Copyrighted Material
Index affordances 241–2 apps 11, 27–33, 244–5 afterlife 194, 227, 261 Ariely, Dan 28 Agar, Nicholas 15, 162, 313 Aristotle 154, 255 Age of Spiritual Machines, The 47, 54 Arkin, Ronald 64 AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Armstrong, Stuart 12, 311 61–86, 98–9, 245, 266–7, Arp, Hans/Jean 240–2, 246 298, 311 artificial realities, see virtual reality AGI Nanny 84, 311 Asimov, Isaac 45, 268, 274 aging 61, 207, 222, 225, 259, 315 avatars 73, 76, 201, 244–5, 248–9 AI (artificial intelligence) 3, 9, 12, 22, 30, 35–6, 38–44, 46–58, 72, 91, Banks, Iain M. 235 95, 99, 102, 114–15, 119, 146–7, Barabási, Albert-László 311 150, 153, 157, 198, 284, 305, Barrat, James 22 311, 315 Berger, T.W. 92 non-determinism problem 95–7 Bernal,J.D.264–5 predictions of 46–58, 311 biological naturalism 124–5, 128, 312 altruism 8 biological theories of consciousness 14, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud 40–1 104–5, 121–6, 194, 312 Andreadis, Athena 223 Blackford, Russell 16–21, 318 androids 44, 131, 194, 197, 235, 244, Blade Runner 21 265, 268–70, 272–5, 315 Block, Ned 117, 265 animal experimentationCOPYRIGHTED 24, 279–81, Blue Brain MATERIAL Project 2, 180, 194, 196 286–8, 292 Bodington, James 16, 316 animal rights 281–2, 285–8, 316 body, attitudes to 4–5, 222–9, 314–15 Anissimov, Michael 12, 311 “Body by Design” 244, 246 Intelligence Unbound: The Future of Uploaded and Machine Minds, First Edition. Edited by Russell Blackford and Damien Broderick.
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