PAGE page Alum Ma k in g ...... 571 F urnaces. Amalgamation Mi l l ...... 299 (see also Furnaces, Am pu lla...... 442; 446 blast)...... 393 Argonauts ...... 330 ...... 517; 519; 525; 527; 528 Assay B alances (see Balances). Nitric acid making...... 442 Assay ...... 229 Nitric acid parting...... 446 Assay F urnaces. Parting precious with anti­ Crucible ...... 227 mony ...... 453 Muffle ...... 223; 224 Ditto cementation...... 455 Quicksilver distillation ...... 427— 432 Balan c es...... 265 ...... 485 ; 486 ; 489 Baling W ater ...... 199 ...... 276 Bars, for F urnace W ork ...... 377; 389 making...... 425 Batea ...... 157 burning...... 349 . Tin smelting ...... 415 For blast furnaces 359 ; 365 ; 368 ; 370 ; 372 For mine ventilation...... 208 ; 209 ; 211 Gad ...... 150 For tin furnace ...... 419 Making ...... 591 Smelting...... 434 ; 435 ; 436 ; 437 Furnaces...... 587 ; 588 ; 589 Bitumen Making ...... 582 Ground Sluicing 337 ; 340 ; 343 ; 346 ; 347 Bitumen Spring ...... 583 Bowls for A lluvial W ashing (see H ammers...... 151 also Batea) ...... 336 With -power...... 422 ; 425 Buckets. H eap R oasting ...... 275; 278 For hoisting ...... 154 H earths. For hoisting water ...... 158 For bismuth smelting ...... 43 6 ; 437 Buddle ...... 301; 302; 314; 315 For heating cakes ...... 504 Building Plan for R efinery ...... 493 For melting lead ...... 393 Building Plan for Smelter...... 361 For melting lead cakes...... 499 For refining tin ...... 418 Chain Pu m p s ...... 173; 174; 175 For roasting...... 277 Chrysocolla Making ...... 585 H em icycle...... 138 Circular (see Ring-Fire). H oe ...... 152 Clay W ashing ...... 37 4 ; 375 Compass...... 5 7 ; 5 9 ; 1 4 2 ; 147 Interveniutn ...... 50 Copper Mould for A ssa y in g ...... 250 Fork for ...... 387 Copper R efining ...... 5 3 4 ; 537 Iron H ook for A ssaying ...... 240 Copper R efining Fu r n a c e ...... 532 I ron Smelting ...... 422; 424 Crane. Iron T ools...... 150 For furnace...... 479 For liquation cakes ...... 514 Jigging Si e v e ...... 311 Crowbars ...... 152 Cupel ...... 229 L a d d e r s ...... 213 Mould ...... 231 L adle for Metal ...... 383 Cupellation F urnace...... 468; 470; 474 L ead Mould for A ssaying ...... 240 At Freiberg ...... 481 Liquation Cakes. In ...... 482 Dried...... 530 Cutting Me t a l ...... 269 Liquation Cakes, E xhausted ...... 522 Liquation Furnaces ...... D escent into Min e s ...... 213 ...... 517; 519; 525; 527; 528 Dipping-pots 385; 387; 389; 393; 415; 417 Lye Making ...... 557 Distillation (see Nitric Acid and Quicksilver). Matte R oasting ...... 350; 351 Divining R o d ...... 40 Meers, Shape o f ...... 7 9 ; 8 0 ; 86 ; 87 ; 89 D ogs Packing Ore ...... 168 Mills for Grinding Ore ...... 294 ; 296 D rifts ...... 105 Muffle Furnaces...... 223 ; 489 D rying F urnace for Liquation ... Mu f f l e s ...... 228 ...... 525; 527; 528 D ust Chambers...... 3 9 5 ; 417 Nitric A cid Ma k in g ...... 442 Nitrum Pits ...... 559 Fans, V entilation...... 204; 205; 206; 207 Fire-B u ck ets...... 377 Fire Pump ...... 377 Operculum ...... 446 Fire-Se t t in g ...... 120 Orbis ...... 142a Forehearth ...... 357; 358; 383; 385; 387; 390; 417 Parting Precious Metals. F rames (or Sluices) for W ashing With ...... 453 Ore or A l l u v ia l ...... By cementation ...... 455 ...... 322— 324; 326— 329; 331— 333 With nitric acid ...... 446 F u r n a c e s . With sulphur ...... 449 A s s a y in g (see Assay Furnaces). Picks 152 Blast...... 357; 358; 373 ; 377; 383 ; 385; Plummet Level...... 387; 390; 395; 419; 424; 508 Standing ...... 143 Copper refining ...... 537 Suspended ...... 146 Cupellation...... 468; 470; 474; 481 ; 482 Pumps. Distilling sulphur ...... 277 Chain ...... 173; 174; 175 Enriching copper bottoms ...... 510 Duplex suction ...... 18 0 ; 185; 189 Glass-making...... 587; 588; 589 ; 591 Rag and chain...... 191; 193; 194; 195 Iron smelting ...... 4 2 2 ; 424 Suction... 177; 178; 179; 182; 188; 137 639 640 V.WdM TO ILLUSTRATIONS.

• • ■ 9 m . • • * • “ ^ GE page QuicksilVejc ;IfcsteiLLATloV. ; * • Surveying...... * 427 {..4 2 9 ;I 430; *431 ; 432 Shafts and Tunnels 131 Triangles...... 133; 134; 135; Rag and Chain Pumps...... 136; 137; 139 ; 140 ...... 191; 193; 194; 195; 197 Suction Pumps (see Pumps). Rammers for Fire-clay ...... 377; 383 Sulphur Making ...... 579 . 581 Ring-Fire, for Parting with Sulphur ...... 449 T a p -h oles in F u rn aces ...... 389 Roasting (see also Heap and Stall T a ppin g -ba r ...... 383; 385 Roasting) ...... “ T ests ” for R e f in in g S il v e r 384; 485 ...... 278; 350; 351 ; 274; 275; 276 T im b e r in g . Rosette Copper Mak in g ...... 537 Shafts ...... 123 Tunnels...... 125 Salt. T in . Boiling ...... 549; 554; 555 B ars...... Caldron ...... 551 ; 553 415 Burning ...... 349 Evaporated on faggots...... 556 Refining ...... 418 Pans ...... 547 Smelting ...... W ells...... 549 415; 419 T ouch-n e e d l e s ...... 255 Saltpetre Making ...... 553 T r a y s for W ash in g A l l u v ia l ... 334 Saxon Lead Furnace ...... 393 T r e a d W him ...... 163 Scorifier...... 229 T rough ...... 159 Seams in the R ocks... 54; 55; 56; 60; 72 For washing alluvial...... 335; hafts 348 S . T r u ck s ...... Inclined ...... -J04 156 T u n n e ls ...... 103; 104; 105; Timbering ...... -J23 120 Timbering ...... 125 Vertical...... 103; 105 Shears for Cutting Metal ...... 269 Veins. Shield for ...... 241 Barren...... 73 Sifting Ore ...... 287; 288; 289; 291 ; Beginning of ...... 69 „ ...... 292; 293; 311; 342 Cavernous ...... 73 Silver. Curved ...... Cakes,Cleansing o f...... 476 ;488 61 End o f ...... 69 Refining...... 484; 485; 486; 489 Head of ...... Sleigh for Ore ...... 168 69 Horizontal ...... 61 Sluicing Tin ...... 337; 338; 340; 343 Intersections o f __ 64; 65; 66; 67 ; 68 Smelter, Plan of Bu ild in g ...... 361 Solid ...... Soda Making ...... 56J 73 Strike of ...... 62 ; 63 Sorting Ore ...... 268 ■ 270 Vena cumulata...... 49 J 70 Spalling Or e ...... 270 ■ 271 ■ 272 Vena dilatata 45 ; 50 ; 54 ; 60 ; 61 ; 68 ; Stall R oasting. * 1 69 Vena profunda...... Matte ...... 350; 351 45; 50; 53; 61 ; 62; 63; 64 68 „ ° re ...... 274; 276 Ventilating with D amp Cloth (see Stamp- ...... 284; 286; 287; 299; also Bellows, Fans, and Wind­ „ ” •••••:...... 313; 320; 321; 373 sails) ...... tor breaking copper cakes ...... 501 212 Vitriol Making 567; 574 ; 575 ; 576 ; Stamps ...... 285 577 Steel Furnace ...... 425 W agons, for H auling Or e ...... 170 St r a k e ...... 302; 303 ; 305; 306; W ashing Ore (see Sifting Ore). „ ...... 307; 341; 342; 345 W ater Tanks, under Furnaces ... 358 _ Canvas...... 308; 309; 317; 321; 329 W edges ...... 150 Streaming for Tin ...... 3«j8 W eights, for A ssay Balances...... Stringers. 262 Associated ...... 71 W estphalian ...... 393 W heelbarrows ...... Fibra dilatata ...... 71 155 W hims. Fibra incumbens ...... 71 Oblique...... 71 Horse ...... 165; 167 Tread ...... Transverse ...... 71 163 W indlasses ...... 161; 162; Surveying. 171 W inds, Direction of ...... 59 Rods ...... 138a W indsails for V entilation 201 ; 202 ; 203 Printed by Albert Frost $ Sons, Rugby.