Computer Science and Communications Activity Report 2019 i Computer Science and Communications Activity Report 2019 Keywords: Activity Report, University of Luxembourg, Computer Science and Communications, UL, CSC Computer Science and Communications Activity Report 2019 Address: Computer Science & Communications (CSC) University of Luxembourg Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication 6, avenue de la Fonte L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg Administrative Contact: Isabelle Glemot-Schroeder, Andrea Puech and Fabienne Schmitz Email:
[email protected] Editor: Christian Glodt Release date: 04-06-2020 Note: This report was created using LATEX with a template based on previous work by Sebastien Varrette. iv Preface Dear reader, This annual report synthesizes the progress and activities of the Department of Computer Science in 2019, including our research projects, teaching programs, organized events, awarded papers, visiting researchers and publications. We hope that you will find this report stimulating and inspiring. On behalf of the Department of Computer Science, we invite you to contact any one of us if you have any questions regarding the research we conduct in the DCS. Best regards, Sjouke Mauw Leon van der Torre Contents 1 Mission 1 2 Executive Summary 3 3 Research Areas 5 4 Research Groups 11 4.1 Applied Crypto Group (ACG) . 11 4.2 Applied Security and Information Assurance (APSIA) . 12 4.3 BigData, Data Science & Databases (BigData) . 14 4.4 Collaborative and Socio-Technical Systems (COaST) . 16 4.5 Communication and Information Theory (Cain) . 17 4.6 Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) . 18 4.7 CryptoLux . 19 4.8 Foundations of Model-Driven Engineering (FMDE) . 21 4.9 Individual and Collective Reasoning Group (ICR) .