Nader Sayadi October 2019 Department of Art and Art History 5305 Harmon Ave. College of Fine Arts Austin, TX 78751 University of Texas at Austin (214) 609-5012 2301 Trinity St.
[email protected] Austin, TX 78705 (512) 471-3382 EDUCATION expected University of Texas at Austin summer 2020 Ph.D. Candidate in Art History, College of Fine Arts Transferred from the Architecture Ph.D. program at University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee in September 2017. 2010 University of Tehran, Tehran M. Arch in Restoration and Conservation of Historical Buildings and Urban Fabrics (Historic Preservation), Faculty of Fine Arts. 2007 Tehran University of Art, Tehran B. Arch, Faculty of Urban Planning and Architecture PUBLICATIONS 2019 ‘Architecture of Exclusion: The Savujbulagh-i Mukri Garrison, Border-Making, and the Transformation of the Ottoman-Qajar Frontier’, International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 8:2 (2019): 363–88. AWARDS, GRANTS, HONORS 2018-2019 Travel and Summer Studies Awards, Department of Art and Art History and College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin, spring and fall 2018, summer 2019. 2015 Barakat Trust Award 2015-16, spring & summer 2015. 2015 Travel grant(s), University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Graduate School & School Of Architecture and Urban Planning, spring 2015, fall 2014, summer 2013 2013 Architecture General Scholarship, School Of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, summer 2013. 2013 Travel grant, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, summer 2013. 2011 Conference registration scholarship, Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, “Center for Heritage and Society, University of Massachusetts Amherst, spring 2011. 2011 Travel grant, Historians of Islamic Art Association, winter 2011. 1 INVITED PRESENTATIONS 2017 “What’s Old is New,” Historic Water Tower Neighborhood (HWTN) Association, Monthly Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, April 2017.