T TarnoTek Perfect Devices: The Amazing Endurance of Hard Disk Drives Giora J. Tarnopolsky TARNOTEK & INSIC - Information Storage Industry Consortium www.tarnotek.com
[email protected] www.insic.org 2004 - Mass Storage Systems & Technologies Outline z Perfect Inventions z Hard Disk Drives & other consumer products z Hard Disk Drives: Developments 1990 - 2004 z Marketplace z How the technology advances have affected the product offerings z Technology z How market opportunities propelled basic research forward z Disk Drives at the Boundaries z INSIC and Data Storage Systems Research z Closing Remarks: Hard Disk Drive Endurance Giora J. Tarnopolsky HDD - Perfect Devices © 2002-2004\14 April 2004\2 TARNOTEK 2004 - Mass Storage Systems & Technologies PERFECT INVENTIONS Giora J. Tarnopolsky HDD - Perfect Devices © 2002-2004\14 April 2004\3 TARNOTEK 2004 - Mass Storage Systems & Technologies Nearly Perfect Inventions z Certain inventions are created “perfect:” their operation relies on a fundamental principle that cannot be improved, or does not merit improvement z This assures their endurance … z … and defines their domain of development, the limits of applicability of the invention z Examples of perfect inventions are the bicycle, the umbrella, the book, and the disk drive Giora J. Tarnopolsky HDD - Perfect Devices © 2002-2004\14 April 2004\4 TARNOTEK 2004 - Mass Storage Systems & Technologies Bicycle z Gyroscope effect assures stability of the rider z Under torque T, the bike turns but does not fall z Low ratio of vehicle mass to rider mass z ~ 15 % (as compared to ~2,200% for car) z Efficient r T z Rugged r dL z Mass-produced r dt L z Affordable Giora J.