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Skeletal System

Locate the following structures on the appropriate model or diagram. Understand the function of each.

skull sutures ethmoid coronal lambdoid sagittal perpendicular plate squamous superior fontanels (frontal, occiptal) fontanels (sphenoidal, mastoid) ethmoid sinuses sutural palatine frontal vomer supraorbital margin (notch) nasal

inferior nasal conchae temporal external auditory meatus lacrimal lacrimal fossa mastoid process zygomatic temporal process petrous portion zygomatic arch carotid maxilla styloid process alveolar process occipital palatine process occipital infraorbital fissure external occipital protuberance

parietal mandible mandibular body sphenoid mandibular ramus greater wing alveolar process lesser wing mandibular condyle mandibular notch optic foramen (canal) coronoid process sphenoidal sinuses pterygoid processes

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Skeletal System Trunk

Locate the following structures on the appropriate model or diagram. Understand the function of each.

hyoid ribs true (vertebrosternal) sternum false (vertebrochondral) manubrium floating body head xiphoid process neck sternal angle body jugular notch tubercle clavicular notches costal angle costal groove costal vertebrae - common features body lamina vertebrae, thoracic pedicle thoracic curve vertebral foramen rib facets transverse process superior articular process/facet vertebrae, lumbar inferior articular process/facet lumbar curve spinous process intervertebral disk sacrum intervertebral foramen sacral foramina sacral promontory vertebrae, cervical sacral canal cervical curve sacral hiatus transverse foramen atlas coccyx axis - odontoid process (dens) pelvic curve prominens

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Skeletal System Upper Extremity

Locate the following structures on the appropriate model or diagram. Understand the function of each.

clavicle radius sternal end head acromial end radial tuberosity ulnar notch styloid process scapula scapular spine supraspinous fossa ulna infraspinous fossa olecranon process borders (lateral, medial, superior) coronoid process superior angle head (distal end!) inferior angle styloid process subscapular fossa trochlear notch acromion process radial notch coracoid process glenoid cavity carpal bones scaphoid lunate head triquetrum anatomical neck pisiform surgical neck hamate greater tubercle capitate lesser tubercle trapezoid intertubercular (groove) sulcus trapezium deltoid tuberosity medial epicondyle lateral epicondyle metacarpals (1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5) trochlea capitulum olecranon fossa phalanges (fingers) coronoid fossa proximal phalanx middle phalanx distal phalanx

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Skeletal System Lower Extremity

Locate the following structures on the appropriate model or diagram. Understand the function of each.

coxal bones (ilium, ischium, pubis) sacroiliac joint head symphysis pubis joint neck acetabulum greater trochanter obturator foramen lesser trochanter pelvic brim fovea capitus linea aspera ilium gluteal tuberosity anterior superior iliac spine medial condyle anterior inferior iliac spine lateral condyle iliac crest patellar surface posterior superior iliac spine medial epicondyle posterior inferior iliac spine lateral epicondyle greater sciatic notch intercondylar fossa

ischium patella ischial tuberosity ischial spine tibia ramus tibial tuberosity lesser sciatic notch medial condyle lateral condyle pubis intercondylar eminence pubic arch (angle) medial malleolus superior ramus fibular notch inferior ramus fibula tarsal bones head talus lateral malleolus calcaneous navicular phalanges (toes) cuneiform (medial, intermediate, lateral) proximal phalanx cuboid middle phalanx distal phalanx metatarsals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Revised 3/2012 Wordlist - Skeletal System