ABADAM, P 01, V1 Abadam - NIGERIA Crop Change Detection Conflict Areas P 01 - Overview Ma P

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ABADAM, P 01, V1 Abadam - NIGERIA Crop Change Detection Conflict Areas P 01 - Overview Ma P 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 13°0'0"E 13°20'0"E 13°40'0"E GLIDE number: N/A Activa tion ID: EMS N063 Int. Cha rter ca ll ID: N/A P roduct N: AOI01ABADAM, P 01, v1 Abadam - NIGERIA Crop change detection conflict areas P 01 - Overview ma p Niger Cha d Niger 0 0 1 Borno 0 0 Benin 0 0 0 0 Abadam Abuja 2 2 5 5 1 1 Nig^eria Mobbar Kukawa ChadCa meroon Guzamala 3 Gulf of Guinea 2 50 km Gubio Borno Monguno Cameroon Nganzai Marte N " Ma lla m Fa tori 0 ' 0 4 4 N " ° 0 3 ' 1 0 4 ° Ngala 3 1 Magumeri Mafa 5 Jere Dikwa Kala/Balge KondugaMaiduguri Kaga Konduga Konduga Bama Cartographic Information 1:175,000 Full color A1, 300 dpi resolution 0 2.5 5 10 15 0 0 km 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grid: W GS 1984 UTM Z one 33N ma p coordina te system 5 5 1 1 Tick ma rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system ± Legend Change in cropland areas (2018/2019 compared to <2010) General information !( S light decrea se Area of Interest !( Medium decrea se " Ma in city !( S ignifica nt decrea se Ma in roa d Tunbun R a go !( S light increa se R iver, ca na l !( Medium increa se P erma nent wa terbody Bula Bul !( S ignifica nt increa se !( No evident cha nge Map Information EMS N-063 a ssesses cha nges in cropla nd in conflict a ffected a rea s in Nigeria ’s Borno sta te between 2018/2019 a nd 2007-2010/2013. To estima te the impa ct of conflict in these ina ccessible a rea s of Nigeria a nd to estima te the popula tion Tunbun Ma da yi a ffected by cropla nd loss, a crop cha nge detection wa s performed. The present ma p shows the results of crop cha nge a na lysis in the LGA of Aba da m. The methodology is ba sed on a previously by W orld Food P rogra m 0 0 (W FP ) a pplied study in the Mopti region of Ma li. 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 4 4 The crop cha nge a na lysis is ba sed on H R ima gery da ta . The estima ted geometric 1 1 a ccura cy (R MS E) is 100 m or better, from na tive positiona l a ccura cy of the ba ckground sa tellite ima ge. The estima ted thema tic a ccura cy of this product is 85% or better, a s it is ba sed on visua l interpreta tion of recogniza ble items on very high resolution optica l ima gery. N " 0 ' Map Production 0 N 2 " ° 0 3 ' For ea ch timesta mp, a NDV I composite ra ster la yer wa s crea ted, providing the 1 0 2 ° ba se for the crop cha nge a na lysis. For the determina tion of the crop cha nge, a 3 1 popula ted sites da ta set wa s crea ted ba sed on a combina tion of a number of reference a ncilla ry da ta improved through visua l inspection a nd ma nua l editing using the freely a va ila ble Google ea rth ima gery. Ea ch of the popula ted sites were inspected ma nua lly in order to determined the sta tus of crop cha nge, compa ring the NDV I-composite la yers of <2010 a nd 2018/2019. The ma p shows the used "post-event" sa tellite ima ge of 2018 in R GB, clipped to the AOI-bounda ry. To provide a n overview over a ll NE Nigeria regions, a n ES R I ba sema p (© S ource: Esri, Digita lGlobe, GeoEye, Ea rthsta r Geogra phics, CNES /Airbus DS , US DA, US GS , AeroGR ID, IGN, a nd the GIS User Community) wa s included a s ba ckground. The ba sic topogra phic fea tures such a s ma in roa ds, hydrogra phy a nd ma in settlements a s well a s the a dministra tive bounda ries shown in the ma p a re derived from public da ta sets. Data sources P re-event ima ge: La ndsa t Lega cy - GLS , (a cquired between the 02/10/2009 a t 09:14 UTC a nd the 30/10/2010 a t 09:10 UTC, GS D 30 m), provided under U.S . 0 0 Geologica l S urvey, a ll rights reserved. AS TER L1T, (a cquired between the 0 0 0 0 07/06/2007 a t 09:41 UTC a nd the 19/04/2010 a t 09:48 UTC, GS D 15 m), provided 0 0 6 6 under La nd P rocesses Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), a ll rights 4 4 1 1 reserved. La ndsa t 8 (2013), (a cquired between the 15/06/2013 a t 09:25 UTC a nd the 14/10/2013 a t 09:20 UTC, GS D 30 m), provided under U.S . Geologica l S urvey, a ll rights reserved. P ost-event ima ge: S entinel-2 A/B (2018), (a cquired between the 16/06/2018 a t 09:30 UTC a nd the 14/10/2018 a t 09:30 UTC, GS D 10 m), provided under COP ER NICUS by the Europea n Union, ES A a nd Europea n S pa ce Ima ging, a ll rights reserved. S entinel-2 A/B (2019), (a cquired between the 16/06/2019 a t 09:30 UTC a nd the 14/10/2019 a t 09:30 UTC, GS D 10 m), provided under COP ER NICUS by the Europea n Union, ES A a nd Europea n S pa ce Ima ging, a ll rights reserved. P opula tion da ta : W orld P opula tion © 2020 W orldP op, licensed under Crea tive Commons Attributions 4.0 Interna tiona l License, http://www.W orldpop.org Ba se vector la yers: OpenS treetMa p © OpenS treetMa p contributors, Administra tive Bounda ries © 2017 OCH A Nigeria refined by the producer. Disclaimer P roducts ela bora ted in this Copernicus EMS R isk a nd R ecovery Ma pping a ctiva tion a re rea lized to the best of our a bility, optimising the a va ila ble da ta a nd informa tion. All geogra phic informa tion ha s limita tions due to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of the origina l sources. No lia bility concerning the contents or the use thereof is a ssumed by the producer a nd by the Europea n Union. Delivery forma ts a re La yered Geospa tia l P DF a nd vector (ES R I GDB, GeoJ S ON). Ma p produced a nd relea sed by IABG mbH (P M). 0 0 0 0 0 0 For the la test version of this ma p a nd rela ted products visit 0 0 4 4 https://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMS N063 4 4 1 1 N " 0 ' jrc-ems-riskrecoveryma [email protected] .eu 0 ° N " 3 © Europea n Union 0 1 ' 0 ° For full Copyright notice visit https://emergency.copernicus.eu/ma pping/ems/cite- 3 1 copernicus-ems-ma pping-porta l 13°0'0"E 13°20'0"E 13°40'0"E 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000.
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