.~,\~~"';~J~\~1 and Exclusive Right of Regulating Trade and Intercourse with Them, and Tribes
554 TREATY WITH THE COMANCHE, ATONAi, ANADARKO, CADDO, ETC., 1846. In testimony whereof, Thomas H. Harvey and Richard W. Cummi~s, Commissioners, [and] the Chiefs and Principal Men of the Kansas tribe of Indians have,. this the l~th day of January one thousand eig.ht hundred and forty-six, set their hands and seal~ at the Methodist Kansas Mission. Th. H. Harvey, Rich. W. Cummins, Commissioners. Ki-hi-ga-wah-chuffe, or Hard Chief, N o-pa-war-ra, Me-cho-shin-gah, or Broken Thigh, Was-sol-ba-shinga, Pi-is-cah-cah, K_e-hi-ga-wat-ti-in-ga, Ish-tal-a-sa, or Speckled Eyes, Big-no-years, Mah-gah-ha, Wah-pug-ja, Shin-gah-ki-hi-ga, Ah-ke-is-tah, Ca-ho-nah-she, Chi-ki-cah-rah, Wa-shon-ge-ra, Ke-hah-ga-cha-wah-go, Ne-qui-bra, Wah-hah-hah. Ke-bucco-mah-e, Witnesses: James M. Simpson, secretary, Chs. Choteau, Clement Lesserts, interpreter, Seth M. Hays, John T. Peery, Nelson Henrys, John D. Clark, R. M. Parrett. · (To the names of the Indians are added their marks:) 'TREATY WITH THE COMANCHE, AIONA!, ANADARKO, CADDO, , ETC., 1846. May 15, 1'846. Treaty ,witli tlie Omnanclies and other tribes. · Articles of a treaty m.ade 9 Stat., 844. Proclamation, Mar. mid concluded at Council Springs, in th.e county of Robinson., Te~as, B, 1847. nefZr the Brazos Ri~,e1·, thw 15th day of May, A. JJ. 1846, between P. K. Butler and M. ·G. Lewis, commissioners on th.e _pa1·t of the United States, of tlie· one part, and the undersigned chiefs, counsel- lors, and warrior·s of th.e Comanche, I.on-i, .Ana-d,a-ca, Oadoe, .Lepan, Long-wha, Keechy, Tah-wa-carro, Wi-chita, and Wacoe tribe8 of Indians, and tl1eir llssociate band...q, in belwlf of thl?'i'.r said tribes, ori tl,.e otlie1• part.
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