EUROPEAN BULLETIN of HIMALAYAN RESEARCH European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
52 Winter 2018 EBHR EUROPEAN BULLETIN OF HIMALAYAN RESEARCH European Bulletin of Himalayan Research The European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR) was founded by the late Richard Burghart in 1991. It is the result of a partnership between France (Centre d’Etudes Himalayennes, CNRS, Paris), Germany (South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg) and the United Kingdom (School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS]). From 2014 to 2018 the editorial board is based at the South Asia Institute (SAI) in Heidelberg, Germany and comprises William Sax (SAI, Managing Editor), Christoph Bergmann (SAI), Christiane Brosius (Karl Jaspers Centre, Heidelberg), Julia Dame (SAI), Axel Michaels (SAI), Marcus Nuesser (SAI), Karin Polit (SAI), Mona Schrempf (Berlin), Anja Wagner, Astrid Zotter (SAI), Heleen Plaisier, and Arik Moran (University of Haifa, book reviews editor). The EBHR’s contributing editors are Martijn van Beek (University of Aarhus) Tone Bleie (University of Tromso) Ben Campbell (Durham University) Pascale Dollfus (CNRS, Paris) Martin Gaenszle (University of Vienna) David Gellner (University of Oxford) Ingemar Grandin (Linkoping University) Sondra Hausner (University of Oxford) Marie Lecomte-Tilouine (CNRS, Paris) Chiara Letizia (University of Milano-Bicocca) Fiona McConnell (University of Newcastle) Axel Michaels (University of Heidelberg) Matthew Nelson (SOAS) Judith Pettigrew (University of Limerick) Philippe Ramirez (CNRS, Paris) Anne de Sales (CNRS, Paris) Surya Subedi (University of Leeds) Mark Watson (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh)
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