And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order JULY 26, 2020 that he might be the firstborn among many TERHAD brothers. And those whom he predestined he PP 8460/11/2012(030939) also called, and those whom he called he also ISSN: 1394-3294 justified, and those whom he justified he also Vol. 27 No. 29 THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY glorified. Rom. 8: 28-30 Taiwan president attends ’s

installation“Over the past few decades, the Church AIPEI: Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has invited has helped Taiwan society in so many ways the Church to work with and at so many levels that it is impossible T to describe them in a few words or a few her government for the welfare of days,” Tsai said. young people after attending cer- The president said her government had emonies to install a new Catholic been actively promoting youth in recent archbishop in the capital, Taipei. years. “The joint efforts of the Church and Archbishop Thomas Chung An-zu of Tai- the government can develop the potential of pei Archdiocese was installed on July 18 at young people in Taiwan and bring change Chung Mei Church in Fujen Catholic Uni- in society.” versity. Some 1,000 people, including rep- Archbishop Chung’s work to promote resentatives of other faiths and government social welfare, education, healthcare and , attended the ceremonies. interreligious harmony has won the appre- Archbishop Chung is the eighth prelate of ciation of the local Church, society and the Taipei. He was transferred from Kiayi Dio- , she said. cese to Taipei on May 23 when Archbishop Archbishop Chung said that his appoint- Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen presents a gift to Archbishop Thomas Chung An-zu of Taipei John Hung Shan-chuan retired. ment in Taipei would not significantly im- after he was installed at a function at Chung Mei Church in Fujen Catholic University on July 18, 2020. (UCA News photo) Church observers say Tsai’s presence pact the relations between China, Taiwan at the installation of Archbishop Chung and the Vatican. and requested some information. Church to have exchanges with Buddhism, should also be seen as a political statement He said the Vatican is concerned about “I think he will give a report to the Vati- Taoism and other religions. He also assists to China, which considers Taiwan part of relations with Taiwan. He cited two exam- can and it will include matters such as the religious groups in visiting the Vatican. He the Communist country where Christians ples: first, the Vatican did not allow Taipei Taiwanese government’s democratic soci- is also a member of the Taiwan bishops’ continue to be persecuted. to lay vacant when its archbishop retired in ety, relationship with the Church and reli- committee for religious dialogue. Tsai addressed the gathering after the May. gious freedom,” the bishop said. Catholics in Taipei see the religious poli- ceremony and said that Archbishop Chung “The Vatican immediately appointed a “I can assure you that the Vatican’s rela- cy of their democratic country as a contrast prioritised his work with young people. bishop from another to take over tions with Taiwan will develop normally.” to that of Communist China. He achieved “fruitful results in promoting his duties,” Archbishop Chung said, refer- Archbishop Chung was among 22 prel- “The Chinese Communist Party wants young people through pastoral work and in- ring to the Vatican putting him in charge of ates appointed on July 8 to the Pontifical only to suppress and persecute Christians, ternational youth exchanges.” the Church in the capital city. Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. The while Taiwan’s president joined the instal- The president said the Church’s century- Secondly, Bishop Chung said, before he prelate said it was “a testament” to the im- lation ceremony of our archbishop and long presence in Taiwan had been marked by left his former diocese of Kiayi the chargé portance the Vatican attaches to the Church congratulated him,” said Michael, a Taipei its work for the country’s development. d’affaires of the Vatican embassy in Taipei, in Taiwan. Catholic and history teacher. — ucanews. Arnaldo Catalan, visited him The bishop has been actively leading the com Vatican publishes book of Francis’ ‘lockdown’ homilies

VATICAN: The has came a staple for coping with the adverse The Church in Communion - A Sure Sup- praying. We were perhaps more receptive issued a downloadable publication containing effects of the coronavirus pandemic and port in Time of Trial, the text also contains and attentive to what he told us back then. ’ daily homilies from Casa Santa subsequent lockdown. blessings and prayers, including the prayer But it is important to keep his words with Marta and prayers suggested for the coronavi- Digital edition used during the extraordinary moment of us so as to allow ourselves to be continu- rus pandemic. Playbacks of prayer with Pope Francis on March 27; as ally nourished by the beautiful things he As a sign of his closeness to those who were the Mass and well as the decrees of the Apostolic Peni- said that concern life.” ill, under quarantine, or for whatever reason, summaries of tentiary regarding the special indulgences Print edition were unable to leave their homes, Pope Francis Pope Francis’ granted because of the special circum- Since the suspension of the daily trans- began transmitting his daily morning Mass as homilies were stances created by the coronavirus pan- mission of the Pope’s Mass, many read- went into lockdown due to the coronavirus made accessible demic. ers asked for the online edition be made pandemic. through the Vat- Fr Giulio Cesareo, editorial director of available in print. Thus, the booklet that From March 9 to May 18, the Mass Pope ican News web- Libreria Editrice Vaticana (the Vatican “accompanied them as they lived through Francis celebrated every morning was transmit- site and Youtube Publishing House), underlined how impor- faith the first phase of the coronavirus ted throughout the world. Thousands of peo- channel. tant Pope Francis’ homilies were. “He is a pandemic” could also be a concrete keep- ple, regardless of religious affiliation, watched The complete father,” Fr Giulio said, “a spiritual guide sake of the closeness of both Pope Fran- or listened through the various texts of his hom- who accompanied us as we lived that peri- cis and our Lord at this devastating time. channels and other radio and televisions sta- ilies have now od. His homilies are precious because they The printed edition will soon be available tions or digital platforms that picked up the been published as a downloadable file. are not only valid for back then. We still through Amazon by other publishers who transmission. For many, Pope Francis’ Mass be- Entitled Strong in the Face of Tribulation: experience conflicts, shame, difficulties in obtain the rights to publish it. — ICN 2 Forum / Reflection HERALD July 26, 2020 Despondency and despair during times of darkness ooking around us at the state of the despondency, the journey of the two dis- world and the situation closer to ciples to Emmaus should give us hope. Lhome, it would be easy to sink into Sunday Observer When all seems dark and foreboding, the despondency. words in the scriptures should revive us. We can detect the despair and uncer- By After all, we are called to be the salt of tainty everywhere. The economic outlook Anil Netto the earth. This means we must continue to appears bleak, the position of minorities be prophetic voices in the world around in the face of religious and racial rhetoric [email protected] us, making a difference wherever we are looks uncertain, job prospects seem dis- placed. This is unlikely to be easy, for it mal, nature is facing an existential threat, could come at huge cost. basic rights appear to be curtailed. ney, late in the evening on that first Easter. themselves from the painful memories of The world around us doesn’t have to be The promise of the ‘new Malaysia’ ap- We can imagine how heartbroken they the crucifixion, still fresh in their minds. like this. We are blessed with a diversity pears to have dimmed. Some are even were. Only a few days ago, they had prob- Just as many of us are prone to during of people, fertile soil, lush rainforests and telling their children to explore greener ably seen Jesus in Jerusalem, perhaps difficult, trying times, they felt dejected precious flora and fauna. We have enough pastures. heard him preaching. He had proclaimed and downcast. Their faith and hope had for everyone if everyone is given fair op- Yes, these are trying times. a new kingdom where the last would be taken a beating. portunities, if corruption is wiped out, if How are we not to sink into helplessness first, where love and justice would reign. But then this stranger came into their the greedy are kept at bay and if leaders and despair at what is going on? After all, They had hoped for a liberation. midst and rekindled their crushed hopes truly serve the people’s interests. it is only human to feel such despondency But now he was gone – executed merci- bit by bit. He explained the scriptures to If we live in faith, hope, love, and soli- during times of darkness. lessly on the cross, dying in excruciating them and reminded them how the Messiah darity – some of the hallmarks of the king- In the Gospels, even the two follow- pain. The Empire had vanquished their would have to suffer before entering into dom – we can hasten the transformation ers of Jesus, Cleopas and one other, felt Messiah (or so they thought). How cruelly glory. of the world. Along the way, as we travel crestfallen on the journey from Jerusalem their hopes had been dashed! Perhaps they While he was talking, the hearts of the along our own road to Emmaus, we can to Emmaus. (This could have been the could sense the fear among the scattered two disciples burned within them. And draw strength for the journey from the same Cleopas whose wife had witnessed Apostles and could foresee a time of per- when they broke bread together, they ex- words of the risen Jesus. the crucifixion of Jesus as described in secution looming. perienced him among them. He fired up Let us comfort and encourage one an- John 19:25). Along the way, they poured No wonder they were leaving Jerusalem, their faith and they felt his presence. But other along this journey. We cannot afford out their sorrow and disappointment to a putting behind all their hopes and dreams in a flash, he was gone. to sink into despair and despondency – for stranger who had joined them on the jour- of a new world, perhaps also distancing Whenever we are tempted to sink into we are all here for a purpose. Seventeenth Sunday: Wisdom and bringing out the best of the past

his Sunday’s readings begin with Solo- the advancement of modern life. So, in the Tmon’s request for wisdom and conclude area of family life, the first group wants to Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with a summation of the Lord’s teaching on re-create the Cleaver Family from one of the parables. the first sitcoms,Leave it to Beaver, and the ishing of the study of Sacred Scripture. 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time At the conclusion of the dissertation on second group sees value in a sit-com like We should also apply this to our lives. All Readings: 1 Kgs. 3:5,7-12; of us can look back and note numerous pos- the parables in the Gospel of Matthew, Je- Modern Family. In the area of faith, the Romans 8:28-30; sus states: “Every scribe of the Kingdom is first group wants to return to the pre-Vati- itive and multiple negative aspects of our Gospel: Matthew 13:44-52 or 44-46 like the head of the household who brings can Church and the second group wants a lives. We have got to stop persecuting our- out from his storeroom both the new and Church without a visible structure. selves by dwelling on the negatives of our past. When we do this, we are bringing the on this, the person says, “Hey, I can do this. the old.” Jesus spoke to the Jewish people, How do we best deal with the past and the And it is important for me to use this gift well versed in Hebrew scripture. The Gos- present? I believe that it was the Russian past into the present. Leave it in the past. At the same time, it is not pride to recognise God gave me. I’m going to volunteer as an pel of Matthew was pointed towards Jew- poet/philosopher, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich AIDS buddy or as a hospice companion.” ish Christians. Jesus is not replacing what Yevtushenko, who had this insight: He the gifts we have shown and to be sure that we utilise our potential, or make our talents This is looking at the past and bringing the we call the Old Testament with the New said that the trick to handling the past is to best with us to the present. Testament. He is combining the best of the know what should be brought with us and real in the present. So, for example, a person went through a You married folks really should do this Hebrew Scriptures with the New Way, the what should be left behind. That is wisdom. when considering your relationship. If you Kingdom of God. The wise one, the scribe For example, within the Church, we should period of life when he or she behaved im- morally. Then, perhaps due to a religious are human beings, then you have made mis- of the Kingdom, therefore, knows how to bring with us from the past devotion to the takes. Leave them in the past. You have also use what is old and what is new. sacraments, to the Mother of God, the im- experience most likely occasioned by love, that person changed his or her lifestyle and been supportive and caring. Bring this into It takes wisdom to understand how to portance of the Catholic Family, firm stand- your present. Sometimes, a couple that is deal with the past and the present. There are ards of morality, a determination to practice became the person he or she is now. He or she said, “I am getting married now. I am having a crisis in their marriage will see me. many people who idealise the past and want the faith. What should be left behind would Often, I’ll mention that the present situation to return to life as it was, for example, in include the subordination of the laity, the re- having a child now. I need to be a person of integrity.” And that person grew up spir- needs to be dealt with, but say they shouldn’t the fifties. There are many others who want pression of the roles of women in the faith, let this situation cause them to overlook all to reject the past and concentrate only on the glorification of the and the dimin- itually determined to live a new, dedicated Christian lifestyle. the good they have done for each other and It would be wrong for that person or any the growth they have achieved as a loving of us to dwell on the mistakes of the past. couple. Some people are too quick to give If sin was involved, well, remember the up on marriage and end up realising what Sacrament of Reconciliation is given to us they have lost only after it is too late. to leave the past in the past and to concen- Solomon prayed for wisdom. Not a bad trate on the present. On the positive side, a idea. It takes wisdom to meet the challenges person can look at his or her past and re- of life. It takes wisdom to be a good parent, member how volunteer work for the poor or a good husband, a good wife, a good priest, sick was so important during high school or a good person. It takes wisdom to discern college. Perhaps, he or she might remember what needs to be brought into the present how others could not deal with a dying per- and what needs to be left in the past. son, but how he or she was able to sit down, Where do we get this wisdom? The same chat with the sick person and see that per- place that Solomon received his. — By son, not the person’s sickness. Reflecting Msgr Joseph A Pellegrino HERALD July 26, 2020 Pastoral 3 Parish at the service of evangelisation he Church offers space for everyone from their “‘being’, that is, from the wit- to find their place, while respecting The Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy published instructions on reforming ness of a radical following of Christ.” Lay Tthe vocation of each individual. This parishes and restructuring to better serve their “singular mission faithful participate in the evangelising ac- idea forms the core of the Instruction on the of evangelisation.” tion of the Church. They are called upon to parish, which the Vatican’s Congregation The 24-page document is called The pastoral conversion of the parish make a “generous commitment” through the for the Clergy released on July 20. The doc- community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church and seeks general witness of their daily lives, lived in ument does not promulgate any new legisla- conformity with the Gospel, while placing tion, but proposes methods to better apply to foster a greater co-responsibility and collaboration among all the baptised. themselves at the service of the parish com- existing rules and canonical norms. The aim The instruction, which does not introduce anything new to Church law, munity.Lay faithful can also be instituted as is to encourage the co-responsibility of the sets out provisions of the existing law and guidelines to preserve “the Lectors and (i.e. for service at the baptised and to promote pastoral care based faithful from certain possible extremes, such as the clericalisation of the altar) on a stable basis, by means of the rel- on closeness and cooperation between par- laity and the secularisation of the clergy, or from regarding permanent evant rite. But they must be in full commun- ishes. What emerges most forcefully from as ‘half-priests’ or a ‘super laymen,’” the under-secretary wrote. ion with the , have received the Instruction is the urgency of missionary adequate formation and lead exemplary renewal, a pastoral conversion of the parish, Signed by Pope Francis June 29, the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, personal lives. In addition, in exceptional so that the faithful may rediscover the dyna- the instruction promotes greater cooperation among different parish circumstances, they may receive other as- mism and creativity which allows the par- communities, emphasising the need for the parish to be inclusive, signments from the Bishop, “at his prudent ish to be always “going forth”, aided by the evangelising, and attentive to the poor. judgement”. These include celebrating the contribution of all the baptised faithful. The Liturgy of the Word and funeral rites, ad- Instruction consists of 11 chapters and can faith in charity and the importance of caring tive of the parish. He ought to be appointed ministering Baptism, assisting at marriag- be divided into two parts: the first (chapters for the poor which the parish evangelises. for an indefinite period of time, since the es – with the Holy See’s permission – and 1-6) offers a broad reflection on pastoral Every baptised person must be an active good of souls demands stability and implies preaching in a church or oratory in case of conversion, missionary outreach and the protagonist in evangelisation. Therefore, a knowledge of the community. However, the need. Under no circumstances, however, value of the parish in the contemporary con- change of mentality and interior renewal is Instruction recalls that a Bishop may appoint may lay people give the homily during the text. The second part (chapters 7-11) dwells essential in order to carry out a missionary a parish priest for a determined period, pro- celebration of the Eucharist. on the subdivisions of parish communities, reform of pastoral care.Naturally, these pro- vided it is not less than five years and that various pastoral roles that make them up cesses of change must be flexible and grad- the Episcopal Conference has established Bodies of ecclesial co-responsibility and the ways in which the governing norms ual, since every project must be situated in this by decree.When he has reached the The Instruction also reflects on parish bod- are applied. the real life of a community, without being age of 75, the parish priest has the “moral ies of ecclesial co-responsibility, including imposed from above and without “clerical- duty” to present his resignation, though he the Parish Finance Council, which is con- The parish: “A house among houses” ising” the service of pastoral care. does not cease from office until the Bishop stituted as a consultative body, is presided The Instruction describes the parish as “a has accepted it and communicated his ac- over by the and is formed of at least house among houses” – a permanent sign of Diocesan subdivisions ceptance in writing. In any case, acceptance three members.The document says the ad- the Risen One in the midst of His people, The second part of the Instruction opens will always be for a “just and proportion- ministration of a parish’s goods is “an im- according to the first part of the document. with the analysis of the subdivisions within ate cause”, so as to avoid a “functionalistic” portant area of evangelisation and evangeli- The missionary nature of the parish is fun- the diocesan territory.First, the document conception of the ministry. cal witness, both in the Church and in civil damental for evangelisation. Globalisation explains, parishes should follow the key society.” All goods belong to the parish and and the digital world have altered its spe- factor of proximity while taking into ac- Deacons: ordained ministers, not to the parish priest, the Congregation for cific link with the territory it encompasses. count the similarities of the population and not ‘half-priests and half-laymen’ the Clergy reaffirms. The task of the Parish Therefore, the parish as such is no longer the characteristics of the territory. The docu- A portion of the eighth chapter is dedicated Finance Council will therefore be to foster a just a geographical space but an existential ment then dwells on the specific procedures to deacons. They are collaborators of the “culture of co-responsibility, of administra- space. It is precisely in this context that the relating to the incorporation, merging or Bishop and the priests in a singular mission tive transparency and of service to the needs parish’s “flexibility” emerges, allowing it to division of parishes, and on those relating of evangelisation. Deacons are ordained of the Church.”The Parish Pastoral Council respond to the demands of the times and to to the Vicariates Forane (also known as a ministers and participate to a degree of the is also consultative in nature, and is “highly adapt its service to the faithful throughout Deanery), which bring together several par- Sacrament of Holy Orders, especially in the recommended”. “Far from being simply history. ish units and the pastoral units that group area of evangelisation and charity, including a bureaucratic organ, the Pastoral Coun- several Vicariates Forane. the administration of goods, the proclama- cil highlights and realizes the centrality of Missionary renewal tion of the Gospel, and service at the Eucha- the People of God as the subject and active The Instruction, therefore, stresses the im- Parish priest: “pastor” of the ristic table. They are not to be considered as protagonist of the evangelising mission, in portance of a missionary renewal of parish community “half-priests and half-laymen”, according to virtue of the fact that every member of the structures. Such renewal should steer clear The Instruction then delves into the theme the Instruction which quotes Pope Francis, faithful has received the gifts of the Spirit of self-referentiality and rigidness. Rather, of assigning the pastoral care of parish com- nor is their vocation to be considered from through Baptism and Confirmation.”Its it should focus instead on spiritual dyna- munities, both in ordinary and extraordinary the perspective of clericalism or functional- main function is to offer practical propos- mism and pastoral conversion based on the ways. First of all, the role of the parish priest ism. als for the parish’s pastoral and charitable proclamation of the Word of God, the sacra- as “pastor” of the community is underlined. initiatives, in harmony with the objectives mental life and the witness of charity. The He is at the service of the parish, and not Witness of consecrated persons and of the diocese. Proposals require the favour- “culture of encounter” should provide the the other way around. His role “involves the generous commitment of laity able acceptance of the pastor in order to be- necessary context for promoting dialogue, full care of souls.” The parish priest must The Instruction published by the Congrega- come operative. solidarity and openness to all. In this way, therefore have received the Order of the tion for the Clergy also reflects on conse- parish communities will be able to develop , excluding any other possibility. crated men and women, as well as the la- No ‘tax on the Sacraments’: an a true “art of accompaniment”. In particular, He is the administrator responsible for par- ity, within parish communities.Consecrated offering is a free act the Instruction recommends the witness of ish property and is the juridical representa- men and women contribute in the first place The final chapter dwells on offerings for the celebration of the Sacraments. They must be “a free act” on the part of the one offering and should not be requested as if it were a tax or a fee. Priests are urged to offer a virtu- ous example in their use of money, through a sober lifestyle and transparent administra- tion of parish goods. In this way, the faithful will be encouraged to contribute willingly to the needs of the Parish, which are also their own.

Previous Instructions It should be remembered that the new In- struction follows the interdicasterial In- struction of 1997, dedicated to the theme Ecclesia de mysterio: On certain questions regarding the collaboration of the non- ordained faithful in the sacred ministry of the priest, and the Instruction of 2002, pub- lished by the Congregation for the Clergy on The Priest, Pastor, and Guide of the Parish Community. –– By Isabella Piro, Sunday Mass in Divine Mercy Church, Sg Ara. 4 Home HERALD July 26, 2020 Hearts overflowing with joy to receive the Lord After three months of watching live-streamed Masses, Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese some Malaysian Catholics were privileged to go to church and participate in the Eucharistic Celebrations. Here, we highlight some of their comments. t first I was hesitant to each other becomes stronger. “Ago to church because I “It feels funny and weird to realised we were still not free be inside the church with your Keningau Diocese of the coronavirus. As long as face mask on. It is difficult to a vaccine was not found, we recognize other people. How- couldn't be complacent. ever, I believe this is only tem- hen it was announced that the “Still, I am happy with the porary. We need to be patient church would reopen its doors for “W application of the SOPs im- and calm and adhere to all the the Holy Mass, I felt very excited to finally posed by the church. Although Church SOPs. be able to quench my longing to meet the I cannot talk to other people or “I am also happy to know Lord and receive His Body and Blood. shake hands with them, to cel- that courses for pre-marriages “However, due to my health condition at ebrate the Eucharist together and baptism for the elect will that time, I was unable to attend the first is so meaningful and I believe commence soon. with perseverance and friendli- Holy Mass at St John the Baptist Church, that through His Words and “I congratulate the Church ness to ensure our safety.” — Panui on June 28. blessings, our communion with volunteer teams. They serve Leina Edward, Kota Kinabalu “I remain grateful even though I am not in good health to still have the opportunity to hear the Word of God and receive the Body of Jesus spiritually through the online Holy hen the gov- our presence here Mass. — Glorytta Richard, Keningau “Wernment “Yshows you are the announced the reo- good soil. The soil where pening of houses of the seed of the Word of worship, my heart was God can grow fertile and overflowing with joy. feel very grateful and take root,” said Fr Paul “I could not wait for Lo who presided at the “I happy to be able to re- Sunday. Finally, on turn to serve the people, es- Mass on July 12 after 15 July 12, I was able weeks of no public Mass pecially at the . Be- to attend Mass at the fore the Mass began, some celebrations. Holy Rosary Limba- A few days before attending Mass, news of us from the Parish Youth hau. Apostolate were assigned to broke of a COVID-19 cluster near the cathe- “Before that, like a dral area. This caused anxiety and I almost do the registration, checking small child who, for the first time in his life temperatures and hand sani- withdrew from attending Mass. But it turned will go to school, I prepared my clothes earlier out that the news was not true. I felt resentful tizing for the priest, liturgi- to attend Mass. As I walked into the church, I cal ministers and parishion- that this fake news made the people hesitant to was moved to be fortunate to attend the first come to church. ers. Mass after the MCO. “Everyone cooperated by I am satisfied with the implementation of the “But it was not all happy moments as there SOPs in church. Although there was no choir following all the procedures were family members who could not join the and filling up the required and a shorter duration of the Mass, I felt more Holy Mass due to the SOPs. Being able to re- focused on the Eucharist because of the quiet personal details at the regis- ceive the Body and Blood of Christ is some- this pandemic will end. atmosphere. tration counter. The congre- thing I have really missed all this time. “However, we still have Everyone who attended was cooperative. gation also complied with “The presiding priest, Fr Rayner Bisius, re- to keep our distance and be There was no unnecessary movement, and af- the SOPs that had been set minded the people to be the ‘do-ers’ of the cautious. Prevention is bet- ter the Mass, everyone went out in an orderly by the church. At this time, Word especially in this time. I believe God ter than cure. – Shirley Liew, manner. we have to go through many sees all that and He gives the best for His peo- Cathedral of St Francis Congratulations to these who helped in new norms, but I do believe ple. Hopefully this pandemic passes quickly.” that with our united prayers, Xavier, Keningau the smooth implementation of the SOPs. – — Florence Liangkim, Kg Padawan, Papar Felixia A. Yapp, Sacred Heart Cathedral, KK

Malacca Johore Diocese t was “Iquite efore going for Mass, oing back to church to attend Mass emotional “BI was EXCITED, and “Gafter the lockdown was a complete hearing reached church half an hour ear- privilege for me, and I felt the peace and the church lier. But then I realised that 80 comfort of the Lord. bells ring per cent of the other leaders were “The feeling of receiving Holy Commun- for the even earlier than me. I could feel ion was great, and once again I felt that I first Mass that they were as excited as me. was reborn after my baptism in 2018 at St after the “When I received Communion, Joseph Church. — Marie Victoria, St Jo- lockdown! I felt like it somehow rekindled seph’s Church, Plentong It was so my fire for Jesus and the church with a new mission and beautiful. a new start.” — Dominic Tiam, St Theresa’s Church, My heart Melaka was ringing too. was very worried being a “Being an Extraordinary Com- “Inurse, as there are the SOPs to munion Minister and a member e were grateful to have online be followed, and I prayed that peo- of the Parish Response Team, I “WMass during the lock down. ple would follow them. thought about those who were However, attending Mass in the “I love being able to return to homebound, knowing how it felt House of the Lord and receiving the church and attending Mass.” — to not be able to receive Christ in body of Christ, I felt completely blessed Jennifer de Los Santos, Sacred Holy Communion. and filled with the Holy Spirit.”— Cyn- Heart Cathedral, Johor Bahru “I got to touch Him!” — thia Heng Choon Ya, Church of Christ Patricia Ting, Sacred Heart the King, Kulai Cathedral, Johor Bahru HERALD July 26, 2020 Home 5 Chrism Mass a sign of new times, new needs and new faith in Christ PLENTONG, Johor: Priests from journeying and working with him to the Malacca Johore Diocese gath- care for and serve the diocese. ered at MAJODI Centre for the first Sr Susan Dulang, SSFS, who time after the introduction of the heads the BM Apostolate, was hap- Movement Control Order (MCO), py to see all the priests and deacons for the two-day Monthly Clergy after three months but felt the ab- Recollection and the celebration of sence of the parishioners. the Chrism Mass on July 14. This Alfred Michael, who is a sound was also the first group staying at engineer and who had on many MAJODI after the months of Move- occasions in the past provided his ment Control. professional skills to events such as The Chrism Mass is when the the PMPC, was tasked with the live priests renew their promises and streaming of the event. “When I was the holy oils used in the sacraments told that the Chrism Mass was going throughout the year is blessed. This to be held in Majodi Hall and live is then given to the priests to take streaming was required, the chal- back to their parishes. A group photo of the clergy of the Malacca Johore Diocese after the Chrism Mass on July 14, 2020. lenge was the hall had only a Strea- The Holy Oils are used for: with Fr Adrian Francis Matthews as favour is here. and petty god that many perceive myx line, which didn’t have a good 1. Chrism – in the sacraments of MC. Also in attendance were Bish- In his homily, Bishop Bernard re- God to be.” Finally, his words to the enough upload speed to make the Baptism, Confirmation and Holy op Emeriti James Chan and Paul iterated that proclaiming the Lord’s priests were “be men of faith, hope live stream possible. So I mentioned Orders, as well as for the consecra- Tan with members of the MAJODI year of favour was timely. It was and love because the “big God” is to the Bishop and the team that we tion of altars and the dedication of staff. timely that the Chrism Mass, which within you and not outside. Connect could only pre-record the Mass and churches. At the opening, Bishop Bernard is traditionally held before Easter, with that God and glorify God in upload the video later. 2. Oil of Catechumens – in the recalled that the last time the cler- was celebrated now after the lock- what you become.” Following the However, I did not stop try- sacrament of Baptism, and gy gathered was on the field of St down, with the return of the priests homily, the priests renewed their ing to find a solution knowing the 3. Oil of the sick – in the rite of Paul’s Hill in Malacca for the Open- to their duties, the re-opening of promises. significance of the Chrism Mass the Anointing of the Sick ing Mass to launch the Golden Ju- churches, the reintroduction of After Communion prayers, the and the people at home wanting Held at 6.00 pm at the Majodi bilee (50th Anniversary) of the MJ Masses and the gradual return of oils were blessed. Bishop Bernard to participate. I decided to install Hall following the safe distancing Diocese, which will be in 2022. He the sacraments. “This Chrism Mass thanked God for the priests and the a Point-to-Point Outdoor Wifi -Ex and SOP, the Eucharist was cel- said that this first gathering for the marks the recommitment of the gift of the priesthood, the people tender from the Curia Office back ebrated by Bishop Bernard Paul Chrism Mass was very significant priests to new times, new faith in of God without whom the priests to Majodi Hall and, praise the Lord, together with his Vicar Generals, as it was a call for a new beginning, Christ and new needs. He encour- would have no one to serve, for the live stream was possible. It was Msgrs Peter Ng and Michael Man- which starts with the new promise aged the priests to proclaim to the the grace of the diocese in prepar- streamed simultaneously on MJD nayagam, and Deacons Gilbert and blessing of the new oils. It is a people how “big” God’s faith, love ing for its golden jubilee celebration Youtube channel and Facebook.” — James OFM Cap and Leslie Petrus declaration that the Lord’s year of and hope in us is. He is not the small in 2022. He thanked the clergy for By Angila Yong ofs 6 Home HERALD July 26, 2020 Clergy gather for Chrism Mass BUKIT MERTAJAM: The Holy oils. “The bonus was that through Chrism Mass was celebrated with First, the effects of the Sacra- social media, some priests could great joy and thanksgiving at the ments will work on the recipient, reach out to people to pray, and I minor basilica of St Anne on July irrespective of the moral condition thank God for these priests and 22 by Bishop Sebastian Francis of of the soul, personal sanctity, prep- their creativity,” he said. Penang, with all the clergy, reli- aration and prayer, he said. After the homily, there was the gious, deacons and seminarians. “Secondly, your personal sanc- renewal of priestly promises by all Seven priests con-celebrated the tification, attitude, prayer life, will priests. Mass. depend on how ready you are in Then the sanctification of the The Chrism Mass is usually cel- your personal development, in three holy oils which are used in ebrated during Holy week, but fol- your mission. the Sacraments began. lowing the strict Movement Con- “With the holy oils, graces are The oils were brought forward in trol Order imposed on March 18, received both by pastor and recipi- three jars. the celebration was postponed until ent, depending on personal sancti- Bishop Sebastian prayed over the MCO was relaxed to permit fication. and blessed each oil individually. larger gatherings in church with “What a beautiful way to receive When creating and consecrating social distancing and Standard Op- graces,” he said. the holy Chrism oil, he poured in erating Procedures in place. Reflecting on the past 4-5 balsam oil into the olive oil and In what was a joyful and mov- Bishop Sebastian Francis blessing the oil of the catechumens at St Anne months, Bishop Sebastian said mixed it, before breathing on it. ing celebration, Bishop Sebastian minor basilica on July 22, 2020. (photo/Stephen Wong) there were times when he won- The mixed oil signifies the pres- welcomed the priests of the Penang In his homily, Bishop Sebas- Similarly, Mother Mary’s pri- dered what was happening to the ence of the Holy Spirit. diocese. tian said the diocese was on the mary vocation (according to God’s priesthood under the MCO. He then prayed over it to conse- He said Bishop Emeritus Antony threshold of celebrating the Feast plan) was to prepare Jesus as sav- It was reduced to three impor- crate the Chrism oil and asked for Selvanayagam, Sandana- of St Anne, starting July 24, but the iour of the world. tant roles for priests: presence God’s blessing upon it. samy Peter of Our Lady of Lourdes saddest part was that the minor ba- “I believe that they will help you (all priests were at their parishes), After the blessing, Bishop Se- parish in Ipoh and Fr Peter Chin silica would be closing its gates to prepare for your primary mission availability (for sick calls and for bastian said the other oils and the CSsR of Canada, who is incardi- the public. through these oils used by deacons, funerals), and intercession (as me- Chrism oil were now a holy pre- nated under the Bishop of Penang, “But that will not stop St Anne priests and bishop. diators for the people). cious gift from God, signifying His as well as other priests who could from reaching out to her sons and “Who are you going to prepare “One role the priest played was cleansing, strengthening, healing, not be present, would be included daughters, showering them with for vocation? God will choose and the celebration of Mass alone with- comforting and life-giving graces in prayer. blessings and interceding for them. you will assist.” out the people present. to those who use it and receive it. “We come before the Lord with “The gates can be closed but the Bishop Sebastian then gave an “He was doing it on behalf of the “The Chrism oil is used for the great thanksgiving, coming to- Spirit will go on,” he said. explanation of the holy oils, which people. anointing of priests, and we ask gether to taste, and feel and see the St Anne’s primary vocation was is uniquely Catholic and involves “That is the essence of priest- God for blessings upon the royal presence of the Lord through the motherhood, to prepare Mary for the Sacraments, showing how God hood and the primary vocation of and prophetic honour of the priest- holy oils. her mission. moves through the use of the holy a priest. hood,” he said. St Michael’s Church is undergoing repairs IPOH: St Michael’s Church (SMC), are water stains on the walls and ceil- In view of the mammoth project which is celebrating its 130th anni- ings. ahead, SMC has had to put aside versary this year, is embarking on yet The canteen area, outside the par- plans to resurface the church com- another challenge – that of restoring, ish hall, had parts of its ceiling boards pound, due to the economic situation. repairing and repainting SMC. blown away by a storm, resulting in As for the church itself, the roof SMC parish priest, Fr Anthony gaping holes. structures are complicated, and there Liew, mentioned on July 13 that there The parish building roof above St are leaks and water stains all over. was an urgent need to do the neces- Francis Xavier hall was also blown The total cost of the whole project sary work for the church, parish of- away, leaving it flooded during one has yet to be estimated, and Fr An- fice building, community centre and such heavy storm on April 16. thony said he would let the people Shalom House. The Shalom house has water know how much was needed for re- This came about because as the marks on the ceilings and walls, and pairs and restoration work. church and its adjacent buildings there are cracks on the walls, as well “We have asked the roof contrac- were damaged by strong winds dur- as damaged doors. Hence the need tor to prepare a detailed investigation ing heavy storms that erupted during for repairs. first, with no obligation or -commit the Movement Control Order. At Mass on July 18, Fr Anthony ment on our part. Parish building roof blown away by heavy storms. The roofs of the outer buildings said work to repaint the parish com- “With the subsequent findings, we “One of our maintenance team, the smooth completion of the SMC need to be replaced as to the dam- munity centre had begun with the can discuss with the consultant engi- who has experience in the housing building restoration project. aged ceilings and stains on the walls. workers already pressure washing neer the best way to carry out repairs construction industry, is helping to He added that they should pray There are cracks on the walls and the walls first, before preparing the for the long term, rather than repair it co-ordinate and supervise the current for each other, so everyone would ceiling of the bell tower and the attic. walls for painting. bit by bit. work ... voluntarily (at no cost),” he be strengthened in carrying out the In the Community Centre, which The replacement of the damaged “We will also get quotations from added. project and fund raising by the SMC was last painted 14 years ago, there roofing has also begun, he added. other contractors as well. He asked the people to pray for family. Rite of Profession for Secular Franciscan Order PENANG: The Secular Franciscan celebration presided by the Frater- with the grace and mercy of God as Order (SFO) of St Felix of Cantalice nity’s Spiritual Assistant, Fr Michael the Word of God comes alive for her. marked a very significant day in their Raymond, OFM Capuchin at the The Secular Franciscan Order is fraternity on July 18. One of their Friary’s Chapel. In his homily, Fr the third branch of the Franciscan members made her Permanent Pro- Michael reminded the candidates Family founded by St Francis of fession and another six made their that as Seculars, they must be ready Assisi for Catholic men and wom- Temporary Profession into the Order. to face the world, where their prom- en who seek to observe the Gospel These members went through a pe- ise to live out Gospel values will be of Jesus by following his example. riod of formation and a retreat before challenged every day. He further The Fraternity of St Felix of Can- they made their decision to commit stressed to the newly professed that talice usually meets once a month themselves to live a Gospel life fol- they need a heart of humility to live Fr Michael Raymond OFM Cap with the newly professed and other fraternity members. for prayers, sharing and fellowship. lowing the footsteps of St Francis of the Gospels. Like John the Baptist, Crucified One. steps of St Francis of Assisi.” Members of the Fraternity also em- Assisi. who in the Gospels puts across to One of the newly professed, Cath- Stephanie Cheong added that it bark on outreach projects for the This event, which was supposed the people that the focus is on Christ, erine Khoo, shared: “It was an awe was a humbling experience for her poor and the sick in the community. to be held in March, was postponed the newly professed should allow inspiring moment for me when I be- to go through a period of formation, Anyone who is interested and wants till July due to the COVID-19 pan- the self to “decrease” and Christ to came a temporary professed member and retreat, and finally to be able to to discern a calling to join the Order demic. The Rites of both Permanent “increase”. They should not be full ... to know that as a lay person, I am make her temporary profession. She may contact the Minister, Lillian and Temporary Profession were of themselves because their living able to serve Christ and live the Gos- reiterated that living a Gospel life is Ch’ng through WhatsApp 017-401 incorporated into the Eucharistic a Gospel life is about the Lord, the pel way of life by following the foot- a challenge but she is ready to face it 8548. HERALD July 26, 2020 Home 7 Any change in name of St Paul’s Hill will distort Melaka’s history MELAKA: The preoccupation with changing Malaysia but also in Southeast Asia. names from our colonial past is approaching The hill has been known as St Paul’s Hill for mass hysteria. more than 350 years. The colonial past is still a part of our history All these significant moments and incidents and deserves a place in the legacy and heritage in history are embedded and revered in the of our beloved country. legacy and historical heritage of the Malay- The attempt to change the name of St Paul’s sian Portuguese-Eurasian community. Hill to Bukit Melaka is an annoying move. It is a legacy that pulsates in the sanctuary of The rationale given by the museum authori- our greater Malaysian heritage together with ties is that the hill was known as Bukit Melaka the other legacies of our multiracial society. before the Portuguese occupation of Melaka. The greater Malaysian legacy is without The hill had no real significance at that time doubt led by the major Malay-Bumiputra her- except for being a place suitable for an or- itage, while still nurturing and protecting all chard, or conducive for recreation and small the other minor legacies. This includes the game hunting. smallest minority of all, the scions of our co- The Portuguese (and later the Dutch) gave lonial past — the Portuguese-Eurasian legacy. it religious significance. They named the hill The hill may be small, but it remains sig- “Hill of the Lady”, with attribution to the nificant in contributing towards UNESCO’s “Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation”, acceptance of Melaka into the list of “World built in thanksgiving to Mary, mother of Jesus, Heritage Sites”. for the safe return of a major Portuguese naval That UNESCO placement was much await- expedition to Melaka. St Paul’s Hill, Melaka ed and highly appreciated. It brought great They also utilised the hill as an important economic benefits to Melaka and to Malaysia from the Portuguese, they turned part of the watchtower and strategic location for the en- Protestant cemetery for officers. as a whole. church into an armoury depot. The portion hancement and management of the city’s se- On a higher level, a special space was re- The degree to which any civilisation in any that once held the body of the was left curity against enemies, invaders and pirates. served as a final resting place for higher-rank- country is acknowledged, is reflected in the untouched as a mark of reverence. It was also on the grounds of this church ing officers. acceptance of all the lingering vestiges of its The security facilities at the hill were fur- that the revered Portuguese religious figure The graves and cemetery are still being legacies, tangible and intangible, including ther strengthened, improved and fortified St Francis Xavier, the Roman Catholic patron maintained by the Dutch government. The those brought by colonialists. when the Dutch administrative headquarters, saint of the East, was initially buried before present-day descendants among the Portu- Heritage must be considered before the itch the Stadthuys, was built at the base of the hill. his body was exhumed years later to be rebur- guese-Eurasian community have maintained of changing long-established names gets the The hill was also dotted with other offices ied in Goa. ancestral ties and are fully aware of their an- better of us. and quarters for Dutch officers and their fami- A miracle was revealed when the body, af- cestral connections. Malaysia for all Malaysians. — By lies. ter exhumation, was found to be incorrupt and At the foot of the hill, near the Stadthuys, Michael Singho, FMT At the higher plateaus of the hill, the intact. It remains so to this day in its resting the Dutch built their church and called it St residences of the top officers were built. At place in a church in Goa. Paul’s Church in 1521. The church is believed l Michael Singho is the president of the Ma- the foot of the eastern side, there was a Dutch After the Dutch took control of Melaka to be the oldest Catholic structure, not only in lacca Portuguese-Eurasian Association. Physically safe and spiritually healthy KUALA LUMPUR: For almost four Fr George Packiasamy shares months (March to June 2020) I celebrated Mass without my parishioners, as that was thoughts on his the new norm of celebrating the Eucharist preparations and for many of our priests. However, with the experiences in the relaxation of the Movement Control Order resumption of pub- (MCO), churches are reopening and hold- lic Masses in his ing public Masses with proper guidelines and requirements in place. We have now parish, the Church moved to another new norm of celebrating of St Joseph. Mass with a limited number of people. I feel happy that this new norm has lifted up the ance, only 159 persons turned up for Mass. face of the Church throughout the country The following Sunday (July 5), we had 269 once again. Although the congregations participants registered (from BEC 10-21) The parishioners of the Church of St Joseph at Mass. are small, I hear the voices of the Church but only 216 turned up for Mass. On July through the participation of the faithful eve- 12 we had 263 parishioners from BECs 22- at mass. This Sunday, July 19, we extended Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confir- ry Sunday. 34 who confirmed attendance, but only 217 an invitation to BECs 1-17 to attend Mass, mation and Eucharist). We will celebrate The Church of St Joseph reopened for members attended Mass. Besides our BEC and the following weekend, invitations will these Sacraments together with the Scrutiny the Eucharistic Celebration on Sunday, members, we also extended invitation to be extended to BECs 18-34. We would have at the end of August or at the beginning of June 28. The Parish Response Team (PRT) those Catholics who regularly attend week- heard or read about the recent announce- September 2020. We also have our Con- comprising seven members and around 25 end Masses at our parish but do not belong ment made by the government that places firmation students who will receive their volunteers, has been working hard making to any of the BECs in our parish. of worship no longer need to operate at 1/3 Sacrament later this year. His Grace Arch- preparations these past three weeks, and Over these past few Sundays, I noticed capacity (July 10) but still need to enforce bishop Julian Leow will administer the Sac- registering Parishioners for Sunday Mass. that only a few catechism students aged 13 the minimum one-meter social distancing rament of Confirmation to our 24 students Of course, it has encountered various ob- and over, as well as young people, regis- requirement. We will try our best to accom- in October 2020 in our parish. The respec- stacles, challenges and hiccups along the tered for the Sunday Mass. These teenagers modate between 250 and 300 parishioners tive teachers and facilitators will continue way, but overall, the team has been efficient and young people are probably very com- at Sunday Masses in our Parish, while still to conduct lessons online during the months and effective. The team members have gone fortable following online Masses, which are ensuring adherence to the social distancing of August and September. I hope the candi- through a process of learning, planning, ac- available on various channels throughout requirement. dates and students will be responsible and commodating and adjusting to the require- the world from the confines of their homes. In August, we hope to commence Phase serious about their lessons and their final ments of the Standard Operating Procedures I hope parents and the respective BEC coor- Three by celebrating additional Masses in preparations before receiving the Sacra- (SOP) which were laid down by the Federal dinators will play a greater role in encourag- English – a Sunset Mass on Saturday and ments. and State Government and the Archdiocese ing this group of youths to attend the Sun- one on Sunday at 9.00 am. Once a month We hope to have the support and coop- of Kuala Lumpur. day Eucharistic celebrations in person. we will have Mass in Tamil for the benefit eration of all our parishioners in order to When we were planning for the reopening We are still in Phase Two of the reopen- of our Tamil-speaking parishioners. During ensure a smooth flow for our celebration of our church, we decided to extend the in- ing for the Sunday Eucharistic celebration. Phase Three, we plan to celebrate the other of Jesus in our lives. Please adhere to the vitation to the Basic Ecclesial Committees We are glad that we have completed a whole Sacraments – Baptism for Infants, Matri- guidelines and SOPs when attending Mass, (BECs). Currently, our parish has 34 BECs. cycle, having covered all 34 BECs under mony and the Anointing of the Sick. and kindly follow the instructions of our On the first day of reopening, although 166 our Parish jurisdiction within these first We have about 10 RCIA candidates for PRT members and volunteers. We want you persons from BECs (1-9) confirmed attend- three Sundays, with regards to attendance 2019/2020 who have yet to receive the to be physically safe and spiritually healthy. 8 World HERALD July 26,, 2020 Anti-Christian attacks rise in Europe PARIS: The fire that ripped through the Gothic bers are rising. For example, according to the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nantes data provided to the OSCE (Organisation for July 18 was reported around the world. But Security and Co-operation in Europe) by the suspected arson attacks on French churches U.K., anti-Christian crimes doubled from 2017 usually do not make international headlines. to 2018. We know they are rising in Spain, Since 2010, the Paris-based L’Observatoire Germany and Sweden as well.” de la Christianophobie (Observatory of Chris- In England and Wales, the government is tianophobia) has chronicled anti-Christian inci- offering funding to places of worship facing dents in and around the world. potential hate attacks. It has recorded these events month by month Asked why attacks are increasing, Fan- on interactive maps since 2017, placing them tini said: “This is a complicated question to in six categories: arson, murder/assault, van- answer because so often we don’t know the dalism, theft, bombing and abduction. identity — or even the ideological motivations Following Saturday’s fire at Nantes, the or- The aftermath of a fire at the Parish of St Paul in Corbeil-Essonnes, France, July 4, 2020. (OIDACE) — of the perpetrators. Sometimes the motives ganization has reported several less well-pub- are clear, but other times we have to make licized incidents, including the destruction of a tigators concluded that the blaze resulted from the past two years (1,063 in 2018 and 1,052 in our best guess. As radicalized movements in- crucifix on the Île-d’Arz in Brittany, the slash- a gas leak caused by squatters, but locals ques- 2019), it rose by 285 per cent between 2008 crease in both numbers and intensity, the num- ing of paintings in a church in Auxerre and the tioned the official explanation. and 2019, according to Ellen Fantini. ber of attacks on churches seems to rise.” decapitation of a statue of the Virgin Mary in Samuel Gregg, research director at the Acton Fantini, the director of the Observatory on She continued: “I have said before that Montaud. Institute, told CNA that the spate of incidents Intolerance and Discrimination Against Chris- churches are ‘lightning rods’ for activists. Statistics suggest there are nearly three such had forced the French authorities to address the tians in Europe (OIDACE) in Vienna, said that And each group has their own reasons for attacks a day in France, which is sometimes de- issue openly. the trend of rising attacks was not confined to choosing to attack a church. Churches can scribed as the “eldest daughter of the Church” “Over the past two years, French govern- France. OIDACE records attacks on Europe’s represent ‘the patriarchy,’ ‘authority,’ ‘tradi- because the Frankish King Clovis I embraced ment officials have started to talk about it more churches on its website, but official tallies are tion,’ ‘homophobia,’ ‘the Christian West,’ etc. Catholicism in 496. publicly, perhaps because the visibility of such hard to come by. Islamists target churches for different reasons The French Interior Ministry recorded 996 attacks is now so great. Both President Emma- “Most European countries do not provide than anarchists, for example. But all of these anti-Christian acts in 2019 — an average of 2.7 nuel Macron and his new Prime Minister, Jean statistics about anti-Christian incidents. Many groups are more and more active these days.” per day. The true figure may be higher, as it is Castex, have, for instance, spoken clearly and don’t even record them as such. Another prob- “A further complicating problem is the thought that officials do not count fires of unde- forcibly about the recent attack on the cathedral lem is that many church officials don’t even unique nature of churches which tends to termined cause at churches across the country. in Nantes,” he said. report incidents -- they just sort of get on with make them more vulnerable — they’re open On July 4, for example, fire devastated the While the number of officially recorded anti- it: clean up and move on,” she said. to the public during the day and they usually Parish of St Paul in Corbeil-Essonnes. Inves- Christian incidents has remained steady over “Among countries that do report, those num- don’t have much, if any, security.” — CNA St Junipero Serra could soon be removed from California county seal DENVER: A proposal to remove St. Junipe- Serra was often at odds with Spanish colo- “Fruits, vegetables, wineries, flora and fau- ro Serra from Ventura County’s official seal nial authorities over their mistreatment of na- na that we cherish today are due to the Mis- is unwarranted, and elected officials need to tive Californians, and these indigenous people sion era initially established by St. Junipero know Serra’s true story, according to the priest showed an outpouring of grief at his death in Serra in Alta California.” who heads the final mission the sainted Span- 1784. The priest welcomed support from county ish missionary founded in California. Despite Serra’s record of defending the residents and those outside the county “to “Should the County of Ventura redesign its rights of indigenous peoples, statues of the pray and to speak in defence of St. Serra,” he emblem, some representation of Junipero Ser- 18th century Spanish-born saint have become said. ra is critical to the history of the county and focal points for protests and demonstrations “It is important that all who defend the the economic prosperity that we all enjoy to- across California in recent weeks, with imag- saint do so with respect and courtesy and day,” said Fr Tom Elewaut, pastor of the Old es of the saint being torn down or vandalised. keep focused on this topic and not inject other Mission Basilica of San Buenaventura. The Ventura County seal’s left side is domi- agendas, no matter how worthwhile. Lack of “Historic fact supports the good Serra nated by an image of Serra, with a mission respect for County and City officials in com- brought to the indigenous people of Alta Cali- church in the background. The right side of munication nets no good,” he said. fornia, his spiritual children,” he said, stating the seal shows various industries of Ventura The seal of Ventura County, California. Elewaut said the local Catholic commu- that indigenous Californians suffered the most County. nity, including many young adults, is “uni- after the mission period had ended. “Do your But Ventura County CEO Mike Powers, two statues of the saint from city hall grounds, fied in the effort to save the good name and homework, read the historical facts, and learn who oversees county operations, announced a Powers said “it is a good time to begin that evangelical ministry of St Junipero Serra. The who really abused the indigenous peoples. planned redesign of the seal at a June 23 meet- dialogue with your board.” priest has received comments from people Not Serra himself, and not the intent of the ing of the Ventura County Board of Supervi- The Ventura County Star on July 20 quoted “appalled that Serra is being wrongfully por- Mission Era.” sors. four of the five elected officials on the coun- trayed.” Local Catholics have responded to Fr Elewaut is the 30th successor of St. Juni- “Throughout the state and locally there has ty’s Board of Supervisors, none of whom de- the spate of anti-Serra behaviour with prayer- pero Serra at the San Buenaventura mission. been a lot of discussion about removal of im- fended the presence of Serra on the seal. ful support and recitations of the Rosary. When Pope Francis canonized Serra during ages and monuments of Father Serra due to “Where would the County of Ventura be Some indigenous Americans, both in his 2015 US visit, making Serra the first His- the treatment of Native Americans,” he said. today without Junipero Serra? The estab- Ventura and Santa Barbara, are “appalled by panic saint to minister in the continental U.S., “Similarly, our county seal here does include lishment of the missions and presidios—and the character assignation of St Junipero Ser- the mission held a major celebration. an image of Fr Serra.” the subsequent expansion of colonial settle- ra,” he said, The letters and actions of Serra evidence his The county seal, adopted in 1964, is present ments—created new and dynamic relations “Their family ancestry has equal weight to love and care of the indigenous persons. Aca- on city buildings, vehicles and other locations. and communities within and between colo- the family calling for the removal of the Ser- demics of indigenous descent uphold this,” Referring to actions of the City Council of nists and native people across California,” ra statue in Ventura,” he said. — By Kevin said Fr Elewaut. Ventura, which unanimously voted to remove said Elewaut. Jones, CNA Israeli soldiers seize 5th century baptismal font near Bethlehem RAMALLAH: A group of Israeli soldiers at fend cultural heritage rights” has long criticised dawn July 20 took a 5th century baptismal font Israel for its poor management in the West Bank from Tuqu, a town near Bethlehem, Palestinian archaeology. news agency WAFA reported with video. “Israel continues to use its position as the ad- The Byzantine-era artefact has great histori- ministrator of archaeological sites in the West cal value. It is one of three of its kind in the Holy Bank as a means to deepen its control over West Land. One exists in the Church of the Nativity. Bank land,” it said in a statement. This extends The font, made from rose-coloured stone, was “the policy of dispossession of Palestinians of stolen in 2000 by people unknown but was recov- their lands and cultural assets”. ered in 2002. Pending the construction of a mu- “Although the takeover of land through archae- seum, it stood in front of the mayor's house. ology is not the main method of achieving Israeli prohibits an occupying power control over land, it is significant because of its from taking antiquities out of occupied territories. symbolic aspects and its impact on public aware- Emek Shaveh, an Israeli NGO “working to de- ness.” — AsiaNews A group of Israeli soldiers at dawn July 20 took a 5th century baptismal font from Tuqu. (AsiaNews) HERALD July 26, 2020 World 9 Religious freedom must be protected MANCHESTER, England: The He said it was also important that scale of the problem.” Johnson for the role of prime minis- Catholic Church has failed to defend Christians and other people of good- The report recommended that ter, joined the online forum and said Christians effectively, partly because will made “a renewed effort to un- Britain seek a UN Security Council he was grateful that Dominic Raab, it historically accepted persecution as derline the question of conscience Resolution to require all of the na- his successor, was committed to fully part of its “community story,” a Vati- in general, even outside the religious tions of the Middle East and North implementing the recommendations can official said. sphere,” because “we do see — even Africa to protect Christians and to of the report. Archbishop , the in the West, the developed world — permit UN observers to monitor se- He said that while he was in of- Vatican’s foreign minister, told an the progressive erosion of conscience curity measures. fice, it had become clear to him that online forum in mid-July that efforts and, therefore, also of human rights.” It also included the suggestion “standing up for the rights of Chris- to counter persecution were now re- “Never underestimate the power that new linguistic terms — such as tians had been somewhat of a blind quired because the entire fabric of of prayer and the unity of the peo- “Christophobia” — be sought to de- spot in our foreign policy.” human rights was at stake — even ple of faith,” Archbishop Gallagher scribe anti-Christian discrimination Hunt told the forum that a variety in the West — if religious freedom Archbishop Paul Gallagher added. in the same way that Islamophobia of cultural and historic reasons had continued to be attacked. haps we became too complacent in The Truro report was commis- and anti-Semitism are used to de- “obscured some of the tragedies hap- He made his remarks on the first front of persecution, too used to it be- sioned by Jeremy Hunt, a for- scribe acts of violence toward Mus- pening right in front of our eyes, the anniversary of the 176-page “Truro ing a phenomenon in our community mer British foreign secretary, and lims and Jews. Catholic leaders have 250 million Christians persecuted report,” the publication of which led story and thought therefore perhaps launched on July 8, 2019. since voiced reservations about the every year for their faith, the terrible to a commitment by the British gov- it was something we had to live with, It takes its name from Angli- merits of competing for victim status atrocities that we all know about,” ernment to address the global perse- something that we couldn’t do any- can Bishop Philip Mounstephen of against other groups. adding: “I decided that we needed to cution of Christians specifically. thing about. I think the Truro report Truro, England, who led the inde- The report says the UK should do something about it.” “I think that the Truro report was was a very significant effort to do pendent commission that worked on establish independent national sanc- He said that Britain could not, very timely,” he said from the Vati- something about that,” he said. the report. tions against countries where Chris- however, “remove the scar” of perse- can via Zoom, the video-sharing “I think also we all know the deni- The report revealed a surprising tians are persecuted, and a fund cution from the world alone and told platform. “It was a bit of a wake-up al of religious freedom is the begin- scale of persecution of Christians should be established to help perse- more than 500 people who joined the call. ning of the denial and erosion of so globally, leading Hunt, an Anglican, cuted Christians and to care for those forum that the country would have “Speaking to some extent on be- many other human rights; it is almost to conclude that he was “not con- who have escaped persecution. to form alliances with others com- half of the Catholic Church and the the litmus test of human rights,” said vinced that our efforts on behalf of Hunt, who lost his Cabinet po- mitted to religious freedom. — By Holy See, I think in some ways per- the Liverpool-born archbishop. Christians have always matched the sition after competing with Boris Simon Caldwell, CNS Myanmar’s major seminary moves online Muslim leaders support MANDALAY: St Joseph’s National Catholic Major Seminary in Yangon, calls to keep Hagia Sophia the commercial hub of Myanmar, will offer online classes for seminar- a place of openness ies in various dioceses as it remains closed over COVID-19 restrictions. ISTANBUL: On July 11, World Bishops from 16 dioceses have Council of Churches (WCC) interim been requested to create an online general secretary Rev Prof Dr Ioan learning atmosphere for seminarians Sauca sent a letter to the Turkish as online theological classes will be- president expressing “grief and dis- gin at 8.30am on Aug 11. may,” noting that since 1934, “Hagia “Theological lectures will be con- Sophia has been a place of openness, ducted online while awaiting official St Joseph’s National Catholic Major Seminary (Institute of Theology) in encounter and inspiration for people permission from the government for Yangon. (Photo courtesy of the seminary) from all nations and religions.” the reopening of the seminary,” said pen until the government lifts restric- spread of the virus. The letter generated widespread a letter signed by the of the tions. The extension covers all mass reactions from churches and the me- seminary on July 19. The seminary was due to be reo- gatherings and religious activities dia — and also from Muslim leaders. It also urged seminarians to partic- Sauca met online with HE Judge SW entrance, Hagia Sophia. (Wiki pened on May 16 but the pandemic at places such as temples, pagodas, image) ipate in an online Mass at 5.00 pm on delayed the start of the new academ- churches and mosques. Mohamad Abdel Salam, general Aug 10 when professors and forma- ic year. Myanmar’s education authorities secretary of the Higher Committee shouldn’t be used in a way that could tors will make a profession of faith. The seminary has been used as a opened schools on July 21, begin- of Human Fraternity (HCHF), spe- contribute to segregation and dis- The letter said the plan for online quarantine centre to accommodate ning with high schools and adding cial adviser of the Grand Imam of al crimination at a time when the world classes comes after consultation with 130 people after Myanmar’s Catho- middle and primary schools two Azhar Cheikh Ahmad al Tayeb, and is in real need. Let us respond to Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangon, lic bishops offered its facilities to the weeks later. special adviser of the Muslim Coun- religious appeals to achieve human chairperson of the Episcopal Semi- government. Myanmar has so far reported 341 cil of Elders. solidarity, and strengthen the values nary Commission, and other bishops In June, it welcomed 102 returnees cases of COVID-19 including six A letter from the HCHF, signed by of coexistence and brotherhood be- regarding the reopening of the semi- from Thailand and China who had deaths and 278 recoveries, according Abdel Salam, stated: “In recognition tween all humankind.” nary. been quarantined for 21 days. to health officials. of the cultural and spiritual value Hafid Ouardiri, director of the An official request was made to Churches remain closed and ser- According to the latest data, of Hagia Sophia for humanity all Muslim Foundation de l'Entre- local authorities on July 16. Their vices have moved online for Sunday 609,986 people have died out of over the world, we support your call Connaissance in Geneva, founding response was that the seminary, as Masses as the government has ex- more than 14 million confirmed to avoid divisions and to promote member and vice-president of the a place for both education and resi- tended COVID-19 measures from cases worldwide. —By John Zaw, mutual respect and understanding Interreligious Platform of Geneva, dence for many students, cannot reo- July 15 to July 31 to contain the among all religions, and it gives me and founding member and vice- pleasure to attach herewith a copy president of the Spiritual Appeal of the Higher Committee of Human of Geneva, wrote in a letter to the gifts a basilica to Syro-Malabar faithful Fraternity’s statement regarding this WCC: “I would like to express my ROME: The faithful of the Syro- and therefore has the right to erect its issue.” full support for the letter addressed Malabar rite now have a basilica own communities where the faithful The statement reiterated that plac- to the President of Turkey, Mr Recep for worship. The community coor- have emigrated. es of worship must always remain a Tayyep Erdogan, by Rev Pro Dr Ioan dinator, Fr Biju Muttathunnel, com- There is a large presence of Syro- message of peace and love for all be- Sauca, interim general secretary of ments: “We are all celebrating, it is Malabarians in Chicago, Melbourne, lievers. “HCHF calls on everyone to the World Council of Churches in a great gift from the diocese and the Canada and the United Kingdom. In avoid any step that could undermine Geneva, about the conversion of Ha- Vatican.” An estimated 7,000 faith- Europe the community has an apos- interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural gia Sofia into a mosque when it was ful belonging to this rite live in the tolic Visitor, Msgr Stephen Chirap- communication, and that could cre- a museum symbol of respect for be- Italian capital and surrounding prov- panath, who coordinates the commu- ate tensions and hatred among the liefs and an example for peace… As ince: originating in Kerala (southern nities of Zurich, Cologne, Frankfurt Cardinal , vicar of followers of different religions, con- a Muslim, like many others around India), they are now integrated with- and Vienna. Rome, has granted the community of firming humanity’s need to prioritise the world, we pray that Hagia So- in the Italian community. The request to have a place of wor- Indian origin the use of St Anastasia the values of coexistence,” reads the fia in Turkey, which we love with According to Catholic tradition, ship was presented to Pope Francis on the Palatine. (AsiaNews) statement. “HCHF considers that the all our heart, remains what she has this Eastern rite church traces its ori- by the bishops of this rite. During the pontiff. Last July 8, with the an- places of worship has a very special always been since 1934, namely a gins to the preaching of St Thomas the ad limina visit in 2019, the presi- nouncement of the cardinal vicar, meaning for believers, stressing that crossroads of knowledge, of light, the Apostle on the subcontinent. For dent of the bishops, Cardinal George “this dream has become reality”. — it must stay the same - as a message wisdom and peace for all humanity.” more than 25 years it was sui iuris, Alencherry, presented this need to By Biju Veticad, AsiaNews of peace and love for everyone. It — ICN 10 Editorial HERALD July 26, 2020 HERALD Can religion hold July 26, 2020 Is 2020 already over a dialogue with for the Vatican? his was supposed to be the year! “When the history of Pope Francis’ time as Bishop of TRome is finally written, there is a good chance that the communism? Year of Our Lord 2020 will be recorded as the most important of his entire pontificate.” n agreement China and the Vati- At least that’s what I thought back in January. can signed in September 2018 is But suddenly the coronavirus pandemic arrived and now, Anearing the end of its two-year everything looks up for grabs…It did not look like that at the term. Media reports suggest that the two beginning of the year. sides will return to the negotiation table Some are wondering whether it may actually be (Francis’) this month. last. The pact reportedly agreed on the terms The Pope’s recent decisions to “retire” the powerful Italian of regularizing and appointing bishops in churchman Angelo Sodano as of the China with papal approval, but its con- and to make Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of the Philippines tents remain undisclosed to date. head one of the most powerful Vatican offices – Propaganda Exchanges between the two sides qui- Fide – are being read as signs that Francis is beginning to pre- etly resumed in mid-June. The Rome- pare for the election of his successor on the Chair of Peter. based SEDOS (a acronym for The 83-year-old Jesuit Pope will also be issuing two major service of documentation and study of documents in 2020, and probably a few others. He’ll continue global mission) held a webinar titled to travel the globe, possibly going to places where his predeces- China Mission Today. It invited several sors had hoped to visit but were denied entry. And there’s no distinguished guests to share their views doubt he will add more men to the illustrious red-hatted group on the situation of the Church in China after the signing of the agreement. from which will emerge the next Bishop of Rome. China and Vatican Flags. (Shutterstock/FreshStock) So, any way one looks at this new calendar year, it will almost The overseas China experts at the con- certainly prove to be pivotal. Any way one looks at it, indeed! ference were full of praise for the pact. were regarded as accomplices of impe- and reactionaries, to the revolution as a One speaker mentioned that persecution rialism. Church land in villages was con- whole, and to destroying the roots of re- Don’t cry for me Amazonia of the Chinese Church still exists, but fiscated and clergy were not allowed to ligion.” The only major thing that Francis managed to get done before most guests lauded the agreement for occupy the land. This shows that the purpose of freedom the pandemic caged him inside the Vatican was to issue his bringing about the so-called renewal of During the Anti-Japanese War and the of belief is to make use of its value and post-synodal exhortation, . And for a variety the Church in China and even touted dia- Communist Civil War, the strategy was that the ultimate goal of destroying reli- of reasons that are not all well founded, that document left a lot logue as the only effective way forward. adjusted to tolerate the Church’s exist- gion has not changed. In 2014, the cross of people disappointed. But is this the case? Do these so-called ence to win over Catholics for their own demolition movement started in Zheji- As for travelling to places where his predecessors were de- Chinese experts believe that dialogue use. After the CCP came to power in ang, and within a few years it had spread nied entry, you can put that on hold too. The Pope’s not going between the two sides has brought about 1949, the Ministry of United Front Work to other provinces. In Jiangxi, Henan, anywhere right now or in the near future. change? Is it not a case of Chinese expe- restricted the development of education- Shanxi and Anhui, thousands of crosses How bad is it? So bad that it’s now big news that Vatican diency using the Vatican? al, medical and social service institutions have been demolished or removed, and cardinals and are going to start crossing the Italian It is essential to understand that dia- in China to cut the influence of Catholics some churches have been razed to the border and travel to other parts of Europe, which has been pos- logue requires mutual understanding of and Christians. ground, regardless of whether they are sible since June 3. That’s more than a month ago. terms so that there is room to continue In the 1960s, there were discussions official or unofficial. As for creating new cardinals, there's word that Francis has bringing about change. Unfortunately, within the United Front Workers' Office The sinicization of religions means the ordered 15 new rings to give out with red hats at an upcom- these experts may have too many illu- on religion, with two different opinions. doctrine and dogma of religions should ing consistory. But there is no indication when that might hap- sions about their counterparts in the ne- One group argued that religions should be be guided by the core values of socialism pen. And, as it’s always been in this pontificate, it’s hard to tell gotiations. Perhaps we should take a look controlled by communism, but the other and should include the values of the state, whom Francis will put in this college that will eventually elect at how religion is defined in the ideology believed that religion is entirely negative, the values of society. In this approach, the his successor. of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). not much different from superstition, and doctrinal texts of all religions are inter- The bizarre state of suspended animation The CCP view of religion is based on should be brought to extinction by any preted under the guidance of socialist It is a strange time at the Vatican. There are very, very few tour- the views of Karl Marx and Friedrich means. Although the opinions look dif- values. ists and pilgrims right now, even more than a month after Eu- Engels. “Religion is the sigh of the op- ferent, their ultimate goal is the same: re- As St John Paul II, then pope, said in ropean residents were allowed to start travelling to each other's pressed, the emotion of a heartless world, ligion needs to be eliminated because its the Centesimus Annus, “totali- countries. just as it is the spirit of a spiritless system, very nature is contrary to communism. tarianism arises from a denial of truth in Most shops around St Peter’s Square are still closed. The and religion is the opium of the people,” In 1966, with the outbreak of the Cul- the objective sense. If there is no trans- whole area has a feel of abandonment, emptiness. This punc- Marx said. According to Marx, religion tural Revolution, all religious activities cendent truth, in obedience to what does tuates the continued state of suspended animation one feels is the product of a private system and will were banned, and churches were closed man achieves his full identity?” The regarding our partial return to worship. Or should that be our perish with the private system’s demise. down, outwardly eliminating religion. culture and practice of totalitarianism return to partial worship? And, for Engels, “the great internation- After the Cultural Revolution, China also rejects the Church. It claims to lead We are in bizarre times right now. al centre of the feudal system was the Ro- adopted an open-door policy in the 1980s history to the true good, placing itself After so many months of lockdown, and then piecemeal re- man Catholic Church. It united the whole and the principle of freedom of worship above all other values. It explains why opening, there is a feeling of weariness and fatigue at the Vati- of feudal Western Europe (despite all the was included in the constitution again. tyranny has the intention of destroying can. And there’s a sense of uncertainty about the future. internal wars) into one large political sys- In the past few years, the Chinese gov- the Church, or at least of subjugating it. Pope Francis, for his part, is taking his normal stay-at-home tem. It gave the feudal system a ring of ernment has been trying to keep a tight It is clear from history and from current holidays during all of July. One can only wonder what he is divine light.” rein on China’s political and economic policies that the CCP's ideological hostil- preparing for the next half of 2020, despite ongoing restraints. The CCP’s concept of religion is firm- situation. But it has also started to select ity towards religion remains unchanged. He has always demonstrated an uncanny ability to launch an ly based on the views of these masters of some regions to carry out pilot projects Those dialoguing with communists initiative or make big news when it’s least expected. communism. It is clear that religion and to eliminate religion. In Hebei, Baoding, need to be clear about who they are deal- We must be on the alert then, for we do not know the day or communism are incompatible because Handan and some villages, followers ing with. An insincere dialogue is just an- the hour. the spirit of the Bible is diametrically op- of religion gathered to carry out a with- other application of united front tactics. — By Robert Mickens, LCI (https://international. posed to communism. drawal movement. For example, Wen- Do not let dialogue become a weapon The Marxian concept of religion was zhou Pingyang is a religion-free region against the Church. put into practice in Russia after the Octo- today. St John Paul II warned the Chinese HERALD — The Catholic Weekly ber Revolution of 1917. Lenin further de- Li Weihan, the Chinese Communist faithful abroad when he met them in Jointly published by the veloped it and began to promote a series Party's united front minister, said of 1986 to “have no illusions about commu- Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, of measures to combat religion after the China's policy of freedom of religious nism.” Foreign “Chinese experts” who Diocese of Malacca Johore, Diocese of Penang establishment of the Soviet Union. Chi- belief - “The implementation of the unrestrainedly tout dialogue as the way and Diocese of Keningau policy of freedom of religious belief can forward, please reflect on the teachings Editor: Fr Lawrence Andrew, SJ nese communism, which was influenced HERALD, 5, Jalan Robertson, 50150, KL by Russia, accepted the Soviet view of unite the largest majority of the religious of the late pope. Do not continue harming Tel: 03-20268290/20268291; religion almost entirely and incorporated community at home to serve socialism yourselves and others by imagining that Fax: 03-20268293 it into its united front strategy. and isolate the minority reactionary ele- “the American dream” equality of oppor- Online: In the Soviet Union’s Central Revo- ments among them … This is conducive tunity is available to all in China. — By E-mail: [email protected] lutionary Base in Jiangxi, missionaries to breaking down religious despotism Thomas Wang, HERALD July 26,, 2020 Focus 11 Hagia Sophia and places of religious freedom love the Turks, and I appreciate the natural qualities of this people that got “Ia prepared place in the path of civiliza- tion.” This is what Archbishop Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (the future Pope John XXIII) wrote in his diary in November 1939, almost five years after his arrival in Istanbul as papal delegate to Turkey and Greece. He would remain in that post until the end of 1944. And on occasion he would report those words: “I love the Turks.” Roncalli learned some Turkish and lamented that the Catholic clergy in Turkey was not famil- iar with the local language and culture. He had arrived in the country from his previ- ous diplomatic mission in Bulgaria on January 5, 1935. It was just a few months after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the constitutionally secular Republic of Turkey, decreed that Hagia Sophia would be turned into a museum. A Turkish court abrogated that decree ear- lier this month when it announced that it had revoked Hagia Sophia’s status as a museum, Hagia Sophia is seen in Istanbul June 30, 2020. (CNS photo/Murad Sezer, Reuters) which had become a monument of relative har- Hagia Sophia as a religiously contested space. warned the move could “potentially create fer- farious, omnipotent state before which Turks are mony and a symbol of the secularism that was Emperor Justinian built the massive basilica tile ground for religious hatred and subsequent either adoring or inert – is perhaps the most con- part of the foundation of the modern Turkish in the sixth century as the central cathedral of violence”. descending omission from Western discourse”. state by Atatürk. Byzantium, or the Eastern Roman Empire. It And Pope Francis, during his July 12 Ange- On the other hand, the decision to turn Ha- But the secular foundations of post-Ottoman was converted to a mosque in 1453, when Otto- lus from St Peter’s Square in Rome, said with gia Sophia into a mosque again fits a pattern of Turkey, which Roncalli witnessed, are now the man Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantino- remarkable brevity that he was “very saddened” curtailing non-Muslim minorities in Erdogan’s target of the peculiar kind of national Islamic ple and took it from the Byzantine Empire. by the decision to turn the Hagia Sophia muse- Turkey. populism of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The 1935 conversion to a museum was one um back into a mosque. And it’s not just a pattern concerning other of the markers of Atatürk’s secularist project for It would be simplistic to attribute to President churches in Turkey. There is also the other Ha- The long history of a religiously the new Turkey. Erdogan alone what is happening in Turkey, in- gia Sophia, a Byzantine church-turned-museum contested space cluding the decision on Hagia Sophia. in Trabzon on the Black Sea coast, which was Shortly after the court’s ruling, on July 10, Er- Worldwide disapproval There is a complex process involving dif- taken over by the city’s religious authorities in dogan issued a decree ordering Hagia Sophia to This latest move by Erdogan has been met with ferent bodies in the Turkish state and actors in 2012. be opened for Muslim prayers. disapproval from a wide coalition of interna- society – the courts, religious authorities, archi- It’s a pattern of what is happening to all reli- A presidential spokesman said that the mosque tional figures, especially the Russian Orthodox tects and conservationists and even shopkeepers gious minorities in Turkey. The turn from “as- is open to anyone, included Pope Francis. Church. who are concerned that they might lose business sertive secularism to populist Islamism” in Er- Erdoganthen visited the former Byzantine ba- The Commission of the Catholic Episcopal from tourists interested in the Christian frescoes. dogan’s Turkey means that religious and ethnic silica on July 19. And it was confirmed that he Conferences of the European Union (COM- minorities are targeted. plans to be among the more than 500 worship- ECE) has called decision to reconvert the Istan- Curtailing the rights of Turkey’s It’s not only Hagia Sophia. Amidst attacks on pers expected at Friday prayers, which are being bul monument into a mosque “a blow to inter- religious minorities churches and violations, a new wave of intoler- prepared for July 24. religious dialogue”. It is true that “the failure to recognise this kind ance and of verbal and physical violence is af- The recent move is part of a longer history of The Conference of European Churches has of democratic process – the presumption of a ne- fecting minorities. Wide-ranging ramifications his present case has diplomatic dimensions – outside of Europe. It’s about whether we care for minorities acephalous religious underbelly or, at best, a state Tfor the Vatican, for the European Union and It’s also a most serious question also for Chris- whose future as communities and individuals is within the state. for the triangular relations between Turkey, the tian political leaders who try to use the issue of inseparable from the future of particular places. The clash has now fallen in the hands of na- United States and Russia. religious freedom as a weapon against geopoliti- And it’s clear that Erdogan’s Turkey intends to tionalist and populist leaders whose legitimacy is It also has ecumenical implications for the cal enemies while refusing to scrutinise their own contribute to the exodus and ultimately the disap- charismatic and personal, but benefits from state relations between the Catholic Church and the record of respecting the religious freedom of mi- pearance of Christians from the Middle East. legitimacy and state power. We see that now in Orthodox Churches whose primus inter pares, norities within the countries they govern. But this is not just about Christians. As an Ital- the United States, India, Russia, Brazil and Tur- the of Constantinople, has his see in ian, I can only be embarrassed by the absence in key. Istanbul. This is not just about Christians Italian law on religious freedom that grants Mus- That is why it would be a naïve and spiritualist Additionally, there are intra-Orthodox reper- “This ruling is just the latest step in a century- lim communities in Italy the right to build places reaction to say that Hagia Sophia is only a place, cussions, especially between Constantinople and long effort by the Turkish government to erase of worship. and that Christians really don't need a specific Moscow, with Vladimir Putin who envisages both the history and presence of Christianity in In the United States, which played an excep- place of worship as long as they can worship God himself as a protector of Orthodox Christians Turkey,” said George Demacopoulos, a US- tional role in the history of “religious freedom”, in spirit and truth. both in the Middle East and in Europe. based Eastern Orthodox theologian. politicians – and even believers – still tend to Hagia Sophia is part of a much larger national, And, finally, there are also intra-Muslim- di “And while President Erdogan’s advocacy for interpret this freedom as tailor-made for the regional and global picture. mensions in the Middle East, in the new geom- this change is little more than crude pandering to 20th-century theological-political covenant of Global religion and global Christianity are also etry of relations between Turkey, Saudi Arabia conservative Islamists in the wake of growing Protestant-Catholic-Jewish America. And that made of symbols on the stage of the world, where and Iran. criticism, the ruling forces a series of hard ques- means limited freedom for all others (especially everything is carefully positioned as in a theatre. This is to say that the case of Hagia Sophia is tions for the advocates of persecuted Christian Muslims) when it’s about something more than No wonder that places of worship, a stage in not about the relations between Christians and minorities in the region who use the framework simply the freedom of worship. themselves, play a particular role in this theatre. Islam itself. Erdogan’s Turkey is a peculiar case of ‘religious freedom’,” he added. It's the theatre of the real, and not of what we within the global Muslim community. “Religious freedom is a useless category if it Part of a much larger national, would like religion to be. But Hagia Sophia is a bellwether for religious is only used to protect Christians from discrimi- regional and global picture That is, unless we want to look at the religious freedom in the global religious landscape of to- nation or if it fails to condemn the oppression of The decision regarding Hagia Sophia is a sign experience and religious places in the same day, and it poses serious questions for Christians. religious minorities in Christian communities,” of our times. We are in a different phase in the way some tourists do, stateless and extrater- The most important concern is about religious Demacopoulos said. “clash of civilizations” detected almost a quarter ritorial – unlike the minorities in Turkey, who freedom. This is a question for the European The main issue with Hagia Sophia is not the of a century ago by Samuel Huntington. see in the decree on Hagia Sophia yet another Union, which had decided (before backtracking preservation of its artistic or architectural master- The clash is no longer between cultural-po- ominous sign of what’s likely to come. — By on July 8) to get rid of the EU special envoy for pieces, for which Turkish authorities have issued litical movements within states involving actors Massimo Faggioli, LCI (https://international. promoting the freedom of religions and belief reassuring statements. that try to shape different relations with an often- 12 Varia HERALD July 26, 2020 Sacred permission to feel human …

t is normal to feel restless as a That was my state of mind when “You have made us for yourself, ever getting to enjoy the finished child, lonely as a teenager, and I entered religious life and the Lord, and our hearts are restless symphony, and he articulated this Ifrustrated by lack of intimacy seminary immediately after high until they rest in you,” has with a unique genius and in a fresh as an adult; after all we live with school. Of course, the restlessness forever served me as the key to vocabulary. Reading Nouwen is insatiable desires of every kind, continued, but my philosophical tie everything else together. With like being introduced to yourself, none of which will ever find full and theological studies gave me that as my secret for synthesis, while still standing inside all your fulfilment this side of eternity. an understanding of what was so I met this axiom in Thomas shadows. He also helps give you Where do these desires come relentlessly stirring inside me and Aquinas: The adequate object the sense that it is normal, healthy, from? Why are they so insatiable? gave me sacred permission to be of the intellect and will is all and not impure or unholy to feel What is their meaning? okay with that. being as such. That might sound all those wild stirrings with their As a young boy, the Catholic It started in my novitiate year abstract but even as a twenty- concomitant temptations inside catechisms I was instructed from with a talk one day from a visiting year-old, I grasped its meaning: yourself. and sermons I heard from the priest. We were , most of In brief, what would you need to Each of us is a bundle of much pulpit in fact answered those us in our late teens, and despite experience to finally say ‘enough”, untamed eros, of wild desire, questions, but in a vocabulary our commitment to religious life Fr Ron Rolheiser I am satisfied? Aquinas’ answer: longing, restlessness, loneliness, far too abstract, theological, and we were understandably restless, Everything! Later in my studies I dissatisfaction, sexuality and “churchy” to do much for me lonely, and fraught with sexual permission to be at home inside read Karl Rahner. Like Aquinas, insatiability. We need to be given existentially. They left me sensing tension. Our visitor began his my own skin. he too can seem hopelessly sacred permission to know this there was answer, but not one that conference with a question: “Are My studies in literature, theology abstract when, for instance, is normal and good because it is was of help to me. So I quietly you guys a little restless? Feeling a and spirituality continued to give he defines the human person what we all feel, unless we are in suffered the loneliness and the bit cooped-up here?” We nodded. me that permission, even as they as Obediential potency living a clinical depression or have for restlessness. Moreover, I agonized He went on: “Well you should helped me form a vision as to why inside a supernatural existential. so long repressed these feelings because I felt that it was unholy to be! You must be jumping out of these feelings were inside me, Really? Well, essentially what he that now they are expressed only feel the way I did. My religious your skins! All that young energy, how they took their origins and means by that can be translated negatively in destructive ways. instruction, rich as it was, did boiling inside you! You must be meaning in God, and how they into a single counsel he once We all need to have someone not offer any benevolent smile going crazy! But it’s okay, that’s were far from impure and unholy. offered a friend: In the torment to come visit us inside our from God on my restlessness and what you should be feeling if Looking back on my studies, a of the insufficiency of everything particular “novitiate”, ask us if we dissatisfaction. Puberty and the you’re healthy! It’s normal, it’s number of salient persons stand attainable, we ultimately learn are painfully restless, and when conscious stirring of sexuality good. You’re young; this gets out in helping me understand the that here, in this life, there is no we nod our heads, say: “Good! made things worse. Now not only better!” wildness, insatiability, meaning, finished symphony. You’re supposed to feel like that was I restless and dissatisfied, Hearing this freed up something and ultimate goodness of human Finally, in my studies, I met way! It means you’re healthy! but the raw feelings and fantasies inside me. For the first time, in a desire. The first was St Augustine. the person and thought of Henri Know too that God is smiling on that were besetting me were language that genuinely spoke to The now-famous quote with Nouwen. He continued to teach this!” — By Fr Ron Rolheiser, all considered positively sinful. me, someone had given me sacred which he begins his Confessions: me what it means to live without rights reserved Vademecum ‘a major step forward’ in protecting minors he Vatican’s Congregation for the Doc- knowing his name. offer medical, psychological, and spiritual Ttrine of the Faith recently published an “I’ve seen people coming with their First support.” instruction manual for Bishops and Reli- Communion pictures saying, ‘This is the She pointed out that this is “a kind of lan- gious Superiors to consult when seeking priest but I don’t know his name.’” guage and a whole way of speaking that we the truth in cases of clerical sexual abuse Prof Wijlens said the Vademecum offers a didn’t have at the beginning.” of minors. guide for dealing with these kinds of cases, Prof Myriam Wijlens, a lawyer and rather than just dismissing them outright. Seal of Confession and abuse member of the for Bishops and Religious Superiors, she Prof Wijlens said there is debate in some the Protection of Minors, spoke to Vatican added, are obliged to take reports of abuse countries regarding the Seal of Confession News about the Vademecum and how it can of minors very seriously. and abuse reporting requirements. She add- help the Church deal with the scourge of “I think it brings to light the painful pro- ed that an abuse report could come from a sexual abuse. cess of learning that the Catholic Church third party or from an abused child. “I think the document is a major step for- has undergone over the past 30 years.” Paragraph 14 of the Vademecum reads, ward in the whole process,” she said. “It must be pointed out that a report of a Victims at the centre of investigation delictum gravius received in confession is Changes to Church law Prof Wijlens noted that the 1983 Code of placed under the strictest bond of the sac- The Church’s legislation has changed over Prof Myriam Wijlens, a canon lawyer and mem- Canon Law understood violations against ramental seal. A who learns of a the nearly three decades that Prof Wijlens ber of the Pontifical Commission for the- Pro the Sixth Commandment by a cleric as “a delictum gravius during the celebration of has worked as a canon lawyer. tection of Minors, hails a new Vademecum on violation of the commitment that the priest the sacrament should seek to convince the “At times it becomes unclear which procedures regarding cases of sexual abuse of had made to a celibate life.” penitent to make that information known by minors, calling it a major step forward in seek- norms are actually applicable at what time,” ing justice and truth. Now, 30 years later, she said, “we see in other means, in order to enable the appro- she said, “because we have to remember the procedures we have today – and I find priate authorities to take action.” that in penal matters, the investigation al- which reports of abuse should be made. this very remarkable about the Vademecum Prof Wijlens said need to be ways has to take into consideration the law “If you put all of these variables togeth- – is how the victims are at the centre of the taught the necessary skills to help convince that was in place at the time the crime was er,” said Prof Wijlens, “you can see that procedures and that there is much more at- the penitent to report abuse outside confes- committed. It is never retroactive.” there is a risk that people do not understand tention to the victims. I would say that it is a sion. One change that has been made since the anymore what falls into what category and document about the protection and promo- “I think this is a task for the future of promulgation of the 1983 Code of Canon what they are supposed to do.” tion of the rights of victims.” the Church to see what kind of education Law is the age at which a person is con- do confessors have to listen attentively, to sidered a minor, which was raised from 16 Guide for anonymous accusations Treating all parties with respect listen and to hear what penitents are really to 18 years of age. Pornography in relation The Vademecum also delves into a series of Asked about how the Vademecum contrib- saying, and also what we, as canon lawyers, to persons under 18 years of age was also practical questions. Prof Wijlens said many utes concretely to keeping children safe in call helping the person bring something added. of these serve as responses to issues that are the Church, Prof Wijlens said the document from the internal forum into the external “We had changes clarifying that people not easy to legislate for, but “that you solve “highlights the rights of and the concern for forum. What kind of further training could who do not have what we call ‘the habitual as you go and that you solve by way of ju- victims.” we imagine?” use of reason’ would fall into this category,” risprudence.” “The victim and the family are to be “I think that if you do all this well,” con- she added. She gave the examples of anonymous ac- treated with respect,” she said. “The one cluded Prof Wijlens, “this will contribute to Other changes include the statue of limi- cusations and cases where the child says who does the investigation must offer them justice within the Church community.” — tations and the relevant Vatican to they were abused by “Father” without welcome and attentive hearing, and must By Devin Watkins, Vatican News HERALD July 26, 2020 13 A new imagination of the possible: seven Images from Francis for post-COVID-19 he first global pandemic of the distressing void that stops everything Eucharistic adoration and an Urbi et the Gospel can offer us.” fined to the world of the imagination. digital age arrived suddenly. The as it passes by. We feel it in the air, we Orbi blessing that was accompanied The thick darkness, then, allows us We are not accustomed to dwelling in Tworld was stopped in its tracks notice in people’s gestures, their glanc- only by the sound of church bells to find the courage to imagine. How possibility, to use the words of Emily by an unnatural suspension of activity es give them away. We find ourselves mixed with ambulance sirens: the sa- was it possible to send out such a mes- Dickinson. So we need a “realism” that that interrupted business and pleasure. afraid and lost.” cred and the pain. sage in a moment of depression and breaks our “fixed or failing patterns, “For weeks now it has been even- These are the words Pope Francis The Pope has also stated that the fear? We are accustomed to the prob- modes and structures” and inspires us ing. Thick darkness has gathered over used to portray the unprecedented situ- crisis period caused by the COVID-19 able, to what our minds suppose to imagine a different world, “making our squares, our streets and our cities; ation. He pronounced them on March pandemic is “ a propitious time to find should happen, statistically speaking. all things new,” as the Book of Revela- it has taken over our lives, filling eve- 27 before a completely empty Saint the courage for a new imagination of However, we often lack the vision of tion says. “Are we willing to change rything with a deafening silence and a Peter’s Square, during an evening of the possible, with the realism that only the possible, which is sometimes con- our lifestyles?” the Pope asks. 1. Francis and contagion in a slowed down world 3. The new flame in the night t is clear that there is a compelling tend to restore balances that must Now the “spinning wheel” caused by t was in the Easter Urbi et on Europe, to which he dedicated Ineed to understand what is happen- change. We need a new beginning. the virus is prolonged, and the state of IOrbi blessing that Francis pro- various references, including dur- ing to us, to give a human and spirit- The coronavirus is, in its own way, suspension has affected society, the vided another image, that of ing the Masses celebrated in Santa ual reading of what we are living. For an alien. Or rather, by invading our sense of relationships, worship and the flame, the second figure pro- Marta. At Easter he said: “Among Francis, “understanding what God is bodies, it suddenly has changed the trade, the value of presence. This is viding a stimulus to envisage what the many areas of the world af- saying to us at this time of pandemic way we look at things; it forced us to why the infection has given us a sense might be possible. If the pandemic fected by the coronavirus, I ad- also represents a challenge for the see with an unaccustomed perspec- of the apocalypse. Due to this shock, was previously “storm,” now it dress a special thought to Europe. Church’s mission.” It is also clear that tive, and we saw the world turned up- the inability to imagine a benign fu- is “night,” “the night of a world After the Second World War, this we must first of all understand what side down. From that empty St Peter’s ture has emerged. already struggling with epochal continent was able to rise again we have done wrong. The pope, as Square on March 27, Francis spoke of During this time of pandemic, challenges and now oppressed by thanks to a concrete spirit of soli- a truly global leader, the only one at a “necessary immunity.” But this is Francis has intervened many times. the pandemic, which puts our great darity that allowed it to overcome the moment recognised as such even because the virus has become a meta- Above all, he has comforted mil- human family to the test.” And the rivalries of the past. It is all the in unsuspected quarters, has spoken phor that reveals a “sick world.” Im- lions of people – from Rome to Bei- precisely during this night “the more urgent, especially in today’s of a seriously ill planet, of planetary munity to the virus becomes the im- jing, from Beirut to Lima – with the voice of the Church has resound- circumstances, that these rivalries injustices caused by an economy that age of the necessary immunity to the Masses celebrated in Santa Marta. ed: ‘Christ, my hope, is risen!’” should not be revived, but that eve- aims only at profit, of international evil of the world. Even the pandemic There has been the whispering of the Francis often uses the image of ryone should recognise themselves conflicts that today must be brought can be metaphorically overturned in Gospel in the silence of our homes, the night. In particular, at the be- as part of one family and support to an immediate end, and of embar- its own destructive meaning and un- blessing with the Eucharist, mourning ginning of his pontificate, in Bra- each other. Today the European goes and national selfishness. The derstood as a “contagion of hope.” of death and suffering, the celebrating zil, when referring to the disciples Union faces an epoch-making pandemic has unmasked our vulner- With COVID-19 we saw ourselves of life as much as possible. Consola- walking to Emmaus he said: “We challenge on which not only its ability and the false and unnecessary projected into a mirror that suddenly tion, comfort and prayer of interces- need a Church unafraid of going future but that of the whole world security with which we have built our opened up before us. We saw our im- sion entered the homes of so many forth into the night.” And on April will depend. Do not miss the op- agendas, our projects, our habits and age inverted but, at the same time, people. This is the first message of an 26 – in the midst of the pandemic portunity to give further proof of our priorities. connected to all the space around it: accompanying Church. But Francis – during the Regina Coeli he said: solidarity, even by resorting to in- Change will occur if there is a the deserted megalopolises, the ab- also aimed very much at building a “We will discover that there are no novative solutions. The alternative chemical reaction between the “over- sence of traffic, the cities as append- new imagination to interpret both the unexpected events, no uphill paths, is only the selfishness of particu- flowing proclamation” of the Gospel ages of empty fields. present moment and the future, the vi- no nights that cannot be faced with lar interests and the temptation to and life “as it comes.” This is what The effect has been like that of a sion of the possible. Jesus.” return to the past, with the risk of generates the “renewing outlook” that spinning pinwheel or a cursor, which We now look at the seven figures Francis describes the night of putting peaceful coexistence and we need today. We are not called “to appears on our monitors when there he has used to articulate his argu- this pandemic time by focusing the development of future genera- restart” in order to return to the nor- are slowdowns in programmes or ment. They are the boat, the flame, on four precise aspects, in some tions to the test.” mality of a golden age that in reality computer connections. We do not the underground, the war (of the po- way four “nights.” These nights The fourth night is the night never was golden, but instead “to start tolerate slowness or waiting, and so ets), the anointing, the window, and compose a picture of the situa- of armed conflict, with the call for anew.” The narratives of the restart we normally abandon the blocked the pandemic itself understood as a tion, starting from the concerns a “global and immediate ceasefire are harmful, because they naturally programme or the slow connection. metaphor. of the ordinary citizens to open in all corners of the world. This is up a wider look at Europe, and the not the time to continue manufac- 2. The boat in the storm more complex international sce- turing and trafficking weapons, nario, caught up between sanctions spending huge amounts of capital he first image is the boat. In St which “we have not awakened to wars always the mark of reality in its richness and conflicts. This list of “nights” that should be used to heal people TPeter’s Square that March 27, at and planetary injustice, we have not lis- and diversity: “doctors, nurses, super- should be carefully reviewed. and save lives.” Here the direct ref- 6.00pm, before adoring the Blessed tened to the cry of the poor, and of our market employees, cleaners, caregivers, The first night touches the life erences were to Syria, Iraq, Leba- Sacrament and giving his blessing Urbi seriously ill planet. We continued un- providers of transport, law and order of the citizens, who live in “a time non, Israel and Palestine, Ukraine, et Orbi, the Pope said: “We have real- daunted, thinking that we would always forces, volunteers, priests, religious of concern for the uncertain future, several African countries and ised that we are in the same boat, all remain healthy in a sick world. Now, men and women and so very many oth- for the work they risk losing and Mozambique in particular, Libya, of us fragile and disoriented, but at the while we are at sea in turmoil, we im- ers who have understood that no one for the other consequences that Greece and Turkey, Venezuela. same time important and needed, all of plore you, ‘Wake up Lord!’” Similarly, reaches salvation by themselves.” the current crisis brings with it.” The four nights of the pandemic us called to row together, each of us in in one of his homilies, Francis also used The boat becomes the figure of a rad- The pope encourages “those with are a wide-ranging look at the need of comforting the other. We are all the image of the flood. ical and human fraternity that the virus political responsibilities to work world at the time of COVID-19 that of us in this boat.” Looking into this mirror, the invo- has made clear by attacking anyone and actively for the common good of identifies the knots to be undone. The powerful image was articulated cation, the prayer, is formed. Reality everyone, without any distinction of citizens, providing the necessary On to this scenario of “nights” of in his language and contextualised. The makes prayer spring from the heart, not race, religion, origin or nationality. This means and instruments to enable the world falls the prayer: “Christ boat is in the storm, which “unmasks pious speech. It also prompts action, is what the boat indicates: fraternity. everyone to lead a dignified life our peace, enlighten those who our vulnerability and leaves uncovered for “it is time to reset the course of life Those words used by the pope in and to encourage, when circum- have responsibilities.” This is an those false and unnecessary certainties toward You, Lord, and toward others.” addressing the Jesuits in his homily stances permit, the resumption of appeal that reveals the vanity of with which we have built our agendas, Sailing in this boat, we can “look at so on September 27, 2014, now apply to the usual daily activities.” the reasoning of those who do not our projects, our habits and priorities.” many exemplary companions who, in the whole of humanity. And the storm The second night is internation- want to understand how the pope’s This is what the pandemic is: a storm fear, reacted by giving their lives.” is the ideal place to discover fraternity, al sanctions. Francis launched an words about the world are not in- that reveals the condition of the present And who are these comrades? Fran- because it is not the situation to display appeal for the easing of the sanc- spired by politics or ideology, but in which we all live, a mirror that merci- cis does not intend to make abstract or boast about strength and security. tions “which inhibit the possibility by the Gospel of Christ. lessly reflects the image of a present in speeches. He lists them, because a list is The storm implies embracing – with of the countries that are the recipi- It is clear that Francis also in- long oar strokes – “all the adversities of ents of them to provide adequate tends to develop the principle of the present time, abandoning for a mo- support to their citizens, and ena- moral leadership proper to Vatican ment our yearning for omnipotence and bling all states to meet the greater diplomacy, in a world that sees its possession,” and finding the courage to needs of the moment, reducing, if geopolitical balances upset and open “spaces where everyone can feel not even forgiving, the debt that that needs a robust confirmation called and allow new forms of hospi- weighs on the budgets of the poor- of democratic dynamics. — By tality, fraternity and solidarity.” The est ones.” , SJ, La Civilta believer recognizes that this fraternity The third night is selfishness Cattolica is not human work and that one must and rivalry between states. Here “give space to the creativity that only the Pope’s speech was centred l Continued next week the Spirit is capable of arousing.” 14 HERALD July 26, 2020 Vatican calls for ‘ethics of risk’ against COVID-19 VATICAN: The for Life natural occurrences. What happens in nature is tions as an insurmountable fact. The contrast This perspective must recognise “Access to released a paper on the effects of the pandemic. already the result of a complex intermediation between the two situations throws into relief quality health care and to essential medicines” The document, Humana Communitas in the with the human world of economical choices a strident paradox, recounting, once more, the as a “universal human right”. [. . .] “Ultimately, age of pandemic: untimely meditations on and models of development”. The pandemic tale of disproportion in wealth between poor the moral, and not just strategic, meaning of life’s rebirth, it starts from the realisation that “is the result, more than the cause, of financial and rich countries. ” solidarity is the real issue in the current pre- human “fragility” has been made worse by greed, the self-indulgence of life styles defined For this reason, “It is clear that the pandemic dicament faced by the human family. Solidar- the pandemic ( notes by consumption, indulgence and excess.” is worsening the inequalities that are already ity entails responsibility toward the other in that “all of us may succumb to the wounds of The pandemic shows us that everything is associated with processes of globalisation need, itself grounded in the recognition that, as disease, the killing of wars, the overwhelming interconnected and that the “depredation of making more people vulnerable and margin- a human subject endowed with dignity, every threats of disasters.” the earth,” greed-based economic choices and alised without health care, employment and person is an end, not a means.” However, there are “very specific ethical and excessive consumption, as well as “prevarica- social safety nets.” This requires “responsible scientific -re political responsibilities toward the vulnerabili- tion and disregard” of creation have had con- Shared vulnerability and specific responsi- search,” which must be free conflicts of inter- ty of individuals who are at greater risk for their sequences on the spread of the virus. This has bilities towards people, including health, life ests and be based on the principles of equality, health, their life, their dignity.” been terrible for poor countries, which have and dignity are more at risk, and require na- freedom and fairness. In the end, “The good of For the Academy, this calls for a “conver- had to pay the highest prices as they lack basic tional and international cooperation. We must society and the demands of common good in sion” towards a sense of responsibility and in- resources and suffer from other deadly diseas- also realise “that a pandemic cannot be with- the area of health care come before any con- ternational solidarity, regardless of borders and es, like malaria and TB. stood without adequate medical infrastructure cern for profit.” political systems. Specifically, “COVID-19 The “plight of the ‘developed’ world looks accessible to everyone at the global level. Nor Last but not least, the quest for a vaccine is the most recent manifestation of globalisa- more like a luxury: only in rich countries can the plight of a people, suddenly infected, transcends national borders. “[O]nce avail- tion,” and sparing no one, it “has made us all people can afford the requirements of safety. be dealt with in isolation, without forging in- able in the future,” the “only acceptable goal, equally vulnerable, all equally exposed. Such a In those not so fortunate, on the other hand, ternational agreements, and with a multitude consistent with a just allocation of the vaccine, realisation has come at a high cost.” ‘physical distancing’ is just an impossibility of different stakeholders. The sharing of infor- is access for all without exceptions.” The time The “lesson of fragility” touches everyone, due to necessity and the weight of dire cir- mation, the provision of help, the allocation of has come “to imagine and implement a project especially hospital patients, prison inmates, and cumstances: crowded settings and the lack of scarce resources, will all have to be addressed of human coexistence that allows a better fu- refugees. “COVID-19 is not just the result of affordable distancing confront entire popula- in a synergy of efforts.” ture for each and every one.” — AsiaNews ‘We will live and die with you,’ cardinal tells virtual Amazon assembly MONTREAL: Church leaders sent a strong along with the Coordination of Indigenous Or- monocultures and genetically modified crops message of support to an unprecedented vir- ganisations of the Amazon Basin. and raise cattle for export abroad; massive tual assembly of more than 3,000 indigenous For two days, representatives of 540 groups forest fires and projects such as highways and leaders, small farmers, environmental cam- from Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, hydroelectric projects. It also denounced the paigners and women from the nine countries Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and French ethnocide and genocide of the region's indig- of the Amazon region seriously affected by the Guyana presented the situation in their coun- enous peoples, who are uprooted from their en- COVID-19 pandemic. tries. Some provided videos. Many of the vironmentally sustainable way of life by such “The Church is the ally of the indigenous grassroots members clearly were not accus- projects on their lands. peoples of the Amazon, and we will live and tomed to Zoom technology, with some forget- “Our current vulnerability to the pandemic die with you, if necessary,” Cardinal Pedro ting to unmute their microphones or start their reveals and uncovers all situations of exclu- Barreto of Huancayo, Peru, vice president of videos. Sometimes, the connections were bad, sion, inequality and injustice in the Amazon the Pan-Amazonian Church Network, told par- and sound was poor. region,” said Mauricio Lopez, secretary-gener- tici-pants. Speaking from Huancayo via Zoom, But the message from the groups could be al of REPAM. Lopez said there are currently the cardinal reminded the participants that the summed up in the words of indigenous leader some 600,000 people infected by COVID-19 Demonstrators hold a cross during a July 19, assembly had the support of Pope Francis and 2020, protest in Brasilia, Brazil, concerning Luz Mery Panche of San Vicente, Caqueta, in the region, and around 20,000 have died. the whole Church. governmental action during the coronavirus Colombia: “The pandemic is telling us that the 170 different indigenous peoples have been af- “Rome has been Amazonified and the Ama- pandemic. Church leaders sent a strong mes- model imposed upon us has failed. As human- fected by the pandemic. zon region is no longer invisible,” the cardinal sage of support to an unprecedented virtual ity, we must stop and think if we want to con- In his opening address to the assembly, Car- said, referring to the October 2019 of assembly of more than 3,000 indigenous lead- tinue to exist on this planet, or if we want to dinal Barreto referred to the Amazon as the Bishops for the Amazon held in the Vatican, ers, small farmers, environmental campaigners destroy it. This is not a fight between left and lungs of the planet. He drew a parallel between which brought together church and lay repre- and women in the Amazon region affected by right — it is a struggle for defence of territory the attack of the coronavirus on the lungs of sentatives from all nine countries. The synod the COVID-19 pandemic. (CNS photo/Adriano and for life.” those infected and the ongoing attack on the process produced an and Machado, Reuters) The assembly’s convocation document set lungs of the planet (the Amazon). a recently created Amazonian ecclesial confer- cial Forum, which was to be held in Mocoa, out the ills that are destroying the Amazon and The cardinal added that the struggle of the ence, part of the Latin American Bishops’ Con- Colombia, and had been postponed several its peoples: ecocide, as fragile ecosystems are people of the Amazon region brings hope to ference. times due to the pandemic. The Pan-Amazo- destroyed by legal mining projects and envi- humanity. The virtual assembly of July 18-19 replaced nian Church Network, or REPAM, participated ronmentally destructive illegal artisanal min- “Life is much stronger than the virus,” the the physical meeting of the Pan-Amazon So- in the organisation of the virtual gathering, ing; the destruction of the rainforest to produce cardinal said. — By Mary Durran, CNS Manila’s top prelate admits he is COVID-19 positive MANILA: Manila Archdiocese’s apostolic designated area for quarantine and observing ostolic administrator of Manila Archdiocese af- administrator, Bishop Broderick Pabillo, has strict protocol as required,” Bishop Pabillo said ter Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle left for Rome tested positive for COVID-19, making him the in his letter. to take up his duties as of the Congrega- most prominent churchman in the Philippines He also said that his condition was being tion for the Evangelization of Peoples. to contract the disease. monitored and that he was advised to take vita- Bishop Pabillo is also known for his active The prelate made the announcement on July mins and to exercise regularly. involvement in the Philippine Church’s re- 23 following confirmation from swab and lab- Bishop Pabillo said that although he tested sponse to social issues and has been a vocal oratory results. positive for the virus, his staff had tested nega- critic of President Rodrigo Duterte’s adminis- “We know that all things work for good for tive. He had also informed everyone with tration. those who love God, who are called according whom he had contact to observe precautionary On June 20, Bishop Pabillo defended a pas- Bishop Broderick Pabillo of Manila (Mark to his purposes (Rom 8:28). So, we know that measures. toral letter released by the bishops’ conference Saludes/UCA News) in whatever happens, God’s love is always with “I know this virus will pass, so please do not criticizing a new anti-terrorism law that many us. It is in this spirit that I announce that I have worry about me, although prayers would be believe will lead to rights abuses. Panelo, however, shrugged off the chal- tested positive for COVID-19,” Bishop Pabillo very much appreciated. Since I am my normal He also challenged the Duterte government lenge. “It is amusing and disturbing to witness said in a letter to clergymen in the archdiocese. self, thank God, the scheduled online meetings to sue the bishops after Duterte’s lawyer Salva- a bishop dare or pose a challenge to the govern- Bishop Pabillo said his results were con- that we have set will continue,” Bishop Pabillo dor Panelo accused them of violating the con- ment to file a case against them. The manner firmed by medical experts and that he was now added. stitution regarding the separation of church and in which it was hurled seemed to demonstrate undergoing mandatory self-isolation. Bishop Pabillo is considered one of the Phil- state. He said clergymen were not divested of hubris and hate on his part,” the lawyer said “Although I do not feel anything, I’m fol- ippines’ most active bishops. their political and civil rights to express them- in a statement. — By Joseph Peter Calleja, lowing the protocol that is set. I am now in a In February, Pope Francis appointed him ap- selves. HERALD July 26, 2020 Children 15 LittleLittle CCatholicsatholics’ CCornerorner

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field Matthew 13:44

Let's Colour Answer: Kingdom of Heaven Heaven of Kingdom Answer: Brothers' Travel to Egypt Maze: Joseph's brothers are on their way to Egypt in search of food. Help them through the maze.

Dear children, pearl of great price, that when EVERYTHING they had to get The laws of the kingdom are In today's Gospel reading, a merchant finds it he sells all the treasure. But what is the God's laws, and the enemy is Jesus tells the disciples what he has and buys it. Kingdom of Heaven? Is it a the devil who is trying to take the Kingdom of Heaven is like. These parables tell us how country with a king and sub- all the souls. Always remember He says it is like a buried precious the Kingdom of Heaven jects? that belonging to God's Kingdom treasure,that when a man finds is. Jesus is explaining that it is Well it is, sort of, but you is more important than every- it, he sells everything he has more important than everything can't see it. Jesus is the King thing else in your life! and buys the field where it is else in our lives. and His people are the people Love hidden. He also says it is like a The men in the parables sold who make their King. Aunty Eliz HERALD YYOOUTHUTH JuLY 26, 2020 Disabled teen encouraged by Pope Francis after OME: A Spanish teen- ager with an intellec- Rtual disability received an encouraging letter from Pope Francis after walking walking Camino the Camino de Santiago this month. Álvaro Calvente, 15, walked the tra- ditional pilgrimage route with his father and a family friend. They carried prayer intentions with them and documented the journey on social media. de Santiago After arriving in Santiago de Com- postela, the end of the pilgrimage, on July 13, Calvente’s father sent a letter to Pope Francis telling him about Álvaro “In the midst of the pandemic which more than 62 miles of the Camino trail and their experiences on the Camino. we have to live with, with your natural- known as the “the French Way.” Pope Francis responded with a letter ness, joy and simplicity, you were able “You made a pilgrimage and caused July 20, thanking Álvaro “for having to set in motion the hope of many of the many to make a pilgrimage, encourag- the courage to walk and inviting many people you met on the road or on social ing them not to be afraid and to recover to walk with you.” networks,” the Pope wrote, according to their joy because we never go alone on a photo of the letter posted on Twitter. the way,” the Pope wrote to Calvente. Calvente, who is from Malaga, Spain, “The Lord always walks by our side. is the seventh of 10 children. His fam- Thank you for your testimony and ily is part of the Neocatechumenal Way prayers.” Catholic community. “May the Lord bless you and Our The Camino de Santiago, sometimes Lady of Mount Carmel cover you with Pope called “the Way of St. James,” is a net- her cloak,” Francis concluded. “Greet- Francis’ work of trails across Europe which lead ings to your parents and siblings, and letter to to the tomb of St. James in Santiago. please don’t forget to pray and to ask Álvaro Calvente and his companions hiked them to pray for me.” — By Hannah Álvaro Calvente, center, arrives in Santiago de Compostela Calvente. from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, Brockhaus, CNA July 13, 2020. (CNA photo/CaminodeAlvaro via Twitter) Catholic vocations director embarks on 'Tour de Priest' JACKSON, Mississippi: A Catholic priest allows me to have a presence on Facebook that’s the Catholic project, to bring about the embarked on a 320-mile, 5-day bike ride to and Instagram,” said Adam. He is planning to Kingdom of God. It’s going to be hard and it's recruit young men and women for the Church. document his trip on social media, allowing going to be challenging, and you’re going to Father Nick Adam (pic) anyone to follow along with his journey. want to quit, but with the Lord’s help, you are had to be creative when he As a former sports and news anchor, Adam not going to quit.” was assigned to be the direc- has a gift for communication. Adam said the trip is also an important rem- tor of vocations for the Dio- “Media and connecting with people in crea- edy for misconceptions that many young peo- cese of Jackson, Mississippi, tive ways has always been part of my call,” he ple have about the priesthood. in the midst of a global pan- said. “I need to embrace those gifts for com- “It shows people that priests are normal demic. munication that [God] gave me.” people that do normal things and that are ca- “How do I reach people? How do I reach The priest admitted that bike riding does pable of physical exertion,” he said. people?” Fr Adam recalled repeatedly asking not come naturally to him. Along his route, Adam will stop in parishes, himself while the shelter-in-place order was “People have looked at me like I’m crazy meet with seminarians, and celebrate Mass, in effect. sometimes, especially because I’m not in the which will be live-streamed on his social Since he had evenings free, he began rid- best shape of my life, but I have been train- media platforms. He wants to connect with ing his bike on the Natchez Trace Parkway. ing,” he said. young people, whether that be in person or He soon realised that the parkway, which con- Still, Adam says that the fact that the ride over his virtual interface. nects the entirety of his diocese, could be the will be a challenge is integral to his mission. He hopes that this trip, which he calls his perfect solution. “Just completing something like this shows “tour de priest,” will encourage young people “It checks a lot of boxes. It allows me to people that they can strive for something to enter seminaries and convents in order to connect with a wide variety of people (and) great,” he said. “That’s the Catholic idea, discern their calling. — CNA (photo/jcomp via freepik) HERALD July 26, 2020 Youth 17 encouraging Young Online programmes people to live the organised for word of god youths in keningau Diocese

KENINGAU: In conjunction at home or in church (by fol- with Bible Sunday on July lowing the SOPs) or online. 12, the Keningau Diocese On July 12, the youth fol- Youth Commission (KDYC) lowed the live-streaming invited youths to take part video in celebration of Bi- in the 7-Step Bible Group ble Sunday organised by activity. the Youth Commission via The objective of the activ- the Youtube channel and ity was to encourage youths Facebook page of the to use the Bible (God's Keningau Diocese Youth Word) as a source of inspi- Commission. The theme ration and reflection in daily was “Reading the Bible with life and to share the Word the heart”. Among the 'live' of God with each other. content was Bible Quiz, Bi- KDYC also provided the ble Sharing, Bible Sunday 7-Step Guide on social me- Message and personal dia to guide them through sharing from the youth on Keningau Youth Apostolate Commission members with bishop cornelius piong, fr roney luni and sr liza FSIC.. the process. how they live the Word of KENINGAU: 2020 is rather and Instagram every Sunday, at cebook. The youths were asked to God in their lives. a challenging year due to the 2.00 pm. The first online programme form groups of four to five It is very moving and in- COVID-19 pandemic that caused This online programme is held began with the Prayer of Divine people and decide the spiring to see the youth all pastoral plans and activities to reach out to youth with the Mercy on July 5, followed by the date, time and place of the take the time to participate to be postponed or cancelled for evangelisation of new norms ‘Bible Week and 7-Step Bible meeting. They were given a these activity even in these sometime. through the use of Internet and to Group’ programme on July 12. choice to do it face to face difficult times. Although the situation has channel information to the youth KYAC hopes that through improved, precautions continue to remain faithful. this online programme, it can to be taken to prevent the pan- All planning and preparation cure the longing of the youth to demic from continuing. There- of the online programme will serve in the field of God and be a fore, it was decided not to hold involve youths from all the par- source of strength and an injec- large group activities such as ishes in the diocese, as they will tion of self-confidence to stay in seminars, camps, recollections also be given a slot. The con- the faith.. — Keningau Diocese and so on to curb the spread of tent of the programme is in the Youth Commission COVID-19. form of prayers, Novena, acting, However, the Keningau dance, singing, youth sharing, Keuskupan-Keningau Youth Apostolate Commission etc. (KYAC) has taken the initiative Therefore, youth and parish- KOMISI BELIA to organise an online programme ioners are invited to follow the KEUSKUPAN that runs from July until Decem- programme From youth for KENINGAU A video ofthe 7-step bible group activity on youtube. ber using Youtube, Facebook youth through Youtube and Fa- Young Vincentians: Witness to the faith in society KAOHSIUNG CITY, Taiwan: Catholic youth experienced in- the characteristic virtues of the as- “Christ is alive and wants you tense moments of faith formation, sociation: transparency (purity or alive”, and he wants every young prayers and a series of group ac- simplicity), collaboration (humil- person to be ready to bear witness tivities for the deepening and re- ity) in search of God’s will (obe- to their faith and hope in society: newal of their spiritual life. dience), and sensitivity towards this was the focus of the gathering The VMY movement has a uni- the poor (charity). of the Vincentian Marian Youth, versal outreach. Born within the The Marian consecration pro- VMY, that hundreds of young large charismatic family linked posed to young people strengthens people from the movement lived to St Vincent de Paoli, its history the baptismal consecration and in Kaohsiung, from July 16-19. is linked to the evolution of the the path of growth in one’s faith, As Fr Rindo Karippai, a Vincen- Society of the Daughters of Char- according to the motto: “To Jesus tian missionary in Taiwan, one ity and the Priests of the Congre- through Mary”. Today the youth of the accompanying persons of gation of the Mission (CM). It movement is present in 40 coun- the young people - together with was born in France in 1835 and tries with over 200,000 members. other priests, and lay people received pontifical approval in “With Mary as our guide and St - said, “the gathering was a pro- 1847, spreading to different parts Vincent de Paoli as our source of cess of catechumenate, which was of the world. inspiration – say the young peo- Young people of Vicentian Marian Youth with priests, nuns and lay people. intended to help young people All members of the VMY ple – we take to heart the message grow in their faith”. “Inspired by are motivated to undertake a life ment to Christ”, said Fr Karippai. movement contemplate in Mary of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel: Here I the Word of God, young people of constant conversion and attach- In the gathering, the Taiwanese the will of young people to imitate am, send me”. – 18 HERALD July 5, 2020 For more enquiries, please contact: Email: [email protected] Almost a quarter of Delhi’s m e m o r i a m Tel: 03-2026 8290 / 03-2026 8291 In Ever Loving Memory of 11th Anniversary “The sheep that belong to inhabitants has had COVID-19 61th Anniversary 20th Anniversary me listen to my voice; I DELHI: A study has found that almost more than 20 million have had the vi- know them and they follow a quarter of people in New Delhi have rus, almost 40 times the official tally me. I give them eternal life; had the coronavirus, casting serious of 125,000. they will never be lost and doubts about the official numbers both Whilst praising government restric- no one will ever steal them in the megacity and across India. tions that have limited the spread of the from my hand. The Father, for what he has given me, is India became the third country after virus, the Ministry said that the study greater than anyone, and the United States and Brazil to reach a “indicates that a large number of in- no one can steal anything million cases, but many experts have fected people remain asymptomatic.” from the Father’s hand.” long said that with low testing rates, And more than 75 per cent are still John 10:27-29 the real number could be much higher. vulnerable, including those at higher VICTOR MARIE AIME JOSEPHINE AIME In Loving Memory of Blood tests by the National Centre risk, Sujeet Kumar Singh, head of the Departed: 13.9.1959 Departed: 31.7.2000 for Disease Control on 21,387 random- National Centre for Disease Control, Gurunathan ly selected people between June 27 and told a news conference. Always In Our Thoughts, Selbadurai July 10 showed that 23.48 per cent of On July 23, the Health Ministry re- Forever in our Hearts ... 7th March 1944 – them had IgG antibodies, indicating ported a total of 1.19 million corona- ‘He that endureth to the end shall be saved’ Matt 29th July 2009 past exposure to the virus. virus cases so far with almost 29,000 10:22 Deeply missed by The results published by the Fed- deaths. Maharashtra, Delhi and Tamil Deeply missed and fondly remembered by son, wife, children, eral Health Ministry suggest that 4.7 Nadu states are the worst affected. — daughter-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, grandchildren, all family million people out of a population of AsiaNews/Agencies nephews, nieces, relatives and loved ones. members and friends.

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Feastday: July 29 Daily Short Patron Saint of: St Martha  Cooks artha, Mary and their Lazarus the primacy of the spiritual: “…[D]o not worry  Housewives Reading were evidently close friends of Jesus. about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or  Servants He came to their home as a welcome about your body, what you will wear…. But Sunday, July 26 M  Waiters and (Apocalypse 7:10,12) guest, rather than as one celebrating the conver- seek first the kingdom [of God] and his right- Waitresses sion of a sinner like Zacchaeus or one uncer- eousness” (Matthew 6:25b, 33a); “One does Victory to our God, who sits on the emoniously received by a suspicious Pharisee. not live by bread alone” (Luke 4:4b); “Blessed Reflection throne, and to the Lamb! Praise and The sisters feel free to call on Jesus at their are they who hunger and thirst for righteous- Scripture commentators point out that in writ- glory and wisdom and thanksgiving brother’s death, even though a return to Judea ness…” (Matthew 5:6a). ing his account of the raising of Lazarus, Saint and honour and power and strength at that time seems almost certain death. Martha’s great glory is her simple and strong John intends that we should see Martha’s words to our God for ever and ever. Amen. No doubt Martha was an active sort of per- statement of faith in Jesus after her brother’s to Mary before Lazarus was raised as a sum- Monday, July 27 son. On one occasion, she prepares the meal for death. “Jesus told her, ‘I am the resurrection mons that every Christian must obey. In her say- (2 Thessalonians 3:10-13) Jesus and possibly his fellow guests and forth- and the life; whoever believes in me, even if ing “The teacher is here and is asking for you,” Let us give thanks to the Lord our God rightly states the obvious: All hands should he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and Jesus is calling every one of us to resurrection who, as he tested our ancestors, is pitch in to help with the dinner. believes in me will never die. Do you believe — now in baptismal faith, forever in sharing now testing us. Remember how he Yet, as biblical scholar Father John McKenzie this?’ She said to him, ‘Yes, Lord. I have come his victory over death. And all of us, as well treated Abraham, all the ordeals of points out, she need not be rated as an “unrecol- to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of as these three friends, are in our own unique Isaac and all that happened to Jacob. lected activist.” The evangelist is emphasising God, the one who is coming into the world’” way called to special friendship with him. — For as these ordeals were intended what our Lord said on several occasions about (John 11:25-27). by him to search their hearts, so now this is not vengeance that God exacts against us, but a warning inflicted by St Ignatius of Loyola the Lord on those who are near his he founder of the Jesuits was on his way to spiritual life on the essential foundations of heart. Do not let anyone have any food Tmilitary fame and fortune when a cannon Christianity — the Trinity, Christ, the Eucharist. if he refuses to do any work. Now we ball shattered his leg. Because there were no His spirituality is expressed in the Jesuit motto, hear that there are some of you who books of romance on hand during his convales- Feastday: Ad majorem Dei gloriam — “for the greater are living in idleness, doing no work cence, Ignatius whiled away the time reading July 31 glory of God.” In his concept, obedience was to themselves but interfering with eve- about the life of Christ and the lives of the saints. Patron be the prominent virtue, to assure the effective- ryone else’s. In the Lord Jesus Christ, His conscience was deeply touched, and a long, Saint of: ness and mobility of his men. All activity was we order and call on people of this painful turning to Christ began. Having seen the Retreats to be guided by a true love of the Church and kind to go on quietly working and earn- Mother of God in a vision, he made a pilgrimage unconditional obedience to the Holy Father, ing the food that they eat. My brothers, to her shrine at Montserrat near Barcelona. He for which reason all professed members took a never grow tired of doing what is right. remained for almost a year at nearby Manresa, fourth vow to go wherever the pope should send Tuesday, July 28 sometimes with the Dominicans, sometimes in In 1534, at the age of 43, he and six others them for the salvation of souls. (Romans 13:11,12-13) a pauper’s hospice, often in a cave in the hills — one of whom was Saint Francis Xavier — praying. After a period of great peace of mind, vowed to live in poverty and chastity and to go Reflection You must wake up now: the night is al- most over, it will be daylight soon. Let he went through a harrowing trial of scruples. to the Holy Land. If this became impossible, Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door us give up all the things we prefer to do There was no comfort in anything — prayer, they vowed to offer themselves to the apostolic at Wittenberg in 1517; seventeen years later, under cover of the dark; let us arm our- fasting, sacraments, penance. At length, his service of the pope. The latter became the only Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society that selves and appear in the light. Let us live peace of mind returned. choice. Four years later Ignatius made the as- was to play so prominent a part in the Catholic decently as people do in the daytime. It was during this year of conversion that Ig- sociation permanent. The new Society of Jesus Reformation. He was an implacable foe of Prot- natius began to write down material that later be- was approved by Pope Paul III, and Ignatius was estantism. Yet the seeds of ecumenism may be Wednesday, July 29 came his greatest work, the Spiritual Exercises. elected to serve as the first general. found in his words: “Great care must be taken (Romans 12:1-2) He finally achieved his purpose of going When companions were sent on various mis- to show forth orthodox truth in such a way that Think of God’s mercy, my brothers, to the Holy Land, but could not remain, as he sions by the pope, Ignatius remained in Rome, if any heretics happen to be present they may and worship him, I beg you, in a way planned, because of the hostility of the Turks. consolidating the new venture, but still finding have an example of charity and Christian mod- that is worthy of thinking beings, by Ignatius spent the next 11 years in various Euro- time to found homes for orphans, catechumens, eration. No hard words should be used nor any offering your living bodies as a holy pean universities, studying with great difficulty, and penitents. He founded the Roman College, sort of contempt for their errors be shown.” One sacrifice, truly pleasing to God. Do beginning almost as a child. Like that of many intended to be the model of all other colleges of of the greatest ecumenists was the 20th-century not model yourselves on the behav- others, his orthodoxy was questioned; Ignatius the Society. German Jesuit, Cardinal Augustin Bea. — iour of the world around you, but let was twice jailed for brief periods. Ignatius was a true mystic. He centred his your behaviour change, modelled by your new mind. This is the only way to discover the will of God and St Alphonsus of Liguori know what is good, what it is that God oral theology, Vatican II said, should be not over. wants, what is the perfect thing to do. Mmore thoroughly nourished by Scripture, Alphonsus’ great pastoral reforms were in the and show the nobility of the Christian vocation pulpit and confessional — replacing the pomp- Thursday, July 30 of the faithful and their obligation to bring forth ous oratory of the time with simplicity, and the (Is 66:1-2) fruit in charity for the life of the world. Alphon- rigorism of Jansenism with kindness. His great Thus says the Lord: With heaven my sus, declared patron of moral theologians by fame as a writer has somewhat eclipsed the fact throne and earth my footstool, what Pius XII in 1950, would rejoice in that statement. that for 26 years he travelled up and down the house could you build me, what place In his day, Alphonsus fought for the liberation Kingdom of Naples preaching popular missions. could you make for my rest? All of this of moral theology from the rigidity of Jansen- He was made bishop at age 66 after trying to Feastday: August 1 was made by my hand and all of this ism. His moral theology, which went through 60 reject the honour, and at once instituted a thor- Patron Saint of: Theologians & Vocations is mine - it is the Lord who speaks. editions in the century following him, concen- ough reform of his diocese. But my eyes are drawn to the man of trated on the practical and concrete problems of His greatest sorrow came toward the end of with intervals of light and relief, when ecstasies humbled and contrite spirit, who trem- and confessors. If a certain legalism and his life. The Redemptorists, precariously contin- were frequent. bles at my word. minimalism crept into moral theology, it should uing after the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, Alphonsus is best known for his moral theol- Friday, July 31 not be attributed to this model of moderation and had difficulty in getting their Rule approved by ogy, but he also wrote well in the field of spir- (Heb 13:7-9a) gentleness. the Kingdom of Naples. Alphonsus acceded to itual and dogmatic theology. His Glories of At the University of Naples, Alphonsus re- the condition that they possess no property in Mary is one of the great works on that subject, Remember your leaders, who ceived a doctorate in both canon and civil law by common, but with the connivance of a high Re- and his book Visits to the Blessed Sacrament preached the word of God to you, and acclamation, at the age of 16, but he soon gave demptorist official, a royal official changed the went through 40 editions in his lifetime, greatly as you reflect on the outcome of their up the practice of law for apostolic activity. He Rule substantially. Alphonsus, old, crippled and influencing the practice of this devotion in the lives, imitate their faith, Jesus Christ is was ordained a priest, and concentrated his pas- with very bad sight, signed the document, una- Church. the same today as he was yesterday toral efforts on popular parish missions, hearing ware that he had been betrayed. The Redemp- and as he will be for ever. Do not let confessions, and forming Christian groups. torists in the then put themselves Reflection yourself be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines. He founded the Redemptorist congregation in under the pope, who withdrew those in Naples Saint Alphonsus was known above all as a prac- 1732. It was an association of priests and broth- from the jurisdiction of Alphonsus. It was only tical man who dealt in the concrete rather than Saturday, August 1 ers living a common life, dedicated to the imi- after his death that the branches were united. the abstract. His life is indeed a practical model (2 Pet 1:10-11) tation of Christ, and working mainly in popular At 71, Alphonsus was afflicted with rheu- for the everyday Christian who has difficulty Brothers, you have been called and missions for peasants in rural areas. Almost as matic pains which left incurable bending of recognising the dignity of Christian life amid chosen: work all the harder to justify it an omen of what was to come later, he found his neck. Until it was straightened a little, the the swirl of problems, pain, misunderstanding by good deeds. If you do all these things himself deserted after a while by all his original pressure of his chin caused a raw wound on his and failure. Alphonsus suffered all these things. there is no danger that you will ever fall companions except one . But the con- chest. He suffered a final 18 months of “dark He is a saint because he was able to maintain an away. In this way you will be granted gregation managed to survive and was formally night” scruples, fears, temptations against every intimate sense of the presence of the suffering admittance into the eternal kingdom of approved 17 years later, though its troubles were article of faith and every virtue, interspersed Christ through it all. — our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Evangelisation: Our Families — We pray that today’s families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance.

Download the Click To Pray updates now. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY July 26, 2020 Chinese Christians told to replace Christ with Mao or lose government support SHANXI: Government authorities was cancelled when officials discov- in Shanxi, China, are ordering peo- ered a cross on her house’s door. The ple who receive government assis- woman, who is a diabetic and needs tance to replace religious symbols in frequent injections, lost all govern- their homes, including pictures of Je- ment aid due to her religious beliefs. sus, with pictures of Chairman Mao In Shandong province, officials and President Xi Jinping. Refusal to raided the home of a Christian man comply results in the assistance be- and posted images of Mao and Xi ing taken away. Jinping. The Christian told Bitter The religious freedom magazine Winter that Mao and Xi Jinping were Bitter Winter reported last week that the “greatest Gods.” officials in the city of Linfen, Shanxi “If you want to worship some- province, were told in April to in- body, they are the ones,” the official spect and remove religious symbols told the man in Shandong. from the homes of those receiving Since 2015, the Communist gov- “social welfare payments” and to ernment has pushed forward with a replace them with images of Com- program of “sinicization” of religion. munist leaders. Those who com- Regular reports of churches being plained would have their payments demolished, priests and bishops be- “annulled.” ing harassed and arrested, and strict The policy also applies to mem- censorship being imposed on reli- bers of state-run churches. A member gious teaching continue to emerge of the Three-Self Church, which is People praying in Shanghai, China. (ThewayIsee/Shutterstock) from the country. the Chinese Communist Party’s of- “Impoverished religious house- Bitter Winter. “The government is that he was told they would be “treat- In some areas, churches were ficial Protestant denomination, told holds can’t receive money from the trying to eliminate our belief and ed as anti-Party elements” if they did made to remove displays of the deca- Bitter Winter that images of Jesus state for nothing—they must obey wants to become God instead of Je- not stop going to church. logue and replace them with sayings and a religious calendar were taken the Communist Party for the money sus.” A member of the Three-Self of president Xi Xinping. down from his house and replaced they receive,” the Three-Self mem- In addition to Shanxi, Christians Church, who is a woman in her 80s In Xinjiang, anywhere from with images of Chairman Mao. ber told Bitter Winter. in other provinces have reported who lives in the province of Jiangxi, 900,000 to 1.8 million mostly-Mus- Like much of the world, the Chi- A preacher from a house church, similar treatment from government reported that she lost her government lim Uyghurs are estimated to be in nese economy has been hard-hit by which are illegal but typically toler- officials. aid after she said “Thank God” upon the system of more than 1,300 deten- the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, ated in much of China, said that his In Jiangxi, which has seen multi- receiving a subsidy payment. tion camps set up by Chinese author- meaning that more and more people cross and pictures of Jesus were re- ple reports of Christian persecution “They expected me to praise the ities, ostensibly for “re-education” are relying on government payments moved in May and replaced with a in the last year, a Christian reported kindness of the Communist Party in- purposes. Survivors have reported to stay financially afloat. At the same picture of Chairman Mao. that his disability payment was re- stead,” she reported. indoctrination, beatings, forced la- time, the government has overseen “All impoverished households in voked because of his attendance at In April, another elderly woman bour, forced abortions and sterilisa- a renewed crackdown on places of the town were told to display Mao church. from the Henan province reported tions, and torture in the camps. — worship. Zedong images,” the preacher told His wife reported to Bitter Winter that her minimum living allowance CNA China turns surveillance state on religious gatherings WASHINGTON: “As low-cost pro- and their families have reported suf- munist Party’s intricate use of digital cessors, sensors, and cameras have fering torture, indoctrination, sterili- technology to monitor religious prac- proliferated, the extent of religious life zation, and forced labour, along with tice. that the CCP can surveil has expanded other abuses. In Xinjiang the CCP is using smart- dramatically,” said Chris Meserole, Regional authorities have also phone and vehicle location data, deputy director of the Artificial Intel- forced many Uyghur women to un- checkpoint logs, facial recognition ligence and Emerging Technology dergo abortions, implantations of technology, and video feeds from Initiative at the Brookings Institution, IUDs and other contraceptive meth- buses and drones to identify Muslims on Wednesday at a hearing of the U.S. ods, and sterilizations in what one ex- who are “collocated” at the same cov- Commission on International Reli- pert called “a slow, painful, creeping ert religious meeting, Meserole said. gious Freedom (USCIRF). genocide.” Chinese companies have developed The virtual hearing of USCIRF, a Meanwhile, the Uyghur population software to recognise religious sym- bipartisan federal commission that ad- outside of the camps has been sub- bols and alert authorities to the pres- vises the US government on matters ject to a system of mass surveillance ence of a Uyghur Muslim or a Tibetan of international religious freedom, fo- and predictive policing, with Muslim Buddhist. That kind of surveillance is cused on “technological surveillance religious practices being regulated happening across China, he said. of religion in China.” or prohibited such as fasting during The state is monitoring writing and China currently faces increased in- Ramadan. speech on smartphones through soft- ternational scrutiny for its treatment of Human rights advocates have also ware that tracks all audio, video, and its largely-Muslim Uyghur population called the overall abuses of Uyghurs text stored on phones. People have in the country’s far northwest prov- “crimes against humanity.” been detained for texting verses from ince of Xinjiang. Earlier in July, the U.S. sanctioned the Koran, Meserole added. Anywhere from 900,000 to 1.8 mil- several Chinese officials responsible The CCP is also using the COV- CCTV surveillance cameras in Tiananmen Square. (Shutterstock) lion Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyr- for the serious human rights abuses in ID-19 pandemic to promote surveil- gyz, and other Muslim minorities are the region. lance as a public health solution. Greitens, a professor of public affairs reveals that the CCP is “targeting and now or have been detained in more On Thursday, USCIRF commis- Chinese officials have referred to at the University of Texas at Austin. treating citizens before they show than 1,300 camps, according to mul- sioners and guest witnesses at the religious dissidents as having a “po- “That analogy has significant -po symptoms of problematic behaviour.” tiple reports. Survivors of the camps hearing described the Chinese Com- litical virus,” said witness Sheena litical implications,” she said, as it – By Matt Hadro, CNA