A CONSOLIDATED APPEAL TO SUPPORT PEOPLE AFFECTED BY DISASTER AND CONFLICT Acknowledgements This publication was produced by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in collaboration with humanitarian partners across the world. OCHA thanks all organizations, partners and donors who contributed to the Global Humanitarian Overview 2018 and who regularly report to the Financial Tracking Service (FTS). The principal source of financial data for this publication is the OCHA Financial Tracking Service (FTS) fts.unocha.org. Other sources include: UNHCR data.unhcr.org, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) unocha.org/cerf and OCHA’s Funding Coordination Section (FCS) gms.unocha.org. All funding figures for 2017 are as at 27 November 2017. All $ signs in this document denote US dollars. The figures for people in need, people targeted and funding requirements are a snapshot as of 15 November. In the case of some HRPs, these figures may evolve between this publication and each HRP’s official publication. Front Cover Zahara Ali, 9, cooks breakfast in a rural village in the Dubti Woreda, Afar Region, Ethiopia. She went to school until the third grade but quit two years ago when her family moved to their current village. She spends most of her day doing household chores. Zahara is not sure if she will ever go back to school but she says that she will definitely send her children to school when she starts her own family. Credit: UNICEF/Bindra For more information, please contact the Resource Mobilization Support Section, PRMB, OCHA, at
[email protected].