Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana Number: 35402-3/2012-38 Date: 9 October 2012 On the basis of the fifth paragraph of Article 8 of the Decree on Administrative Authorities within Ministries (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 58/03, 45/04, 86/04-ZVOP-1, 138/04, 52/05, 82/05, 17/06, 76/06, 132/06, 41/07, 64/08-ZViS-F, 63/09, 69/10, 40/11, 98/11, 17/12 and 23/12) and the second paragraph of Article 61 of the Environment Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 39/06-ZVO-1-Official Consolidated Text 1, 49/06-ZMetD, 66/06 - Constitutional Court Decision, 112/06 - Constitutional Court Decision, 33/07-ZPNačrt, 57/08-ZFO-1A, 70/08, 108/09, 48/12 and 57/12), taking into account the second paragraph of Article 39 of the Rules on the Assessment of Acceptability of Impacts Caused by the Execution of Plans and Activities Affecting Nature in Protected Areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos.130/04, 53/06, 38/10 and 3/11), the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia in the administrative matter of issuing the environmental protection consent for the electrification, reconstruction and upgrading of the railway line Pragersko-Hodoš to the Client, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Langusova 4, 1535 Ljubljana, represented by Minister Zvone Černač, who is by delegation represented by Director General Boštjan Rigler, issues the following ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONSENT I.
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