im . t :.c^' ■.%'* m ‘ 5:i' ^ S^' . , - , 't’-vV.'f'Svi <TI S-// . • • ' t , « ■ - . ,/ . '/ • -f .'!•.•■, <^0»« ^ ' 'S' ■ i.. i'y'--' ■: . f - K X m c\ \ tQ in 0 i i t n i : { r K n W' Wl^W Cih. X. NO. 31. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891. J-fl; FIVE CENTS. ,v , i,.' i-v 1#; AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. R. Mommers and family are spending SUDDEN d e a t h o f Mr s . r. p . THE GREAT SALE OF THE Miss Alice Bowen is visiting friends a fortnight at Crescent Beach. b i s s e l l . in Holyoke, Mass. Joseph Alvord and wife are spending 111 but FourDays— Ths Funeral at Miss Johanna Keating is at New a fortnight at the shore resorts. rru- PjalnvIIle. Britain for a few days. John B. Buckley, the boss carder at A. This community was surprised and Oliver Magnell and family are spend­ L. Clark’s mill, has a ten-pound boy. saddened by the news of the sudden ■'ydd' W- ing a month at Westbrook, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Childs returned w PlainviUe C. H. McKee has received a pension, from their western trip yesterday morn­ last W^^nesday morning. It was not J Bankrupt Stock Possibly Chicago may not be through the agency of Adjt. Gen. ing. genei^y known that she had been ill Mrs. Bissell had been making a short W hite. Thomas Gray has bought of Frank ready for the World’s Fair visit, with her child, at the house of Aer Elder G. V. Lanpher will preach at Cheeney the house on Park street which father, Mr. L. Bunnell. Mr. Bissell in 1892, but for Aug., Woodbridge hall tomorrow at two and he occupies as a resideilce. Of J. C. Fowler is now in Progress at the went down on the Sunday morning 1891, 7.30 p. m. The knitting mill at Manchester tm n intending to pass the day pleasafit- V. Rev. D. A. Haggerty attended the Green will close tonight for two weeks ly with his family and return toiiiaiMM* rectors’ quarterly conference at Hart­ to give the employees a vacation. inew Monday. He was shocked to J toi ford Tuesday. A.H. SKINNER A room for the instruction of children that his wife had been taken suddenly * The New Englend Shoe Houee- W. S. Hutchison and wife will go to in the simpler forma of manual work and seriously ill Saturday night and ■ has some unparalleled bar­ Block Island next Saturday for a ten- w ill be opened at the South school next was on his arrival scarcely alive. A days stay. term. council of physicians was at Ono^ gains for the people of Man­ The next national encampment of the John Alvord and wife have returned and everything poasiblewaa done to re­ chester and vicinity. Grand Army will be held at Washing­ from a three weeks trip which included vive her. The trouble which at flrrt ton, D. C. a visit to Narragansett Pier and a drive appeared like an acute attack of cholera _ . from far and near to secure some of the J. B. Hubbard and 'wife leave next through the principal towns of Connect­ morbus devek^ied into peritonitia— week for a two-weeks visit with friends icut. Bissell rallied ftom the fin t attack and JBa^n«-^d"StJCH BARGAINS in FINE SHOES Footwear for Ladies. in New Hampshire. A meeting to take further action on hw attendant were encouraged tobelieve * have never before been offered in Hartford. W . H. Coates and wife and Dr. M. M. the proposal to hire Rev. Francis Par­ that she would puU through* until nan- Serge Top Button Boots at |1,26, former Maine and wife are spending a fort­ ker as pastor of the Center church will Btosetin Tuesday. Deprived of nonri night at Watch Hill. , A ll grades'of fine shoes without reference to their cost. price $1.60. Newport Ties at 85 cents, be held at the Center church next Wed­ ishment she no longer withstood the at­ “ Come early and avoid the rush” and you will avoid being form er price $1.25. The family of W illiam Ferris Jr., and nesday night. tacks of the disease bat failed rapidly Mrs. Herbert Gould are spending two The South Manchester Lodge of the to d passed away quietly, w ith her hus­ ^/left on your size. weeks at N ew London. Royal Ark has disbanded. Only two or band at her side, at ten o’clock Wed­ GENTS’ SHOES Frank T. Sadd, the piano tuner, will three of its members continue to pay nesday morning, occupy the front rooms over Bissell’s assessments. The members of the Mrs. Bissell, whose maiden name wae^ 75 cents, former price $2.00, a good one. store after Sept. 1st. South Manchester lodge of the Helping Clara Bunnell, was married to Mr. Ria- ' Rice & Hutchin’s Rustler Calf Shoe in N. T. Pulsifer is one of a yachting Hand, a five-year endowment order seU eight years ago. She was a young held a meeting to talk over the situation J. SAMUELS & COMPANY, Congress and Balmorals at $2.00, cheap party, made up chiefly of New Yorkers, woman of attractive appearance, and a who have been cruising through the Thursday night and were addressed by devoted wife and mother. She cared at $2.50. Sound this week. ^ a representative of the supreme lodge, little for society, preferring the compan­ from Lynn, Mass. ionships of her home. She leaves one Do not go bareheaded when you can Ex-President Hayes marched in the The doctors of Windsor Locks are vac­ child, a pretty little girl of four. Mr» buy a big parade along with the Fremont cinating the r/’g-room employees, most­ Bissell lately bought the Kellogg plaoo •..•‘•V V: Post, at Detroit. He was recognized . ly women, and a large part of them at Oakland for a residence and had ’ just [ew England Shoe Honse. STRAW HAT and greeted with cheers. Italians. They do not take kindly to completed extensive improvements'in ' r for 5 cents. All straw goods at half It took twenty feet in depth to reach the operation, however. The work is the property. The famipy were just be­ 354 Main Street. Hartford, Conn. hard pan at Hockanum bridge. The done as a precaution against small-pox, ginning to enjoy themselves in their price. It may seem early to buy four mpporting columns have been as many of the rags now come from new home. placed and piles driven in them to solid Egypt and other foreign countries. The funeral was held at the resid$noe.; COMFORTABLES bottom. It took two trains, one of ten cars and of Mr. Bunnell in Plainville at eleyeo ■> o’clock yesterday forenoon^ Rev. J. B. Ackiey, of Hockanum, who one of eleven care, to carry all the Wil- but $1.98 buys one that would To cheap has be^lgiending a few 'days with his limantic people who joined the second Alonzo Chase, of NeW Britain offioidt^^j I ANOS! annual merchants’ day exoprsion to assisted by Rev. S. A. Davis, of at $3.00 Oct. 1. Another at $1.50, cheap ‘ ' * left Tue^ay for a Crescent Park, a beautiful resort, on the ford. Music was ihihiishe^^ •-.V weej^ through Maine and at $2.25. Should you prefer to make east side of the Providence River. It Bristol male quartette^ The ; al^'f ItJounl^ns. tired in-white, was enclosed in a: whitibt them, can sell best Satteens at 8 cents was estimated that not less than 1,500 $ 7 y i o o , ___4ng, ^rganist of St. Bridget’s people were on Im rd of the twenty-one velvet casket. There was a profukihtt per yard, well worth 15,—cheaper yet, MiE^ N. E. Moriarty and cars when they rolled out of th^ W illi- of flowers, prominent among them “ ^ing, i*e gentlemanly clerk being an elegant pillow of roeee with MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE (FOR a first quality print at 5 cents, perfect mantic station about 7.15 a. m. Thurs­ 'oston s l^ store, are spending day. All the working people de­ the inscription “Rest,” sent by Mr. ON eALLMEWTB). INCLUDING goods. Bargains in all departments at Savifi^^lock. sired were given privilege to the^' Bissells business friends in Manoheiyter, Rev.'^ Mr. Williams, from the Cam­ work to attend the excursion. A munber of k^ohestmr. peofde Iclering,Millor,Mor, bridge Divinity school, will conduct the j present morning service at St. Mary’s church Salt Water Fishermen. Th* body, A. H. SEINNER’S. A party of Manchester men under the during August. The evening service management of George F. Day, went to will be omitted during this month. was brought to Ballet & Dam, Etc., Etc. New London Thursday night to be ready^ The Hartford Carpet company of train. At that hour iR. for an early start for a day’s fishing on Thompsonville, will give their employ­ business in the village were the Sound yesterday. They have chart­ ees a week’s vacation stopping from the the merchants generally aooompaSf^^!?^^-'^ ered a steam lobster boat and will fish 12th to the 19th o f August. The prin­ the funeral cortege to the burial place $10, $20, $26, $36, $40, $60, $60, $76. fo r blue fish, as w ell as sea bass and ciple cause of the stop is over-produc­ in the Center cemetery. Here a blackfish. Ilia party included the fol­ tion.
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