香港上環干諾道中152-155號招商局大廈13樓1305-1307室 關注我們:Follow us on: Room 1305-07, 13/F, Merchants Building, 152-155 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan,

電話 Tel: 2815 7001 傳真 Fax: 2815 7002 電郵 Email: [email protected] 服務熱線 Hotline: (852)1833 266 網站 Website: (香港 Hong Kong) | (內地 Mainland) NHA 新家園協會 hknhanha 目錄 CONTENTS

1 願景、使命、價值 Vision, Mission, Values 2 會長的話 Chairman‘s Message 3 組織架構 Organizational Structure

5 年度主題活動 Annual Activities Highlights 「齊築福 · 新家園」系列活動 “Love with Care” Series Events • 新家園協會義工團傳愛行動啟動禮 The Installation Ceremony of New Home Association Voluntary Team’s “Spread Our love” Movement • 愛「深」傳家園地區分享會 “Sham Shui Po – Love and Beyond” Sharing Session • 新家園協會關愛慈善夜暨第二屆董事會就職典禮 New Home Association Charity Dinner cum 2nd Board of Directors Inauguration Ceremony • 新家園協會賽馬會天水圍服務中心開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony of New Home Association Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Service Centre • 新家園協會「愛滿家園」共融嘉年華暨香港島服務處新址開幕典禮 The “Love with Family” Carnival cum Opening Ceremony of New Home Association Hong Kong Island Service Centre 「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」頒獎典禮 “SHIMAO-NHA Leadership Training Scheme” Award Presentation Ceremony

13 服務概覽 Service Overview 香港服務 Hong Kong Service • 新來港人士服務 Services for New Arrivals • 少數族裔人士服務 Services for Ethnic Minorities 內地服務 Mainland Service

21 服務聚焦 Service Highlights 政府項目 Government Projects 專項服務 Specialized Services 社會企業 Social Enterprises

25 支援中心 Supportive Centres 社會政策研究中心 Social Policy Research Centre 新青匯 Synergy Youth 家園文化藝術協會 Home Culture and Arts Association

28 媒體報道 Media Coverage 31 服務統計 Service Statistics 32 財務簡報 Financial Report 36 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 45 聯絡我們 Contact Us 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

會長的話 Chairman's Message

願景、使命、價值 2014-15年度,新家園協會的發展開啟了全新的一頁。 and Hong Kong Island in May and June respectively, Vision, Mission, Values which helped enhance the accessibility and quality 「齊築福·新家園關愛慈善夜暨第二屆董事會就職典 of our services. 禮」於5月4日成功舉行。新一屆董事會繼續秉持本會關愛 新家園協會成立於2010年6月,服務覆蓋香港與內 弱勢、服務社群的使命,以愛心灌溉社會。本會新界西服 New Home Association also launched an event 地,是一間致力於服務新來港、少數族裔人士及其他 務處及香港島服務處分別於2014年5月及6月開始在全新的 series with the theme "Love with Care" during 弱勢社群的慈善機構;提供優質及專業的一站式社會 場地開展服務,為服務對象提供更好的設施,提升服務質 2014-15. 素,揭開本會地區服務的新篇章。 服務,推動他們積極投入和參與香港的建設,促進社 In the beginning of 2015, an installation 區參與、推動社會共融、創建平等關愛的社會。 新家園協會在本年度亦開展了一系列以「齊築福·新家 ceremony for "Love with Care" event series was 園」為主題的活動。 held successfully in Hong Kong Cultural Centre, New Home Association (NHA) is founded in June Tsim Sha Tsui. During the event, New Home 願景 Vision 年初,我們在尖沙咀文化中心舉行了新家園義工團 2010 and now provides a comprehensive range of Association appointed a number of celebrities and 以四海一家、和諧共融、互惠互助的精神,促進 傳愛行動啟動禮,委任了新家園「關愛大使」及「關愛之 services in Hong Kong and the Mainland. We are a artists as our ambassadors. From April to July, our 新來港及少數族裔人士與香港各界同舟共濟,創建平 星」。四、五、六三個月,本會的「關愛之星」與義工團 ambassadors visited Sham Shui Po, Tin Shui Wai non-government charitable organization dedicated 等關愛的社會。 一起,走訪深水埗、天水圍和筲箕灣,將關愛傳至社區、 to providing one-stop professional social services for and Shau Kei Wan together with our voluntary Closely associated with the spirit of social cohesion, 屋邨,推動社會融合,共建和諧香港。 new arrivals from the Mainland, ethnic minorities, and team to spread the message of love to people from harmony, mutual help and care, the NHA is committed 這一年,本會再次成功競獲香港民政事務總署委託 the disadvantaged in Hong Kong. We aim at enabling all walks of life in Hong Kong. to promoting a caring Hong Kong society by joining 舉辦之「新來港大使計劃」,並承辦多項政府社福項目。 them to develop their full potential and to serve the Also, New Home Association had the fortune hands together with new arrivals, ethnic minorities and 同時,我們注重青年培養,設立了全新的「世茂新家園精 community. We are also committed to promoting to be appointed by the Home Affairs Department local sectors. 英培養計劃」,為青年學生搭建積極向上、充實增值的 to organise the “Ambassador Scheme” again, and community participation, social inclusion, and to 平台。 building an equal and caring society. to undertake several governmental projects related 使命 Mission 本會同事精誠合作,努力拓展,會務發展蒸蒸日上。 to social welfare. As for teen development, New 截至2015年4月,本會已擁有會員逾10萬人,提供服務超 Home Association established the “SHIMAO-NHA 關顧新來港及少數族裔人士,協助他們融入香 過50萬人次。 Leadership Training Scheme”. The scheme focused 港,發展潛能,貢獻社會;推動不同族群和睦共處, 未來,本會將繼往開來,堅持與社會各界攜手互勉, on providing students with positive values and 倡導互助互愛、多元包容的社會文化。 為新來港、少數族裔人士及其他弱勢社群提供更多更好的 motivation. Caring about new arrivals and ethnic minorities 服務。 Till April 2015, New Home Association had by helping them integrate into the Hong Kong 許榮茂 金紫荊星章、太平紳士 already owned over 100,000 members in total, and society; unleashing their potentials and talents so that 新家園協會董事會會長 had provided services to over 500,000 people. It they can contribute to Hong Kong’s socio-economic was the joint effort of our fellow colleagues that development; promoting harmonious diversity and a brought us this far and would lead us to a brighter culture of love and tolerence. path. 2014-15 was a fruitful year for New Home Association. In the future, New Home Association, 價值 New Home Association Charity Dinner cum 2nd Board alongside every member of the society, will hold Values of Directors Inauguration Ceremony was successfully held on on to our values, and provide new arrivals, ethnic 平等 Equality 4th May. Like any other harvests in the world, the new Board minorities and underprivileged groups in Hong 關愛 Caring of Directors sowed the seed of hope by pledging to serve Kong with better services. 尊重 Respect the local community and the underprivileged in Hong Kong. Mr. HUI Wing-mau, GBS, JP 團結 Unity The event was followed by the commencement of New Chairman of the Board of Directors of 卓越 Excellence Home Association's service centers in New Territories West New Home Association

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榮譽贊助人 Honorary Patrons 香港特別行政區行政長官 梁振英先生 GBM, GBS, JP 組織架構 Mr. LEUNG Chun-ying, GBM, GBS, JP Organizational Structure Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of PRC 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室主任 張曉明先生 榮譽贊助人 Honorary Patron Mr. Xiaoming 鑽石贊助人,金、銀、銅贊助人 Director of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government Diamond Sponsor, Gold, Silver in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & Bronze Sponsors 董事會 Board of Directors 董事會 監事會 Board of Directors Supervisory Board 會長 Chairman 許榮茂 金紫荊星章 太平紳士 Mr. HUI Wing-mau, GBS, JP 顧問委員會 永遠榮譽會長 Life Honorary Chairman Advisory Board 李家傑 金紫荊星章 太平紳士 Mr. LEE Ka-kit, GBS, JP 總幹事 副會長 Vice Chairmen Executive Director 許家印教授 Prof. HUI Ka-yan 李思廉太平紳士 Mr. LI Sze-lim, JP 陳卓林先生 Mr. CHEN Zhuolin 香港服務 內地服務 行政部門 支援中心 張松橋先生 Mr. CHEUNG Chung-kiu Hong Kong Service Mainland Service Administration Departments Supportive Centres 王力平先生 Mr. WONG Lik-ping 黃光苗先生 Mr. WONG Kwong-miu 陳華先生 Mr. CHEN Hua 香港島服務處 廣州項目 財務部 培訓及就業中心 賴海民先生 Mr. LAI Haimin Hong Kong Island Service Centre Project Financial Dept. Training and 陳紅天太平紳士 Mr. CHEN Hongtian, JP Employment Centre 郭英成教授 Mr. KWOK Ying-shing 楊受成博士 九龍東服務處 深圳項目 人力資源及行政部 調解服務及培訓中心 Dr. YEUNG Sau-shing Kowloon East Service Centre Shenzhen Project Human Resources and Mediation Service and 張茵女士 Ms. CHEUNG Yan Administration Dept. Training Centre 黃煥明先生 Mr. WONG Wun-ming 韓國龍先生 Mr. HON Kwok-lung 九龍西服務處 泉州項目 企業傳訊部 法律諮詢服務中心 周忻先生 Mr. ZHOU Xin Kowloon West Service Centre Quanzhou Project Corporate Legal Advice and 黃偉先生 Mr. HUANG Wei Communications Dept. Service Centre 新界東服務處 會董 Board Member New Territories East Service Centre 權益及福利部 社會政策研究中心 孔健岷先生 Mr. KONG Jianmin 賽馬會天水圍服務中心 Empowerment & Social Policy Benefits Dept. Research Centre 新界西服務處 Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Service Centre 監事會 Supervisory Board New Territories West Service Centre 葵青項目 家園文化藝術協會 主席 Chairman Kwai Tsing Project Home Culture and 李思廉太平紳士 Mr. LI Sze-lim, JP Arts Association 少數族裔支援服務中心 (深水埗) 義務律師 Duty Lawyer 少數族裔支援服務中心 HOME Centre (SSP) 新青匯 黎國光先生 Mr. LAI Kwok-kwong Synergy Youth HOME Centre 少數族裔支援服務中心 (油尖旺) 義務會計師 Duty Accountant HOME Centre (YTM) 陳美寶女士 Ms. CHAN Mabel

Inno Home (深水埗) 顧問委員會 Advisory Board Inno Home (SSP) Inno Home 主席 Chairman Inno Home (葵青) 梁祖彬教授 榮譽勳章 太平紳士 Inno Home (K&T) Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun, Joe, MH, JP 委員 Members 新家園資訊通 僱員再培訓服務 關何少芳女士 Mrs. KWAN Cecilia 專項服務部 資助項目 NHA Multilingual ERB Training 黎永開太平紳士 Specilized Services Funding Project 註:本架構更新時間為2015年10月1日 Mr. LAI Wing-hoi, Frederick, JP Info Service Courses updated on 1 October, 2015 余秀珠 銅紫荊星章 榮譽勳章 太平紳士 Ms. YU Jessie, BBS, MH, JP 周世耀先生 Mr. CHAU Sai-yiu 譚榮邦先生 Mr. TAM Wing-pong

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年度主題活動 Annual Activities Highlights

「齊築福‧新家園」系列活動 1. 出席新家園義工團傳愛行動啟動禮的主禮嘉賓、明星藝人及義工 代表合影留念。 A photo of our guests, ambassadors and voluntary representatives “Love with Care” Series Events taken during the Installation Ceremony. 2. 愛「深」傳家園地區分享會中,梁祖彬教授(左四)、郭偉強議員 (左五)與新來港及少數族裔會員真情對話。 Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun (fourth from left) , Hon. KWOK Wai-keung (fifth from left) and our members in the Chit Chat session.

and new arrivals with practical skills, the youth “Sham Shui Po -- Love and Beyond” team arranged courses about language, computer Sharing Session and clerical skills; the ethnic minorities team hold “Sham Shui Po -- Love and Beyond” Sharing courses about making Southeast Asian cuisines and Session, joined by over 300 people, took place in handicraft to local citizens; last but not least, the Dragon Centre, Sham Shui Po on 20th April. NHA professionals served the community with their own was glad to have Hon. KWOK Wai-keung Aron, expertise. member of the Legislative Council for Labour Mr. TSUI Ying-wai Caspar, the Political Assistant Constituency; Mr. FUNG Ying-lun Allen, the to Secretary for Home Affairs; Ms. CHUNG Woon- Political Assistant to Secretary for Development; fan Flora, Chief Executive Officer of Agency for Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun Joe, MH, JP, Honorary Volunteer Service; and Ms. CHEUNG Shui-lin Professor of the Department of Social Work and Joanne, Acting Executive Director of Hong Kong Social Administration, the University of Hong United Foundation, alongside our host Mr. LI Sze- Kong, Chairman of Advisory Board of New Home lim, JP, the Vice Chairman of the NHA board of Association; Ms. Angela CHEUNG, the person in directors, attended as our guests of honour in the charge of Chocolate Shop Küssen 85; and our installation ceremony. ambassador Mr. NG Hou-hong Deep and Ms. WAI 1 Si-nga Michelle and several other residents in 愛「深」傳家園地區分享會 Sham Shui Po participating in the event, discussing 新家園協會義工團傳愛行動啟動禮 The Installation Ceremony of New 「齊築福‧新家園」愛「深」傳家園地區分享會 matters that could give the participants a more Home Association Voluntary Team’s 「齊築福‧新家園」新家園義工團傳愛行動啟動禮 (深水埗)於4月20日在西九龍中心商場舉行。立法會 insightful understanding of each others’ values “Spread Our Love” Movement 於4月2日在尖沙咀文化中心露天廣場舉行。新家園協 勞工界議員郭偉強、發展局局長政治助理馮英倫、新 on topics such as life goals, experience of being a nd 會委任藝人張敬軒為關愛大使,與婦女、青年、少數 On 2 April, over 300 voluntary representatives 家園協會顧問委員會主席主席梁祖彬教授、Kussen85 startupper, and even arts. From their sharing, the 族裔、專業人士四組各具特色的新家園義工隊一起啟 and citizens gathered in the Piazza of the Hong 朱古力香港區負責人Angela Cheung及「關愛之星」 audience brought together the scattered pieces 動傳愛行動,傳遞扶助弱勢、助人自助、社會共融的 Kong Cultural Centre to witness the Installation 吳浩康、衛詩雅與市民真情對話,交流人生理想、創 of those moving stories that happened in West 理念。超過300位義工代表及市民參加此次活動。 Ceremony of NHA’s voluntary team. During the 業心得、藝術感悟,分享九龍西獨特的共融文化及感 Kowloon. event, NHA’s newly appointed ambassador, artist 婦女組定期探訪長者,為長者提供關愛服務,讓 人故事。活動吸引300多名市民參加。 The sharing was divided into 3 parts - the first Mr. Hins CHEUNG and four of our voluntary teams 他們感受到關懷;青年組專門為本地弱勢群體及新來 分享會分三個環節。第一節由新家園協會顧問 part was a chit-chat session between Prof. LEUNG, - formed respectively by women, youths, ethnic 港人士提供語言、電腦知識及文書技能培訓,幫助他 委員會主席、香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系教授 Hon. Aron KWOK and our new arrival and ethnical minorities and professionals - helped unfolding the 們自我增值,提升社會參與度;少數族裔組不時開授 梁祖彬,立法會議員郭偉強及新家園的新來港和少數 minority members, in which they shared with upcoming activity “Spread Our Love” that would 手工藝班,教導本地居民製作有東南亞特色的美食及 族裔會員與市民交流在香港和九龍西的生活體驗,透 the audience their lives in Hong Kong and West cover different districts in Hong Kong. Through 手工藝品,增進不同族裔的文化交流;專業人士組利 過真情對話,令市民更深入全面了解新來港和少數族 Kowloon; the second sharing was given by Mr. such activities, NHA wishes to popularise the 用自身專業知識義務服務社群。 裔人士。第二節由發展局局長政治助理馮英倫,年 Allen FUNG and Ms. Angela CHEUNG to women idea of accommodating the underprivileged and 輕創業家、Kussen 85 朱古力香港區負責人Angela who were new to Hong Kong, providing them 香港民政事務局局長政治助理徐英偉先生、義務 promoting social harmony to the society. with advice and experience on how to start up 工作發展局總幹事鍾媛梵女士及香港齊心基金會副行 Cheung與新來港婦女分享創業經驗,討論在香港營商 Our voluntary work covers all walks of life - their career or business in Hong Kong; at last, 政總裁張瑞蓮女士在新家園協會董事會副會長李思廉 的經驗,幫助婦女投入就業市場,開創一片新天地; Hoping the elderlies could feel their love and our ambassador Deep and Michelle inspired our 先生陪同下,為此次啟動禮擔任主禮嘉賓。 第三節由「關愛之星」吳浩康、衛詩雅與新家園青少 care, the women team organised regular visits to 年學生分享童年夢想及學習音樂心得,鼓勵年輕人積 younger members by revealing their childhood elderlies; in order to equip local disadvantaged 極向上、努力追夢。 dreams and secret tips on learning music.

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新家園協會關愛慈善夜 暨 第二屆董事會 brought together the elites of political, social 就職典禮 welfare, business sectors, and entertainment industry. It’s our honour to have the Guests of 「齊築福‧新家園」新家園協會關愛慈善夜暨第二 Honour including Mr. ZHANG Xiaoming, the 屆董事會就職典禮,於5月4日假香港會議展覽中心3樓 director of the Liaison Office of the Central 大會堂圓滿舉行。活動匯聚來自政界、社福界、商界 People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special 和演藝界的精英,並由一眾重量級貴賓,包括中聯辦 Administration Region; Mrs. LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor 主任張曉明、香港特區政府政務司司長林鄭月娥、立 Carrie, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration; 法會主席曾鈺成、新家園協會董事會會長許榮茂、新 1. 主禮嘉賓與新家園董事會成員共同主持新家園協會關愛慈善夜暨 Hon. TSANG Yok-sing Jasper, GBS, JP, President 第二屆董事會就職典禮啟動儀式。 家園協會董事會副會長兼籌款委員會主席李思廉及一 Board members of NHA and our Guests of Honour officiating the of the Legislative Council; accompanied by Mr. 眾副會長,共同主持第二屆董事會就職啟動儀式,為 Inauguration Ceremony. 2. 張曉明主任、林鄭月娥司長及許榮茂會長接受新來港小朋友贈送 HUI Wing-mao, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Board 新家園協會揭開新一頁。 的精美繪畫。 of Directors of New Home Association; Mr. LI Sze- New arrival and ethnical minority kids handed their paintings to Mr. ZHANG Xiaoming, Mrs. Carrie LAM and Mr. HUI Wing-mao. 當晚張曉明主任、林鄭月娥司長為新家園協會新 lim, JP, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of 3. 新家園協會會員歡度關愛慈善夜 一屆董事會成員頒發委任狀,並同一眾嘉賓與董事會 The event was an opportunity for members of NHA to enjoy their New Home Association, and other Vice Chairmen, 2 time together. 成員主持就職啟動儀式,祝願新一屆董事會延續新家 4. 出席新家園協會賽馬會天水圍服務中心開幕典禮的主禮嘉賓主持 officiating the ceremony. It truly opens a new 啟動儀式。 園使命,以愛心服務社會。張曉明主任特別為新家園 chapter in the history of NHA. Photo of our guests taken during the kick-off of the opening ceremony. 協會題字:「福築香港」,寄語新家園協會繼續努力 Mr. ZHANG Xiaoming, together with Mrs. Carrie 促進社會共融、創建關愛社會。 LAM, officiated the Inauguration Ceremony for the 新家園的服務對象特別獻上魔術、舞蹈、二胡獨 2nd Board of Directors by presenting certificates Opening Ceremony of New Home 奏等精彩表演,並聯同歌手一同獻唱,為活動畫上完 of appointment as a blessing to NHA, wishing that Association Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai 美句號。 they would carry on the mission of NHA and fill Service Centre Hong Kong with love. New Home Association Charity 31st May marked the opening of New Home Dinner cum 2nd Board of Directors The night concluded with excellent Association Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Service Centre Inauguration Ceremony performances by service recipients and pop 3 located on the ground floor of Yiu Shing House singers, includung magic performance, dancing of Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Shui Wai. As a charitable New Home Association Charity Dinner cum 2nd performance, and erhu solo, to name but a few. organisation, NHA was the first of its kind to be Board of Directors Inauguration Ceremony was The performances have fostered a pleasant 新家園協會賽馬會天水圍服務中心 permitted to rent the current site (owned by the successfully held on 4th May at the Hong Kong atmosphere for the event. 開幕典禮 Housing Authority) with a rental grant that offers Convention and Exhibition Centre. This event 新家園協會賽馬會天水圍服務中心於5月31日在 only to charitable organisations. On the other 天水圍天耀邨耀盛樓地下正式開幕。該中心是協會首 hand, Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 個以慈善機構租金租用香港房屋委員會轄下場地作為 funded a sum of $4.2 million HK dollars to the 會址,並獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助420萬港 service centre for renovation. Witnessed by guests 元進行裝修及添置設施。中心的使用為新家園協會的 from political, social welfare, business, educational 地區服務揭開新一頁,來自政界、社福界、商界、教 and arts sector and residents of Tin Shui Wai, NHA 育界和演藝界人士與天水圍居民共同參與了中心開幕 pledged to step up and serve the local communities 典禮。 by establishing service centres across regions.



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1. 參加活動的嘉賓嘗試新來港婦女製作的糕點 Guests trying on some pastries made by our women members. 2. 新家園協會「愛滿家園」共融嘉年華暨香港島服務處新址開幕典禮,賓主共同主持啟動儀式。 Group photo of our hosts and guests taken during the Opening Ceremony of New Home Association Hong Kong Island Service Centre 3. 新家園協會「關愛之星」羅力威及許靖韻分享參與社會服務的心得。 NHA’s Ambassador Adason LO and Angela HUI shared with us their experience in community service.


典禮邀請到多位本港知名人士,包括:政務司 Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong 司長林鄭月娥,香港賽馬會董事范徐麗泰,中聯辦社 Special Administration Region; Mr. WONG Chi- 工部部長楊茂,立法會議員葉劉淑儀、梁志祥、麥美 wah Steve, Assistant District Officer (Yuen Long) 娟,元朗民政事務處署理民政事務專員黃智華,社會 of Home Affairs Department; Ms. LAM Wai-yip 福利署元朗區福利專員林偉葉,以及港區全國人大代 Michelle, District Social Welfare Officer (Yuen Long) 表陳勇擔任主禮嘉賓,在新家園協會董事會會長許榮 of Social Welfare Department; Mr. CHAN Yung 茂的陪同下共同主禮。 Brave, BBS, JP, Hong Kong Deputy to the National 2

NHA was glad to have a number of celebrities People’s Congress; Members of the Legislative Hong Kong Island service centre, NHA wished to and Executive Council; Mr. ZHONG Rongchi, Deputy in Hong Kong joining the event, and they are: Council - Hon. IP LAU Suk-yee Regina, GBS, JP; Hon. offer new arrivals more sophisticated amenities Director General of the Social Work Department, Mrs. LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor Carrie, GBS, JP, Chief LEUNG Che-cheung, BBS, MH, JP, and Hon. MAK that would benefit and unite the entire community Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government Secretary for Administration; Mrs. FAN HSU Lai- Mei-kuen Alice, BBS, JP. They together commenced in the long run. in the Hong Kong Special Administration Region; tai, GBM, GBS, CBE, JP, Director of the Hong Kong the ceremony alongside with Mr. HUI Wing-mao, Ms. TENG Yu-yan Anne, District Officer (Eastern) NHA was pleased to have Mr. HUI Wing-mao, Jockey Club; Mr. YANG Mao, Director General of GBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Directors of New of Home Affairs Department; Mr. WONG Kin-pan, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Directors of New the Social Work Department, Liaison Office of the Home Association. MH, JP, Chairman of the Eastern District Council; Home Association and Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun Joe, Mrs. YAN Lai-ming Jenny, Assistant District Social MH, JP, Chairman of Advisory Board of New Home Welfare Officer (Eastern/) of Social Association leading the ceremony and our guests Welfare Department; Mr. CHU Kam-sing Daniel, attending the ceremony. They are: Mr. CHEUNG Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Central Kin-chung Matthew, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour 「愛滿家園」共融嘉年華 暨 香港島服務處 鄧如欣,東區區議會主席黃建彬,社會福利署東區及 Western, Southern and Islands) of Social Welfare and Welfare; Mr. WU Yangwei, Director General of 新址開幕典禮 灣仔區助理福利專員甄麗明,社會福利署中西南及離 Department and Legislative Council members - the Hong Kong Island Sub-office, Liaison Office of 島區助理福利專員朱金盛。 Hon. WONG Kwok-hing, BBS, MH; Hon. CHUNG 新家園協會「愛滿家園」共融嘉年華暨香港島服 the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Shu-kun Christopher, BBS, JP and Hon. KWOK Wai- 務處新址開幕典禮於6月21日在筲箕灣愛東邨露天廣場 Special Administration Region; Hon. IP LAU Suk-yee “Love with Family” Carnival cum keung Aron. 舉行。香港島服務處是新家園協會最早開設的地區服 Regina, GBS, JP, member of the Legislative Council 務處,幾年來一直致力為港島區新來港人士提供適切 Opening Ceremony of New Home 服務。協會通過競標成功租用香港產業署之物業作為 Association Hong Kong Island Service 香港島服務處的新址,為新來港人士提供更優良的硬 Centre 件設施,推動社區關愛共融。 “Love with Family” Carnival cum Opening Ceremony of New Home Association Hong Kong 本次嘉年華暨開幕典禮是新家園協會「齊築福. Island Service Centre was launched successfully in 新家園」系列活動的最後一站。活動邀請到多位本港 the piazza of Oi Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan on 21st 知名人士,在新家園協會董事會會長許榮茂和顧問委 June. The Hong Kong Island service centre was the 員會主席梁祖彬的陪同下共同主禮。出席活動的嘉賓 first regional service centre established by NHA 包括:勞工及福利局局長張建宗,中聯辦港島工作部 and has been providing new arrivals in Hong Kong 部長吳仰偉,行政會議成員、立法會議員葉劉淑儀, Island with quality services for years. By successfully 中聯辦社會工作部副部長鍾榮熾,立法會議員王國 tendering for the site (owned by the government 興、鍾樹根、郭偉強,東區民政事務處民政事務專員 property agency) that we used for our current 3

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「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」頒獎典禮 “SHIMAO-NHA Leadership Training Scheme”Award Presentation Ceremony

新家園協會於1月16日假尖沙咀街坊福利會禮堂, An award presentation ceremony was organized 舉辦2014-15年度「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」頒獎典 by NHA in the Community Hall of Tsim Sha Tsui 禮。本年度共評選出387位傑出中學生獲獎者,每人獲 Kai Fong Welfare Association on 16th January to 頒獎金港幣4,000元;6位傑出大學生獲獎者,每人每 bestow prizes on students who had performed 年獲頒20,000元,連續4年,合共港幣80,000元。獲 excellently under the SHIMAO-NHA Leadership 2 獎學生分別來自本港3間大學和超過100間中學,主要 Training Scheme. For the year 2014-15, 6 university 為內地新來港及少數族裔學生,亦有部分香港出生的 and 387 secondary school awardees were rewarded 1. 2014-15年度「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」頒獎典 禮全體出席者合影留念。 學生。 with respectively $20,000 HK dollars per year for Our chairman Mr. HUI (third from right), Mr. 4 consecutive years ($80,000 HK dollars in total), YEUNG Yun-hung Kelvin (third from left), Prof. 頒獎典禮邀得多位本港知名人士,包括:中聯辦 LEUNG (middle) shared with awardees their and $4,000 HK dollars. Being chosen from 3 local tips on studying, as well as advice on handling 社工部部長楊茂、中聯辦青年工作部部長陳林、勞工 challenges ahead. universities and over 100 secondary schools, the 2. 許榮茂會長(右三)、楊潤雄副局長(左三)、梁祖彬 及福利局副局長蕭偉強、教育局副局長楊潤雄、中銀 教授(中)與獲獎學生分享讀書心得,鼓勵青年人 awardees were mostly new arrivals or ethnic 集團保險有限公司董事長兼執行總裁曾小平、尖沙咀 努力把握機遇,積極應對挑戰。 minorities. Group photo of our guests of honour and 街坊福利會理事長蘇仲平擔任主禮嘉賓。新家園協會 awardees taken during the award presentation ceremony. 董事會會長許榮茂和嘉賓共同進行主禮儀式,與一眾 NHA was glad to have a number of celebrities 3. 獲獎學生代表上台接受計劃頒發的支票。 Representatives of the awardees receiving a 青年學生共享歡樂。 in Hong Kong attending the ceremony, and they cheque from our guests of honour. are: Mr. YANG Mao, Director General of the Social 本年度「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」評審委員會 Work Department, Liaison Office of the Central 主席由梁祖彬教授擔任,成員包括行政會議成員、立 People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special 法會議員葉劉淑儀、教育局副局長楊潤雄、前海港務 Administration Region; Mr. CHEN Lin, Director 首席聯絡官洪為民、《經濟一週》總經理鄭燕華、新 General of Youth Department, Liaison Office of the 青匯會長王芯怡大律師。 3

Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong This year’s assessment committee of SHIMAO- Special Administration Region; Mr. SUI Wai-keung NHA Leadership Training Scheme was led by Prof. Stephen, JP, Under Secretary of the Labour and LEUNG Cho-bun. The committee will also include Welfare Bureau; Mr. YEUNG Yun-hung Kelvin, JP, Hon. IP LAU Suk-yee, Regina, GBS, JP, member Under Secretary of the Education Bureau; Mr. ZENG of the Legislative Council and Executive Council; Xiaoping, C.E.O. of Bank of China Group Insurance Mr. YEUNG Yun-hung Kelvin, JP, Under Secretary Co., Ltd; and Mr. SO Chung-ping, Chairman of the of the Education Bureau; Dr. HUNG Wai-man Executive Committee of the Tsim Sha Tsui Kai Fong Witman, Chief Liaison Officer of Qianhai Authority; Welfare Association. Together with our guests, Mr. Ms. CHENG Yin-wa Winnie, General Manager of HUI Wing-mao, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Economic Digest and Ms. WONG Sum-yee Rachel, Directors of New Home Association commenced Chairman of Synergy Youth as its member. the ceremony and shared their joy with the students there.


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服務概覽 Service Overview

1) 服務對象 Service Targets 4) 內地香港一條龍服務 Mainland-Hong Kong Through-train Service • 從內地來港未滿七年的香港居民 Hong Kong residents from Mainland who have stayed less than seven years • 已經申請來港定居的人士和家庭 People who have applied for residency in Hong Kong • 持合法證件來港讀書或工作的內地人士 People from Mainland with student or working visas • 合法在港居住的少數族裔人士 Ethnic minorities legally residing in Hong Kong

2) 服務單位 Service Units 內地服務模式 期望調整 網絡連結 能力提升 香港 Hong Kong 內地 Mainland Mainland Expectation Networking Self- 香港島服務處(筲箕灣) Hong Kong Island Service Centre (Sau Kei Wan) 廣州項目 Guangzhou Project Service Model Adjustment Enhancement 九龍東服務處(觀塘) Kowloon East Service Centre (Kwun Tong) 深圳項目 Shenzhen Project 九龍西服務處(深水埗) Kowloon West Service Centre (Sham Shui Po) 泉州項目 Quanzhou Project 新界東服務處(上水) New Territories East Service Centre (Sheung Shui) • 資訊提供 - 認識香港 • 聯繫社會網絡 • 個人以及家庭抗逆能力 Provide information- Social networking Personal & family resilience 新界西服務處(天水圍) New Territories West Service Centre (Tin Shui Wai) Get to know HK • 自助互助小組 • 家庭關係與家庭凝聚力 少數族裔人士支援服務中心(油尖旺) HOME Centre (YTM) • 需要評估 - 了解挑戰 Self-help groups Family cohesiveness 少數族裔人士支援服務中心(深水埗) HOME Centre (SSP) Needs analysis- • 支援與轉介服務 • 語言、工作技能 Understand challenges Language & employability 葵青 Support & referral services Inno HOME ( ) Inno HOME (K&T) • 諮詢輔導 - 尋求方案 Inno HOME (深水埗) Inno HOME (SSP) Guidance & tutorials – Look for possible solution 移居準備 家庭計劃 3) 香港服務介入模式 Intervention Model of Services in Hong Kong • - 轉介 Immigration preparation – 新家園協會以促進、協助新來港和少數族裔人士「就學、就業、融入」為主要服務重點,針對 Referral Family plan 新來港和少數族裔人士的適應與發展需要,提供多元、適切的支援服務,協助他們早日適應香 Adaptation 港生活,發揮所長,為香港社會注入新動力。 連結 適應 NHA offers multiple types of support to new arrivals and ethnic minorities to meet their • 建立支援網絡 • 積極適應環境 Build support networks Adjust to a new needs for adjustment and development. Aiming at helping them with their “Education, • 連結社會資源 environment Employment, Integration”, NHA assists them in quickly adapting to Hong Kong’s lifestyle. Utilize community • 家庭關係適應 resources Family relationships 介入途徑 Approach Methods 服務內容 Service Contents • 連結社會網絡 • 社會關係適應 Connect to social Connection Social relationships 中旅社 CTS 適應服務 networks • 語言、行為調整 - 新來港人士諮詢 Integration Service • 連結社會關係 Language & behavior - 服務專櫃 Establish social adjustments - Enquiry service for 家庭效能提升服務 relationships • 文化、環境接納 new arrivals Family Support Service Acceptance of new - Service Counter culture & environment 就業培訓服務 香港服務模式 • 建立積極心態和正面評價 中心服務 Centre Service Employment Training Hong Kong Develop positive - 到中心求助 Service attitudes - 經由其他機構轉介 Service Model 新家園協會 - 外展,如家訪、街站 就學 Education - Help Desk 各服務處 義工培訓及發展服務 就業 Employment Volunteer Training and • 增強個人能力 - Referred from other All service units Organizations 融入 Integration Development Service • 各展所長,貢獻社會 Improve personal - Outreaching, eg. Home of NHA Contribute to the society attributes Visit 會員活動及福利 • 促進社會參與 Promote • 提升技能 Member Activities and social participation Strengthen existing skills 內地中心轉介 Welfare • 發揮能力,施展抱負 Improvement • 發掘潛能 Referred from Mainland Exert personal goals and Uncover new talents Service Centres 專項服務 aspirations 發展 增能• 提高解難能力 Specialized Service • 投入社會建設,服務社群 Improve problem-solving 團體合作項目 緊急援助基金、 Contribute to the abilities Cooperative Projects with 世茂新家園精英培養計劃 development of society other Organizations Emergency Funds, and serve the community SHIMAO-NHA Leadership Training Scheme Development

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 13 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 14 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

香港服務 Hong Kong Service 本會致力協助新來港、少數族裔人士及其他弱勢社群在港就學、就業及融入社會,針對他們的需要,提供多 元、適切的支援,協助他們早日適應香港生活,發揮所長,成為香港發展的新動力。 NHA assists new arrivals, ethnic minorities and the disadvantaged in Hong Kong. By offering multiple, customized and compatible support, NHA tries to meet everyone’s demands and helps them adapt to the life in Hong Kong as quickly as possible, so they can imake full use of their talents and infuse new impetus to the development of Hong Kong. 3 4 5

1. 新來港人士服務 network. Kowloon West Service Centre established Services for New Arrivals emotion management groups to help new arrivals find out the origin of pressure and reinforce the 適應服務 resistance strength. 本會開辦英文班、廣東話班,提升新來港人士的 語文能力,增強融入社會的信心;開展各類社區資源 NHA also offers support for youth arrivals. 6 7 探索活動、舉辦社福資訊講座,幫助新來港人士認識 NHA has integration courses intended for 就業培訓 3. 香港島服務處舉辦迪欣湖親子野餐輕鬆聚 社區,早日適應香港生活。 children, including language classes in Family fun picnic in Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre 本會為新來港人士提供就業培訓服務,舉辦就業 4. 九龍東服務處舉辦的親子寫生 Parent-offspring Painting Day and traditional Chinese and tutorial classes for 5. 家園廚房大使與長者分享自製的家鄉美食 本會舉辦多元化的融入活動。例如:香港島服務 講座、參觀活動等,提升新來港人士的就業競爭力。 schoolwork, and provides child care services. New Home Kitchen Ambassadors sharing specialties from their 處設立「一路同行」新來港女性互助小組,建立新來 新界西服務處獲婦女事務委員會資助,以「就業來體 hometowns with the elderly in the community Territories West Service Centre conducted New 6. 新來港婦女招聘會 港婦女之間的互助支援網絡;九龍西服務處舉辦「心 驗 妍活真精彩」為主題,舉辦一系列有關社區參與和 Recruitment talk for the new arrival women Arrival Children Integration Programme with 7. 「青出於藍」青少年義工隊 花怒放」情緒管理小組,令新來港人士了解壓力來 就業體驗的活動,例如健康飲食製作、人際溝通工作 “Shine On You” Youth volunteer team TWGHs CY Ma Memorial College, to enhance new 源,增強抗逆能力。 坊等,提升新來港婦女的自信心,為投身就業市場做 arrival youths’ belongingness. Volunteer Training and Development Service 本會提供新來港兒童支援服務,開辦專為新來港 好準備。 NHA trains new arrivals to participate in 兒童設計的適應課程,教授廣東話、繁體字,開設功 家庭效能提升服務 voluntary work. New arrivals are thus able to Employment and Training 課輔導班,並提供託管服務等。新界西服務處為東華 本會各服務處不定期舉辦家庭一天遊、日營、親 change themselves, as well as other people’s NHA provides new arrivals with vocational 三院馬振玉紀念中學提供新來港學童適應計劃,增強 子園藝班、親子手工班、家庭溝通講座等活動,增強 stereotypes of them, through being a volunteer. 新來港青少年對社區的認識和歸屬感。 training for the improvement of their 新來港人士的家庭關係,協助他們適應在港生活的新 For example, Hong Kong Island Service Centre competitiveness and living quality. For instance, Integration Service 環境。九龍西服務處舉辦「夢來自有家」活動,讓參 organized new arrivals to participate in the “New sponsored by Women’s Commission, New NHA offers various services for new arrivals 與家庭掌握幸福理論,並幫他們圓夢。 Arrivals Community Integration Programme” to Territories West Service Centre organized a series from Mainland, such as English and Cantonese visit the local elderly and help the disadvantaged. Family Support Service of activities related to community engagement and courses, community-exploration activities, and Kowloon East Service Centre regularly organized Service centres in different districts hold employment training, such as healthy food making social welfare-information lectures to help them core volunteers groups, such as mentorship group, parent-offspring activities, such as one-day tour, and communication skills workshops, etc. integrate into the local community. day camp, gardening workshops, handcraft public concern group and community service 義工培訓及發展服務 We provide diverse integration activities. For workshops and lectures to improve the family group. Kowloon West Service Centre founded 本會開展義工培訓,鼓勵新來港人士參與義工服 example, Hong Kong Island Service Centre set up relationships of new arrival families. Kowloon “Shine on You” youth voluntary team, through 務,協助他們發揮個人才能、服務社群、傳播正能量。 “Stand by You” new arrival women’s self-help West Service Centre held “Dream from the Home” which the youth learn how to build confidence and group, to establish the mutual care and support activity, teaching the participants the happiness 香港島服務處通過「同『里』有親——新來港 care about the society. New Territories East Service theory and helping them live their dreams. 人士社區融入計劃」組織新來港人士探訪長者、服務 Centre expanded the voluntary teams through 1. 成人廣東話班 Cantonese class for the adults 2. 大窩口功課輔導班 Tutorial Class in Tai Wo Hau 弱勢群體。九龍東服務處定期舉辦不同的核心義工小 “Be a Junior Legislator” Programme sponsored 組,如:義工導師組、社會關注組、社會服務組等。 by Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau. 九龍西服務處成立「青出於藍」青少年義工隊,讓青 New Territories West Service Centre recruited 少年通過義工訓練建立自信、了解社區、關心社會。 48 new arrival women to be the “Home Kitchen 新界東服務處申請政制及內地事務局「我要做立法會 Ambassador” to share specialties from their 議員」項目,擴展不同類型的義工。新界西服務處招 hometowns with the elderly in the community. So 募48位新來港婦女成為家園廚房大使,與區內長者分 far, 148 elderly have enjoyed the service. It also 享自製的家鄉美食,已服務長者148人。2015年1月, founded “The Firefly” women voluntary team 新界西服務處成立「螢火」婦女義工隊,鼓勵婦女服 in January 2015, encouraging women to pay 務社區,關心社會政策,為自己的權益發聲。 attention to the social policy and to speak out for their rights. 1 2

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 16 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

2. 少數族裔人士服務 Services for Ethnic Minorities

適應服務 本會透過兩間民政事務總署資助的少數族裔支 援服務中心「HOME Centre (YTM) 」、「HOME Centre (SSP) 」 ,以及各項資助項目,如:民政事務 總署資助的青年外展項目「少數族裔青年大使計劃(新 8 界項目) 、禁毒基金資助的禁毒預防教育項目「少數族 11 12 裔陽光計劃」等,連結不同政府部門、學校、社福機 就業培訓服務 構、少數族裔組織,提供適切的培訓與適應活動予少 本會積極發展不同的培訓課程和僱主網絡,提升 數族裔兒童、青年及家庭,協助少數族裔人士在港的 少數族裔人士的就業競爭力,幫助他們就業。除提供 適應與發展。 僱員再培訓局的少數族裔就業培訓課程外,本會亦提 Integration Service for Ethnic Minorities 供多元化的就業培訓課程和工作坊,如:承辦油尖旺 With the service direction of Education, 民政事務處「協助少數族裔人士計劃-職業訓練及技能 Employment and Integration, the NHA develops 提升計劃」,提供職業英語培訓課程、辦公室電腦應 13 9 collaborative relationship with different 用培訓課程、社區工作員培訓課程、手工藝創作與創 義工培訓及發展服務 governmental departments, schools, NGOs and EM 業培訓課程、職前培訓課程、就業展覽會就業講座及 本會積極推動少數族裔人士參與義務工作,發展潛 organizations to provide responsive services for EM 探索活動等,開創少數族裔人士多元出路。本會亦提 能、貢獻社會。「少數族裔青年大使計劃(新界項目) 」, children, youths and their families to facilitate their 供就業輔導及轉介服務,協助少數族裔就業。 培訓少數族裔青年大使和本地義工,協助少數族裔青 integration and development via HOME Support 年成長與發展,及早融入香港。少數族裔社區發展組 Employment and Training Service Service Centres for EMs, which are sponsored by 亦定期舉辦義工培訓和推動少數族裔義工參與社區服 The NHA is devoted to providing different the Home Affairs Department (HAD), and various 務,促進社會融和。 trainings and developing employer networks 10 funding projects; i.e. “Ambassador Scheme for EM to enhance the employability of EMs. Apart Volunteer Training and Development Service 8. 「螢火」義工隊與長者玩遊戲 Youths (New Territories ), which are sponsored by from providing ERB courses, we provide various To assist EMs to develop potential and “The Firefly” voluntary team playing games with the elderly. the HAD and Beat Drugs Fund Project “Sunshine 9. 「我要做立法會議員」活動 “Be a Junior Legislator” Programme employment training programmes for EMs, for make a postive contribution to the community, 10. 「愛家同樂」家庭宴 “Love my home” gathering Project for EMs”. example, providing workplace English training participation in volunteer work is encouraged and 會員活動及福利 courses, workplace IT application training courses, promoted. The Ambassador Scheme for EM Youths community worker for social welfare field training (New Territories) aims to train EM ambassadors 本會現有約10萬名會員,包括6000名少數族裔會 家庭效能提升服務 courses, handmade products and entrepreneurship and local volunteers to facilitate the development 員。隨著更多會員加入新家園這個大家庭,本會積極 家庭的支援對個人成長與發展尤為重要。本會 training courses, pre-employment trainings, career and early integration of EM youths. The NHA 拓展會員活動及福利,定期舉辦各類不同的活動,如 提供多元化的活動,以提升家庭成員的正面溝通與合 talks, career tours and job fairs, to facilitate their EM Community Development Team also provides 茶聚、迎新活動,加強會員聯繫,擴大會員的社會網 作,強化家庭支援網絡,通過少數族裔親子社區探索 career development. The NHA also provides career regular volunteer trainings and services to the 絡,幫助會員融入社區。 活動、興趣班、親子學習工作坊及家長講座等,加強 consultation and referral service for EM job seekers community to promote social cohesion. 少數族裔家庭的凝聚力。 Membership Activities and Welfare to enhance the employment opportunities of EMs. NHA is a big family, embracing new arrivals HOME Centre舉辦「少數族裔大使計劃」培訓少 11. 少數族裔社區發展組培訓及組織少數族裔義工探訪深水埗區的露 宿者,派發愛心飯盒,送上關懷,了解需要,為有需要的少數族 and ethnic minority friends. With more than 數族裔人士作大使與本地居民作義工,探訪少數族裔 裔人士提供支援 The NHA EM Community Development Team organized EM 100,000 members, 6,000 out of whom are ethnic 家庭,協助少數族裔家庭融入社會。 volunteer team to visit EM street sleepers in Sham Shui Po district, minorities, NHA holds regular activities, such to deliver lunchboxes and show our care and concerns as well as Family Support Service provide support service to the needy as tea parties and orientation to foster a closer 12. 少數族裔青年大使計劃(新界項目) ,培訓少數族裔大使提供外展 It is believed that the family support is the 服務,促進少數族裔青年融入社會 relationship between staff and members, to key factor of positive personal development. A “Ambassador Scheme for EM Youths (New Territories)”, the EM strengthen linkages among members, and to help ambassadors provided outreach service to EM youths to facilitate wide range of family support programmes are their early integration them integrate in to the community. 13. 禁毒基金少數族裔陽光計劃為少數族裔青年提供不同的禁毒培訓 provided to EM families such as family outings, 和教育工作坊,建立健康和諧社區 Beat Drugs Fund Project”Sunshine Project for EM-Proud to interest classes, parenting workshops and talks for be Drug Free” provided anti-drugs trainings and educational programmes for EM youths to promote a healthy and harmonious strengthening family cohesion. community 14. 與九龍西區扶輪社合作舉辦「少數族裔兒童及青年發展計劃」, The “Ethnic Minority Ambassador scheme” 提供少數族裔廣東話故事訓練及比賽,提升少數族裔兒童的語文 aims to train EM ambassadors and local volunteers 能力和自信心 The NHA cooperated with Rotary Club Kowloon West to launch to pay home visits to EM families in order to “EM children and Youth Development Programme”, to provide Cantonese story-telling trainings and competition to enhance the facilitate their integration. language proficiency and self-confidence of EM children 14

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 17 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 18 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

內地服務 Mainland Service 新家園社會服務中心(下稱「中心」)是2011年在國家民政部註冊的民辦非企業單位,主要為已申請赴港定 居、工作、學習的人士及香港返內地居住人士提供社會服務,促進他們更好地適應及發展。中心在廣東省廣州市、 深圳市及福建省泉州市提供服務。中心還分別在廣州、深圳和泉州註冊了新家園本地社會工作服務中心。 New Home Social Service Centre (NHSSC) is a private non-enterprise unit, founded in 2011 with formal registration in Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRC. NHSSC aims to provide public services to those mainland residents applying for residence, working and studying in Hong Kong and residents in Mainland returning from Hong Kong. NHSSC has set offices and provided services in Guangzhou, Shenzhen of Province and Quanzhou of Fujian Province. Local New Home Social Work Service Centres have also been registered in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Quanzhou separately. 3 4 承辦社會服務項目 新家園(富力)廣州社會服務中心開幕 Undertaking Social Service Projects “Opening of New Home (R&F) Guangzhou Social Service Centre” 2011年10月,中心承接香港民政事務總署的「內 supported by Home Affairs Department in Hong 新家園(富力)廣州社會服務中心於2014年11月14日在廣州市越秀區富力宜居社區正式開幕。中聯辦社工部 地準赴港定居人士期望管理計劃」,為準赴港定居人 Kong. The project was enlarged in November 2012. 部長楊茂、香港特區政府駐粵經濟貿易辦事處總入境事務主任鄭嘉烈,在新家園協會董事會副會長兼監事會主席李 士提供有關香港資訊、能力培訓、經驗分享以及社區 The project has been well received by the service 思廉及新家園協會副總幹事黃頌的陪同下,共同為開幕典禮主禮。

教育等服務。該項目於 年 月將服務擴展至廣東 th 2012 11 targets and the public. 14 November 2014 marked the opening of New Home (R&F) Guangzhou Social 全省。項目獲得服務對象的好評及社會各界關注。 NHSSC undertook the project of “Migrants Service Centre in the R&F Community in Yuexiu District. Mr. YANG Mao, Director 3. 主禮嘉賓主持揭牌儀式 A photo of the officiating 2012年10月至2015年9月,中心承接由廣州市民 Service” funded by the Guangzhou Civil Affairs General of the Social Work Department, Liaison Office of the Central People’s guests during the unveiling 政局購買的市級社會工作專項「移居人士服務」,以 Bureau from October 2012 to September 2015, ceremony Government in the Hong Kong Special Administration Region, accompanied by Mr. LI 4. 新家園(富力)廣州社會服務中 尊重、包容、接納為主題。2015年3月起,廣州新家園 with the theme of “Respect, Inclusion, and Sze-lim, JP, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Supervisory 心開幕典禮大合照 社會工作服務中心亦承接「香港青年與內地青年交流 Group photo of the opening Integration”. Guangzhou Home Social Work Service Board of New Home Association, and Mr. Wong Chung John, Executive Director of New ceremony 及北上發展示範項目」,鼓勵香港青年與內地青年共 Centre has been undertaking the “Model Projects Home Association, officiated the ceremony. 同進步。 of Hong Kong and Mainland Youth Exchange 中心承接新家園協會資助的「新家園資訊通項 and Developing in the Mainland” since March 參加「第三屆中國公益慈善項目交流展示會」 出版刊物 目」,通過資訊通網站、社工熱線、QQ群等多元化資 2015 to encourage Hong Kong youths to improve 訊平台,為跨境移居人士提供最新資訊,促進交流與 themselves together with Mainland youths. 2014 China Charity Fair Publications 互助。 “Multilingual Info Service Project”, supported 2014年9月19-21日,中心參加了「第三屆中國公 中心從2012年6月起關注貧病的港歸長者,提供 NHSSC has been offering Hong Kong related by NHA, provides trans-boundary migrants with 益慈善項目交流展示會」,向社會介紹了新家園的移 探訪、個案輔導及緊急援助金等服務,與中山大學合 materials and information, profession training, the latest related information and promotes 居人士公益服務,這是中心連續3年參加這一全國公益 作於2014年11月完成了《港歸長者在穗養老狀況研 experience sharing and community education communication and mutual assistance through 盛事。 究》,希望社會各界關注港歸長者。 service for ready Hong Kong residents since different platforms, including website, hotline and NHSSC took part in 2014 China Charity Fair on 2014年10月,中心總結3年來的服務、公共關係及 October 2011, when it began to undertake QQ. 19th-21st September, 2014. During the three-day 財務等情況,編輯並出版《新家園三周年特刊》,發 “Expectation Management Programme”, gathering, NHSSC introduced its services for trans- 行量為1000本。 boundary migrants to the public. It is the third NHSCC started to pay attention to Hong time for NHSSC to participate in the event. Kong elderly people residing in Guangdong since June 2012. It provides home-visiting, counselling services and emergency funds to those people. In November 2014, NHSCC and Zhongshan University jointly published a report on the living standard of Hong Kong elderly people residing in Guangzhou. In October 2014, NHSCC published 3rd Anniversary Special Edition of New Home Social Service Centre, the circulation of which is 1000. 1 2 5. 出版物:《港歸長者在穗養老狀況調查》 1. 為準赴港人士舉辦電腦及智能手機學習活動 Publication: Report on the Living Standard of Computer and smart phone class for the ready Hong Kong Hong Kong Elderly People Residing in Guangzhou residents 6. 出版物:《新家園三週年特刊》 2. 為準赴港人士舉辦端午節團聚活動 rd Publication: 3 Anniversary Special Edition of Dragon Boat Festival Party for the ready Hong Kong residents 5 6 New Home Social Service Centre

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 19 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 20 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

服務聚焦 語文培訓項目 The Language Training Program 政府項目 Government Projects 本會成功競獲承辦民政事務總署的「資助非在學 NHA implements the projects “Financial Service Highlights 本會努力競標爭取承辦不同的政府項目,協助新來港及少數族裔人士早日 少數族裔及新來港人士報考語文考試計劃」及「為非 Assistance for Non-school-attending Ethnic 適應香港生活,為基層提供適切的支援服務。 在學少數族裔人士及內地新來港人士提供語文課程津 Minorities and New Arrivals for Taking Language NHA is commissioned by the government to launch different projects 貼」,鼓勵他們持續進修,提升個人能力。 Examinations” and “Subsidy for Non-school- to help new arrivals and ethnic minorities. attending Ethnic Minorities and New Arrivals from 香港 3. 「新來港大使計劃」沙頭角農莊體驗日活動 the Mainland Participating in Language Courses”, Local experience activity of Ambassador Scheme for New Arrivals from the Mainland which are subsidized by Home Affairs Department. 4. 「新來港大使計劃」義工及其子女大合照 Group photo of volunteers of Ambassador Scheme for New ------HONG Arrivals from the Mainland with their kids 5. 「新來港大使計劃2015」嘉許禮 Awards presentation of Ambassador Scheme for New Arrivals 僱員再培訓局 from the Mainland 2015 KONG少數族裔支援服務中心(油尖旺)及(深水埗) 新來港大使計劃 6. 婦女義工參加「新來港大使計劃」培訓 本會於2012年起成為僱員再培訓局委任的培訓機構, Women volunteers participating in the traing session of 2012年,本會競獲民政事務總署的資助,於油尖 2014年,本會第4次成功競獲民政事務總署委託舉 Ambassador Scheme for New Arrivals from the Mainland 為新來港及少數族裔人士開辦就業培訓課程。 旺及深水埗區成立兩間少數族裔人士支援服務中心, 辦的「新來港大使計劃」,計劃旨在招募新來港人士 為少數族裔人士提供各項支援服務,服務獲少數族裔 和本地居民擔任關懷大使和關懷義工。他們接受培訓 Employees Retraining Board (ERB) 社群的肯定。 後,探訪新來港人士家庭,發揮本計劃「義人同行, Since 2012, NHA has become one of the 助人自助」的精神。2014至2015年度「新來港大使計 appointed Training Bodies by ERB, to provide HOME Centre (YTM) & HOME Centre (SSP) 劃」共進行家訪6,800多戶家庭,參與計劃的關懷大使 training courses to new arrivals and ethnic Sponsored by Home Affairs Department, 及關懷義工多達6000人。 minorities. HOME Centre (YTM) and HOME Centre (SSP) 內地 provide a wide variety of programmes to assist Ambassador Scheme for New Arrivals from ethnic minorities to integrate into the society. The the Mainland service is recognized by ehnic minority community. Ambassador Scheme for New Arrivals from the 「內地準赴港定居人士期望管理計劃」廣東項目MAINLAND 「香港青年與內地青年交流及北上發展示範項目」 Mainland sponsored by Home Affairs Department, recruits locals and new arrivals as caring volunteers 2011年10月,新家園社會服務中心承辦香港民政 2015年3月,「香港青年與內地青年交流及北上發 and caring ambassadors. After being trained, in 事務總署「內地準赴港定居人士期望管理計劃」(廣州 展示範項目」獲得中央財政支援社會組織參與社會服 line with the spirit of “jointly volunteer to help 項目),並於2012年11月將服務擴展至廣東全省,協 務專項資金支援。項目由廣州市新家園社會工作服務 others and self”, they visit new arrival families in 助準赴港人士做好移居香港準備,及早適應香港生活。 中心承接執行。中心組織交流團、義工活動,開展社 different districts. This year, the scheme conducted 區教育、獎助學金計劃,鼓勵香港青年與內地青年共 Expectation Management Programme in 1 2 visits to more than 6,800 families; the number 同進步,探索「香港夢 • 中國夢」之路。 Guangdong Province 1. 少數族裔支援服務中心(油尖旺)HOME Centre (YTM) of involved caring ambassadors and volunteers 2. 少數族裔支援服務中心(深水埗)HOME Centre (SSP) reached 6000. In October 2011 in Guangzhou, NHSSC “Hong Kong and Mainland Youth Exchange started to implement Expectation Management and Develop Model Projects in the Mainland Programme in Guangdong Province, which was China” sponsored by Home Affairs Department. The range In March 2015, “Hong Kong and Mainland of the project was enlarged in November 2012 to Youth Exchange and Develop Model Projects in the the whole of Guangdong Province. Mainland China” was subsidized and supported by the Central Finance. The project was undertaken by ------Guangzhou New Home Social Work Service Centre. 「移居人士服務」項目 It organises exchange tour, volunteer activities, community education and provides scholarships to 2012年10月起,新家園社會服務中心承接了由 3 5 廣州市民政局購買的市級社會工作專項「移居人士服 encourage Hong Kong youths to understand “The 務」項目, 為準赴港人士及常住在廣州的外籍居民 Chinese Dream, Hong Kong Dream” and improve (統稱移居人士)提供社會適應、網絡支援及社區參 themselves together with the Mainland youths. 與服務。

“Migrants Service” Projec With aims of offering integration services, networking support, and inclusive activities, as well as promoting multi-cultural exchange for ready Hong Kong residents and migrants in Guangzhou, NHSSC started to implement the project of “Migrants Service” since October 2012. 4 6

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 21 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 22 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

Joint Radio Programme with RTHK Putonghua 專項服務 Speicilized Services Channel 為協助新來港及少數族裔人士早日適應香港生活,促進社會融合,本會開設多項專項服務。 NHA, together with RTHK Putonghua Channel, started a radio programmen since 2010 to offer NHA organizes various specialized service plans for new arrivals and ethnic minorities to assist them in adapting to Hong Kong and to promote social integration. community information to new arrivals. People from different walks of life are invited to the programme share social materials and useful information. New arrivals also come to share their 新家園資訊通 experiences in Hong Kong. Off-line events are 透過電話熱線1833266、網站、Facebook及手機 occasionally held by the program to assist new 程式Apps,為新來港及少數族裔人士提供一個全方位 arrivals in better integration into the community. 的生活資訊平台,協助他們掌握最新資訊。 ------3 NHA Multilingual Info Service 與新城數碼財經台合辦電台節目 NHA offers an all-around information platform 本會自2014年起,與新城數碼財經頻道合作節目 consisting of a hotline, a website, Facebook, and 《樂活香港地》。節目邀請新來港、少數族裔及本地 1 Apps for new arrivals and ethnic minorities. 青年到電台分享樂活香港之道。

1. 「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」簡介會 Briefing of “SHIMAO-NHA”Leadership Training Scheme Joint Radio Programme with Metro Finance 2. 新家園協會資訊通各項服務 Digital Services of NHA Multilingual Info NHA, together with Metro Finance Digital, started a radio programme called Joyous Living in Hong Kong since 2014. New arrivals, ethnic 緊急援助基金 2 minorities and local youths are invited to the ------本基金為因突發事件而陷入經濟困境的新來港及 世茂新家園經驗培養計劃 programme to share their joyous experience in 少數族裔人士提供短期經濟援助,以解燃眉之急。 新家園協會自2010年及2011年起,先後設立獎 中旅社綜合支援及諮詢服務 Hong Kong. 學金及助學金。為更全面、系統地培養青年學生,本 本會與香港中旅集團公司合作,於全港7間中旅 3. 新家園協會會員參與電台節目錄製。 Emergency Fund 會從2014年起設立全新的「世茂新家園精英培養計 社辦證服務中心(上環、筲箕灣、旺角、牛頭角、屯 Members of NHA participating in the radio programme. The fund offers short-term financial assistance 4. 新家園(富僑)養生服務中心的專業按摩師為客人提供足療 劃」。計劃包括傑出中學生獎及傑出大學生獎兩部 門、沙田及荃灣),設立「新港人諮詢服務專櫃」, 按摩。 to new arrivals and ethnic minorities to solve A professional technician offering foot massage service. 分,評選500位傑出中學生獎獲得者,每人可獲獎金 主動接觸新來港人士,向他們介紹各種社會資源與服 emergency needs. 4,000元;10位傑出大學生獎獲得者,每人每年可獲獎 務,鼓勵他們參與融入活動,為有需要的家庭提供轉 金20,000元,持續4年,合共80,000港幣。除傳統的獎 介服務,協助他們更好地融入香港。 金部分外,本計劃更提供暑期實習、企業考察團、義 工服務等機會,為有理想、有能力的獲獎者提供創業 Support and Consultation Service from China 社會企業 Social Enterprises Travel Service (CTS) 種子基金。 本會開辦社會企業幫助新來港人士解決就業問題,服務市民。 Cooperating with CTS, NHA maintains a Social enterprises, serving grass-root communities, were started by NHA to help new arrivals with SHIMAO-NHA Leadership Training Scheme Consulting Service Counter for New Arrivals at problems of employment. NHA has set up scholarship since 2010 and seven CTS Registration Service Centres in Hong grants since 2011. In order to train the youth Kong (Sheug Wan, Sau Kei Wan, Mong Kok, Ngau to be all-round talents and contribute to the Tau Kok, Tuen Mun, Shatin, and Tsuen Wan). NHA 新家園(富僑)養生服務中心是新家園協會屬下 society, NHA established the new “SHIMAO-NHA” introduces social materials and services to new 一間成功的社會企業,是香港民政事務總署的「夥伴 Leadership Training Scheme. The scheme contains arrivals, encouraging them to take part in activities 倡自強計劃」合作項目。該社企的員工在服務中心接 “Outstanding Secondary School Student Award” and offering job opportunities if needed. 受正規培訓,為顧客提供各項養生服務。截止2015年3 月,養生館已聘請了超過10位新來港技師。 and “Outstanding University Student Award”. 500 ------secondary school winners will be awarded with New Home (Fuqiao) Healthcare Centre, one 與香港電台普通話台合辦電台節目 $4,000 each, whereas 10 university winners can be of the subordinated social enterprises of NHA, was awarded $20,000 each every year, lasting 4 years, 本會自2010年起,與香港電台普通話台合作節 founded in the framework of “Enhancing Self- which means each can get $80,000 in total. Apart 目,為新來港人士提供社區資訊。節目邀請不同人士 Reliance ”of Home Affairs Department. After being from scholarship, the winners also have chances 介紹社會資源與生活資訊,邀請新來港人士到電台分 trained, employees are able to offer healthcare to take part in the summer intern, corporate 享生活經驗,定期舉辦大型活動,協助新來港人士融 services to customers, which is in accordance with visiting tour, and volunteer service. The scheme 入社區。 government’s goal of “A Society in Health”. By will provide venture capital fund to the university March 2015, the Centre has over 10 new arrival winners when they graduate. technicians. 4

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 23 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 24 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

支援中心 Supportive Centres


新家園協會社會政策研究中心成立於2014年3月, 旨在透過研究與新來港及少數族裔人士相關的社會政 1 策議題,為特區政府制定有關政策提供有用的參考。 1. 《新來港婦女投入勞動市場狀況調查報告》發佈會 The press launch of the report. 2014年8月,社會政策研究中心、香港電台普通話 台及香港大學社會工作社會行政系梁祖彬教授聯合發 Hong Kong jointly published a report on the level 表《新來港婦女投入勞動市場狀況調查報告》。調查 of labour market engagement of women newly 目的是了解新來港婦女投入就業市場的意向及她們所 arrived Hong Kong. The report aimed to conduct a 2 需的支援,向政府提出可行建議。此次調查以家訪及 comprehensive study about the views and needs of 約見訪問的方式搜集資料,於4月7日至4月28日期間隨 new women arrivals on labour market engagement, 機抽取1,000名新來港婦女會員,成功訪問359位,收 thus to provide applicable suggestions to the 回有效問卷326份;調查設置兩組小組訪談,訪談4位 government. The report gathered its information 新來港婦女。 by holding home visits and interviews that covered 1,000 random NHA female members who were 報告倡議於香港各區設立「社區學苑」(Home new to Hong Kong from 7th to 28th April. The 3 Institute),鼓勵新來港婦女再進修並為其提供托兒 centre eventually interviewed 359 of the chosen 服務;新家園協會亦會提供更多就業培訓予新來港婦 members and received 326 valid questionnaires. 女,提升她們的職業技能和機會;希望特區政府以靈 Synergy Youth The focus group session was carried out by dividing 活的就業政策,創造彈性工作崗位,協助更多新來港 Synergy Youth is an organisation subordinated 4 chosen interviewees into two groups of two at 婦女投入勞動市場。 to NHA and has been joined by over 4000 4 a time. members, including youths from mainland China, The report suggested that a Home Institute local youths and ethnic minority youths. Synergy Social Policy Research Centre should be established in every district of Hong Youth owns a voluntary team of over 1000 NHA’s Social Policy Research Centre was Kong. The Home institute would motivate registered volunteers and has provided the local founded in March 2013 to facilitate the policy- new women arrivals to further their study or community with approximately 4000 service hours. making process of the government on social issues development by providing child care services. The organisation was founded for the purpose concerning new arrivals and ethnic minorities by NHA would also offer them more vocational of forming a collective resource platform, which conducting various researches. training to increase their competitiveness in the on the one hand enable youths in Hong Kong to In August 2014, Social Policy Research Centre, labour market. The report pointed out that the explore their talents, on the other hand provide RTHK Putonghua Channel and Prof. LEUNG Cho- government could make flexible labour policies them with the resources they need in Hong Kong bun Joe, Professor of the Department of Social that promote flexible positions for those women and mainland China to achieve their dreams. 5

Work and Social Administration, the University of to engage in the local labour market. Ultimately, these services provided by Synergy 2-3. 新青匯會員一起遊離島、行山 Youth are expected to promote social harmony and Members of Synergy Youth on a hiking trip. 4. 食物及衛生局局長高永文(中)到訪新青匯年宵攤位 multicultural development in Hong Kong. Dr. KO Wing-man, BBS, JP, Secretary for Food and Health (middle) on a visit to Synergy Youth’s Lunar New Year 新青匯 Fair stall In the past year, Synergy Youth launched an 5. 新青匯會長王芯怡(右)在年宵攤位 新青匯是新家園協會轄下組織,現有會員人數超過 人,由在港內地青年、香港本地青年及在港少數族裔青 outdoor event series called “Through Hong Kong, WONG Sum-yee Rachel (Right), Chairlady of Synergy Youth in our 4000 Lunar New Year Fair stall. 年組成。登記義工人數超過1000人,為社會提供義工服務時間約4000個小時。新青匯旨在搭建一個資源共享大平 Through Islands” to educate youths that were new 台,讓新來港、本地及少數族裔青年發揮才能,並為他們在香港及內地發展提供必要的社會資源,幫助他們更好地 to Hong Kong or those from ethnic minorities on 實現理想,推動多元文化發展及社會共融。 the natural scenery and local customs of Hong Synergy Youth’s voluntary services in the future. Kong. During 2015’s Lunar New Year, Synergy Last but not least, a regular Cantonese course 2014-15年,新青匯多次舉辦「冰sir帶你走遍香港離島」系列戶外活動,帶領新來港及少數族裔青年了解香港 Youth successfully rented a Lunar New Year Fair was arranged by Synergy Youth, guiding our 的自然風光及風土人情。2015年農曆新年,新青匯競得維園年宵攤位,以「愛 • 無界 | Love is limitless」為主題, stall in a public auction. The stall sold mainly folk participants to speak Cantonese under a relaxing 出售具民族特色的新來港及少數族裔人士手作,促進文化交流。年宵收入全數用於發展新青匯的慈善服務,推動青 handicrafts and was run by new youth arrivals and joyful atmosphere. It is the mission of Synergy 年工作及社會共融。新青匯還定期開設「粵講粵開心」粵語班,創立「在歡笑中學習粵語」的獨特模式,引導學員 and those from ethnic minorities under the theme Youth to help its members to blend in the society 大膽開口說粵語,從生活和社會實踐中幫助大家融入香港。 “Love is limitless”. The profit would be used on harmoniously through practices and activities.

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 25 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 26 27 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 Report Annual NHA 新家園協會 2014-15 平等 Home Culture andArtsAssociation 家園文化藝術協會 民網及新城數碼財經台的訪問。 父愛自由行」,此外,亦接受香港電台普通話台、人 《非誠勿擾》香港區海選、香港電台「新紫荊廣場丨 新家園協會關愛慈善夜暨第二屆董事會就職典禮、 等。女子樂坊2014-15年度擔任表演嘉賓的活動包括: 箏、琵琶、長笛、揚琴、中阮、笙、薩克斯、小提琴 受到觀眾們的廣泛喜愛。主要演奏樂器包括二胡、古 樂與現代流行音樂相結合,不斷發展及傳播新民樂, 的新來港及本地女青年組成。樂坊嘗試將傳統民族音 新家園女子樂坊 女中國舞等。 如新家園女子樂坊、少數族裔舞蹈、少兒爵士舞、婦 士參與,各地區服務處均已形成固定的表演團隊,比 地,廣泛招納有藝術才能的新來港人士和少數族裔人 融。家園文化藝術協會成立以來,以地區服務處為基 加本地居民對新來港人士的了解,促進社會的和諧共 以藝術為載體,展現新來港人士自信積極的一面,增 人士,建立人際網絡,形成同根互助的人際生活圈; 價值感;以藝術為平台,凝聚一班志同道合的新來港 為工具,發掘新來港人士潛能,提升其自信心及自我 培訓對藝術有興趣和造詣的新來港人士,旨在以藝術 specialises in recruiting andtrainingnew arrivals the confidence of new arrivals, the association medium to cultivate the potential and bolster established inDecember2013. Taking Artsasa Equality •關愛 Equality 6.

7. 年報 女子樂坊成立於2013年 家園文化藝術協會於2013年 Home CultureandArts Association was Top Girls’ Top Girls Top Dinner cum2ndBoard of Directors InaugurationCeremony. 表演 Top Girls the One”. Top Girls 於「新家園協會關愛慈善夜暨第二屆董事會就職典禮」 wasinvitedtoperformduringtheauditionof“If You Are 擔任《非誠勿擾》香港區海選表演嘉賓 performance duringNewHomeAssociationCharity Caring •尊重 Caring 12月,由一群喜愛音樂 Respect •團結 Respect 12月成立,招募和 Unity •卓越 Unity

Excellence Metro Finance Digitalbefore. Putonghua Channel,People’s DailyOnline and and Love”. The band was also interviewed by RTHK in HongKong,andRTHK’s event“EmbraceFather game show“IfYou AretheOne” that washeld Directors InaugurationCeremony, auditionofthe Association CharityDinnercum2ndBoardof year 2014-15, Top Girlsperformed inNew Home Zhongruan, Sheng, Saxophone and Violin, etc. In play mostlyinErhu,Guzheng,Flute,Yangqin, and modern pop music in their pieces. They Top Girlsisabandthatcombinesbothfolkmusic local andnewarrivalfemalemusicaficionados, Top GirlsBand group formedbyethnicminorities. Chinese Dancing team (women) and a dancing instance, Top Girls,Jazzteam(children),Traditional performing teamsindifferent servicecentres.For centres, andhasnowformedanumberofregular ethnic minority members through the NHA service other. Theassociationrecruitsnewarrivaland if every member of the society understands each them. We believe socialharmonywouldfollow, form anArtsnetworkthatconnectspeoplelike them toexpresstheirconfidenceothers,and association wishestomakeArtsaplatformfor who areinterestedortalentedinArts.The Founding inDecember2013byagroupof 6 7 齊福‧新家園」新家園 ‧ 「齊築福 Our Love”movement Voluntary team's“Spread of NewHomeAssociation The InstallationCeremony 義工團傳愛行動啟動禮 Media Coverage 媒體報道 齊福‧新家園」 ‧ 「齊築福 四月 2014 Beyond”Sharing Session “Sham ShuiPo–Loveand 愛「深」傳家園地區分享會 Exhibition ofa.jinillustration Dream.a.Dream- 夢想家園

2014 APRIL 「齊築福.新家園」新家園協 a.jin 六月 2014 Island ServiceCentre Home AssociationHongKong cum OpeningCeremony ofNew 禮 暨香港島服務處新址開幕典 會「愛滿家園」共融嘉年華 “Love with Family” Carnival “Love withFamily”Carnival 作品欣賞會 JUNE 齊福‧新家園」新家園協會賽馬會天水 ‧ 「齊築福 五月 2014 Shui Wai ServiceCentre Opening Ceremony ofNHAJockeyClubTin 圍服務中心開幕典禮 MAY NHA Annual Report 2014-15 Report Annual NHA 新家園協會 2014-15 年報 28 29 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 Report Annual NHA 新家園協會 2014-15 平等 in theLabourMarket Arrival Women's Engagement Press LaunchofReportNew 市場狀況調查發佈會 新來港婦女投入勞動 八月 2014 Equality •關愛 Equality 年報 AUGUST Emotional SupportHotline 情緒支援熱線 2014 十月 2014 Caring •尊重 Caring OCTOBER Respect •團結 Respect Unity •卓越 Unity Excellence Stories ofNewArrivals 新來港人士故事 Training Scheme NHA Leadership Briefing onShimao- 養計劃簡介會 世茂新家園精英培 Guangzhou SocialServiceCentre Opening Ceremony ofNewHome(R&F) 新家園 十一月 2014 ( 富力 NOVEMBER ) Special Topic onEthnicMinorities 少數族裔專題 九月 2014 廣州社會服務中心開幕典禮 SEPTEMBER Mainland New Arrivalsfrom the Ambassador Schemefor 新來港大使計劃嘉許禮 三月 2015 MARCH Award Presentation Ceremony Shimao-NHA LeadershipTraining Scheme 世茂新家園精英培養計劃頒獎典禮 2015 一月 2015 JANUARY NHA Annual Report 2014-15 Report Annual NHA 新家園協會 2014-15 年報 30 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

服務統計 財務簡報 Service Statistics Financial Report

新家園協會有限公司 新家園協會統計數字 (2014.04.01 – 2015.03.31) NEW HOME ASSOCIATION LIMITED 損益及其他綜合損益表 截至二零一五年三月三十一日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 1. 服務人次統計 Service Recipients Statistics 備註 Note 2015 2014 服務人次 The Head Count of Service Users –––––––––––– –––––––––––– –––––––––––– 港幣 HK$ 港幣 HK$ 內容 Contents 香港 內地 總數 持續經營業務 Hong Kong Mainland Total Continuing operation

諮詢服務 Enquiries 167,218 13,634 180,852 收入 5 63,601,065 17,171,414 Revenue 小組、培訓班、興趣班 54,992 2,032 57,024 Training & interest classes, groups 家園超市毛利 6 – 674,545 Gross profit from Home Market operation 大型活動 Programmes 116,464 7,212 123,676 其他收入 5 321,803 150 總數 Total 338,674 22,878 361,552 Other income

政府資助項目 —“新家園 (富僑)養生服務中心”之淨虧損 7 (1,069,242) (771,983) 2. 個案輔導人數及基金受惠人數 Cases and Fund Recipients Statistics Deficit of Project – New Home (Fuqiao) Healthcare Centre

服務數量 Quantity 政府資助 -“支援服務中心”之虧損 23 (68,923) – Deficit of Project - Home Centre 內容 Contents 香港 內地 總數 Hong Kong Mainland Total 行政支出 (46,599,901) (38,666,741) Administrative expenditure –––––––––––– –––––––––––– 個案 Intensive Cases 218 171 389 經營收益/(虧損) 16,184,802 (21,592,615) 緊急援助基金 Emergency Fund 17 0 17 Operating surplus / (deficit)

總數 Total 235 171 406 應佔聯營公司虧損 15 (730) (631,397) Share of losses of an associate –––––––––––– –––––––––––– 宣傳統計 3. Promotion Statistics 本年度來自持續經營業務之收益/(虧損) 16,184,072 (22,224,012) Surplus / (Deficits) for the year from continuing operation 宣傳量 Quantity 內容 Contents 終止經營業務 香港 內地 總數 Discontinued operation Hong Kong Mainland Total 本年度來自終止經營業務之收益 11 1,235,271 – 報章 Newspapers 129 次 times 69 次 times 198 次 times Surplus for the year from discontinued operation –––––––––––– ––––––––––––

電台 Radio 100 次 times 2 次 times 102 次 times 本年度收益/(虧損) 8 17,419,343 (22,224,012) Surplus / (Deficits) for the year –––––––––––– –––––––––––– 電視台 TV 10 次 times 11 次 times 21 次 times 其他全面收入 – – 寄發單張/會員表等 80,000 份 pcs 1,087 份 pcs 81,087 份 pcs Other comprehensive income –––––––––––– –––––––––––– Leaflets / Application forms

大型宣傳推廣活動(記者招待會等) 本年度全面收益/(虧損) 17,419,343 (22,224,012) Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the year –––––––––––– –––––––––––– Mega Promotion Events (e.g. Press 10 次 times 5 次 times 15 次 times Conference)

附註為賬目之一部份 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 31 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 32 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence


備註 Note 2015 2014 累計盈餘 新家園(富僑)養生服務中心 –––––––––––– –––––––––––– –––––––––––– Accumulated surplus New Home (Fuqiao) 累計盈餘 港幣 HK$ 港幣 HK$ Healthcare Center Total 資產 ASSETS ––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––– 非流動資產 Non-current assets 港幣 HK$ 港幣 HK$ 港幣 HK$ 物業、 廠房及設備 12 5,293,299 1,624,413 Property, plant and equipment 物業、 廠房及設備 -“養生服務中心” 13 303,412 820,348 於二零一三年三月三十一日 73,085,838 – 73,085,838 Property, plant and equipment - Healthcare Centre Balance as at 31 March 2013 物業、 廠房及設備 -“支援服務中心” 14 – 692,595 本年度全面虧損總額 (21,452,029) (771,983) (22,224,012) Property, plant and equipment - Home Centre Deficit for the year 可出售財務資產 16 566,637 438,422 Available-for-sale financial assets 政府資助項目"養生服務中心"之淨虧損 (771,983) 771,983 – 6,163,348 3,575,778 Deficit of project met by general fund 流動資產 Current Assets 期末存貨 17 – 1,059,215 Inventories 於二零一四年三月三十一日 50,861,826 – 50,861,826 應收款項 2,344,945 1,789,044 Balance as at 31 March 2014 Accounts receivable 應收聯營公司款項 15 4,106,556 4,107,286 本年度全面收益/(虧損)總額 18,488,585 (1,069,242) 17,419,343 Amount due from an associate Surplus / (Deficits) for the year 按金及預付款 2,470,570 5,055,706 Deposits and prepayments 政府資助項目"養生服務中心"之淨虧損 (1,069,242) 1,069,242 – 應收匯豐銀行社區伙伴計劃資助款項-"幸福傳家 愛同行" 18 – 7,379 Deficit of project met by general fund Unclaimed expenses of HSBC project 現金及銀行存款 19 57,459,678 43,332,050 Cash and bank balances 於二零一五年三月三十一日 68,281,169 – 68,281,169 66,381,749 55,350,680 Balance as at 31 March 2015 流動負債 Current Liabilities 應付貨款 557,122 4,168,834 Accounts payable 應付款項 及暫收款項 1,307,931 1,388,708 Accrued expenses and temporary receipts 未動用匯豐銀行社區伙伴計劃資助款項 Unspent fund of HSBC project -“家多愛 埗里情” 20 – 112,778 -“同里有親” 21 31,390 – -“夢家園” 22 20,343 – 遞延收入 Deferred income -“支援服務中心 Home Centre 2012-2014” 23 – 2,394,312 -“支援服務中心 Home Centre 2014-2016” 24 2,347,142 – 4,263,928 8,064,632 淨流動資產淨值 Net Current Assets 62,117,821 47,286,048 資產淨值 NET ASSETS 68,281,169 50,861,826 儲備 RESERVES 累計盈餘 68,281,169 50,861,826 Accumulated surplus 於 經董事會批准及授權 Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on

許榮茂 Hui Wing Mau 勵 娜 Lai Na 董事 Director 董事 Director

附註為賬目之一部份 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 附註為賬目之一部份 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 33 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 34 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

新家園協會有限公司 鳴謝 NEW HOME ASSOCIATION LIMITED 綜合現金流動表 截至二零一五年三月三十一日 Acknowledgement CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 我們衷心感謝下列公司、機構、團體、部門、學校及個別人士對本會的支持。如有 香港特別行政區政府駐粵經濟貿易 Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in 錯漏,謹此致歉。 辦事處 Guangdong 備註 Note 2015 2014 We would like to express our gratitude to the following companies, 香港特別行政區政府衞生署 Department of Health –––––––––––– –––––––––––– –––––––––––– organizations, departments, schools, and individual persons for their generous 香港特別行政區政府懲教署 Correctional Services Department 港幣 HK$ 港幣 HK$ support to us. Should there be any error, please accept our apologies. 香港特別行政區區議會 District Councils 經營業務 Operating activities 香港電台普通話台 RTHK Putonghua Channel 本年度收益/(虧損) Surplus / (Deficits) for the year 香港警務處 Hong Kong Police Force - 來自持續經營業務 From continuing operation 16,184,802 (21,592,615) 筆劃數排列 Listed by the Chinese stroke count order 晉江市民政局 Bureau of Civil Affairs of Jinjiang Municipality 晉江市池店鎮政府 Jinjiang Municipal Chidian Town Government - 來自終止經營業務 From discontinued operation 1,235,271 – 政府部門及法定機構 Government Departments & Statutory Bodies 晉江市橋南片區社區公共服務中心 調整 Adjustments for: 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區 Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government 聯絡辦公室 in HKSAR 泰王國駐香港總領事館 Royal Thai Consulate-General, Hong Kong 折舊 Depreciation 4,381,866 3,606,959 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of 荃灣新來港定居人士服務 Tsuen Wan New arrivals Joint Co-ordinating 中華人民共和國民政部 處置可售出固定資產虧損 888,431 – China 統籌委員會 Committee Loss on disposals of property, plant and equipment 天晴村屋村諮詢管理委員會 Tin Ching Estate Management Advisory Committee 啟業邨屋邨管理諮詢委員會 Kai Yip Estate Management Advisory Committee 其他利息收入 Investment income (26,676) (23,719) 天耀村屋村諮詢管理委員會 Tin Yiu Estate Management Advisory Committee 深圳市民政局 Bureau of Civil Affairs of Shenzhen Municipality 巴基斯坦駐香港總領事館 深圳市社會組織管理局 可出售財務資產減值(回撥)/虧損 (124,800) 19,200 Consulate General of Pakistan, Hong Kong 尼泊爾駐香港特別行政區和 Luohu Public Security Bureau Entry-Exit Reception Consulate General of Nepal, Hong Kong SAR and 深圳羅湖公安局出入境接待大廳 Impairment (gain) / loss on available-for-sale financial assets 澳門特別行政區總領事館 Macao SAR Hall 營運資金變動前之經營現金流量 22,538,894 (17,990,175) 平等機會委員會 Equal Opportunities Commission 菲律賓駐港總領事館 Consulate General of The Philippines Chinese Communist Youth League Guangdong 廉政公署社區關係處 ICAC Community Relations Department Operating cash flows before movements in working capital 共青團廣東省委員會 Committee 葵青區新來港定居人士及少數族裔 金融經紀餘額之增加 Kwai Tsing New Arrivals and Ethnic Minorities Increase in amount due from a broker 23,263 – 共青團廣州市蘿崗區委員會 服務資訊委員會 Services Advisory Committee 期末存貨之減少 Decrease in inventories 1,059,215 74,021 安蔭村屋村諮詢管理委員會 On Yam Estate Management Advisory Committee 零碳天地 Zero Carbon Building 應收賬款之(增加)/減少 (555,901) 660,692 佛山市南海區社會工作委員會 僱員再培訓局 Employees Retraining Board Division of Exit&Entry Administration Department of (Increase) / Decrease in accounts receivable 佛山市南海區裡水街坊會 福建省公安廳出入境管理局 佛山市南海區裡水鎮司法所 Public Security of Fujian Province 按金及預付款之減少/(增加) 2,585,136 (2,761,527) 福建省民政廳社會工作領導小組 Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province Bureau of Social Work of Foshan Municipal Nanhai 佛山市南海區裡水鎮社工局 辦公室 social work leading group office Decrease / (Increase) in deposits and prepayments District Lishui Town 廣州市公安局 應付賬款之(減少)/增加 (Decrease) / Increase in accounts payables (3,611,712) 1,534,328 佛山市南海區裡水鎮社工委 Guangzhou Minicipal Public Security Bureau 廣州市民政局 Women’s Federation of Lishui Town of Nanhai Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality 應付未付款及暫收賬款之(減少)/增加 (80,777) 620,763 佛山市南海區裡水鎮婦聯 District of Foshan Municipality 廣州市來穗人員服務管理局 (Decrease) / Increase in accrued expenses Dengfeng Street Sub-district Office of Guangzhou 佛山市南海區裡水鎮組織辦公室 廣州市越秀區登峰街街道辦 淨未動用匯豐銀行社區伙伴計劃資助款項之(減少)/增加 (53,666) 105,399 佛山市南海區裡水鎮 Residents’ Committee of Foshan Municipal Nanhai Municipal Yuexiu District Division of Exit&Entry Administration Department of Net (decrease) / increase in unspent fund for HSBC projects 裡水社區居委會 District Lishui Town 廣東省公安廳出入境管理局 Public Security of Guangdong Province 延遞收入之 減少 增加 佛山市南海區裡水鎮總工會 ( )/ (Decrease) / Increase in deferred income (47,170) 239,586 廣東省民政廳 Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province 青少年兒童畫家培育基金 Promotion of Young Artists Foundation 廣東省社會組織管理局 經營業務所得/(所用)之現金淨值 21,857,282 (17,516,913) 建造業議會 Construction Industry Council 廣東省婦女聯合會 Women’s Federation of Guangdong Province Net cash generated from / (used in) operating activities 政府產業署 Government Property Agency 泉州市人民政府 Quanzhou Municipal People’s Government 投資活動 Investing activities 泉州市民政局 Bureau of Civil Affairs of Quanzhou Municipality 議員 Legislative & District Councilors 購買物業、廠房及設備 (7,729,654) (1,168,456) Bureau of Civil Affairs of Fengze District of 曾勁聰議員 Mr. TSANG King-chung, Kent 泉州市豐澤區民政局 Purchases of property, plant and equipment Quanzhou Municipality 黃宏滔議員 Mr. WONG Wang-to Donghu Street Sub-district Office of Quanzhou 泉州市豐澤區東湖街道辦事處 丁江浩議員 Mr. TING Kong-ho, Eddie 投資活動所用之現金淨額 (7,729,654) (1,168,456) Municipal Fengze District 丁志威議員 Mr. TING Chi-wai, Roy Net cash used in investing activities Minghu Residents’ Committee of Quanzhou 泉州市豐澤區銘湖社區居委會 Municipal Fengze District 仇振輝議員 BBS, JP Mr. CHOW Chun Fai, BBS, JP 現金及現金等價物之增加/(減少)淨額 14,127,628 (18,685,369) Bureau of Civil Affairs of Licheng District of 孔昭華議員 Mr. HUNG Chiu Wah 泉州市鯉城區民政局 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Quanzhou Municipality 文光明議員 Mr. MAN Kwong-ming Heping Residents’ Committee of Quanzhou 泉州市鯉城區和平社區居委會 文志華議員 MH Mr. MAN Chi-wah, MH 於年初之現金及現金等價物 43,332,050 62,017,419 Municipal Licheng District 文志雙議員 Mr. MAN Chi-sheung Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Lizhong Street Sub-district Office of Quanzhou 泉州市鯉城區鯉中街道辦事處 文春輝議員 BBS, MH Mr. MAN Chen-fai, BBS, MH Municipal Licheng District 文裕明議員 於年終之現金及現金等價物 57,459,678 43,332,050 英國駐廣州總領事館 British Consulate-General Guangzhou Mr. MAN Yu-ming, MH 方 平議員 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 香港公共圖書館 Hong Kong Public Libraries BBS, JP Mr. FONG Ping, BBS, JP 方 剛議員 香港特別行政區民政事務總署 Home Affairs Department SBS, JP Mr. FANG Kang, Vincent, SBS, JP 現金及現金等值之結餘分析 王少強議員 香港特別行政區政府入境事務處 Immigration Department Mr. WONG Siu-keung Analysis of cash and cash equivalents 王吉顯議員 香港特別行政區政府民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau Mr. WONG Kit-hin, Peter 銀行結餘及現金 19 57,459,678 43,332,050 王威信議員 香港特別行政區政府社會福利署 Social Welfare Department Mr. WONG Wai-shun Cash and bank balances 王秋北議員 香港特別行政區政府政府新聞處 Information Services Department Mr. WONG Chau-pak 香港特別行政區政府政務司司長 王國興議員 BBS, MH Mr. WONG Kwok-hing, BBS, MH Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office 辦公室 王惠貞議員 SBS, JP Ms. WONG Wai-ching, SBS, JP 香港特別行政區政府教育局 Education Bureau 王潤強議員 Mr. WONG Yun-keung, Simon 香港特別行政區政府勞工處 Labour Department 古漢強議員 Mr. KWU -keung 香港特別行政區政府運輸署 Transport Department 左滙雄議員 Mr. CHO Wui-hung

附註為賬目之一部份 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 35 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 36 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

田北辰議員 BBS, JP Mr. TIEN Puk-sun, Michael, BBS, JP 周潔冰議員 BBS, MH Dr. CHOW Kit-bing, Jennifer, BBS, MH 梁美芬議員 SBS, JP Dr. LEUNG Mei-fun, Priscilla, SBS, JP 陳靄群議員 MH Ms. CHAN Oi-kwan, MH 田北俊議員 GBS, JP Mr. TIEN Pei-chun,James, GBS, JP 周錦祥議員 MH Mr. CHOW Kam-cheung, MH 梁家輝議員 Mr. LEUNG Ka-fai 陶桂英議員 JP Ms. TO Kwai-ying, JP 白韻 議員 Ms. PECK Wan-kam, Pamela 周轉香議員 BBS, MH, JP Ms. CHAU Chuen-heung, BBS, MH, JP 梁偉文議員 BBS MH Mr. LEUNG Wai-man, MH 陶錫源議員 MH Mr. TO Sheck-yuen, MH 石禮謙議員 GBS, JP Mr. SHEK Lai-him, Abraham, GBS, JP 招文亮議員 Mr. CHIU Man-leong 梁國鴻議員 Mr. LEUNG Kwok-hung, David 陸勁光議員 Mr. LUK King-kwong 伍婉婷議員 MH Ms. NG Yuen-ting, Yolanda, MH 易志明議員 Mr. YICK Chi-ming, Frankie 梁福元議員 Mr. LEUNG Fuk-yuen 陸頌雄議員 Mr. LUK Chung-hung 成漢強議員 BBS, MH Mr. SING -keung, BBS, MH 林 泉議員 Mr. LAM Chuen 符碧珍議員 Ms. FU Pik-chun 麥美娟議員 JP Ms. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, JP 朱立威議員 Mr. CHU Lap-wai 林 峰議員 Mr. LAM Fung 莊元苳議員 Mr. CHONG Yuen-tung 麥富寧議員 MH Mr. MAK Fu-ling, MH 朱慶虹議員 JP Mr. CHU Ching-g, JP 林 琳議員 Ms. LAM, Lam Nixie 莊永燦議員 Mr. CHONG Wing Charn 麥謝巧玲議員 Mrs. MAK TSE How-ling, Ada 朱麗玲議員 Ms. CHU Lai-ling 林玉珍議員 MH Ms. LAM Yuk-chun, MH 莊健成議員 Mr. CHONG Kin-shing 傅元章議員 Mr. FU Yuen-cheung, Alexander 朱耀華議員 Mr. CHU Yiu-wah 林亨利議員 MH Mr. LIM Henry, MH 莊耀勤議員 Mr. CHONG Yiu-kan, Shermann 勞超傑議員 Mr. LO Chiu-kit 江澤濠議員 MH Mr. KONG Chack-ho, Alex, MH 林松茵議員 Ms. LAM Chung-yan 莫仲輝議員 MH, JP Mr. MOK Chung-fai, Rex, MH, JP 勞鍱珍議員 MH Ms. LO Tip-chun, MH 老廣成議員 Mr. LO Kwong-shing, Andy 林家輝議員 JP Mr. LAM Ka-fai, Aaron, JP 莫健榮議員 Mr. MOK Kin-wing 彭長緯議員 BBS, JP Mr. PANG Cheung-wai, Thomas, BBS, JP 何大偉議員 MH Mr. HO Tai-wai, David, MH 林健鋒議員 GBS, JP Mr. LAM Kin-fung, Jeffrey, GBS, JP 莫錦貴議員 BBS Mr. MOK Kam-kwai, BBS 彭振聲議員 MH Mr. PANG Chun-sing, George, MH 何少平議員 Mr. HO Siu-ping 林啟暉議員 MH Mr. LAM Kai-fai, MH 許林慶議員 Mr. HUI Lam-hing 彭曉明議員 JP Mr. PANG Hiu-ming, Peter, JP 何君堯議員 Mr. HO Kwan-yiu, Junius 林翠玲議員 MH Ms. LAM Chui-ling, Nancy, MH 許清安議員 Mr. HUI Ching-on 曾勁聰議員 Mr. TSANG King-chung, Kent 何俊賢議員 Mr. HO Chun-yin, Steven 林德亮議員 Mr. LAM Tak-leung, MH, JP 許嘉灝議員 BBS, MH Mr. HUI Ka-hoo, BBS, MH 曾梓筠議員 Ms. TSANG Tze-kwan, Marina 何厚祥議員 BBS, MH Mr. HO Hau-cheung, BBS, MH 林懷榮議員 Dr. LAM Malcolm 許德亮議員 Mr. HUI Tak Leung 曾鈺成議員 GBS, JP Mr. Jasper TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP 何啟明議員 Mr. HO Kai-ming, Jonathan 林麗芳議員 Ms. LAM Lai-fong, Fanny 郭 強議員 Mr. KWOK Keung, MH 曾憲康議員 Mr. TSANG Hin-g 何國華議員 Mr. HO Kwok-wah, George 邱戊秀議員 Mr. HIEW Moo-siew 郭必錚議員 MH Mr. KWOK Bit-chun (Benjamin), MH 曾憲強議員 MH Mr. TSANG Hin-keung, MH 何漢文議員 MH Mr. HO -man, MH 邱玉麟議員 Mr. YAU Yuk-lun 郭振華議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. KWOK Chun-wah, Jimmy, BBS, MH, JP 曾樹和議員 Mr. TSANG Shu-wo 何毅淦議員 Mr. HO Ngai-kam, Stanley 邱帶娣議員 BBS, MH Ms. YAU Tai-tai, BBS, MH 郭偉強議員 Mr. KWOK Wai-keung 湛家雄議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. CHAM Ka-hung, Daniel, BBS, MH, JP 何賢輝議員 Mr. HO Yin-fai 邱榮光博士 JP Dr. YAU Wing-kwong, JP 郭強議員 MH Mr. KWOK Keung, MH 湯寶珍議員 MH Ms. TONG Po-chun, MH 何觀順議員 Mr. HO Koon-shun 侯永昌議員 BBS, MH Mr. HAU Wing Cheong, BBS, MH 郭錦鴻議員 Mr. KWOK Kam-hung 程志紅議員 Ms. CHING Chi-hung 余倩雯議員 Ms. YUE Shin-man 侯金林議員 MH, JP Mr. HAU Kam-lam, MH, JP 陳 勇議員 JP Mr. CHAN Yung, Brave, JP 程振明議員 Mr. CHING Chan-ming 余智榮議員 Mr. YU Chi-wing, Ken 姚 銘議員 Mr. YIU Ming 陳 杏議員 Ms. CHAN Hang 雲天壯議員 Mr. WAN Tin-cg 余漢坤議員 JP Mr. YU -kwan, Randy, JP 姚思榮議員 Mr. YIU Si-wing 陳 勇議員 BBS, JP Mr. CHAN Yung, BBS, JP 馮美雲議員 MH Ms. FUNG Mei-wan, MH 余麗芬議員 MH Ms. YU Lai-fan, MH 姚柏良議員 Mr. YIU Pak-leung, Perry 陳少棠議員 MH Mr. CHAN Siu Tong, MH 馮翠屏議員 MH Ms. FONG Choi-peng, MH 吳少強議員 MH, JP Mr. NG Siu-keung, Thomas, MH, JP 姚國威議員 Mr. YIU Kwok-wai 陳文偉議員 Mr. CHAN Manwell, Leo 黃以謙議員 Dr. WONG Yee-him 吳仕福議員 GBS, JP Mr. NG Sze-fuk, George, GBS, JP 姚嘉俊議員 Mr. YIU Ka-chun 陳文華議員 MH Mr. CHAN Man-wah, MH 黃宇翰議員 Mr. WONG Yue- 吳亮星議員 SBS, JP Mr. NG Leung-sing, SBS, JP 施能熊議員 Mr. SZE Lun-hung 陳有海議員 MH, JP Mr. CHAN Yau-hoi, MH, JP 黃帆風議員 MH Mr. WONG Fan-foung, Jackson, MH 吳雪山議員 Mr. NG Shuet-shan 柯倩儀議員 Ms. OR Sin-yi, Windy 陳克勤議員 JP Mr. CHAN Hak-kan, JP 黃宏泰議員 MH Mr. WONG Wang-tai, Ivan, MH 吳貴雄議員 MH Mr. NG Kwai-hung,MH 柯創盛議員 MH Mr. OR Cg-shing, Wilson, MH 陳志超議員 MH Mr. CHAN Chi-Chiu, Henry, MH 黃宏滔議員 Mr. WONG Wang-to 吳奮金議員 Mr. NG Fan-kam 洪連杉議員 Mr. HUNG Lin-cham 陳李佩英議員 Mrs. CHAN LEE Pui-ying 黃卓健議員 Mr. WONG Cheuk-kin 吳錦津議員 MH, JP Mr. NG Kam-chun, Stephen, MH, JP 洪錦鉉議員 Mr. HUNG Kam-in, Kin 陳灶良議員 Mr. CHAN Cho-leung 黃定光議員 SBS, JP Mr. WONG Ting-kwong, SBS, JP 吳寶強議員 Mr. NG Po-keung 韋海英議員 Ms. WAI Hoi-ying 陳金霖議員 MH, JP Mr. CHAN Kam-lam, Richard, MH, JP 黃金池議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. WONG Kam-chi, BBS, MH, JP 吳觀鴻議員 Mr. NG Koon-hung 凌文海議員 BBS, MH Mr. LING Man-hoi, BBS, MH 陳俊傑議員 Mr. CHAN Chun-kit 黃建彬議員 MH, JP Mr. WONG Kin-pan, MH, JP 呂 堅議員 Mr. LUI Kin 孫啟昌議員 SBS, MH, JP Mr. SUEN Kai-cheong, SBS, MH, JP 陳思靜議員 Mr. CHAN Sze-ching 黃建新議員 Mr. WONG Kin San 呂東孩議員 Mr. LUI Tung-hai 徐 帆議員 Mr. TSUI Fan 陳恆鑌議員 Mr. CHAN Han-pan, JP 黃春平議員 Mr. WONG Chun-ping 李子榮議員 Mr. LEE Chi-Wing, Alvin 徐君紹議員 Mr. CHUI Kwan-siu 陳恆鑌議員 JP Mr. CHAN Han-pan, Ben, JP 黃容根議員 SBS, JP Mr. WONG Yung-kan, SBS, JP 李文龍議員 Mr. LEE Man-lung, Joey 徐海山議員 Mr. HSU Hoi-shan 陳家珮議員 Ms. CHAN Judy Kapui 黃偉傑議員 Mr. WONG Wai-kit 李月民議員 MH Mr. LEE Yuet-man, MH 徐曉杰議員 Mr. TSUI Hiu-kit 陳振中議員 Mr. CHAN Chun-chung, Jones 黃健興議員 Mr. WONG Kin-hing 李世榮議員 Mr. LI Sai-wing 翁志明議員 BBS, MH Mr. YUNG Chi-ming, BBS, MH 陳振彬議員 GBS, JP Dr. CHAN Chung-bun, Bunny, GBS, JP 黃國恩博士 Dr WONG Kwok-yan 李有全議員 Mr. LEE Yau-chuen, Jacko 袁國強議員 Mr. YUEN Kwok-keung, Stephen 陳笑權議員 MH Mr. CHAN Siu-kuen, MH 黃國健議員 BBS Mr. WONG Kwok-kin, SBS, BBS 李均頤議員 Ms. LEE Kwun-yee, Kenny 袁敏兒議員 Ms. YUEN Man-yee 陳財喜議員 MH Mr. CHAN Choi-hi, MH 黃舒明議員 Ms. WONG Shu Ming 李志恒議員 Mr. LEE Chi-hang, Sidney 馬逢國議員 SBS, JP Mr. MA Fung-kwok, SBS, JP 陳偉坤議員 Mr. CHAN Wai-kwan, Andie 黃貴有議員 Mr. WONG Kwai-yau 李志峰議員 BBS, MH Mr. LEE Chi-fung, BBS, MH 馬軼超議員 Mr. MA Yat-chiu, Marco 陳偉明議員 MH, JP Mr. CHAN Wai-ming, MH 黃楚峰議員 Mr. WONG Chor-fung, David 李志強議員 MH Mr. LEE Chi-keung, Alan, MH 高寶齡議員 BBS, MH, JP Ms. KO Po Ling, BBS, MH, JP 陳偉強議員 Mr. CHAN Wai Keung 黃煒鈴議員 Ms. WONG Wai-ling 李冠洪議員 Mr. LEE Koon-hung 區能發議員 MH Mr. AU Ning-fat, Alfred, MH 陳國添議員 BBS, MH Mr. CHAN Kwok-tim, BBS, MH 黃萬成議員 MH Mr. WONG Man Sing, Barry, MH 李洪森議員 MH Mr. LEE Hung-sham, Lothar, MH 張 富議員 Mr. CHEUNG Fu 陳國華議員 MH Mr. CHAN Kok-wah, Ben, MH 黃達東議員 MH Mr. WONG Tat-tung, MH 李家良議員 Mr. LI Ka-leung, Philip 張仁康議員 Mr. CHEUNG Yan-g 陳國旗議員 BBS Mr. CHAN Kwok-kai, BBS 黃頌良博士 Dr. WONG Chi-yung 李桂珍議員 MH Ms. LEE Kwai-chun, MH 張木林議員 Mr. CHEUNG Muk-lam 陳婉嫻議員 SBS, JP Ms. CHAN Yuen Han, SBS, JP 黃嘉榮議員 Mr. WONG Ka-wing 李國英議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. LI Kwok-ying, BBS, MH, JP 張永森議員 MH, JP Mr. CHEUNG Wing-sum, Ambrose, MH, JP 陳崇業議員 MH Mr. CHAN Sung-ip, MH 黃漢權議員 Mr. WONG -kuen, Ken 李國鳳議員 Mr. LI Kwok-fung 張恆輝議員 Mr. CHEUNG Hang-fai 陳崇輝議員 Mr. CHAN Shung-fai 黃碧嬌議員 MH, JP Ms. WONG Pik-kiu, MH, JP 李詠民議員 Mr. LEE Wing-man 張國鈞議員 JP Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP 陳捷貴議員 BBS, JP Mr. CHAN Chit-kwai, BBS, JP 黃福根議員 Mr. WONG Fuk-kan, Rainbow 李進秋議員 Ms. LI Chun-chau 張國慧議員 Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-wai, William 陳敏娟議員 Ms. CHAN Man-kuen 黃潔蓮議員 Ms. WONG Kit-lin 李達仁議員 BBS, MH Mr. LEE Tat-yan, BBS, MH 張琪騰議員 Mr. CHEUNG Ki-tang 陳曼琪議員 MH Ms. CHAN Man-ki, Maggie, MH 黃潤昌議員 Mr. WONG Yun-cheong 李碧儀議員 Ms. LEE Pik-yee, Peggy 張華峰議員 JP Mr. CHEUNG Wah-fung, Christopher, SBS, JP 陳連偉議員 Mr. CHAN Lin-wai 黃澤標議員 MH Mr. WONG Chak-piu, Philip, MH 李祺逢議員 Mr. LI Ki-fung, Bruce 張順華議員 Mr. CHEUNG Shun-wah 陳博智議員 Mr. CHAN Pok-chi 黃錦超博士 MH Dr. WONG Kam-chiu, MH 李德康議員 MH, JP Mr. LI De Kang, MH, JP 張慧晶議員 Ms. CHEUNG Wai-ching, Clarice 陳富明議員 MH Mr. CHAN Fu-ming, MH 黃靈新議員 Mr. WONG Ling-sun, Vincent 李慧琼議員 JP Ms. LEE Wai-king, Starry, JP 張學明議員 GBS, JP Mr. CHEUNG Hok-ming, GBS, JP 陳華裕議員 MH Mr. CHAN Wah-yu, Nelson, MH 楊子熙議員 MH Mr. YEUNG Tsz Hei, Benny, MH 李蓮議員 MH Ms. LI Lin, MH 張錫容議員 Ms. CHEUNG Sik-yung 陳雲生議員 MH, JP Mr. CHAN Wan-sang, MH, JP 楊文銳議員 Mr. YEUNG Man-yui 李錦明議員 MH Mr. LEE Kam-ming, MH 張翼雄議員 Mr. CHEUNG Yick-hung, Jackie 陳學鋒議員 MH Mr. CHAN Hok-fung, MH 楊永杰議員 Mr. YANG Wing-kit 沈少雄議員 Mr. SHUM Siu-hung 梁子穎議員 Mr. LEUNG Tsz-wing, Dennis 陳鏡秋議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. CHAN Keng-chau, BBS, MH, JP 楊位款議員 JP Mr. YEUNG Wai-foon, MH, JP 沈豪傑議員 Mr. SHUM Ho-kit 梁文廣議員 Mr. LEUNG Man Kwong 陳耀星議員 SBS, JP Mr. CHAN Iu-seng, SBS, JP 楊位醒議員 MH Mr. YEUNG Wai-sing, MH 周永勤議員 Mr. CHOW Wing-kan 梁君彥議員 GBS, JP Mr. LEUNG Kwan-yuen, Andrew, GBS, JP 陳耀雄議員 Mr. CHAN Yiu-hung, Jimmy 楊倩紅議員 MH Ms. YEUNG Sin-hung, MH 周玉堂議員 BBS, MH Mr. CHOW Yuk-tong, BBS, MH 梁志剛議員 Mr. LEUNG Chi-kong 陳權軍議員 MH Mr. CHAN Kuen-kwan, MH 溫和達議員 Mr. WAN Wo-tat, Warwick 周浩鼎議員 Mr. CHOW Ho-ding, Holden 梁志祥議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. LEUNG Che Cheung, BBS, MH, JP 陳鑑林議員 SBS, JP Mr. CHAN Kam Lam, SBS,JP 溫和輝議員 MH Mr. WAN Wo-fai, MH

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 37 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 38 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

溫悅昌議員 蕭妙文議員 Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Keung House Mutual Aid 古粵秀色 MH, JP Mr. WAN Yuet-cheung, MH, JP Mr. SIU Miu-man 大窩口邨富強樓互助委員會 葉永成議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. YIP Wing-shing, BBS, MH, JP 蕭浪鳴議員 Mr. SIU Long-ming Committee 尼泊爾社區支援小組 Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Wah House Mutual Aid 葉國謙議員 GBS, JP Mr. IP Kwok-him, GBS, JP 蕭婉嫦議員 BBS, JP Ms. SIU Yuen-sheung, BBS, JP 大窩口邨富華樓互助委員會 尼泊爾教會 Nepali Union Church Committee 葉傲冬議員 Mr. IP Ngo Tung, Chris 蕭嘉怡議員 Ms. SIU Ka-yi 平田邨社區事務促進會 Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Kwai House Mutual Aid 葉劉淑儀議員 賴 心議員 大窩口邨富貴樓互助委員會 Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and GBS, JP Mr.s. IP Lau Suk Yee, Regina, GBS, JP Mr. LAI Sum Committee 民建聯 葉興國議員 MH, JP Mr. YIP Hing-kwok, MH, JP 賴子文議員 Mr. LAI Tsz-man Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Yat House Mutual Aid Progress of Hong Kong 大窩口邨富逸樓互助委員會 民眾安全服務隊 葉曜丞議員 MH Mr. YIP Yiu-shing, Chris, MH 駱水生議員 MH Mr. LOK Shui-sang, MH Committee Civil Aid Service Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Nga House Mutual Aid 生命教育農莊 葛兆源議員 Mr. KOT Siu-yuen 龍更新議員 Mr. LUNG Kang-san 大窩口邨富雅樓互助委員會 Committee 田之動力 葛珮帆博士 JP Dr. PUN Kwok-shan 龍瑞卿議員 Ms. LUNG Shui-hing Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Wing House Mutual Aid 董健莉議員 戴耀華議員 大窩口邨富榮樓互助委員會 印度俱樂部 The India Club Ms. TUNG Kin-lei MH, JP Mr. TAI Yiu-wah, Robert, MH, JP Committee On Yam Estate Hong Yam House Mutual Aid 鄒秉恬議員 Mr. CHOW Ping-tim 謝子祺議員 Mr. TSE Tsz-kei, Marcus Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Pik House Mutual Aid 安蔭邨康蔭樓互助委員會 大窩口邨富碧樓互助委員會 Committee 廖長江議員 JP Mr. Martin LIAO Cheung-kong, SBS, JP 謝偉俊議員 JP Mr. Paul TSE Wai-chun, JP Committee On Yam Estate Shing Yam House Mutual Aid Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Tak House Mutual Aid 安蔭邨盛蔭樓互助委員會 廖漢輝議員 JP Dr. LIU g-fai, JP 鍾偉平議員 SBS, MH Mr. CHUNG Wai-ping, SBS, MH 大窩口邨富德樓互助委員會 Committee Committee 趙秀嫻議員 Ms. CHIU Sau-han 鍾國斌議員 Mr. CHUNG Kwok-pan On Yam Estate Cheung Yam House Mutual Aid Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Yin House Mutual Aid 安蔭邨祥蔭樓互助委員會 趙資強議員 Mr. CHIU Chi-keung 鍾港武議員 JP Mr. CHUNG Kong Mo, JP 大窩口邨富賢樓互助委員會 Committee Committee 劉志成博士 鍾嘉敏議員 On Yam Estate Kar Yam House Mutual Aid Dr. LAU Chee-sing Ms. CHUNG Ka-man, Jacqueline Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Ching House Mutual Aid 安蔭邨嘉蔭樓互助委員會 大窩口邨富靜樓互助委員會 Committee 劉佩玉議員 Ms. LAU Pui-yuk 鍾樹根議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. CHUNG Shu-kun, Christopher, BBS, MH, JP Committee On Yam Estate Tak Yam House Mutual Aid 劉定安議員 Mr. LAU Ting-on 簡兆祺議員 Mr. KAN Siu-kei Sun yat-sen university social work education and 安蔭邨德蔭樓互助委員會 中山大學社會工作教育與研究中心 Committee research center 劉柏祺議員 Mr. LAU Pak Kei 簡志豪議員 BBS, MH, JP Mr. KAN Chi-ho, BBS, MH,JP On Yam Estate Chak Yam House Mutual Aid 中山大學港澳台事務辦公室 安蔭邨澤蔭樓互助委員會 劉皇發議員 GBM, GBS, JP Dr. LAU Wong-fat, GBM, GBS, JP 簡銘東議員 Mr. KAN Ming-tung Tai Wo Hau Foo HouseMutual Aid Committee Committee 中國社工協會民辦社會工作服務機構工作委員會 On Yam Estate Fung Yam House Mutual Aid 劉美璐議員 Ms. LAU Mei-lo 藍偉良議員 Mr. LARM Wai-leung 安蔭邨豐蔭樓互助委員會 劉桂容議員 Ms. LAU Kwai-yung 鄺官穩議員 Mr. KWONG Koon-wan 仁濟醫院社會服務部 Yan Chai Hospital Social Service Department Committee On Yam Estate Yiu Yam House Mutual Aid 劉偉倫議員 Mr. LAU Wai-lun 顏汶羽議員 Mr. NGAN Man Yu 元朗大會堂 Yuen Long Town Hall 安蔭邨耀蔭樓互助委員會 Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations of Yuen Committee 劉偉章議員 MH Mr. LAU Wai-cheung, Peter, MH 顏尊廉議員 MH Mr. NGAN Chun-lim, MH 元朗區家長教師會聯會有限公司 Long District Ltd. 汕尾市海豐縣鼎泰社會工作服務中心 劉偉榮議員 BBS, JP Mr. LAU Wai-wing, BBS, JP 羅少傑議員 Mr. LO Siu-kit 公屋聯會 Federation of Public Housing Estates 江門市江海區晨光社會工作綜合服務中心 劉國勳議員 MH Mr. LAU Kwok-fan, MH 羅光強議員 Mr. LAW Kwong-keung Tin Shui Wai Residents Services Association Fund 江門市新會區社會工作協會 劉慶揚議員 羅舜泉議員 天水圍居民服務協會 Mr. LAU Hing-yeung Mr. LO Sou-chour Committee Limited 江門市新會區彩虹社會工作綜合服務中心 樊志平議員 羅煌楓議員 Mr. FAN Chi-ping JP Prof. LO Wong-fung, Steve, JP 天水圍婦聯 Tin Shui Wai Women Assocition Limited 西貢區汕尾同鄉會 歐立成議員 MH Mr. AU Lap-sing 羅榮焜議員 MH Mr. LO Wing-kwan, Frankie, MH Tin Ching Estate Ching Yuet House Mutual Aid 天晴邨晴悅樓互助委員會 西貢婦女會 Sai Kung Women Assocition Limited 潘小屏議員 羅競成議員 Committee MH Ms. POON Siu-ping, Nancy, MH MH Mr. LAW King-shing, MH 佛山市南海區社會服務聯會 潘兆平議員 譚見強議員 Tin Ching Estate Ching Hoi House Mutual Aid BBS, MH Mr. POON Siu-ping, BBS, MH Mr. TAM Kin-keung, Terry 天晴邨晴海樓互助委員會 坊眾社會服務中心 Committee Fong Chung Social Service Centre 潘志成議員 Mr. POON Chi-shing 譚美普議員 Ms. TAM Mei-p Tin Ching Estate Ching Choi House Mutual Aid 宏施慈善基金社會服務處 Wang Shi Charity Fund Social Services 潘國山議員 Dr. QUAT Elizabeth, JP 譚惠珍議員 MH Ms. TAM Wai-chun, MH 天晴邨晴彩樓互助委員會 Committee 快活谷扶輪青年服務團 Rotary Club of Happy Valley 潘國華議員 Mr. PUN Kwok-wah 譚榮勳議員 Mr. TAM Wing-fun, Eric Tin Ching Estate Ching Hei House Mutual Aid 天晴邨晴喜樓互助委員會 快活穀印度教寺廟 Hindu Temple – Happy Valley 潘進源議員 MH Mr. POON Chun-yuen, MH 譚肇卓議員 Mr. TAM Siu-cheuk Committee 扶康會 Fu Hong Society 蔡少峰議員 Mr. CHOI Siu Fung, Benjamin 譚領律議員 Mr. TAM Lanny, Stanley Tin Ching Estate Ching Moon House Mutual Aid 天晴邨晴滿樓互助委員會 沙田浸信會 Shatin Baptist Church 蔡素玉議員 譚耀宗議員 Committee BBS, JP Ms. CHOY So-yuk, BBS, JP GBS, JP Mr. TAM Yiu-chung, GBS, JP 沙田婦女會利安服務中心 Tin Ching Estate Ching Pik House Mutual Aid Shatin Women’s Association 蔣麗芸議員 關秀玲議員 JP Dr. CHIANG Lai-wan, JP Ms. KWAN Sau Ling 天晴邨晴碧樓互助委員會 Sau Mau Ping Sau Sin House Mutual Aid Committee 秀茂坪秀善樓互助委員會 鄧友發議員 Mr. TANG Yau-fat 關瑞龍議員 Mr. KWAN Shui-lung 天晴愛心社 Committee 鄧永昌議員 Mr. TANG Wing-cheong 龐愛蘭議員 JP Ms. PONG Scarlett Oi-lan, JP 秀寶社區事務促進會 Tin Yiu (I) Estate Yiu Man House Mutual Aid 天耀邨耀民樓互助委員會 鄧光榮議員 BBS Mr. TANG Kwong-wing, BBS 蘇西智議員 SBS, MH Mr. SO Sai-chi, SBS, MH Committee 防止虐待兒童會 Against Child Abuse 鄧卓然議員 Mr. TANG Cheuk-yin 蘇炤成議員 Mr. SO Shiu-shing Tin Yiu (II) Estate Yiu Cheong House Mutual Aid 協青社 Youth Outreach 天耀邨耀昌樓互助委員會 鄧咏駿議員 Mr. TANG Wing-chun 蘇愛群議員 MH Ms. SO Oi-kwan, MH Committee 協康會 Heep Hong Society Tin Yiu (II) Estate Yiu Tai House Mutual Aid 鄧家良議員 Mr. TANG Ka-leung 蘇嘉雯議員 Ms. SO Ka-man 天耀邨耀泰樓互助委員會 和諧之家 Harmony House Committee 鄧家彪議員 Mr. TANG Ka-piu, Bill, JP 蘇錫堅議員 Mr. SO Sik-kin 孟加拉國香港協會 Bangladesh Association of Hong Kong Tin Yiu (I) Estate Yiu Hong House Mutual Aid 天耀邨耀康樓互助委員會 鄧根年議員 MH Mr. TANG Kun-nin, Tony, MH 蘇麗珍議員 MH, JP Ms. SO Lai-chun, MH, JP Committee 明天青年 Tomorrow’s Youth 鄧淑明博士 JP Dr. TANG Shuk-ming, Winnie, JP 龔栢祥先生 MH Mr. KUNG Pak-cheung, MH Tin Yiu (I) Estate Yiu Shing House Mutual Aid 明愛社區進修中心 Caritas Community Education Centre 天耀邨耀盛樓互助委員會 鄧焯謙議員 Mr. TANG Cheuk Him Committee 明愛青少年及社區服務 Caritas Community Centre – Aberdeen 鄧貴有議員 Mr. TANG Kwai-yau Tin Yiu (I) Estate Yiu Foo House Mutual Aid Caritas Cheng Shing Fung District Elderly Centre - 非牟利機構及團體 Non-profit Organizations 天耀邨耀富樓互助委員會 明 愛 鄭 承 峰 長 者 社 區 中 心( 深 水 埗) Committee 鄧賀年議員 Mr. TANG Ho-nin Sham Shui Po 九龍西扶輪青年服務團 Rotary Club of Kowloon West Tin Yiu (II) Estate Yiu Yiu Wah House Mutual Aid 鄧瑞華議員 Mr. TANG Shui-wah 天耀邨耀華樓互助委員會 東九龍居民委員會 East Kowloon District Residents’ Committee 九龍社團聯會 Kowloon Federation of Association Committee 鄧廣成議員 東莞工聯諮詢服務中心 Dongguan Workers Union Advisory Service Centre MH Mr. TANG Kwong-shing, MH 九龍城區居民聯會 Kowloon City District Resident Association Tin Yiu (I) Estate Yiu Yat House Mutual Aid 天耀邨耀逸樓互助委員會 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Long Love Integrated 鄧慶業議員 Mr. TANG Hing-ip Committee 東華三院朗情綜合家庭服務中心 九龍城區體育會 Kowloon City District Sports Association Family Service Centre 鄧勵東議員 Mr. TANG Lai-tung Tin Yiu (II) Estate Yiu Yiu Lung House Mutual Aid 九龍國際青年商會 JCI Kowloon 天耀邨耀隆樓互助委員會 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Tai Tung Pui Day Care 鄭利明議員 Committee 東華三院戴東培長者日間護理中心 Ir. Dr. CHENG Lee-ming 九龍清真寺 Kowloon Mosque Centre for the Elderly Tin Yiu (II) Estate Yiu Yiu Chak House Mutual Aid 鄭志成議員 Mr. CHENG Chi-sing Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Ping House Mutual Aid 天耀邨耀澤樓互助委員會 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club Tin Shui 大窩口邨富平樓互助委員會 Committee 東華三院賽馬會天水圍綜合服務中心 鄭承峰博士 Dr. CHENG Shing-fung, Baldwin Wai Integrated Services Centre Committee Tin Yiu (I) Estate Yiu Hing House Mutual Aid 鄭泳舜議員 Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Man House Mutual Aid 天耀邨耀興樓互助委員會 油尖旺社團聯會 YAU TSIM MONG FEDERATION OF ASSOCIATION Mr. CHENG Wing-shun, Vincent 大窩口邨富民樓互助委員會 Committee 鄭俊平議員 JP Mr. CHENG Chun-ping, JP Committee Tin Yiu (II) Estate Yiu Yiu Fung House Mutual Aid 油尖旺婦女會服務基金有限公司 The YTMWA Care Foundation Ltd 天耀邨耀豐樓互助委員會 Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu On House Mutual Aid YAUMATI KAI FONG WELFARE ADVANCEMENT 鄭俊和議員 Mr. CHENG Chun-wo 大窩口邨富安樓互助委員會 Committee 油麻地街坊福利事務促進會有限公司 Committee ASSOCIATION LIMITED 鄭琴淵議員 BBS, MH Dr. TANG King-yung, Anna, BBS, MH 尹聲藝苑 Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Sau House Mutual Aid 油塘東居民關愛社 大窩口邨富秀樓互助委員會 屯門婦聯 Tuen Mun Women Assocition Limited 鄭楚光議員 MH Mr. CHENG Cho-kwong, MH Committee 青年學院 Vocational Training Council Youth College 黎偉雄議員 Mr. LAI Wai-hung Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Pong House Mutual Aid 巴基斯坦社區支援小組 Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union Inc. (HK) Ltd 大窩口邨富邦樓互助委員會 Grandeur Terrace NO.11 House Mutual Aid 黎榮浩議員 Mr. LAI Wing-ho, Joe, MH Committee 月華街居民協會 Yuet Wah Street Residents Association 俊宏軒第十一座互助委員會 MH Committee Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Tai House Mutual Aid 牛頭角下邨居民聯會 Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate Residents Association 黎樹濠議員 BBS, MH Mr. LAI Shu-ho, Patrick, BBS, MH, JP 大窩口邨富泰樓互助委員會 Po Leung Kuk Blue Sky Food Assistance Service Committee 保 良 局「天 朗 膳 糧 坊」 盧永文議員 JP Mr. LO Wing-man, JP 牛頭角區街坊褔利會 Ngau Tau Kok Kai Fong Welfare Association Limited Project Tai Wo Hau Estate Fu Kwok House Mutual Aid 盧懿杏議員 大窩口邨富國樓互助委員會 卡爾薩滴丸錫克廟 Khalsa Diwan Board (Sikh Temple) 保良局天水圍復康中心 Po Leung Kuk Tin Shui Wai Rehabilitation Centre Ms. LO Yee-hang Committee

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 39 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 40 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

宣道會天頌堂 Tin Chung Alliance Church 晉江市愛群社工服務中心 葵湧南居民聯會 Kwai Chung South Residents Association 企業及公共服務 Enterprises and Public Services 拾德同盟 Morality Seeker Union 海納慈善基金 Ocean Harvest Charity Foundation 裕明苑業主立案法團 《 人 之 初 》雜 誌 社 查 漠 喀 什 米 爾 協 會(香 港) Jammu Kashmir Association (HKSAR) 浸信會愛群社會服務處 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service 裕明苑業主立案法團 The Incorporated Owners of YU MING COURT 9 號精品酒店 9 Boutique Hotel 泉州市慈善總會 Quanzhou Charity Federation 消費者委員會 Consumer Council 寧 波 海 曙(香 港)聯 誼 會 Hong Kong Haishu Association OK 便利店 Circle K 省善真堂社會服務有限公司 珠江慈善基金有限公司 綠化之友 Green Friends of Hong Kong TVBS 無線衛星電視台 TVB Super Channel 美國福利聯盟(香港) Hong Kong ZhuHai Youth Exchange Promotion 翠林婦女會 一耆一薈 United Welfare Union of HK 珠港青年交流促進會 The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Association 翠屏青年力量 九龍巴士 香港小童群益會 The Kowloon Motor Bus Company 耆康會陳登匯駿天地 Kong SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing 翡翠居民協會 Fei Tsui District Residents’ Association 大公報 Ta Kung Pao 香港工會聯合會 荃灣東居民聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Tsuen Wan East Residents Association 蜜蜜愛 McMc Idea 中央人民廣播電台華夏之聲 China National Radio 香港巴基斯坦協會 荃灣區家長教師會聯會有限公司 Pakistan Association of HK Ltd 遠東海外尼泊爾香港協會 Far East Overseas Nepalese Association Hong Kong 中國社會科學報 Chinese Social Sciences Today 香港心理衛生會 荃灣發展促進會 Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Association for Tsuen Wan Development 廣州工聯諮詢服務中心 中 國 銀 行(香 港)有 限 公 司 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong Clerical And Professional Employees Tsuen Wan Kwai Tsing District Women Assocition 香港文職及專業人員總會 荃灣葵青區婦女會 The Sun Yat-sen University social work service 仁愛堂賽馬會培訓中心 Yan Oi Tong Jockey Club Training Center General Union Limited 廣州市中大社工服務中心 center in Guangzhou 仁濟醫院 Yan Chai Hospital 香港尼日利亞協會 Nigerian Union Hong Kong 國際辯論學會 The Debating Association 廣州市公益慈善聯合會 友邦保險 AIA 香港尼泊爾協會 Hong Kong Nepalese Fedeartion 基督教香港信義會 The Evangehcal Lutheran Church of Hong Kong 廣州市北斗星社會工作服務中心(白雲街家庭綜合服務中心) 天天有魚 香港尼泊爾社會服務 Nepali Social Service Hong Kong (Social and 基督教勵行會 Christian Action 廣州市成長動力社會工作發展與資源中心 (社 會 和整 合教育中心) Integration Education Centre) 天成行燕窩參茸行 Tin Shing Hong Bird’s Nest & Ginseng 基督教聯合那打素佐敦健康中心 UCN Jordan Health Centre 廣州市社會工作協會 GZSW 天晴邨宜居物業管理有限公司 Ching Estate Property Management Ltd. livable The Incorporated Trustees of The Islamic United Christian Nethersole Community Health 香港回教信託基金總會 基督教聯合那打素社康服務 廣州市社會組織服務交流中心 Community Fund of Hong Kong Service 天耀邨雅居物業管理有限公司 Tin Yiu Estate Agile Property Management Ltd. 香港佛教聯合會佛教正行 廣州市社會組織培育基地 Buddhist Ching Hang Neighbourhood Elderly Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong Branch of Fujian 文匯報 Wen Wei Po 長者鄰舍中心 Centre 將軍澳福建同鄉會 廣州市社會組織聯合會 Association 日新運輸倉庫 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Nissin Transportation & Warehousing (HK) Ltd The Society for the Aid and the Rehabilitation of 廣 州 市 荔 灣 區 逢 源 人 家 服 務 中 心(沙 香港戒毒會 康樂區居民協會 四洲集團 Four Seas Mercantile Holdings Limited Drug Abusers 面街 家 庭 綜 合服務中心) 彩福邨居民聯會 Choi Fook Estate Residents Association 伊利沙伯醫院 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 香港乳癌基金會 Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation 廣州市啟創社會工作服務中心 惜食堂 Food Angel 合發小巴有限公司 Hop Fat Light Bus Co. Ltd 香港明愛 Caritas Hong Kong 廣州市創意倉社會發展中心 救世軍 The Salvation Army 同聲同戲劇團 Friends Playback Theatre 香港社聯關注跨境兒童及 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Working 廣州市越秀區馨和社會工作服務中心 家庭工作小組 Group on cross-border family life 梨木樹居民協會 Lei Muk Shue Estate Residents Association 安 踏(中 國)有 限 公 司 ANTA Sports Products Limited 廣州市開心社會工作發展中心 香港長者協會 HKASC 梵古協會 VG Association 江博士 Dr Kong 廣州市義務工作者聯合會 Guangzhou Volunters’ Union Shenzhen Federation of Trade Unions Advisory 香港青少年服務處 Hong Kong Children&Youth Services 深圳工聯諮詢服務中心 百麗國際 Belle Worldwide Limited Service Centre 廣州市漢民族傳統文化交流協會 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Fuderation of Youth Groups 西九龍中心管理有限公司 DRAGON CENTRE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 深圳市社會工作者協會 Social Workers Association of Shenzhen 廣州市廣愛社會工作服務中心 Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees 佛山市南海區裡水醫院 Lishui Hospital 香港建造業總工會 深圳市新現代社會工作服務中心 廣州陽光社會工作事務中心 Guangzhou Sunshine Social Work Center General Union Legend Crown Wealth Managermant Consultants Shenzhen Futian District Fubao Community Service 廣東省社會工作師聯合會 利泰豐財富管理顧問有限公司 香港泉州同鄉會 Hong Kong Federation of Natives of Quanzhou 深圳市福田區福保社區服務中心 Limited Centre 鄰舍輔導會 香港泉州慈善促進總會 NAAC 利興控股有限公司 Hing Lee (HK) Holdings Limited 勞聯智康協會 United Labour Chi Hong Association Limited 膳心連基金 香港紅十字會 Hong Kong Red Cross Food Link 君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong United Labour Chi Hong Association 香港家庭計劃指導會 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong 勞聯智康協會有限公司 錦濤護老中心 亞洲電視 Limited(Charitable Organization) 環境國際有限公司 Environmental International Ltd 香港家庭福利會 Hong Kong Family Welfare Society 博愛醫院吳馬賽嬌紀念家庭 Pok Oi Hospital Ng Ma Choi Kiu Memorial Family 和訊網 H. K. Federation of Hainan Community 聯和墟居民協會 Luen Wo Hui Residents’ Association 香港海南社團總會 多元智慧中心 Multiple Intelligences Centre (Hin Keng) 奇華餅家 KEE WAH Bakery 職業訓練局 Organizations 循道衛理中心 Methodist Centre Vocational Training Council 宜居物業管理有限公司 Property Management Ltd. livable 香港耆康老人福利會 The Hong Kong Society for the Aged 循道衛理亞斯理社會服務處 Asbury Methodist Social Service 藍田之友社 東南早報 香港國際社會服務社 International Social Service Hong Kong Branch 藍田社區事務促進會 循道衞理楊震社會服務處 Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Lam Community Affairs Association 金巴斯集團香港有限公司 Compass Group Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian 鯉魚門村居民聯會 香港基督教女青年會 普明佛學會 Poming Buddhist Studies Association Lei Yue Mun Residents Association 金銀業貿易場 The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society Association(Tuen Mun Integrated Social Service 屯門綜合社會服務處 景林婦女會 寶達社區事務促進會 Po Tat Community Affairs Association Centre) King Lam Estate Women Assocition Limited 長江集團 Cheung Kong (Holdings) 寶達婦女會 Po Tat Women’s Association 香港基督教服務處 Hong Kong Christian Service 晴天計劃 南方都市報 Southern Metropolis Daily 耀東興東居民協會 Yiu Tung & Hing Tung Residents’ Association Chinese Young Men’s Christian Association of Hong 港京扶輪社 Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong 南方電視台 Southern Television 香港基督教青年會天水圍天澤會所 Kong Tin Shui Wai Tin Chak Centre Jockey Club 港島獅子會 Lions Club of Hong Kong Island 瓔珞講堂有限公司 Keyura Association 咭片皇 賽馬會綜合青少年服務中心 觀塘民聯會 Integrated Children & Youth Services Centre 華韻心理諮詢機構 Kwun Tong Resident Association 威露士 Walch Hong Kong Women Development Association 香港婦聯 The Ex British-Chinese Soldiers’ Benevolent Cape Collision Mosque (Chai Wan) 恒基兆業地產有限公司 Henderson Land Development Company Limited Limited 華籍英兵樂善會 Association Caritas Lao Dao Workshop 泉州晚報 Quanzhou Evening News The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, 香港善導會 愛心健康促進會 Christian Action – SHINE Centre Community HK 泉州電視台 Quanzhou Television 慈佑服務社 Development Team 香港單親協會 Hong Kong Single Parents Association 美心西餅 Hong Kong Maxim’s Cakes 新青年秀茂坪 Dawat-e-Islami HK 香港童軍總會 Scout Association of Hong Kong 美祿 MILO 新界社團聯會 Islamic & Community Service Centre New Territories Association of Societies The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 香港園藝學會 Institute of Horticulture (Hon Kong) 香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司 新港青年會 Hong Kong New Youth Association Kwai Chung Madrasha 香港聖公會屯門綜合服務 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tuen Mun Integrated Limited Madrasah Kanz-ul-Eman 賽馬會青年幹綫 Service - Jockey Club Youth Express 群力社企 Coalition Social Enterprise 香港中旅(集團)有限公司 China Travel Service(Group)Hong Kong Limited Ping Shan Madrasha Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council 義務工作發展局 Agency For Volunteer Service Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research 香港聖公會福利協會 香港可持續發展研究中心 Limited Kwai Shing West Estate Block 1 Mutual Aid RainLily Center 葵盛西邨第一座互助委員會 香港聖約翰救傷隊 St. John Ambulance Brigade Cadet Command Committee Shaheen Sports Club 香港航空業總工會 Kwai Shing West Estate Block 2 Mutual Aid 香港遊樂場協會 Hong Kong Playground Association 葵盛西邨第二座互助委員會 Sikh Temple 香港商報 Hong Kong Commercial Daily Committee 香港壽臣山獅子會慈善基金 Leo Club of Hong Kong Shouson Hill Tung Chung Madrasa 香港電車有限公司 Hong Kong Tramways, Limited Kwai Shing West Estate Block 8 Mutual Aid Hong Kong Federation of Natives of Gongdong 葵盛西邨第八座互助委員會 香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港廣東汕尾市同鄉總會 Committee Shanwei 香港鐵路有限公司 Kwai Shing West Estate Block 10 Mutual Aid The MTR Corporation 香港廣東社團總會 葵盛西邨第十座互助委員會 Guangdong Youth Committee 晉江市菲莉集團 Jinjiang Feuli Group 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Kwai Shing West Estate Block 3 Mutual Aid 海峽都市報 Strait News 葵盛西邨第三座互助委員會 Hong Kong Employment Development Service 香港職業發展服務處 Committee 珠江時報 Pearl River Times Limited Kwai Shing West Estate Block 5 Mutual Aid 葵盛西邨第五座互助委員會 矩陣華潤創業有限公司 MATRIX RESOURCES ENTERPRISE LTD. 香港醫療專業人士協會慈善基金 Hong Kong Society of Medical Professionals Committee 荃灣港安醫院 Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital 有限公司 Charitable Foundation Limited Kwai Shing West Estate Block 6 Mutual Aid 葵盛西邨第六座互助委員會 家長學校 Parent School Committee 健忠多元運動教室 K.C. Multi-sport Centre Limited 晉江市社會工作發展中心 葵盛居民服務協會 Kwai Shing Estate Residents Association 荷裡活廣場 IL Colpo Group

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 41 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 42 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

莎莎 Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary 香港國際學校 Department of Social Work,Guangdong University SaSa 天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學 Hong Kong International School 廣東工業大學社會工作系 陳浩基律師行 CHAN & CO., GEORGE School 香港專上學院 Hong Kong Community College: PolyU HKCC of Technology 天主教鳴遠中學 播道小學 頂級廚師餐飲服務有限公司 Top Chefs Food Service Ltd Catholic Ming Yuen Secondary School 香港專業教育學院 Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Evangel College (Primary School) 天佑小學 樂善堂小學 傑富仕 G4S Mary Of Providence Primary School 香港專業進修學校 Hong Kong College of Technology Lok Sin Tong Primary School 太陽島英文幼稚園(西貢分校) 蓬瀛仙館太平幼稚園 創意單位 Thinking Box Ltd. Sun Island English Kindergarten (Sai Kung Branch) 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Fung Ying Seen Koon Tai Ping Kindergarten Dimension Creation International Professional 屯門官立小學 Tuen Mun Government Primary School 香港朝陽小學 興德學校 Hing Tak School 創維國際專業服務有限公司 Chiu Yang Primary School Of Hong Kong Services Limited 比諾中英文幼稚園 Bilok Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union 聯合世界學院 United World College 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 博愛醫院 Pok Oi Hospital 北角協同中學 Concordia Lutheran School (North Point) Logos Academy 賽馬會毅智書院 The Jockey Club Eduyoung College 富士施樂 香港 有限公司 可道中學 嗇色園主辦 Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brigade Youth 難民行動 ( ) Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. ( ) Ho Dao College (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen) 香港聖約翰救傷隊少青團 REFUGEE ACTION 焯華金融集團 台山商會中學 Toi Shan Association College Command 寶覺分校 Po Kok Branch School 焯華貴金屬有限公司 打鼓嶺嶺英公立學校 香港聖瑪加利女書院 Hong Kong St. Margaret’s Girls’ College Chung Sing Benevolent Society Mrs Aw Boon Haw Chancellor Precious Metals Ta Ku Ling Ling Ying Public School 鐘聲慈善社胡陳金枝中學 香港跨境學童入學關注組 童夢城通識學園 Dream Come True Education Park 石湖墟公立學校 Shek Wu Hui Public School Secondary School 香港道教聯合會雲泉學校 隆堡蘭桂坊酒店 Hotel LKF by Rhombus 地利亞 ( 閩僑 ) 英文小學 Delia (Man Kiu) English Primary School Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School Maatwerk bij Terugkeer Hong Kong Taoist Association The Yuen Yuen 雅居物業管理有限公司 Agile Property Management Ltd. 地利亞修女紀念學校 ( 吉利徑 ) Delia Memorial School (Glee Path) 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第二中學 Man Kiu Foundation Primary School Institute No.2 Secondary School 黃珍珍泰國菜館 Wong Chun Chun Thai Rest 西貢崇真天主教學校 Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School Hong Kong Taoist Association The Yuen Yuen 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學 新民晚報 Xinmin Evening News 伯特利中學 Bethel High School Institute No. 3 Secondary School 個人 Individuals 新永明實業有限公司 Sun Wing Ming Ind. Ltd. 伯裘書院 Pak Kau College 香港樹人大學 Hong Kong Shue Yan University 蘇萬興 曾興隆 羅棣萱 吳東河 新快報 佛山市南海區裡水小學 Foshan Nanhai District Lishui Primary School Yan Ping Industrial & Commercial Association Lee 溫啟明 韋德麟 唐學良 林德偉 恩平工商會李琳明中學 新城數碼財經台 Metro Finance Digital 佛山市南海區裡水中心小學 Foshan Nanhai District Lishui Central Primary School Lim Ming College 滙源創意工作室 Huiyuan creative studio 佛教茂峰法師紀念中學 Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College 神召會康樂中學 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 滙豐社區夥伴計劃 HSBC Community Partnership Scheme 佛教覺光法師中學 Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School 神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College 裡水電視台 Lishui Television 李求恩紀念中學 Lee Kau Yan Memorial School 粉領公立學校 Fanling Public School 路訊網 RoadShow 亞斯理衛理小學 Asbury Methodist Primary School 荃灣葵青區學生會 運通國際發展有限公司 Express International Development Limited 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 W F Joseph Lee Primary School 啟新書院 Renaissance College Hong Kong 國際經濟學商學學生聯合會 福建電視台 Fujian Television 官立嘉道理爵士小學 Sir Ellis Kadoorie (Sookunpo) Primary School AIESEC (AIESEC 廣 外 分會) 劇樂工匠 Dramatic Artisan 官立嘉道理爵士中學 Ellis Kadoori Secondary School 基督教香港信義會心誠中學 Hong Kong Fanling Lutheran Secondary School 廣州日報 Guangzhou Daily 拔臣小學 CCC But San Primary School 深圳大學 Shenzhen University 廣州亦可文化傳播有限公司 Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary 明愛屯門馬登基金中學 (老廣新遊創作團隊) School 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會梁省德學校 A.D. & F.D.P.O.H. Ltd. Leung Sing Tak School 廣州富力地產股份有限公司 R & F Properties 明愛打鼓嶺幼兒學校 Caritas Nursery School - Ta Kwu Ling 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會 AD & FD POHL Mrs Cheng Yam On Millennium 鄭任安夫人千禧小學 School 廣東廣播電視台 Guangdong Radio & Television Station Caritas Chai Wan Marden Foundation Secondary 明愛柴灣馬登基金中學 棋思教育 Qisi Education Little Drew Studio School 明 愛 馬 鞍 山 中 學(附 設 宿 舍) Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School 港澳信義會黃陳淑英紀念學校 HKMLC Wong Chan Sook Ying Memorial School Mong Wong Restaurant 東華三院馬振玉紀念中學 Department of Social Work,South China Normal TWGHs C Y Ma Memorial College 華南師範大學社會工作系 Oscar Collections University 東華三院郭一葦中學 TWGHs Kwok Yat Wai College OWAGO 華僑大學 Huaqiao University Lam Tsuen Public Wong Fook Leun Memorial Shaheen Newspaper Hong Kong 林村公立黃福鑾紀念學校 School 鄉獅自然學校 RTC GAIA SCHOOL SINTEX 青年會書院 Chinese YMCA College 集美大學 Jimei University Syed Bistro Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Kam Primary 青衣商會小學 Tsing Yi Trade Association Primary School 順德聯誼會李金小學 School 保良局胡忠中學 Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College Shun Tak Fraternal Association Ho Yat Tung Primary 教育機構 Educational Institution 保良局道教聯合會圓玄學院小學 順德聯誼總會何日東小學 PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School School 九龍地域校長聯會 Kowloon Region School Heads Association 保良局蔡繼有幼稚園暨幼兒園 PLK Choi Kai Yau Kindergarten Shun Tak Fraternal Association Wu Siu Kui Memori- 順德聯誼總會胡少渠紀念小學 八鄉中心小學 Pat Heung Central Primary School 英國巴斯大學社會工作系 Department of Social Work,University of Bath al Primary School 上水官立中學 Sheung Shui Government Secondary School 英華小學 Ying Wa Primary School 嗇色園主辦可藝中學 Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) 上水東莞學校 Tung Koon School (Sheung Shui) 迦密聖道中學 Carmel Holy Word Secondary School 新界校長會 New Territories School Heads Association 上水惠州公立學校 Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui) 風采中學 Elegantia College 新界喇沙中學 De La Salle Secondary School, N.T. 上水惠州幼稚園(分校) Sheung Shui Wai Chow Kindergarten (Branch) Department of Social Work,University of Gothen- 香島中學 Heung To Middle School 瑞典哥德堡大學社會工作系 大埔官立中學 Tai Po Government Secondary School 香島專科學校 Heung To College of Professional Studies burg 聖公會仁立紀念小學 SKH Yan Laap Memorial Primary School 山咀公立學校 Shan Tsui Public School 香海正覺蓮社佛教正覺中學 HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School 聖公會天水圍靈愛小學 Department of Sociology and Social Work,Sun Yat- HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Lin Association S.K.H. Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School 中山大學社會學與社會工作學系 香海正覺蓮社佛教正覺蓮社學校 sen University School 聖公會何明華會督中學 HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School 中華基督教桂華山中學 CCC Kwei Wah Shan College 香海正覺蓮社佛教黃藻森學校 HHCKLA Buddhist Wong Cho Sum School 聖公會青衣村何澤芸小學 S.K.H. Tsing Yi Estate Ho Chak Wan Primary School Church of Christ in China Sheung Shui Church 聖公會基福小學 中華基督教會上水堂幼稚園 香港大學 Hong Kong University S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School Kindergarten 香港大學社會服務團 Social Service Group HKUSU 裘 錦 秋 中 學(屯 門) Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) 中華基督教會馮梁結紀念中學 CCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 路德會沙崙學校 Sharon Lutheran School 中華基督教會蒙黃花沃紀念小學 CCC Mong Wong Far Yok Memorial Primary School 香港中文大學扶輪社 Rotaract Club of CUHK 路德會聖十架學校 Holy Cross Lutheran School 互文教社 Inter Cultural Education Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary 寧波公學 Ning Po College 香港仁濟醫院趙曾學韞小學 仁愛堂劉皇發夫人小學 Yan Oi Tong Madam Lau Wong Fat Primary School School 暨南大學 National Chi Nan University Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional Education,OUHK 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 香港公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 瑪利曼中學 Marymount Secondary School School (LiPACE Office&OUHK-CITA Learning Centre 福 建 中 學(小 西 灣) Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan) Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Second- 香港正覺蓮社佛教馬錦燦 仁濟醫院董之英紀念中學 HHCKLA Buddhist Ma Kam Chan Memorial English ary School 紀念英文中學 Secondary School 福建醫科大學 Fujian Medical University Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Lee Shau 福榮街官立小學 Fuk Wing Street Government Primary School 仁濟醫院靚次伯紀念中學 香港青年協會李兆基小學 School Kee Primary School 綿紡會中學 Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School 仁濟醫院羅陳楚思小學 Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si Primary School 香港科技大學扶輪社 Rotaract Club of HKUST 閩南師範大學 Minnan Normal University 元朗公立中學校友會英業小學 YLPMS Alumni Association Ying Yip Primary School 香港科技大學社會科學部 Division of Social Science, HKUST 閩僑小學 Man Kiu Association Primary School Yuen Long District Primary School Heads Associa- Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary 元朗區小學校長會 香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學 鳳溪第一小學 Fung Kai No. 1 Primary School tion School 鳳溪創新小學 Fung Kai Innovative School 天水圍循道衛理中學 Tin Shui Wai Methodist College 香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University 鳳溪廖萬石堂中學 Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School

新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 43 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 44 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence

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新界東服務處 New Territories East Service Centre 電話 Tel:2672 7770 傳真 Fax:2672 7233 電郵 Email:[email protected] 地址 Add: 新界上水龍琛路39號上水廣場9樓11室 Unit 911, Landmark North, 39 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, New Territories

新界西服務處 New Territories West Service Centre 電話 Tel:2815 5009 傳真 Fax:2815 5117 電郵 Email:[email protected] 地址 Add: 新界天水圍天耀1邨耀盛樓地下 G/F, Yiu Shing House, Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories

少數族裔支援中心(油尖旺)HOME Centre (YTM) 電話 Tel:3610 4418 傳真 Fax:3590 4642 電郵 Email: [email protected] 地址 Add: 九龍油麻地炮台街73號順華大廈地下B鋪及1樓 Shop B, G/F and 1/F, Sun Wah Building, 73 Battery Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon

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Inno Home(葵青)Inno Home (K&T) 電話 Tel:3610 9148 傳真 Fax:3610 9142 電郵 Email: [email protected] 地址 Add:新界葵涌石宜路1-11號新華銀行大廈7樓 7/F Sin Hua Building, No. 1-11 Shek Yi Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories

新家園協會2014-15年報 45 NHA Annual Report 2014-15