Saint Junípero Serra Parish

A Catholic Faith Community

A Parish of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

th 42121 60 Street West

Lancaster, CA 93536

Main Office 661‐943‐9314

Faith Formation Office 661‐943‐5912

FAX 661‐943‐6863


Administered by the Congregation of St. Joseph

Mission Statement • Declaración de Nuestra Misión

Saint Junípero Serra Parish is an evangelizing Catholic Faith Community committed to moving forward always as disciples for the Kingdom: attentive to the Word, to Sacrament, to Service and to Faith Formation. Modified September 23, 2015

La Parroquia de San Junipero Serra es una Comunidad Católica Evangelizadora de Fe comprometida a seguir siempre ade‐ lante como discípulos misioneros para alcanzar el Reino de Dios; por medio de la Palabra, los Sacramentos, el servicio y la instrucción de la Fé. Modificado el 23 de septiembre 2015

Pastoral Staff Schedule of Masses in Parish Church

Frs. Leo A. Dechant, Sylvan Schiavo, Daily: Monday‐Saturday 7:00 AM; M & F 6:30 PM Giampietro Gasparin; Jonathan Cano, All C.S.J. Sunday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM (Saturday) Gary, Paul, Rito; Marvin Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM (Spanish)

Sacraments & Devotions Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 PM

First Friday adoration OLC: 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM Parish Office Hours

Sacrament of Penance (Confessions): Sat 3:30 PM—4:30 Monday through Thursday 9‐11:30; 12:30‐8

PM (church), Fri 7:00 PM (chapel) and by Appointment Friday: 9‐11:30; 12:30‐4

Ministry of the sick: Request a visit from a to Saturday 10 AM—4 PM Sundays ‐ Closed anoint a person, person who is seriously ill or is sched‐

uled for surgery. Holy Communion can be taken to the

homebound by lay ministers of Holy Communion every

week after the priest’s visit.

Marriage, Baptism & Quinceañera: Please visit our web‐

site for basic information. Call the office to meet with a

priest for more information.

Baptism Prep/Clases para Bautismo: English class sec‐ (SEM) ond Saturday of month. Las platicas en Español un St. Elizabeth Mission 13845 Johnson Road, Lake Hughes, CA 93532

Sábado cada mes.

† † † Jesús Fuente de Misericordia: Asamblea de Oración lunes de 7:15 a 9:15 pm en el salón parroquial. MASS: Sunday 10:00 AM

Confessions by Request Before and After Mass

Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, July 7, 2019 Altar Servers: Joanne Lacson

The Pastor’s Corner Bereavement: Maureen Kubli ([email protected]) Children’s Lit. of the Word: Cassandra Ortiz Thank you for signing the letters opposing SB360 provid- Communion to the Homebound: Diana Sipes* ed by the Archdiocese. Since it is not a petition, feel wel- Comunión a los enfermos: Dcn Marvin Castillo* come to write several times. The email published last Coordinador de Música en Español: Alfonso Alvarado week and again this week allows anyone in California to Coordinador de Ministerios Litúrgicos en Español: Maria J. Castillo access their reps simply by putting in their zip code. The Coordinator of Lector Ministry: Mike Purnell Knights plan to follow up with postcards. Unless SB360, Coordinator of EMs of Holy Communion: Jim Hart violating the seal of confession, clears committee and gets Director of Faith Formation: Cassandra Ortiz rushed to a vote before summer recess, the startup after Director of Hispanic Ministry: Fr. Jonathan Cano, CSJ break will be a good time for local offices to get mail op- Parish Director of Music: Sharon Rohaley posing the bill. Quinceañeras: Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, CSJ

I encourage all Catholics to renew your use of this great Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Pat & Kay McNeil sacrament of healing and reconciliation. It is such a great Scheduling of English Lectors & EMs: Anne Trabold help to spiritual growth and taking seriously our call to *Contact Fr. Leo, Fr. Jonathan, or main office who will forward your ongoing conversion. It is not “cheap grace” at all. Quite request for Home Visits after a priest has visited your home. the contrary, the Holy Spirit operating within the sacra- Phone System ment turns our imperfect contrition into perfect contrition. The main office phone number is 661-943-9314. The absolution is not simply a kind of “white wash”—we truly get a fresh start. Our penance helps undo the dam- The Office of Faith Formation (Religious Education, age over time (temporal punishment) our sins have caused Confirmation Preparation and Youth Ministry) is 661 to us. -943-5912. Mission Bell Preschool Cell Number is 661-802-6375. ###

1. The Saints next door When the office is closed, you can leave voice in the apostolic exhortation Gaudete et mails using the following extensions: exsultate talks about “the saints next door” (nos. 6-9). • Vicki White/Guadalupe Castellanos #100 These are believers, who live their life in the ordinariness • Daniel Ortiz—FF Clerk #101 of existence, who do not call attention with sensational • Fr. Sylvan #102 gestures or deeds, who are alongside us, and we almost do • Fr. Leo #103 not notice. Their holiness manifests itself in small and • great gestures that life requires of all: on the occasion of Michele Simpliciano, Pastor’s Sec. #104 • fundamental choices, in managing life in its various and Faith Formation Aide (vacant) #105 progressive stages, in accepting also the difficulties and • Cheryl Espinosa, Mission Bell #106 pains of everyday life. They are saints because fully hu- • Teri Parchman, Finance Data Entry Clerk #107 man, totally within the living conditions of men and • Fr. Jonathan #108 women of this time. Their state of life (priest, religious, • Front Office Desk 2 #109 lay, married, young or old) is not an obstacle to realize • Cassandra Ortiz, Dir. Faith Formation #110 the journey of the common vocation to holiness; rather, it gives color to the “type” of holiness, the quality of the Be sure to press the # sign before the numeral! message, the personal style. The saints are never identical to one another. On the same line was Paul VI on the day of his beatifica- These considerations of pope Francis remind me of what tion (November 3, 1963), when, answering the question: Fr. , first biographer of our saint, writes: “Who is Murialdo?” said: “His history is simple, has no “When one speaks of the holiness of theologian Murialdo, mysteries, does not have extraordinary adventures. It hap- it should not be understood in terms of extraordinary pens in a relatively calm way amid well-known places, things: there was nothing or almost nothing in him of ex- persons, events (…) This new blessed is not a distant and traordinary in the common sense of the word; but in his difficult man; he is not a saint alien to our conversation; daily living he was so irreproachable and perfect and for he is our , our priest, our companion on the jour- so long a period of years, that this perfection and irre- ney” (Discourse quoted in REFFO, Vita, pp. 369-370). proachability must be considered as something extraordi- nary. We, who conversed with him familiarly for more It seems to me that, first of all, St. Leonard transmits to us than thirty years and frequented his room and ate with a “style,” a certain way of living our own journey toward him, who saw him in prayer and assisted him sick and holiness. We, members of the Family of St. Leonard, dying, we can confirm the extraordinariness of his virtues, want to recognize in the life of our founder a first and ex- because for such a long time and in such varied circum- emplary interpretation of “fare e tacere,” (do and be si- stances, conditions, places, we never caught him commit- lent): namely, that “humility and charity” can and must be ting a fall of some relevance that was volun- lived together. tary” (REFFO, Vita, pp. 207-208).

MASSES Pray for our ill Parishioners… SATURDAY, 6 July Stella Acorda Emmanuel Audencial Paul Bozigian Paul Burkman Tito Collantes Caylin Carrisalez 7:00 AM OLC † Michael Shoon Maryann Davidson Pat Defusco Joshua Delgado † George & †Valentina Carino 5:00 PM Theresa Farrey Marie Fernando Mario Galvan th SUNDAY, 7 July, 14 Sunday of Ordinary Time Shautal & Ava Garcia Naomi Giesler Heidi Gray 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish Patrick Guzman Alex Guillermo Bob Henderson 9:30 AM Emily Nelson Lily Honeycutt Dan Hodgens Katherine Irwin 10:00 AM SEM Jack Bostwick Helen Kaniewski Betty Knolls Manuel Lopez Conner Monjack Jo Meister Agustina Mendoza 12:00 PM Thanksgiving for B-day celebrants of Apdujan-Aseron Families Michelle Moklebust Karen D. Newman Colton Oschmann 2:00 PM Español † Jesus & Francisca Trejo Sera-Lisa Ortiz Molly Pazienzia Christina Padilla Monday, 8 July Jane Pesce Gary Poole Jacob Raellano 7:00 AM OLC † Robert Corder Allen Ralph Wilfredo Repuyan Jack Rich 6:30 PM OCL † Susan Limtong William D. Robinson Roberto Rosales Thomas Russell Tuesday, 9 July Charlie Shea Jonathan Sherman Madison Taylor 7:00 AM OLC † Patricia Virlene Adams Richard & Cecila Tirre Aisha Umeh Chris Vernor Grace Watson Gene & Cristina Wheeler 10:00 AM MFG † Fr. Lawrence Tosco, CSJ

Wednesday, 10 July Readings for the Week of July 7

7:00 AM OLC Leonora Ramos Thursday, 11 July, St. Benedict Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-26

9:00 AM OLC † Thelma E. Berthel Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15; Friday, 12 July Mt 9:32-38

7:00 AM OLC † Maria Flores Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 6:30 PM OLC † Thomas Pachell Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21; SATURDAY, 13 July, BVM on Saturday Mt 10:7-15

7:00 AM OLC † Richard Graham Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mt 10:16-23 5:00 PM † Thomas Franzen Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7; SUNDAY, 14 July 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mt 10:24-33

7:30 AM †Grace & †Manuel Sanchez Sunday: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 9:30 AM For the People of the Parish 36, 37; or 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 10:00 AM SEM †Ken & † Arleen Simpson 12:00 PM † Anthony Scarpine 2:00 PM Español † Maria de la Luz Gracia Cano Please pray for the recently deceased. May they, and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Tuesday, September 10th, at 7:30 is the first meeting SAINT ELIZABETH DIRECTORY

date for the new round of RCIA, the Rite of Christian Community Council Chairperson Initiation of Adults. Non-baptized who are interest- Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 ed in the are welcome as are those Altar Society President baptized in other Christian communities or Catholics Joanne Melfi-724-0314 without First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Worship Altar Flowers—Mary Borjon –526-3908

Keep the legacy of faith and ministry EMs of Holy Comm.—Soliman Villapando-262-6090 Hospitality—Jerry Lindaman - 270-0495 moving forward always—Remember Lectors—Soliman Villapando - 262-6090 St. Junípero Serra Parish in your will! Sacristan—Janet Donoho -724-2067 MISSION BELL PRESCHOOL DID YOU KNOW?

Key information, resources to safeguard chil- If you read this blurb, I’m sure you’ve heard: We, Mission dren are available at Archdiocese’s website Bell, will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary with a Gala on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Save the date now! You The safety and well-being of the faithful is of the know how fast time flies! How can you support our Parish utmost priority for all Catholic parishes, schools Preschool Gala? Glad you asked: and ministries. As part of our commitment, the • Help spread the word (We have alumni in and out of Archdiocese has updated the our midst. Please let them know! They (and you) can protect website with valuable information and call Miss Cheryl @ 802-6375 for more of the scoop) resources on how to protect our children and • Attend the Gala young people from child sexual abuse. • Donate raffle/auction items • Sponsor Knightly News Call Miss Cheryl for more ways to help! We know that many Events and happenings sponsored and or supported by hands make for light work. We are counting on and look the Knights of Columbus, St. Murialdo Council 10667. For forward to our SJSP Parish families for support with our more information, questions or comments, Gala! Thank you in advance. call 661-PRO LIFE (776-5433). Summer Blessings! Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Al- tar Servers Appreciation Ice Miss Cheryl

Cream Social – July 17 at 7:30 in Prayers & Squares Quilting Ministry St. Serra Hall

Each knot represents a prayer offered in love!

To facilitate contacting Prayer Quilts are on display at church and chapel. Please Your State Assembly Member stop by them, say a prayer, and tie a knot for the person The link below is set up with a letter the quilt is intended for. New quilters are always wel- And your Official by your zip code come to join group! Quilt Meetings at Saint Serra Hall on nd th https://cqrcengage.come/cacatholic/app/ Thursdays of the 2 and 4 week of each Month. These Write-a-letter?0&engagementId=498306 Prayer Quilts can be requested from June Brown 661 943- 5602 or [email protected], Angie Duenez [email protected] or Alma Marquez (Spanish) 661. VIRTUS TRAINING 317. 1801.

PrRtectiQg GRd’s ChiOdreQ is a traiQiQg desigQed tR heOp ideQtify aQd preveQt chiOd abuse RpeQ tR aOO pa The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) is a three-year, com- rishiRQers age 18 Rr Rver The traiQiQg is PaQdatRry prehensive Bible study program: one year focuses on the fRr aOO paid staff aQd vROuQteers haviQg cRQtact Rr Old Testament, one on the New Testament, and a third on pRteQtiaO cRQtact with chiOdreQ iQ the ArchdiRcese Rf biblical themes, along with practical skills for facilitating /Rs AQgeOes The Qext traiQiQg iQ EQgOish wiOO be Bible-based programs in parishes. Saturday 20 -uOy 2019 iQ RRRP 5 frRP 1000aP tR Participants can opt for the Certification-Track to earn a 100 pP There is QR cRst fRr the traiQiQg TR regis Certificate in Bible Study Leadership from the Archdio- ter pOease caOO the parish Rffice at 9439314 Rr ePaiO cese of Los Angeles (and LMU Extension Semester VRQQie BeQQett at vbeQQett@fatherserraRrg Hours), or they can participate simply for their own learn- ing in the Enrichment-Track. CBI meets one Saturday a

month, August through June, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bereavement Meeting at Incarnation Church in Glendale. Grief Support. For people coping with the loss of a loved one, St. Serra Bereavement Support Group CBI tuition is $380 per year for Old and New Testament meets in June and July on Wednesday years. Payment in installments is available. evenings in the pastoral office. Please contact Maureen Kubli for more infor- For more info contact: mation: [email protected] or (661) Fr. Parker Sandoval Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation [email protected] 213-637- 722-3901 7652 Rincón del Pastor ¿SABÍA QUE?

Gracias por firmar las cartas a la oposición de la SB360 Información clave, recursos para proteger a los proporcionadas por la Arquidiócesis. Dado que no es una niños están disponibles en sitio web de la Ar‐ petición, siéntase bienvenido a escribir varias veces. El quidiócesis correo electrónico publicado la semana pasada y de nuevo esta semana permite a cualquier persona en California La seguridad y el bienestar de los fieles es de acceder a sus representantes simplemente poniendo su máxima prioridad para todas las parroquias, es‐ código postal. Los Caballeros de Colón (KoC) planean cuelas y ministerios católicos. Como parte de hacer un seguimiento a las tarjetas. A menos que la SB360, que viola el secreto de confesión, pase el comité y nuestro compromiso, la Arquidiócesis ha actual‐ se apresure a una votación antes del receso de verano, izado el sitio web‐ empezar inmediatamente después de este receso será un información valiosa y re‐ buen momento para que las oficinas locales reciban el cursos sobre cómo proteger a nuestros niños y correo que se opone a esta misiva. Exhorto a todos los católicos a renovar el uso de este gran jóvenes del abuso sexual infantil. sacramento de sanación y de reconciliación. Es una gran PREPARACIÓN PARA SACRAMENTOS ayuda para el crecimiento espiritual y a tomar en serio nuestro llamado a la continua conversión. No es en ab- La vida sacramental de nuestra parroquia es real- soluto una "gracia barata". Todo lo contrario, el Espíritu mente la mas profunda expresión de quienes no- Santo que opera dentro de la Santa Cena convierte nuestra sotros somos. Todos los sacramentos son celebra- contrición imperfecta en una contrición perfecta. La ab- ciones comunitarias de nuestros encuentros solución no es simplemente una especie de "lavado blan- con Jesús resucitado en los momentos mas im- co", realmente tenemos un nuevo comienzo. Nuestra portantes de nuestras vidas. Puesto que los sacra- penitencia ayuda a deshacer el daño con el tiempo mentos son muy importantes para nosotros los cris- tianos católicos tomamos muy en serio la prepara- (castigo temporal) que nuestros pecados nos han causado. ción y que estos sean recibidos cuidadosamente. 1. Los Santos de la puerta de al lado Papa Francisco en la exhortación apostólica Para más información sobre el Bautismo, llame a p. “Gaudete et exsultate” habla de los “santos de la puerta Jonathan. Para más información sobre la primera de al lado” (nn. 6-9). Creyentes que viven su vida en la comunión o confirmación, llame a Cassandra Ortiz. ordinariez de la existencia, que no se hacen notar por ges- La inscripción final para la educación religiosa y la tos o hechos clamorosos, que están al lado y casi no nos confirmación para el próximo año académico es el damos cuenta. Su santidad se manifiesta en los pequeños primero de Agosto. Ver detalles en la página de For- y grandes gestos que la vida requiere a todos: en ocasión mación de Fe. de opciones fundamentales, en el gestionar la vida según sus etapas diversas y siguientes, en el aceptar la existen- morir, nosotros podemos constatar la singularidad de sus cia también en aquello que ella ofrece de difícil y de su- virtudes, porque por largo tiempo y en tan variado suced- frido. Son santos porque plenamente humanos, totalmente er de circunstancias, de condiciones, de lugares, nunca lo adentro de la vida como hombres y mujeres del propio hemos sorprendido en cometer un error de algún relieve tiempo. Su estado de vida (sacerdote, religioso, laico, que fuera voluntario» (REFFO, Vita, 1920, pp. 207-208). casado, joven o anciano) no es un obstáculo para realizar En la misma perspectiva, el Papa Paolo VI en el día de la el camino de la común vocación a la santidad, en cambio beatificación (3 de noviembre de 1963) habló así de Leo- colora el “tipo” de santidad, la calidad del mensaje, el nardo Murialdo, respondiendo a la pregunta: “¿Quién es estilo propio. Los santos no son jamás iguales el uno co- ?”: «Su historia es sencilla, no mo el otro. tiene misterios, no tiene aventuras extraordinarias; se de- Estas consideraciones de papa Francisco me hici- sarrolla en un itinerario relativamente tranquilo, en medio eron recordar cuanto escribe padre Eugenio Reffo, primer de lugares, de personas, de hechos muy conocidos. (…) biógrafo de nuestro santo: «Cuando se habla de la san- Este nuevo beato no es un hombre lejano y difícil, no es tidad del Teólogo Murialdo, esta no se tiene que entender un santo secuestrado por nuestra conversación; es un en cosas extraordinarias, no hubo nada o casi nada en él nuestro hermano, es un nuestro sacerdote, es nuestro com- de extraordinario en el sentido común de la palabra; sino pañero de viaje» (Texto citado de REFFO, Vita, pp. 369- en su vivir ordinario fue tan irreprensible y perfecto y por 370). tan largo período de años, que esta misma perfección y Me parece que antes que nada Leonardo Murialdo nos irreprensibilidad se tienen que considerar como algo de transmite un “estilo”, un determinado modo de vivir el extraordinario. Nosotros que hemos conversado familiar- propio camino de santidad; nosotros de la Familia de Mu- mente con él por más de treinta años, y que hemos rialdo, queremos captar de la vida de nuestro fundador frecuentado su cercanía, fuimos comensales, lo vimos una primera y ejemplar interpretación del “hacer y callar”, muchas veces en oración, lo asistimos enfermo, lo vimos que dice como “humildad y caridad” pueden y deben ser vividas juntas. 661-943-5912• Cassandra Ortiz, Director





Thursday, August 1, 2019 8am-12pm and 3pm-7pm WALLIS OPTICAL Kirk and Susan Wallis All-Pro 942-6515 Parishioners Mary M. Kornock, CRS, GRI Real Estate Broker 44407 10th St., W. Lancaster DRE #01050882 Corner of 10th & Ave. J I have been selling Real Estate California Prudential Real Estate here in A.V. since 1989. In CalBRE #01501659 Good Times and the Bad, I have been & will be here to help you with ALL your 866-374-4484 Grow in your faith, [email protected] Real Estate needs. find a Mass, and Parishioner connect with your Direct: (661) 810-4098 Catholic Community If You Live Alone You Need MDMedAlert! with OneParish! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance 95 Download Our Free App or Visit ✔ ✔ Solutions as Low as $19. a month Police Fire MY.ONEPARISH.COM ✔Friends/Family FREE Shipping FREE Activation NO Long Term Contracts This Button SAVES Lives! As Shown GPS, CALL Lowest Price Guaranteed! NOW! 800.809.3352 GPS Tracking w/Fall Detection Nationwide, No Land Line Needed MDMedAlert EASY Set-up, NO Contract Safe-Guarding America’s Seniors Nationwide! 24/7 365 Monitoring in the USA

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The Most Complete Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes 913086 Saint Junipero Serra Parish (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805