly, Mahinda ruled with an iron which go by the promise of Advisor Ajit Doval or the Mahinda, gave us were that hand and had no pretensions good governance and spread Foreign Secretary, after the India’s security interests about it. “Those who stay in bogus allegations against the change of Government in would be respected and that glass houses should not rivals. This resulted in 95 per 2014,” said Gotabhaya. there would be no surprises throw stones at others,” said a cent of the Tamils, Muslims, He also referred to the in Sri Lanka’s relations with retired Army commander, and the urban elites voting “false” campaign by the China. I was assured that when asked about family against Mahinda,” said Opposition on China’s role there would be no permanent members dabbling in politics. Gotabhaya, quoting from the in boosting Sri Lankan econ- Chinese military presence in But who were the forces analytical report of the 2015 omy and security. Mahinda Sri Lanka and that Sri Lanka behind the media onslaught election results. had launched the Colombo would look to India for most and false campaign against The day in and day out Port City project, which of its military training and the Rajapaksa Government? campaign was centred on would have played the role of intelligence needs.” The answer was shocking as allegations of corruption and a force multiplier. This was Gotabhaya, a professional it synchronised well with accusing a democratic done with Chinese invest- security expert, said his what we see in India. “There Government of being author- ment but strictly under the country was and is always were various civil rights itarian. This campaign control of the Sri Lanka Port conscious of the concerns of groups, leaders of the proved successful. “More Authority. “The Opposition India, especially in security Opposition, who had a fear than the capability of the and the urban elite claimed related issues. “We will never psychosis about an impend- Opposition parties in Sri that the Hambantota Port allow Sri Lankan soil to be ing defeat, and a section of Lanka, it was the Western had been leased to the used by any foreign elements Western countries and powers which planned and Chinese Navy for 99 years, to work against India. The groups which worked executed it,” said Gotabhaya, which upset the new Indian Indian Ocean and especially actively against us,” who uses measured and cal- Government. The truth was the sea lines of communica- explained Gotabhaya. culated words and phrases, that even in our wildest tions must be free for all to This group worked over- the stiff upper lip culture imagination, we had never use without hindrance. Both time and created a sense of developed in the Military 2%%: !  thought of such a possibility. countries are united not only hopelessness and helplessness Academy, perhaps. But what happened is that by the Indian Ocean, but by among a section of the popu- Though he was initially the same Opposition, which common historical and cul- lation. “Their theme was reluctant to name the forces China factor in Sri Lanka involvement of China in the role of the US and European Opposition parties. came to power after the tural ties,” said Gotabhaya. ‘good governance’. But they which conspired against with a different perspective. economic development of powers in the 2015 elections There were allegations of 2015 elections, handed over The world learnt a lot were sure that the Sinhala the then Sri Lankan Our ties with China bothered Sri Lanka also rattled them,” has been accepted openly by India’s interference in the port to China on a platter,” from Sri Lanka in how it suc- population would vote only Government, Gotabhaya them,” Gotabhaya explained. he said. Hence, they wanted a powerful person from that 2015 elections in Sri Lanka, he pointed out. ceeded in tackling terrorism of for Mahinda. Hence, they finally put the blame on the The ties between Sri the Mahinda Government to administration. and Gotabhaya did not hide Mahinda did not make the worst kind. It is the ideal focused on the minorities Barack Obama administra- Lanka and China date back go. The Opposition parties Gotabhaya was an eye- his disappointment over extra efforts to convince the time for India to take note of and Tamils. They conceived tion. “The Western nations to more than six decades. — which had lost all hope — sore for those who wanted them. “We had good rela- new Government in India the fact that a Government, and executed a shrewd plan had a feeling that the But the US and Western the urban elites, human the division of the island tions with the Manmohan about the assurances guaran- which wiped out the last ves- to keep the Muslims away Rajapaksa Government was powers felt uncomfortable rights and civil rights nation. “Let them say what- Singh-led UPA Government, teed to the UPA administra- tiges of terrorism, lost the next from Mahinda. They even anti-West. The State for reasons best known to groups, and minorities ever they want. That’s their which was in office till May tion on the role of China in elections. There are a lot of managed to get the help of Department of the Obama them. “They have a lot of joined hands with the freedom and I do not care 2014. The then Government the island nation. “It is well- similarities between the game some extreme Buddhist administration was dominat- vested interests, ranging Western forces, which result- about it,” was his reply of India helped and support- chronicled by Shivshankar being played in New Delhi organisations, which turned ed by human rights activists. from commerce, trade, the ed in Mahinda losing nar- when asked about the pro- ed us in our war against the Menon, the then NSA, in his and the one staged in the Muslims against the The United States and other Indian Ocean, strategic loca- rowly,” Gotabhaya disclosed. paganda against him by the LTTE. Even the DMK in book Choices,” s ai d Colombo; only the language Government,” he added. Western powers viewed the tions, and security. The This is the first time that the Tamils as well as other Tamil Nadu had understood Gotabhaya. In the chapter and characters differ.      0MN  (< 83<:(<: 8 78< 00  buuqy 0 :4  K919M E ?C?DCF

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orewords to this autobiog- raphy of Narendra Raval (nicknamed Guru), one of Kenya’s greatest industri- alists, include congratula- Ftory letters from Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has long known Raval, and Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta, the Amherst educated son of the leg- endary Jomo Kenyatta. Another is from Lord Raj Loomba of the UK, whose charitable foundation Raval supports. The Loomba Foundation helps widows in India, and at the behest of Raval, in Kenya as well. This book speaks endearingly and conversationally, in Raval’s voice. It is cast in inspirational something of a lifelong association Swaminarayan Temple. business. He also had a renewable the better, it is seen, was always well. The two existing steel rolling terms, with a plethora of slogans, and network for him. It began in It was also at Nakuru where he work permit for Kenya. preceded by being sent back to mills in Kenya could not keep up pieties and bon mots, with a clear his late teens, as a priest, first in met President Daniel Arap Moi for Next, Raval teamed up with square one. Married and almost with demand, and so, Raval belief in destiny. It descends from Bhuj, and later in Nairobi, when he the first time in rather mundane some of his Nakuru friends who penniless, Raval resolved to set up resolved to set up a steel rolling time to time into a family and was sent to a Kenyan temple. It laid circumstances when he had tagged ran a hardware business — Delta for himself, opening the “Steel mill of his own. The Kenya organisational scrap book — with- down the basis of his freelance along with technicians who had Hardware, and persuaded them to Centre” in the name of Neeta who Commercial Bank (KCB) was out however taking anything away priestly work carried out later at gone to fix the President’s TV. open a Nairobi branch for whole- was a Kenyan citizen already. instrumental in both financing from the impressive tale at its core. Nakuru, a Kenyan hill resort. It He was invited, soon after, to saling. Introducing more and more They rented a warehouse in a new Raval’s move into manufacturing Raval was born in a joint family also has a good deal to do with his live in as resident priest and spiritu- steel items to the mix out of his business district of Gikomba in (Devki Steel Mills Ltd.) and seeing in the tiny village of Mathak in the own spiritual outlook and honesty, al adviser by the owners of Kenya’s knowledge at Kikuyu, Raval gradu- Nairobi, even though it was in a it through to stability by 1996. And Halvad Taluka of Surendranagar his caring attitude towards most successful steel rolling mills ally took the business national, rough neighbourhood. meticulous accounting, he says is: district of Gujarat, the gateway to employees and colleagues, animals — the Kikuyu Steel Rolling Mills in started importing quota regulated But in four years, between “The heart and soul of your busi- Saurashtra. His father and family and birds. All this combined with Nairobi. Raval was thus introduced, items, and grew Delta Harware to 1986 and 1990, the business had ness. A small error, if not nipped in were thrown out of the prosperous Narendra Raval’s extraordinary in his early twenties, to an opulent the biggest business in its field in grown to Kenyan Shillings 1 mil- the bud, can bring down a well family home by his grandfather abilities in palmistry and astrology business environment by the Kenya. But Raval was not a share- lion. Raval found finance from established business”. Gradually, before Raval turned 10. Raval’s that made him much sought after Dayabhai H Patel family. holder, nor did he work for a salary. wealthy friends and friendly Narendra Raval expanded, early years were spent dodging in the Gujarati business circles in He started going to the office The very growth he induced led to bankers, all due to his priestly acquired, diversified, and backward school and book knowledge, not Kenya and the UK. with the head of the family, and the split and closure of Delta by its ??  '#* work of yore and his ongoing integrated, growing his businesses only while in his father’s care, but It was at Nakuru where the learnt about the steel rolling busi- four partners. By now Raval had astrology that he still dispensed to into the “one stop manufacturer for elsewhere in Gujarat, with his young Brahmin priest began to be ness in all its aspects. By the time, also got married to Neeta, a quali- &'4 $# !?..:!! help many people free-of-charge. all infrastructure products” he maternal grandparents, and mater- called Guru for the first time. not very long after, this family sold fied chemist. Though so much had *    By 1993, Steel Centre in turn dreamed of. This, in time, meant nal uncles. A key turning point was This, both for his priestly and astro- up and went their separate ways, to happened, he was only 23 and not was now the largest hardware Steel, Building Materials, Cement, his induction as a priest into the logical skills, the latter learned ini- the US, UK, and elsewhere, Raval yet a Kenyan citizen. 03 CC trading business in Kenya encom- and spreading out into the coun- Swaminarayan sect. It became tially during his time at the Bhuj had his basic grounding in the steel In Raval’s life, many turns for passing wholesaling and retail as tries neighbouring Kenya as well.

he dream of owning a ceding three weeks to the day house for those who do discussed as well as of occur- ' Tnot is a dearly cherished rences from the past years of the one. But since there is no gain      characters’ lives.  > without pain, the dream, usually, With recollections mesh in is hardly accomplishable without thoughts, imaginations, and &6 ' &-" hardships. The gain of a house is !       /  1  asides of the male protagonist-  "8 "" fraught with multiple challenges, narrator, and charted are also  0"% , 977 stressful factors, and even night- 1    %     1 / 8,"#$#+" journeys of learning, growth, marish uncertainties. Chanchal hope, and realisations, all gained (   Sanyal, in his debut novel The through happenings and conver- %* % Glass House, takes a keen look at sations. Despite the gloom over ' %% % the house-owning dream — its the fate of the flat, hope lingers       6, ':   difficulties, its fragility that is and the reader wishes for a   ' indicated by the title itself, and happy closure as M.B. comments           even its necessity. and voices the ardent hope of so      L       The protagonist couple — many to be able to claim, “This         college lecturer M.B. and his is the permanent address that all     '7 wife, fashion designer Roshni — government documents keep %  %    are young urban Indians, living asking for.” (p. 148). The novel     % in Delhi and seeking to gain a says that with the uncertainty of       house in Gurgaon, part of the life, getting bogged down by sit-        ' National Capital Region of uations is ill. Though certainly India. As the subtitle to the important to lead meaningful novel — A Year of Our Days — lives, goals must not determine "3 '?" 6' aptly indicates, the story stretch- whether we remain happy. #6 &" ' 3>' es to about a year in the lives of Insights about many aspects of 50&  the protagonists and relays life are also thrown in — for $ , 677 accounts of everyday struggles instance, M.B. says for decisive of contemporary urban living. leadership, “Clear instructions :   7 The narrative charts the frustra- with no options, yet, delivered as %      tions associated with the protag- a request.” (p.161)   onists’ house-building, including While the dream, chal-         politics, legal stays, unkept lenges, hesitations, and fears are    F F% %   promises of the builder, charges identifiable, so is M.B. for %       added at a later stage, and risk of young urban professionals and %  ' *    having invested years of savings particularly for those with acad-   %    % '  and of having taken on the addi- emic pursuits. Even the “invert-  % "  7 %   tional burden of EMIs. M.B.’s ed snobbery of the intellectual  '     successful NRI elder brother for the materially successful”    % '(*  Tubluda justly comments, “This (p.4) that makes M.B. call his     % %   middle-class housing game in rich and imposing landlord         India is not liberation, it is relationships and the cracks that fascination to him” — is larly dwells, with wit and sar- “FatBum” is not alien.    %   ' enslavement.” (p.103) lie beneath smooth surfaces of revealed as the reader progresses casm, on the haphazardness of The language, wordplay, Besides, thwarted ambitions, relationships is sharp, and so is through the book. the development in Gurgaon imagery, and metaphors are relationship matters, extramari- his understanding of perspec- M.B., also the novel’s narra- where he and his wife invest all vivid and colourful. One inter- "3 ( "# tal affairs, misplaced suspicions tives and motivations of people tor, is a lecturer in History and their money for a flat. esting comparison is of the & ' " and misunderstandings, preju- in distinct stations of life. he, fittingly in view of his incli- The novel takes the readers “rivers of traffic” in Delhi to   " diced notions that steer relation- Among the most interesting nations, reveals fascinating through the happenings of one those natural streams of water "%& :0 ships the wrong way, and work- aspects of the novel is Sanyal’s aspects of the history of the city’s year — the point of beginning that are referred to as rivers. ; "3, 677 place politics all form part of the discussion about Delhi-NCR. geography and popular places. being the first month of the year There are meditations on how narrative, making it a complex His portrait of Delhi is accurate, Imagination of what life would and the initiation of the buying English is used by Indians, and   L    and therefore, fitting — in view not only because it has factual have been at a particular place process. Events and emotions the mutated, amalgamated lan-     of what life for many is today — correctness, but also because it for some individual in times past are recorded in intervals of guage that many Indians use in  %%  M%'( portrayal. Sanyal employs his is unbiased; this portrait lays adds a different dimension to twenty-one days that make up their individual ways. Though +,-Q(  % N %O acute observation and his wide- bare the city’s faults and evils and as if brings alive mere his- the parts of the whole up to the text is produced well overall,  % '7    ranging experience of dealing alongside its merits. The por- torical facts. He comments on “Day 379”; just “Day 337” gets there are some punctuation %   '(  with people in different capaci- trait is also powerful since it the resilience of Delhi, despite three parts — the space accord- errors and typos.    %     ties, having gained exposure to shows the love of its creator the destructive “development”, ed sufficiently indicates that The house-owning dream,         ( varied domains professionally, $1: '!! 1#?!: despite such absence of bias. failed key infrastructural pro- multiple important bits are dis- despite its fragility, has power   to shape his characters. .   ! The truth of the claim in jects, and pollution in and cussed in these. With such divi- enough to keep people ensnared.  ' *   Although he plays with stereo- Sanyal’s short biography that around it, though as he feels sion of intervals, the story pro- The novel compels a close look  %  %% types often, there is no ringing 3 >C, greats the reader on the first despondent in a later portion of gresses at a good pace, with rec- into what must truly matter, %   %     of a jarring note. His under- page of the book — “The city the narrative, he imagines Delhi ollections making up a major ending on a strong note that %     : F  ' standing of the intricacies of and its peoples are of endless finally surrendering. He particu- chunk, recollections of the pre- demands some introspection.      uvitiut! E ?C?DCF *    '  

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The market has changed; these ers, there is not the third, not only post-lunch session of the first day, erary festivals” in India and else- days there were more writers than from Gorakhpur but also from succumb to less important activities where nor should they mimic any of readers. Everyone was speaking at entire eastern Uttar Pradesh, who like reciting of local singers locally these. Any efforts at these would be once while no one heard as in an asy- can claim a status akin to either of manufactured songs or turn out to narcissistically wallowing in an exer- lum. The only books people read were them. Not that, there are no literary be venues for local mushairas or still cise in futility. To begin with diet books, cookery books or exercise activities. There are writers but worse panel discussions on themes Gorakhpur Literary Festival organ- books. People didn’t want to improve their writings are confined to closed which have nothing to do with any isers should open its website stating the world, they only wanted better literary groups or a few selected form of art. Chattering classes are clearly what its vision and mission bodies. local newspapers. Second, I am left with no choices. The sheen is statements are. The charter should — Hanif Kureishi in his novel not aware of any literary piece lost. Exploring the unadorned past be clearly laid out along with a brief THE LAST WORD worth its salt in English from and contemporary literature mak- description as to how the organisers Gorakhpur. Some very enthusiastic ing a foray into themes like back- are going to achieve the objectives readers may accuse me of feigning wardness, casteism, gender dis- and raise funds. Most importantly ita Srivastava lives in ignorance. I will like to be enlight- crimination and insensitiveness, the website should provide facility RGorakhpur. She is a teacher, TV. ened about a few. Self-critique is the regional disparities, terrorism, sex- for public to give their feedback on personality and an accomplished best form of defence. It is the best ual harassment, incurable diseases, issues connected with activities of announcer. During 1976-78, I was disinfectant. The doubting etc, will make pungent material for the festival. Transparency must not her classmate in graduation in DAV Thomases can spare sometime to deliberations and thus consume be surrendered nor any group or Degree College Gorakhpur. scan the literary scene in Kerala and significant time of events. For this coterie must hog its activities. Many Sometime back, I got a message Odisha to see for themselves how organisers’ penetrating gaze should literary festivals wane, become dull from her requesting me to attend vibrant these places are when it be able to sift the grain from the and then pale into insignificance Gorakhpur Literary Festival in comes to matured literary activities chaff. Making general plebeians mainly because of lack of trans- October 2018. That was how I and literary personalities. aware of these issues should serve parency and dominating vested came to know about this literary Amitav Ghosh is a highly rated oftentimes don’t understand that not easily guess what these books would pondered over in times to come. No the objectives of a literary festival. interests. Notwithstanding, lovers of event though unfortunately I could writer though I am more comfort- all books penned: fiction, non-fic- be like and what damage may ensue piece of writing is the end of litera- Forging connections between writ- literature hope every such festival not attend it. In this article I aim at able with the books by writers like tion, poetry or any genre get clas- if the ilk of such writers decides the ture and therefore what is the best ers and masses is essential for any held in Gorakhpur will act as a step- stipulating a general framework Raj Kamal Jha, Pico Iyer and sified in the category of literary destiny of literary gatherings. stays buried in unknown literary festival to succeed. ping stone for next one: well craft- for literary festival like Gorakhpur’s Amitava Kumar. But Amitav Ghosh books. The organisers of such lit- Late twentieth century was and arenas of human unconsciousness. Taking a clue from Kureishi’s ed, gleaming, both lighthearted and which is in its nascence. Different stands head and shoulders above his erary events ought to be as careful twenty first century is going to be No brave claims should be made to lines, I feel tempted to recall a small intensely serious and enthralling. people form different notions about peers in as much as he shuns liter- with selection of writers as selection the age of clash of ideologies. World improve or modify the society, for anecdote before conclusion. I told Gorakhpur Literary Festival should places they are not well acquainted ary festivals, never raring to show- of books or themes. Ensuring a judi- over many ideological battles are writers are least equipped to perform one of my university mate long asso- in due course reach out to pacifying with. People know Gorakhpur case his face before a crowd a cious mixture of really known writ- being fought on various fronts. this assignment. They must not ciated with academia in Gorakhpur effect of literature and should aim at because they have chosen to learn majority of which hardly under- ers and really known books, with a Modern literature is privy to assign this assignment to themselves. about VS Naipaul’s ancestors com- achieving what Seamus Heaney of its fame or absence of it based on stand what literary books are all few from aspiring writers factored onslaught ideological differences The objective of thinking about ing from Gorakhpur. Came out a wrote, “You’ve listened long enough. what they have read or heard about about. His articulated views are well in between, is the sine quo non for bestowed upon human mind. larger issues society is encountering benign question, “Who is Naipaul?” Now strike your own.” A great the place. Unfortunately in the expressed in his essay Festivals and those responsible to host such Freedom of expression by thinking should not be lost in the humdrum I tried to quench his thirst. A more objective would be served if this lit- absence of effective defence against Freedom. The essence of this essay events. Unfortunately many literary minds continues to be a subject of sound and fury of big names and big benign remark ensued and ended erary festival succeeds, even in a very such notions, people believe that the is: Books are important; not their festivals are driven by presence of heated discussion. Literary festivals books. Oftentimes, the untidy, the the conversation, “Uske jaise bahut limited way, in seducing both the image of Gorakhpur despite a few authors. “Public spectacles are a “vested interests” and “coteries” are occasions when concepts like weird, the oddball forms of art and hain yehan.” (Many like him are participating writers and audience to noteworthy literary and other artis- sideshow”. Great. The relationship and only some really serve the freedom of expression with logical literature have to be accommodat- here.) The problem lies not with his engage with society’s interior melee tic accomplishments, more or less, between writers, their books and objectives of literature and literary limitations, issues of identity, frag- ed in order to give a proper and big- question but his astute observation and sharpen the focus towards mit- has not improved much. VS readers gets evolved not in such events. mentation of personality, increasing ger representation to literary skills. made later. When ignorance and igating the melee. Naipaul, whose mother hailed from places of public rendezvous but in Likewise, for many writers not sense of isolation as culled out To what extent differing points of arrogance blend, they make excel- some village in Gorakhpur leaving private, in isolation where only the so established, social media sources from literary sources, can be rumi- view can be resolved into a coher- lent bedfellows. Major apprehension (The writer was born in it in late 19th century to settle as book and the reader exist. The mes- have become potent instruments for nated over. ent order of art is something these emanates from such blending. It Gorakhpur in 1960. He did his Masters indentured laborers in Trinidad sage being conveyed here is simple. the display of grandeur of achieve- Literary festivals too are solemn gatherings should strive for. poses great threat to any creative in Economics from Gorakhpur before good fortunes started dawn- Faces and personalities vie with each ments and these writers unfortu- calling providing writers and artists Moments of insight should figure ventures. University in 1980 and joined Indian ing upon Naipaul, had no demur, other to decorate the dais in liter- nately fall a victim to walking on the an outer world so vital to their inner during discourses. Literature gives Of late, it is learnt that Audit & Accounts Service in 1983. after visiting Gorakhpur around ary festivals. This restricts the scope air syndrome, unmindful of the fact creative works. A new door gets society a vantage point; it paves the Gorakhpur is witnessing much Currently he is Director General in the early sixties of last century, in of such festivals. Should a ravish- that these portrayals imparting joy- opened or a new path is entered way for seeing new or afresh. A desirable progress on many fronts. Office of Comptroller & Auditor describing it as a “half-made” and ingly beautiful young actress or a ously rapturous feelings leave upon. The memories, thoughts, sound literary festival should be able This should sustain literary activities. General of India. He is a poet writing “unorganised society”. In that “unor- model inaugurate or address a lit- momentary visual impact on view- experiences, feelings, criticisms to accommodate the unruly, the The organisers of Gorakhpur in English with three poetry collections. ganised society”, literature boomed; erary festival unless she herself is a ers. Unfortunately they carry the shared on these platforms may unmanageable and the discordant. Literary Festival deserve kudos and His third book Shadows of the Real has thoughts got propelled out of writ- literary tour de force? The lines cited impression that attending such make some, to use Ted Hughes It must allow at least serious par- appreciation for their seminal efforts been translated into Hindi and ers and we have had literary giants in the beginning from Hanif functions tantamount to zenith of phrase, “luminous at the core of their ticipants to rein in what American to organise it. Coming from that Russian. He is literary reviewer and like Munshi Prem Chand and Firaq Kureishi’s novel confirm the mish- their literary pursuits. One is real- mind”. Buzzing with debates and dis- poet and critic Robert Pinsky calls, place, I can guess how difficult columnist for the newspapers The Gorakhpuri — one writing novels mash between what present day ly amazed when confronted with 30 cussions, realisation of self-worth “inward motion of another mind”. organising it can be. All those in Pioneer and The Daily Star. His in Hindi; the other poetry in Urdu. readers prefer to read and what years old writers with twenty books may emanate from genuine inter- In absence of adequate number responsible positions should sup- fourth book, a semi-autobiographical: English continues to be an anathe- ought to be happening in any liter- of poetry (mostly self-published or actions here. More questions ought of men and women of letters and lit- port, by all means, Gorakhpur literary non-fiction, will be released ma. Two things have emerged out. ary gatherings. Tastes of readers defy published through non-descript to be raised than answered. More erary material, many literary festi- Literary Festival. The organisers next month. The views expressed in First after these two legendry writ- logic behind literary festivals. People publishers) to their credit. One can doubts should get scattered to be vals the very next day or even in the should not be overawed by “big lit- this article are his personal).

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he Global Innovation Index (GII) on both sides.” But the report rightly delin- to a multi-national supply chain or other working out its way while competing with Treleased by the World Intellectual eates that technological innovation is not resource facilities available for a health its neighbour China. For us what we need Property Organization (WIPO) aims to the only solution. What is demanded is business environment. It was found by top is a stable polity supported by an envi- give innovation multi-dimensional aspects. “changes in societal norms and cultures research groups that firms at local rather ronment less influenced by natural calami- It offers various tools which can be used along with innovations in organisational than national level markets were less ties and more business friendly. With a to shape policies to spearhead long-term processes”. likely to innovate. Big firms were likely to huge skilled young workforce and emerg- output growth, enhanced productivity In a glocal age, purely driven by super innovate more than the smaller ones; on ing market, India can definitely shine bet- and job growth. It is unique mechanism connectivity, higher technology and supe- the other hand state-owned enterprises are ter than many of its counterparts in the that can create an ambience wherein ele- rior human intellect, energy is believed to less likely to innovate than their respective developing world. But then growth and ments of productivity are continually have held the key for every nation. private-owned counterparts, particularly development is not all about access to examined. Without adequate supply of energy, no in the field of new and emerging product economy and technology. It is also about The 2018 GII Report, which covers nation can tap its opportunities for further development. what flows back to society and how com- about 126 countries, highlights the rank- development. It’s time to focus on the crit- Also it was found that firms with a mon man gets benefitted by all these. At ing of innovation capabilities and results. ical issue of energy access from produc- large number of college graduates were the end of the day, basic minimum These economies represent 90.8 per cent tion to storage, and from transportation globally more effective on innovative resources should be accessible to the of the world’s population and 93.6 per cent and distribution stage to consumption pat- efforts. But firms with highly skilled needy. The gap between the rich and the of the global GDP. And this year’s edition terns. The GII Report concludes that sup- workers have a mixed impact on innova- poor should be minimised. True innova- of the GII is based on the theme ply does not commensurate with the tions. Finally, that firms with higher tive efforts are those which send benefit “Energizing the World with Innovation”. global demand for energy needs. It further capacity utilisation i.e. those that sell every- to the lowest rung of the society. In India, At a time when the population is rising at highlights the need for a sustainable solu- thing they make, have lower innovation this is very vital. an alarming rate, the amount of natural tion to address the issue. Norbert index than their less efficient counterparts. Keeping in mind the GII Report resources are fast exhausting around the Schwieters, Barry Jaruzelski and Robert Thus it can rightly be said that in emerg- 2018, the demand for energy needs to be world. The demands of our industrial soci- Chwalik mention in the report that an esti- ing economies, forces of globalisation can met with a sustainable solution. This will eties are increasing day by day whereas the mated 1.2 billion people worldwide are liv- be counterproductive for innovations. in turn help in enhancing innovative supply of natural resources is on precipi- ing without electricity, and 2.8 billion with- However it has been observed that easy efforts around the world. Untapped ener- tous decline. While they do occur naturally, out clean and safe cooking facilities. This access to supply chain and business friend- gy sources must be discovered. But then it might take hundreds of thousands of demands global concerns and solutions. It ly environment in such countries can sure- the burden of relocating and processing years to replenish them or it may so hap- is clear that across the globe traditional ly help in fostering innovations. So glob- these should not fall on the poor. What we pen that they may not be reproduced for- energy frameworks are undergoing fun- alisation and post-globalisation forces are need is a fair deal at the end so as to see ever. What we all require is innovations so damental changes as demands and supplies lic sector enterprises which show the be seen how and what can really foster not purely creating anti-thesis for inno- to it that global innovation divide is less- as to reap benefits from our existing and for energy are unmatched. What is criti- transformative potential of these new innovations in a globalised world. vations. What matters most is that firms er and lesser in coming days. Isaac Newton untapped resources around the planet. The cal here is that private sector investment innovations. It was widely believed that globalisa- or industries operate within a range of effi- rightly highlighted the importance of GII 2018 Report says: “Higher levels of will play a critical role as this new systems Hence, “energy for all” is a goal wor- tion would lead to innovations. ciency and increased competition associ- innovation and creativity simply by say- technological and non-technological inno- take shape, both from traditional utilities, thy to be achieved at any cost. But then the Competition is supposed to spur imme- ated with liberalisation and globalisation ing, “If I have seen further, it is standing vation are required to meet this demand, many of which are seeing this new way for- issue is to bridge the existing gap between diate innovations and related activities. has different effects on firms/industries on the shoulders of giants.” It is all about both on the production side of the ener- ward as an opportunity rather than dis- innovation goals and tangible societal ben- Probably the most counterintuitive depending on their level of technology. the massive streams of innovations left gy equation (alternative sources, smart ruption and from the start ups and from efits. It’s a serious challenge. It demands research finding was that massive com- This has brought home the message that behind by our elders, we are simply grids and new advanced energy storage the entrepreneurs developing and apply- cooperation from both the Government petition from giant foreign firms has a technology at this age makes more impact surviving and making progress in our daily technologies) and on the consumption side ing new technologies in the renewable and private sectors accompanied by civil complete negative effect on product inno- while even innovating at the local level. life. (smart cities, homes and buildings; ener- space. It so happens that in vast part of the society support. Then only innovative vations around the world. Those who suf- There is a huge innovation divide that gy-efficient industries; and transport and world, companies are implementing pro- efforts can be successful, particularly in fered the most were the domestic compa- has been brought out by the GII Report (The writer is an expert on future mobility). Innovation plays key roles jects, often in close collaboration with pub- developing society like India. It needs to nies and firms that do not have easy access to the world. Countries like India requires international affairs)      893748< 013< 4<  9(  9>(>( M E ?C?DCF .   1   '    

*$ ll talks on the grand alliance of the Opposition parties 3$$ have been put on the back burner for now, and no one 89(819>M will talk about a united front Auntil the results of elections in five States are out. In fact, the Opposition parties are not even talking to each other about the mahagathbandhan these days. The parties, which have nothing to do with the elections in five States, say the deci- sion on alliances will be taken only after the results. The BJP has already told its alliance partners that Amit Shah is busy with the elections, so discussions over seat sharing and the alliance formula will be held only after the results. This has also been conveyed to Nitish Kumar, but despite this, the JDU leaders are saying that the seat-sharing announcement will be made soon. There’s another reason why the grand alliance talks have been put on hold. The Congress President Rahul Gandhi is engrossed in the elections of five States, with the party facing a do-or-die situa- tion. It is leaving no stone unturned in campaigning. That is why the parties — which will be going with the Congress, but have nothing to do with these States — have put the talks on hold. Amid this, there is news that BSP supremo Mayawati has talked to Akhilesh Yadav over phone. Ajit Singh, leader of the RLD, has also spoken to both leaders. However, the final decision will be taken only after the elections. From the alliance point of view, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Maharashtra are the other important States after Uttar Pradesh. But in these States, there are no talks of alliance as of now. In fact, all Maharashtra. The Congress and its old- NCP are also reaching out to the Left to any of the leaders who were in the fray be changed before the elections. This is regional stalwarts are waiting for the est ally NCP are reaching out to each and parties and AAP. Though these parties last time. Anand Kumar has already been also being said that if an alliance is results of five States. The Congress and every small and big party, trying to per- don’t have much hold in Maharashtra, an thrown out of the party, while Ashutosh finalised with the Congress, then three BJP will also wait for results because after suade them to join the Opposition band- alliance will be finalised with them and and Ashish Khetan have also left. seats can go to the other party. that the political picture of the country wagon. The Congress and NCP have they will be given a chance to fight the Rajmohan Gandhi is facing the age barri- ( 3/    will change drastically. finalised their alliance partners. Though Assembly Elections. A similar arrange- er, and MLA Devendra Sherawat is con- O  P(  >    /  If the BJP fares well, it will either go the seat-sharing formula has not been ment can be made for the SP as well. sidered a rebel. Rakhi Bidlan is the here is a new headache for the BJP in with the JDU in Bihar and the Shiv Sena decided, some arrangement is ready and Deputy Speaker in the Assembly, but the TUP. People have started opposing 3     in Maharashtra on its own terms and has already been discussed. Both parties     ( party will not give her a chance to fight. leaders, MPs, and MLAs of the party in 7   conditions, or it will go alone in both will stick to the old formula. The BSP he Aam Aadmi Party has announced Jarnail Singh will also not contest. many places. It started in April and has  %'( 3/O States. If the BJP’s performance is dismal, and Raju Shetti’s party will also join the Tthe name of in-charges of all seven This time, the AAP has given a now become a common feature in both then both the JDU and Shiv Sena would Congress and NCP, and will get one seat seats of Delhi. People are saying that chance to Dilip Pandey instead of Anand east and west UP, where people have put % % impose their conditions on the party. In each from the latter’s quota. these seven leaders will be the Lok Sabha Kumar, Atishi Marlena in place of up ‘no-entry’ boards. It’s common to spot    /  the same manner, if the Congress does Now, the Congress is talking to candidates of the party. While announc- Rajmohan Gandhi, Raghav Chadha in a hoarding with a warning to the leaders well, the kshatrapas will have to go into Prakash Ambedkar’s party for a tie-up. ing their names, it was said that they place of Devendra Sherawat, Brajesh and workers of the party to “not be seen   %  alliances on the party’s terms. In case the On the other hand, the NCP is in talks would be declared as candidates at the Goyal in place of Ashish Khetan, and anywhere in the area”. In Shivkuti of  '( Congress doesn’t do well, then it will with Raj Thackeray’s MNS. Though the right time. But sources say that these Rajpal Solanki in place of Jarnail Singh. Prayagraj, such signages cropped up after have to kneel before the SP, BSP, RJD, Congress is not ready to take the MNS names can be changed at the last They have been made in-charges for five the Unnao and Kathua rape cases. Now, % %   NCP, TMC, DMK, and TDP. into the alliance, Sharad Pawar might moment. That means their names as Lok Lok Sabha seats. In North-West Delhi, the no-entry campaign has started in the 4     have other things in mind. The NCP Sabha candidates are not final. Gugan Singh Ranga has been made in- Awadh area. In many villages of      chief might persuade Raj to either not This must be noted that in the last charge of the party in place of Rakhi Azamgarh, Bahraich, Kannauj, and       hatever be the result of five States, fight the Lok Sabha Elections or field Lok Sabha polls, the AAP candidates Bidlan. In place of Ashutosh, Pankaj Unnao, such boards are being put up. At   Wone thing is clear from the present such a candidate who will pose a threat were on the second position, after giving Gupta has been made in-charge for first, the local BJP leaders tried to sort political scenario: The Opposition is to the candidates of the BJP and Shiv a tough fight to the BJP. But interestingly, Chandni Chowk seat. Party sources say this problem out on their own, but now   O % going to form the largest alliance in Sena. Apart from that, the Congress and the AAP has decided to not give tickets that many of them are new, so they can they have roped in the State leadership.  D  0         

t was a moment that has been about a lot of what is possible about 18 months in gestation,        in the here and now, but they      ' Ibut the decision by Dominic are not wrong that the deal Raab to walk away from the   O  %  9:< 9 May is negotiating, with its -+*!*#*"#-"#! *!"#!+" Brexit negotiating table recently hand-me-down trade policy !%*+)"##+#DEF was entirely predictable. What and constitutional intrusions, ' (  QQ'H   comes next is much less so. For is indeed pretty abject. And it   1 %  many months now, it has been will be seen as such, by large      1  ' clear to those that follow the swathes of the electorate.      detail that what was technically The EU must take their deliverable in the negotiating share of responsibility for +"#!-!+ !""#-+"#!- rooms of the EU’s Berlaymont this situation. They never !+"F headquarters in Brussels was made a really serious offer on  %   O never going to be negotiable Northern Ireland, forcing it      3 ':  politically in London. As the on to the ‘divorce deal’ agenda 0        contours of the deal became without stopping to think   9 %  ' clear last week, the chorus of that their ‘offer’ involved (  %   9 % opposition from the Democratic regulatory annexation of a Unionists (DUP) and leading piece of UK territory. +9;! *!9)":!+*!*#*"#-F Brexiteers in the European This was a massive failure  (    %    Research Group (ERG) only of political imagination. If they        1' grew louder, reaching a crescen- had thought about it, none of   F    do over the weekend. the other 27 leaders around the '3 %      Raab, himself on the hard- table on Wednesday night %  ( O %   er end of the Brexiteer spec- would ever accept such a deal.      trum, had little choice but to But now it is too late. And walk away, or Theresa May instead the EU says only that "!"))#!+!* $+*-*F would have had a fatal revolt “you asked to leave, it’s your 3 3 (  %     on her hands. So what hap- ‘third country’ to a Union that Already there is talk about turn- can’t be bothered with) and it UK as it remains in the EU sin- problem”. This is the language  %%%     % %  pens next? In the short term, is wrestling with a populist ing this into a ‘planning-for-no- boils down to two basic ques- gle market for goods. of the playground.      '  the wheels continue to grind menace, of which Brexit is deal’ gathering. tions from Unionists and There are, or were, possible May has made a good many  %  (    1O onwards in Brussels. The clock deemed a part. So where does that leave Brexiteers — how differently compromises and ‘fudges’ mistakes of her own, mostly the       is still ticking. EU leaders still No-one, least of all May? For now, playing for time will Northern Ireland be treat- around this reality — what the failure to be brave and honest decided to meet in Brussels to Emmanuel Macron, the increas- — pushing back the final reck- ed from the rest of the UK and negotiators call ‘wrapping’ — about what was possible. She   (  %     listen to May and decide what ingly erratic and pompous oning further towards the how soon will we be ‘free’ from but these are fundamentally did not ask to leave the EU  (        to do next. French president, is in any March 29 2019 deadline in the the EU? The two questions are cosmetic. They only work if you (I bet she wishes we never had)  1%(   The Prime Minister, point- mood to build off-ramps for the hope that the pressure will build obviously interlinked, but it is don’t look too closely, and all but a clear majority of the  '8       ing at the febrile nature of her British. The German chancellor sufficiently on her domestic clear that, in the absence of sides are prepared to suspend British public did, at a fully      backbenches at home, can only Angela Merkel, whose govern- critics to make them more May’s unicorn solutions (shot their disbelief and buy into the contested referendum. The    (  % 1 plead for more latitude, and ing life-force is ebbing away at amenable to compromise. down in Salzburg) to try to illusion that they are anything EU side has never fully accept- warn EU leaders not to repeat home, seems unable or unwill- But ‘playing it long’, as preserve the Union while deliv- more than prettification. ed this. In any event, her  *!"-!++*!*#*"#-"#; the mistake they made with ing to rein in her French coun- Number 10 strategists like to ering trade independence, the Lipstick on the proverbial pig. tortuous efforts to plot a way !#!-#;-+9F David Cameron and give her a terpart. Macron was very clear call it, is itself a sign that the UK is going to stay in a ‘tem- But listen to David Davis through the Brexit labyrinth '8    (  deal she cannot sell to her party at Salzburg that without signifi- limits of what can be negotiated porary’ customs union with the and Boris Johnson, Arlene are now close to their end. % *   or the country at large. It may cant progress by the October technically are now very close EU for the foreseeable future. Foster and Nigel Dodds in A ‘no deal’ Brexit — which    9 (  be too late for that. The UK is Council, the plan for a to being reached. And even then, Northern recent days, and it’s pretty clear might yet result in no Brexit   : %    on the way out of the EU now, November ‘seal-the-deal’ sum- Put aside the detail (which Ireland will be treated quite that this is about more than at all — is closer than ever. %  %    % soon to become a competitive mit would not be enacted. most people understandably differently from the rest of the semantics. They may be wrong % . % )      ( (003(4 <3 48<9 <<7 8( 9< ( 87 04'9(( :7(0M(00 it€exta€iutar# 3<9: 09 <: 8 K7 87910 E ?C?DCF

"  E  (       ohnny Depp has defended JK Rowling’s comments about his cast- Jing as the title character in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second film in the successor franchise to the eight-film Harry Potter series. Rowling had justified Depp’s inclu- sion in the film following allegations 8      of physical abuse made by Depp’s ex- wife Amber Heard. Rowling issued a statement in December 2017 saying:  % J “The film-makers and I are not only comfortable sticking with our origi- 98(1 8( nal casting, but [are] genuinely happy to have Johnny playing a major char- acter in the movies.” In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly to promote the Weekly, Heard’s lawyer said: “As the film, Depp said: “I’ll be honest … I felt parties agreed in their divorce to bad for JK having to field all these vari- resolve future disputes in confidential $1: ous feelings from people out there … arbitration, that is the appropriate But ultimately, there is real controversy. forum to address Mr Depp’s public The fact remains I was falsely accused denials that he abused Ms Heard.” … JK has seen the evidence and there- Depp and Heard married in 2015, fore knows I was falsely accused, and and Heard filed for divorce in 2016, that’s why she has publicly supported obtaining a temporary restraining order me.” He also repeated his intention to alleging Depp had been “verbally and sue the Sun newspaper for defamation physically abusive” towards her. The !'+1$ in a story about the film. divorce was finalised in January 2017, In a statement to Entertainment and the restraining order was lifted. $ R     

ustin Powers star Verne Troyer’s : :.$ death was a suicide, a coroner in ALos Angeles has said. The actor, best known for playing Mini-Me in the spy comedy franchise, had openly bat- here is a growing awareness   >     tled alcoholism and died aged 49 in around the signs of coercive Emotional abuse happens over a sus- Gaslighting is when someone exhibits April. Troyer, who was born with a control — the emotional and tained period of time, where the perpe- abusive behaviour and then pretends it form of dwarfism that stopped him psychological abuse of a part- trator repeatedly controls their victim. didn’t happen — or even switches blame growing past 2ft 8in, spent the final ner, through threats and “From our point of view, when we are on to the victim. It’s also common among three weeks of his life in hospital in Los Trestrictions, as well as physical violence. talking about domestic violence it’s not psychological abusers. “It can be very Angeles for alcohol intoxication. This raised profile is thanks, in part, to the case that one argument crosses the confusing,” say Women’s Aid. “It can Following an autopsy and further last year’s storyline in The Archers. The line and it becomes an abusive rela- cause serious problems when a woman tests, the Los Angeles county depart- BBC Radio 4 soap was following a new tionship,” say Women’s Aid. “It’s a pat- starts to doubt herself. That’s very diffi- ment of medical examiner-coroner law on coercive control, introduced at tern in the relationship, where one cult to get your head around as a sur- said Troyer died on April 21 from the the end of 2015, which can carry a jail partner is controlling and there’s an vivor. It takes a woman a long time to effects of alcohol. They ruled his term of up to five years. The law — ongoing sense of fear.” recognise that the nice behaviour and death was a suicide. which has been praised by women’s abusive behaviour are both a conscious Following Troyer’s death, tributes charities — can help victims achieve jus-       decision on the behalf of the perpetrator.” flooded in from fellow celebrities. Singer Vanilla Ice and American tice and will hopefully instigate cultural “With domestic violence, (usually male) Model and actor Carmen Electra Pie actor Shannon Elizabeth also post- change around this lesser known side of partners behave in a way that’s designed  P   shared a snap of the two of them on ed images of themselves with Troyer domestic abuse. Although it was only to intimidate, frighten or coerce their In a healthy relationship, if one person Instagram in which she can be seen following the news of his death. As used five times between December 2015 victim’s behaviour,” Women’s Aid point tells their partner just how unhappy holding Troyer in her arms. The well as Austin Powers, Troyer, who and March 2016, there are now signs out. When a victim is frightened of they are with their behaviour, they may Baywatch star posted “R.I.P Verne appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in that emotionally abusive behaviour is their partner and treads on eggshells 0( 8 ( ( be upset, annoyed or both. But they will Troyer” along with the image. West 2009, starred in films including being recognised and taken seriously. out of fear of their reaction, that’s a eventually get over it. An abuser will not Wing star Marlee Matlin described Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Now, the issue has raised its head problem. [It’s abuse] if you feel fright- 8<7< react that way. Say Women’s Aid: “A him on Twitter as having a “lovely Stone, The Imaginarium of Doctor again, as actress Rebecca Humphries ened of your partner and you’re worry- I8(3( 3 (> perpetrator is unwilling to listen to why smile with a caring and big heart”. Parnassus, and Men in Black. appears to have suggested that her ex- ing about the consequences of what you’re unhappy and will often minimise boyfriend, comedian Seann Walsh — externally might be relatively minor 38>(< 9 what has happened. If they’re not will- who was pictured kissing his Strictly things. If he gets angry at the slightest 89 ( ing to do any work towards your rela- $  !       dance partner Katya Jones — was thing. If you have to do every thing his tionship that would be concerning, as “controlling” and has gaslighted her, a way. If you’re worried and feel like your (O 8K would being too scared to talk about it. term used to describe a man who behaviour will ‘set him off’.” <9>( 48 If you feel like you have to give up on manipulates a partner into doubting the things that are important to you to their own sanity. “He aggressively, and    307< < 8 make your partner OK, and to avoid his repeatedly, called me a psycho/nuts/ Women’s Aid give one example, where >(4 (7'( O0< bad behaviour, that’s where the line is.” mental. As he has done countless a man told his partner that she had to times throughout our relationship wrap cheese in a particular way before 4<77<7<    when I’ve questioned his inappropri- putting it in the fridge. If she did it M48<0< (40 Women’s Aid explain that control is a ate, hurtful behaviour,” she wrote in a wrong, he would scream and shout at significant factor in psychological statement on Twitter. her. “We all have funny little things like 3 9'(    abuse, and a perpetrator can exact it in “This whole business has served to that. But the point is she was frightened 9(< 8 a number of ways, such as not letting remind me that I am a strong, capable of his response,” they explain. “He did- their partner go out or visit friends person who is now free; and no victim. n’t hit her, but she knew he would see it <7 9  < and family. It can also be financial, I have a voice and will use it by saying as a symbol that she didn’t love him < 3 890: with a perpetrator controlling their this to any woman out there who deep and she was trying to wind him up. It victim’s money, or it can be a case of down feels worthless and trapped with seems like a minor thing to you — but the abuser not wanting to ever a man they love. Believe in yourself it has a big impact to them.” socialise. Control can also extend to and your instincts. It’s more than the online realm — with tracking soft- ilda Swinton used prosthetics same person as “fake news”. But lying. It’s controlling.”  7  ware used on smartphones or email and makeup to pose as an 82- Swinton has now come clean on the Walsh and Jones, who is married In a healthy relationship, equality is and social media accounts hacked. Tyear-old man in an elaborate stunt and revealed she underwent four to fellow Strictly professional Neil present. If one person has particular hoax for her latest film. The British hours in makeup every day to make it Jones, have dismissed their encounter needs, they accept that their partner     actor, 57, is starring in the horror work — and even donned fake male as a drunken mistake and not will also have their own needs. But an There doesn’t have to be any physical remake Suspiria, alongside Dakota genitalia. Asked why she was posing responded to Humphries statement. abuser will not think about their part- violence for someone to be guilty of Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz and, as Ebersdorf, Swinton told the New But it has raised a number of questions ner, and generally puts themselves first. domestic abuse. It’s not just about ostensibly, octogenarian first-time York Times: “Undeniably, I would for people in unhappy relationships, “It doesn’t go the other way,” explain bruises. Often it can simply involve actor Lutz Ebersdorf. have to say, for the sheer sake of fun who might have started to wonder Women’s Aid. “There’s no consideration words, where a perpetrator might After pictures emerged showing a above all. As my grandmother would whether their partner’s behaviour falls that you’re upset. “Perpetrators of make comments designed to emotion- resemblance between Swinton and have it — a motto to live and die by under emotional abuse. That’s why we domestic violence do it because they ally manipulate his victim. “[It’s abuse] Ebersdorf, who was playing a psycho- — Dull Not To.” Guadagnino, howev- asked national domestic violence char- feel entitled to behave that way. They if he or she puts you down and tells analyst named Dr Josef Klemperer, er, insists Swinton playing the role of ity Women’s Aid, to explain what con- think their partner is there to meet to you you’re stupid and unattractive, the director, Luca Guadagnino, dis- a male was essential because the film stitutes coercive control — and where their needs and they’re entitled to take that no one else will love you.” missed suggestions they were the is about female identity. the line falls in any relationship. whatever they want.” % . % ) 6# 

   at least six neighbours have found simi- was really unique. It’s the surface for an their Rottweiler mix, Rocky, start- or the “Chocolate Man” has plead-      lar cards in their mailboxes. “It seems never been seen before in underwater pumpkin ed having digestion problems a ed guilty to 60 charges. The Salem esidents of a New York small and I want to hope it’s a prank but Philadelphia. We thought carving contest. The few years ago. The brews are News reports that 47-year-old Rstate neighbourhood said you can’t assume it’s a prank,” Meyer it really pushed the contest, organised by the called beer “because we use a lot William “Willy Wonka” they were unnerved to find said. “Not anymore.” The boundaries.” The installa- Amoray Dive Resort, saw of the same equipment a brew- Rodriguez pleaded guilty playing cards in their mail- Monroe County Sheriff’s tion is scheduled to last the divers going 30 feet ery does. We just skip the fer- Thursday to his role in box as part of an appar- Office is investigating. until November 16. below the surface at the Florida Keys mentation process,” Megan crimes in Massachusetts, ent Halloween prank.   National Marine Sanctuary to carve Long told USA Today. She New Hampshire, Rhode Neighbors in the sub-aquatic jack-o-lanterns. said the beer contains all Island and Connecticut Nevins Road area      2    Participants said the task was com- natural ingredients, includ- that netted more than of Henrietta           (( plicated by the fact that their buoyant ing vegetables, meat and $300,000 in property said they have sculpture installation in t was a classic case of a ham on the lam. pumpkins kept trying to float away turmeric, a spice known to and currency. found Joker ASouth Philadelphia makes it IPolice in Maine’s capital city are looking mid-carve. Brothers Sebastian and aid digestion in canines. The Lawrence man playing cards appear as though a building is being for the owner of a 50-pound piglet that Gabriel Gimeno, ages 16 and 14, were The Good Boy Dog Beer was one of five people arrest- in their mail- attacked by a many-tentacled sea mon- wore itself out while dodging traffic declared the winners with their pump- company now has products ed in August during a police boxes in recent ster. The sculpture at Building 611 in Saturday evening after presumably escap- kin carving, which portrayed a dolphin available at more than 20 investigation dubbed days bearing the Philadelphia Navy Yard features ing. The Portland Press Herald reports and a half moon. The Gimeno brothers dog-friendly bars and restau- Operation Golden Ticket. what appears to be fake more than a dozen inflatable tenta- Augusta police went door to door look- were awarded a return dive trip with rants in the Houston area and Rodriguez remains jailed on blood and the date cles protruding from the building’s ing for the animal’s owner without any Amoray Dive Resort. they also ship their products in $500,000 bail pending sen- “10/31” — Halloween. windows, as though a giant sea luck. They say the pig is being cared for  cans. The beer is available in tencing November 7 where he “Is it a sign that monster is attempting to escape. by a person familiar with farm animals three varieties: “IPA lot in the faces up to 12 years in prison. they’re going to come The installation is a partnership until the owner can be found. The animal       yard,” “Session...Squirrel!” and Authorities say the gang back on Halloween and between the Navy Yard and art col- was in good condition other than being O  P (   “Mailman Malt Licker.” wore black clothing and do something to my proper- lective Group X. “Earlier this year, tired out from running around. pair of Houston bar owners who  masks, carried police scan- ty? To my dog?” resident Group X pitched us on doing this  Astarted brewing beer for their ailing ners, two-way radios and Michelle Meyer told WHEC- piece,” Jennifer Tran, director of canine a few years ago are now selling O P  power tools. They often stole TV. “I think the intent was to Navy Yard marketing and communi-       Good Boy Dog Beer at more than 20     vehicles, which they used to scare people and I don’t cations, told the Philadelphia Inquirer.     locations. Megan and Steve Long said he leader of a multi- crash into businesses so understand why this was “Out of all the designs, this one cuba divers in the Florida Keys took they learned how to brew beer for dogs, Tstate ATM and vehicle they could steal ATMs. funny.” Meyer said he believes spoke to us because we thought it Stheir Halloween spirit 30 feet below which does not contain alcohol, when burglary ring known as “Willy Wonka”       < <: 830(4<7 7 (4 <97 yvixi€ari€ $ 49 (>( M K7(480/41< E ?C?DCF

3 ' 97< 81 5              (+*4+*(+*4+*(+*4+*     :K  F FF   % K%     # $1:# $1:# $1: %  '9    %  1          %                'L       0'+!!0'+!!0'+!! F     %*  F  MF00 % &+$1+*&+$1+*&+$1+*  1 ' L9     F he need for ethics is felt in all walks of life. More      so, in the administration which is responsible for  %     Tgood governance. Needless to say that the gover-      nance in our country leaves much to be desired. The       3 %   *   *       onus is certainly on the administrative machinery  1       headed by the civil servants, particularly the officers of  the coveted Indian Administrative Services, the king-         % %    9/(9( 8 pins of India’s Administration. Perhaps for this reason   % M there is a complete paper on Ethics, Integrity and 0' 1   hile growing up, we lar name is meditation. experience the astounding joy with- Attitude that has been included in the recent past as       are taught how Meditation is easy. Spiritual in. At some time in our lives, we General Studies Paper-IV for the Civil Services Main       important our phys- teacher Sant Kirpal Singh used to say experience some great euphoria, such examination. The objective of this paper is to test the     ical and mental that it is like closing one drawer and as when our team wins a football candidate’s attitude and aptitude towards issues related     F development is. We opening another. During the time of game, or we get a long-awaited raise, to integrity and probity in public life, and his ability to  O  Wbegin to believe that happiness only meditation, we merely put our or we have any of our dreams ful- handle ethical dilemmas that arise during the course of %' lies in developing ourselves in these thoughts of the world and our prob- filled. For that moment, we are so the career of the civil servant. Ethics is certainly a two areas. Life becomes like a rat lems in one drawer and close it. lost in joy that all other problems major issue in the present days and challenges in the race in which we try to meet our Then, we open the drawer of medita- suddenly seem like a trifle. We put form of allurement and sometimes threats to career     physical needs for food, clothing, tion and concentrate only on that. these former difficulties aside, for we and even personal well-being do arise in public life.     shelter, and comfort, along with When the meditation is over, we can do not want to be distracted from the Ethics, it must be understood, is a multifaceted concept sensual enjoyment, possessions, and then open the drawer of our moment of glory and happiness. This which often involves grey areas where the decision     % F F love. We spend time developing our thoughts and worldly problems and is just a small example to show how maker does not find simple right or wrong answers. It  % F intellect by receiving a good educa- deal with them. tapping into happiness can keep us in is these areas that offer the greatest challenge to the    tion which leads to a rewarding Meditation entails focusing permanent bliss so that the problems career bureaucrat and the ability to discriminate is O9 P career. We engage in hobbies and one’s attention at the seat of the of the world fade away. often put to test. Ethics is too wide and complex an %   F pastimes that bring enjoyment to soul, located between and behind Those who learn to meditate can issue to be understood and evaluated as consistency is   %   FF our mind. We look for happiness in the two eyebrows. If we can stop switch their attention to the source of often found missing. The issue of ethics is an issue of    ' meeting our emotional needs for putting our attention on our outer happiness within even in the midst of attitude, even aptitude but largely character. To ensure 4  K   love and companionship through eyes and ears for a while and con- (448(08<< sorrow. True, they still undergo the that anybody entering the coveted ranks of Indian   % % our relationships with our family, centrate at the seat of the soul, we outer pains and sorrows of life, but Civil Services remains ethical in his dealings all K   F friends, and loved ones. We look for will tap into the source of happi- 8>3 they are not affected by them. They through his career is difficult. Ethics is that uncanny    a companion in life, and ultimately ness and bliss awaiting us. 9( <:<4  are drinking from the inebriation ability to exercise the right choices when distraction in    marry and raise a family. But does Spending two hours concentrat- from within that cushions the pain the form of rewards are too alluring to ignore. But this    ' F anyone ever teach us that happiness ing on the eye-focus each day will < 90>< and takes their attention off their is the real test of character. Though this one paper may   %F lies within our own selves? It has help our attention withdraw from the < 93<M sufferings. be of some use in finding out the orientation of the  9 %  been the role of the spiritual adepts, body. Generally, our sensory currents There is nothing magical about candidate appearing for the examination to some   saints, and mystics to awaken us to which give us sensation of this physi- 7('< 9 meditation. It is something every extent, the larger issue is the predictive validity of such       F the reservoir of this bliss-giving cal world are spread out through the 4898> person, from a child to an elderly examination. What is more crucial is the continuous    ' % nectar within us. body. As we concentrate at the seat of person, can learn. Had we learned training and personality development of the incum-   % The way to tap into this pool is the soul, the sensory currents start >9  8   how to focus our attention within bent once he joins the services as that is where situa-     % simple. It is only a matter of our withdrawing from our extremities. 8< <:<4 < during our youth, it would have tions fashion changes in attitudes. One paper then may %F     attention. We can direct our attention They come up from our feet and legs become a habit by now. We would serve to be some kind of an indicator and, that too, not %   wherever we wish. We can place it on to our trunk. Eventually they are < 9< 0'8 be able to do it at will anytime we a very strong one. But the important issue is maintain- %'(   our body. We can focus it on our totally concentrated at the seat of the 8M<<  wanted. But it is never too late to ing integrity all through. Important because the Indian %   F mind. Or, we can concentrate our soul. Once at that point, a vista of learn this practice. By learning to Civil Services is supposed to be the steel fame of  %    attention on our soul. Unfortunately, divine light and celestial sound opens < 08>3 meditate we can perfect the art of Indian Administration. It is, therefore, imperative to  'L      since childhood, we have been up for us. We witness the light and 9<:(4( ( directing our attention to the source ensure that this steel frame does not rust. 9 %  F trained to focus ourselves on our sound which is emanated from God of happiness within us. Then we can Unfortunately the rusting is being evidenced as occa- %  %   body and mind. Our senses naturally at the dawn of creation. Like a cur- ( ( < 8 drink from the eternal pool of hap- sional incidents would point out. The big question is        find it easy to become involved in the rent, this stream flows out from God 30(( 8( piness at any time. Outer sources of training for ethics. How an administrator has to be  M  ' activities of the world through our through all the regions. It also enjoyment may be taken from us, sensitised. For an effective training regimen the key eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. returns to Him. When our soul but we have access to an eternal areas that need to be focused are empathy, non- parti- Our parents and teachers have never comes in contact with this stream, it bliss we carry within. sanship, tolerance, humility and compassion. The peri- taught us how to focus on our soul. can travel on it back to the source. We realise that this world is but a odicity of such training is also a consideration. How  Had they done so, we would have The journey begins at the third passing show. The ecstasy we experi- long and how often? With changes in job requirements      been proficient by now in tapping eye. By putting our attention there, ence within fills us with happiness the role of the civil servant calls for a systematic into the source of consciousness and the soul begins its voyage to the ulti- and we are able overcome our prob- change but the intriguing aspect is that the basic model bliss within. mate source of happiness. This is lems. As we meditate and come in has more or less remained the same. Hence it is impor- Instruction in how to place our what meditation is. contact with the source of love with- tant to reinvent the services with emphasis on emo- attention on our soul is the domain God and the soul are eternal. in, we begin to spread it to others. By tional quotient and morality quotient. The loyalty must of spiritual teachers. From an adept, They are all conscious, all bliss, and following this path, we will always be shift to the people and the nation rather than the pow- we can learn the simple process in a perpetual state of happiness. in tune with the happiness within and ers that be. The loyalty to the crown was the hallmark which can help us experience the When we are in that state all our will radiate it so that the people we of the British rule. Post-independence this seems to pure bliss of our true nature. We call desires and longings for the things of come in contact with absorb it. So, we have shifted to the party in power in many cases. this process concentration or focus- this world dissipate. Our worldly can spread joy wherever we go.    !  !)++  ing our attention. But its most popu- desires become mere trifles when we %       E,   EH) E 

his is required because normally we      don’t pray properly. How do we    %  F  %  Tpray? We more or less order God to .          ' give us this or that, though we use polite       language and proper emotions. Is God  %   F obliged to comply with our entreaties? Let    % us put ourselves in God’s position. What <%     %   8 '         F will we do if we are approached by a per- %    son for some favour? We will ask ourselves       the following questions: Do I know this    L %% /( 1 793(8<(   O   person? Why is he asking me? Can I give    P% what he is asking? Should I? Is he not dis- Remember, God has set the bar quite high their duties including attending to their know the answer? God will because He      F turbing me, impinging on my privacy? for that as He has clarified in The Gita, sick family members themselves. God will can see the big picture. He can shed light  %'   God also considers many factors like I “Those people who worship Me with undi- be very active in helping them. (18.58) on the various pluses and minuses,      %  know him as I know everyone but is he in vided attention, meditating on Me — for Let us see the logic of God. Whose which can help us make the decision. %   regular touch with me? Does he deserve those practitioners of yoga, I help in get- problem is this? Not God’s. Who is best We need something desperately like  F what he is asking? Should I give what he ting what one does not have and provide placed to help? The family members of the a material object and do not know  F is seeking? Will what he requires help his security of what one has.” (9.22) sick person of course! So shouldn’t they be where to find it. Again, if anyone knows %  'L: cause? Let me take an example for gaining Does it mean that others don’t used to help? After all, God must act God will because He is omnipresent. %       clarity. A person is sick in a family, and a deserve anything? No, they do because through a medium — a physical person. A We need protection as all do. We can     %    relative is praying for help. This family they fall in the category of distressed or person who prays benefits in two ways. pray to God — the omnipotent after      has a casual relationship with God; they seeker of wealth. (7.16) Anyone One finds workable solutions which can be creating a sound support system; He     F do some poojas on festivals, and some- approaching God will get God’s response. implemented. And the negativity disap- obliges. We want success. Who can   M/ U  7 times go to some temple. There is a big range from none for athe- pears because one is no longer helpless and ensure it? God can because He is omni- 73    Let us see from God’s perspective. ists to full for devotees, mentioned earlier. is engaged properly with hope in the heart. scient. Lastly, we wish to help someone.   F There are seven billion persons in this What do they deserve? Let us go back to There are general guidelines for Pray to God recommending him or her   3 % world and most of them fall in this catego- the example of a sick person in a family? praying in different situations. I have detailing why that person should be % 8  ry if we exclude atheists and those who God will guide, ie God will indicate what already mentioned about sickness in helped. What did we learn? That we 87   have no real exposure to God like in com- all needs to be done for the patient, but family. The next situation is when we must establish a solid relationship with 3'L<   F munist countries. This means that they are all that has to be done by the family need help, and don’t know who can and God to deserve His active help, which is     not special deserving special considera- members. God cannot make all of us lazy how. Pray sincerely and God will indi- unlimited. That we must do all our %    % F tion. Why? Because God is not very by doing our duties for us. Even those cate, because He knows who can and duties as guided by God; He guides. %    important to them; they are not entitled to devotees who are engaged in doing the how. Similarly, we are confused between      'M special consideration from God. highest duty of the human life must do all two choices. Both appear okay. Who will    H'  E       (7(  '(39 8 < 8 (4  4< 9<0:<4  €axu€% < 8<( (> K(1 1< E ?C?DCF

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"6 R      1 389 38 87< occupies a dual sign Sagittarius, and is because of his Aries lagna where its lord he way one is brought up during intensive probing, a pediatrician marked conjunct Neptune. This speaks of a Mars is firmly placed, which happens to early childhood has a long lasting this phenomenon, and accordingly coun- wavering mind not able to reason out be the most volatile sign of natural zodi- Tinfluence on a being’s personality selled his parents to behave properly par- things properly in as much as that his ac. This by itself is enough to make out frame up. The children remain witness to ticularly in his presence. The irony, how- indiscrete ill-timed reactions may put an impulsive, aggressive, rash, impatient, all that would be going around, even if ever, is that the parents and other family him off with others. He may remain stuck intolerant, domineering and demanding that doesn’t relate to them. They may not members caught up in their ego trip, to his self-delusional perceptions, dis- character. He will wish to be in command understand as to what is happening in often lose their sense of reason. They sel- tanced from ground realities, and being of things. All the more, because the Sun, real terms. They, however, are quite sensi- dom care that their child would be subject to unpredictable mood swings. which is marked with individual identity tive and receptive and can intuitively have watching their unseemly conduct. They Also, he would be habitually an escapist, is ill-disposed off to Jupiter. a sense of good and bad; pleasant and don’t realise that unmindfully though, but not keen to take challenges in life. That points to his swaggering ego, unpleasant; love and hatred; anger and they corrupt child’s mind-state. Here again, Moon happens to be the out of touch with reality, stuck to his self- frustration. Accordingly, they pick up Experience suggests that in majority 4th lord identified with mother and defined dos and don’ts, and not open to positive and negative emotions from the of cases of those suffering from some domestic atmosphere, which is conjunct look beyond for the right lead. It is also environment. At their age, their mind short of mental disorder, had a very Saturn, the planet of its nemesis. It, in indicative of a sluggish liver, which makes remains uncluttered. So, they have unpleasant childhood. A sense of fear the first place, is indicative of a dis- him vulnerable to being short of energy. enough of empty mind-space to store a and insecurity develops in minds of chil- turbed home. Second, he would be If all that was not enough, even intelli- baggage full of inputs. Unfiltered, these dren faced with a turbulent domestic deprived of motherly love. Third, he gence signifying Mercury, is conjunct impressions get into the inner realms of atmosphere. A male child deprived of may have a doubting negative mind, Neptune, which accounts for his insensi- their raw mind. That shapes the mind mother’s love, or a girl child lacking habitually suspicious of one and all. ble reasoning and judgment. And the and psyche of a child, which given a father’s care, end up having serious per- Fourth, he may nurse a sense of victim- result is there to see. small trigger, spontaneously play out even sonality imbalance. Such children grow hood. On top of that Moon is involved To sum up, the parents and family much later in life. with a sense of want and deprivation in unholy exchange of zodiac signs with members should bring up their children In case of over sensitive children, it deeply ingrained in their mind, which Jupiter, the 9th lord identified with with love and utmost care to ensure their has been experienced that even during reflects later in their usual conduct. father. It clearly implies parental separa- healthy growth. their infant stage, they often behave in an Recently, someone came looking for tion, which must have been preceded by %  )+   unpredictable way when faced with what is in store of his young son’s destiny, long drawn confrontation.     E33   unpleasant environmental condition. In whose abnormal mind-trends was both- The fellow could not digest all these ;>>@8+ **)+**<<(( + one such case, an infant used to cry non- ering him too much. The young man’s and developed inferiority complex. For, *.. KK>>>@@@87 stop whenever his parents were quarrel- astrological chart bares open his state of Neptune is locked in unholy relationship % JKK>;>>>;LLK L L67MK > @N686N ing. No amount of pampering could soft- affairs. Evidently, my study began with a with Mars, the lagna lord, the prime- : J  /H  E  en the child for hours together. After look at his mind-signifying Moon, which mover of the young man. More so, 3JE  E 

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