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W' Wl^W Cih. X. NO. 31. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891. J-fl; FIVE CENTS. ,v , i,.' i-v 1#; AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. R. Mommers and family are spending SUDDEN d e a t h o f Mr s . r. p . THE GREAT SALE OF THE Miss Alice Bowen is visiting friends a fortnight at Crescent Beach. b i s s e l l . in Holyoke, Mass. Joseph Alvord and wife are spending 111 but FourDays— Ths Funeral at Miss Johanna Keating is at New a fortnight at the shore resorts. rru- PjalnvIIle. Britain for a few days. John B. Buckley, the boss carder at A. This community was surprised and Oliver Magnell and family are spend­ L. Clark’s mill, has a ten-pound boy. saddened by the news of the sudden ■'ydd' W- ing a month at Westbrook, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Childs returned w PlainviUe C. H. McKee has received a pension, from their western trip yesterday morn­ last W^^nesday morning. It was not J Bankrupt Stock Possibly Chicago may not be through the agency of Adjt. Gen. ing. genei^y known that she had been ill Mrs. Bissell had been making a short W hite. . Thomas Gray has bought of Frank ready for the World’s Fair visit, with her child, at the house of Aer Elder G. V. Lanpher will preach at Cheeney the house on Park street which father, Mr. L. Bunnell. Mr. Bissell in 1892, but for Aug., Woodbridge hall tomorrow at two and he occupies as a resideilce. Of J. C. Fowler is now in Progress at the went down on the Sunday morning 1891, 7.30 p. m. The knitting mill at Manchester tm n intending to pass the day pleasafit- V. Rev. D. A. Haggerty attended the Green will close tonight for two weeks ly with his family and return toiiiaiMM* rectors’ quarterly conference at Hart­ to give the employees a vacation. inew Monday. He was shocked to J toi ford Tuesday. A.H. SKINNER A room for the instruction of children that his wife had been taken suddenly * The New Englend Shoe Houee- W. S. Hutchison and wife will go to in the simpler forma of manual work and seriously ill Saturday night and ■ has some unparalleled bar­ Block Island next Saturday for a ten- w ill be opened at the South school next was on his arrival scarcely alive. A days stay. term. council of physicians was at Ono^ gains for the people of Man­ The next national encampment of the John Alvord and wife have returned and everything poasiblewaa done to re­ chester and vicinity. Grand Army will be held at Washing­ from a three weeks trip which included vive her. The trouble which at flrrt ton, D. C. a visit to Narragansett Pier and a drive appeared like an acute attack of cholera _ . from far and near to secure some of the J. B. Hubbard and 'wife leave next through the principal towns of Connect­ morbus devek^ied into peritonitia— week for a two-weeks visit with friends icut. Bissell rallied ftom the fin t attack and JBa^n«-^d"StJCH BARGAINS in FINE SHOES Footwear for Ladies. in New Hampshire. A meeting to take further action on hw attendant were encouraged tobelieve * have never before been offered in Hartford. W . H. Coates and wife and Dr. M. M. the proposal to hire Rev. Francis Par­ that she would puU through* until nan- Serge Top Button Boots at |1,26, former Maine and wife are spending a fort­ ker as pastor of the Center church will Btosetin Tuesday. Deprived of nonri night at Watch Hill. , A ll grades'of fine shoes without reference to their cost. price $1.60. Newport Ties at 85 cents, be held at the Center church next Wed­ ishment she no longer withstood the at­ “ Come early and avoid the rush” and you will avoid being form er price $1.25. The family of W illiam Ferris Jr., and nesday night. tacks of the disease bat failed rapidly Mrs. Herbert Gould are spending two The South Manchester Lodge of the to d passed away quietly, w ith her hus­ ^/left on your size. weeks at N ew London. Royal Ark has disbanded. Only two or band at her side, at ten o’clock Wed­ GENTS’ SHOES Frank T. Sadd, the piano tuner, will three of its members continue to pay nesday morning, occupy the front rooms Bissell’s assessments. The members of the Mrs. Bissell, whose maiden name wae^ 75 cents, former price $2.00, a good one. store after Sept. 1st. South Manchester lodge of the Helping Clara Bunnell, was married to Mr. Ria- ' Rice & Hutchin’s Rustler Calf Shoe in N. T. Pulsifer is one of a yachting Hand, a five-year endowment order seU eight years ago. She was a young held a meeting to talk over the situation J. SAMUELS & COMPANY, Congress and Balmorals at $2.00, cheap party, made up chiefly of New Yorkers, woman of attractive appearance, and a who have been cruising through the Thursday night and were addressed by devoted wife and mother. She cared at $2.50. Sound this week. ^ a representative of the supreme lodge, little for society, preferring the compan­ from Lynn, Mass. ionships of her home. She leaves one Do not go bareheaded when you can Ex-President Hayes marched in the The doctors of Windsor Locks are vac­ child, a pretty little girl of four. Mr» buy a big parade along with the Fremont cinating the r/’g-room employees, most­ Bissell lately bought the Kellogg plaoo •..•‘•VV: Post, at Detroit. He was recognized . ly women, and a large part of them at Oakland for a residence and had ’ just [ew Shoe Honse. STRAW HAT and greeted with cheers. Italians. They do not take kindly to completed extensive improvements'in '

r for 5 cents. All straw goods at half It took twenty feet in depth to reach the operation, however. The work is the property. The famipy were just be­ 354 Main Street. Hartford, Conn. hard pan at Hockanum bridge. The done as a precaution against small-pox, ginning to enjoy themselves in their price. It may seem early to buy four mpporting columns have been as many of the rags now come from new home. placed and piles driven in them to solid Egypt and other foreign countries. The funeral was held at the resid$noe.; COMFORTABLES bottom. It took two trains, one of ten cars and of Mr. Bunnell in Plainville at eleyeo ■> o’clock yesterday forenoon^ Rev. J. B. Ackiey, of Hockanum, who one of eleven care, to carry all the Wil- but $1.98 buys one that would To cheap has be^lgiending a few 'days with his limantic people who joined the second Alonzo Chase, of NeW Britain offioidt^^j I ANOS! annual merchants’ day exoprsion to assisted by Rev. S. A. Davis, of at $3.00 Oct. 1. Another at $1.50, cheap ‘ ' * left Tue^ay for a Crescent Park, a beautiful resort, on the ford. Music was ihihiishe^^ •-.V weej^ through Maine and at $2.25. Should you prefer to make east side of the Providence River. It Bristol male quartette^ The ; al^'f ItJounl^ns. tired in-white, was enclosed in a: whitibt them, can sell best Satteens at 8 cents was estimated that not less than 1,500 $ 7 y i o o , ___4ng, ^rganist of St. Bridget’s people were on Im rd of the twenty-one velvet casket. There was a profukihtt per yard, well worth 15,—cheaper yet, MiE^ N. E. Moriarty and cars when they rolled out of th^ W illi- of flowers, prominent among them “ ^ing, i*e gentlemanly clerk being an elegant pillow of roeee with MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE (FOR a first quality print at 5 cents, perfect mantic station about 7.15 a. m. Thurs­ 'oston s l^ store, are spending day. All the working people de­ the inscription “Rest,” sent by Mr. ON eALLMEWTB). INCLUDING goods. Bargains in all departments at Savifi^^lock. sired were given privilege to the^' Bissells business friends in Manoheiyter, Rev.'^ Mr. Williams, from the Cam­ work to attend the excursion. A munber of k^ohestmr. peofde Iclering,Millor,Mor, bridge Divinity school, will conduct the j present morning service at St. Mary’s church Salt Water Fishermen. Th* body, A. H. SEINNER’S. A party of Manchester men under the during August. The evening service management of George F. Day, went to will be omitted during this month. was brought to Ballet & Dam, Etc., Etc. New London Thursday night to be ready^ The Hartford Carpet company of train. At that hour iR. for an early start for a day’s fishing on Thompsonville, will give their employ­ business in the village were the Sound yesterday. They have chart­ ees a week’s vacation stopping from the the merchants generally aooompaSf^^!?^^-'^ ered a steam lobster boat and will fish 12th to the 19th o f August. The prin­ the funeral cortege to the burial place $10, $20, $26, $36, $40, $60, $60, $76. fo r blue fish, as w ell as sea bass and ciple cause of the stop is over-produc­ in the Center cemetery. Here a blackfish. Ilia party included the fol­ tion. large congregation of sympathidiig BOROEn, 8H0NINGER, ESTEY, WILCOX, WHITE, ETC. lowing individuals: George F. Day, C. Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Finlay, who lately friends assembled and listened to an ap­ F. Case, Frederick WalJo, W. W. Lyon, moved to Hartford, lost their' only George Barber, Henry Robinson, R. W. propriate address by ReV. Mr. Davie. A Some used on lj a few months. All in good order. child, ^die, by scarlet fever Wednes­ 16th SEASON 16th Pitkin, M. L. Russell, H. W. Forbes, quartette consisting o f the M i m Palm er day. The body was brought here and to d Messrs. Carter and Sedgwick sang A ll the above mentioned instruments must be sold at once to make room at Fritz Barber, A. M. Brown, Fred Mc- interred at the Center cemetery the two hymns effectively. Then nearly ell D J L I T C H S Nicoll, H. L. Vibberts, E. Griswold, H. same day. present availed themselvee of an oppor­ H. White, V. C. Carter, J. J, Strickland, -AT- tunity to take a last look at the face of The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Cadman, T. S. Cadman and L. B. Gallup & Metzger’s, the dead. Hills’ Grovs Pavilion, Wapping, Goan., Samuel Woodhouse died of cholera in­ Sill,, of Hartford. •• fantum, Monday, after a sickness of Expressious of sympathy were numer­ 201 Asylum Street, Cor. Haynes, Hartford, 0)nn. Season Will Close Aug. 14, only three days. The burial was at Card of Thanks. ous and heartfelt and as the body, was Buckland Tuesday, Rev. Mr. MoVay We, the undersigned, hereby express lowered to the grave there was soaioely ^ Sole i^ents for Itnabe, Haines, Behr Pianos. If stormy next night, Aug. 16 officiating. our heartfelt thanks to all our friends a dry eye in the large assemblage. and neighbors who assisted us in the Mrs. Eliza Liddell, the eldest sister of '‘We have the largest store and stock of musical goods in New sickness and death of our child. A NSW ORGAN. and w ill s ^ lower than any house. Call and examine goods or write for A Big Time Expected. Mr. J. D. Henderson, died Wednesday S amxtel W o o d h o u s e , I and p r ic ^ noon at the residence of her daughter, S a r a h W o o d h o u s e . The South Methodist Church W ilt Commences at eight o’clock eaol;^ evening. Manchester, Conn., Aug. 4, 1891. Mrs. Elizabeth May, after a long and Invest $3,000 In One. 1 Music by the Celebrated Coates’s Orchestra. Prof. J. O. Smith, prompter. painful illness. Her funeral was held Teachers for tha Elffhth District. The South 'Methodist eburoh is soon yesterday afternoon, Rev. C. H. Barber to have a three-thousand-dollar organ. FLOOR MANAGERS :-0 . Burnham, 0. Kee­ The committee of the Eighth district ney, H. KeenOT, E. Spencer, J. M aM n . Bur­ officiating, school have selected the following teach­ The organ at present in use has served ton A . Pearl, L. Slseon, J. D. Kelley. A man living on Burnside avenue ers for next year’s work. Mr. Lyman the church for about 20 years. It is - Umission, Inaluding Banoiug, 60 Cts. complains that his 15-year-old son is will be retained as principal, and will old fashioned and out of repair. Miss cruelly treated by two other young men have as an assistant Miss Golway, who MaytieCase, daughter of A. WillaaL.. CLOSING OUT SALE OF 0. Keeney will run Chas. Steinberg’s ’bus from Cheney’s store on evenings of dance at much older, all of whom work in the formerly taught the fifth department. Case, is the prime mover in the project. seven o’clock. railroad repair shops. Wednesday night Miss Tuohey and Miss Latham have also Miss Case is taking a three-years course at the Boston conservatory and is a S‘.** < Ab usual the best of order will and shall be they beat him, tore his clothes, and be reengaged. The new teachers are maintained. put a live mouse down his back. The Miss Ella Parker, from the South school, skilled performer on the church organ. BF"The proprietor and manager (Wilbur Miss Wheeler, of Winsted, and Ann^ Messrs. A . W ells Case and A . W illard Hills) has the privilege of refusing admission boy’s tormentors w ill be arrested. to any person of whom he considers objection­ The embankment of the Center fill has Morgan, of Abington. The teachers Case pledged $500 each, provided the able to party. become a general dumping place. This have not as yet been assigned their de­ sum of $8,000 was raised within a fort­ is all right so Jong as nothing o f an ani­ partments, but last year’s teachers may night. Subscriptions have raised tbo ote and Shoes! fund to over $2,200 and there is little mal nature is left there. But lately have the rooms taught by them if they NEW LOT OF SILVER­ somebody has been dumping along the so desire. As the voters of the district doubt that the total amount desired wiR be raised. bank decomposed matter, the odors were unable to decide upon the location for a new building, Chairman Johnson, There is tallr, tow, of- huildiiig mi ad­ WARE. SUITABLE from which are a menace to the health as w ell as the com fort o f the community. of the committee has been trying to rent dition to the church in the rear of the At.this season, when typhoid epidemics suitable quarters. He thought if he pulpit to hold the organ and choir gal­ FOR are so easily started, strict attention could find a suitable place south of the lery, which are now in the opposite I CONTINUES ATBISSELL’S. should be paid to the rules laid down by tracks he would have a school there, but end of the church. The additional A the board of health. a place could not be found in that lo­ room that this would afford la uftedod i. - ' by the growing' congregation and Sun­ . ■ u ■ . • WEDDING PRESENTS A camping party of Manchester young cality. He is in hopes of getting a place day school ^ folks returned from a week’s outing a^ now on the north side* and has one or The acquisition of this instmmenl p b l miss the opportunity of buying SHOES at less ------o------Coventry lake Thursday. Willard Per­ two in view. If an additional school kins was the veteran fisherman of the room is opened a Miss Jacobs w ill be en­ wiU give the South Methodist dhuroh gaged as teacher. the b^t pipe organ in town. Themuste T E A S E T S , party. The others were Clint Taylor, -Manufacturers’ prices. W ill and Bert Mitchell, Howard and at this church has been steadily Im- * CAKE BASKETS, Fred Taylor and Clayton Keeney. Rose Household Furniture. proving latdy. R. N. Stanley is ohto- The household furniture of Mrs. J. M. ister. Perkins and Iva Taylor went along to BERRY DISHES, Parkhurst will be offered at private do the housework. They had good luck ■ 'k sale, Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 19 F. L. Hal^ the artist and photog^ fishing. Williard Perkins caugh a bass and 20. Those desiring to purchase will rapher, has retumed.^rom his vaohOon SUGAR BOWLS, Wednesday which weighed four and Durable and staple Goods offered. do w ell to call. a8-2t tod is ready to do all kinds of work-in three-quarters pounds. his profession. ETC Take Weldon’s Sarsaparilla for the Invoioes o f rea^made dotfedag Frank Goetz ice cream, best in the blood. arriving at M^Ehriane’a are state five gallons upwards—$1 per gal­ wrigfata Dngi inand sse lon delivered. Telephone oonneotimis MoFarlane is daily receiving faU suit­ ■ ■ I • . Now is die than to buy ‘ vm" X. C. TIFFANY, Jeweler. ings. The cool nights w ill soon Ira here UdFarians’s.^ 1$^] Look for Teeke’s $500.00 offer on page and you had bettw leave your order fo r I^ V -- South Manchester^ Conn, two. a p o ite a rly >1 ■,T> V.’S » V -V t:** .'ft* . .. •VI.'

'V5 MANCHESTEB SATUBDA5T HERALD: SATTJRDAY, ADGITST 8 , 1891. T.TP.'T Dytai ~W s’-'t;-" 1 want to Invite you to My Rooms to Have Pictures Taken o f Yourself and Your Children and my aim will be to please you sa You Will Talk Out Loud to your friends about the class of work you receive. If you don’t get good pictures o f s ^ S - ' G. M. BOLTON, PHOTOGRAPHER; children elsewhere, bring them to me.

ECHOES FROM THE TURF. ROYAL ARK OFFICERS. Books to Bead la a Hammock. a f f a i r s a b o u t t o w n . Some people never take books to the They Visit Malden and Address Interestinff Notes of the Horses and country with them. They either feel no W ork has begun on the addition to Horsemen. Dissatisfied Members. need for the strength or relaxation they Masonic hall. Baron, G^eo. B. and Rev. John came [Boston Herald, Ang. 6.] The supreme officers of the Royal Ark might gain from reading, or they rely The family of J. D. Henderson has together for the third time within a few upon chance for their mental pabulum. went to Malden last evening and ran in­ Ceiling Decorations, returned from Short Beach. weeks at the Hartford Driving club Few are the readers who carry with' to a regular hornets’ nest. Malden has Frank Spkulding and wife, of Provi­ races Tuesday. They were in the ’88 them anything but the lightest of sum­ had a lodge with something like 600 dence, are vieitiiig at M. L. Bussell’a class. Rev. John was distanced in the mer novels—^books that can be thrown Wall Pai members, and an aggregate loss of up­ away without regret when finished first heat. The race was taken by the R D. Hendee of New Haven was in ward o f $16,600 is predicted. The Mal­ Perhaps it is too much to ask that any and his family re-1 bay mare, Olive, from Lee, Mass. Geo. town over Sunday, den lodge has been one of the most pros­ one not a atudent should expend much LOW PRICES. PARK his father, W. G. |b . and Baron made a hard fight for main the guests of perous, apparently, ot the order in the energy in hot weather upon mental im­ second place. Baron won the first heat l^endee. state, and it has been a round of won­ provement. Yet it does seem as though -V'. ■ in 2.831-4. Second money was taken by something better might be read than ^ e We are now well started on August der, until very recently, that certificates Geo. B. and Baron got third. Their merely ephemeral novelette. How many i^nd thore is litUe probability that we maturing as far back as April 28 have The I positions in the race of six heats were; of the r i^ g generation are really famil­ will have much more hot weather, remained unpaid. •.'••■ * ? I Geo. B. 5, 8, 8 ,1 ,1 , 8. Baron, 1, 2, 5, iar with the novels of Scott, of Dickens, nights will be cool anyhow. President Lane, Secretary Powers and of Thackeray, of Cooper, of George SEIDLER & MAY, other members of the supreme lodge Eliot, of Miss Mulock, or with the ^B ndley >^P’^|,eb„okd^ hone,Pet. atooe time called the meeting last evening to ex­ chanming long and diort stories by our Saturiay to attend the L the Uvery bnrinem at C. H. Strant’ib own American authors? tln Main street oppo- ^ g ^olt again fiook into the fold. But they re­ dered ^em undesirable books to read in (rite Watkins Brothers’ new block is um ^be colt stakes at Woodland fused to flock. Bailey’s hall was secured a hammock, but the recent Issue of the dergoing repairs and improvements and for the meeting. works of many of the beet English and are selling Medium and Fine will be used as a boarding house for the Allen expects his gray mare Shortly before eight o’clock over 800 American writers in paper covers does persons had gathei^. There were many away with this objection. Good books, •V; teachers in the South school. 1 home from Vermont this month. She ladies present. Supreme President Lane in good type, on good paper, at a price The tobhooo crop in this vicinity is is in foal by Freestone. started the ball rolling by saying that that pra^cally puts them within the looking well and is nearly ready to cut. Wm. R Wood, of Bast Windsor Hill, reach of every one, are to be had on FURKITIHtE IT he had been president for so short a Barring the possibility of damage in and President Cowles, of the Woodland every hand. time that he really knew but little curing, the yield will turn out the Park association, have purchased of Dr. In purchasing an outfit for the sum­ about the order. He then introduced most laofltable In several years. Flint, of Collinsville, the two-year-old mer vacation the hammock books should Baby Carriages at reduced prices. Supreme Secretary Powers, who he said, no more be overlooked than the ham­ stallion. Magic Wilkes jr., by Magic •E. Gregston and .^exander Hall could tell them all about it. Mr. Pow­ mock itself, but let both be of a kind Wilkes. He is a very promising colt. while fiidiing in Union pond the other ers began by saying: “I want you to that will stand wear. Trashy reading He is one of the pair of yearlings ex­ day saw a big blue heron and shot it. realize that this is a serious business." provokes a mental dyspepsia akin to the hibited at the fair last September The bird measured across the wings six and his hearers audibly murmured “ We physical malaise produced by a diet of ^■1%' a' by Dr. Flint. They trotted a quarter in sweetmeats unaccompanied by 8ubetqn< feet four inches. When stood up it do.’’ He continued: “All of us have tials. Such a course of treatment unfits measured to the peak of the bill five feet one minute then, but Magic Wilkes jr. entered this thing for gain. On Jan. 1 four inches, and from the tip of the tail showed a quarter in 40 seconds when he either mind or body to do the winter’s we had a fair increase of membership, work, for which strength should be ao- to the end of the bill It measured four | was purchased this week. This adds and we presumed we would be able to cum i^ted daring a summer vacation.— another good one to the list of Manches­ feet two inches. pay all maturing certificates imd still Harper’s Bazar. Amftng the unclaimed deposits at the ter horses. further increase. In February and Jud. Nettleton’s Percy is now owned March the order was dead, as far as in­ , The BdelwelM In London. Pratt street savings bank, Hartford, are creases we^e concerned. ELDREDGE & by W. H. Roberts, of Hartford. He the following, credited to Manchester “Ours the first short term order It may be interesting to some to hear depositors: Henry Dotting, $14.47 ; is used for a road horse only. to be chfu^tered, and we had to form all that the Edelweiss can be cultivated in Rockville, before m Mtiy Richardson, $20.60; Charles Hiatoga Boy, the little bay stallion the lawii and plans. The reasons for the London. Last August a friend who Shiels, $20.84/ Frank Thompson, $18.19; that crowned Allen Risk with glory so falling off was the bill before the legis- lives near Belfast gave me a small plant many times at Woodland Park, is now I *li8®u88ed for so long with one bloom, raised by himself from Bertha Williams, $28.18. These de- a tinie. There was then nothing to do at the Fatherland stock farm, Byfleld* seed. The directions given with it were: p/yihi have not been added to or drawn but to levy extra assessments, and five “ Leave it in the comer of yonr garden; Mass. of these were ordered in April and cheer­ ftom h i $0 years. it requires no special care.’’ The horse editor of the Rockville fully m^. There ^ere three assess­ Some knowing persons have thought Ui^iqdly, London gardens are the Leader must have been rattled when he ments in May and five in June and July. that 'the , Beach Manufacturing com- Obiectioiis came to these later ones hunting grounds for innumerable cats, prepared his horse noteit of last week. . .piuiji of H arford, would eventually be ana we could see that the order was so I pla^ my treasure, for such I In speaking of Romaine Tuoker’s Glory doomed. The June and July assess­ deem^ it, on the sill of my drawing vite oo(mpiantB o f tlie t^ulonm ill. 0 . M. colt,. he says that the horse made a ments were not made to freeze | anyli room vrindow, aq;>eot southeast, And Bjcadi, ihe>Teoeiver lained how her husband came to neg- “ I farma. My man he farma, my son had been made in the freight yard. large number of designs of almost every NOW RBADYv Now that the railroad has done its {ect his task, saying that the other mem­ he farma. Farms no good, Italy. I , . . . , , description to select from. It is sur- bers of the com m it^ failed to take any maka dolla’ week. Sacrel’’—l^ew York Ret Year Homs’ Feet Protested p « t a i e ^ o omiDl»i<>ner. have, with | ^ » e toe number o f order, they notice of their appointment, and so the Herald. ______commendable promptness, entered on] have received from different parts of work was not fish ed in time to re^rt. By having them shod at J. P. Jonee’a the fulfillment of their part of the work. Then Mr. W eymouth replied to Mrs. ^oUeemen Losing in Height. All the beetbeet'homes in town are shod at the state, as most of these designs rep­ Jones’s shop because wfe pay strict attention My new The road will be used W inly by team-1 Grover, until Ihresident Lane interfered The first batch of twenty policemen resent an order. The quality of the and stopped the wordy war. to the sters, who now unload heavy freight | have been examined nnder the order re stone is the best that can be obtained. Solon M. Allis, superintendent of the is now ready. from the Miner street siding, oently issued by the mayor. Of the They receive anywhere from $100 to Malden water Imrd, then asked several pointed questions, which delighted the twenty men examined but one has re­ Care of the Horse’§ Hoof. $2,000 for these monuments and it is a audience. Secretary Powers, stated tained the same proportions thronghont. cidedly the i Backed off a Ten-foot Wall. very rare occurrence where a sale has This man is Officer Jim Eggleston, of that, as some of the officers of the lodge We put on any weight shoe desired and James O’Brien, a sorrel horse and a been made that the customer is dis- had ceased making payments, a new set the First district. He is exactly the do It right. Can refer to Manoheeter H or^ dump cart fell off a ten-foot wall to .the | satMed. Suoh a trade is not acquired of officers was necessary. He then pre­ same height as when he was examined men as we do most of their line shoeing. Also largest I ever pared a blank, and stated that all per­ • t rooky bed of the Hookanum river Tuee- by cheap talk, but is only secured after for appoffitment nnder this administra­ sons who were to continue keeping in tion, and weighs not an ounce more or day morning. The dump cart is the years of experience and by dealing with the lodge must sign, and then a set of less. Of the others one was almost an you want a sqit^ officers could be chosen from them. Carriage BttlMli;, Forgiag Etc. only member of the trio that has not the public in a fair and upright manner, inch taller than when he went on, but pretty nearly recovered from the effects They have a reputation in Manchester Only three or four signatures were re­ ceived, and this plan was abandoned. the rest had fallen away. One was found One cheap work horse, oM-man bug­ what will of the fall. O’Brien was at work on a and adjoining towns which will bear tobemord than an inch shorter than .4 So was the election of officers. The secre­ gy, one light skeleton wagon, new 00 job of grading at Mr. Pulsifer’s new comparison with that of any marble tary also stated that the 20 certificates, when appointed. All were over weight bam at Oakland and was using one of firm innhe state. If you are oontem- on which $60 were paid last Saturday, except Officer Eggleston. — Cincinnati pounds, new Brewster carriage. All and prices 1 hi Mr. Pulaifer*8 spirited horses on the plating buying a monument it would were not paid by the supreme lodge, Commercial-Gazette. but by outside brokers, who did it for will be sold low. Call and see what we please you also. cart. He was called to the mill to dump pay you to take a tour of inspection speculation. The meeting then abrupt­ Modlfleatlon Bztraordinary. a load of gravel near the wheel pit. As some day when you have the time, ly closed. do. We would like to do business with Leave The hen of a farmer who lives near he backed the wagon toward the water’s through the Center and Catholic ceme- Tionesta and a wild pheasant have both you. m edge the horse became ungovernable teries and look at some of the monu- New England Road’s New Train. The officials of the & New been laying eggs in the same nest. After early. and a second later was on the river | ments they have erected in Manchester the nest was full with about on equal England road have just made an inspec­ bottom with O’Brien clinging to him. number of both kinds of eggs both fowls Plenty of help was at hand and man Stole an Old Man’s Watch. tion trip over the road to to set. They occupied the nest at William Renne and Edward Doolan OLIVER and li^ t were soon on shore. Fortu­ Oyster Bay, where ferry wharves are the same time and there was a constant RearofN. W. Chadwick’s. _ were arrested here by Constable Pren nately the water was very low and being constructed across the Sound to straggle going on. The farmer conclud­ H EBG H Airr uai^j KUO TT» . 1 tice, of Hebron, Tuesday, charged with . ■ ■ V, - ■ neither was dangerously injured though | ” Wilson’s Point, there connecting with ed that neither could accomplish any­ thing at the rate they were quarreling, man and horse were cut and bruised. highway robbery. Renne is a joiner the Sousatonic system, thence north to So. Manch^i and worked for Robert Palmer and the junction point of the New York dr and he thought to solve the difficulty by I Don’t "Fool” but KNOW removing the hen’s eggs from the nest. **A Red Cheeked Lassie.’’ Doolan was in the employ of John Irish, New England road. It is the purpose of for a certainty that m^ ability and facil­ the mason. They hired a team of This only served to make matters worse, ities in Watch Repairing cannot be The Salvation Army is holding a these three lines interested to place in and now both fowls are trying to hatch George Allen last Sunday to drive to equalled by anybody in Hartford. I . -Xi,' camp meeting at Hemlock Grove, near service a through train schedule between young pheasants.—Philadelphia Times. Rockville. Instead of going to Rock­ •mil forfeit V , but ^ PWl River, The Boston Globe, in de­ Brooklyn and Boston equal in equip­ the comer of K idildM i scribing the services, speaks of a South ville they drove to Colchester. On the ment to the famous white train now A Youthful Idea. 500 DOLLABS my old enstomers road they asked an old man to ride with running between New York and Boston a nobby, all hand- Manchester young lady as follows: A bright little fellow, hearing his if proof to the contrary can be brought. ine fuU rubber them and he says that after givii^ him over the New York & New England. grandfather talk of the almshcmse, pon­ Also double team ] *

< -

'.•"T.' -'j'':"*o ' ■ LiiS^ r/!p' ALAJTCHESTBB SATtrBDAY HERALD: SATUKDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891. r e *

An Unsinkable 8t««l Boat. The Coming Game In England. Paaiy Xleetroplated. To Determine the Speed of Eleotrlolty. y .4 m ^ of lib'htning probably more re- Mr. W. Wells, of Leith, is about to At the Qneen’s club, We?t Kensing­ Philadelphia scientists are preparing NOTICE. ible than any hitherto recorded, produce a patent steel boat which is ton, an exhibition was giveu of the new to find out how fast an electric current ;¥ r ocoiuTed near the small village of claimed to be absolutely uusiukable and l.Twn game Tema, which hcs recently Iruvels. A-i expiiriraent will be made, Salem, Vt., at the foot of the Hel- totantamcously self rightin.^. It is builc been introduced. The gamo, wliica can probably from the Franklin institute, by I have an unlimited supply of l^deberg mountains Arent 8. Vandyck in a ligh t and watertight sections, and be played frith equal enjoyment by both connections over the Atlantic cable to good wall stone and have ob­ is suitable for sporting purposes, being sexes, possesses many claims to popular %kKmpies an ’old mansion, in the parlor Liverpool and return. tained the services of a skilled ^ which hung a collection of Revolu- perfectly safe and fast under sail or oar. favor. It can be followed in any sea­ A recent test appeared to show that an '^ttonaxy swords, one of which was heav­ It inay be a valuable addition to the life son, and by as few as four or as many electric current is a slow coach as com­ stone mason and am now ready saving equipment of yachts and vessels as fourteen persons at once. Skill, agil­ K'S:ily plated with silver. A terrific thunder- pared to light, being only able tp get to furnish stone by the perch ftonn came At night, and one terrible of all classes. The steel boats are light ity and a good eye are far more requi­ over to Europe and back in something i^^ wesh arbtuied the household. A ll were and may be subjected to any amount of site than mere physical strength, and the like a second, or at the rate of only some laid or unlaid or build cellars ^^^liitonned for a moment, but recovering rough usage, and the inventor maintains proper manipulation of the wand by 400,000 miles a minute, while ligh by contract. Estimates cheer- 5gr. ;?^^ey hastmed to discover what damage that the piercing of one or more sections means of quick wrist turns develops and ambles along at a million miles a minute fully given on application. Ad-; would only in a slight degree affect their renders flexible the muscles of the arms gait. The Philadelphia scientists who ^^I^Sudd^y the younger Vandyck point- buoyancy. and wrist. are proposing to make further investiga­ dress, Wesley Hollister, ^ an old Cushioned sofa. Upon it lay Some of the boats have, we are in- A screen of wood or canvas, fixed on tions are not satisfied to give up the rec­ ____ South Manchester, ivas apparently the silver image of fonned, been subjected to a series of a light frame, and having in the center ord to sunlight, and hope to prove that ’^■■t^.jcnrl^ up in an exceedingly com- trials on the Firth of Forth in all a circular aperture eighteen inches in the electrical current, if not handi ?^|8ljto„ position. As far as the shape weathers, and have been proved to pos­ diameter is erected. Behind the hole is capped, is the swifter element. No more Jptod pottcoe of the animal were com sess all the good qualities which have fixed a bag net, and the main object of The most recent experiment was triec y :'\ i^i'p^irtd it nodght have been . a live cat. been claimed for them. It was found the players, who stand some distance at McGill college, Montreal. The cur­ of this! ^glittering hair was separate and that if one of the watertight sections away, is to throw a number of colored rent was transmitted in Montreal, was «.ti*ynct, ajad each silvery bristle of the was pierced the result would be that the balls by means of the wand into this transferred to the cable at the New­ ‘dOBdib^ a graceful curve as water would^ seal the air in the section, bag. The wand has at one end a i)ecaliar foundland cable station by means of ^dn:iife. " which would continue to afford support. shaped crook for holding the ball, bnt Thompson’s mirror galvanometer, sent •VT t ’l f e . - . I'atbeir;rad son turned toward the If both sections were pierced the boat some little skill is necessary to retain the across to the station at Liverpool and re­ v 'tk- awbr& wh^h hdng upon the wall just would only draw a little more water, ball in it for the purpose of making the turned to Montreal by the same method. \ Above^tlm sohsl^and there saw that the and the supporting capacity not be ex- throw. The number of “ pot balls” to be The distance traversed, partly by over­ bad ;^ U stripped of all its sil- tingfuished, but only diminished, and scored by each side before it can complete head wire and partly by cable, was 8,000 ’ The hilt was gone and the scab- that if all three sections were pierced the first stage of the game corresponds miles. From the time the current left , wiu.but a stripi o f blackened steel. the boat would still float, while it would with the number of players on each side. the key in Montreal until it returned to . ^ .iamily cat had been' electroplated only lose its buoyancy if the sections When either side has scored the num­ the receiver in the same office just one ^ B g i ^ g f ...... ' ■ were simultaneously pierced both above ber of “ pot balls” agreed upon, irtnters second and one-twentieth of a second k 0 ^ of^the panes o f glass in the win- and below the water line, which would upon the second stage and it once obtains had elapsed, and the conditions were not V be an almost inconceivable event. found a round hole about the a single “ zoned” baH. W hichever side as good as they might have been; hence \1 I o f a half d(filar, where the lightning The steel boats can be produced at a then first succeeds in scoring its “ zoned the> further experiment to be made here. ‘:f^^ntly ^entered. There was a cost which will compare favorably with ball” wins the game. The public exhi­ The rapidity with which the current ".‘■tapsak across the sash where the the price of wooden boats of good class, bition of the new pastime was witnessed travels over short wires with no delay Id had made its way to the and they will stand usage which would with interest, and a favorable opinion of indicated unlimited possibilities in the ; Which tt'lA d passed to the quickly destroy a wooden fabric, but at its merits was expressed by many of the direction of practio^ tests. Professor : it r the silver which it the same time they are remarkably light, spectators.—^London News, Marks, of the Edison Electric Light dpon the aidmaL. Of course a boat pf 12 feet long and 8 feet b^tm, company, is authority for the assertion :V» 'M ^ oat was ins^Uy killed, and there- complete with mast, sails, oars, etc., ap­ Two Illattrioas Inrallds. that if the globe was encircled with remained iu the position, in Which it proximating only 800 weight.—Land and Gteunod is at his villa at St. Cllond* continuous cable a current would travel S O M ^ ^ illp ^ the Xiet.' quietly (Bleeping when the flash W ater, „______and is reported to be in very bad health. the entire distance in a trifle over three THE ^-COLCHESTER** RUBBER CO. In foot he has been forbidden by his seconds. At this rate a current would The Peddler and Hie Spongee. physician not only to undertake any ^elr Aoee w ia luMe of heel Uned with p]^ting of the cat’s Thoi heavy rain on the afternoon of travel to the sun, coverihg the distance nbber. Thta , ^_."preivent decay, imd that' prob- work, but even to receive callers. The o f 96,000,000 miles in three and a bglf robber Crom July 4 was the cause of much excite­ Count de LeSseps is also in very feeble Cell for the’’ GOlOheMer’* i h maylbe retained among the ool^ ment in Waterbary. A Hebrew dealer xninntes, or twice as fast as light.—Phila­ ities, the jnost remark- health, and he does not rally from the delphia Becord. ‘^ADHESIVB COUNTBR8.*’ m in sponges, with his stock in trade on attack which prostrated him after the SAGE a 00., Boetoa, SzebulTe Whoteeale Aseetfc ;i|d them a^^ Local scientists are his back, was walking through the prin­ At Retail By L oi^ Qf the membeirs o f the investigations into the affairs of the Mn. Pettla’ Boat Floated Away. cipal streets when the shower came on. Panama canal were commenced. But FITCH* DRAKE, J.E.MORTON, i ly^'Uitit^te i» investigating the( was not dressed in holiday attire, so Mrs. Pettis, a lady living at Lake tionis Befpubhc. \ when a man has reached the age of Emily, in Le ^ eu r county, met with an R. P.BISSELL, Wic. BRINK, Mandheeter. did not mind the rain, but his load of eighty-seven every illness that seizes him ' ^—“ ges evidently enjoyed the shower. experience that she is not apt to forget A. H. SKlNNEiC W . H. CHENEY’S SONS (^^.'-.'^A^4?hlacs to Do In Hot-'Weathor. at once assumes an alarming aspect. They swallowed every drop that fell for some time. She was ont boat riding PATENTS It is no wonder that the “grand old Oaveatt, aod Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ BOSTON SHOE STORE. South Manohseter. few' mles as to bow to keep cool upon ,them, and pretty soon they began during the evening, and while ont on Frenchman” should have collapsed dur­ ent bnsinesB condneted for Moderate Feet. ^iDat-9(gn^:,axnii^ iiyear a nicely to swell. ^The faster the rain fell the the lake her boat, which was leaky, be­ Our Offleo is Opposite U.S. Patent Offloe, i collar.’ W a iik rapidly np ing the past few weeks, especially since gan to fill with water. She was in the and we can seenre patent in less time than those bigger grew the sponges, untU finally the seizure of the boo^ and papers of remote ftrom Washington. State street in the middle of they took up the larger half of the side­ vicinity of, Cedar island, and rowed Send model,^drawlng or photo., with descrip­ the company has been effected, an oper­ tion. We advise. If patentable or not, free of '»'!wy to match a piece of ribbon for a walk. there for the purpose of bailing out the ation which took place some days ago. • Oor fee not one till patent le eecnred. ^ ^ h prb^ acquaintance. Climb sizflights A policeman whose coat sleeve had boat. She got on shore, and some dis­ A Panmhlet, “ How to Obtata Patents,” with ‘ ’ "^i Staindniingthe hour when the ele- The once busy and animated scene which tance from where she landed she spied a names ofactnal clients invoorState, connty.or been dampened by coming in contact the offices on the Bue Canmartine were town, sent ftee. Addreea, W J S ' 1 Z [ '^ianot rtmning to keepanappoint- with the mass of sponges ordered the can, which she proceeded to get. She wont to present has been exchanged for V^tb a fr i^ wlmhas bem snd- man to widk in the :^d^e of the street. got the can, but when she returned she a dreary aspect of desertion. The long C.A.8NOW &CO. IdaUed/from town.t Srold as hard He obeyed, but. t^is only made matters was horrified to find that a strong wind Opposlta Patent Office. Washinaton. D. C. years of misplaced public confidence are (n^:at cveryb6dy and everything, w oi^. His pack grew laiger and larger, had taken her boat some distance ont '\^|l|t a large Japanese ended at last.—Paris C!or. Philadelphia into the lake. until the peddler .looked like a gigantic Telegraph. ]^rtvC|uim a street oar vralking mushroom. Carriage horses island was some distance from nt- DLGrosveDor’s were frightened at the sight, and even The Thrasher’s Sonx> her cries of distress were nn- pyto take the street oar horste, which rarely pay atten­ Ah, these are gay times np in the the prospect of spending the ,JitoA?bujs the depot -c a p -s ic tion to anything bnt the condnctor’s country, for the song of the thrasher will anything but pleasant. No B^Uld, tnm edput for him and drew the Jo her, reliefI and, ka there was fiUSM o«idl rcMf/* soop be heard in the big farmyard, and yVoMiwOi. PLASTER. ■’'‘ipn^-'^th';* Phrs o ff the’ track. Dogs ran after the the women folk will be hard presssed in­ ), she was compelled to abd yob ^sian,''ltnd-made life xniserable for him by deed to make pie and donghnnts enough condition imposed by unkind MOJlUMEllTAl. BROSZ ‘ ‘left.” epifflng At his heels and barking. to satify those hungry men. ^main. She passed the night ,:8h^Afterr BRlDCEP0RL'C0Bi5^^#S« Peo^e stood totally oblivions to the Thrashing time is always welcome on v^'seovered next afternoon by a heavy, ndnftkll and laughed until the the farm where I have been. It seems •r ^t. Peter campers, who were THEY A T .T . FAILED. tsAM eaine. Finally the peddler, still like a tench of winter gayety injected out ^ling. • One of the party, A. F. TBilSDiBbRarofihe tarpulfie, becam e^or- Everjpn, secured,a skiff and hastened to The following letter from Mr. W. A. into^he midst of summer. Of course I Thomson-, of Columbus, W is,, is peculuir- ymiAn-. ried and a hunted look came into his am talking now of the thxoshing of win­ the ^and to rescue the unfortunate Ite'iiuiifc wipItB’ ildbt: devbbi^ womtm from another night of horror. ly interesting : “My wife,’* says he, ^es.. .He turned off into a side street ter wheat. The big tbiwahlng manhlnA “ has been treated for her head, stomach and started toward Nan'gatnck, and the goes from farm to farm and the men She was taken into camp and kindly ^ JXHAU8TCI ______IlilB^ the same bns with and nervous prostration by three doc­ The I ^ r e of YpotU, Freniatnre D e ^ : celebration of the Fourth went on.—An- board around, take turns ite helping ont cared for by the ladies, and her mental tors in New York, two in Chicago, one who carries cat tails and Manhood, and all Diseumsnd Weakneaeea c sonia (Conn.) Sentinel. one another, and spark the girls m th zeal equilibrium was soon restored. She has in Philadelphia, one in Cincinnati, ant from whatever cauee, uennanently and cured at homa Expert TaiATiiaRTi No your eye. Go to the mingled with discretion. no desire to spend another twenty-four at the large institute in Buffalo for six­ elderly, woman . Conanliation In person o f by The Queerest of Deer Stories. Thrashing, the farmer’s wife tells me, hours in a like manner.—Oor. St. Paul teen months. They all failed. But one •criptlveiptive Prospeetna,______• • • • « free.^ with a gasoline stove. Globe. ______Addre^Wm.'H^Adueas, Wm."" Puker, M.'l>.tior Tbe~^Paabo^ George Bell, keeper of Picnic Island, is the hungriest work there is, and yon bottle of Dr. Miles’s Bestorative Nervine helped her wonderfully.” This should dl^natitnta. No. 4 Bnlflnob BoatonjSiM. ' jbdends through the ravines in the lower harbor, has two little girls, would think so if yon could see those **yi9*.^ Parkw,arkar, A& p««^ HwemmBnsainenoaa6o eminent Ainerloaa ibrVwild flowers. Ifisturb a Bevenge on m VVldoweK be used in all headaches, b^kaches, to whom a pet deer belonging to the zoo fellows eat. A crock of doughnuts jornets under'the supposition A heavily veiled woman, dressed in changes of life, nervous disturbimces, o f B . S. Warner & Co., on the island, is melts away like butter before a roaring black, entered the business office of one fits, rheumatism, etc. Ask at Cheng’s ■jg.beautifal fangnis.~C!hicago very much attached. The little fawn fire, and as for pie, potato^ or pancakes, of the morning newspapers a few days drug store for a free trial bottle and Dt. follows one child wherever it g o^ Yes­ yon have to hnstle to keep np with them. ago and inserted a death notice, with Miles’s new book on the Nerves and ^ ^ ---- Heart. -g Ntw Ytrk I Haw iBiElaHl Btibui .» '.Vis ^ropngnto Common S«nM. terday the children stole away from —New York Herald. the announcement of the funeral next home to a place on the wharf, wh4n the f, le df ^the I fashionable women of day. Many friends of the deceased Tn«.t> HAPPY HOOSIBRS. On and After May 10, 1891* ■n, KW yonng^t one accidentally fell overboard. M n. ’s Diamonds. V > ■■ have formed theniadves into A read of his death with sorrow, and at "Wm. ’nm m ons, postmaster o f Idaville, ^|y ^*'%6r the prevention of oxime The deer at once jumped in after the Mrs. Bradley Martin’s diamond tiara is, the hour mentioned for the services Ind., writes: “ Electric Bitters has done LEA'VB MANCHESTER ; common sense” in the matter of child, which soon sank out of sight. perhaps, the most magnificent one owned ^thered at his house. Several carriages^ more forme than all other medicines Li particular do they inveigh I The deer then swam to the beach and by any woman not of royal lineage. As stood in the street, bnt no hearse was combined, for that bad feeling arising a rule, tiaras carry only small and infe­ 7e00a 7a48 pjoiL RetnnilAffa lesve the discomforts of the corset. ran at lightning speed to the keeper’s ■visible, nor was there any crape on the from kidney and liver trouble.” John honse, where the mother of the cl^d rior gems, which combined make a fair­ Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same 6.1^ m 740 pjmT’ ' ^ W ^ In .'Germany is made, longer, and door. Fob was. It reared np on his hind feet, blew ly good showing, but Mrs. Martin’s is place, says: “ Find Electric Bitters to be •R.RooxvzLiiE-7.18, 0JR) a.m.dklK81, PM. itfd altogether more.abominable In fact, instead of witnessing the last 6.41,8.06 p.m . and snorted and cut queer antics so as composed of carefnlly selected diamonds. the. best kidnev and liver medicine, firn y w h s te else. Men are admitted sad rites the visitors found themselves 8J0 to attract Mrs. Bell’s attention. It then Many are rare solitaires. The seven made me feel like a new man.” J. "W. 6.41,8.08p.m. .^^liemben^ are urged toxxdti- ushered into a brilliantly decorated Gardner, hardware merchant, same Fob BOSTON-Ojeo a.m .; S.88, 6.41 started down the beach in an excited points of the tiara are tipped with single " /' ::hy^iireoept and example various room, in which clergyman was about own, says: Electric Bitters is just r s i l l run and jumped into the water again. gems, each of great value. The cost of ;en.m. GK)ing W r8t— was playing about the mouth of a could not buy it.—Tampa (Fla.) Cor. At­ was found dead in the cornfield of Cor- A medical man who knows what he is lanta Constitution. ' neUns H. Shipley, near Gist, about six ieved, but the disease left no bad after getting too near the edge lost talking about said recently: results. We ask you to give this reme­ - and fell in. The wdl was miles from Westxainster, a few days ago. “ This is a baby year. Idonotknpwhow dy a trial and we guarantee that you A Dead Pauper and a Dead Dog. A small bell was attach^ to its neck by i^^fWo feet deep end so norrow that a to account for it, but the statistics will will be satisfied with results, or the pur­ SUNDAY TRAIN—Goino W ist—Leaves - .';r v:'vt! : person could not well de- Judging from some disclosures which a wire. On the tongue or clapper of the bear out my assertion that some years chase price will be refunded. It has Manchester 7.56, Bnrnside (flag) 8.04, East were made at a meeting of the Warring­ bell was the Boman numeral I and the no equal in La Grippe, or any Throat, Hartford 8.07, Vernon 7.51, Bolton 7.45 a m. ‘ ' ;:vA'tix-year-old boy finally de- are noted for the great number of births w i n o East—Leaves Manchester 6.89. Bnm- ■ ■ '■V-'vx' - V 'iVi V imd catching the little one’s ton guardians last week, a dead pauper letter D. For several years past a buz­ that occur. This yeaixof our Lord 1891 Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial tettlro sldejflag) 6.80, East Hartford 5.27, Vernon, In that union is regarded in very much free at the drug stores of C. H. R(»e 5.40, Bolton, 6KB p. m. j; hdd ^h tly to it uiitil ihey zard, carrying a bell in,the manner thus is one of these seasons. If you will take the same light as a dead dog. Broently and Cheney. 2 | ^ ^ A ’;;ipidly«ar-old tot widely separated places in the western that 1884 was a very prolific year, and so A FORTUNATE WOMAN. SOUTH MANCHESTFB BAILSOAD. . ,-s ji?'’ . relief was found dead atEarlestown, and ahoiit as usual an hour af- counties of M ^land. Whether this is W M1886 and 1888. Now we have 1891 Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Oviu, Minn, the body was taken in a barrow to sev­ On and after May 18th, 18 &i''tbe fall the child had not the same bird is not known.—Baltimore ■udth more than the usual number of has reason to be very thankful. She was trains run dail;y, (Sundayy exceptez< eral public houses, “but no one would Sun. * ______births. There will be a great number of a great sufferer from heart disease for standard time being used: . tt» sides and the water at the receive it.” happy families before 1892 comes to years. Was short of breath, had hungry Leave South Manchester for Manohester. (L8(L ’laved her life.—Philadelphia At a fire in Georgia, there being no 7.?8, 9.08, 9.45, s.m .; 18.08 L88, 8.85, aoo, a08. . -.1 <1. . •/•'J'-v- Ultimately a temporary resting place greet us. It is fortunate, too, that there spells, pain in side, fluttering, faintness, water at hand, some little colored boys etc. After taking two bottles of Dr. 6.48, 7.88 p.m. m was secured for the corpse in a stable, has been comparatively little sickness CoBNEOTioBs.—The 6.80 a.m. train pelted it with watermelons which were Miles’s New Heart Cure, she says: “ I am at Manchester for WlUlmantio and Provu \Oeoaples the Steps. and two or three days later it was found among the children so far, whioh was that “rats had got to the body.” Some­ growing in a neighboring field, and the better than for 20 years. My mind and dence; 7.80 for Hartford and New 'York: 0.08’ i « man who is a puzzle. not true of either 1886 or 1888.”—Chicago eyesight have improved wonderfully. I for Boston, Providence and New London: 0 45 body, it is clear, deserves censure, and melons bursting soon quenched the News. for Hartford and New York: 1&Q6 icnc yAfidiioon he planted himself on flames. advise all persons thus afflicted to use Hartford, New York imd RoOkvUle; L88 far gitAtipbAti of for men, women and onildren. Small- SENIand 8.86p. mi! jiiliplpn the snsniyPs , Aifliiiij* teg^a^^reat sight.—Bangor (Me.)Oom- est> mudeet, surest. 50 doses far.’IHl: ^ t s .,. J9Emples free at Cheney*S;d|^ stem*'


FALL RACES. C am p N o te s Permission has been secured to have a P ark , Right to the Trade Name Attractions at Woodland large tent adjoining the state camp at by Judge Hall. September 2 and 3« 1 Niantic, where the soldiers may spend Representatives of the fair associations In the case of E. S. Kendall & Co. vs. BX.WOOD S .:iX A EDITOB Word About Piinp their leisure time. The tent will be sup­ which make up the Eastern Connecticut Nathan Cobe, lately tried before Judge WM. S. 008LEB, Local Editor and Bdbi- Monday af- plied with newspapers, magazines J. M. Hall in the superior court, Hart-1 NB98 AONNT lO B GLASTONBUBT. Mm^S^*^arrangements 1 games and tables, with conveniences for I county, the following memoran- Krtibnd at thn Post Otitob at Manohns* for the fall races. Manchester starts the writing. With the consent of the 1 ^dum of his decision has been filed.^i^nA Th«The TH as BBOOND-OIiASS MaTTBIU services If you are unfortunate enough live outside ^he ball September 2 and 3 with the fo llo w -1 c^^aplains attractive rehgious decision will be interesting to the busi­ ^ '''*5 T Pablished evew Saturday momlM. Offlc^ will be held when advisable. Promi­ EDSE’SBUILDmG, Manonester. BRANCH ing classes and purses: 2:50 class purse ness public, as tending to show to what I q £ the water service, you need a gpod Punip,^ ,/ -Thi oPFIOB, PARK BUILDING, South Man- nent Y. M. G. A. men will be in charge j $200, for trotters; 2:40 class purse $200, extent trade-names may be exclusively ohMter. of the tent. I for pacers and trotters; 2:35 class for used and protected. C. J. Cole and C. Per yewr «L80; ;le copies, five cents, At a meeting of the council of admin­ Advertlsiiig rates .e known on applies-1 trotters, purse $200; free-for-all, pacers H. Clarke, attorneys for the plaintiffs; E&Hini tUBBER BUCKET FU tf istration of the First Regiment last Ion and trotters, purse $200. It was agreed C. E. Perkins and Arthur Perkins, at­ week, it was voted to engage two addi­ torneys,- for the defendant:— Has stood the test of years, Scores of them are in use ssisr I by tional bandsmen for camp and to pay- lOQIOBANDUM.[. . I 1 . • • ■ ■ ■ , , •• • . . «il^ The water is.drawn from the botti^ d. tfie, The H erald %it>iUhe delivered , If* i... I **300lees 111it IDis uuoaoujliberally dosed w ith Jamaioa-I mstod-iiwiooaptly in bis first use of the i 8 ■■■'i. r -i ^ w bden sfittled^ettiied, $«ch one claimingclaim ing to ^be L| f _ ^ ' the ____ fo r mant Aj^tdsThe.»’Hubvcioti^HpuBe,TOd^dld'not words The.'*Hub?’ 01otiaiiiHpuBAM^ well, and always fr ^ . carrier at any .^ef^ M know of the ezl^noe of too pwlntiff’s p, X I able to be^tthd other and if these horses 1 * of buslnees by that name in H artftjidjliere- oeived'Botioe, however, on June 87, IW, from 4. No wearing of the tubing. the plaintlflBL that they claJmod the said Maneheeter at Ilf ~cent§ a month. 1the members agree to the MannHaatar J u ro rs I words. The “ Hub” Clothing Houw, as their 5. The wear of the bucket is replac^ by its M a n ch e ste r ju r o r s . tiade-imme, sign and mi5k, and requested riune rttlM4nd regulations. Large cir- The follow ing is the list o f jm ym en I dedst^R ^ their use in oonnoetiqn expansion. SATURDAY, A U G ^T &, 1891. porters wifl be out next week. | selected from Manchester for ‘ wlthhlsllort. t5Jb defendant, however, did service_ .m I not de8lst,but continued tp nse saffi name and 6. Draws a larger quantity of water, and with T|ie. directors o f the M anchester asso- the county courts J Norman Loomis, .js^,.not onljrai FtoqkylUe, but TOo^ more ease, than any other water drawer known. !* I M em b er T'lWO. be etore Twokirto. who W ,eiiip!byed|<>tttionh*M am^g-W ^e,dayOT«-|}^„-- 8^^^ W. Taintor* I by the'fliime nsme at Manchester, ten .miles nearer to Hartford, for the sale of ^ e ew e 7. No expense for repairs. atda^wotkin Derby o«M«i hareltak “ d l-wmiam A. Busbnell, Edward J. Simou,„ I class of goods, and. In oonnsptlon TOerswItn George F. Day, Albert F. Bldwell. I ioBued cards^ hand-bills and olrcidars, a«d published advertisements in connection with Rubber Buekrt Sbowliig. Elisha Williams, Charles Howe, Justus said branch store. BxpanMMi Screw, ia It is'Shown quite clearly, that the jxade of ao^alntaiioee in the fer off dty, buthe.']^®*! ** '*’ ” 3 W. Hale* Franklin B. Risley, Charles the plaintiffs, owhkg to its sstablishe^puta- Sold in Manchester only by U^e^pportunitlee wiU be beSW fwltobaniee^ » !» (» ; StalUonefor O. Woloott, Clinton E. Williams, Wal­ tlon and extensive advertisement was wry large, both in Rockville andMTOcbestor. The ♦bdam tt^terSieeast and go with theIo®e, $26.00; Single carnage horses, ter W. Cowles, Orion Treat, Joseph C. sign, tr^e-name and advertisements of tos defendant.. were oaloula^ to deeeiye TOe . P. aole purpoee of bettpfingttbfto Alvord, Edward A. LydaU, Albert Tay­ iub]lc,'and lei^ them to believe th a tth ^ ^ tlon.^S*lythlW #ei« hta««9they IW yem wId^troM hame«,beet lor, Jasper A. Fitch, Charles E. Buiice, ______■ ini’s i.eetabH|hmiente . both at RookvIUe ' ’ “ >vere branches ofthe plalu- wUlbe doing hoiuework and tm id to g two in three, »80.00; BTat raw, ru ^ r^ A. WeDs, ,$3,,CW«5^W. snohastateof ® ' $50.00. It will be noticed that liberal r/{ fBot^'TOe plaintilb a n eii^tied to their own babies. WUUam' w ; BikUy, purses are offered as an inducement to WeU«WethereU, G «rge W. The state insuraiipe opntttil8Blpneis> o f I breeders o f colts and it is to the c r ^ t Co. .VS. HalL«I N,,Y. IW, agd cases there o it ^ “ Tbs kfottSd on which courts of equity afloM New TTik*np«Mrft, jjaVei B heaiinie' last c i this association in taking this step The Bridgeport aldermen Wednesjihyw i» !-• I reUef in this class of cases. Is the ^anuy to other association evening passea a resolution ai>oli8ii[ing | the nartv aggrieved-,-and-the impoeitipn upon week to representatives of the People’s I far in advance of any the Five Year Benefit order, w.ho asked a that we know of. These purses will be the office of chief of police. Alderm an. _ le production Sr^ ’ •botiiiri’’ The existence of TOe conse- A. L BROWN 1 UOMPANYi divided so that any colt, brood mare or reversal of the action refusing them a Ward, democrat, who has been voting | quenoee diM jmt .neoeeaajdly depend uponTOe stallion receiving even third or fourth with the republicans, did not vote. The-j question whemei^ flaud or aneril intent does license to dobusiness in the rtate, on the or does tfot exist. ' The quo aninw, theretore, ground that it has features that are prizes will be better off than the much contested pay rolls of the police i would s «to to be an immatorial in gu lf. winners of first prizes heretofore. An HolmeABooth & Hayden: vs^. Holmes. BqoTO | different from those of the other en- department were also approved. This |& AtW )dM anufacturinj Go^8T Conn., BARGAIN SALE OE TJNDERWE, But the commia- (expert judge will be employed to judge j gght of the democrats for de­ Thoonly question of difficulty In such oases, dowment orders. is to fix the nmits to which courts shall ex- sioners would not change their view, I the colt and stallion classes, one w h o posing Chirt Rylands, whom they put ^tend proteotloti' 1 cannot believe that eQUlty holding, «8 State Treasurer Field says, understands the blood lines ,and can in offlee about OM year »go. . I that the whole scheme is “ moraUy | judge the entnw upon their real m erits. Twenty tinners employed *ih-Con- j principle upon which equity affords re- Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vests,former price 25 cts, now 2d<:l vprong mathematically impossible.’' therefore exhibitors can be sure jo-ltnm tor 3 7 } 4 , ^ tice being done. •t on the A. new E. Yale | j Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vests, former price now 3 0 I inst invasion of others seeking to pirate r • >* • * Church Music. Haven, struck Tuesday becanas Giey 1 trade name. ««« tbatth. piaiaum Ladics’ Jersey Ribbed Vests, former price 6o cts, «gnfi.§p^ It is pleaajDg to the musio-lovers in THE BACKER FAILURE. were not promptly paid. Thef snh oon-1 It Isln proof in this, case , .•'V. , '■ . I were weuanaiavoraoiywell and favorably kkut.. n o ^------I t j * s-mr • vr ,. t ____ • - o town to learn that the South Methodist Liabilities Said to be Four Millions. tractor,iracbor, IGit usis M**u,said, 10 is xuiceua^wajfinancial^ emhar-1 i eujoylngenloving a large trade,trade. DOGuDoth 11from^ Rpckvlllej‘ Ladies Merino Vests, former price 50 cents ohnreh is to have a really good pipe . ’ . .... _2 ..2...,.i I II ■ I a place but twenty miles from Hartford, and Abraham Backer, of New York, the rassed and as the principal OPBtriCtor I ^jJ^ianoheater; miles nearer, wth organ. It'shows a growth in popularity uMu* ANMAOA, UA xacTT ” '11 Hftttled w ith the m en aSd liftNMmed I being connect^ tb erew ^ bv TOilroad, a ^ ow ner of the Cotton Hollow mills at settiea wicn that TOe pJ^tiffs had extensively »^rtised of good mnsioa The churches of this the contract himself, work their buslnees and trade-name in both said South Glastonbury, made an assignment |dace have not gi'ven proper iittentioii to places. Can it be eaid to be xmreaaoMble to Fall Lines of Hen’s U n d e iid t this week. His liabilities are about sumed. protect an eatabliriied trade-name witbin a music. For many years they spent all circuit of twenty iniles from the place where $4,000,000, with large assets. He was their money on the pulpit and had none. . , . 21 Miss Tennier, o f N ew ,Ha' Fast Black Hosiery. eft ferthe chdr. G^J muaio ia en- » heajr deriw to commercial paper and ing. a few weeks at the reasonable publicpubuc conveyancesconveyances? F 1iTOUUtuoi,| TOIiJ^ot, I -i t -*.,. t » ,i .i t tt • t J* *• »> viru**w r i i * . a ' - was the capitalist of the firm of A. and shaU therefore enjoin the defendrot from ranted Fasf Black HoSierV. LadieS White AprOlfS^lt nohling. It refines man and awakens I ® Father Doolan. Miss McEUp^i usingIff the platotiffs’___ __ t^____ e-n______^ e, ^sl^ _ and I J , ^ ^ Backer & Co., dry goods commission Milford, and the Misses mark, either at Rockville or Manchester, as within him lofty sentiments. The most prayed for in the oompWnt. , « to $1.50. Men’s Outing Shirts at greatly^ rediioi^^ merchants. ILr. Backer has been a rtiooessfnl churches are those which Leary, of New H av^„^nt The plaintiffs claim $1,000 damages in A eir merchant in ih the South for many complalh't. SverV teospase *ea-property g t ^ provide good music at their services. with her. Miss Ma|;uire, of a right to nominal damages. When TOe All Hnds "df 'Men’s and Ladies^ Fumisliin^i years, and went to New York about 27 plaintiff seeks more than this, he must offer And it may be said, furthermore, that a will be her guest tomorrow. years ago. His original business in the evidence to show in what way damage has to- Shoes, Hats and Caps. large proportion of the best vocal music sulted to him from the unlawful acts of TOe South was principally in groceries and Don’t forget to look over ttiU. picture defendant. A mere general claim, based up­ has been composed for religious ser­ on mere conjecture, independent of other evi­ liquors. Then he got into the cotton moulding kept by F. L. HalejO^lrum es dence, dene is insufficient. The fact that a wssi- vices. ' Manchester church members ble injury has resulted, affords no ground for to^be^W ttae ®®“®“ ">« Uade eviry "wWk and new jj^coa^ damages. The court cannot assume to what extent TOe plaintiffs in this case have been theee facts. The choral eociety oan I‘'>®“ “ *® ®®'“ “ «” >“ * I®®®'. For some ...ntly arriving to take tta phoe of injured by loss of onstom by reason of the olelm a good Bhare of the credit for “ 5*1°“ T i l “ UovUding made into frames ^ defendant’s carrying on business in Rockville A. L. BROWN & COMPANY and Manchester in the absence of any proof .^-4, forming a taste for better mneie. The '>® T T Boston brown bread hot at afe p. m . whatever on TOe subject. For this reason I shall in this case give nominal damages only; performances of the aoeiety have shown A™ '!®”‘ ^ 0>“ ; every day at the Vienna Bakery. which I fix at TOe sum of $86. l^toanbe donebylooaleingereunder ''here to puroh^ a mdl - - Let a decree be entered, peri>etnally enjoin. Advertised Letters. Ing TOe defendant, his agents or servants, competentdirectionandaidedby 8killed|® * j Manchester, Conn-., C onn., AtoA im |$, 1891. from using said trade-name, sign and mark,or I South Glastonbury w ere run by his nona. Thos. O. any imitation thereof, within, the limits of accompanists. The Center church was Brittle Great, Mrs. l^os. O. Connell, TOe city of Rockville or town of Manchester; The venture was unprofitable* and the [ GOAL! WOOD 1 the first to feel the new impulse and Levi Drake, P . M. ^ and silso a judgment of $25 damages and plant was abandoned three or four years [costs. J M . H a l l , Judge. spent over $2,000 for a modem pipe ago. Mr. Backer is prostrated by his FOR ONE DOLLAR organ. Now the South Methodist I LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, ADAMANT PUSTEH. trouble. He was popular in financial You can cure yourself of malaria, chills To Bentt For Sale, Wanted, etc* church is going to have a still larger circles and has many sympathizers. and sciatic rheumatism, boils and all organ. A necessary companion to a o r s a l e - one of TOe most desirable | bilousness. Ask your druggist for building______lots in SouthManchester on good organ is a good organist. Hereto­ Excursion to Bpstofi. Grove’s Herb Extract and become well CharterF Oak street, next east of the residence | fore Manchester has b e^ obliged to go The New York & New England rail­ at once. of Sanford Keeney. For particulars apply o f M b s. Sa n f o b d Kebmbt. al3w I have a fine stock of above articles on faai out of town for a skilled organ player; road will run another excursion to Bos­ not because we have not the talent from o r SALE—Chamber eet, apring bed, ton hext Monday at $1.50 for the round “ Too Mana Beda Shoes.” F mattreaaes, chairs, sofa, range, base which good performers are made, but trip. The low fare—about one fourth Durner stove, wood stove, carrots, clocks and and am selling at the Lowest P o s s iti “ I make from two to tree doUa’ day,” other bonsehold goods belon^ng to the estate because there has been no inducement the regular rate—ought to be sufficient said an Italian bootblack -with two chain of Mrs. Mary A. House. Must oe sold with­ in the next two weeks. G. E. House, Adm. for our musicians to cultivate their inducement to people to take this trip. nnder the Elevated stain. “Bisna no Prices consistent with Good Quality ana talent. The next step toward better But to make the inducement the] good. N o good lasta yeah. F oa I maka< O RENT—A desirable tenement of six | rooms on W ells street. Apply to W . W . musio our stronger churches should take I stronger the railroad company have at- ] tree, fo’, fiva and sometimes sixa dolla’ TBid well, Manchester. is the employment of salaried singers, tached a coupon to the ticket good for | day.” Fair Profit. 0 RENT—The Robertson place. Depot | The salary need not be large nor the admission to the ball game between the “ What’s the reason business is not so good n ow ?’ Square, Enquire Jof G. H. H a l l , M an- paid singers many. But the payment Bostons and Pittsburgs or to the histor- cheTester, Conn. jullStf “Harda times, reda shoes and pata of a moderate salary to say a quartette ical cyclorama “Jerusalem.’' The o r SALE—Property of the late Maurice leatha shoes; too many mena in bisna. Toohy, house and barn on Williams | of singers would not only ensure their special train will leave Manchester at My besta enstama no mor blacka shoe& F street. One or two minutes walk from depot. regular att^dance at, rehearsals and 7,31 a. m., and^etuming will leave Bos- A pply to Jo h n M . T o o h v or addressT o o h y & I am doing busmess for a living and nOt for *1 Oi.A Wear a reda an’ pata leatha shoes. See!* T r b v b t h ic k , New Britain, Conn. ml6tf public services, but would encourage ton at 7.00 p. m. Tickets will be good Lasta yea, dis yea, same. I paya man dolla’ day helpa, an’ boarda hiin. Maka O RENT—My new cottage on Oakland them to cultivate their voices for solo on this train only Monday but may also T street. One family preferred. Also and only ask such prices as I think will gi singing, at present a lost art in this vi­ >e used for the return trip on any of the no m on’.” furnished lodgli^ rooms at my residence. “ What did yon do before you came to Inquire of Park Brewster. Aug 8 tw cinity. Connecticut has produced regular trains Tuesday except the three this country?” many famous singers and most of them o’clock express. r j i o RENT—Small tenement. Enquire me a fair chance. “ I farma. My man he farma, my son Dr. B. 8. Barrows. were first heard in church choirs; but ♦ he farma. Farma no good, Italy. I Scandalous ReportslDenled. OR SALE—New cushion tire 1891 pattern none of them, so far as we have learned, maka dolla’ week. Sacrel”—New York F Columbia...... bicycle, Hawkeye. ' camera] lera -.■m has graduated from a Manchester The scandalousj'reports that have complete, Quackenbush rifle, c a l.. fuU i been circulated in this and adjoining H erald. ______nlckle. Address Box 303, Manchester. church. towns the last few weeks have at last Policemen Losing In Height. reached the ears o f those Kxmeerned. HETTRY L. VIBBERl^ The first batch of twenty policemen DIED. BLINN STREET, MANCHESTER, A Question of Morals have been examined under the order re­ [Bristol PresA] FIN LAY-In Hartford, Ang. 5, Sadie, daugh­ cently issued by the mayor. Of the ter of Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Finlay, aged { Branch Office F. W . Mills’s Store, Park Building, South Manchester, The short-time endowment orders I would have the oommunite know that twenty men examined bat one has re­ three years. Gonnections. have raised the cry of a “ subsfdised I am not so utterly obtuse that I do not tained the same proportions throughout. BISSELL-In Plalnville, Ang. 5, Clara Bon-1 press.” They would have you believe nell, wife of R. P. Bissell, of Manchester. know my own busmess, also what is This man is Officer Jim Eggleston, of WOODHOUSE—In Manchester, Ang. 8, in-1 that the newspapers who oppose the going on in my own house; at the same “ get-rioh-quicK’ societies are workffig the First district. He is exactly the fant child of Samuel and Sarah Woodhonse, | time am at a loss to know why my aged four months. for pay in tibie interest of the old line in- same height as when he was examined family should be thus imposed upon. I for appointment nnder this administra LIDDELL-In Manchester, Aug. 6, Bllzal rorance companies. The truth of the am perfectly certain that those who Liddell, wife of George Liddell, aged 61. ioiatter is this: The newspapers were tion, and weighs not an ounce more or THE have aided in circulating these reports tardy in opposing these societies. There have not considered whether they are less. Of the others one was almost an is no need of advancing a line of argu­ doing as they would like to be done by. inch taller than when he went on, but FOE SALE. ment to show that this is so. It is pat­ Mrs. T. S. Curtis. the rest had fallen away. One was found The Point whs in the S{ ent to anyone who will give the thing a moment’s consideration that when a to be more than an inch shorter than V GOOD PIANO. company agrees to pay a certificate Bicycle Notes. when appointed. All were over weight holdflT ^00 ^ $40 or for $60, or $76, if Bristol’s assessors put bicycles on the except Officer Eggleston. — Cincinnati Price Very Lo*w. HE BOUGHT T#i you please, the thing cannot be done in list at $40. Commercial-Gazette. a Intimate'way. For instance if 100 Wheelmen will find the path from Charles S. Williams members join a new lodge it is admit­ South Manchester to the Center easier Modification Extraordinary. ted from the outset that twenty-five per The hen of a farmer who lives near 206 State Street, Hartford. by way of Church street than by Main cent, at least will allow their certificates Tionesta and a wild pheasant have both to “ lapse.” It it were not for “ lapses” street. Turn up Park street to Church. A 40-Center for 25 ces&' mi been laying eggs in the same nest. After the business could not go on. This From the Episcopal church you can New London Northern Railroad. ives rise to the question: “ Have the the nest was full 'with about an eqna actually coast half the way to Center Trains leave Wlllimantic, connecting with I f5 who are fortunate in having number of both kinds of eggs both fowls trains on N. Y. & N. E. R. R., street. The recent improvements on A 25-Center fer 1 money enough to pay their assessments began to set. They occupied the nest a ; FOR N EW LONDON—8.85 (Block Island^Jx- , any i&ht to . profit by the twenty-five Church street make this possible. the same time and there was a constan; press), 10.06, a. m .; 8.28, 6.40 and 8.45, p. m. dupes who cotdil i ' bold out to the Alfred Avery, of Wapping,. has straggle going on. The farmer oonclud FOR PALMER—6.07, 11.16 a. m.; 8.38 and >?lartr .That Ifi » which we C. H. r o s e ' has: Men are boi^bt a Hartford lady’s sitfety of ed that neither could accomplish any 6.46, p. m . thing at the rate they were quarreling^ a r r i v e AT WILLIMANTIO trom New ;5o£dcm when it Laiibb ds. Hibbard. dow full of theih.■ "li- and he thought to solve the difficulty by London and Norwich—6.07, 9.00, 11.16, a. m .: Jproba*^ Hale has a hickory safety. 8.38 and 6.86 p . m . niQbying the hen’s eggs from the nest. FROM PALMER—8!86J0.06, a.m.; 8.22 and f « J(toes’8 advt. oidy fierved to xnsJee matters worae, ^ p.^ 0. F.^AULDINd.Supt. and new bo& fewU ia^ hatch | New London, Conn., June89,189L biiie^jroa. " " ‘ r-ffldlidrtphlB Times.

'■si'-.’ liCHJi:ST32B fciATUBD^ £ HBUALD • SArUBDAlT, AUGUST 8, 1891.

The Unpopular Hulh ,GLASTONBURY CLEANINOS. VERNON. There is one unpopular coin issued by , Ifr. and Mrsf ,ptu| Taloott& and Although business seems dull at pres­ Uncle Sam. It is the half dollar, and it has a tendency to work its way back CARPET BUYERS iJMto Carl F. Dejaij}, H e r b * P e a n ent, the Vernon Woolen Mills Co. are ^d^wited on Mbndv monj|iS[ for a making quite extensive repairs, having into the treasury vaults, where it isn’t wanted. As money nobody objects to Avreek’a outing among the c o o f breezes put in two new boilers, and are now the half, but the popular fancy is for the ^ d the ozone o f Block Island. giving the mill a fresh coat of paint. same value in another form. That is, PLEASE NOTICE! F. W . Dean is b u sj as usnal this sea- During the absence of Mr. J. H. Hil­ the average citizen prefers to have two •on. He has nearly finished Dr. E. W. ton, over next Sunday, the pulpit will quarters. They are a trifle more con­ Pratt’s house oh East Hartford main be supplied by Rev. Mr. Sherman. venient. If he wants to pay out half a •treet, has just comm^ced building an Wm. Sullivan, overseer of the weav­ dollar he can use the half or the two addition to the dwelling ef Mrs. W. S. ing department, at Hillard’s mill has quarters with equal convenience, but if T h e Special Offerings Qoslee,andhas justdontihetefito build moved into the house with Mrs. Buell twenty-five cents is to be paid out the quarter is far the handier coin. in Dobeonville. a tobaooo shed 28 x 45 forfGottleib Han­ This may not seem to be a very im­ del in East Hartford. John Shea has moved into H. H. portant matter, but it counts in the long -AT- , . The Mr. BouUard addressed the Hunt’s house. run. Little by little the halves find pieople at the Congregational church Mrs. S. S. Talcott, accompanied by their way back to the government vaults, •on Sunday morning in. behalf of the her sister, Miss Lidia Talcott and Jen­ and.toere they stay, like poor relations. AtoetjtftiM Tiabt society, and in the eve­ nie Keeney, is occupying her cottage at Ih so far as coining home in dis- ning pleached, an excellent discourse, W OUm antio^p^^i^^ tfrAqe||^, the half dollar is the prodigal ,v" o f the mints. wito his old-t^e fervor. ting M . H. POST & GO'S. A


■■■ .y ' >;■ - HAiaOHJflSTEE ttATUBD-A I HEBALiD • SATDRDAi:, AUGUST 8, 1891.

YORK'S COLLECTORSHIP. Baby's IJfs SzTed by • Plveo*. Terrible Experience of » Plensare Party. TWO FAMOUS FISHEEMEN Aniuddent occurred recently in the A small fishing schooner has Just re­ K>k¥‘-' Slo»t FMw'tt's Pnb1t« Career. I family of G. F. Marsh, a member of the turned from a trip along the coast, and Mr. Srhardt'e Record. THEY ARE JUST NOW ENGAGED IN Pacific Const Pigeon society, which brought with it a party of father, son Forced Sale Regardless of Cost J. Sloat Fasaett, the newly appointed A FRIENDLY RIVALRY. prove! to him i i a m'^'st impressive and daughter, who had an experience collector at the port of New York, per- Liaaaer the valuable servic es which may which rarely falls to the lot of any one. : liape the best home office in the gift of Bometiaies be rendered by the carrier The party is William Buchanan, his fhe president, was bom Nov. 19, 1858, at Ex-Presldent Clereland and Joseph Jef­ pigeon, and jirobubly explains some of son Tom, and his daughter Nellie. Five b a r g a i n s in a l l DEPARTMENTS. Elniira,N. Y. He ferson Making It Hot for the Finny his enthusiasm in chat direction. His weeks ag;o they started on a cruise along was gradnated Denizens of Buzzard's Bay — Their little baby boy was ta1:en suddenly sick the coast in a small yacht, taking a from tile Uni- Charming Summer Homes. With most alarming symptoms of diph­ pleasure trip. They were provided with ity of Boch­ theria. gims, ammunition and fishing tackle, in 1877 and Buzzard’s Bay, down in the Cape Cod The mother, watching by the bedside and expected to have a fortnight’s sport district of Massachusetts, is noted as be­ itiien took a course of the little one. dispatched a message and then return east. Miss Nellie was at Heidelberg, ing the summer resort of two well known tied on a carrier pigeon to her husband as expert with the gun and rod as either after which he men — ex-President Crover Cleveland at his store on i\Iarket' street. In the her father or brother, and all three were and Joseph Jefferson, the actor. Mr. studied law. and message she wi’ote the natui’e of the good sailors. About sixty miles south a Cleveland has a comfortable, rambling served a year as child's alarming illness, and made an squall drove their yacht out to sea and MEN’S KLOTHING. district attorney cottage, which his wife has named Gray urgent appeal for medicine to save its wrecked the vessel on one of the small Gables. Mr. Jefferson’s cozy residence for Chemung life. The bird was started from the islands about twenty miles off the coast. is known as the Crow’s Nest. All $8, 12 and 15 Suits, county. In 1888 home of the fam ily near the Cliff House, Mr. Buchanan was badly bruised by now 2.90, 5.90 and he was elected to five miles from Mr. Marsh’s Market being dashed against the rocks, and Tom All $2, 3 and 5 Pants, now 89 cts. 1.78 and the state senate. J- s l o a t p a s s e t t . street store. bad his right arm broken in a similar He was re-elected in 1 ^ . 1887 and The bird flew sv/iftly to the store, way. Miss Nellie was the only one of BOYS’ KLOTHINGj (4 to 19 YEARS.) 1889, and at the sessiozl o f 1888 was made where Mr. Marsh received it. lie read the party who received no injury, and it president pro tempore of the senate. He the message, called a doctor, explained is to this fact alone that any of them are was chairman of the committee that in­ the child’s 8ympto(|as as his wife h ^ de­ alive. The guns, ammunition and fishing All 6, 8, and $10 Suits, now 2.45, 4.90 and vestigated the affairs of New York city tailed them in her message, and received tackle were all saved, and Miss Nellie All I , 2, and $3 Pants, now 78 cts. and and in 1888 was secretary of the Republi­ the proper medicine. Then tying the cared for her wounded relatives and can national committee. little vial containing the medicine to the Iben sterted out to get them sometbing ^ His predecessor, who>i^g^ed, is f^e- tail of the pigeon, he let it go.- to eat. The island is out of the way of CHILDREN’S CLOTHING (4 to 14 Y rs .) ^ tiously known as Jctel Bismarck Erhaidt, > ORAY GABLES. travel, and in consequence not a vessel The pigeon sped away through the air A ll $3.50, $3.50 and $5 Suits, now $1.28, $1.90 and-^ Oh account of his resemblance to the In the world at large the ex-president straight for the Cliff. It made the dis­ w^as seen for two weeks. During all this A ll .50, .75, and $1 ]^ e e Pants, i^ prominent as a lawyer, a Democrat now .19, .88, and vg Iron Chancellor. His middle name, tance, five miles, in ten minutes, a dis­ time the young lady hunted and fished, A ll .50, and .75 Shirt Waists, now .28 and .46 however, is Benedict, the maiden name and a man with decided views on tariff tance which would have required the and was so sucoessM that they did not o f his mother. He was bom in 1888 in and monetary questions. In the same doctor three quarters of an hour to cover. pass one* day without food. Pottstown, Pa., big world people instantly associate the In twenty minutes from the time the The island is so flat and barren that MEN’S FURNISHINGS. and was taken to player’s name with that of his most fa­ mother’s message was sent to her hu^ unless a v ^ e l gets close to it the people mous oharacter delineation-r-Rip Van All .50 and .75 “ Outing” Shirts, now .88 and .44 New York city band the baby was taking the medicine. on board cannot see it. They could not All .60 and .76 Summer Underwear, now .24 and .46 when four years Winkle. But at Buzzard’s Bay Mr. Naturally enough Mr. Marsh is partial, use the little wood they found for signal All .50 and .75 Neckwear, all styles, now .28 and .89 Cleveland’s popularity does not depend old. He began to pigeons, for he considers that he owes fires, for they were afraid there would A ll $1 Bathing Suits, .49 on his eminence as a politician, and Mr. business hfe in his baby’s life to one.—San Francisco not be enough to serve for cooking their A ll .15 Linen Collars, .09, 8 for .25 Jefferson’s fame is entirely distinct from A ll .25 Linen Cuffs, 2 pair for .26 the life insurance Examiner. ______food. A storm had sent them on the line, then studied that he has achieved on the stage. The island, and a similar occhrrence saved One A'ot from s Beal LHe Drama. law and was at Cape Cod' folk like both their vititors for them, for the fishing schooner had been IN HAT DEPARTMENT. the University of two reasoss only—they are good neigh­ “ I witnessed a most touching and dra­ driven off the shore and out of her conrse, Vermont when bors and good fitiiermen. matic incident the other day,” says a and when the captain saw the island he All Men’s and Boys’ Straw Hats at Half Price. Chicago man visiting St. Lonis. “It the war broke Abonttl^e &Bt point there is no con­ sent a boat ashore to see if he could get All Men’s, Boys’ and Ladies’ .75 “ Yachting"” Caps now .49 out. Sta^ngfor troversy, but regarding the second con­ was at the Union depot. Among the water. JOEL B. BBHASDT. passengers leaving the train just in from r. •. • \ ; Brooklyn at once siderable difference of opinion exists. Mr. Buchanan had by this time fully Captain Eldridge, commander of the the south was a distinguished looking TRUNKS AND BAGS. he reached his parents* home late at recovered, but the son'was still suffering V... night, and when he knocked his mother rtanch oatboat Helen, in which Mr. old gentleman, and clinging to his arm from his broken arm. They were taken Four-Dollar “ Steamer” Trunks, $2.90 asked: Cleveland makes his sea angling voyages, was one of the most beautiful girls I off and brought to this city, and are now Six-Dollar “ Saratoga” Trunks, $8.49 “ Is that you, Joe? And have you come vnms and vows that his patron is “ the ever saw in my life. feeling none the worse for their experi­ Dollar and a Half “ Club BaM,” big bargain, .98 down to go to the war?” most enthosiastio and fairest fisherman “ To take the Joliet train there came ence, except Tom, whose arm is in bad Two Dollar and a Quarter “ Gladstone Bag,” $1.46 When he had answered yes, she kissed that ever lived.” down the stone steps a burly officer in condition from neglect of proper treat­ him and said it was all right, though he This proposition is denied by Mr. Jef­ citizen’s clothes, and by his side was the ment during the two weeks of suffering. was her only son. ' ferson’s skipper, who declares that “ Uncle once society favorite, George Lipe, con­ —Tacoma (Wash.) Cor. Philaddphia He enlisted as a private, won a lieu- Joe c’n ketch more bass in a day than victed of forging his mother’s name to Press. texMnt’s commission and was made a any other feller thet ever come to the valuable documents, who, in spite of all captain for conspicuous bravery. He has cape.” The dispute is amicable and nn- influence brought to bear, must serve Tbe Health of New York's Wealthy Men. since been district attorney, police com­ acrimonions, and has not yet extended his term in the penitentiary. With Jay Gould sick with the neural­ missioner and United States marshal, beyond the ranks of the retainers and “ A steel band was about the prison­ gia, C. P. Huntington out of sorts with MULCAHY, Hie and on May 4,1889, was appointed col­ their friends. One thing, however, is er’s wrist attached to another about the malaria and rheumatism, and John D. lector of the port. He hM carried on noticeable in connection with these ex­ officer’s wrist. The two couples I have Rockefeller under treatment for nervous oth^ business in the intervals and been peditions. While the ex-president has described met directly in front of the prostration, it is not to be marveled at Strictly One Price Klothier and Hatter. s very successfuL “tanned up” and grown brown as a big gates. ^ that Wall street men ask, “ Are our great berry, what there is left of .the actor’s “ ‘Oh, papa,’ exclaimed the girl, as her financiers breaking down?” Within the . Look for the Stars and Stripes on the Blue Building^l CHICAGO'S CO^^GREGATIONAL CLUB. complexion keeps its tiattffal pallor. face lifted np with pleasure, ‘here is past six months the respective presidents , ■ h The gaslight and grease paint of long George come to meet us after our long of two big trust companies have been Soon to flave » Permanent and profession^ years have made his skin so Journey.’ advised that they must either abstain 33*:41 Asylum Street, Hartford, Ck>inmodto|u Homerma- ing he wears a sort of hood that covers acles produced was positively fiwhtfnL period for the nerves of great fii^ciers. nent home. Ehtherto it has he^ its all but his eyes and nose. Her great eyes opened, her face bllwched, They have had to battle energetically meetings and given its banquets at the she tried to speak, but could not, and with adverse circumstances, and very large hotels, but requests for admission then she fell fainting into the arms of few have come out of the struggle with ■have bo:* inCTehsed' that the Rev. Frank­ her father, who bore her to a carnage. unimpaired health. lin W . Fisk, president of the Chicago “ The convict during this ordea^ was a Cornelius Vanderbilt, D. O. Mills and AT FERRIS 6R0THEI Theological seminary, and other promi- pitiable looking object. He utt^ed no Russell Sage are conspicuous exceptions xtent gentlemen word, but as he passed through i n gate to the general physical demoralization of MainlSt., Cor. Oak, “ belonging to the I saw his lower lip was coverel with rich men. Mr. Vanderbilt is not only a crgahuEation be- blood. He had bitten through it. very methodical man, but he has sp Bove it is , now “ The girl, I learned, was the felon’s many competent lieutenants in the man­ Is the place to buy goods. Others may comply tirne , ta “settle THE c r o w ’ s nest. fiancee who had been in Mexico all win­ agement of his vast property that he does times, but we can manage to keep busy about all of t doFii” in i house The Cleveland home, Ghray Glables, ter.” —Chicago News. not feel the wear and tear of the ordi­ Why? Because of theitown. Up stands on a knoll known as Monument nary man of millions. Besides, Mr. Van­ to date the mem­ Neck and from three sides faces the Their Lives Saved by a Jaokaie. derbilt probably gives himself more rest bership has been water. It was so named i]^ Mrs. Cleve­ A speidal from Montgomery, the new and recreation than any other mtilion- restrict to 835,^ land because it has six gAles. The ex­ mining camp in the extreme south­ aire in this country. He never bothers Once a Gastomer always a Gnstoiii the chief condi- president owns the house apd 100 acres western part of Nevada, says: About a about details. Mr. Depew relieves him tiona being that of land surrounding it. He purchased month ago Bob M ontgom ^, brother of of those, and Mr. Depew has well is our motto. W e jtry to have what our customers dicauta ihust ;he estate from a 6 < ^ u merchant, and the finder of the mines here, with Mr. trained assistants who relieve him from BEV. FISK. our line and try to deal with them so they come agaim^^ long to . the lUnks he got a good bargain. Mrs. Sherwood and Mr. Metcalf, left here worry. D. O. Mills retains good health Bvim^QsI()mqgn^t»tional chnrch. Five Cleveland is ^ th Urn, and the two are ‘with six Jacks on a prospecting trip in because he has a ragged constitation We have always tried to procure for our tr^eS negative votes' exdade any candidate said to be enjoying the summer as heart- the foothills around Death valley. Q ^y and a placid disposition. Bussell Sage Best and not the cheapest, at all times believing that ir m the sooieiiy. : ly as a newly wedded couple on their are all old hands at roughing it, but they is seldom sick, b ^ o se he caimot afford honest goods and square dealing are the best recomhim^ So far le g ^ sheetings of the club ! loneymoon trip. agree the famous valley is well named. to spare tbe time.—New York Times. bave been b^d on the third, Monday of On a Ull beween the pine woods and In making the trip from FumOce tions a firm can have. W e believed the October, November, January, February, the bay stands the CroW*S N ^ . Mr. creek to Cottonwood a hot wind came Banaway Charirez In Franca. March, A yril and ^ y a t fijBQ p. xn., at JeSexatm built the cottage a couple of np, in which it was next to impossible The etiquette of French law must such places aa tho executive committee yeius ^ and has filled it with all sorts for them tq get breath. The animals be­ sometimes take the flavor of an nnwel* Ridnond Stoves aM Furnaces I I I designated. l>aringibe titonth of l^ y o f de(^httioE>3, designs aUd relics o f an gan to give out, and they were compelled come surprise to lately exported brides. tile cluVs annual ftotival occurs, and at eventful career. Among his guests this to abandon thdr packs and start on a Not long ago the Conntess de la Forest to be the best in the market when we commenced busing this meeting ladies and invited guests summer have been Edwin Booth and the hunt for water. What little they had Devonne, formerly Florence Andenreid, South Manchester and the great number of these stoves are entertained. A t the regular monthly veteran C. W. Conldock. Mr. Jefferson left they mixed with vinegar and oat­ of Washington, was driving in the Bois meetings different subjects have been is, among other things, the patron and meal, but the intense heat soured the de Boulogne with ber consin, Mrs. Har­ by us have assured us that our judgment was correct.' discussed over the supper table and in bMker of a local ball dub, but chief of oatmeal and made the mixture so hot rison Caner, another bride from Phila­ give universal satisfaction. ■ the hotel parlor where the club atoem- all Us ambitions is the desire to show a that it would actually bum them when delphia, when ber horses suddenly took Now is the time to have your furnaces put up ahdl bled. better record as a fisherman when the they wet their swollen tongues with it. fright and ran away without hurting Scnne o f the subjects recently consid­ vacation season closes than his friend None had ever been over the ground anybody seriously or doing perceptible them in shape before the fall hurry comeson. ered were: Ministerial relief, the lawyer, and neighbor^ Grover Cleveland. before, and it was only due to the intelli­ damage. With characteristio prompt- we can please you as we can sell you either am odera&jpr^a prison refoi^ divorce laws, Cbrirtiaa gence of Montgomery’s pet Jack,Snllivan, new, however, a government official light on sodal problems, western Con- Seoretorv Bnzk'z Onlv Danghtor. that they were sav^ from snffering, if call^ and laid before the countess a bill or the best furnace made. gr^tionalists and education, higher Miss Mary Edith Rnsk, only living not death. Dragging along np the val­ for damages. The official document W e have doubled our orders on bicycles repeatedly educational institutions for the west, etc. daughter of the secretary of agriculture, ley they were passing the mouth of a stated that some injury had been done to have in consequence a few Victors on hand and can fui is amping the most popular ladies o f the canyon when suddenly old Sullivan gave tbe barks of the trees and some little W lir D o ThSjr Go Xlzewherer official circle at WasUngton. She is a tremendous bray. confusion of roadway and bordering our customers at once, thus avoiding the annoyance of y Why is it that when a man gets fame about twenty, with reg^nlar features, a Metcalf said, “ That’s water, boys,” grass had been caused by her horses. ing. If you Want the best bicycle, examine the Victor^ all be “ shake!” bis old home and goes some­ fine form and quick, graceful move­ and started np the canyon. Sure enough, Well, this seemed rather amnsing to where else to live? Many examples will ments; ordinarily quiet, but in the so­ be gave a yell of Joy. Water was found, an American, but when bills for d ^ - oocnr to the student of Uteratnre. The cial circle vivadons and prompt at re -^ t. Lonis Globe-Democrat. ages to five different carriages came in, latest addition to the list te that of Ibsen, one after another, the countess began to who is to l^ d e in Dresden. Before Being Cared by • Trieyole. get anxious, and consulted her check­ aettiing.,;in his new quarters heconde- The latest remarkable cure reported in book with a growing interest and much scendi^y i^ounces tiiat he will stay Maine is that of a nine-year-old girl wonderment as to whether there would ‘ three xponihl in his native Scandinavia. named Orff, at Levant, who is said to be enough left of her yearly income for have been enred of a bad case of spinal necessary expenses. Fnrtltermore, she « lllUiolS Bepabllemn Editorz. disease by riding a tricycle. Her trouble has no idea when the demand will stop The Bq^blicaa Editorial Association dated from infancy and she was supposed or how many more ancient and decrepit of Dlinois is organised, and 108 editors to be deformed for life, several promi­ vehicles will come out as good as new at signed their,'names to the register at the nent doctors having pronounced her case her expense.—New York ^mes. finrt; meeting in incurable. But a month ago the child’s CbioLgo. It was father bought her a tricycle and she at A Tenemble Priz« Wiimer. a rathw lively af­ once began riding, at first only on smooth Jacob Pottinger, tbe well known cat­ fair, Chairxnan floors, but later out of doors. Lately a tle dealer of Shillington, had a small Jones, of the state great change has been noticed in her field of rye harvested in a novel manner. central conunit- condition. Her back has begnn to He invit^ a large number of friends to tee, leading off straighten and her general health to im< his home, and after providing each with w i^ a cheering prove.—Bangor (Me.) News. a sickle he took them to the field and Lam b & Hibbi speedi of wel­ announced that a “ sickle race” was to come. IdtonW . The little Gterman princes Innch and take place for five prizes, with William Agents for the town of Manchester for Mattiews, of tiie breakfast with their parents, and so A. Arnold, Henry M. Ahrens and Ma- Urbana Herald, strict is the emperor in all ceremonial noah S. W eller aa Judges. A t 2*.80 the waa elected pres­ m ss VARY EDITH RUSE, observances that the little boys axe race began, Henry Kurtz, of Cumm, ident of the as­ partee. One gentleman pleasantly re­ dressed three times each day in clothing aged seventy-five, with a sickle 160 years COLUMBIA and HARTFORD BICYi sociation, and in marked in reference to her humor: “ If appropriate for the hour. They are al* old, that had belonged to his great-grand­ X . W. XATHEW8. OP THE VARIOUS STYLES. Us spte^ gave Uncle Jerry Busk, with his bombs and ways attired in English fashion, and father, taking the lead and tying the Chicago a delicate “whack” foritspoR balloons and all that sort of thing, means their morning suits exhibit more signs first sheaf. He held the lead and fin­ Columbia Safety, for Lady or Gent, with | Juno Safety, for Lady er i tics, declaring that this association must to bring clouds and storm and wet, I’ll of wear and tear, more evidences of ished far ahead of the others.—Philadel­ cushion or solid tire, $186. Hart and i&b BotTIw B« Hartford Safety, for Lady or Gent, $100, | Junior, for Boys or ^ stir the country disifcricts “ where men bet that if he takes his daughter along thrift in the carefnl darning and repair­ phia Record. V w ork w ith an honest purpose.” ber smile will upset all hiS plans. No ing done upon them than an American Allot the above have ball b ea ^ n and are greatly Improved for MSi second-band wheels, both ffigh and SafetlM. The vice presidents are, W. Z. Jones, okmd could withstand the sunshine of boy of means would submit to wearing. He W m Short Three DoUerz. p ^ ?Lsbaaop Joumal; J. B. Brown, Osleha tiiat smile, even if it were of Uncle A twelve-year-old Anbnm boy rapped Something new in a Cushion Tire Bicycle for sad B. M. Woods, JoU^ Be- Jerry's own make.” Oscar Wilde is the latest author to be at tiie teller’s of an Auburn bank $8o. The cheapest cushion tire on the in ‘ ChatiesQ. McNlchols, o f the accused of plagiarism, the assertion be* the other day, called the cashier up and .an d EoraMte, an elplbsive having doable tog made that his poem oallad “ Impres* aaked for the loan of three ddUars with Art and Crown Bay State^'IRisii The 1* ^ latert ad- sioD de. Matin” was printed under the which to buy a bioyde. He waa that and , ^...... -4»weS of the , ^ ;*‘Ont Bale Woman” to the Lon* much (hort au4 had heard that they BEFBIOEBATOM8 and a Great N^qir:iitod : ‘ doji W ofld fourteen years ago. loaned money there.—Lewiaton Joumal. and RSimyes at ezt>«Bie]y low prices. A m MAJSCHBSTBB SATUBDAY HlfiBALD; SATURDAY. AUGUST 8,1891. r^. -\XT,' 'r " [ )f the two Sicilies; but all that family CAMPAIGN PREPARATIONS. I SOME INVALIDS OF NOTE. ;s now out of a job as mlers. In fact there are many dethroned princes and The Beoent Ohenges in the Bepahileaa Blver Sni^ly Hns Cetied len&Hewes^ National Exeeatlve Committee. I princelings in Europe, and France ai>- Ooonn Is Still Prollfle. I CELEBRATED MEN WHO ARE NOT The resignation of Senator Quay and An expert in the business annonnesa ■■fs*'- JMPi>BTEBS, pears to be tte ir favorite country. ^ NOW IN GOOD HEALTH. I In the early part of Dom Pedro’s reign General Dudley from their places on the that the pearl industry has “ played Republican national executive commit­ "^i^plesal^ and Retail Dealers in there were several insurrections, but all after a brief season of prosperity on tiis I tee was followed immediately by the ap- I Probable Facts About Mr. Blaine’s were suppressed, and he enjoyed a long rivers of Wisconsin and niinois. lU s pointment of Hon. J. S. Clarkson to suc­ Irbckery, China, Pm- Harbor Sojourn—The Shah of reign in peace, during which davery was I being the case the gem loving world wilt ceed the former as chairman, and an in- have to seek its supplies from the V.v‘'■ja 4‘ . , Persia and the Fx-Fmperor Dom Pedro. I abolished, the ports opened to foreign lonrces which have furnished the **pala Preacher Spurgeon's Illness. trade and many things done for the good Glassware, Df the country. As far as the world pure spheres’* since and even before the KJopyrlght, 18BL 07 American Press Assocla- Bould see he was firmly established and days of Cleopatra. tion.] Pearls figured largely in the jeweby [ Chroniclers of their own times often his popularity at its height when a sud­ Lamps, Chandeliers, etc. den revfIntion deprived him of power presented to Piince« Aribert of Anjuilt, remark that great men die in groups— but probably neither tiie royal bride^r, that is, after a considerable period with I and made B r a ^ a republic. : ^ a specialty of Decorated I Another eminent sick man is Charles the^vers bought of the trouble'wd You Gan Have I ao notable deaths, several eminent men Haddon Spurgeon, for thirty-five years skill p a ire d in bringing up these tre$s- - Cfcina, Brie-a-braoand Rich Cut Glass- die within a few days. Just at present I the most popular preacher in London ures of the sea from their Ceylon home. ' ware suitable for wedding and com- the deaths are few, but very many great The haunt (ff th e p e i^ oystiar, as a oor- men are suflciently out of health to ex­ and rivaled by but few in the world, who was bom Aug. 19, 1884, at Kelve- resp liilliiB SL Circulars, tnres.and various state offices, was for a Persian Arabs. The latter axe the da^ are Mr. Blaine's good days; on short time in the Federal army, and in Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays they stronger race and can remain aub- Conn. 1887 was elected United States senator merged for ninety aeconda, while the i H a i ^ o r d , mnba him out to. be very sick, and on for the term ending in 1898. Admission Tickets, Sundays they let him alone. These facts, former ruelystay below over seventy William Wade Dudley was bom Aug. seconds, even with a nose oompressor. however, are admitted by all—that Mr. 27, 1842, at Weathersfidd, Conn., locat­ pinitiA walks and drives every fair day, I They begin diving at sunrise and work ed in Richmond, Ind., aa a miller in I for six hours, till the west winds set in» • Wv\wVrv\v>X'<'^^' Raffle7 Tickets, eats about as much as usual, and attends 1860, entered the war as a captain and to his correspondence regularly. On the and they accomplish their work mort came out a colonel and brevet brigadier cheerfully. Most of the divers are very other hand, it is conceded that he was generaL He was derk of Wayne county, Postal Cards, quite feeble when he went to Bar Harbor, suiierstitions, and wiU not go under .a»ASYLXJM STEBET, H A EIBO BD . BFUBOEON IN BIS T.TBBABY. Ind., four years, United States marshal water till the diark conjurer has per­ as the resnlt of overwork, that he needed for Lidiana in 1879-81 and was then A re already p la ­ the first, retaining the faith of Geneva formed certain incantatiaus, so the gov­ n i n g w h e r e t o along rest, and that he andhis family are commissioner of pensions at Wash­ • send their chlld- Envelopes, apprehensive about his health. And as just as they received it from their ex- ernment need to keep two of three of -i'V■ft ,re n next Fa lL Qed ancestors. They were Independents, ington, but resigned in 1882, and has these functionaries. The conjurers re­ ^ O nr course Is I to the charge that he is suffering from a sinoe 1]^n a lawyer and claim agent in or Congregationalists, however, until main chut up in a room uttering spdls purely for busi­ AiaojMft generally considered incurable, Washington. ness o r self-sup- the subject of tbla sketch became a Bap- during the fishing, and-thus, the nativ^ Bill Heads, no phytidan has yet stated that as a Henry C. Payne, his probable succes­ .'T itist. He was converted in boyhood believe, they shut the Sharks* m ohtl^ i^ ^ d be pleased fact. sor, first came into prominence as the to m ail you our under the preaching of a Primitive these creaturee abounding around thr Catalogae, etc. On the other side of the world the fa­ best Republican manager in Wisconsin. Methodist and became an exhorter at finhing ground. The divers go down’ Statements, mous Nasr-ed-Deen, shah of Persia, is He was postmaster at Milwaukee, and once, preached a sermon at sixteen and five at a time, and reaching the bottom when Postmaster General J ames re­ at seventeen began his ministrations as throw themsblvee on their faces, ttid : iSchool Opens Sept. i. signed, Wisconsin urged the appointment im regular p i ^ r . fling every oyster witiiin reach into^lhe ; Menu Cards, of Mr. Payne to that place, but Presi­ After attracting much attention in net basket slung around their wkkd. AliRSDI6Eil,PriMipiL dent Arthur appointed ex-Senator Howe, various smaller jdAces he was called to Sometimes they obtain 150 oystefsiciiK of the rame state. Mr. ^ yn e was then Note Heads, liOndoD in 1858 and installed at New dngtiB immersion. At the end out of politics for se)vem years,. . acting _ I iPark Street chapel, Southwark. His , day the proceeds are divided, twq-t£ii|dfl'' as president of the Wisconsin Telephone Jati « U|^ Bk tiM first Sermon there was delivered to but going to the govenunmit and bhe4^^^ company and in other husiness. He has Letter Heads, 800 people, but in a few weeks the 1,200 to the divers. la td y b ^ m e a party mani^^er again. 'that Is in bim vrill seats were filled and all the standing The Hoq. James S. Clarkson was bom taken. Ne^ bis congregation COLOS^L WbRLb»S FAIR May 17,1842, in B ro cl^ e , Ind., learned (R u led ,) Exeter ball a^d then Surrey Mhsic the prihter’is trade in his father’s office, b u t in October, 1856, the crush in The Olseatte 'stetoe Fleimed Iqr AXUil-r' teet Insoldshjr. hall caused a serious'accident and went to Iowa in 1 ^ and in time be­ came proprietor, with hi? brother, of the Among the strikingly original derigns . Heads, (typewriter,) of several lives, so Mr. Spur­ Iowa State Register. As assistant post­ for structures to adlom the Columbian 's followers determined to build a master general he had.quite a picturesque tabema more. Beginning with the first The kaiser intends that his subjects as THE SHAH OF PERSIA. and prejudice to tub rocks of monarchic’ Receipts, wehk in 1855 Mr. Spurgeon published they come into the world shall be given oal government, finding himself at last serioudy ilL He was sixty-two years one sermon a week, and thirty-six full nawifta not displeasing to his royal ears. relieved of sooh restraint and with a old last April 4, has reigned forty-three volumes have now been issned. His By imperial order Gtermsn fonctionaries I steady effort raising both himself and Programs, years and is the best known oriental serond greatest work, “ The Treasury of are strictly forbidden henceforward to the world, whidi depends upon him, to prince of the age—indeed of any David,** consists o f seven volnmes, and register any infant in a Christian name any elevatUm they may attain.** since that of Aurungzebe. His reign his minor works are numerous. I bearing the slightest relation-to politics. Placards, began amid a sea of troubles, and he had In 1867 he founded the Stockwell or­ Socialists are very fond of calling their a war with the British government of phanage, which now provides for and children Rohespi^re, Lassalle, Bebel, India in 1856 and minor wars with vari­ edncates 250 hoys and as many girls. Liebknecht and the like, bat Emperor Order Books,^ ous tribes, but the latter half of his TTia Pastors’ college, founded in 1856, has W;illiam objects to the pnKstice. So the reign has been quite peaceftiL He is educated about 800 men, o f whom nearly dffid’s name must be chosen from the rather liberal minded for an Asiatic all who survive are still active evangel­ Bible, the “ Calendar of Saints” or from Beer Extract. Price Lists, ruler uid broke the record in 1878 by ists in the Baptist denomination. He the roll of princes and national heroes. trmJring a touT in Enrope, much against was active in many other charitable the will of his people. In 1889 he came aixd educational institutions. His own I Not Lovers of Displar* I Coupon Seat Tickets, agi».ln and his saying^s and doings in Lon­ church contains some 5,(XX) members, and The utmost simplicity is said to char-1 Tanglefoot fly Paper, don and Paris fnmidied much amuse­ his labors as a juistor, aside from xnreach- acterize the daily life of the president of ment to the western world. His heir ing, have been, enormous. the French republic, although on state Political^Ballots, apparent is Muzaffer-ed-Deen Mirza, the J. H. Beadle. both M. and Mme. Carnot or­ oldest son, now thirty-eight years old. ganize their entertaimnents in far more - A novel pattern in Dom Pedro, ex-emperor of Brazil, is A V m o of High Degreo. regal style than any of their predeces- Invitations, but sixty-six years old, and has enjoyed Many people will remember the “ peach sozB. But when the president and his TABLE DAMASK. firm bftfl.ltb all his life, so the announce­ blow vase” which brought such an wife are alone they like dining dS the ment that he is seriously ill in France enormous price at auction some years homely national dish of a pot an fen, or Lodge By-Laws, comes as a surprise. His death at this time ago. It is .now threatened hy a rival, if a few intimate friends are present t)iey could make no difference politically, as for M. Solon, the French artist, has just enlarge the mran to include eggs, fish, ’Bf— he and all the rest of the world are per­ finished a vase which may be considered lamb or mnttdn cutlets and broiled FBEEDOV BAISINO THE WOBXJ). ^ b l Xc k s a t e e n . Pamphlets, fectly reconciled to the new order of his masterpiece. It is three feet high, chicken. There is to be a top floor in the globe ■m tbingg in Brazil. His father, Pedro^ L and the figures on it represent Venus ♦ reached by elevate^ and having a sur­ Xe« 'iVater for AIL And all kinds of. Church was hejy apparent to the throne of Portu- imflftHng before Baocbus and Ceres face of ^,600 square feet The second pleading for food for her children, the “ Businees Men’s Moderation society** floor, sixty feet above the ground, to , J. E. MORTON. winged Loves. The vase is made of col­ is a rather odd and not a pointedly sng- I cover tw o acres, is designed for a prom­ Printing, Society] Printing, ored clays, no paint being used to tint gestive title, hat the society has done, enade oy>d a series of xestauxai^ halls in the vase, and for two years the material much good work in New York city. It I which the popular dishes o f all nations hAii to ^ kept damp in order that M. was organized in 1879, H. B. d a flin , C. may be cooked. The gz)0iuid floor, ex­ I T a 'OOUET OF PROBATE H ELD A TI j Solon might be able to work upon it. L. Tiffany, Cornelius Vanderbilt and tending over a space o f three acres, is to • fiiloL ' i& uicliester w ith in and tor the OIS" { L O Q ^ G Jr n iltin g^# others as well known being among the ^ '7 'w e t of H anohester on the first dav of A n g -1 This vase is remarkable for its delicate have a grand theater with a ^seating I and artistic worfananship no less than promoters. For several yean )fche soci­ capacity o f 16,000 people. Here, instead for its size, and as it will not be repro- ety has kept A free ice water tank at the [ ted and theatruo- ®^Ja«reon, hy puhlishlnaa copy of this tore built its height will be 450 feet and 1w »ce In a new spaper having a clronlaj of those who perished centuries ago are ■.M ‘ district, and b y p o s tii^ *????_?* I exhumed we speak of it as “ scientific re­ J Its cost $1,600,000. ^ ^ 'o n th e p u b lic signpoet in said to w n search.” Consequently everybody will b a ^ r. at least m days before the hearing to appear If they see be glad to learn that the Egyptian mum­ Fresh Honor for Gladstono* li* asld tim e and place and be h ^ rd Australians of late have, through their itheretoandby m aiU ngaoopy of tbte I mies recently found in the burial place DOM PEDRO, of the priests of Ammon, at Thebes, are newspapers, sneered at the En^ iah royal being examined by experts at the Ghi- . family, and one sheet had the teme^ty ■ "-adruB, Troy Center, Wisconsin, I H E R iL L D gal when the royal family fled thence to io .TTOUB Q. Skinner, ^ k v llle , Cimnec- ] Brazil tp escape the French army, and zeh musetun, Cairo. The first mummy recently to suggest that “ a rabbit bounty iaaid letters to be mailed on or b e f ^ opened was splendidly preserved, the of seven shillings sixpence be offered for * liA ia S La n d return m ake to the court. when the independence of Brazil was ^ W OO D, Judge. Job Department. recognized, in 1825, he became the first head, with its handsome profile, still re­ the slaughter o f useless members.** But emperor thereof, resigning his Portu­ taining amulets on the temples and neck, all tbe ontipodeans unite in honoring OF COlWBCTICOT, C O tr ^ O F guese claims to his daughter, Maria da tiscriptions showed that the body was the “grsnd old man.” The other day 'ifftM a n d iM te r. August 5t b 189L that of a priest named Djanefer, son of Mr. Gladstone’s name was given to a ______w Stw iialnt hha been m ade to the Gloria. Joao Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bihiano the Princess Isis Emkeb, whose mummy New South Wales mountain, the highest Frandgco Xavier da Paula Leocadio was found some years ago in the royal THE NEW FOUNTAIN. peidc in the Black range, hear Cooma. of said tow n, doth ow n Another ice water tank on wheels and The inhabitants wanted to christen the a dog w hich te_^gerous and Miguel Rafad GK>nzaga is the full name tombs at Deir-el-Bahri. ^ ^ ^ o w - th ^fo re , by virtue of the an- of his son, who was bom in Rio Janeiro drawn by two horses is kept on Wall peak after Sir Hepry ParkeS, but the odon ATW of the puhUc statute New Plan for Sunday ObBervanoe. I street and lower Broadway during busi­ Australiab statesman requeued tix^ ';^ w e d ^e re h y in exercise of the Deo. 2,181^, and by the abdication of his o o lS m U by said st^utee orter father became emperor of Brazil at the A special “ day of rest stamp” is being ness hours, and then goes to the Kve call it Mount GladstoneiK.fe|i^ he-dis^. n r e e t that- said M ldhael Barry s h ^ recommended by a Belgian association I PointB, Mulberry Bend and that 'vicin- dared, “ as Gladstone fe ^ iw the m att H th causa -said idog to he d M trp y^ age of six, taking the title of Pedro H, or -M ^ ^ F h f thelaw l».;^icases made D ^ Pedro. In 1840 he was declared of desirous of abolishing unnecessary Sxm- I ity. L i tank from 2,000 to 4,000 towering figure that* has ariesu sinoirii & day labor. This stamp is to b e affixed i poundsof ice are consumed daily. The BngJiah stateemep rinoe i * " o » 2 ? ^ d « n T , age by the council, and on July 18,1841, John Johnson. . • was solemnly crowned as emperor, lu t o all letters posted on Saturday which I society intends to j)lace' an immense I Greet, It is v m fitting 1 m oeaoe for Hartford County n e ^ not b e delivered till Monday in ­ granite in Tompkins square at an b . » # # : ; * » of Mam^sster.- . ^ 1848 he married Theresa Cazolina Maria >, th is th ird d a y o f A u g - de.Bollrttol^4K4^^ s i s t o f Sunday. learivdav.

. . '-'UX- ...... ■’>'->---- '.--r.t. ■ ■ t ‘ 5^ 1

•• • •


vA iB«rM*t Walk on • High TretUo. The Tonic Sol-fo Systom. ARE YOU SICK? ^ A ttniiige scene was witnessed recently The present year will \^tnes8 the fif­ A word about prescriptions:—Every­ ' flpl i)i6 Northern Pacific trestle at the tieth adversary of the tonic sol-fa sys­ one knows there are several grades of drugs and that cheap drugs are adul­ Winter works. The trestle is about 600 tem, which has done so much, and, we may safely say, will do so much more in terated making them almost worthless. ftet long and 65 feet high. Under it is Again medicines made from cheap drugs Uhe Union Pacific roadbed; The ties are < the future,.to spread the knowledge and are very inactive and the patient using ial)out eight inches apart and are evenly the love of mnsio among the people. Mr. them wonders %yhy he doesn’t get welH dktribuM the entire distance. Spencnr Curwen, son of the inventor Prescriptions should be compounded Big Summer Drivei •' At an early hour the attention of a and most energetic propagator of the from nothing but the purest drugs obtain­ Aoien people was attracted by a large system, seizes the opportunity for a very able and froni n?ed’cines that are up to Aorrel horse which had walked ^ on g the interesting review of its history and the standard in strength. We make it a oint to buy our drugs from reliable Irestle from the south and was unaware characteristics in Good Words. Coldly received, disparaged and even derided in Eouses thus giving our customers the as­ pi the danger ahead. He was unable to surance that they can depend on medi­ turn around and had fully 600 feet yet many infinential quarters, it is now able cines bought at to confound its opponents by the incon­ to wavel. The spectators were struck CHENEY’S DBUO STOBE, White embroidered Skirt Flouncings frai with awe, expecting every moment to testable evidence of its fruits. see the animal dashed to atoms by a fall. As Mr. Cnrwen observes, in this jubilee year there are hundreds of musi­ 45 cts. to 87 cts. a yard.—All reduced. Sv**- -J Now fully mindful of his danger, it was remarkable to note the instinct with cians who have successfully climbed the New stock Ladies’ Calico Wrappers; which the animal stepped cautiously ladder his father placed for them—bache­ lors and doctors of mnsio, fellows of the Bargains at Burke's from one tie to another. i Can’t get enough of them. He had just reached that part of the College of Organists, i^ociates of the i i ' trestle above the Union Pacific roadbed Royal Academy of Music, vocalists and performers of repute. Mr. Ben Davis, 2,000 yard New Shirt Prints at 5 center* L?«*. , when he became dazed and missed his ‘‘•’ifv.- footing. His hind feet caught ip the tie not many years ag^ was singing in tonic 50 Gross Dress Buttons sol-fa choirs, and he constantly advises a yards. Best Outing Flannels and Dress^; \ • and ilm w him, so that the rear portion 3 cents per Dozen. of his body overhung the framework of opera singers who wish to read at sight Ginghams, all reduced. the immense bridge, while he held him- to learn the ss^stem. by ^his fore f^t. The scene was a A doctor of music who graduated the One Lot Ladies’ Corsets ^ ^kAnitiig ATiA, and the spectators looked other day at one of our universities testi­ 10 dozen ladies’ Ribbed Vests at 25 cta^* tovery‘ m,(pneht for the fatal fall. Sud­ fies that without the tonic sol-fa system worth from .50 to $1.25, Your each. Formerly 33 and 37 cts. ^ denly, witli a powerful lunge, the animal he does not think he could possibly have B U Y T H E choice for .25. th r^ his body toward, the trestle and done the work. Such authorities as Dr. Balance of stock of Printed Dress Satte^ni managed to ^ g a in hto feet. Helmholtz, of Berlin; Sir John Herschell, Again he started on his perilous walk, Mr. Bosanquet, General Thompson, Dr. Bridge, Mr. Henry Leslie, Lord Ray­ Fruit of Loom Cotton at 5 cents a yard. Formed price, 10 ' •■'', and when wi&in a few feet of the end of WmrlT ScM Shoe the bridge fell again and was caught in leigh, Mr. A. J. Ellis and many others 8f cents per yard; by the Cut 8i cts. 12 1-2 cents.a yard. much the «ft'n;»A manner. Martin Scully not less noteworthy have given their started to the assistance of the animal sanction to the system. t ------with a rope, ,tot . the horse was so close All Hammocks to be closed out at cp In a Den of Copp«rhe»di. .. ^.4-V to terra finna that he made an effort to W e have taken the agency for regain his feet and fell to the sloping JohnSaley, a deaf'and dumb boy of 300 Yds. Dress Ginghams, Baby Carriages at and below cost1^> Pittsburg, went out with the intention of t^ k , just K short distance below. He these goods because we at 6 1-4 cts. per yard. then rolled down the bank for about picking raspberries. He had about filled Some of those straw hats left ai twenty*fi^o feet. His mouth and hoof his pail, when hisattention was attract­ thought there was none on were . b a ^ , bnused in the struggle, but ed by an unusual motion in the bushes M A S O N ’S F R U IT JA R S Just think, a good straw hat for 19 cts. otiierwise he was uninjnred.->01ymifio near him. A moment later a monster the market which excelled S/'' at wholesale pricee. (Wash.) Tribune. copperhead snake appeared from under Many other drives that you can find 6fi a bush. Before the lad could move the them. The uppers are made A Postege Stamp MoMom. • snake had coiled itself and leaped at him. our counters. At Vienna a postage stamp museum The stroke was short, but some of the of Oak Tanned Oil Grain 30 dozen Tin'Top Jolly Tuinblors m Jhas' been opened to the- public. The green poison from its fangs fell on Saley’s museum wfil be open to visitors daily trowsers. The boy be^me paralyzed Stock. All seams subject to ' 85 cents per dozen. and gratuitous^. Inoneroomareshown with terror. A moment later the reptile ift.-. chronologiCHally all stamps o f , which had formed its deadly coil again, and wear are stitched with silk. specimens exist from 1840 to 189L once more leaped forward to strike. It 40 Pair Men’s Tennis Slippers CHEKEY’S STORE. i^ o n g the postal curiosities shown are measured the distance with fatal accur­ Only the best material used. balloon letters, pigeon post and sub­ acy, for the deadly fangs were buried 42 cents per pair. marine post letters as they were sent deep into Saley’s right leg. The pain They are warranted in every during t ^ siege of Paris in 1870. aroused the boy from his terror and he A collection of forged stamps is also jumped back. The snake strove to hold respect.— Quality guaranteed. Tery interesting to the collector. Among on to the leg. Then the boy fainted from BARGAINS IN SHOES Ihe curious objects shown are letters of fright. W e will place them against of broken sizes. the j^thropp(>hagi in the Dutch Indies, Neighbors ran to the spot just in time pieces of wood , covered with hiero­ to prevent the copperhead from striking glyphics, and postcards which have made again. One of the men seized a club and any offered for the money. If -; the tour of the world. For one of these with a blow broke the snake’s back as TryourDOSton Java Cofee. witli a penny stamp, which took 119 it was recoiling. The reptile measured you want a shoe for seiwic '• l i day for a grave dimat' fcra wbmaarlie was taken to the which is tenanted for <^y five or six >' ■ ■■'•iy V ward reserved^fbf members of the weak­ yean, as every Chinaman makes a con­ er sex. Whim they ipnnd out the mis­ tract with the company that employs SUMMER GOODS take he WBs pnt into'another ward. him under which the company agrees tc The strangest thbajg about the whole send his body back to China. This ease is that SIgnol says that he never transmigration of bodies takes place once at Low Prices to close them out. wore male attiro excepting on the day every five years, the skeletons being he was exatoined by ike conseil de re­ packed in tin oases when the proper time vision in order to'; determine whether he comes. The laet shipment was made was fit for military service. When he only a abort time ago. Theskdetoni HeaYy Chenille Portieres with 22 in. dado was seventeen years bid he went as a then came from some of the old graves BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS iervaat girl to a farm in Lin-snr-Mer. in the cemetery of the Evergreens.— Be remained there eleven years. He BrooUyn Eagle. Regular 25-cent. goods, 15 cts. learned to cook at Caen and went to 8 in. Fringe for $4.75 per pair. ..V't? Paris, where he Wes' employed as cook TIm OnUtnatM Didn't Undcntniid. for fbriy years either in private fAmiHA» There are many pezions who think it «r in b < ^ solmbls.—Paris Letter. about time to conduct the commence­ Boys’ Jersey Shirts, 35 cts. each—regular ment exerdses of Harvard univenity in VnlforaM for Saplojes. Ubigliah instead o f in Latin. The con A Bristol storekeeper donned a white tinaance of the ancient custom caused wholesale price, $4.50 per dozen. duck coat, and was so pleased with t^ much amusement for those present, fox effect that he ordered aU of his employes when President Eliot closed his Latin Men’s Socks, Four Pairs 25 cts. to wear white duck coats during b ^ - remarks by inviting the senior class tc neas hours. Bather than obey tlm order mount the platform to be presented with Light Hats and Outing Shirts at a bargain. tw o o f the clerks quit work. Neverthe­ their degrees, not a man stirred. less, uniforming goes on among store / When the invitation was repeated, girlA judges, railroad hands, waiters Chief Marshal Cumnock started up the andi^eedin almost every occupation platform steps, but a puU from behind, where it is desirable that the public given by a less sanguine classmate, wae should recc^miae the employes. The too much for him, and he turned to go mistake o f confusing a Customer, for a down again. A broad motion of the derk barleatorratlier embarras^g sit^ hand from President Eliot (given in Eng­ nations in many a store, and clerks who t a c o u r t o f p r o b a t e h e l d a t lish) finally induced him to continue, A Manchester within and for the Dis­ object to being uniformed have the sat- and thus the class followed to receive trict of Manchester on the first day of Aug­ is^ticm of knowing that without their ust, A. D. 1891. . their degrees.—Boston Saturday Gkizette. Present, OLIN R. WOOD, Esq., Judge. HORSEMEN! mfifofms they cannot be distingnished Estate of Denison J. Andrus, late of Man­ from their einployers.-^Philadelphia In­ A Book Agent’s Sait. chester, in said district, deceasra. Upon the application of Ameret C. Andrus quirer. ■ SV: ' ______Charles W. Dumont, the general agent ing that an instrument purporting to be Bet Your Horsts’ Feet Proteeted ____ast will nnd testament of said Denison J. itwsl HAilstones. for the Encyclopeedia Britannica, com­ Andrus, deceased, be admitted to probate, as Dozing the. biulstorm at Palmyra Fri­ menced suit against Joseph M. Haw­ per application on file, it is By having them shod at J. P. Jones’s. thorne, the West side attorney, to re­ OBDERED, That the foregoing application All the best horses in town are shod af Great reductions in Japamese day some f^fiidren at play on a stoop be heard and determined at the Probate Office Jones’s shop because we pay strict attention brnshed up a~ large quantity of the hail- cover $5,000 damages for an alleged il­ in Manchester in said district on the 10th day to the legal restraint of liberty. It seems that of Ang. A. D. 1891, at nine o’clock in the fore­ Rose Jars, Vases, etc. To close thexn etones as they f^ and put them on a noon, and that notice be given to all persons plate to melj^ ,]l^ut instead of melting the Mr. Dumont sold a set of the Encyclo­ interested in said estate of the pendency of peedia to an attorney who hna desk ixx)m said application and the time and place of stones remamed, and upon examination hearing thereon, by publishing a copy of this Care of the Horse’s Hoof it was found t^ t all of the hail was in Mr. Hawthorne’s office. The pay- order once in a newsp^er having a circula­ Te a p o t s Eeduced from $1.26 ' ments not being made Mr. Dumont went tion in said district, and by i>o8ting a copy of (( (( (( fom ed aronnd white stones about the this order on the public signpost in said town We put on any weight shoe desired and 1.00 dze of peas, aiad in several there were after the books, but was informed by of Manchester, at least six days before the do it rignt. Can refer to Manchester Horse­ <( << day of said hearing to appear if they see men as we do most of their fine shoeing. Also .76 fine diells. Most of the st^es w ^ Mr.. Hawthorne that the attorney owed him, and he intended to keep the books cause at said time and pl^e and be heard transparent and of a bine widto color. relative thereto and by mailing a copy of this BOSE JABS Beduced from .40 to secure himself. When Mr. Dnmont order in a registered letter, postage paid, to (( (( n tSeveral partieein various parts o f the Arthur D. Andros, Aaron S. Andrus and Garriage Building, Forging Etc. .60 place report that th^ also obtained a imfiertook to leave the room the door was Francis L. Andrus, Troy Center, Wisconsin, kt (( << it looked. Mr. Dnmont thereupon fired .76 quantity of these stones and dieUs, and and to Wells G. Skinner, Rockville, Connec­ (< (( the books throngh an open transom and ticut, said letters to be niailed on or before One cheap work horse, one-man bug­ it w/ej are all mystified to know where August 4,1891, and return make to the court. .96 squeezed himself throngh after them. <• n thepr.namo from .—Oswego (N. Y .) Palla- OLIN R. WOOD, Judge. gy, one light skeleton wagon, new 90 1.26 Hence the suit.—St. Paul Pioneer Press. (( « (( u pounds, new Brewster carriage. All 2.00 In Love nt mnety-one. Last year thetotal receipts of the New CJTA'TATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUNTY OF .Hartford, Manchester. August 5th 1891. will be sold low. Call and see what we of Wayne, Mich., ninety-one York postoffice w e re '<6,886,620.24 and \Vhe. hereas complaint has been made to the imd worth <80,000, lost his the total expenditures <2,476,858.61, in undersigned Justices of the peace for Hart­ Large Imari Vases 76 cents, former ford county. In the town of Manchester, that do. We would like to do business with Last spring he saw eluding <1,121,084.29 expended for free one Michael Barry, of 6aid town, doth own the S pretty brunette twenty- delivery service, giving a net revenue ol and harbor a dog which is dangerous and you. These are all fine goods and are fully 21 iff-’ ■ ? vicious. Now. therefore, by virtue of the au­ y«m old, became enamored, ob- <8,910,161.68, and exhibiting an increase thority of section 8^7 of the public statutes introduction and iffoposed. She in the total receipts of the office over the of this sfiate we do hereby in exercise of the cent less than city prices. previous year o f <859,688.18. authority conferred by said statutes order J. R. when he offered to make and direct that said Michael Barry shall ifis wUlin her favcMr. This failed and forthwith cause said dog to be destroyed Don’t persist in repeating *‘PhewI how under penalty of the law in such .cases made R ear o f N. Chadwick’s. lie dj^Bted lp deed her all his property. and provided. Signed, E. w . M inus, on u ya n d hot it isr Everybody, including your­ Ch ab . S. Chkn st, self, is aware of the fact, and you should , J ohn Johnson. PARK BUILDING, MAIN STREET, llien he was sent Justices of the peace for Hartford County — :BUY: - SOUTH |£AN< He walks the halls avoid trite utterances which are inevita­ residing In the town of Manchester. for his ^ lin g bly bQresmne, besides being indicatioiu D a tod a t.; Manoheeter, this third day of Aug- (ff a narrow range o f i n t e l l ^ xut,1891. W s W e lc o m e Floor. 1’ ^ . r: - y 'i