Alice Paul and her Quaker witness by Roger Burns June 2, 2019 Please share this article with other Friends. Sharing this article is allowed and encouraged. See the copyright notice on the reverse side of this cover page. About the author: Roger Burns lives in Washington, DC. Like the subject of this article, he is a street activist as well as a Friend, being active in the affairs of his neighborhood and his city. Roger has a mystical bent. Several years ago during an Experiment With Light workshop he received a strong leading to promote racial reconciliation. Since then his major focus in the realm of social witness is on race issues. He has helped to manage a weekly public discussion about race that takes place at the church-run Potter's House Cafe in Washington. He serves on the Peace and Social Justice Committee of the Bethesda Friends Meeting. Roger was for a time a history major at college, and he later earned bachelor's and master's degrees in economics. Acknowledgements: I would like to thank the following for assisting with this article: Lucy Beard and Kris Myers of the Alice Paul Institute; the Bethesda Friends Meeting of Maryland; the many Friends of the Westbury Quaker Meeting; Alex Bell for going above and beyond; Ralph Steinhardt; Maya Porter; Rene Lape; June Purvis; David Zarembka; Stephanie Koenig. This article is available on the Internet at: Published by Roger Burns, 2800 Quebec St. NW, Washington, DC 20008 United States of America Phone: 202-966-8738 Email:
[email protected] Date: June 2, 2019 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: © 2019 by Roger Burns.