香港上環干諾道中152-155號招商局大廈13樓1305-1307室 關注我們:Follow us on: Room 1305-07, 13/F, China Merchants Building, 152-155 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: 2815 7001 傳真 Fax: 2815 7002 電郵 Email: [email protected] 服務熱線 Hotline: (852)1833 266 網站 Website: www.nha.org.hk (香港 Hong Kong) | www.nha.org.cn (內地 Mainland) NHA 新家園協會 hknhanha 目錄 CONTENTS 1 願景、使命、價值 Vision, Mission, Values 2 會長的話 Chairman‘s Message 3 組織架構 Organizational Structure 5 年度主題活動 Annual Activities Highlights 「齊築福 · 新家園」系列活動 “Love with Care” Series Events • 新家園協會義工團傳愛行動啟動禮 The Installation Ceremony of New Home Association Voluntary Team’s “Spread Our love” Movement • 愛「深」傳家園地區分享會 “Sham Shui Po – Love and Beyond” Sharing Session • 新家園協會關愛慈善夜暨第二屆董事會就職典禮 New Home Association Charity Dinner cum 2nd Board of Directors Inauguration Ceremony • 新家園協會賽馬會天水圍服務中心開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony of New Home Association Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Service Centre • 新家園協會「愛滿家園」共融嘉年華暨香港島服務處新址開幕典禮 The “Love with Family” Carnival cum Opening Ceremony of New Home Association Hong Kong Island Service Centre 「世茂新家園精英培養計劃」頒獎典禮 “SHIMAO-NHA Leadership Training Scheme” Award Presentation Ceremony 13 服務概覽 Service Overview 香港服務 Hong Kong Service • 新來港人士服務 Services for New Arrivals • 少數族裔人士服務 Services for Ethnic Minorities 內地服務 Mainland Service 21 服務聚焦 Service Highlights 政府項目 Government Projects 專項服務 Specialized Services 社會企業 Social Enterprises 25 支援中心 Supportive Centres 社會政策研究中心 Social Policy Research Centre 新青匯 Synergy Youth 家園文化藝術協會 Home Culture and Arts Association 28 媒體報道 Media Coverage 31 服務統計 Service Statistics 32 財務簡報 Financial Report 36 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 45 聯絡我們 Contact Us 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence 會長的話 Chairman's Message 願景、使命、價值 2014-15年度,新家園協會的發展開啟了全新的一頁。 and Hong Kong Island in May and June respectively, Vision, Mission, Values which helped enhance the accessibility and quality 「齊築福·新家園關愛慈善夜暨第二屆董事會就職典 of our services. 禮」於5月4日成功舉行。新一屆董事會繼續秉持本會關愛 新家園協會成立於2010年6月,服務覆蓋香港與內 弱勢、服務社群的使命,以愛心灌溉社會。本會新界西服 New Home Association also launched an event 地,是一間致力於服務新來港、少數族裔人士及其他 務處及香港島服務處分別於2014年5月及6月開始在全新的 series with the theme "Love with Care" during 弱勢社群的慈善機構;提供優質及專業的一站式社會 場地開展服務,為服務對象提供更好的設施,提升服務質 2014-15. 素,揭開本會地區服務的新篇章。 服務,推動他們積極投入和參與香港的建設,促進社 In the beginning of 2015, an installation 區參與、推動社會共融、創建平等關愛的社會。 新家園協會在本年度亦開展了一系列以「齊築福·新家 ceremony for "Love with Care" event series was 園」為主題的活動。 held successfully in Hong Kong Cultural Centre, New Home Association (NHA) is founded in June Tsim Sha Tsui. During the event, New Home 願景 Vision 年初,我們在尖沙咀文化中心舉行了新家園義工團 2010 and now provides a comprehensive range of Association appointed a number of celebrities and 以四海一家、和諧共融、互惠互助的精神,促進 傳愛行動啟動禮,委任了新家園「關愛大使」及「關愛之 services in Hong Kong and the Mainland. We are a artists as our ambassadors. From April to July, our 新來港及少數族裔人士與香港各界同舟共濟,創建平 星」。四、五、六三個月,本會的「關愛之星」與義工團 ambassadors visited Sham Shui Po, Tin Shui Wai non-government charitable organization dedicated 等關愛的社會。 一起,走訪深水埗、天水圍和筲箕灣,將關愛傳至社區、 to providing one-stop professional social services for and Shau Kei Wan together with our voluntary Closely associated with the spirit of social cohesion, 屋邨,推動社會融合,共建和諧香港。 new arrivals from the Mainland, ethnic minorities, and team to spread the message of love to people from harmony, mutual help and care, the NHA is committed 這一年,本會再次成功競獲香港民政事務總署委託 the disadvantaged in Hong Kong. We aim at enabling all walks of life in Hong Kong. to promoting a caring Hong Kong society by joining 舉辦之「新來港大使計劃」,並承辦多項政府社福項目。 them to develop their full potential and to serve the Also, New Home Association had the fortune hands together with new arrivals, ethnic minorities and 同時,我們注重青年培養,設立了全新的「世茂新家園精 community. We are also committed to promoting to be appointed by the Home Affairs Department local sectors. 英培養計劃」,為青年學生搭建積極向上、充實增值的 to organise the “Ambassador Scheme” again, and community participation, social inclusion, and to 平台。 building an equal and caring society. to undertake several governmental projects related 使命 Mission 本會同事精誠合作,努力拓展,會務發展蒸蒸日上。 to social welfare. As for teen development, New 截至2015年4月,本會已擁有會員逾10萬人,提供服務超 Home Association established the “SHIMAO-NHA 關顧新來港及少數族裔人士,協助他們融入香 過50萬人次。 Leadership Training Scheme”. The scheme focused 港,發展潛能,貢獻社會;推動不同族群和睦共處, 未來,本會將繼往開來,堅持與社會各界攜手互勉, on providing students with positive values and 倡導互助互愛、多元包容的社會文化。 為新來港、少數族裔人士及其他弱勢社群提供更多更好的 motivation. Caring about new arrivals and ethnic minorities 服務。 Till April 2015, New Home Association had by helping them integrate into the Hong Kong already owned over 100,000 members in total, and 許榮茂 金紫荊星章、太平紳士 society; unleashing their potentials and talents so that 新家園協會董事會會長 had provided services to over 500,000 people. It they can contribute to Hong Kong’s socio-economic was the joint effort of our fellow colleagues that development; promoting harmonious diversity and a brought us this far and would lead us to a brighter culture of love and tolerence. path. 2014-15 was a fruitful year for New Home Association. In the future, New Home Association, 價值 New Home Association Charity Dinner cum 2nd Board alongside every member of the society, will hold Values of Directors Inauguration Ceremony was successfully held on on to our values, and provide new arrivals, ethnic 平等 Equality 4th May. Like any other harvests in the world, the new Board minorities and underprivileged groups in Hong 關愛 Caring of Directors sowed the seed of hope by pledging to serve Kong with better services. 尊重 Respect the local community and the underprivileged in Hong Kong. Mr. HUI Wing-mau, GBS, JP 團結 Unity The event was followed by the commencement of New Chairman of the Board of Directors of 卓越 Excellence Home Association's service centers in New Territories West New Home Association 新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 1 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 2 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence 榮譽贊助人 Honorary Patrons 香港特別行政區行政長官 梁振英先生 GBM, GBS, JP 組織架構 Mr. LEUNG Chun-ying, GBM, GBS, JP Organizational Structure Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of PRC 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室主任 張曉明先生 榮譽贊助人 Honorary Patron Mr. ZHANG Xiaoming 鑽石贊助人,金、銀、銅贊助人 Director of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government Diamond Sponsor, Gold, Silver in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & Bronze Sponsors 董事會 Board of Directors 董事會 監事會 Board of Directors Supervisory Board 會長 Chairman 許榮茂 金紫荊星章 太平紳士 Mr. HUI Wing-mau, GBS, JP 顧問委員會 永遠榮譽會長 Life Honorary Chairman Advisory Board 李家傑 金紫荊星章 太平紳士 Mr. LEE Ka-kit, GBS, JP 總幹事 副會長 Vice Chairmen Executive Director 許家印教授 Prof. HUI Ka-yan 李思廉太平紳士 Mr. LI Sze-lim, JP 陳卓林先生 Mr. CHEN Zhuolin 香港服務 內地服務 行政部門 支援中心 張松橋先生 Mr. CHEUNG Chung-kiu Hong Kong Service Mainland Service Administration Departments Supportive Centres 王力平先生 Mr. WONG Lik-ping 黃光苗先生 Mr. WONG Kwong-miu 陳華先生 Mr. CHEN Hua 香港島服務處 廣州項目 財務部 培訓及就業中心 賴海民先生 Mr. LAI Haimin Hong Kong Island Service Centre Guangzhou Project Financial Dept. Training and 陳紅天太平紳士 Mr. CHEN Hongtian, JP Employment Centre 郭英成教授 Mr. KWOK Ying-shing 楊受成博士 九龍東服務處 深圳項目 人力資源及行政部 調解服務及培訓中心 Dr. YEUNG Sau-shing Kowloon East Service Centre Shenzhen Project Human Resources and Mediation Service and 張茵女士 Ms. CHEUNG Yan Administration Dept. Training Centre 黃煥明先生 Mr. WONG Wun-ming 韓國龍先生 Mr. HON Kwok-lung 九龍西服務處 泉州項目 企業傳訊部 法律諮詢服務中心 周忻先生 Mr. ZHOU Xin Kowloon West Service Centre Quanzhou Project Corporate Legal Advice and 黃偉先生 Mr. HUANG Wei Communications Dept. Service Centre 新界東服務處 會董 Board Member New Territories East Service Centre 權益及福利部 社會政策研究中心 孔健岷先生 Mr. KONG Jianmin 賽馬會天水圍服務中心 Empowerment & Social Policy Benefits Dept. Research Centre 新界西服務處 Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Service Centre 監事會 Supervisory Board New Territories West Service Centre 葵青項目 家園文化藝術協會 主席 Chairman Kwai Tsing Project Home Culture and 李思廉太平紳士 Mr. LI Sze-lim, JP Arts Association 少數族裔支援服務中心 (深水埗) 義務律師 Duty Lawyer 少數族裔支援服務中心 HOME Centre (SSP) 新青匯 黎國光先生 Mr. LAI Kwok-kwong Synergy Youth HOME Centre 少數族裔支援服務中心 (油尖旺) 義務會計師 Duty Accountant HOME Centre (YTM) 陳美寶女士 Ms. CHAN Mabel Inno Home (深水埗) 顧問委員會 Advisory Board Inno Home (SSP) Inno Home 主席 Chairman Inno Home (葵青) 梁祖彬教授 榮譽勳章 太平紳士 Inno Home (K&T) Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun, Joe, MH, JP 委員 Members 新家園資訊通 僱員再培訓服務 關何少芳女士 Mrs. KWAN Cecilia 專項服務部 資助項目 NHA Multilingual ERB Training 黎永開太平紳士 Specilized Services Funding Project 註:本架構更新時間為2015年10月1日 Mr. LAI Wing-hoi, Frederick, JP Info Service Courses updated on 1 October, 2015 余秀珠 銅紫荊星章 榮譽勳章 太平紳士 Ms. YU Jessie, BBS, MH, JP 周世耀先生 Mr. CHAU Sai-yiu 譚榮邦先生 Mr. TAM Wing-pong 新家園協會2014-15年報 新家園協會2014-15年報 3 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 NHA Annual Report 2014-15 4 平等 Equality • 關愛 Caring • 尊重 Respect • 團結 Unity • 卓越 Excellence 2 年度主題活動 Annual Activities Highlights 「齊築福‧新家園」系列活動 1. 出席新家園義工團傳愛行動啟動禮的主禮嘉賓、明星藝人及義工 代表合影留念。 A photo of our guests, ambassadors and voluntary representatives “Love with Care” Series Events taken during the Installation Ceremony. 2. 愛「深」傳家園地區分享會中,梁祖彬教授(左四)、郭偉強議員 (左五)與新來港及少數族裔會員真情對話。 Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun (fourth from left) , Hon. KWOK Wai-keung (fifth from left) and our members in the Chit Chat session. and new arrivals with practical skills, the youth “Sham Shui Po -- Love and Beyond” team arranged courses about language, computer Sharing Session and clerical skills; the ethnic minorities team hold “Sham Shui Po -- Love and Beyond” Sharing courses about making Southeast Asian cuisines and Session, joined by over 300 people, took place in handicraft to local citizens; last but not least, the Dragon Centre, Sham Shui Po on 20th April. NHA professionals served the community with their own was glad to have Hon. KWOK Wai-keung Aron, expertise. member of the Legislative Council for Labour Mr. TSUI Ying-wai Caspar, the Political Assistant Constituency; Mr. FUNG Ying-lun Allen, the to Secretary for Home Affairs; Ms. CHUNG Woon- Political Assistant to Secretary for Development; fan Flora, Chief Executive Officer of Agency for Prof. LEUNG Cho-bun Joe, MH, JP, Honorary Volunteer Service; and Ms. CHEUNG Shui-lin Professor of the Department of Social Work and Joanne, Acting Executive Director of Hong Kong Social Administration, the University of Hong United Foundation, alongside our host Mr.
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