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         ive empty trains, 15 buses      Fand many other public         properties, including shops   !"   ###    and Central Government facil- # #$   ## #   ities, were torched in different  %&   #   parts of Bengal even as the State #     !' #  continued to boil and burn for     ()    ##  the second consecutive day on     !"#  Saturday over the enactment of #  *   # # #  Citizenship Act and possible    !+,    %&# #  invoking of National Register       #       for Citizens (NRC).   - # ! Even as Chief Minister " #  #   !" '  Mamata Banerjee made frantic               ! "      ##   appeal to people against taking     #$    %            #(   law in their hands, protesters & "          ##    *  %! torched empty rakes at Lalgola - #           the last Indian Railway station Howrah-CSMT Geetanjali Passenger etc. ' Q    /   # a few miles from Bangladesh Express, Howrah-Ernakulam The agitators mostly from   !", 0%&M # # border. The CM said she won’t                           Antodaya Express, Howrah- a particular community not  M           allow NRC or CAB in the             Digha-Howrah Kandari only targeted Government #   !2 P4 #Q  State. Lalgola is in Express, Coromondal Express properties but also torched  #   #   #  Murshidabad district that mob put to fire a railway sig- adding about 15 public and pri- specific direction. from Howrah, Howrah- shops belonging to private cit-              accounts for about 67 per cent naling facility and torched a fire vate buses were torched and About 20 trains, including Yesvantpur Duronto Express, izens, said sources, adding    *% ##  Q!5 of minority population. brigade engine that was rushed protesters pelted stones at vehi- some 10 express trains were Howrah- East Coast about 20 shops were set on fire  #    #  #    At Basudevpur, violent in to control the fire. By late cles on NH-6 — popularly stranded in several routes as Express, Puri-Digha at Bagnan in rural Howrah.  # !2 evening the situation had lit- known as Bombay Road and protesters squatted on railway Express, Puri-Santragachhi Turn to Page 4 6 #  M / Q  ##   erally gone out of control with NH-2 — known as Delhi Road. tracks at Sankrail, Mourigram *%M5 ##   %&     no fire fighting team daring to The agitators blocked both and Bakranawaz stations, #  #    # # move into the affected areas. Kona Expressway — that con- Railway, said sources, adding   !  Similar incidents were nects Howrah and to many more trains were can-  !  " 5       reported from North 24 Golden Quadrilateral — and celled too. # 0        Parganas and rural Howrah, NH-34 — that connects South Among the cancelled trains  ##!" ##   +'"   where several long-distances Bengal to North Bengal — were Howrah-Digha AC # $% ! $ #  (0       #      trains were halted, after the a throwing burning tyres on the Express, Howrah-    # N+8!O"   portion of the Sankrail station roads even as helpless police Duronto Express, Howrah-    #  was vandalised, said police, brigade looked on for want of Tirupati Humsafar Express, ! sory, the US Government said 0      #   #  it has temporarily suspended   #   %  official travels to , the         ##  epicentre of the protests. Q# ! &' The empty oil tanker, on    -   )R   %! its way for refilling petrol 2        ./+,2,36#5+5423 from Sipajhar in Udalguri dis-  #( #  : .3%3326,.2 ,%, trict, was set ablaze by a group       Q#   892,%72,#: of people at Dhekiajuli in    R   ( Sonitpur on Friday night,        ## poradic violence continued police said. .        Sin Assam on Saturday The driver of the tanker  -'    against the amended was taken to a private nursing        (!' Citizenship Act. An oil tanker home where he succumbed to   was set ablaze in Sonitpur dis- severe burn injuries on     3  ##      trict whose driver succumbed Saturday morning, they said.      #  #  to injuries even as curfew was Meanwhile, AASU, Asom    Q relaxed in from 9 am Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra !" to 4 pm. But students’ associ- Parishad (AJYCP) and 30   0  !" # "" #5+5423  R  ations have given a call for 3- other organisations of indige-   $ -  #  $  day satyagraha and the State nous people, spearheading the  ;<=!*"# Q #   $  ours after Jamia Millia  #5+5423 Government employees have agitation against the Act, held  (      # HIslamia on Saturday decided to cease work on protests in all districts of the 0  '-! annouced winter vacation till nfazed over the BJP’s December 18. Brahmaputra Valley along with "         January 5 and cancelled semes- Uattack on him for his Protesters also resorted to senior citizens, students,   ' >?  ' ter exams in view of the tense “Rape in ” comment, blockade of rail and indulged artists, singers, intellectuals   #      !5 situation in the university due Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in sit-ins and hunger strike. and teachers among others.  ## #    # to students protest against the on Saturday, in fact, went on to Several countries, includ- The AJYCP blocked tracks #           new citizenship law, the stu- mock Sangh ideologue Veer   $  '    (    P   ing the US, the UK, Israel at Kamakhya railway station,  #    !5 # # dents called off their universi- Savarkar.     $ &  # *    $+ *   Canada and Singapore, have disrupting train services from  #      #     ty lockdown. “My name is Rahul Gandhi, asked their citizens to exercise Guwahati to other parts of the    # # #       “All exams have been post- not Rahul Savarkar. I will never caution while travelling to the country.  '      # ! poned. The new dates to be apologise for speaking truth Q R  Northeast India. In its advi- Turn to Page 4 "   Q    ## announced in due course of and nor will any Congressman  0  A2B time. Vacation declared from do so. It is Prime Minister ##  C  - # !5    December 16 to January 5. Narendra Modi and his assis- ! "  D ( ,  6    #    University will reopen on tant Home Minister Amit Shah #  !   #  # # P #Q January 6, 2020,” a senior uni- who has to apologise to the    makes him a worthy legatee of 5  # P Q5 !,# versity official said. country for destroying India’s the Pakistan’s founder.   #   ( The university adminis- economy,” Rahul said while  %!(  The Shiv Sena, the new - #   # ##  #,  tration said those who indulged addressing the Congress’ Bharat alliance partner of the Congress 0!,      ##    in violence and clashed with Bachao Rally here. in Maharashtra, also reacted 5     ? +    police on Friday were “out- The Congress leader was  #5+5423 sharply saying there could not 02    ?  #    siders” and not students. Jamia apparently referring to the alle- be any “compromise” on the   # # /     students, teachers and alumni, gation against Savarkar that he he BJP retaliated saying Hindutva ideologue. “Savarkar      ! 5 said they have formed a coor- tendered apology to the British Teven if Rahul Gandhi takes was ‘Veer’, patriot and had sac-   #   2   dination panel to hold peace- for securing early release from 100 births he can’t be Rahul rificed. The language Rahul       5  (    ful protests against the amend- the Cellular Jail in Andaman. Savarkar and a “more appro- Gandhi uses for Article 370, air   ' # ! ed Citizenship Act. They said Rahul’s “Rape in India” com- priate” name for the Congress strike, surgical strike, CAB is 5  #  !5 the law is discriminatory. ment in an election rally in leader is “Rahul Jinnah” as his Pakistan’s language.   "              # 2 (   (  Turn to Page 4 Turn to Page 4 “Muslim appeasement” politics Turn to Page 4     *"    , 0  # !"      !5Q ##       02  #  #   - #     & ! $'   R$   #2 !2#   ## #    02 #       ' #  4 5   !"02##    "" #5+5423 a ceiling fan in a room and then       4 5      she went to another room and         #-    2    ! ours after a 33-year-old committed suicide by hanging    " # #       Hman ended his life by herself from a ceiling fan,” said            !" #   ## jumping in front of a train at Bhanuvesh Kumar, Station           #   #  the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium House Officer, Expressway         #  !2#      Metro Station in Delhi, his wife police station in Noida.        5 A 0    killed her five-year-old daugh- “Shivranjani was a house- E   B         ter and then committed suicide wife while her daughter was       # ! by hanging herself from a ceil- studying in nursery. In       "        !6    # ing fan at their residence in September 2019, the family              #   C Noida on Friday. Police said had shifted at JP Pavallion,          ,! #       initial investigation suggests Noida Sector 128. Bharat and   ! '+         that the family was going Shivranjani were married for    "#$%   ' # !5   # ! through financial crisis. Metro Station. Shivranjani, along with her last 10 years. Bharat was work-       "  #' #    The deceased have been According to a senior      - ./0   + daughter, had come to the hos- ing with Golden Tulips as a -     2    !Q#   identified as Shivranjani and police official, on Friday at .$01 $    .0    pital to identify the body, said general manager,” said the  !    5 # !"#  !'   her daughter Jayashritha, resi- 11:27 am a police control room the senior police official. SHO.   # ##  !"#  dents of Sector 128, Noida. Her (PCR) call was received that a team rushed to the spot and According to Noida police, “Police have initiated an   #$   # ! husband Bharat J, a native of person has jumped in front of Bharat was taken to the Ram after identifying her husband in investigation to ascertain the       2 ##    #!- # , ended his life on a Metro train at platform 2 of Manohar Lohia (RML) the RML Hospital she came reason behind the suicides. '( ")        # !02  Friday by jumping the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Hospital where doctors back to her home. “Late on Bodies have been sent for *((    Q        ##   #  in front of a train at the Metro Station. declared him brought dead. Friday night she first hanged autopsy. Further investigation             ! Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium “Acting on the call, a police His wife was informed and her five year-old daughter from is going on,” said the SHO.      + ,-. /0,1 

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/,2,2 3  ,2#00%7,/%   *5)(5&(6)& 5&) )8()6*$5'&9:+;"&( #8'3 2#- D# #8'#   -  %      I    -     8  '<'(*< 8 'H '<'(*< 6*' *' 9<('I((                              $                   )  What is your take on the latest  Any show from the good old + $                        track in Patiala Babes? days that you would like to see       3    3 O      It is a different story and the !"#$% a remake of? 2      $            track is completely different, that is &$$#"$# I would like to see the                   why this is Season 2. As an actor, it remake of my first show — $          is challenging for me because it is '"$##$( Shobha Somnath Ki, where I     -$ % $ 7 # , altogether a different journey for %$)$ played Shobha, a warrior     $ 4   %     me. There are a lot of complicated princess. I was just six back      ,           and mixed emotions which are #"#"$ then.            tough to enact. It is like something %$$)"#$  Apart from acting what              " else is going on Mini’s mind but she else is keeping you busy?           speaks something else. And to $#$+$#$( I am a Class XI commerce          make the audience understand %$"&$$ student. So, study keeps me                 everything, you have to perform busy most of the times. Apart             well. So keeping the hollowness )#",$ from this, I spend my time in      inside and still trying to cheer up ! exercising, reading books,   everyone else, comes as a challenge spending time with my family    " for me. Also Mini is now an elder #( and friends and also watching         sister to Arya. So this is an added movies. It helps me enhance          responsibility on Mini and me too, %$$"$ my acting skills.        E  since I am the only child and I have '"#%  Can you share behind        no experience of how to deal with the scene moments?          your younger sibling. But, I bond )$#""$ There are a lot of fun     O      well with kids so I am enjoying the moments behind the scenes.     . $    G new track and the new season. But my favourite one is it  Do you share any similarities genres. I have done a lot of ads, was my birthday and we with your character? shortfilms and have also been a part were shooting the last scene of Yes, there are many things that of films like Sanju and the day. It was a serious one "$$+"$5$'=("&( 88+  88$)(:$)*$5)( I can relate to with my character. Manmariziyaan. I have evolved as and suddenly a large #8'. %) ,  #8'+ $ +   $   $  Mini and Ashnoor are 99.9 per cent an actor in this period of time. I piece of cake came 8 *I'(*< . 7  33# **((=L same. I am chirpy, bubbly and I have polished my skills and I still flying on my face '(*<   @  8  *I'('( always try to cheer everyone else keep on learning. Life never stops and everyone on @        6** L 8$   : around me, just like my character. teaching and you should never stop the sets laughed hard. It was like      $&(*II(8 : I believe in standing up against the learning, this is what I believe in. a cake facial for me. The brain  )     wrong and speak with absolutely no  What is the role that came close behind the idea was our director,    4    filters on, just like Mini. (laughs) to you? Yusuf sir. We both share a father-         You started very young, how do All the roles that I have played daughter bond off-screen.        you see your journey? are close to my heart, but to name  Are there any plans of @  

Firstly, I feel good when one it is Mini. Because all the roles exploring the digital space?  @ @  someone asks me this question. I that I have played before happened Yes, I have been receiving        M feel blessed that people still just like that. I was very young back offers for web series, but I am  4  remember me as a child artist. I get then to understand that I was busy with Patiala Babes these      messages from people saying that actually working. But now when I days. When you are playing a      K they will keep their child’s name by have grown up and have started lead in daily soaps, it becomes     + $  my character’s name, it is seeing things with a broader difficult to become a part of               overwhelming. This proves that in perspective, I understand that this other project. May be after @ $ N, 4O       a decade’s journey, I have been able character has challenged me with this show, I would step into *! "    #$%      "     to make my place in people’s hearts. every episode. I have got a chance the digital medium if I got                  My journey has been a roller- to portray different shades of the some good offer, where I                     coaster ride. I have played various character and that’s why this one is am getting to perform  *I(!I( G   $ $,       roles and have explored different my favourite. new things.         - $# 4  


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"" #5+5423 Maharashtra, with global links Richard Walter Fournier, USA Mahipalpur, Delhi," said Jha. Cocaine and other psy- with 10 kgs of Cocaine in his used to be in and around Shipra and stayed in a guest house in in Australia, Canada, the US, national, R Singh, a resident of "Specific inputs were chotropic drugs. Various possession, Sammy and V mall in Ghaziabad," said Jha. South Delhi. She contacted both ith the arrest of five Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Columbia, Ghaziabad, Sammy, a resident of received regarding the involve- Canadian and Australian links Chhabra were nabbed from "Sammy and V Chhabra Raj and her Columbian contact WIndians, one American Malaysia and Nigeria. Rudrapur in Uttrakhand, V ment of Canadian National of of Akshinder were discovered Uttrakhand while M Rainheart, disclosed that they were work- for the deliveries and distribu- national, an Indonesian and "The source of 55 kg of Chhabra, a resident of Haldwani, Indian origin in a major seizure during inquiry and further Indonesian national was arrest- ing on behest of international tion," said Jha. two Nigerians, the Narcotics cocaine and 200 kg of metham- Uttrakhand and M Rainheart, of Methamphetamine (200 kgs) surveillance was mounted on ed near Vasant Kunj, New drug trafficking syndicate spread "Working on the informa- Control Bureau (NCB) on phetamine that was seized in an Indonesian national. in Australia, sourced from the network," said Jha. Delhi. During her search 500 across Canada, Australia, India tion of this syndicate, in an Friday claimed to have busted an Australia has also been "The accused Akshinder Canada. Acting on the inputs the "Subsequently, information grams of cocaine was recovered and Nigeria," said Jha. operation by NCB, Delhi, an international drug cartel with unearthed as part of this oper- Singh along with his associate NCB, initiated a trailing inquiry was received from Australia that from her possession," said Jha. "During interrogation American national Richard largest seizure this year of the ation. The seized drug in India Yogesh was coordinating ship- which lead to the inputs that one 55 Kgs of Cocaine shipped from "During interrogation, the Rainheart revealed that she met Walter Fournier along with narcotics substances worth has international value of Rs 100 ments of drugs from Canada person Akshinder was involved India was seized by Australian accused R Singh revealed that he one Indian named Raj in a Obiora Tony Okike, a Nigerian about 1,300 crore. crore and the total worth of the and India to Australia. Ojobe in various shipments and parcels authorities. The backtracking of used to work as man-Friday for night club in Malaysia during national and both were appre- According to SK Jha, seizure affected from this cartel Kingslay was important link of from Canada to Australia. One the shipment was conducted by the members of this cartel and her holiday. She and Raj dis- hended with the drug concealed Deputy Director General, NCB, is 1,300 crore," said Jha. the cartel in Delhi and he was such parcel originated from NCB and it unearthed that this they had also registered one cussed the proposition of nar- in the suitcase. In all 4.5 Kg of Northern Range, on Friday one The accused have been involved in hawala transactions Canada and destined to India, international syndicate mem- company on his name with the cotics trade across the world and Cocaine was recovered from of the largest quantity of Cocaine identified as Akshinder Singh and had developed network in was intercepted by NCB and 422 bers are spread across India and target to build the necessary Raj explained the possibilities of their possession. Richard worked in the country, at 20 kilograms Sodhi and Yogesh Kumar Malaysia, South Africa, Brazil grams of Cocaine was found having links in Australia, Canada financial credentials which were lucrative narcotics trade in India. as a courier for the internation- (kgs) was seized from a drugs Dhuna, both residents of and Australia. Richard worked concealed in the parcel," said Jha. and Nigeria," said Jha. to be used in international trade. She also had Columbian contact al drug cartel based in America syndicate spread across Delhi, in Punjab, Ojobe as a courier for the drug network "Further, raids in Jalandhar "Raids were conducted by Singh used to assist the group in who promised to get the deliv- and having international linkages the National Capital Region, Kingslay and Obiora Tony and he was arrested with 4.2 Kgs led to the arrest of Akshdinder the NCB team and R Singh was delivering the cocaine to the eries made in India. She reached through Nigerian nationals in Punjab, Uttarakhand, Okike, both Nigerian nationals, of Cocaine from a hotel in with more recoveries of apprehended from Ghaziabad clients and their destination India on 20th November, 2019 various countries," said Jha. /2'     3 '   $  8 9 :;!       "" #5+5423 '#$  ;; elhi Lieutenant Governor DAnil Baijal on Saturday said he has issued directions to "" #5+5423 "" #5+5423 campaign for Modi. It worked withdraw the land acquisition on a number of successful proceedings within delineated ith the arrest of two head of the Delhi campaigns since 2014, includ- boundaries of 1,731 unautho- WNigerian nationals, the AAssembly elections in next ing the one that brought the rised colonies. Delhi Police on Saturday bust- year, Chief Minister and Aam JD(U) leader and Bihar Chief Taking to Twitter, Baijal ed a gang of ATM cloners Aadmi Party convener Arvind Minister Nitish Kumar to said it was a major step for con- active in the national Capital. Kejriwal announced that power in 2015. The organisa- ferring ownership rights to the Police have also recovered 37 Prashant Kishor-led political tion also helped Andhra residents of these colonies, cloned cards, 10 blank cards consultancy firm I-PAC has Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan adding that the move would with electronic chip and other come on board with the party. Mohan Reddy win both state pave the way for smooth imple- area. instruments used in the crime The political advocacy and general elections. mentation of the PM-UDAY According to the central from the possession of the Numbers he send this data to "Oluwatoy came to India group was part of the success- The Indian Political Action (PM Unauthorised Colonies in government's figure, it will duo. Oluwatoyin Isaiah to paste this on medical visa and earlier ful election campaign of Committee (I-PAC) is cur- Delhi AwasAdhikar Yojana). benefit around 40 lakh resi- The duo accused was iden- data on other Debit Cards," said worked as a priest at a church Narendra Modi in 2014 when "After Punjab results, we rently working on the "Directions issued to withdraw dents living in the 1,731 unau- tified as, Oluwatoyin Isaiah the DCP in . He continued he was BJP's prime ministeri- acknowledged you as the Trinamool Congress' reelec- the land acquisition proceed- thorised colonies. Adewale (46) and Nosa Tony "Nosa Tony used to assist to stay in India after his Visa al candidate. Kishor is now the toughest opponent that we tion campaign for the 2021 ings (de-notification of the Meanwhile, Union Lawani (43). Oluwatoyin Isaiah in pasting expired in 2013 and started national vice-president of have ever faced. Happy to join West Bengal Assembly polls to land) in respect of the land sit- Housing and Urban Affairs According to Devender this data on other Debit cards business of exporting hairs to Bihar's Janata Dal (United), a forces now with Kejriwal and aid Chief Minister Mamata uated within the delineated Minister Hardeep Singh Puri Arya, the Deputy available with him with help of African countries," said the key ally of the BJP. AAP," the I-PAC said in a Banerjee's bid for a third con- boundaries of 1,731 said maps of 1,500 unautho- Commissioner of Police a Magnetic Strip reader and DCP. "Happy to share that tweet. secutive term. Unauthorised Colonies (UCs). rised colonies have been pre- (DCP), South west district, writer machine. Thereafter they "In 2018 at IGI airport Indian-PAC is coming on- Elections to the 70-mem- Kishor has been lately in #PM-UDAY," the LG tweeted. pared. following a tip off regarding an used to withdraw money from Oluwatoy met a group of peo- board with us. Welcome ber Delhi assembly are due the news over his criticism of Later, the LG office issued Taking to Twitter, Puri said International ATM card clon- these cloned cards," said the ple who came from Romania aboard!" Kejriwal said in a early next year. The national the Citizenship (Amendment) a statement and said, "Detailed 1,000 maps have been uploaded ers, a trap was laid at DDA DCP. and Bulgaria. One of them tweet. The Indian Political capital is set to witness a tri- Act, which his party JD(U) orders outlining the procedure on a portal of the Delhi Market Vasant Kunj and "Oluwatoyin Isaiah used was Eris, who taught him the Action Committee (I-PAC) angular fight with the AAP, supported in Parliament. for the same have been issued Development Authority nabbed the duo. to give Nosa tony 2 per cent process of Card Cloning with replied to the tweet, saying the which had won 67 seats in the Rajya Sabha member and last evening by the land build- (DDA). "During interrogation, it share of money which he with- help of Magnetic Strip Reader AAP was seen as the toughest last assembly elections, seeking president of the Bihar unit of ing department with the Earlier this month, was revealed that a Bulgarian draws from these cards. Device. While Tony met opponent during Punjab polls. to retain power by defeating the the JD(U) Vashishth Narayan approval of the LG." Parliament had passed a bill to national namely Eris used to Oluwatoyin Isaiah has pur- Oluwatoy at an African get Kishor's electioneering BJP and the Congress. Singh said once the party made However, the move will not grant ownership rights to res- steal the card data by placing chased this Magnetic strip together party in Janakpuri machine worked behind the The I-PAC had used inno- its stand clear, leaders should include 69 affluent unautho- idents living in the 1,731 unau- schemer devices and hidden reader/writer machine from a and joined his gang," said the scenes for the Congress in vative programmes such as have refrained from "making rised colonies, including Sainik thorised colonies in the nation- cameras at ATM Center and online shopping website name- DCP adding that further inves- Punjab. 'chai par charcha' in the 2014 public their personal views". Farms and Neb Sarai Extension al Capital. after decoding the ATM Card ly ubuy.com," said the DCP. tigation is going on. +   $ '    ! ,8'0#     $  $     (,        +& "" #5+5423 "" #5+5423 improve its vote share in Lok Sabha like the economic slowdown and "" #5+5423 polls in May this year and pushed unemployment, and to mobilise he Police Control Room nthused over a packed Bharat the AAP to the third place in five of people to participate in the 'Bharat dvancing the effort to build T(PCR) unit of Delhi EBachao rally at the Ramleela the seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi. Bachao' rally. Aa robust E-vehicle charging Police has arrested three Ground here on Saturday, city Chopra said the success of the "The rally was historic as very infrastructure to enable adop- robbers while a minor was Congress president Subhash rally has sounded the "death knell" rarely have so many people attend- tion of Electric Vehicles, the apprehended near North-West Delhi's Bhalswa area Chopra said his party is set to stage of both the BJP and the AAP gov- ed a political rally at the Ramlila South Delhi Municipal on Saturday. a comeback in Delhi after the ernments. The "forceful attack" on Ground. People from all strata of Corporation (SDMC) in a joint The arrested robbers have been identified as, Assembly polls next year. Modi by Rahul Gandhi has society participated in the rally," venture with Energy Efficiency Indrish (18), Ajay (19) and Yogesh (19), all residents Claiming that lakhs of people strengthened the position of the Chopra claimed. Services Limited (EESL) under of JJ cluster in Bhalswa Diary area. While their fifth were present at the rally addressed Congress party in Delhi, he claimed. Delhi Congress chief Union Ministry of Power, on associate managed to escape. by Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, "The entire rally was thronged spokesperson Mukesh Sharma said Saturday launched its first elec- According to Sharat Kumar Sinha, the Deputy Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi with Congress workers from across that despite the cold weather lakhs tric vehicle public charging Commissioner of Police (DCP), PCR, on the Vadra, he said the event was turned the country and all corners of of people reached Ramlila Ground station in the SDMC parking intervening night of Friday- Saturday, a police team into a "thumping success" by party Delhi, carrying the tricolour, ban- early on Saturday morning, proving area of Greater Kailash 1 N on PRAKHAR van received information regarding workers and the people of Delhi. ners and placards as they arrived at their faith in the Congress party. Block market. robbery. "The outstanding attendance in the Ramlila Ground in proces- "It's a clear signal that the While inaugurating, the "The police team reached the spot and subse- the rally shows that the Congress is sions. From as early as 6 AM, Congress party is all set to return Mayor Sunita Kangra said that On the occasion of electric cars of general pub- quently, noticed the suspects moving near Bhalswa set to stage a comeback in Delhi. Congress leaders were busy ensur- to power in Delhi after the the inauguration coincides with Commissioner Gynesh Bharti lic. chowk and nabbed them after a brief chase. One People of Delhi are tired of the mis- ing that people reached the venue Assembly elections," Sharma the National Energy said that working at a rapid Bharti further said that of their associate fled away from the spot on anoth- rule of the BJP government at the on time," he said. claimed. Conservation Day being cele- pace, in a period of two weeks, SDMC will be installing charg- er bike. The accused were even identified by the vic- Centre and the Aam Aadmi Party Delhi Congress leaders includ- Congress will intensify its brated across the country. SDMC has installed the charg- ing stations at Aurobindo tim," said the DCP. in Delhi, and want the Congress to ing Chopra had been visiting dif- attacks on the BJP and AAP gov- She said that the electric ing station, after the signing the Place Market, B6 Safdarjung "All the accused persons along with recovered come back to power in Delhi," ferent parts of the city holding pub- ernments across the national cap- public vehicle charging sta- agreement with EESL. Enclave, GK-1 R Block Market, cash and bike were handed over to local police at Chopra said. lic meetings to slam the BJP-led ital for their "all-round failures" in tions will hopefully boost sale He added that E-Vehicles Sukhda Hospital, Hauz Khas Shalimar Bagh police station," the DCP added. The Congress had managed to government at the Centre on issues the coming days, he added. of electric public vehicle and are economical and more effi- Village, Malviya Nagar main will contribute in decreasing cient than petrol & diesel vehi- market, Max hospital Saket, pollution in Delhi. cles as the running cost of e- PVR Priya Vasant Vihar, SDA "With commissioning of vehicle is less than 1 rupee per Rose Garden, Siri Fort charging station in large num- kilometre and other vehicles Auditorium, H-block Market,  "     ber the dependence on the fos- running cost is more than 6 Sarita Vihar, Lajpat Nagar, sil fuel will decrease and envi- rupees per kilometre. Living Style Mall Jasola, Nehru ronmental protection will get This is the first of the 75 Place - BSES, Nehru Place - remain in the unhealthy cate- As of Thursday morning, boost. Apart from this the charging stations to be installed Plot No.81-85, Janakpuri gory and isolated pockets Dharamsala recorded 66 mm acceptance of e-vehicles in the across SDMC area as per the District Center- On the deck, might even witness pollution of rains, Qazi Gund 62 mm, society will become high," said agreement with EESL which Dwarka Sec-6 Market, Dwarka in very poor level, according to Manali 49 mm, 25 Kangra. will cater to the requirements Sec-12 Metro Station. Skymet Weather forecast.In mm, Una 23 mm, Dehradun 20 the current winter season, mm, Shimla 13 mm and Mandi rain and snow began in the 12 mm.   - # ! *<=:!  hills of north India in the Rain and snow have month of November itself, dropped the maximums below     and that too in excess. By the 5 degrees, wherein Manali saw !      end of the month, Kashmir maximum at 4.2 degrees which   was a surplus by 379 per cent, is 11 degrees below normal, Himachal Pradesh by 143 per- with Shimla recording 5.9 +.  - / cent and Uttarakhand by 239 degrees Celsius which is 9 "" per cent. degrees below normal. : Leading milk sup- litre full cream milk has been #5+5423 pliers Mother Dairy and Amul hiked to 28 from 27.  *  %  on Saturday announced an Toned milk price has been NU Vice-Chancellor increase in milk prices by up to hiked by 3 per litre to 45 JMamidala Jagadesh Kumar 3 per litre in Delhi-NCR due while double-toned milk will on Saturday claimed a group of  %     $  to lower supply and rise in pro- now be sold at 39 per litre 15-20 students tried to attack "" #5+5423 On Saturday, cold wave Rajasthan and West Uttar curement cost. compared to 36. him on the campus but uni- intensified with the minimum Pradesh. New Delhi: The air quality in Noida 254, Gurgaon 165, the The new prices will be Price of cow milk too has versity security staff saved him. elhi-NCR will witness temperature likely to fall by two The Western Disturbance Delhi has improved signifi- Meteorological (MeT) depart- effective from Sunday, it said. been raised by 3 per litre to "I had gone to School of Dmoderate fog in the to three degrees Celsius over has moved away and norther- cantly from "very poor" to ment said. Prices of both token and 47 per litre. "Milk availabili- Arts and Aesthetics to see how upcoming week, according to the northern plains. ly winds are blowing over the "moderate" category on An AQI between 0-50 poly pack milk have been ty across various states is under the exams were going on. Indian Meteorological According to Skymet northern plains. But the rem- Saturday. The city's Air Quality is considered "good", 51-100 increased in a range of 2-3 per severe stress due to adverse cli- When I was returning to the Department (IMD). It said on weather, isolated rain might nants of Western Disturbance Index (AQI) stood at 179 at "satisfactory", 101-200 "mod- litre. matic conditions including administration block, 15-20 Saturday that the maximum occur over the northern dis- will continue to give light rain 9.45 am which falls in the erate", 201-300 "poor", 301-400 The price of bulk vended extended monsoon and students surrounded me, temperature will fluctuate tricts of Punjab, Haryana and and snow with one or two "moderate" category as against "very poor" and 401-500 milk (token milk) has been delayed start of the flush sea- abused me and tried to attack between 18 and 20 degrees West Uttar Pradesh. moderate spells over Western 316 on Friday morning. The "severe". An AQI above hiked by 2 to 42 per litre. son. The adverse climatic con- me. However, I was rescued by Celsius while minimum tem- Moderate to dense fog was Himalayas. AQI recorded in Ghaziabad 500 falls in the "severe plus" cat- In poly packs, full cream ditions have also resulted in a university security personnel perature will remain at 8 also likely over Delhi, parts of The pollution level in the was 264, Greater Noida 241, egory. milk rate has been raised by 2 significant increase in feed and and policemen in plain degrees Celsius. Punjab, Haryana, North national capital will however, to 55 per litre. Price of half fodder prices. PTI clothes," Kumar said.      + ,-. /0,1 "4 . *:+     4% 46%   

 %,#$23 protesters have claimed that poverty. He himself comes fate of candidates in these con- allowing citizenship to all non- from a poor background. This stituencies is sealed in EVMs.   ome Minister Amit Shah Muslim immigrants may take is why he brought schemes and BJP has set a target of winning Hon Saturday called upon away the rights of local policies to ensure better life for at least 65 seats in the Assembly the residents of Northeast to Assamese residents. the poor people of the country. here and form a majority maintain peace in stir-struck Talking from a podium in At least 1.22 lakh scholarships Government. On the other  # 27 Assam and assured that their one of the 19 Maoist-affected dis- have been awarded to poor stu- hand, Congress party, JMM rights as citizens of the coun- tricts in Jharkhand, Shah on dents here. We have also built and RJD have formed a tripar- Washington/London: Several British nationals have been try will remain intact under the Saturday said that only Modi can 22,860 Kilometers of road in tite alliance to turn the tables countries, including the US, advised to exercise caution leadership of Prime Minister bring an end to Left Wing five years,” said Shah. here. UK, Israel Canada and while undertaking all but Narendra Modi in the Centre. Extremism (LWE) in Jharkhand. In a bid to ensure a BJP win Meanwhile, addressing ral- Singapore, have asked their essential travel to the region. This is the minister’s first pub- “The BJP Government has in Jharkhand, he requested all lies in Borio and Mahagama citizens to exercise caution "The FCO advise against all lic statement on Citizenship already pushed Maoists on the the BJP supporters at the rally constituencies on Saturday, while travelling to the but essential travel to the state Amendment Bill (CAB) since back foot. Only Modiji can bring to make phone calls to at least BJP Executive President JP Northeast India which has wit- of Manipur, except the state Rajya Sabha’s nod to it on 4  &            an end to Naxalism,” said Shah. 50 people and ask them to vote Nadda said that the people of nessed violent protests against capital Imphal and the Meiti         5    "    * % December 12. - (      Giridih is set to go to polls for the BJP. “Jharkhand Mukti Jharkhand have made up their the amended citizenship act. Valley areas, which include Addressing an election rally in the fourth phase of elections Morcha (JMM) has joined mind to bring the BJP to The new amended citizen- Loktak Lake, Keibul Lamjao in Giridih, Shah — the man who here on December 16. hands with the parties that power once again in ship law, which provides for National Park and the Imphal aggressively defended CAB in Triple Talaq and surgical strike especially Assam and Manipur, Addressing thousands of voters were against the idea of Jharkhand. He said that the granting citizenship to non- War Cemetery,” reads the the upper and the lower houses on Pakistan was anti-Muslim. have witnessed major unrest who would decide the fate of Jharkhand’s formation,” Shah voting trends so far indicated Muslim persecuted minorities updated advisory. of the parliament — said that According to them, everything since Rajya Sabha’s approval to candidates in the constituency, said, recalling the days of that the BJP will win in from Bangladesh, Pakistan and The UK online advisory refugees from the minority com- we do is anti-Muslim,” said CAB. The Government had to Shah said that the BJP Jharkhand Movement when Jharkhand by a huge margin. Afghanistan, has put the continues to advise against all munities in Pakistan, Bangladesh Shah, adding that the Congress control the situation with mil- Government ensured electrifi- Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) “Congress party, JMM and Northeast on the boil, where travel to Jammu and Kashmir, and Afghanistan were leading a party provided safe haven to ter- itary intervention and block cation of all the 370 villages in and Congress party protested RJD will try and manipulate people fear that it may exacer- including tourist destinations hellish life in India. CAB, he rorists in India for political ben- Internet connectivity across the constituency. the bifurcation of Bihar. you to vote for them. But bate the problem of illegal of Pahalgam, Gulmarg and added, will provide citizenship efits. “Congress party has been Assam in order to maintain At least 40,000 families in A five-phase election is whenever they come to you immigration. Sonamarg, Srinagar and the rights to these refugees and doing Hindu-Muslim politics peace. Assam is one among the Giridih got LPG connection underway in Jharkhand for seeking votes, you must ask The US government has Jammu-Srinagar national high- bring an end to their hardship. since decades. And what they are few Northeast Indian states under the Pradhan Mantri the 81 Assembly constituencies them what all developmental temporarily suspended offi- way. “Congress party says CAB is doing right now is no different,” that witness maximum influx Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), added here since November 30. By works did they do when they cial travels to Assam, the epi- Singapore's Ministry of anti-Muslim. According to said the BJP national president. of immigrants from neigh- Shah. now, three phases of elections were in power,” Nadda told the centre of the protests. Foreign Affairs (MFA) issued a them, even the abolishment of Some Northeast states, bouring Bangladesh. Many “Modiji knows the pain of have been completed and the BJP supporters at his rallies. "US citizens in the north- travel notice for Northeast eastern states of India should India, advising Singaporeans exercise caution in light of travelling there to "exercise media reports of protests and vigilance and caution". > "'  -  '  +  violence in response to the "Travel conditions are dif- approval of the Citizenship ficult due to street protests (Amendment) Bill. and cancellation of some flight Government curfews are in and train services. Mobile data    4  O  (P  9 (+ & place in some areas. Internet have also been restricted in and mobile communications some areas," Singapore's may be disrupted. Transport Channel News Asia quoted New Delhi: Three women died killed when a massive fire DCP said. may be affected in various MFA as advising. and four people were injured on ripped through a four-storey Three women were !   / ,3 happened. In fact, the develop- sidering the changes that parts," the advisory read. "Due to the evolving situ- Saturday after a fire broke out building housing illegal manu- declared brought dead, while ment came as shock to me. It changes in political situation in The US Embassy in New ation, the travellers should also at a house in northwest Delhi's facturing units in north Delhi's four people were undergoing till apparently not comfort- took some time to digest. I was the stat and also the responsi- Delhi has also listed out pre- keep themselves updated on Shalimar Bagh area, officials congested Anaj Mandi area. treatment in the hospital, they Sable with the things happen- benumbed for a while. I could bility before me, she would cautions for its citizens staying the latest developments said. "Around 6.10 pm on said. ing within her party in not react,” Pankaja said, recall- decide on the her future politi- in the northeastern states, ask- through the local news and to After receiving informa- Saturday, the SHO Shalimar Delhi Chief Minister Maharashtra, BJP leader Pankaja ing the swearing in of Devendra cal journey”. ing them to avoid areas with take all necessary precautions tion about the blaze at 6.05 pm, Bagh got information regarding Arvind Kejriwal said the inci- Munde said here on Saturday Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar as the “After I put out that post, "demonstrations and civil dis- to ensure their personal safety, eight fire tenders were rushed the incident in BQ-Block. He dent was tragic. that her party’s decision to team chief minister and deputy chief there was intense speculation turbances", being aware of their including avoiding areas with to the spot, the fire department rushed to the spot and broke "Every life lost is very up with NCP’s breakaway leader minister respectively on about the possibility of my leav- surroundings, and keep a "low crowds," said the Ministry. said. open the terrace door of the tragic. My prayers for those Ajit Pawar to form a November 23. ing the BJP. There were rumours profile" among others. Canada has advised its cit- The victims were taken to house and rescued two women who have succumbed to the Government came as a “shock” She said that all she did at that I was indulging in power The UK government izens to avoid "non-essential" a hospital where Kanta (75), in unconscious state," Deputy fire. I have directed officials to and she was not happy with the that time was put out a tweet game and I was angling for the updated its travel advisory for travel to Arunachal Pradesh, Kiran Sharma (65) and Somvati Commissioner of Police (Outer ensure the injured get the best development. expressing good wishes to chief leader of the Opposition’s post. India to warn its citizens Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, (42) died. While Lajwanti (68), North) Gaurav Sharma said. medical attention. The fire dept “In the first place, I did not minister Devendra Fadnavis for To put an end to all these spec- against travel to the states in the Mizoram and Nagaland due to Inna (28), Akshit (16) and The firemen and police has doused the flames," he know such a thing would hap- bringing out of the President’s ulation, I announced my deci- Northeast. the protests. Vanshika (14) were undergoing personnel rescued five other tweeted. According to the fire pen... I cannot talk about other rule. She said that she felt uneasy sion to resign from the party’s In the regular travel advice Israel has warned its citi- treatment, the police said. people from the building and all department, the blaze core committee members in for 12 days between December core committee,” Pankaja said in section constantly updated by zens to "completely avoid" The blaze occurred days the injured were taken to Fortis was brought under control by the party, but I did not know.. I 1 and 12 after she put a interview given to a leading Foreign and Commonwealth going to Assam because of after at least 43 people were Hospital Shalimar Bagh, the 7.55 pm. PTI was not happy with what had Facebook post saying that “con- Marathi television channel. Office (FCO) for all countries, violent protests. PTI ,  ' Q??? -    9    >:;   !3 ' From Page 1 "      --  6 6 From Page 1 He can’t be “Veer” or be at Things however improved in parts of South 24 par with Savarkar,” BJP New Delhi: There is a "chasm" he and his spouse were foster Talking about children Parganas where no new report of violence came in spokesperson Sambit Patra said. between ideals and implemen- parents to two physically-dis- involved in the drug trade,  from Diamond Harbour. Another BJP spokesperson, tation of the Juvenile Justice Act abled young girls who grew up Justice Chandrachud said chil- Meanwhile, the Chief Minister making a GVL Narasimha Rao, said a and an approach focussed on in a village in Uttarakhand. dren who are seen as offenders  #5+5423 strong statement against the “CAB-NRC menace” more appropriate name for Rahul deprivation and poverty was "It was personal for me to were indeed victims of the asked the people to maintain peace warning the would be “Rahul Jinnah” given necessary to address the prob- be in such setting as I and my trade. he 13th Ayodhya Film Festival under the “breakers of law” that the Government would be the Congressman’s “Muslim lem of juvenile delinquency as spouse provide foster care to "Given the deplorable liv- Taegis of Awam Ka Cinema will start on forced to take drastic action against them. A release appeasement politics and mind- unfortunate circumstances two young girls and they are ing conditions of many chil- Monday. Around 51 critically acclaimed short from the Chief Minister’s office also requested peo- set”. push minors into substance children who grew up in a dren in India, it is imperative films and a dozen each of feature films, doc- ple not to take law in hands. “Do not take law in Maintaining that five gen- abuse and violence, a Supreme small village in Uttarakhand. to acknowledge that children in umentaries will be showcased in the event. your hands, blockade roads, railway traffic or dam- erations of Nehru-Gandhi fam- Court Judge said on Saturday. They are physically challenged conflict with law are not just The three- age public property as this will cause inconvenience ily can’t measure up to Savarkar’s Justice D Y Chandrachud, but amazingly bright and offenders but in many cases are day cultural to the people. Strict action will be taken against those legacy, BJP IT Cell chief Amit who was speaking at the vibrant mentally," he said. children in need of care and extravaganza is who are found guilty in creating disturbances.” Malaviya took a dig at the Shiv National Juvenile Justice The judge further said that protection. being organised The Chief Minister has directed the Trinamool Sena saying, “Looking forward to Consultation programme held maintenance of standards was "If you look at the drug by 'Awam Ka leadership to take out processions condemning the seeing Shiv Sena defe nd Rahul at the Supreme Court here, said crucial where institutions are trade for instance, children Cinema'. Some of “draconian laws” on Sunday and Monday. Gandhi for his statement imply- it was imperative to acknowl- concerned and gave examples who are otherwise treated as the feature films “The TMC workers will take out rallies in dis- ing that Veer Savarkar was a cow- edge that children in conflict of Muzaffarpur and Panvel offenders are indeed the vic- at the festival will tricts on Sunday. People from all walks of life, irre- ard who apologized.” with law are not just offenders shelter homes' cases where tims of the drug trade because be: Idam (Abode), Tara, Hegel's Angel, spective of their caste, creed, religion and politi- Sena leader Sanjay Raut but in many cases are in need minor girls were allegedly sex- they are essentially drawn into Bazkir Looks At The Birds, Seven Notes In cal affiliation are requested to join the march,” tweeted: “Veer Savarkar is an idol of care and protection. ually abused. the net by being exposed to One Tune. Documentaries: Cafe Irani Mamata said adding she would herself take part of whole country and not just "We have amazing legisla- "The maintenance of stan- petty drugs and then they Chai, The Art Of Dying, Open Doors, Big in a rally in Kolkata on Monday. Maharashtra. The name Savarkar tions but there is a chasm dards is crucial where institu- become carriers and then Social Nomad. Short films include Apple, Two TMC rallies, one from South Kolkata and denotes pride about nation and between ideals and implemen- tions are concerned because become offenders," he said. Democracy, Biscuit, Woh Pal, The Journey one from North Kolkata, will be organised on self. Like Nehru and Gandhi, tation of the law... Children whether it is the context of the Justice Chandrachud said of Azad, The Tea At The Bottom Of the Monday, Mamata said adding, “I want the peo- Savarkar too sacrificed his life for often inherit crime. They are Muzaffarpur home case in statistics indicate that there is Teapot.It has done film festivals in Kargil, ple remain calm at this hour of crisis. I want the the country. Every such idol born into unfortunate circum- Bihar or the Panvel shelter a strong correlation between Mau, Auriya, Etawah, Bijnore, Azamgarh, people to protest in legal way. I want to assure must be revered. There is no stances which push them into homes case in which deprivation of economic Deoria, Gorakhpur, Varanasi, and Jammu. everyone that despite the enactment of the dra- compromise on this.” substance abuse and violence," I dealt with when I was a resources and juvenile delin- Its organiser Shah Alam said, "Awam Ka conian law with the help of a brute majority in Savarkar is revered as he said. judge of the Bombay High quency. Cinema came into being with the objective Parliament the BJP will not be allowed to imple- Hindutva icon for the BJP but is While speaking on 'Child Court, the problem is the "In India, children often to sensitize the mass towards unsung free- ment it…. I assure you that this Act will not be accused by its rivals of tendering Care Reform: Towards absence of standards and the inherit crime. They are born dom fighters through celluloid. We are allowed to be implemented in Bengal. There will apologies to the British govern- Strengthening Accountability enforcement of standards into unfortunate circumstances working tirelessly since 2006 in this effort. be no NRC or CAB here as it is the State ment to secure release from jail for Children', Justice despite the establishment of which push them into sub- "Acclaimed Bollywood filmmaker Government that implements such laws and we when India was under the colo- Chandrachud said the subject structures of governance," he stance abuse and violence," he Prakash Jha will also attend the festival," will not implement it.” nial rule. was a personal one for him as said. said. he said.

it is granted,” Changmai said. Northeast that their culture, for the power- make the youth The Congress leader alleged  !  Protests by people and language, social identity and R ??? unemployed, destroy the econ- that the BJP and PM Modi have students are happening across political rights will be not be omy and what not,” he said. set the entire north east region the state and it will continue affected by the Act. He also alleged that people on fire and states like Assam,  " everyday till 5 pm, AASU The Railways is running From Page 1 manning various institutions, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, General Secretary Lurinjyoti special trains from Guwahati Jharkhand has led the BJP to including media and constitu- Tripura are burning. “Your own Gogoi told an agency. The to help stranded passengers in seek an apology from him and tional ones like judiciary, have country is being weakened and AASU has called for ‘satya- Assam. Special passenger also take up the issue with the forgotten their work. While divided and our economy is # 222 graha’ for three days, begin- trains are being run in Election Commission. approving of media’s criticism of being destroyed. The reason is ning December 16. Guwahati so that people reach Accusing Prime Minister the UPA government, he said, “I that Narendra Modi sees only From Page 1 “We will continue with their destination in upper Modi of single-handedly respect that and you did the right one thing whether the power is “We do not want to incon- our agitation till the Act is Assam. One such train was “destroying” the country’s econ- thing but today you have for- in his hand. He (Modi) only venience but the blockade has withdrawn but we will follow operated on Friday to omy, he said, “All of India’s ene- gotten your work.” works for being in power. He will been called to draw the atten- the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi Dimapur. mies wanted that its economy, “It is your responsibility to destroy everything to achieve tion of people from all over in our struggle which will be Trains were also run on which is its strength, should be rise when you are suppressed power,” he said. the country about the threat to non-violent and disciplined,” Saturday to Furkating, the destroyed.” “That work (of and attacked as it is not an attack Rahul alleged PM Modi the people of the State due to Gogoi said. A Northeast main railway junction in destroying the economy) has not on you but on the very soul of only “wants to be seen on tele- the amended Citizenship Act,” Frontier Railway spokesper- Assam’s Golaghat district, and been done by the enemies, but by India. This country is being vision all the time” and the peo- AJYCP general secretary son said all trains to Upper to Dibrugarh, officials said in Prime Minister Narendra Modi scared and suppressed, but no ple whom he has benefitted by Palash Changmai said. Assam districts have been ter- New Delhi. A special passen- himself. And, (he) still calls Congressmen have any kind of giving them the money The AJYCP has also given minated at Guwahati, while ger train to Dimapur from himself a patriot,” he added. fear. I am telling those people in “snatched from people”, are the call for a 36-hour ‘Gana all-long distance trains leaving Guwahati will also run Training his guns on Modi, institutions not to fear from ones funding him for marketing Anshan’ (mass hunger strike) Guwahati will resume their tonight, they said. a charged-up Rahul Gandhi said anything. The Congress party is himself on the TV. He said it is from 6 am on December 16 onward journey after the While 2000-2400 passen- the PM only thinks about one standing with them. We will only the PM and no other oppo- across the State, while from blockade. gers ferried in last two days, thing - whether he has the together end this atmosphere of sition leader who can be seen on December 18, they will organ- In Giridih/Baghmara in around 600-800 passengers power. “They will do anything fear in the country,” he said. television. ise ‘Gaon Sabhas’ (village Jharkhand, addressing elec- were still stranded in meetings) in all village of the tion rallies Union Home Guwahati. The remaining pas- State. The AJYCP, which also Minister Amit Shah hit out at sengers will be ferried by    legislation. demands that Assam be the Congress, accusing it of tomorrow morning. The offi- Earlier in the day, Jamia brought under the Inner Line stoking violence over the cials said the railways is using Teachers’ Association (JTA) Permit (ILP) regime, has also amended Citizenship Act. social media like Facebook    ??? had also called an emergency planned ‘Gana Samadal’ (mass Shah said the passage of the and Twitter to inform pas- meeting of the Executive rally) on December 24. Citizenship (Amendment) Bill sengers about the special From Page 1 policemen clashed with Committee to discuss mea- “We have coined the slo- has caused a “stomach ache” trains and also to appeal to The university had turned each other as students tried sures ahead of their protest gan ‘No CAA, Yes ILP’ and we to the Opposition party. He people to not vandalise station into a virtual battlefield on to march to Parliament against the contentious legis- will continue our agitation till assured the people of the property. Friday when students and in protest against the lation.      + ,-. /0,1 #,5

 6 67 1 0680 3  3 0 !   .      %   9 


3.  ongress president Sonia CGandhi on Saturday  #5+5423 expensiture of Kalakshetra and launched a scathing attack on submitted the report on August 'Modi-Shah Government' over he CBI has booked ace 5, 2011. In the report, the several issues concerning the TBharatnatyam dancer and CAG broughtout various laps- nation and gave a clarion call former Chairperson of Sangeet es in executing the renovation to rise to save democracy and Natak Akademi Leela Samson work of the auditorium. The Constitution. for alleged "unfruitful expen- CAG also pointed out that the Addressing the Bharat diture" of 7.02-crore on ren- renovation works were under- Bacaho Rally in the national ovation of Koothambalam taken without formal sanction Capital, Sonia alleged that the Auditorium of Kalakshetra of the Governing Board and BJP-ruled Government's sole Foundation, Chennai. Financial Committee. agenda was to make people Samson, a Padma Shri It also alleged that Samson fight to serve their politics, and awardee and also a former failed to apprise the non-offi- vowed that her party would not Chairperson of Central Board cial members of the Works retreat in its struggle against of Film Certification, has been contracts were awarded at a Committee about the GFR injustice. booked in her capacity as the higher rate and the payments norms and inform the Works Former Prime Minister then Director of Kalakshetra made to the contractors Committee about the CAG Manmohan Singh too Foundation along with four accordingly, according to the Inspection Report received in addressed the crowd during more officials of the FIR. Samson was the Director August 2011. which he accused his succes- ! & &   %      ' % $  ' %      (    P       $ Foundation. The other accused of the Foundation between "Instead, approval of the sor Narendra Modi of mis- &  # *    $+ *   in the case include the then May 06, 2005, and April 30, Works Committee was leading the people by making officers of the Foundation: 2012. It was felt in 2006 that the obtained for two major expen- "lofty promises" which he the situation in the country is opposing Citizenship Singh said Modi had promised people to strengthen the Chief Accounts Officer (on auditorium built by the ditures in September and "failed" to fulfil. Other serious as she highlighted the Amendment Act, alleging that to take the country's economy Congress party and the hands deputation from CAG) TS Foundation in 1985 needed December 2011. She failed to Congress leaders P plight of women, farmers, it discriminates on the basis of to $5 trillion by 2024, double of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Murthi, Accounts Officer S renovation, they said. place the CAG Inspection Chidambaram, Bhupinder labourers and the youth and religion. Training her guns on farmers' income and provide Gandhi in order "to take the Ramachandran, Engineer The project aimed to Report in the meeting of Singh Hooda, Sachin Pilot and asked party workers to strug- Modi and Home Minister two crore new jobs every year country forward in the right Officer V Srinivasan and pro- upgrade the sound system of Finance Committee and Chief Ministers Ashok Gehlot, gle hard for protecting their Amit Shah, the Congress chief for youths. "Six years ago, direction". He also urged prietor of architecture firms the Koothambalam auditori- General Body meeting held on Kamal Nath, Bhupesh Baghel rights. "The greatest sin is to said, "Modi, Shah are not both- Narendra Modi showed lofty Congress workers present at CARD and Chennai Engineers. um, built in 1985, followed by January 23, 2012, and January too addressed the gathering tat bear injustice. So raise your ered about the Parliament nor promises to people. Now it has the rally in large numbers to After registering the case civil engineering works, elec- 24, 2012, respectively and kept had come from across the voice to the Modi-Shah gov- do they care for Constitutional been proved that all these take the message of Congress on Thursday, the CBI also trical works, air conditioning these bodies under dark," the country, particularly from the ernment and tell them that we institutions. Modi and Shah promises were false and he has chief Sonia Gandhi to every conducted searches on the res- and architectural features, the agency has alleged. Congress ruled States. are ready to give any kind of have a single aim - they have failed in fulfilling all the promis- nook and corner of the coun- idential premises of the CBI FIR said. The FIR, citing reports, Sonia also targeted the sacrifice for the protection of a single narrow agenda. They es made and the people of the try. "It is your responsibility. accused. The 33rd Governing Body alleged even if there were only Government over the eco- democracy. And we are ready only bother about politics. country were misled," he said. The enthusiasm in you will In a complaint to the CBI, meeting held in 2009 decided limited sources of supply of nomic situation and exhorted for any kind of struggle to pro- Their narrow agenda is 'Logon In his brief address, surely help give a new direction the Chief Vigilance Officer of to form a civil works advisory sophisticated equipment for people to raise their voice to tect the Constitution." ko ladao, aur asli muddon ko Manmohan Singh urged the to the country," he noted. the Culture Ministry has committee and P T Krishnan, sound, stage lighting, these protect the country and its Talking about the new chhupao' (Make people fight alleged that the officials of the Leela Samson and Madhavi were not justified in the file Constitution. "The Congress amended citizenship law, Sonia and hide the real issues)." Foundation awarded the con- Mudgal were to prepare nec- notings for resorting to limit- and only Congress has always Gandhi said it has been on She said they "violate" the tract for the renovation work to essary estimation based on the ed tender, and hence there fought for people's rights. And BJP's agenda for a long time Constitution everyday and     consultant architect CARD in recommendations of the was no justification in not today too, the Congress party now. "They are not bothered then also celebrate violation of General Finance Governing Board, it said. resorting to open bidding. is not going to retreat. Till our that this new CAB law will Constitution Day. Asking peo- Rules (GFR), according to the The civil works committee She was allegedly respon- last breath, we will fulfil our shred the soul of India, as is ple to rise against the injustice, FIR which stated the period of appointed CARD as consultant sible for the losses incurred by duty towards protecting the happening in Assam and other she said, "There comes a time @ Q(  the alleged offence from 2006 architect in 2010 which gave the Foundation on account of country, democracy and the northeastern States."It is for in the life of any person or to 2012. . contracts for 28 renovation not opting for open tendering Constitution" she said. India's soul that our great society or country when you After conducting an works to five contractors while as also mandated by the "Andher nagri chaupat raja nation builders and Babasaheb have to decide which side inquiry in 2016, the Culture committee also selected some General Body, it said. wala mahaul hai (confused Ambedkar struggled hard, but you're on, today is one such   9 Ministry alleged that the 84- contractors, it said. The FIR said Kalashetra leader, chaotic State)… kahaan I can say with confidence that day. The time has come to year old Foundation had spent The ministry alleged in had spent Rs 62.20 lakh more hai sabka saath sabka vikas? our country's basic foundation struggle hard to save the coun- Rs 62.20 lakh more than the the complaint that the open that the estimated amount. What has happened to econo- does not allow such discrimi- try. It's time to rise to save estimated amount on the Rs tender process was not fol- The CPWD estimates revealed my? Where are jobs?" she natory actions. I assure you democracy and Constitution." 7.02-crore project. lowed in awarding the con- the contracts were awarded at asked, hitting out at the gov- that the Congress will stand by She said unprecedented job The estimation given by tracts. a higher rate and the pay- ernment over the handling of all those against whom injus- losses are being witnessed and the Central Public Works The Comptroller and ments made to the contractors economy. tice is done," she said. the youths face darkness. Department revealed that the Auditor General audited the accordingly. The Congress chief said The Congress has been On his part Manmohan 4%  $ 6   <   5    #5+5423 ndia has set itself for sus-  #5+5423 Itainable development as it strives to eliminate poverty he Seventh Economic and become a middle-income TCensus was launched in the country, President Ram Nath national Capital on Friday. The Kovind said on Saturday as he Ministry of Statistics and hosted a conference of 46 Programme Implementation heads of Central Universities (MoSPI) has tied up with and institutes of higher learn-     ( '  :  (     Common Service Centre ing in the fields of agriculture,       $ &  # *    (CSC), an SPV under Ministry pharmaceuticals, aviation, $+ *   of Electronics and IT, to carry footwear-design, fashion, out the 7th National Economic petroleum and energy, mar-  #5+5423 hona mumkin hai, BJP hai to Census. itime studies, planning and 15,000 kisan ki atmahatya "For the first time the entire aspects of all establishments in architecture and information ongress general secretary mumkin hai....(The fact is Census is being conducted on the country. The census will technology. CPriyanka Gandhi Vadra under the BJP, it is possible a digital platform by the use of provide valuable insights into "India has set itself for sus- on Saturday said those who that onion sells 100 a kilo, it's an application which will geographical spread/clusters of tainable development as it don't fight the prevailing sit- possible that unemployment ensure high accuracy and data economic activities, ownership strives to eliminate poverty uation today will go down in is highest in 45 years, it is pos- security. Delhi is the 26th State pattern; persons engaged etc. of and become a middle-income  $ # 6        4 ;     /    history as cowards."If you love sible to destroy 4 crore jobs. where the survey has been the establishments engaged in country. Each of these insti-    # *     India, please raise your voice. If the BJP is there, it is possi- launched, while the process is economic activity. tutes will be instrumental to If we remain silent today, our ble that 15,000 farmers com- already on in 20 States and 5 In the 7th Census, an IT the realisation of our socio- Design, Architecture and oth- for institutes in the same field. Issues such as promotion revolutionary Constitution mit suicide....)," said the UTs. In Delhi the entire process based digital platform is being economic goals. The central ers. Each of them is doing well It is also possible across cate- of research, promotion of will be destroyed. The division Congress general secretary. will take around three months used for data capture, valida- agricultural universities can but we need to raise the bar gories. For example, advances innovation and entrepreneur- of the country will start and A combative Priyanka where enumerators will survey tion, report generation and support our national goal of further. in information technology ship among students, building we will all be as responsible for raised the recent alleged around 45 lakh establishments dissemination will be used. promoting sustainable agri- As our economy grows we can aid architects and town industry - academia linkages, this division as any corrupt torching of a rape victim in and households," said A.K The fieldwork for the Census culture, productivity and sup- need to acquire the scale and planners to design smart cities filling up of vacancies, leader of the BJP and the Unnao who subsequently suc- Sadhu, DG (Social Statistics), started in June 2019. A com- porting our farmers with use- efficiency that is greater and that minimise use of energy. including faculty from RSS," she asserted while cumbed to her injures at a Central Statistics Office (CSO). prehensive training strategy ful research," Kovind said in better than the best in the All of them should set up sys- foreign universities, creating addressing the party's Bharat Delhi hospital and remem- The process of Economic has been evolved to impart Rashtrapati Bhavan. world," he added. tems that can scout for and alumni funding and enhanc- Bachao Rally. bered her father Rajiv Gandhi Census was first held in 1978. training to enumerators and "The same is true of all The president said while support cross-category col- ing alumni activities and com- While Priyanka urged and his sacrifices. This is the Seventh Census supervisors engaged in the other institutes linked to dif- developing their specialisa- laborations which might hold pletion of major infrastructure everyone to gather the "When I saw the father of which will provide disaggre- Census. CSC CEO Dr Dinesh ferent areas be it pharmaceu- tions, these institutes should creative promises to solve projects in a time bound man- courage to fight the current the Unnao rape victim bury- gated information on various Tyagi was also present on the tical, aviation, oceanography, collaborate and learn from many of our problems," ner, were discussed during the situation, she also took a jibe ing his face in his palms and operational and structural occasion. petroleum and energy, IT, each other. "This is possible Kovind said. conference. at BJP slogans praising Prime crying, I remembered my Minister Narendra Modi. own father whose body I saw "At every bus stop, in as a 19-year-old. My father's every newspaper, on every TV blood is in this soil just as the channel, one can see that blood of the Unnao victim is 4%     6# ' 7   'Modi hai to mumkin hai' nurturing this earth. This (Everything possible with country is ours and it is Modi at the helm). Asliyat ye our moral duty to save it," she <AB6;./   implemented on a pan-India hai ki BJP hai to 100 kilo ki said flanked by her mother basis in order to remove bot- pyaaz mumkin hai, BJP hai to and party president Sonia tlenecks and ensure seamless 45 saal mein sabse zyada Gandhi and former Congress    movement of traffic and col- berozgari mumkin hai, BJP chief Rahul Gandhi seated at lection of user fee as per the hai to 4 crore naukriyan nasht the stage.    *C notified rates, using passive radio frequency identifica- tion (RFID) technology.  #5+5423 pile up at high traffic volume After announcement of fee plazas, not more than 25 waiver of tag cost from o avert inconvenience to per cent 'FASTag lane of fee November 21, there has been Tcitizens, the Centre on plaza' may be temporarily a growth in FASTag issuance. Saturday announced to con- converted to hybrid lanes," the To give a fillip to digital pay- vert up to 25 per cent of Ministry of Road Transport ments and bring in enhanced FASTag lanes at national high- and Highways said. transparency, the ministry way toll plazas to hybrid lanes This is to be considered had directed to declare all for a month. The hybrid lane on a case to case basis, it lanes of fee plazas on National will accept FASTag and other added. "A daily evolution of Highways as 'FASTag lanes' by modes of payment. such cases be made to take December 1. However, one The Government earlier necessary corrective action," it lane in each direction was had announced rollout of said. decided to be kept as 'hybrid mandatory FASTag under It should be ensured that lane' which will accept FASTag electronic toll collection from the least possible number of and other modes of payment. December 1, which was later the declared FASTag lanes are A customer may call on extended to December 15, converted into hybrid lanes the helpline number '1033' for 2019. "Considering the and at least 75 per cent lanes it is a temporary measure to Government had earlier ways. any assistance related to request of NHAI and further of every fee plaza should be adopted for 30 days only to extended the date to The National Electronic FASTags, the ministry had the citizens are not put to remain operational as FASTag facilitate smooth flow of traf- December 15 for making Toll Collection (NETC) pro- said and added that they can inconvenience... It is decided lanes, it added. fic so that no inconvenience is FASTag mandatory for toll gramme, the flagship initiative also reach out to banks to that depending on the traffic The ministry clarified that caused to the citizens. The payments on national high- of the ministry, has been obtain FASTags.      + ,-. /0,1 "9

!    ; .  ; D/8 ##  

!   / ,3 provide citizenship to perse- cuted Hindus, Parsis, Shikhs '#)8-6' # dvising its erstwhile ally and Jain immigrants from 8 AShiv Sena to go ahead and Afghanistan, Bangladesh and !     implement Citizenship Pakistan. We want Sena to sup- Amendment Act (CAA), 2019 port our Government at the   -,#, opposition followed it up with in Maharashtra, the BJP said Centre in its efforts,” the BJP   ./+,2,3 “The situation became another tweet /  on Saturday said it was ready leader said. serious when the Bill was alu Prasad’s Rashtriya Janata “Correction: Bihar bandh to make a “political compro- Shelkar’s overture to the he Opposition Congress passed by Rajya Sabha leading LDal has given call for a will now be on Saturday,    $-*  mise” and support the Sena in Shiv Sena came a day after Tand the AIUDF have sep- to imposition of curfew in Bihar bandh on December 21 December 21 because police the event of the Uddhav State Congress Minister arately requested the Assam various parts of the state,” in protest against the amend- recruitment tests are scheduled Thackeray-led Maha Vikas Balasaheb Thorat and his Assembly Speaker to call a Saikia said in his letter on ed Citizenship Act, alleging on December 22. The resched-   O  Aghadi (MVA) Government’s party’s Public Works special session to discuss the Friday. that it has blown the uling is being done so that collapse over the implemen- Department (PWD) Minister concerns expressed by the peo- The amended Act will Constitution to smithereens. young aspirants are not incon- " P  * => tation of CAA in the State. Nitin Raut opposed the ple of the State on the amend- negate the Constitutional, leg- Tejashwi Yadav, Prasad’s venienced on account of the “We are all for the imple- Citizenship Amendment Bill ed Citizenship Act. islative and administrative safe- younger son and heir apparent, bandh.” :The Left parties on mentation of the just-enacted (CAB). Assam has been on the boil guards to protect, preserve and made the announcement late on Founded in 1997 after Saturday appealed to RJD to Citizenship amendment law While Thorat said that his for the past several days as promote the cultural, social, Friday night, urging all political which it ruled Bihar for eight advance its ‘Bihar bandh’ by in Maharashtra. Two State party had opposed the bill in thousands of people have come linguistic identity and heritage and non-political outfits having more years, the RJD is known two days to December 19 to Congress Ministers may have Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha out on the streets to protest of the Assamese people as enu- “faith in the Constitution and for using strong arm tactics to combine it with their pro- opposed the implementation “Decisions taken keeping and that he was awaiting against the amended merated in the Assam Accord, the principle of justice” to take enforce shutdowns which bring posed nationwide joint protest of the CAB, but Chief in mind power and instructions from his party Citizenship Act. Two persons the Congress leader part in the bandh which was ini- normal life to a standstill, against the amended Minister Uddhav Thackeray Government need not always high command, Raut said were killed in police firing on claimed. tially scheduled for December sometimes even resulting in Citizenship Act on that should go ahead with the be in interest of the nation. If that his party would ensure Thursday, while an oil tanker There is a possibility that 22, but was later preponed so violence and massive day. implementation of the CAB in Sena decides to implement that the new law was nit driver was charred to death the demographic pattern of that the police recruitment disruptions of rail and road Lalu Prasad’s Rashtriya the State,” State BJP leader CAA in the national interest, implemented in when the vehicle was torched Assam will be changed follow- exams next Sunday were not traffic. Janata Dal has given call for a Ashish Shelar said. then BJP is ready to compro- Maharashtra. on Saturday. ing the implementation of the affected. The party has been going Bihar bandh on December 21 “If I am apprehending that mise and cooperate with Sena NCP Spokesperson “You must be aware of the amended Citizenship Act and “The Citizenship through a rough patch since the to protest against the legisla- the Shiv Sena might hesitate to in preventing collapse of its Nawab Malik has said that situation in Assam following the people will lose their right (Amendment) Bill is a black leg- Lok Sabha polls this year tion, alleging that it has blown implement CAA in Government in State. It is though his party had opposed the passing of the Citizenship to decide their political fate in islation that has blown the wherein it put up its worst-ever the Constitution to Maharashtra it is because Sena because for us in BJP, it is the CAB in both the Houses Amendment Bill, 2019 by the their own state, he said. Constitution to smithereens. As performance and failed to win smithereens. supported the bill in Lok Sabha nation first, then party and of Parliament, the leaders of Lok Sabha,” Leader of “As States in India have a mark of protest, Rashtriya a single seat. The Communist Party of and walked out in Rajya Sabha then the individuals,” Shelar the three parties in MVA Opposition in the Assembly been constituted on the basis of Janata Dal will organize a Bihar Turmoil in Chief Minister India, Communist Party of under pressure from the said. government – Sena, NCP and Debabrata Saikia of the language and not bandh on Sunday, December 22. Nitish Kumar’s JD(U) over India (Marxist), Communist Congress. Our advice to the He said that the CAA was Congress – would sit across Congress wrote to Speaker religion, the existence of Assam “We appeal to all secular supporting the Bill in Party of India (Marxist- Sena is that in the fear of the in the interest of both the and take a decision collec- Hiten Goswami. will be threatened,” Saikia parties, non-political outfits Parliament, which is expected Leninist)— Liberation, All Congress withdrawing its sup- country and State. “This law tively on the issue. He said people including said. and common citizens who have to dent his popularity among India Forward Bloc and the port to its government in the will come in handy for the State On its part, the Shiv Sena students and senior citizens Another opposition party, faith in the Constitution and the State’s Muslims, has Revolutionary Socialist Party, state, it should not change its Government to remove the has said that its president took to the streets across Assam the All India United the principle of justice to prompted the opposition party in a joint statement, alleged pro-stand on CAA,” Shelar infiltrators from Pakistan and and chief minister Uddhav to express their pain and griev- Democratic Front (AIUDF), wholeheartedly support the to come out of torpor and bring that the Act would said, while talking to a Bangladesh residing in Thackeray would speak on ances over the Bill that threat- also sought a special session of bandh and help us make it a itself back into the reckoning destroy the secular regional television Maharashtra. The Modi the issue at an appropriate ens the existence of the indige- the Assembly to discuss the success,” he tweeted. with assembly polls less than a democratic foundations of channel. Government is attempting to time. nous people. issue. The 30-year-old leader of year away. India. PTI 0 0-'( & #    6E9     >  Srinagar: The detention of safety law was invoked, has a state into two union territories  $25##,3 CAB-2019 and oppose the Perumbavoor, a small town. policy. But this move would Farooq Abdullah, a three-term heart pacemaker implanted —Ladakh, and Jammu & Centre’s move tooth and nail. Once they get citizenship and boomerang on the party as the Chief Minister of erstwhile and had undergone a kidney Kashmir. The PSA has two sec- n what is being described as a The Congress in Kerala, which voting rights, the Muslim League Hindus in the State would not state of Jammu & Kashmir, was transplant a few years ago. tions — 'public order' and Imajor political development in is in a buoyant mood after its and the Congress are the major take it lightly. It is a truth that extended on Saturday by three Reacting to the move, West 'threat to security of the State'. Kerala , the ruling CPI(M) and impressive performance in the beneficiaries,” said the official. nearly 50 per vent of the months and he would contin- Bengal Chief Minister Mamata The former allows detention the principal Opposition party Lok Sabha election by winning The question being asked in Congress votes come from the ue to remain at his residence Banerjee tweeted, “Farooq without trial for three to one Congress would join hands on 19 of the 20 seats walked the the State is whether the new Hindus in the State,” said that has been declared a sub- Abdullah detention extended year and the latter for two years. Monday to launch a major State- extra mile to show its solidarity found bonhomie between the Haridas. jail, officials said here. by three months under Public The PSA is applicable only wide agitation against the with the Muslim community in Congress and the CPI(M) would The electoral alliance The case of Abdullah, also Safety Act...This is a very sad in Jammu & Kashmir. Citizenship Amendment Bill their opposition to the Act. lead to a new alliance to face the between the CPI(M) and the a five-term parliamentarian, state of affairs. In our democ- Elsewhere in the country, the 2019 that was passed in both The Muslim League in the 2021 assembly election. KVS Congress is nothing new in the was reviewed by the advisory ratic country this is happening. equivalent law is the National houses of Parliament last week. State is apprehensive of the Bill Haridas, former chief editor of State. Last time the parties board of the Home Gupkar Road, has been These are unconstitutional Security Act (NSA). The decision to hold the because of the denial of citizen- Janmabhumi and a leading polit- fought the election together was Department of the Union declared a sub-jail by the union steps.” Besides Abdullah, his son joint agitation comes immedi- ship to hundreds of thousands ical commentator in the State is in 1980 when a faction of the Territory of Jammu & Kashmir territory's Home Department. Abdullah was among a and former chief minister ately after the declaration made of illegal Bangladeshi migrants of the view that the alliance Congress led by A K Antony which recommended exten- Eighty-two-year-old host of leaders and activists Omar and ex-CM Mehbooba by Chief Minister Pinarayi in the State, said an intelligence would not last. “The Congress which was vehemently opposed sion of his detention under the Abdullah, who became the who were detained on August Mufti, several other leaders Vijayan of the CPI(M) that official. “There are nearly 2 has decided to join the agitation to Indira Gandhi had joined PSA, they said. first Chief Minister against 5 when the centre abrogated have also been under detention Kerala would not accept the lakh Bangladeshi Muslims in as part of its minority appeasing hands with the CPI(M). His house, located at whom the stringent public Article 370 and divided the since August 5. PTI -!R#9' 5 ' 

  $25#" elections to 22 assembly seats #,3 held along with Lok Sabha EC sources said since elections, the recognition it AMMK had become a regis- TV Dhinakaran, nephew of received from the EC has reen- tered political party, preference Tjailed V K sasikala, the ergised the outfit, according to would be given to it in the allot- close aid of late Chief Minister a close confidante of ment of symbols among the J Jayalalithaa got a shot in the Dinakaran. free symbols during polls. arm as the Election The AMMK was in cross- However, it would not be Commission of India gave roads after the Lok Sabha elec- applicable in the forthcoming recognition and registration tion because of its failure to local bodies poll in Tamil Nadu to his political outfit Amma make any impact in the State as it was conducted by the state Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam politics.Dhinakaran shot to election department. (AMMK) as a political party. fame when he won the R K On AIADMK’s objection Dinakaran had launched the Nagar Assembly constituency that Dhinakaran was expelled party after he was eased out of in Chennai in a bye-election from it and disowned by the AIADMK by the Edappadi after the death of Jayalalithaa in Jayalalithaa when she was alive Palaniswami and O December 2016. and hence he had no locus Panneerselvan factions. While Jayalalithaa was elected standi to start a party in her according registration to the from the seat earlier. But imme- name, the EC said the claim AMMK, the ECI also overruled diately after the victory of had nothing to do with the eli- the AIADMK’s objection Dhinakaran, who is the lone gibility of a party to get regis- against the term Amma in the independent member in the tered. name of the party. The ECI said Tamil Nadu Assembly, the rival The AMMK had cited that there was no similarity in EPS-OPS factions joined hands precedents of political parties the names of the two parties. in 2017 to oust him fearing with similar names being reg- The EC rejected Sasikala clan would hijack the istered. AIADMK’s objection against party . But there are some hurdles the AMMK in using the word The split in the party to overcome for AMMK to ‘Amma’ in its name, saying it reflected clearly in the Lok become a recognised state did not find any merit in that Sabha polls held earlier this party. All the candidates field- as it was a commonly used year when opposition DMK ed by it should get at least six word to refer to the mother. In swept 387 out of 39 seats in the percent of the total votes polled Tamil Nadu, AIADMK cadres state forcing prominent faces to in an election to the Lok Sabha normally refer to former Chief quit the party. But EPS-OPS or state Legislative Minister J Jayalalithaa as duo made gradual progress in Assembly. “A m m a”. the party with the help of Considering its dismal The EC order, signed by its power and BJP at the centre performance in the by elections secretary Dilip K Verma, was and Dhinakaran who failed to in the recent history, that could sent to AMMK general secre- recapture the control of the not be an easy task. Moreover tary Dhinakaran on Friday. parent party launched several senior leaders Though the AMMK could not AMMK to counter the duo deserted Dhunakaran after the make any big impact in the by 2018 March. debacle.      + ,-. /0,1 "#8 *    3:'          London: British Prime  "   Minister Boris Johnson visited N   O  northern England on Saturday   -  7/ to thank voters and newly   # 3

elected Conservative Party law- makers in the working class %   heartland that turned its back Belfast: Prime Minister Boris Since then, it has become cen-   +,23#.0# on the opposition Labour Party Johnson’s crushing election tral to a Brexit deal with &  4    in this week’s election and victory gives Britain a chance Brussels. S President Donald Trump helped give him an 80-seat to move past years of gridlock Unease spread about the   40#0# Uon Friday said it was unfair     majority. Former lawmaker Helen over Brexit — especially in prospect of a no-deal Brexit that he was being impeached as Speaking in Sedgefield — Goodman, one of many Labour Northern Ireland, where social and the re-emergence of a prominent British he had done no wrong and the     the constituency once held by legislators to lose their seat in and political divides run deep. hard border with EU neigh- AMuslim representative country under him was doing Labour former prime minister northern England, told BBC “We’re leaving limbo,” bour Ireland to the south. organisation has issued a quite good. Washington: The US Tony Blair — Johnson radio that “the biggest factor said Orlaith McKeever, prepar- Border checks are associ- statement expressing a “pal- “It’s not fair that I’m being Supreme Court agreed Friday acknowledged the seismic shift was obviously the unpopular- ing food for the lunchtime ated with three decades of sec- pable sense of fear” within the Impeached when I’ve done to hear cases next year over that helped sweep him to vic- ity of Jeremy Corbyn as the rush at St. George’s Market in tarian violence over British Muslim community in the UK absolutely nothing wrong!,” the release of Donald Trump’s tory in Thursday’s election. leader.” Belfast, a redbrick rabbits’ rule of Northern Ireland that following Prime Minister Trump said in a tweet on tax returns and financial “I know that people may Another former Labour warren of stalls and kiosks. left some 3,500 people dead. Boris Johnson’s massive Friday night as a key records, setting the stage for have been breaking the voting lawmaker criticized the election Brexit-voting music trad- The potential removal of victory in the country’s Congressional committee, ear- done wrong. Zero was done a ruling during the presi- habits of generations to vote for campaign more broadly as er Lawrence John, 69, also an open border — a plank of General Election this week. lier in the day, approved the wrong. I think it is a horrible dential election campaign. us,” he told supporters. muddled. reflected relief that the stalled the 1998 agreement that ended Muslim Council of Britain two articles of impeachment thing to be using the tool of Trump has been seeking “And I want the people of Anna Turley told the BBC process of extricating Britain “The Troubles” —has been (MCB), which has been call- against him. impeachment, which is sup- to block access to his tax the northeast to know that we that the party put forward an from the European Union seen as an ing for a full-fledged inquiry The impeachment against posed to be used in an emer- returns and other financial in the Conservative Party and overwhelming number of poli- after nearly five decades was unwelcome return to the past. into anti-Muslim conduct Trump now moves to the gency. And it would seem records in lawsuits I will repay your trust.” cies and voters “just didn’t finally moving ahead. It also reopened the issue within the Johnson-led House of Representatives, many, many, many years apart,” involving New York In a victory speech outside believe we were the party that “Like many, many people of Northern Ireland’s place in Conservative Party, used one where the opposition he asserted. prosecutors and the US 10 Downing Street on Friday, could deliver on any of it.” I’m sick of all this Brexit stuff. the United Kingdom with of the key slogans from the Democratic Party enjoys a “To be using this for a per- House of Johnson called for an end to the Armed with his hefty new Three-and-a-half years ago England, Scotland and Wales, election campaign to express majority. Once passed by the fect phone call, where the pres- Representatives. acrimony that has festered majority, Johnson is set to start there was a and the potential of a united fears that the strong majority House, the trial for impeach- ident of that country said there Lower courts have ruled throughout the country since the process next week of push- referendum to decide whether Ireland. in the House of Commons ment would be carried out in was no pressure whatsoever — that Trump must turn over the divisive 2016 Brexit refer- ing Brexit legislation through we were going to leave,” he told For the first time, the elec- could mean that, like Brexit, the 100-member US Senate, did not even know what we the records but lawyers for endum, and urged Britain to Parliament to ensure Britain AFP. tion returned more Irish Islamophobia is also “oven- where Trump’s Republican were talking about. It was per- the president appealed to “let the healing begin.” leaves the EU by the January 31 “We’re just finally getting republican than British union- ready” for the new govern- party has a majority. fect; the relationship is perfect. the nation’s highest court, Johnson’s campaign mantra deadline. news that it can actually hap- ist lawmakers to the UK House ment. “The Radical Left, Do I have done much more for arguing that as president, he to “get Brexit done” and wide- Once he’s passed that hur- pen after all this time,” he said of Commons. The largest “Mr Johnson commands Nothing Democrats have them than Obama did for them. has blanket immunity. spread unease with the leader- dle — breaking three years of after Johnson’s Conservatives republican party Sinn Fein a majority, but there is a pal- become the Party of Hate. It is a scam. It is something that The Supreme Court — ship style and socialist policies parliamentary deadlock — he won their biggest majority even took the seat of North pable sense of fear amongst They are so bad for our should not be allowed. And it where conservative judges of opposition leader Jeremy has to seal a trade deal with the since the heyday of Margaret Belfast from unionist hands for Muslim communities around Country!,” Trump said in his is a very bad thing for our coun- are in the majority — said it Corbyn combined to give the bloc by the end of 2020. Thatcher in the 1980s. the first time since it was the country,” said MCB tweet. try,” Trump said. will hear arguments during ruling Conservatives 365 seats “We’ve just been going over Thursday’s snap general drawn up in 1885. Sinn Fein Secretary General Harun Earlier in the day, he The Democrats, he said the March session with a in the House of Commons, its the timetable we can definite- became a re-run of the 2016 leader Mary Lou McDonald Khan in a statement released described the impeachment as were trivialising impeachment. ruling to be issued best performance since party ly get it in before Christmas, EU membership referendum called it a “historic moment”. on Friday. a hoax and politically motivat- “I tell you what, someday before the session ends on icon Margaret and we’re out on January 31,” in which Johnson champi- “The discussion around He said: “We entered the ed. there will be a Democrat pres- June 30. Thatcher’s last victory in Johnson said. oned the Brexit cause. constitutional change is now election campaign period with “The impeachment is a ident and there will be a Trump, a New York real 1987. Labour slumped to 203 While Johnson’s large The Prime Minister ran underway,” she t long standing concerns about hoax. It is a sham. It started a Republican House, and I sus- estate tycoon, is the first seats, its worst showing since majority means he has rela- this campaign on the promise old Irish broadcaster RTE bigotry in our politics and our long time ago, probably before pect they are going to remem- American president since 1935. tively clear air ahead on Brexit, to “get Brexit done” — a sim- Friday. governing party. Now we I came down the escalator ber it. Because when you use Richard Nixon not to make While Johnson was on a he faces turbulence over ple but effective message with “It’s safe to say that Irish worry that Islamophobia is with the future First Lady. It impeachment for absolutely his tax returns public, victory lap Saturday, Corbyn — renewed calls for a referendum profound implications for unity will be firmly on the ‘oven-ready’ for started a long time ago,” Trump nothing, other than to try and claiming they are who has pledged to stand down on Scottish independence fol- Britain’s most politically agenda in a way that it has Government. told reporters earlier in the day get political gain,” Trump said. under audit by next year — was under fire lowing the strong election volatile region. never been before,” Queen’s “Mr Johnson has been at the White House. He asserted that his poll num- the Internal Revenue Service from within his own party, showing of the Scottish Northern Ireland voted University Belfast politics entrusted with huge power, “It is a witch hunt. It is a bers had gone through the (IRS). AFP where there was little sign of National Party. AP by 56 percent to remain in the lecturer Jamie Pow told and we pray it is exercised sham. It is a hoax. Nothing was roof. healing starting any time soon. European Union in 2016. AFP. AFP responsibly for all Britons.” - $            :#"+:3%# +$$#!"#'"##)" Lahore: After his indictment, “Except the arrested arrested Saeed on July 17. He Meeting of January 1, 2019 the trial against Mumbai attack lawyers, no other suspect or is detained at the Kot Lakhpat chaired by Prime Minister Khartoum (Sudan): A court in ICC. The country’s military- mastermind Hafiz Saeed in witness in any other case were jail in Lahore. Imran Khan for implementing Sudan convicted former civilian transitional govern- the terror financing case failed presented before the ATC due The cases have been regis- the National Action Plan. President Omar al-Bashir of ment has not indicated whether to be held for the third con- to the lawyers strike during the tered in Lahore, Gujranwala “These suspects made money laundering and cor- they will hand him over to the secutive day on Saturday due to last three days,” a court official and Multan for collection of assets from funds of terrorism ruption on Saturday, sentenc- The Hague. a country-wide strike by the told PTI on Saturday. funds for terrorism financing financing. They held and used ing him to two years in a min- The Sudanese lawyers. He said the prosecution through assets/properties made these assets to raise more funds imum security lockup. Professionals’ Association, Saeed, who has been which was to present witness- and held in the names of for further terrorism financing. That’s the first verdict in a which was the backbone of the indicted along with three close es against Saeed and others also Trusts/Non Profit Hence, they committed multi- series of legal proceedings protest movement, welcomed aides in terror financing case, could not bring them to the Organisations (NPO) including ple offences of terrorism against al-Bashir, who is also Saturday’s verdict as a “moral could not be produced before court. Prosecutor General Punjab Al-Anfaal Trust, Dawatul financing and money launder- wanted by the International and political conviction” the Anti-Terrorism Court The ATC court on Abdur Rauf had told the court Irshad Trust, Muaz Bin Jabal ing under Anti Terrorism Act Criminal Court on charges of against the former president (ATC) here on Saturday Wednesday indicted Jamaat- that founder of terror group Trust. 1997. They will be prosecuted war crimes and genocide linked and his regime. because of the lawyers’ strike. ud-Dawah (JuD) chief and his Lashkar-e-Taiba and others According to the CTD, in ATCs (Anti Terrorism to the Darfur conflict in the American sanctions. Under Sudanese law, al- The lawyers are protesting for aides Hafiz Abdul Salam bin were involved in terror financ- investigation launched into Courts) for commission of 2000s. Al-Bashir has been in cus- Bashir, 75, will be sent to a the last three days against the Muhammad, Muhammad ing case and the Counter financing matters of proscribed these offences,” the CTD said. The verdict comes a year tody since April, when Sudan’s state-run lockup for elderly arrest of their colleagues in a Ashraf and Zafar Iqbal in the Terrorism Department (CTD) organisations - Jammat-ud- The US Department of the after Sudanese protesters erupt- military ousted him after people who are convicted of case of hooliganism at a hos- terror financing case and of Punjab police had ‘solid Dawah (JuD) and Lashkar-e- Treasury has designated Saeed ed in revolt against al-Bashir’s months of nationwide protests. crimes not punishable with pital in Lahore. directed the prosecution to evidence’ in this regard. Taiba (LeT) - in connection as a Specially Designated authoritarian rule. During his The uprising eventually forced death. But he will remain in jail The ATC Lahore produce witnesses. The CTD had registered 23 with implementation of UN Global Terrorist, and the US, three decades in power, Sudan the military into a power-shar- amid an ongoing trial on adjourned the hearing of the The ATC on Wednesday FIRs against Saeed and his sanctions against these desig- since 2012, has offered a USD landed on the US list for spon- ing agreement with separate charges regarding the terror financing case against framed the terror financing accomplices on the charges of nated entities and persons as 10 million reward for infor- soring terrorism, and the coun- civilians. killing of protesters in the Saeed and others till December charges on the four suspects in “terror financing” in different directed by NSC (National mation that brings Saeed to jus- try’s economy was battered by Sudan’s military has said it months prior to his 16. their presence. Deputy cities of Punjab province and Security Committee) in its tice. PTI years of mismanagement and would not extradite him to the ouster. PTI , ) " /#   3"& 8 '      ( Q$ %    R   O      $)""  '  % ( >    P     "% $)  #'  %   )*   %"$,/ " -,%3 They don’t even make the    effort” to hide their manipula-   Washington: Secretary of State Madrid: Countries remained   7,2 ,#/ lgeria’s unpopular presi- tions, she said. Mike Pompeo on Friday deadlocked Saturday in talks Adential election was meant On Friday, vast crowds warned Iran of a “decisive” Turin (Italy): Swedish climate over combating climate change hree people, including a to reset the country’s politics descended onto the streets of Kabul: At least one member of response if US interests are change activist Greta Thunberg as UN talks dragged on beyond Tpolice officer, have been after months of crisis, but it Algiers to reject newly elected an Afghan militia opened fire harmed in Iraq, after a series of on Friday asked young people the official deadline with no killed in a bomb exposed a rigid system deter- president Abdelmadjid on his fellow militiamen early rocket attacks on bases. to fight for their future in the end in sight. explosion at a house in mined to perpetuate itself, ana- Tebboune, a longtime govern- Saturday, killing nine, in what “We must... Use this oppor- next decade, as she joined a Chile’s environment min- southern Nepal’s Dhanusha lysts say. ment insider and former pre- the country’s interior ministry tunity to remind Iran’s leaders demonstration in the northern ister, Carolina Schmidt, who is district. “You get the impression of mier under Bouteflika. called an insider attack. that any attacks by them, or Italian city of Turin. chairing the two-week talks in The bomb was planted at two parallel Algerias: a ruling But the opposition to the The Taliban however their proxies of any identity, “Adults are behaving as if Madrid, urged officials from one Rajesh Shah’s house in class which congratulates itself poll “matters little to a regime claimed the attack was actually that harm Americans, our allies there’s no tomorrow,” Thunberg almost 200 countries to recog- Kshireshwarnath Municipality on organising elections and a committed to a sham election a coordinated insurgent assault or our interests will be told young protesters at a nize the “overall balance” of the by unknown persons, police populace that holds protests,” intended to prolong its tenure,” on the checkpoint where the answered with a decisive Fridays for Future demonstra- latest draft agreements ham- said. said Maghreb expert and his- said Anthony Skinner, region- shooting took place, killing over US response,” Pompeo said tion, the global movement mered out overnight. Rajesh (42) and his son torian Karima Direche. al director at risk analysis firm two dozen militiamen, accord- in a statement. inspired by her activism. “But “We must show the outside Ananta Shah (17) died on the The North African country Verisk Maplecroft. ing to Taliban spokesman “Iran must respect the sov- there’s a world that we deliver,” she spot, while Police Inspector plunged into crisis in February Algeria’s elite, dominated Zabihullah Mujahid. ereignty of its neighbours and tomorrow. We have to fight for said. Amir Dahal, incharge of when veteran president by army chief Ahmed Gaid There was no immediate immediately cease its provision that tomorrow as if our lives Environmental activists Sakhuwa Mahendranagar- Abdelaziz Bouteflika Salah, sees the turnout as explanation for the discrepan- of lethal aid and support to depend on that, because they staged protests inside and based Area Office, was announced he would seek a “enough to bestow what it sees cy, but the Taliban often exag- third parties in Iraq and majority, since the 2003 US do.” around the venue during the seriously injured fifth term, sparking mass as legitimacy on the next pres- gerate their claims. throughout the region,” he said. invasion brought down Thunberg traveled to Turin talks, as they have around the in the explosion. Dahal died demonstrations. ident,” he said. Details were sketchy and The United States has Saddam Hussein. in an electric car after attend- world in the past year, to undergoing treatment. Bouteflika quit under pop- “Gaid Salah will probably investigators were still looking expressed mounting concern President Donald Trump’s ing the COP25 climate confer- demand leaders take bolder Rajesh’s father Bhikhari ular pressure in April, but the still treat the election as a suc- into the attack in central about the flurry of attacks on administration, which is close ence in Madrid, where she action against global warming. Shah (73), his daughter Nikki Hirak protest cess.” Yet with the protest Ghazni province’s Karabagh Iraqi bases used by US troops, to Iran’s adversaries Saudi had given a speech accusing Many nations and observers Shah (21), son Prakash movement has kept up the movement showing no sign of district, said Interior Ministry several of which it has blamed Arabia and Israel, has been try- world governments of “cre- said the latest draft agreements Shah (14) and another police pressure with weekly mass ral- abating, that calculus may be spokesman Fawad Aman. The on Iranian-backed Shiite para- ing to counter Tehran’s influ- ative PR” over their climate risked backtracking on existing officer Rijan Mahatto were lies to demand sweeping wrong, said Jean-Pierre Filiu, a number of attackers was also military groups. ence around the region, includ- change stances. commitments made in the also injured in reforms. professor at Sciences Po uni- not immediately clear. Two rocket attacks this ing through sanctions aimed at The 16-year-old, who this 2015 Paris climate accord and the incident and were hospi- Thursday’s presidential versity in Paris. Afghan militias operate in week targeted a compound blocking all its oil week became the youngest didn’t reflect the urgent warn- talised. vote was bitterly opposed by “Gaid Salah failed in his bid remote regions and are under near Baghdad International exports. person to be named Time ings from scientists that green- Upon seeing the bomb at Hirak, which saw it as an to stifle popular protest the command of the country’s Airport, which houses US The United States last week magazine’s Person of the Year, house gas emissions need to fall his home’s gate, Rajesh Shah establishment ploy to cling to through imposing this elec- National Security Forces, which troops, with an incident imposed sanctions on three warned that the decade that is sharply, and soon. alerted the police late on Friday power. tion,” said Filiu. suffers near daily Taliban Monday wounding Iraqi leaders of the Shiite paramili- about to start “If this text is accepted, the night. Anti-election rallies rocked The protesters on the other attacks. The Taliban now con- troops. tary force Hashed al-Shaabi, will be the one that “will define low ambition coalition will Police personnel were major cities and in the Berber- hand “succeeded in making trol or hold sway over half the “We hope and pray these accusing them of taking part in our future,” and will have a key have won the day,” said David checking the improvised explo- dominated region of Kabylie, participation the only real issue country. brave Iraqis will quickly and the deadly crackdown on impact over the rest of Waskow of the World sive device when it exploded, protesters ransacked polling in this poll, rather than the Insider attacks have been fully recover from their nationwide protests. our lives. Resources Institute, a officials said. stations and clashed with identity of the future president,” steady throughout the 18-year injuries,” Pompeo said. Iraqi prime minister Adel “For sure her tenacity, her Washington-based environ- Police have arrested two police. Fewer than four out of he said. conflict, with U.S. And NATO Pompeo, who has repeat- Abdel Mahdi, a close ally of determination, is an example to mental think tank.Among the elderly women in connection ten Algerian voters cast their “By sticking to a non-vio- troops most often targeted. edly warned Tehran, pinned Iran who also enjoyed cordial everybody that reminds us issues at stake are aid for poor with the explosion. ballots on Thursday, according lent approach... The Hirak is But when Afghan security the blame for the latest attacks relations with the United States, that we need to fight every countries suffering the impacts The duo are members of to election officials. continuing to erode military forces are targeted, the casual- squarely on “Iran’s proxies”. resigned after the two months day for this climate crisis,” said of climate change and efforts to outlawed group Nepal Direche suspects the real decision-makers’ stranglehold ty rate is often much higher. Iran has gained overwhelming of demonstrations in which Laura Vallaro, a agree rules for international Communist Party Biplav. Police figure may be less than half on the country. There will be In July, two US service influence in Iraq, its neighbour around 460 people have climate activist who joined markets to trade carbon emis- have initiated further investi- that. Officials “stuff the ballot no going back” to the status members were killed by an with which it shares a Shiite died. AFP Turin’s demonstration. AP sions vouchers. AP gation. boxes, they fix the numbers. quo. Afghan soldier AP "$;      + ,-. /0,1

/  ; 3 0    "     6    $     7047,, #$8(B5$(&(&*5$<$'(8(&&)6)55(&< ()=()($5&8=)=8=8B(9+*)((&(( ea growers in Assam have B$9 ;$598=()+68&(5)($8($6B$&9'5;8 Tstarted feeling the pinch of &5)B)9&%)8(5&)&$&)+()$)5+)& the ongoing protests with par- (8++(B'9<8=(6( 96*5,2$8)99$'8( tial disruption in production at $;&$5()=)8+8$8@)))*($;$5<5& many gardens and sale of the crop at the Guwahati auction centre being hampered, indus- full-fledged scale as many Suspension of internet ser- try insiders said on Saturday. workers could not come due to vices has also affected their Transportation of the pro- lack of transport," All Assam business. duce has also been affected due Small Tea Growers' Association "Due to the internet sus- to the ongoing stir, they said. general secretary Karuna pension and violent protests, "Though winter months Mahnata told PTI. several tea growers are appre- & 6           O   !  are not the peak season, pluck- The legislation has put the hending that they may face dif- &  *  . !&*2A@=>0<  $&        % ing and manufacturing opera- state on boil as people fear that ficulties to pay wages to work- 6(    tions in many gardens across it may exacerbate the problem ers as banking services might the state have been affected of illegal immigration. be affected. Usually, payments   3     ,   @      amid widespread protest," Violent protests broke out to labourers are made either on   % #  % $ 8#%$:     North Eastern Tea Association in the State earlier this week Friday or Saturday," Barkakoty -  #      "      adviser Bidyananda Barkakoty with agitators engaging in said.  ,   @       8,@ "'(*<: told PTI. pitched battles with the police, Sales of tea at the Guwahati % 3      7     Compared to last few years, forcing the administration to auction centre have also been         the weather condition was impose curfew in several disrupted.    7  ,  , D#    . .3.$,%7      favourable during this places. Planters also said the "Every week, around 40-45      -7%   8% :% 3 December and the growers Tea Board has extended the lakh kgs of tea is sold. But, only    -%  - /    were able to produce relative- plucking time till December 19 15 lakh kg has been sold so far   3      -7%   S+  ly better quality tea but opera- on account of shortage and this week," Guwahati Tea  #   3       tions at several estates have non-availability of workers. Auction Buyers' Association             been adversely affected by the The board had earlier Secretary Dinesh Bihani said.               protests, he added. asked them to shut plucking Barkakoty said planters are cultural processes which usu- are done during the winters to such cold-weather agricultur-       "       "During Tuesday's shut- and manufacturing operations also apprehending that if the ally happen during the winters ensure quality of tea for the al activities are affected, the              down, gardens were mostly by mid-December to prevent ongoing protests continue for might get disrupted. upcoming season. These are industry will face severe impact             closed. Plucking activities took production of inferior quality a prolonged period, the prun- "Several agricultural time-bound activities. If the next season," he added.             S place on Friday but not in a tea, according to growers. ing activities and other agri- processes, including pruning, protests continue longer and   7     S#                            3   % 3  :     '               S. <.:!   -%   S,   

    3         % '         S R   9,3-/% informed that many players " +,23#.0# increase: China imported just from China and Hong Kong shy of $190 billion in goods and     he gems and jewellery seg- are looking to shift their man- S officials announced a services in 2017, so if the tar- Tment sees a silver lining ufacturing base to India. In fact, Utruce in the trade war with get is met it would cut the US  &   after a long slump as the num- many players have also China with much fanfare, but trade deficit with China by a ber of queries has increased been receiving calls with economists and trade experts third. A/   since last month, said former queries", said Jain. call it largely a victory for President Donald Trump chairman of Gem and Jewellery "Many of us in the Sitapura Beijing. has long railed against the   ,.,%,4, Exports Council and Jaipur gem and jewellery special eco- After a dispute that raged trade imbalance, citing it as Jewellery Show secretary Rajiv nomic zone received queries for close to two years, with sev- proof China is using distorting he Bangladesh government Jain. Jain was speaking at a from Chinese manufacturers eral fumbled efforts at a reso- policies to gain an unfair Thas withdrawn its restric- press conference called to who want to relocate their man- lution, the US agreed to cancel advantage. tions on importing nine items announce the dates of 16th edi- ufacturing facilities to Jaipur. planned tariffs and rollback Trump tweeted that Beijing from India through two land tion of Jaipur Jewellery Show However, the present SEZ laws others immediately, without a "agreed to many structural ports in Tripura, in a boost to (JJS), which is the largest busi- prohibit any kind of renting or similar commitment from changes and massive purchas- traders of the region, officials ness to consumer show and selling out facilities. If this law China to lift tariffs it imposed es of Agricultural Product, said on Saturday. second largest business to busi- is amended, it can benefit state on the US. Energy, and Manufactured Bangladesh had exported ness show in India, attracting government as well as stake- "Pardon me if I don't pop Goods, plus much more." various items amounting to Rs around 40,000 visitors includ- holders," he further said. champagne, but aside from a Alliance for American 522.42 crore in 2018-19 while ing buyers from India and Jain said that Wadhawan cessation of continued escala- Manufacturing President Scott imports of goods through abroad. promised to look into the issue tion, there is not much worth Paul said agreeing to remove seven land ports in Tripura to This year, JJS is putting up during the meeting, adding cheering," leading China expert tariffs amounted to "giving the neighbouring country were its best foot forward with 800 that the Chinese entrepreneurs Scott Kennedy said in an analy- away much of our leverage, around Rs 14.66 crore, they booths for exhibitors. have their running facilities and sis of the agreement. while kicking the can down the said. Out of 800 booths, 188 they want to shift in shortest "The costs have been sub- road on the most meaningful "The trade imbalance is shall display gemstones, 535 time to ensure their operations stantial and far reaching, the trade issues with China." due to restrictions imposed by will showcase jewellery, 62 will don't suffer. benefits narrow and ephemer- And trade economist Mary Dhaka on various items. display allied machinery, cos- Apart from this, there will al." The US Trade Lovely said the deal could only Bangladesh has withdrawn its tume jewellery and artefacts. also be a stall of 'Museum of Representative office said they be viewed as a "partial win" restrictions on importing nine Many new exhibitors too are Gem and Jewellery Federation' expect to sign the phase one which "didn't move the needle items through Akhaura land showing interest in the in Jaipur. This time JJS will be agreement in the first week of very much." "We were kind of port and Srimantapur land 'December Show," said JJS attended by 100 new partici- January, and issued a fact sheet on a brink, and we saw the custom station," state industries chairman Vimal Chand pants. JJS is also called the highlighting key points, includ- negotiators reach a deal that and commerce department's Surana. Jain further said that 'December show', where prod- ing enforcement provisions pulled us back, and I think that additional director Swapna the present Hong Kong crisis ucts are not only limited to and improved protection for is important," she said of the Debnath said. can benefit India if India Jaipur but feature merchandise American technology. news Trump canceled the 15 The nine items on which amends the present SEZ rules. from exhibitors worldwide. In addition, it includes a percent tariffs on electronics the restriction was removed "Recently Union com- The Department of Tourism, Chinese commitment to buy that were due to hit Sunday. from December 1 included merce secretary Anup government of Rajasthan, has $200 billion more in US goods But the gains in the deal do cashew nut, paper, sugar, gen- Wadhawan and representatives listed the event on their annu- and services over two years, not compensate for the damage erator, broken glass, choco- of industry had an interaction al calendar for the tourists and USTR said. to US farmers and businesses, late, baby wipes, confectionary where Wadhawan was visitors. That would be a significant she told reporters. and bitumen, she said. ,!&3''  <AB6;./ 2 "         '9  ,     $5 ('   *C   #5+5423 The project 'Kharghar 5 $ <  Vikhroli Transmission Pvt Ltd'   #5+5423 dani Transmission Ltd comprises approximately 34 A(ATL) on Saturday said it km of 400 kV and 220 kV   34, ,, dual carriageway, high-speed o avert inconvenience to has received a Letter of Intent transmission lines along with and access-controlled motor- Tcitizens, the Government for a power transmission pro- 400kV GIS (Gas Insulated akistan and the World Bank way from Peshawar to on Saturday announced to con- ject in Maharashtra. Switchgear) Substation at Phas signed a project agree- Torkham border point with vert up to 25 per cent of The Letter of Intent (LoI) Vikhroli in Mumbai. ment worth $406.6 million for Afghanistan in a bid to pro- FASTag lanes at national high- to ATL has been awarded According to the state- financing the Khyber Pass mote economic development way toll plazas to hybrid lanes under a tariff based competitive ment, this will be the first ever Economic Corridor (KPEC) and ensure uplift of the areas for a month. The hybrid lane bidding model from 400 kV substation facility in project with an aim to promote adjoining the expressway and will accept FASTag and other Maharashtra State Electricity Mumbai. The project is critical economic development. falling in Khyber- modes of payment. Transmission Company Ltd to Mumbai as the existing The signing ceremony was Pakhtunkhwa. The government earlier (MSETCL). capacity of transmission corri- held on Friday at the Economic The project envisages pub- had announced rollout of "ATL has received the LoI dor is not sufficient to carry Affairs Division, lic-private partnership and pri- mandatory FASTag under elec- from MSETCL to build, own, further power into the city. It Islamabad, The Express vate financing for developing tronic toll collection from operate and maintain a trans- would enable additional power Tribune reported. clusters of economic activity, December 1, which was mission project in Maharashtra to be brought into the city, thus The project is aimed at economic zones and express- later extended to December 15, for a period of 35 years," a com- helping in meeting the future constructing a 48km four-lane, ways. 2019. pany statement said. demand of Mumbai.    =@       9  &

  #5+5423 At present, India's total pated in the awards and have installed power generation collectively achieved savings of ndia is among the top 10 capacity is around 365 GW. Rs 5,283 crore by saving 105.66 Inations as per the Climate "I am happy to share that as billion units of electricity. Change Performance Index per CCPI report, released dur- This year, energy conser- (CCPI) which is based para- ing COP 2019 at Madrid, India vation was celebrated through meters like renewable power is ranked among the top 10 week-long activities culminat- and energy use efficiency, countries in CCPI, which was ing in the National Energy Power Minster RK Singh said released after analysing four Conservation Day on Saturday. on Saturday. parameters, that is green house Singh highlighted the This assumes significance gases emission, renewable ener- importance of energy conser- in view of India's resolve to gy, climate change and energy vation in the country's sus- reach 175 GW of clean energy use," Singh said while addressing tainable development capacity by 2022. The country the 29th National Energy approach. He emphasised the has already achieved around 84 Conservation Awards ceremony. need for taking measures in GW of clean energy capacity, The minister said 355 order to reduce carbon dioxide including 32 GW of solar and industrial units and other emissions so as to minimise the 37 GW of wind energy. establishments have partici- adverse impact of climate.      + ,-. /0,1 )$'< (;./+ )6 /C+ ( *4

R3+,#,2,#,#,#  2,%2332  "        


hat’s the first thing that because I went there solely to have fun. slightly worse. where the crowd gathered in the stands ter than 40s to get up from the board, go comes in mind when you And that’s what got me interested in the “The most important thing is to for- make it all the more typical to concen- to the players area, just relax for 5 min- hear the word chess? For game. It was a natural way to learn,” he get the disappointment and also to for- trate. But Vishy don’t agree with this and utes and then come back and think again. most of the people in India, tells you. get the happy moments, if there are more says that it gets all the more difficult to So this was very interesting application of Wit is Viswanathan Anand. And that’s so The major step was when his father games to be played,” he says. concentrate in the closed room because the experience I was having, disconnect- because he’s there at the top since forev- shifted to Philippines for a while and it For Anand the most important thing if you are slightly nervous than it can cost ing the past and current situation,” he tells er. Right from being India’s first Grand was then when he got the chance to get is to focus on the next game. “Whether you dear by distracting your focus. you. If you are winning on move 30 and Master in the year 1987 to becoming the exposed to a lot of chess players and he you are euphoric after a good result or With great matches come great expec- then you blundered on move 35 and then first Asian, who win the World Chess got engaged with the game like never depressed after a bad one, what you have tation and it becomes tricky to handle you arrive on move 40 and you are slight- Championship in 2000 and repeating the before. to do is try to keep that aside. Calm your- that. “It’s a big challenge and all sports- ly worse now. The only thing that mat- same in the year 2007, 2008, 2010 and Anand got his early success in 1983 self down and play the next game as if man go through it. The bigger challenge ters at the end is that you are worse on 2012. It’s been 31 years since he first when he was crowned as the National nothing has happened. That’s the ideal is how you can thrive under pressure, how 40. arrived at the top and today he is still sub-junior champion with a perfect 9/9 way of dealing with such situations,” he you deal with expectations because all “So, on move 40 if you can go to the there, as strong as he was then and score which was followed by winning sev- says. these things are distracting you from con- players area and get yourself away from arguably on the greatest. eral other tournaments and earning In his book he has highlighted one centrating and focus on what you want. the chess board, you try to get used to the He is the only person to have won the International Master (IM) norms in the instance where it was very difficult even If you start thinking about what comes new situation and then you come back world championship in tournament, following years. His rise was such that by to get a flick. Nothing he normally did next, I have found that the moment I start and tell yourselves that It’s Okay! It world and knockout formats, as well as the time he was 18, Vishy became India’s worked out then. “The whole night I thinking about results rather than the doesn’t matter that I was winning before, rapid time controls and was the fourth first Grand Master in the year 1988. couldn’t sleep. When I came to the game, generally you are punished,” he tells I need to put it on the back,” he tells you. player in history to pass the 2800 ELO During his illustrious career, Anand working room next day, I found my team you. One need to read the situation and mark in FIDE rating list, and occupied has came across the likes of Anatoly had been working the whole night. I was The constant struggle is to block out make the fresh break and that was suc- number one position for 21 months. Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Magnus Carlsen happy that they were putting them- the thought of what people are saying cessful for Anand. “We take inspiration Recently he has come up with his to name a few and has developed healthy selves up for me and I felt a little better. about you, what are their expectations and from some negative experience and then book Mind Master which was launched rivalries many of them. Eventually I forgot what happened and how can you meet that. try to correct it,” he tells you. on December 13, 2019 in which he has Playing chess is not everyone’s cup of started getting ready for the next game,” It is very easy for an outsider to give When you are at the highest level of discussed about various moments of his tea. There are many factors that one has he tells you. an advice about keeping your nerves calm anything it becomes very important for long successful career, the challenges he to keep in mind. One of them is to know Refreshing the memories of his great- before a tense situation but the person you to maintain that consistency because came across, tour of his greatest games your competitor in and out. “The main est opponents and memorable matches who is going to deal with that, only knows even a slight dip in form will be enough and some of the worst losses. thing was to be familiar with who you are he tells you that when he was young, it how it is to be like and when it comes to for people to question your caliber and Anand who turned 50 on December playing, you prepare for your opponent got an opportunity to play against play- the 8X8 board, it is the most important who knows it better than Anand himself 11, 2019 says that writing the book was and then you have to assume that they ers like Karpov (Anatoly) and Kasparov aspect to mentally prepare yourself so that who is just not there at top for more than like a walk down the memory lane. “For will do the same with you and then it (Garry). It was a matter of great honour. one doesn’t feel the burden. three decades but also time and again me it was a trip down the memory lane. becomes a guessing game,” he tells you. The early match with Karpov in 1991— “It’s very difficult. In fact it is one of proved that he has got everything in him When you write a book, you are forced Try to anticipate what they might do my first big candidate match. Also the big the things that you aim for and almost to be placed right there and proof of to think hard and keep your focus clear next and how do you will deal with that, World Championship match with never succeed completely. But you try which is his World Rapid Chess on what you want to tell people. You have along the way you want to do is strength- Kasparov in 1995 were some of the main your best to find the things that worked Championship win in 2017. to think of each and every moment that en your skills, you need to keep practic- highlights of his early career. for you in the past, you need to develop Anand tells you the method that he was special and pen it down correctly,” ing it to be ready for any new develop- “I think in terms of maturity and the good understanding for yourselves,” he has applied all these years to keep him- he tells you. ment. results and the way I approached the +2525%A0/,%5 says and tells you that stress is a sequence self motivated for the challenges that came One just can’t share the highlights of “The more technically proficient match, the best match I played in my life of memories, you have positive memories across. “The most important thing is to the journey, you have to recollect all the you are, the less easy it is for people to was the match against Kramnik 5/-20%3$,@5%, from winning a game, negative experi- find what are the circumstances under moments that happened no matter small catch your weakness. You need to keep (Vladimir) in Bonn (2008). It was sim- ences of playing badly. You often learn which, you play best. I found that I learn or big. working on your weakness constantly, ply my biggest success in a match,” he .00%5/40% more from failures than you do from suc- new things in chess and I played the best “Remembering each and every thing and also brush up your strong points says. cess but we constantly see what works for when I am enjoying myself and so that is was interesting because I have realised because anything you don’t keep improv- The worst was in Chennai against 5-%55,@5%, us what doesn’t and try to apply the cor- what you aim for,” he says and tells you that when you have a big success you for- ing and keep adapting will fall behind,” Magnus Carlsen in 2013. ,0#5+2,A0/ rect principle in the future. that you have to enjoy yourself and learn get all the little difficulties that you faced he says. Vishy also has a say on the current “In the book, I talk about what to do new things. all through,” he says. Playing in the world championship world number one Magnus Carlsen, who 2,R5003%A0 when suddenly you hit a wall. Nothing “One of the problem in rapid and blitz Anand has narrated many stories matches was all about controlling your- has touched FIDE’s highest-ever ELO rat- seems to work, how do you find way to is that you can have these little streaks from his journey in the book. One such self. “In chess, the only thing that mat- ing of 2882. 755-2,,35 motivate yourself again? The method I during the tournament because there are is from his match with Kramnik in 2008. ters is who makes the last mistake. So you “He is obviously incredibly strong. I found was, when my own expectation so many games. So if you play 9 blitz “Right before the game was about to start, should do the best you can. It is a con- got to know him about 17 years ago for $,4 A0/%54@ have sunk very low, then I was just free games there is enough room to have one I had a panic attack. I started angsting stant struggle,” he says. the first time in some tournament and it 0+#,#-4,A25 to enjoy chess and not think about what good streak and one bad streak in the because of something that I was not able There were times when things used was clear that he had great talent,” he says my expected score was and then I felt same day. And it goes very fast so you to recall at that time. I tried calling my to get tricky and lead to tension during and tells you that Carlsen has grown sud- #5T., 5,3@ much better,” he tells you. don’t have time to settle after games and trainers but couldn’t connect with any. I the match, which used to affect the pro- denly. “How do you put yourself in the right it calls for different approach when you didn’t know what to do next. It was then ceedings. But Anand handled them all. “Till 2008, I generally had good #023#.2, place against every opponent? “Different play classical tournaments. But this is not when my wife told me: ‘Nothing can be “It’s about how you master your emotions results against him. He had this break- oppositions call for different approaches some big long term problem, I try to solve done now, just forget about it and see and deal with the constant tension. It’s through in 2009, he started to climb up. 2,--5#5 2,O25 and strategies. So it’s basically about it out,” he says. what happens.’ I agreed and went ahead interesting because all these tension and He is very good at starting the game. That 35,4+,A0@5,43#. applying past experiences, learning what But at the end the grandmaster is too with the game. But at the end the game how you deal with it in chess is proba- I am not probably good at, especially slow works and try to apply in future. But it’s a normal human being who wants to relax went well and we all celebrated,” he bly one of the things that fascinate peo- positions, technical positions he is incred- +323/,30# very hard to get it right because as we say and take some time out for his family. “At recalls. ple outside of chess. How do you deal ibly strong and it’s been quite difficult to the same problem will keep on coming home, I am like any other normal person. One thing that he has learnt from that with all that? That’s why you often say it’s learn how to deal with that,” Anand tells but in slightly different versions every When I am with my family, I just try to experience is that everything is unpre- a mind game because in a sense you are you. time. And so it’s very hard to apply the relax and have a good time,” he tells you. dictable. One just have to work hard and really vulnerable with how you feel and He says that it is difficult to compare lesson like that,” Anand tells you. For Anand one of the nicest way to aim for success. “Luck too plays its part the struggle is what I have discussed in Carlsen and himself since he is 20-21 A rule that Anand abides by is to recover after bad disappointment is to in such games,” he says. the book,” he tells you. years older than Carlsen. “I met him when think what went wrong the last time and come back home and play with his son Anand started playing the game at a It is not possible for anyone to get he was starting his peak and I was modify it. “One such instance men- because for a few minutes it takes him into young age. However, it was his mother success in whatsoever he attempt, there declining and I was trying to learn how tioned in the book that I found that I a completely different world. who introduced him to the game. “My might be cases when the luck favours one, to add up to his new approach at a dif- would often make a blunder when I got “It’s important to have hobbies, mother taught me how to play the game. but it cannot happen always and when it ferent stage of my career, so it is very dif- influenced by events before the game. In friends and things that distract you. I have I was just six then. After some time, I comes to sports when a strategy fails it ficult to compare,” Anand says. chess we have time control and move 40 mentioned in the book that the quickest joined a chess club and it was one of the can have immediate impact. In team It is often assumed that in individual and after that you get an extra hour. So way to forget disappointment is to change most important experiences of my life. sport, the other member can cope up for sports like shooting or chess there isn’t the good chance to take a break. And one your subject. And that is what I try to do,” Not because I learnt the game there, but the other one but in individual it gets much pressure unlike cricket or football of the thing I found is that, there is no bet- he tells you.      + ,-. /0,1 )"#=     2


ndia will have their tails up    whey they play West Indies in the Ifirst One-day International of the   three-match rubber in MA Chidambaram Stadium today, seek- ing a 10th straight bilateral ODI    series win against the side from the Caribbean. The home team will miss the   $25##,3 services of seamer Bhuvneshwar Kumar, ruled out after his sportsman is place in India’s Test squad hernia symptoms resurfaced, and Hcemented, opener Mayank Shikhar Dhawan, who is yet to Agarwal says it is easy to switch    6 %  % B #   recover from knee injury. formats if the game-plan is clear.            Mumbai’s Shardul Thakur, who Agarwal has been picked in represents Chennai Super Kings in the team for the ODI series as a       the IPL, has been called up as the replacement for the injured replacement for the injured Shikhar Dhawan. "  C* 9  Bhuvneshwar. 5  ) “The more I play like this, the ’s men have $:> 5," better it is for me as a cricketer the momentum after win- ./;.)/.0*+/2)8 because I rather play cricket than   $25##,3 ning the T20 series with a not play cricket. When it comes splendid batting performance in to mindset (switching formats), est Indies captain Kieron Pollard on Mumbai where and the basics remain the same. It’s WSaturday said his team is “on a mis- K L Rahul, who is expected to con- easy to switch formats if your sion” to do better in the one-dayers but tinue as the opener in the absence game-plan is clear and your insisted that favourable results may not of Dhawan, and the captain himself understanding of the game is come immediately. displayed terrific form. clear,” Agarwal said on Chahal TV. “We are on a mission and have a clear It remains to be seen if the team Since making his Test debut plan of how to approach 50-over cricket. decides to hand Mayank Agarwal a last December in Australia, There is a process and it is something we debut after he was drafted in as Agarwal has made rapid strides, are actually going through. The results replacement for Dhawan. $   % %       % %  "  :( $         ending the 2019 season as one of might not show straightaway. We had a Shreyas Iyer has done well in the the top-run-getters in the format. good series against Afghanistan. Now, we opportunities he has received and is well in the T20s and Irrespective of whether he is are coming up against a better side in likely to be slotted at No 4. INDIA-WINDIES IN ODIS has a big task at hand playing Test or limited overs India,” Pollard said. The focus will be on wicket- R  - +3 3  #6% to contain Kohli & cricket, Agarwal is always “It’s a matter of what we need to do keeper-batsman Rishabh Pant, who 3 3 II 'H 'H * " Co, known to be adept focussed on the task. going forward. There are things internal- has been under fire for his unimpres- at tackling spinners. “Regardless of wherever I ly which we are working on. Success will sive performances with the bat and   *!( >' >' ' = An intriguing bat- play, I always think about how I not come overnight. Winning is always the big gloves. The first ODI could    "**"*<"*', 7 87  : 'H"**"*<"*<-  -  8# : (L"*'"*"# ?3#" # Q  R   P "  P  $25##,3   #5+5423 Due to the protests in Guwahati, the fourth day’s play in est Indies all- he BCCI and Assam Cricket the match between    Batting coach Vikram the eve of the first ODI. Wrounder Dwayne TAssociation (ACA) will be Assam and Services was can- Rathour on Saturday said Rishabh Pant When asked if it was time to give Bravo believes that his “closely monitoring” the securi- celled, and the players remained will be a “massive player” for the him a break, Rathour said it has not Chennai Super Kings ty situation in Guwahati in the in their hotels. Indian team once he starts getting come yet. team mate and cap- wake of protests against the The BCCI officials are, how- runs, backing the under-fire wicket- “I don’t think the time has arrived tain MS Dhoni will be Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, ever, hopeful of normalcy prevail- keeper to the hilt. yet. Again he is working on certain at the World T20 that keeping in mind the January 5 ing in Guwahati within the next Asked why the Delhi keeper- things. He is looking good in the nets. will be held in Australia T20I between India and Sri three weeks. batsman kept getting chances despite He has been decent in the T20s. next year. Lanka. “At this point, it will be pre- low scores, Rathour attributed it to his “He was asked to do “Dhoni has never Sri Lanka are coming to India mature to comment that the “immense ability”. a certain job in the last retired. So I think he for a short three-match T20I India versus Sri Lanka game will “The reason why we keep T20 which he did. That’s will be there at the series, which starts at the be shifted. Yes, we are all moni- discussing him is that he has what the team looks for.” World T20. MS has Barsapara Stadium in Guwahati, toring the security situation and *-  B & *     2  #  ?E #  got an immense ability. About K L Rahul who never let things outside but the prevailing security situa- close to the date, we will take a $:> 5," Everybody believes he can did well in the recent T20s cricket influence him tion has cast a shadow of doubt. call. For the time being, BCCI will .)*,. F*+/2)8 be an X factor. All of us and if any changes had and he has taught us the same and told us to never “Right now, we cannot com- ‘wait and watch’,” a senior BCCI  % %  " "   %  %  * D  believe he is a good player been made in his technique, panic and trust our abilities,” Bravo was quoted as say- ment on whether the T20I in functionary said. who can come good. He Rathour said there was no ing by Times of India. Guwahati will happen or not. All Asked if the BCCI will be is working hard on his doubt he would do well. Bravo recently reversed his international retire- the authorities (state Police, ready with an alternate venue if # = $ game and fitness. “He went through a lean ment and made himself available for T20Is. The 36- Home Ministry) will be monitor- Guwahati is unable to host the “... Because he has patch which every cricketer year-old former ODI captain said that he still has a ing the situation. We have to wait match, the official said: “Right done well in the past goes through. A couple of lot to offer and it was the change of leadership both for some time. There is still three now, we haven’t zeroed in on any in this format. Once technical changes and change in on and off the field that convinced him to make the weeks to go so we have to be alternate venues but we always  >? he starts getting runs, mindset and the result shows. comeback. hopeful,” Assam CA vice-presi- keep back-up options ready in he can be a massive “He has always been a good “I feel good physically and I still have a lot to offer. dent Parikshit Dutta said. case of unforseen circumstances. " -5%2 track to become just the player for the Indian team, player. There was absolutely no I had retired because of off-field politics. But there Both BCCI and ACA need to For now, let’s hope that normal- second Australian batsman, he can be a match-winner,” doubt he will do well,” the batting is a change of leadership both on and off the field. be extra cautious as it involves the cy returns and we can have the ustralia was in a com- and fifth overall, to score Rathour told reporters on coach added. PTI So I felt that it is a good time to come back. security of an international team. match as per schedule.” Amanding position four Test centuries in succes- despite a late batting collapse sion. The only Australian to on the third day of the first do so previously was Jack Test against New Zealand at Fingleton in 1936. Perth Stadium on Saturday. Smith’s relatively lean D #P     Q")0 Having led by 250 runs summer continued when he on the first innings, the holed out to a short ball from home side were 167 for six Wagner for 16, the first time   #5+5423 world of good, mentally. That mental at stumps, with Matthew in his entire 71-Test career fatigue would have gone away by now. C.7 . Head on eight and Pat he has gone three matches nly Mahendra Singh Dhoni knows If he decides to play, which he will Cummins on one — an without a half-century. Owhether his body will be able to because he will play the IPL, then he will   #5+5423 “What he (Ganguly) has done as overall lead of 417. After the home side cope up with rigours of international start training with a very fresh mind. a cricketer, I have got utmost respect. Cruising at 131 for one made 416 the Kiwis were cricket after a break, KL Rahul could be Then you have got to see form,” said o hell with those who don’t He took over Indian cricket at the most when Marnus Labuschagne dismissed for only 166 in a “serious keeping option” for next year’s Shastri, who has already said that no one “Tunderstand” was Ravi Shastri’s troubled times, post the match-fixing (50) and Joe Burns (53) their first innings as T20 Word Cup and Rishabh Pant needs should “fool around” if the legend inimitable response to the sceptics, who era when the Indian cricket was in were at the crease, the Australian paceman Mitchell to “calm down”, feels India head coach decided to play the T20 World Cup. have constantly made conjectures shambles. You needed the faith of the Australians lost five for 29 Starc terrorised their bats- Ravi Shastri. However, he also believes that about his alleged frosty relationship people to comeback and I respect that. under lights later in the day men in continued sweltering With Pant not doing well and mys- Rahul could emerge as an option as he with BCCI president Sourav Ganguly. And if people don’t respect that, to hell against some spirited bowl- conditions. tery surrounding Dhoni’s international keeps in the IPL as well as for Karnataka A week back, it was Ganguly who with them,” Shastri, known for his plain ing from the Kiwis, with Tim Australia didn’t enforce future, Shastri didn’t rule out the pos- in domestic white-ball touraments. had cleared the air on his part making speak, said. Southee claiming 4-63. the follow-on given the sibility of Rahul doing multi-tasking dur- “It is an absolute option. You got to it clear that rumours of bad blood The Ganguly-Shastri relationship Labuschagne, dropped extreme heat and the ing the marquee tournament Down see where your strength is. Tomorrow, between him and the head coach of the became a topic of discussion after the on four by Colin de absence of front line pace- Under. “It’s sensible (the break by there could be a couple of guys in the Indian cricket team are merely “spec- Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) Grandhomme from the man Josh Hazlewood due to Dhoni). I like the time (around IPL) middle-order who are firing with unbe- ulations”. “As far as the Sourav-Shastri comprising Ganguly, Sachin Tendulkar bowling of Neil Wagner (2- injury. when he will be starting to play again. lievable innings in the IPL. And then if ‘game’ goes, that is a brilliant chaat and and VVS Laxman preferred Anil 40), missed the chance to Starc claimed 5-52 and I don’t think he is too keen on the one- you have a guy who can multi-task, who bhelpuri for the media with all mirch Kumble over him in 2016, with both join elite company when he troubled the New Zealanders day stuff. He is finished with Test crick- could be used at the top, because there’s and masala,” Shastri said. having a public fallout. pulled a short ball straight to with his pace and bounce. et. T20 is an option. It’s a format that is some firepower at the back who are Mitchell Santner at mid- Only Ross Taylor offered tailor-made for him. But will his body doing extremely well, then why not,” wicket from the same meaningful resistance with be able to cope with the demands, only when asked if Rahul could be an option. ethic should be solid. You have to have ball 1. No, it won’t happen like that. This bowler. 80, but he was caught at slip he will answer,” Shastri told India Today Asked what he expects from a solid approach to your batting. You game teaches you. There’s a method to Without a Test century by Smith off the bowling of during its programme 'Inspiration'. Rishabh Pant, Shastri said, “a bit of calm”. can’t think everything is going to hap- madness as well. So, he has to learn that only a month ago, he was on Nathan Lyon. “The rest would have done him a “You have got to cash in. Your work 6/ $       pen the way I want it to happen from method.”      + ,-. /0,1 )"#==

pletely miscued with the goal at his mercy from Etienne Capoue’s clever cut-back with what incredibly was only the second most embarrassing (;% ! mishit of the half from Watford. The visitors were made to pay by the ruthless runaway leaders as 15 seconds after a Watford corner, the ball was in their net. All three of Liverpool’s attack- ing trident were involved as Roberto Firmino’s pass over his head freed Sadio Mane () down the left. He fed Salah who cut inside on his weaker right foot     to bend the ball bril- liantly into the far cor-  +   ner. Watford should still  *("  have been level before the break when Ismaila Sarr somehow also 4  failed to connect with Alisson Becker grounded after parrying " 43R5%-004 Gerard Deulofeu’s cross. Sarr was wasteful again at the iverpool manager Jurgen start to the second half as he blast- Klopp hailed his side’s ed straight at Alisson with Deeney Lresilience to keep winning pleading for a cross. during a draining December sched- Liverpool’s extra quality in the ule as Mohamed Salah’s double beat final third was in evidence once bottom-of-the-table Watford 2-0 at more when Mane headed in from Anfield to open up an 10-point lead Xherdan Shaqiri’s cross, but the at the top of the Premier League Senegalese’s celebrations were cut table as second placed Leicester City short when the goal was ruled out played 1-1 draw at home against by a VAR review for the most mar- Norwich City. ginal of offside calls. The Hornets remain six points That handed Pearson’s men a adrift of safety, but will wonder how lifeline, but again they failed to take they headed home empty handed their chance to capitalise when after enjoying the vast majority of Deulofeu broke clean through on the chances against the European goal only for Alisson to save once champions. / < &   % D % "             7  /  " /        /   more. Salah produced the two “Ali was there and that is why moments of real quality from est game, but I am more than happy strain on Klopp’s squad was obvi- of the table not in evidence in their “We created some excellent we’ve got a huge fight on our we have 11 players not only 10,” Klopp’s men by finishing off a with that,” said Klopp. “At this ous in a jaded display. performances. chances and unfortunately today we hands.” added Klopp. rapid counter-attack from a Watford stage you have to show resilience Nigel Pearson was taking However, the big difference could not make the most of them,” Only Watford’s profligacy Georginio Wijnaldum limped corner to open the scoring before and I believe we did that today.” charge of Watford for the first time was obvious in both boxes as the said Pearson. allowed Liverpool to keep a first off on the hour mark and could now flicking home a second a minute Liverpool are now seven games and the impetus of a new manager league’s lowest scorers passed up a “That performance, as an iden- clean sheet at Anfield. be a doubt for the Reds’ attempt to from time. into a run of 15 matches in 50 days showed with the 40-point difference host of huge opportunities, whilst tity moving forward, I think will Abdoulaye Doucoure missed win the Club World Cup in Qatar “It’s true, it was not the pretti- across five competitions and the between the sides at opposite ends Salah was deadly. serve us very well indeed because the first golden chance when com- later this week.    !'  /   "     "9  Zidane admits it will be “difficult not to rotate” in the three fixtures and it remains to be seen whether Gareth   #5+5423 Bale is given some minutes against Valencia, after he was left on the bench elhi Capitals head coach against Club Brugge on Wednesday. DRicky Ponting has said that Bale has just recovered from a a lot of focus will be on “over- thigh injury sustained earlier this seas fast bowlers” in next week’s month. IPL auctions as the franchise “The other day Gareth didn’t play              "%   deliberated over the potential but he is here and I am counting on                2    = targets. him,” Zidane said. “The important  " (   /(%  $     Ponting met members of thing is he is available and ready.” the management to discuss the Zidane also has a dilemna over team’s targets for the upcoming whether to select Casemiro against season. Valencia, given the Brazilian will be sus- N     O “We’ve had several discus- pended for the game against Barca if he sions over the last few months, $ (    '   picks up a yellow card.    ,  and have put in a lot of time and    *   ;  Madrid are short of other options in effort to make sure that we’re $ &      / /   :  $&!;  defensive midfield.  Former Test wicket- als and 25 Twenty20 internation- well prepared,” Ponting said. Jimmy Neesham, Colin de “I have to pick a starting line-up keeper Mark Boucher was on als for South Africa before a seri- “You can do all the planning Grandhomme could all be big " ,%3 winners. thinking only about tomorrow’s game Saturday named as South ous eye injury ended his career in the world, but at the auction picks.” Valencia sit eighth, while Barcelona — if I think about Wednesday, that African team head coach until in 2012. table, the unpredictable always “Going into the auction you inedine Zidane has brushed off and Madrid are level on points in first would be a mistake,” said Zidane. 2023. He has coached the Titans happens.” have to be very specific about the Zsuggestions Real Madrid could be and second respectively. “I always talk with the players An upbeat Boucher said franchise for the past three sea- Delhi Capitals might not kind of players you need,” he distracted by the upcoming Clasico Asked about the Clasico, Zidane because I’m interested in the feelings South African cricket had been sons, winning five of a possible won an IPL trophy yet but over said. when they play in-form said in a press conference on they all have. And with Casemiro, it’s the through “trying times” but added nine trophies. the years, they have had some of “For instance, we’ve got Valencia in La Liga today. Saturday: “I’m not thinking about same. We know his importance and that he was confident that the Enoch Nkwe, who was pre- the top players in the world three openers, so we don’t need Madrid face a difficult that at all and I include everyone what he gives to the team.” national team could be success- viously interim team director, among their ranks. to look for one. You need to game at Mestalla, just three who works here at the club in that. Ferland Mendy is banned against ful against England. was named assistant coach, also “There’s going to be a lot of identify the problem areas in days before taking on “Our only concern is tomor- Valencia and Marcelo is out with a calf “Beware of a wounded buf- with a contract until the end of focus and attention on fast your starting eleven, and essen- Barcelona at Camp Nou in a row’s game. The rest may be close injury, meaning Nacho Fernandez or falo, especially in Africa,” he said. the next Cricket World Cup in bowlers, overseas ones in partic- tially plug the gaps.” match that could decide who but at the same time it's far away. Eder Militao are likely to fill in at left- The announcement was 2023. ular,” the former Australian cap- On the addition of goes top of the table. Tomorrow’s game has all my ener- back. made by Cricket South Africa Faf du Plessis was confirmed tain said. Ravichandran Ashwin and But Zidane’s team cannot gy and about Wednesday, I'm not James Rodriguez trained alone on interim director of cricket, for- as captain for the Test series “Pat Cummins could go for Ajinkya Rahane to the side, afford to underestimate Valencia, who interested.” Saturday as he continues his recovery mer Test captain Graeme Smith, against England which starts at big money, as could Chris Ponting said, “They are the have registered three consecutive victo- After Barcelona, Real Madrid play from a knee problem and will not be who only took up his post on Centurion on December 26, Woakes. All-rounders are always kind of players who are likely to ries, including one away at Ajax on at home to Athletic Bilbao, to complete ready this weekend. Eden Hazard Wednesday. while former Test batsman interesting in my opinion. do well on the Kotla wicket, and Tuesday that secured qualification for a tough week before La Liga’s Christmas (ankle), Lucas Vazquez (toe) and Marco Boucher, 43, played in 147 Ashwell Prince was named coach Players like Glenn Maxwell, of course, bring tremendous the Champions League last 16 as group break. Asensio (cruciate ligament) are all out. Tests, 290 one-day internation- of South Africa A. AFP Marcus Stoinis, Mitchell Marsh, experience with them.”       C  (   00  #/)$      Margaret Court. The controversial Australian, who has upset some #:R    ,   players with her views on homo- sexuality and gay marriage, will  #5+5423 be honoured during the tourna-   / ,3 ment to mark the 50th anniver- ndian shuttlers Tasnim sary of her calendar-year Grand IMir and Tara Shah made erming them as “boring Slam. Williams’ 39- their way into the final of the Tand neglected” areas of year-old sister Asian U-17 & U-15 Junior table-tennis, ace paddler Venus will also Badminton Championships Gnanasekaran Sathiyan on be back for in Surabaya, Indonesia, on Saturday said he was another year. 6 & "     Saturday following their focussing on “services and Missing     <    dominating victories in the receives” to improve his over- among the top 50 U-15 women’s singles semi- all game. is two-time champion  !   Kento Momota will play finals. Tasnim will take on “Service and receives, we Azarenka, who withdrew prior Indonesia’s Anthony Sinisuka Ginting in Tara for Gold medal in the have been focusing on, that’s $ #       to the entry deadline Saturday today’s final of the season-ending BWF all-Indian final today. Farhan, Ankit lost to the area which is neglected for unspecified reasons. World Tour Finals as the Japanese clos- While, top-seeded Malaysia’s Low Han Chen quite a lot in Indian TT. " 540/%#5 “We are delighted to wel- es on an 11th title of 2019. Tasnim thrashed Japan’s 21-12, 21-13. That is the only stroke which come this extremely strong play- World number one Momota has Sora Ishioka 21-16, 21-11, In the women’s doubles is in your control. At the top- ll the world’s top 50 men er field to Melbourne in what reigned over badminton this year and Tara also beat her Japanese category, Pranavi Natarajan level I have realised that you Aand women players, bar promises to be a once in a gen- defeated Taiwan’s Wang Tzu-wei 21-17, opponent Kazune Iwato 21- and Sarumathi Venkatesh don’t get to play your game at Victoria Azarenka, have con- eration event,” said tournament 21-12 in their semi-final on Saturday in 18, 21-14 in straight sets. lost their U-17 quarter- all if you don’t serve and firmed they will start the director Craig Tiley. Guangzhou. Earlier in the quarter- finals match 21-18, 21-19 receive well,” Sathiyan told Australian Open, the first Grand Over the past decade, with He is enjoying a spectacular season, finals played in the morn- against Indonesian pair of reporters. Slam of the season, at the exception of Swiss Stan with the World Championships, Asia ing, both Tasnim and Tara Meilysa Trisas Puspita Sari “That is a very boring Melbourne Park in January, Wawrinka in 2014, the men’s Championships and prestigious All claimed easy wins against and Rachel Allessya Rose part of sport, but I think the organisers said. event has been dominated by England Open among his haul of tour- Japan’s Maya Taguchi and while, in U-15 Ganabadha more boring thing you play,  "          '  ;  Top-ranked Rafael Nadal Novak Djokovic and Roger nament victories. Mei Sudo respectively. Karthikeyan and Sania the better you get in the and Ashleigh Barty lead the field Federer, while Nadal won his Momota will be hot favourite in Gujarat girl Tasnim won the Sikkandar went down fight- sport. That is why we started into play. With the Asians we Federation, I will be training at the 115th edition of the tour- first and only crown in 2009. southern China against Ginting having match 21-11, 21-13 while ing 21-19, 19-21, 21-16 working on that and looking have realised that it does not with the Korean national nament from January 20- Djokovic is the defending defeated the Indonesian 10 times in their Pune’s Tara registered 21-11, against Korea’s Yeon Ju Oh forward to get aggression on go to that extent at all if the team from December 22-30. February 7, which will mark the champion and is gunning for an 14 meetings. 21-17 win. and Seul Park. my receives and not just try serve or receive is not up to “It is the first time that an return to action of former world eighth title while Federer, at age The world number eight Ginting However, apart from However, in the men’s to put the ball into play,” he the mark,” he said. Indian player will train at the number three Juan Martin del 38, is looking for his seventh. sealed his place in the championship Tasnim and Tara, other double U-15 quarter-finals, explained. Sathiyan, the first Indian national centre of an Potro. The women’s event has been match with a 21-15, 21-15 victory over Indian shuttlers could not Tanmoy and Lakshay Sathiyan said compatriot to break into top 25 of world Olympics medalist team, so I The Argentinian has a pro- far more open with seven differ- China’s reigning Olympic champion manage to progress. In the Sharma lost to Chinese Sharath Kamal also has a very rankings, also said he would am looking forward to that. tected ranking of 22 as he makes ent champions in the past 10 Chen Long. In the women’s final, China’s men’s U-15 singles quarter- Taipei pair of Lai Po Yu and good serve and third ball be training in Korea and And after that the Indian a comeback from a six-month years, including Japan’s Naomi world number two Chen Yufei faces finals, top-seeded Tanmoy Tsai Fu Cheng 21-15, 21-10 attack and most of the Germany. team will be training in injury break. Osaka in 2019. Taiwan’s top-ranked Tai Tzu-ying. Boruah and Ankit Mondal while, Lokesh Reddy and Indians have a very good rally “Heading to Tokyo Dusseldorf, Germany. Seven-time winner Serena Former winner Caroline Chen defeated Akane Yamaguchi suffered defeats. While, Ankit suffered 21-17, 21-13 game. Olympics, I will be going to Germany has already quali- Williams will play as she targets Wozniacki recently announced 21-18, 21-9 in their semi-final while Tai Tanmoy went down 21-12, defeat against Japan’s Yudai “In India most of the Korea. It would be the first fied (for the Olympics) and an elusive 24th Grand Slam title that the tournament would be beat another Japanese, Nozomi Okuhara, 21-12 against local boy Okimoto and Daigo players have a good game kind of initiative and we have that is why we chose it,” he to match the all-time haul of her last before retiring. 21-15, 21-18. AFP Indonesia’s fifth-seed Alwi Tanioka. when actually the ball gets already spoken to the Korean added.      + ,-. /0,1 &',)',= .2++//+;/. +    $                /#,A -30#55%       

1 0    11 2   3   @  A  0    1 33    A 33            1 >>  HISTORY: The pudding originated as a 14th Century HISTORY: The earliest known winery is the 6,100-year-old Areni porridge called frumenty. It was made of beef and mut- HISTORY: It is said that original Christmas meal consist- winery in Armenia. One of the earliest known traces of wine are ton with raisins, currants, prunes, wines and spices. By ed of roast swan, pheasants and peacocks. It was Henry from Georgia (6000 BC), Iran (5000 BC), and Sicily (4000 BC) 1595, it slowly changed to plum pudding and became the VIII, sometime in the 15 C who enjoyed eating turkey. But although there is evidence of a similar alcoholic drink being con- customary Christmas dessert around 1650. it was Edward VII, in the19th C, who made eating turkey sumed earlier in China (7000 BC).Wine reached the Balkans by fashionable at Christmas. 4500 BC and was consumed and celebrated in ancient Greece, INGREDIENTS QUANTITY Thrace and Rome. Throughout history, wine has been consumed INGREDIENTS QUANTITY Mixed dried fruit (raisins, currants, sultanas) 350g for its intoxicating effects. Kosher salt 1 tablespoon Ready-to-eat prunes, chopped or left whole 100g Paprika 2 teaspoon INGREDIENTS QUANTITY Sugar 100g Cloves 10 Dried thyme 1 1/2 teaspoon Dark rum 4 tbsp Cinnamon sticks 2 Freshly ground pepper 1 teaspoon Walnuts (chopped) 100g Caster sugar 1/4 cup Whole chicken 1 No Almonds (blanched) 100g Roughly grated nutmeg 1 Lemon 1 No Almonds (ground) 100g Water 2 cups Large celery rib 1 No Fresh white breadcrumbs 100g Roughly grated rind of orange 1 Red onion 1 No Plain flour 50g ● Place celery, onion, and garlic in a single layer in a light- Roughly chopped apple (skin on) 1 Clove garlic 4 No ly greased 6-quart slow cooker. Place chicken on top Frozen butter (grated) plus a little extra for greasing 100g Light, fruity red wine (such as a merlot) 750ml Baby carrots 1/2 lb of onions, breast side up. Nutmeg ½ tsp ● Arrange and tuck remaining vegetables around chick- METHOD Small assorted beets 3/4 lb ● Cinnamon 1 tsp en. Sprinkle vegetables with any remaining salt mix- Heat cloves, cinnamon, sugar, Large brussels sprout 12 No ture. nutmeg, water, orange rind Mixed spice 2 tsp Dijon mustard 1 1/2 teaspoon ● Cover and cook on low 8 hours or until done. and apple in a large saucepan Cherries (chopped) 100g ● Remove chicken to a serving dish. Rub skins from beets over medium heat. Fresh rosemary leaves 5-6 No and cut into quarters; arrange with other vegetables ● Bring to the boil and then Free-range eggs, beaten 03 around chicken. reduce heat to low and sim- METHOD METHOD ● Garnish with rosemary. mer for 10 minutes. ● Combine the mixed fruit, prunes, sugar and rum in ● Stir together first four ingredients. Remove and discard ● Whisk mustard into remaining cooking juices in slow ● Add red wine and simmer a mixing bowl. Stir well to mix, cover and leave for neck and giblets from chicken. Sprinkle chicken with cooker; season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve sauce for another 5 minutes. 24 hours to soak. salt mixture. with chicken. (3 lines more) Remove from heat. Strain ● After 24 hours, mix the walnuts, almonds, ground ● Place lemon into cavity of chicken. Tie legs together L     " $$   % 77    % and serve immediately. almonds, breadcrumbs, flour, butter, spices, cherries with kitchen string, and tuck wingtips under. $  &&" — By Chef Satyaseelan, La Uppu, Grand Mercure Mysore and eggs along with the soaked fruit mixture in a large mixing bowl, making sure you include all the soak- ing liquor from the soaked fruit.  0   0 > 1     0  66  ● Mix well until completely combined (let all the mem- bers of the family have a stir and make a wish). HISTORY: In the US, the recipes for corn chowder date back INGREDIENTS QUANTITY ● Cover with cling film and leave to stand in a cool place to at least 1884, at which time a corn chowder recipe was pub- for 24 hours. lished in the Boston Cook Book. Another corn chowder recipe Apples 3 big ● After 24 hours, grease a 1.2 litre pudding basin with was published in the Boston Cooking-School Cook Book in 1896, (500 Gram approximately) butter. which was authored by Fannie Farmer, Lincoln’s successor at the Wheat Flour 1cup ● Cut a circle of baking paper and place into the bot- Boston Cooking School. After Lincoln’s published recipe in 1884, All-Purpose Flour 1cup tom of the pudding basin and then grease it with a lit- myriad recipes for corn chowder began circulating in various tle more butter. Pack the pudding mixture into the pud- cookbooks in the US, with many types of recipe variations. White Sugar (Crushed) 1cup ding basin, pressing as you add it. Fold a pleat into the INGREDIENTS QUANTITY Baking Soda ½ teaspoon middle of a large piece of baking paper and place over  2 2     66   B    @  Baking Powder 2 teaspoon the pudding. Cover with a large piece of pleated foil, Sumeru's frozen corn 4cups ensuring the pleats are on top of one another. Water 8cups INGREDIENTS QUANTITY Cinnamon Powder ½ teaspoon ● Secure tightly with kitchen string tied under the lip Refined sunflower oil 2 tbsp Mixed dried fruits and nuts, roughly chopped 2 cups Milk 1 cup of the pudding basin. Potatoes (peeled and chopped) 1 large Orange juice 1.5 cup Melted Butter 150 grams ● Place an upturned saucer into a large saucepan one- Red onion (peeled and chopped) 1large Oil 1tablespoon quarter full of water. Fold a long piece of foil into quar- Butter ½ cup ters lengthways to create a long strip and place the pud- Thyme sprigs (washed) 4sprigs Rum 150 ml METHOD: Garlic cloves (crushed) 3large ● ding basin in the middle of the strip. Bring the sides Flour 2 cups Pre-heat Oven to 180 degrees. of the strip up the sides of the pudding basin and lower Salt 3tsp ● Prepare a muffin tray with Baking powder 1 tsp into the saucepan. Ensure the water in the saucepan Black pepper (crushed) 1tsp muffin liners. Spray the comes one-third of the way up the side of the pud- Fresh coriander (finely chopped) 2tbsp Cinnamon powder 1 tsp liners with oil. ding basin, but nowhere near the top of the basin. Leave Ginger powder ½ tsp ● Puree 2 and a half apples the ends of the foil strip hanging over the side to make Lime juice (freshly squeezed) 1each in a blender. Reserve it easy to remove the pudding later. Fresh cream 1cup Grated nutmeg ¼ tsp the half apple for use ● Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to METHOD Fresh orange zest 1 tbsp later on. a gentle simmer. Simmer gently for 5-6 hours, topping ● Measure all the ingredients according to the recipe and set aside. Butter, softened 250gm ● Melt the butter and keep ● up the water level as necessary throughout cooking Thaw Sumeru's frozen corn according to instructions on the Castor sugar 200gm aside. (do not allow the pan to dry out). packet. ● Sift all the dry ingredients and mix ● Once the pudding is cooked, remove from the pan and ● In a heavy-bottomed pan, pour oil, add crushed garlic cloves Brown sugar 70gm together in a bowl. set aside to cool. The pudding can be stored in a cool, and sauté until golden. Add half of the chopped onions, thyme Eggs 04 ● When the butter has cooled down slightly mix the dry place. To serve, reheat the pudding by steaming sprigs and cook on a low flame until transparent. apple puree in it. Add milk to this and mix well. again (in the same way) for two hours, or until hot all ● Add Sumeru's fresh frozen corn, chopped potatoes and sauté METHOD ● Add all the dry ingredients to the above butter, milk the way through. Alternatively, remove the foil and for 15 minutes. Pour water and let it boil. Add salt, Reduce ● Place the roughly chopped fruits and nuts in a bowl. In a saucepan set over & puree mixture. Add oil to this and mix well. reheat in the microwave. the flame and cook for about 1 hour until the potatoes are medium heat, bring the orange juice to a boil. Add butter and let it melt. ● Pour the mixture into the prepared muffin tray. L     "%   ''% ## **  cooked through. Add water if necessary. ● Set if off the heat and add rum. Mix well. Pour the rum mixture over the ● Slice the reserved apple into extremely thin slices ● Ensure the stock is half evaporated. Turn off the flame and fruits. Cling wrap it and let it sit overnight. Next day, preheat the oven to (preferably with skin on). let it cool. 180C and line a 9" cake pan with parchment paper. ● Put one slice each, slightly bending into each muf- ● Remove half of the chowder in a blender and ● In a medium down, whisk flour, cinnamon, ginger powder, nutmeg and fin. process it roughly. Add the puree to the orange zest. In another bowl, beat both sugars and butter until the mix- ● Bake for 12-15 minutes or until slightly brown on remaining chowder and let it boil. ture is light and fluffy. top and skewer inserted comes to clean. ● Add fresh cream and turn off the flame. ● Add eggs, one at a time and beat well after each addition. Combine the wet ● Take out the tray and let the muffins cool on a wire ● Divide evenly and serve. and dry ingredients.Mix in the rum soaked fruits along with the liquid. rack. L  +  %     % Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake at 180C for 40-50 min- ● Store in a container & refrigerate for up to 5 days.  !! //%   utes. (The recipe yields 20 medium-sized muffins) L     "%   ''% ## **  L  44 % (% ## **      ?8# 8 = ;

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hen talking about Bengal, one Ramayana with Kantha stitch work. must start the narrative from a “Illustrations make for a naksha on Kantha weaving cluster village as the which is the stitched layered fabric”, explained textile heritage of the region Mahamaya. Kantha stitch is typically a long run- boasts of some of the finest ning stitch; however, there is innovation today and Wweaving traditions of the country. Upon reach- Herringbone, Satin, and Button stitches are also “I am but a tool other sustainable field ing Bengal, about four hours north of Kolkata, used. Browsing through her pile, I came across one in the hands of this workers when she is tour- lies Shantipur, a village of Jamdani weavers, that her grandmother had made, a 70 year old movement,” she said. “I like to ing for her workshops, especial- who migrated from Bangladesh during parti- piece with natural colours. think, and question, and that is ly with those who are working in edu- tion. Traditionally, these weavers made dhotis, a what makes me act the way I do. I love cation, food, lifestyle, and the like. drape worn by Bengali men, now reduced to antha is a way of storytelling through geomet- clothes but not the indulgence”. occasional wear. Which is why they mostly Kric patterns, figurative narratives, and floral Namrata believes that clothes are a symbol of piece of textile is a symbol of creation. So weave saris for the local women. illustrations. Mahamaya talks about her process need, comfort, artistic expression, dignity, cele- Amuch has been created, imagined with warp A master weaver, who hosted us at his and shares that she like to draw first on the fab- bration, attraction, and more but they must not and weft and has been an expression of art and workshop, shared with us how weaving ric and then go by her instinct to fill colours into become the reason for environmental degradation design. Our textiles are our communiqué, our lan- involves the critical labour of his family mem- the piece of work. “Some of these works take years and human exploitation. Her organisation repre- guage various cultures marked it with their bers — his wife and his brother’s family weave to make. Sometime I do the border and then sents the idea of a communique — of a clean pre- sense of aesthetics and there is deep history and for nearly six to eight hours a day. Sometimes it another artisan fills the space inside. Reds and sent and a cleaner future that is invested in the heritage with what we wear and re-create over and takes up to a week to make one sari which they black were traditionally used but now there are welfare of everyone involved in the process. over again. Design has been evolved in textiles in sell for 1500. An average of 10,000 is what a more options in colours. I look for inspiration in Working with bio-degradable products is what rhythmic dance with our lifestyle, socio-econom- weaver makes per month, which is slightly other forms of art as well as in books and muse- keeps her going ahead in her journey. Endorsing, ic conditions, geography of a place and now it above the minimum wage. The information is ums. During my mother’s time, they used to pull embracing and collaborating with other like-mind- marks globalisation. Another important driver has enough to make you sit up and wonder: what is out threads from old saris to embroider but now ed people are her sources of joy. Biome makes nat- been ‘fashion’ and it has both pros and cons as any- the fair price for a traditional craft? Where I use anchor thread. I also collaborate with other ural-dyed fabrics and customised garments. It thing in excess can result in. does the difference lie between a skilled labour- artisans like Kashmira, who I have worked with identifies with the movement of integrating with Biome has always loved and learnt from col- er and an artisan? Our host explained that they for sixteen years. She is in the craft for tradition nature. As part of that process, Biome also sells laboration and sharing. That’s been the constant visit the melas organised by the ministry that and it is a skill that gets her money as well”. $ %  natural dyes and Namrata travels with natural dye- motivation and satisfaction. “This one time, we provide a platform to sell directly to customers; Mahamaya has trained artists and taught them ing workshops throughout the country. happened to meet this bright, young student from at other times, boutiques from the city com- to preserve the art. Speaking of innovation, She believes that work should not be for one Srishti School of Design and we came in touch mission them pieces. He shared that for him, Mahamaya likes to experiment with the base fab- 3     person’s fancy but instead should be collaborative with her work on flora and fauna, and a very imag- this is the best job as he can stay close to his ric like cottons and tussars. There is a lot of scope   B and transcend differences. “In the end, work inative expression of human mating a flower and artisanal tradition and family. Working in the where the artist could bring themselves in the work should unite, not divide”. Revolution starts with the resultant evolution of life. When we interact- city, he said, that would require him to live with experimentation within the technique. Some  '      an individual but it must expand to the commu- ed with her more, we discovered that she loves alone. of her new projects include graphic inspiration and        nity as we are parts of one big whole. Nature is trees, can communicate with them and sketching It was pleasing to see the community spirit in also a mix of techniques like applique. A new series the intelligent system that has prevailed ever since plants alive is her passion. We took a look at her the weavers and that women held an equal posi- is being developed under her, which is inspired  *(  # *  life started, we can only grow and survive in har- sketches and decided to convert them on our tion in the trade. There are 50,000 weavers in from the panels of Kamasutra. Mahamaya shares       mony with it. clothes through batik and herbal dyes. Thus start- Shantipur who mostly work on handlooms, but that most of the works are commissioned art pieces      Namrata realised that we as humans need to ed this experimental project of batik and paint- the market demand has been in the hold of power such as the ones recently sold to Reliance engage our senses to relate to our physical pres- ing with herbal paste. On board was the batik

 !"=  looms as well. He talked about the use of natur- Foundation at the Swadeshi Bazaar, but a lot of ence in life. And only listening or reading are artist, Sushanto and Ghana, an artist from al dye only on request or when the weavers are orders in the form of wearable art such as dupat- 0        incomplete ways of sharing, understanding and Chennai who was with us for that period. We specifically provided with naturally dyed yarns by tas or bed linen keep the workshop running.     3 experience the beauty of natural dyes. Through released a collection and it was like a dream come the boutique. Chemical dyes are cheaper to pro- The textile documentation trip to Kolkata         workshops, Biome facilitates spaces and guidance true”, Namrata reminisces. duce, thus making it a competitive product. The would be incomplete without a meeting with to dye your own fabrics, engage with the look, Paramita Kar Choudhury is a batik and block community has now formed a weavers’ society to Namrata, Founder of Biome Conscious Textiles.          smell and feel of the dyes, and know how real and printing artist who also dabbles in shibori and bring more structure to the craft village where they Her story of entrepreneurship came together as   4      alive it is. Just like us. clamp techniques. She started her journey with try to solve issues of daily business. They hope for she was looking out of the window of life for inspi-         synthetic dyes but soon found the calling for nat- bigger, more concrete support from larger organ- ration to make her financially independent while    O  iome is interested to adopt ‘grow local, buy and ural dyes. She took her training from an experi- isations in buying more looms and raw materi- also staying true to her values. She was at that time Bsell local and decentralise’. Hence, they have enced practitioner from Shantiniketan. Then she als like threads. For the weavers, the biggest chal- questioning consumerism. So, there she was, with  3   O  been exploring work with the strong weaving her- opened her unit and heart to embrace Biome as lenge is the money circulation, as they are only no prior experience in business other than hav- +    O       itage of Bengal and introduce natural dyeing to a collaborating partner to use our herbal dyes and paid at the end of the month; most of their cash ing some entrepreneurial DNA by virtue of          the weavers. Also, instead of thinking of ‘export’, process orders together in batik, block printing, is invested in raw materials by that time. A com- belonging to the Rajasthani Marwari communi- %  G the focus is on spreading awareness amongst and dyeing. mon complaint is that the larger buyers work on ty. Then, she encountered someone who was Indians, who form a significant hub of consumers As I traversed through the landscape of consignments and refuse to pay for raw materi- invested in herbal dyeing process for almost a and can afford the best fabrics. Biome also con- Bengal, it was heartening to see skilled craftsmen als in advance, which for them is a big risk. decade. Naturally, it was the opportunity she was centrates on natural fibres, sustainable man-made dedicating their time to keep the age-old tradi- My rendezvous with the weavers in Shantipur waiting for, to work in a social impact space fibres, and hand woven fabrics along with natu- tions alive. So many ideas bubbled inside my mind and interactions with the master craftsmen left through the world of clothing and fashion that she rally dyed threads and fabrics. Natural dye is the after all the interesting conversations, but for the with me questions but also ideas. My visit to understood very well ever since her childhood. She boundary that does not limit, but instead creates moment I treated myself to a naturally dyed blue Mahamaya, a third generation Kantha artist and finally found a product in her hands that was in a balance between environment and our need for and white Jamdani. a National Award winner proved insightful. harmony with nature and did not promote con- colours. The writer is the founder and cultural cura- Some of her masterpieces include scenes from the sumerism. Namrata makes it a point to collaborate with tor at www.cocoaandjasmine.com     ,%#045##525,/20%0@ &'( )*&P $(& ,#,($-$%.&2,,# 0 5455#, 5,@5%23 250 455 buuqy +,3#R5#5,40#0#O,R0A2054 +25%55##50@5#,A5 ?8# 8 = ;

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he statement by General Rawat, Chief of Staff of the Indian Army, that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) is controlled by terrorists and TGilgit-Baltistan and POK have been under illegal occupation of Pakistan is to be noted seriously. A perusal of his- tory shows that many such provinces in the North West region as well as North East region of the country were part of India and the country was forced to surrender the rights over them as part of a ploy by the British rulers. One such independent country that existed during the colonial rule of the British and enjoyed the status of a sov- ereign nation was Balochistan. Ironically, nothing much has been writ- ten or taught in India about Balochistan, its glorious past and com- munal amity (which is in stark contrast to that of Pakistan). One of the TV news channels in Kerala had telecast a ;8 ./;*7/C+ programme about Hinglaj Mata Temple ;3)!C ./;* in Balochistan which is being preserved with utmost care by the tribal commu- !)*<*4<( nity. Every year, the Mandir draws thousands of Indian devotees to this /  4 country and the pilgrims are treated C! -&& with respect by the tribal communities. In modern times, the term Balochistan was heard in the Indian narrative for the first time in 2009 when the then how the then Prime Minister Nehru Prime Minister Manmohan Singh rejected and refused the offer from the assured his Pakistani counterpart Yusuf Khan of Kalat to merge with India. Raza Gilani that India was doing noth- What the author has stated in pages 81 ing in Balochistan. “Indeed nor should and 82 is sufficient to expose the then it be doing anything there,” the econo- Prime Minister’s inefficiency, failure to mist-turned-politician is reported to read the writing on the wall and his have said in the joint statement with larger than life image hyped up by the Gilani issued on the sidelines of the some important facts which would kin- interests. Hence they felt the need to sovereign country with no obligation of Jinnah was a visionary as well as an media. Non-Aligned Movement meeting held dle passion in the mind to know more have a region, a long strip from the any kind either to India or Pakistan. Islamic fundamentalist. As on date, ‘36 This book is a must read for all in Egypt. about the subject. The population of Gilgit to Balochistan administered What Devasher has done is to bring to per cent of Pakistan’s total current nat- those who are interested in the history An attempt has been made to Pakistan is 21 crore while that of directly by the Britain. This was what light the palace coup staged in Kalat ural gas production, as also reserves of of the sub-continent, prior to and after unravel the hitherto untold and unpub- Balochistan is 1.23 crore. Balochistan suggested by a British army officer R C with the political script authored in the coal, gold, copper, silver, platinum, alu- the exit of the British rulers lest we are lished details about Balochistan. constitutes 44 per cent of Pakistan’s Money in charge of strategic planning corridors of power in Lahore, New minium and uranium are in cheated by manipulated and distorted “Pakistan: The Balochistan Conundrum” landmass. This is just one of the reasons in India during the period. Delhi and London. It shocks us and Balochistan. Reko Diq, Saindak, Sui and history. Balochistan is waiting for India. authored by Tilak Devasher, a former behind Pakistan’s avarice for this once “However by 1947, the British felt further embarrasses as because it was Chamalang produce a wealth of India’s safety and security could be senior official of the Cabinet sovereign country. Balochistan is a trea- that instead of locating a base in a weak another faux pas committed by resources like copper, gold, natural gas, ensured only through the liberation of Secretariat. Devasher is an authority on sure house of minerals and energy Balochistan, such a base could be estab- Jawaharlal Nehru which resulted in coal and other minerals. Reko Diq is a Balochistan and Tilak Devasher is an Pakistani politics which could be resources. “Had there been no lished in Pakistan that was more than Mohammed Ali Jinnah annexing copper and gold mine in Chagai district author who has to be taken seriously by understood from his first book Balochistan, there would not have been willing to accommodate the British. Balochistan to Pakistan. with an estimated mineral resource of our policy makers and those who want “Pakistan At The Helm”, published by any Pakistan,” felt the British rulers who Hence it was in British interests to This backstabbing came within at lest 54 billion pounds of copper and to excel in the game of diplomacy. HarperCollins. His lucid style and artic- had manipulated the geo-politics of the ensure that Balochistan was kept within weeks of Jinnah issuing a statement 41 million ounces of gold’, writes While reading the book, what ulation are the reasons why readers pre- region before they lowered the Union Pakistan and did not become an inde- declaring that “the Government of Devashar. All these details establish the crossed the mind was the football teams fer his works. Devasher tells the Jack and gave way to the national flags. pendent entity,” writes Devasher (Page Pakistan recognises Kalat as an inde- fact that Pakistan without Balochistan is from Balochistan, namely Makran required facts in a straightforward The British colonialists wanted to 85). pendent sovereign State, in treaty rela- a big zero. Jinnah and the subsequent United and Makran Sports Club which manner. His intentions are clear manipulate and influence the sub-con- As per various treaties entered into tions with British government with a rulers of Pakistan have made use of all used to figure in the Sait Nagjee because he wants people to get enlight- tinent by remote controlling from by the then rulers of the princely State status different from that of Indian games in the trick to keep the people of Football Tournament which was held at ened and educated. The style is as ele- London. They had a fear that the ever of Balochistan (the Khans of Kalat) States.” Needless to tell, Jinnah’s state- Balochistan in perpetual poverty, illiter- Kozhikode in Kerala. They were gant as Devasher himself. increasing influence of the then Soviet with the British government, the former ment was issued immediately after a acy and ignorance. This is what the favorites of Malabar’s football lovers. The author takes the readers Union was detrimental to their politi- had been assured by the colonial mas- well publicised meeting the former had Grand Old Party did in India too. Balochistan is loved by people who straight to Balochistan and gives us cal, commercial and other strategic ters that Balochistan would remain a with the Khan of Kalat and his aides. Devasher has revealed the details of know about the country.

n a refreshing departure > from stereotypical portrayals Iof muslim women, their helplessness and ignorance, the A %  $  %   B book Resilience: Stories of Muslim Women explores the @   ?  lives of 11 women who fought  01 0 06 against all odds to shine, once  1             3 3  30 >001P  0 they got the opportunity to %(843% %(  study in a tiny adult education         9,A2%55 /#,% '%. /1- centre. The author, Shubha Menon, has documented life of   %7  girls and women of Nizamuddin ‘izzat’ of their women and girls,  (/!M ,  Basti, Delhi, in a manner that was cause for alarm. Girls, who 7     0 0  makes the reader a partner in were not allowed to uncover  M+   7 O    her adventure. The reader is their heads in their own homes

 M   O

, O      % taken through the winding gul- or sit on a chair in front of their     M72,#   lies, narrow staircases and totter- elders, began to learn alphabet

 )      ing houses, right into the homes of rights. The Seher teachers         of the girls. who included Shabnam’s moth-        K The Seher Centre was an er and sister, were berated        experiment in education started because of the fear that they      by social activist Shabnam would make the girls ‘azad’ and Hashmi. At the time, Shabnam ‘la mazhab’. Un d e r l y i n g t h i s herself was a young girl studying popular slogan verbiage was the @1 in Russia. She was home for the larger fear that Basti women %'% " summer holidays and went with may begin to think and assert  3%( . 911 a friend to Nizamuddin Basti to their rights. volunteer as a teacher for young This book brings out the -  $9    girls. When it was time for her +. 3 +*!+7./) +. unique world of the    to go back to Russia, two of the Nizamuddin Basti. One which    ,  girls begged her not to, as they )6(<.3 (2)(+* you may not find on a map.   0    had seen hope in their lives after . (  Where, in the by lanes of      ,-  $9      she had started teaching them. 6  ">11 crowded homes with limited $  /   Shabnam could not turn her means women broke out of the 0      back on the girls. She stayed shackles of stereotypical roles         back and started the Seher and fearlessly fought their way         Education Centre. From 1980 to couldn’t write her name in the of the basti who disapprove of are a good counterpoint to the graves, monuments, etc. The to an education. Where women       ,  1985, about 400 girls studied in entrance register. Today she a girls going to school. There are conversations with the Seher book is full of interesting details helped women.The book has    -  $9   the Centre. The book encom- Sewa Dal worker and political the Pirzadas who want Shabnam girls. The Markaz versus the that lend colour to the stories of interesting anecdotes about the    ,   passes the stories of 11 girls voice for a political party. The to teach their kids exclusively Dargah is another contradiction the girls. ghosts that coexist with human whose stories unfold one by one. stories of Syeda, Asma, Ishrat, because they do not want their of the basti. The Markaz propa- It was not just the old and beings there and the sounds of The girls’ stories are Shahjahan, Najma and Ayesha children to share space with gates pristine orthodox Islam new that were clashing in the urdu,the music from the dar-  00 poignant and real. There is also show the transformation lowly ‘Ghosis’. There are oppos- which is strident and austere. basti. There was Shabnam gah,and the fragrance of kebabs  %(% +( Farida, who started wearing a that the Seher Centre brought ing forces in the basti and old The author does not deride one Hashmi herself, a communist- which create the unique atmos- % ' ( ( %. /11 burqa at 9, got married at 12 and about. mores are at loggerheads with practice at the cost of the other. atheist, ultra-liberal rebel of phere of this area. +     was a mother of two, divorced The writer recreates the tiny new thinking. The Shah Bano Their parallel existence may sorts. She never wore a burqa Resilience is an important    @   and abandoned by 16. Today, room where classes were held. case is at the centre of this occasionally clash but seldom and sported short hair and spec- book on Muslim women in con-     she runs a non-profit, teaching We learn about the rivalry dichotomy. The author dwells becomes a major flare-up. The tacles. Just the way she looked, temporary India. There are so        other young girls like her. between the girls, their favourite upon the case at some length. reader is gently led through this raised the red flag for many in many layers to examine. And, Mussarrat, who was virtually a teachers and how their thoughts The writer has included con- labyrinth of contradictions and the basti. Subjects like sex, Seher comes out as a unique   D0 @  O  prisoner in her own home, are gradually changed, till from versations with eminent, educat- incongruities which are both lit- reproductive rights, gender pari- experiment, which not only             forced to do domestic chores all burqa-clad silent citizens they ed Muslim women — Syeda erary and figurative. A hidden ty, taboo for Basti dwellers, were transformed all those women

"       day. She is now a health supervi- become agents of change in their Hameed, Warisha Farasat, world is revealed in easy flowing freely discussed in the Seher who studied there but their        sor with the Aga Khan own right. We also learn about Zarina Bhatty, Seema Mustafa, prose. What gives the book its Centre. Shabnam’s total lack of future generations.

    J-  Foundation. And Parveen, who the various forces at play in the Noor Zaheer — who talk about unique flavour is the anecdotes fear against a menacing, threat- The writer is a senior adver-  J        was turned away from the basti, those that opposed girls the state of Muslim women in and tales about the Nizamuddin ening phalanx of Basti old men, tising professional and a visiting       Gandhi residence because she education. There are the elders the country. These conversations Basti, the dargah, the Auliya, the guardians and gatekeepers of the professor at B-schools     uvitiut ?8# 8 = ; 2 E  G

raq has once again descend- end of Iraq”. cers and former army com- Ied into an abyss. Since the We need to enquire into manders have quietly joined downfall of Saddam Hussein in the recent political history of the Islamic State, an affiliate of 2003, the country has not wit- Iraq to find out the malaise that the al-Qaeda. nessed peace for almost two is killing the country today. It The US Army in Iraq knew decades now. Modern Iraq was all started with the deposition very well that these officers established in 1932 from the of the Saddam rule and the joined various insurgent groups amalgamation of three American invasion of Iraq. and offered tactical support to provinces of Baghdad, Basra Besides, subsequent political the al-Qaeda. and Mosul that formed upheavals accompanied by What could be seen from Mesopotamia. This new coun- regime changes in the West the ruins of Saddam empire is try was primarily centred Asia and fast-changing global a pure chaos. And in this around tribes purely external to political scenario had a strong anomie has brought more dif- the main city centres. Thus impact on the future course of ferences and violence back to       from the very beginning, action in Iraq. Saddam was no the Iraqi society. Much beyond Mesopotamia was vulnerable more a nincompoop, as the these, Iraq has become a play- "     to both security and unity. western leaders thought, as he ground for many big powers,      The Ottomans overesti- was able to maintain a stable such as Iran and the US. mated their ability to control political rule for more than two Iran’s influence in Iraq is of   3  Iraq and did not emphasise on decades. Of course his author- great importance. But in the 1  domestic development and the itarian streak spearheaded the last few months, this Iranian existing tribal structures. Like systematic persecution of the led Shia coalition has been    "" ( many other ancient empires, minorities and fast marginali- largely fractious as the "   the Ottomans were forging sation of the majority Shias. Government forces killed Shias ahead with the concept of “the In addition to Sunni-Shia who were demanding better    strong do what they want, they divide, the third major politi- social services, mainly basic   1 have the power to do” and thus cal player in Iraq is the Kurds, needs. It is coming out in pub- committed remarkable errors mainly concentrated in the lic space that Iran is seriously     in their handling of the West north and north-eastern trying to repress the civil rebel-       Asian sojourn. What historians provinces of Erbil, lion in Iraq. Its elite Quds say is that the Ottomans failed Sulaymaniyah, Dahuk and Force, the foreign arm of the   2 to understand the existing cul- their surrounding areas. The Revolutionary Guard in Iran, '  tural, ideological and ethnic now Israel, to Kirkuk now in ing pot and, hence, schism has system is sharpening the the system have got enough Kurdish people inhabit a swath view these protests as master- divisions existing in the Iraq in the northeast. It became been remained as a potent divides among the Shias, courage and stamina to quell of land through northern Iraq, minded by foreign hands. The Mesopotamian region. From the basis of his secret agree- anomaly in Iraq and the rest of Sunnis, the Kurds and the rest them down with very brute Syria, Iran and Turkey. They outcome of the counterpro- 1299 to 1921, the mighty ment with his French counter- West Asia. of the ethnic minorities across force. It may so happen that the are primarily a people without ductive attempts by the Iranian Ottomans ruled this region part Francois Georges Picot to The current crisis in Iraq Iraq and bringing no benefit to protests may lead to a quick their own homeland, a major backed forces to repress the and lost it during the First divide the region into two has emerged due to entrenched the ordinary folks. But defi- political transformation but victim of the Sykes-Picot deal. protesters may trigger a new World War. And henceforth, spheres of influence. North of corruption in public offices and nitely a small section of the the political establishment may The way the global liberal Arab Spring to the entire West the British and the French the line was to be under French the rising gap between the party sympathisers, supporters consolidate further and rely order is crumbling under the Asia in the days to come. established the political bound- control, south of it under elites and the ordinary citizens. and cronies extract rich bene- more on authoritarian methods leadership of Donald Trump, The impending departure aries of Iraq, bordering the British hegemony.” The demonstrations which fits from the Government. than engaging the aggrieved the world could hardly look for of Mahdi is symbolic victory of Persian Gulf between Iran and This grease pencil drawn started since October 1 have Since the departure of the ones with dialogues. any respite from the volatile the protesters. But unfortu- Kuwait. boundary lacked the acknowl- already taken more than 400 US forces, the youth of the For now, Mahdi has political atmosphere raging in nately too many people were In 1920, the UK was edgement of all the existing lives of ordinary Iraqi citizens. country has been utterly frus- resigned as Iraq Prime West Asia. With the with- killed and it could be regard- awarded a League of Nations demographic arrangement of Probably the international trated with the façade of Minister. But his resignation drawal of American forces ed as a mass uprising of the mandate over Iraq. This her- the region, which later came to community is too used to hear reforms and with the political will not bring an end to the rag- from Iraq in 2011, gradually Shia community against their & 6 #  6 alded a western style gover- be known as the historic Sykes- Iraqis being killed in huge class who promised but failed ing protests across the country. the country has fallen into a own leadership. Mahdi has nance structure in Iraq. In Picot Agreement. This arbi- numbers, whether it was under to deliver the basics and intro- In fact, he was forced to leave complete anarchy. And this proved himself to be an inef- 2014, Tim Marshall described trary demarcation of bound- the horrific Saddam regime, duce much-needed reforms in only after grand Iraqi Shia has happened because fectual leader. the geographical division of aries of states in West Asia the US-occupied Iraq or under public offices. cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Washington wanted to dis- It seems the ruling elite of this region in his book, brought complete anarchy to their own leadership in the However, what is worrying issued a call for changing the lodge the erstwhile political Iraq are simply interested in Prisoners of Geography this the entire region. Clearly, all the post-Baathist era. Today the the global community is that Government leadership. regime, secret forces and secu- sticking to power at any cost. way: “When the Ottoman states that were created by the young protesters highlight the this saga of mass demonstra- Around the same time, rity forces of the Saddam era. Therefore, it is truly doubtful Empire began to collapse, the Sykes-Picot were not based on way the Adel Abdul Mahdi tions is purely leaderless. The powerful Shia leader Moqtada The coming of a Shia regime, whether the demands of the British and the French had a the logic of socio-economical- Government made appoint- protesters are not backed by al-Sadr, who leads the largest after the fall of Saddam, has protesters for sweeping changes different idea. In 1916, British ly driven conditions but pure- ments to Government services any organisational structures political faction in the completely changed the power in the Iraqi political system diplomat Colonel Sir Mark ly out of the ruins of the on ethnic lines or sectarian and ideological narratives. Parliament, Sairoon, called for structure of almost three could be agreed upon by the Sykes took a grease pencil and empires. Thus the competing quotas which is popularly Only common chord among Mahdi’s resignation. He also decades of Sunni political opportunist leadership. drew a crude line across a map aspirations of different com- known as “Muhassasa” in Iraq. them is a strong sentiment of warned that if the Mahdi establishment, its entitlements of West Asia. It ran from Haifa munities and ethnic groups The aggrieved citizens air anti-Government agenda. Government does not do so, it and its beneficiaries. Thus (The writer is an expert on on the Mediterranean, what is could not be fused into a melt- their anguish that this spoils Therefore, the guardians of would be “the beginning of the many of the elite guards, offi- international affairs)

 B )*   (#    /    $ 

he world witnessed a spate dismantle their positions in the seats in the parliamentary elec- Tof violent protests in Iraq, power structure what they are tions last year. However, al- Lebanon, Hong Kong and enjoying in the unofficial Hashd has kept restraint Chile in the last few months. mohassasa system (confes- despite anti-social elements However, the Iraqi protests sional system) introduced by camouflaging into the crowd to stand out in terms of intensity the Americans after 2003. sabotage the peaceful protests. of violence: over 300 young However it had vowed to crush 2 3  protesters have been killed and External factors any coup attempt with mali- thousand others injured in the There is no denying the cious intent.     crackdown by the Government fact that after the US occupa-     security forces. After the fall of tion, the CPA-led administra- Tuk tuk, a vehicle of       dictator Saddam Hussein in tion had created such mayhem change: Indian connection 2003, it has been the largest in the country. The menace of There is a little Indian       popular demonstration across terrorism and sectarianism connection with the ongoing '   1 Iraq, mainly in Shia south. gained enormous foothold protests in Iraq i.e Tuk-Tuk.    Protesters have blamed the among multi-confessional The three-wheeled Tuk-Tuk, a successive Governments for society. There is an ample evi- word referred in common par- (      3 large-scale unemployment, dence of external intervention lance to autorickshaw has its     rampant corruption, and poor by regional actors in fomenting origin in India. It was being civic services, despite the exche- political unrest in Iraq. The manufactured by a prominent   ""   quer getting easy revenue from attacks on Iranian consulates automobile company Baja Auto '    the lucrative oil businesses. and embassy substantiate this and exported to Iraq. It func-         However, the authorities claim argument. Since 2003, arch tions as frontline ambulances, that Iraq does not get reason- rival Iran has turned Iraq’s ferry protesters and supplies 1    able chunk of its share from the staunchest ally. necessary stuff. The most inter- '    complex and unfair system of Iran’s ties with Shia politi- esting part is that some activists %      international oil markets to cal groups which have been at started a tabloid named after it revive its fractured economy. the helm of power irked the in order to circumvent infor-    3 Majority of the people lack regional actors led by Saudi mation blackout by authorities. access to adequate healthcare, Arabia, and they perceived it as Iraq’s once marginalised Tuk- schooling, water or power sup- the revival of Shia politics in Tuk drivers took a centre stage plies as the promises made by West Asian and North African in Iraq and the vehicle become successive Governments have (WANA) region. Iran’s role in a symbol of resistance called remained unfulfilled. repulsing the rise of Islamic ‘Markabat al-Thawra’ (vehicle According to a World Bank 2'       3%    #" A>1 "          " 3  & State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) of revolution). report, nearly three-fifths of its  "2&   further brought these two Despite the resignation of 40 million people live on less neighbours closer. Most of the the Prime Minister, people are than $6 a day. The Iraqi pro- Arab Spring in 2011, where the dented moral authority among urged protesters to continue to for 16 years. It is an alarming Iran-backed factions like Asaib still angry and protests will go testers, primarily comprising protesters had swarmed the the Shia believers, had called press for their demands. curve for the ruling elites and Ahl al-Haq, Saraya al-Salam, on until new political and eco- the economic poor class, are streets in the Arab world. The upon the ruling clique to initi- they need to pay heed to the Badr Corps, Harkat Hezbollah nomic reforms are introduced. venting their anger against year-long Prime Minister, Adel ate major political reforms. He Show of solidarity people’s voice. It also signifies al-Nojaba constitute the back- But what comes after these some filthy rich political lead- Abdul Mahdi, has witnessed issued the statement through his One of the significant fea- a new turn of events in coun- bone of Hashd al-Shabi demonstrations will not be the F  $ / && $G ers and businessmen who are the most tumultuous phase of representative in a Friday prayer tures of the anti-governmental try’s beleaguered history which (Popular Mobilisation Forces, same as before. Iraq is going pillaging the country’s wealth, his tenure as protesters are gathering. He urged, “The mar- protests in Iraq is that it has an only experienced repression PMF), an umbrella group of through a phenomenal phase. pushing the commoners into demanding his immediate jaiyya (Shia religious authority) element of cross-sectarian or by ruthless dictators and start- militias which came into exis- The new opposition that is further poverty. removal from office and fresh has made clear its position call- ethnic identity i.e. Iraqi nation- ed craving for the idea of social tence after the ISIS’ blitzkrieg emerging can play an important The trigger for the latest elections. ing for reform in the last Friday alism. Unlike previous protests, justice and citizenship. attacks, further alarmed the role to lead status quo towards round of protests was the news sermon. It stressed that the symbols of Shia piety have not However, despite having a US, Israel and other regional change. The authorities should of demotion of Lieutenant Sistani calls for reform demonstrations must be peace- taken a central place in the broad nature of the protests powers. Displaying extraordi- initiate a process for structur- General Abdul Wahhab al- The initial response of the ful and free from violence and demonstrations which signifies largely participated by young nary courage in countering al changes and must pay heed Saadi, the Commander of the Baghdad authorities, using vandalism. It also underlined the gravity of the demands and poor social class from the ISIS tide, PMF achieved to their legitimate demands. Iraqi Counter Terrorism Force unnecessary lethal force, was the sanctity of Iraqi blood, and which entirely stick to its legit- Shia background, the Sunni pre-eminence in the society. By (ICTF). He gained wide pop- shockingly unscrupulous that the need for political forces to imate socio-economic and Kurdish areas haven’t virtue of its popularity, the (The writer is a PhD stu- ularity during the anti-ISIS made matters worse. Iraq’s most respond to the rightful demands demands. It reflects the grow- extended solidarity with the political bloc of PMF, called al- dent at Centre for West Asian military campaign and became revered Shia cleric Grand of protesters.” While influential ing disenchantment of Iraqi protesters. Sunni and Kurdish Itilaf al-Fatah (Conquest Studies, School of International a national hero. Protests in Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hussaini Shia leader Sayyid Moqtada al- people towards the religious leaderships are suspicious that Alliance) led by Hadi Amiri, Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Baghdad jog the memory of al-Sistani, who holds unprece- Sadr too called for reforms and parties who have been ruling any break in the status quo will secured a sizeable chunk of University, New Delhi)     453#..0 5,#0$0 5025 %5,43,30#2,0 5-50-45,%5 ,-,%0@A0/%230%A/#0 €axu€! ,-,%0@A0/%53#A K5R5 ,%,043 ?8# 8 = ;

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 0     !   2,%,2/2,#-, ,50 purpose. When we meet failure, either pointers. You are born in Aries lagna, we try to shift the blame on others, or with its lord Mars, erratic Rahu and the t is in human nature to improve one’s Einstein are said to have used just 10 to our destiny. Truth, however, remains Sun firmly placed in lagna bhava itself. lot, which tempts one to look towards 14 percent of their mind-power to create that we do not strive sufficiently to That makes you, impulsive, aggressive, Ia better tomorrow. So, invariably we history. unfold the immense power within. So arrogant, irritable, intolerant, and impa- begin life with high hopes and aspira- You need to strive to unfold your full said Swami Vivekananda: “The history tient. You wish to live in a demanding tions. Accordingly, we set our dream des- potential. It may then spontaneously lead of the world is the history of few men mode, expecting from all others to fol- tination. Dreams are necessary for reach- you through. You may then discriminate who had faith in themselves. Faith calls low your dictates. You have the tendency ing heights one is capable of, as they between ‘What you want’ and ‘What is out divinity within. You can do any- to jump into action without applying serve a focus to reach an objective. Since worth’ before you take any call. Also, you thing. You fail because you have not suf- proper forethought. If that would not be time immemorial the Moon fascinated would be able to put forward your best ficiently strived to unfold immense enough, both the luminaries, the Sun and evoked man’s curiosity, seen every foot. So, the real challenge is to overcome power within.” and Moon as well as Mercury, all locked day — yet unknown. A longing to know limitations of our mind and expand its Here is the case of someone, who in adverse formation to Uranus, makes and understand it, led scientists to send outreach. The way forward is to get into came asking the other day: “Sir, since last you self-willed, tactless, eccentric, and man on the Moon. Yet, not everybody’s self-search mode. The process helps year, I am having a tough time both in opinionated. Mercury ill-disposed off to dreams get fulfilled. Non-realisation identify, acknowledge and then rise terms of career as well as my personal Saturn and Moon, brings in a rigid one- often brings in frustrating experiences. above the limitations of mind. life. I get lot of offers but at the last track mind, and makes you resentful of Why? Are we so helplessly fated? It is pertinent to note here that we moment, they all fizzle out. I am afraid, others. Moon placed adverse to Saturn Not really, provided we optimally use seldom remain conscious about invok- those envious of me have been playing brings in a negative mindset. Also, you our indwelling empowerment tools. ing one’s most profound empowerment foul with my life. My wife is self-centric would be jealous and over critical of Remember, we are all born carrying lim- tool — Buddhi (the faculty of discrimi- and is least bothered about my sensibili- others. Let me add here that the calling itless potential, which if unfolded would nate intelligence) — before jumping into ties and concerns. The worst is she dis- of spirituality is to first set the thought know no limits. The paradox, however, is action. Not to say anything about getting courages me from pursuing spirituality. process right, which doesn’t anyway that major part of our mind-power over the limitation of mind. And buddhi When do you think the situation may reflect in your conduct. It means you are remains untapped, as it remains clouded won’t come into play by itself. change?” simply hallucinating over your illusion- by lot of inherent limitations. Truth be Consequently, we blindly submit our- Don’t try to rationalise peculiar ary perceptions. told — ordinary mortals are hardly able selves to indwelling desire trends, com- beliefs you carry, coming as it may with     %   to use five to seven percent of their mind ing as they may with karmic imprints Jupiter ill-disposed off to Neptune.    1     power. The irony, however, is that even carried over from the past. We neither Before blaming others, better identify, '2==@A%   ##% ## !! % this, if judiciously used, can enable one try to figure out whether the desires acknowledge, and address your own # ** 2===@ @@AH to negotiate life with relative ease and pursued are worth it or not, nor do we fault lines, and things will change sooner 9 >>=2===255>I5I5JH;>I=I@DJAJD comfort. Bear in mind; even people like care whether we are geared up for the than later. Look at your astrological 79 "" "   K1 

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