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May Day around the world - pages 3-5,14 FEATURE: SATURDAY, MAY 6,1995 VOL.9, NO.48 Fighting for jobs, a living wage Jobs bill introduced page 4 Victory in Europe s 50 years later pages 5,14-15 Cinco de Mayo vive! pages 6,22 'Deadly Corn' films reviewed page 21 Safeway worker Gaif Zacarias and her son Travis, age 4, during last month's strike in California. 2 People's Weekly World Saturday, May 6.1995 May Day salute in die 'class \ . We, ourselves workers and unioii members, would return our nation to the "good old days" of salute our sisters and brothers in Decatur, Illinois no unions,low wages and no benefits, no to elect now engaged in life-and-death struggles with ed officials who side with capital against labor. three of the world's largest multinational corpo We honor these shock troops of the working rations. Seldom have the class lines been drawn class - auto workers on strike against CaterpiDar; more sharply, seldom have the stakes been high rubber workers on strike against Bridgestone/- er; seldom has the battle been waged with more Firestone, paper workers locked out by A.E. Sta- determination. ley - and are mindful of our responsibility as We,like our sisters and brothers in the heart of well. We pledge our best efforts to guarantee that the Illinois "Class War Zone," say no to scabs and the struggles in Decatur - as well as those of tmion busting, no to arrogant corporations who workers everywhere - will end in victory. Jeny Acosta, Utility Workers, more, Md• Kevin Doyle, Local Joseph Henderson, USWA Chicago, II • Loimie Nelson,
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