BIG REPUBLICAN PAYOFF the Highest-Paid Head Man in Any of the Ter Probably Been Closer to the Contracting Business the Board and Keep If
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BIG REPUBLICAN PAYOFF The highest-paid head man in any of the Ter probably been closer to the contracting business the board and keep if. To get the $150 monthly ritorial smaller boards and commissions ap longer than any of the others. raise in salary after only, eight months of work, pears to be also the slickest politician. In a striking comparison, the Star-Bulletin all he has to do is talk the board members in He is Robert A. Shaw, long an active Repub last Friday listed salaries of other executives to it —■ a majority of the board members, that lican Party worker, and after only eight months of the smaller boards and commissions, and is. ' - of serving as executive secretary for the Con the closest was Theodore Emanuel of the Sub A contractor has to pay the board $100 for a tractors Licensing Board, Shaw recently got his versive Activities Commission at-$648 a month. license and there are plenty of contractors in salary bounced up from $750 a month to $900 No one has indicated that Bob Shaw has any the Territory. That’s where the money comes a month. special qualification for this job-besides being from for the salaries and for trips to the neigh Significantly, he achieved this miracle among an energetic Republican. Under the law creat bor islands. That’s where thb money comes government workers during the absence from ing the board and passed by the last session of from to pay for three investigators and a ste the board of its chairman, Dari (Dynamite) Ni the legislature,mo qualification is required. Bob nographer. shimura, and its vice-chairman, Q. C. Lum, the Shaw doesn’t have to know a shovel from a The Contractors Assn, of Hawaii wanted an. two members of the seven-man board who have pickaxe. All he has to do is -win the pleasure of (more on page 8) READ: Fight For $1 Sugar Pay The Newspaper Hawaii Needs ' In 1909 VOL. 10, NO. 42 PRICE 10 CENTS THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1958 Page 8 Tree-of-Fee’ Proposal Startles Building Dept. POLITICAL SIDELIGHTS City, T.H. Moving Lydgate Said Dodging Fall Campaign; To Train Elevator City Attorney Chung States Inspectors-At Last Some Critical Of Craig's Survey By STAFF WRITER Position On Own Subdivision If present plans’of’the 0-0 De BEP. PERCY Lydgate of Maul, as the Republican most likely ,to About a hundred -people have A-l (7,500 square feet) residential partment of Buildings go through, called the City Planning Commis area. the toughest Republican the Dem succeed in the coming elelction, it will cost an owner of a build ocrats have tried to beat on the and he’s not exceedingly popular sion to ask why is H. T. Hayashi The Lum Yit Kee family sub ing $16 a year to have an elevator permitted to sub-divide a property divided the area in the 1830’s be Valley Isle, is rumored disen with the GOP party-liners. inspected, and a $15 inspection chanted with the whole political on upper East Manoa Rd. in small fore the area was zoned and the fee for the installation of; any non-conforming lot sizes, Accord non-conforming lot sizes are per picture and just about to remove ☆ ☆ ’ ☆ new one. himself from the scene, as well ROBERT CRAIG’S political poll ing to Leighton S. C. Louis, city missible. But if the plans of the Terri planning engineer. as from the pressures inside the of tendencies in the Fifth' District torial Safety Engineer go through Hayashi and some other build hard pressed Republican' Party. left a good deal to be desired, as Some months ago the Manoa ers ‘ are subleasing the area > from on schedule, the owner . of the Community Assn, asked the same Some very reliable sources report some Republicans saw it,- and building can get the same service City Attorney Norman Chung and' that’s-not merely because it didn’t question of the planning commis associates, who leased the parcel Lydgate has scheduled a; round- from his insurance company for sion. Planning Engineer Louis told the-world cruise to coincide with, show the GOP in a very favorable no charge at all. It is the opinion from -the Lum Yit Kee estate. The the (joining campaign and won't light. It showed that only 8 per the group that there was nothing builders are selling the houses of the Territory’s Safety Engineer irregular about the development. be around when the shooting cent of those interviewed felt Robert Ebert .that the insurance on 55-year lease properties. Prices starts. themselves "definitely Republi- inspectors will do a better job ^SUB-DIVIDED IN. ’30’S range from $19,000 to $21,000. That leaves Rep. Marquis Calmes § more on page 7 § for nothing than the city inspec Ground rental jruns from $.240 to Even today many are asking the about $300 a year. tors have been charging fees for same question because the houses 8 more on page 4 § are- built so dose and lots are City Attorney Chung and asso- Kaiser Alumni Growing; small (2,600 to 6,000) in Manoa’s g more on page 7g- Lewis Said Eyeing KHON Cuskaden Appeals Kahuku Turns in Truck Licenses; The purchase of KULA-TV by And a lot of people, either at Firing; Chief Liu Will Get Two-G Rebate Junie 30 Kaiser was inevitable, knowledge KHVH, or KULA ox both are ex Kahuku is thus far the only Others point out tha.t it may only able sources say—only a matter of pected to be joining the ‘‘Kaiser Oahu sugar plantation to take ad mean Kahuku ' management was time and price. But they also say Alumni Assn.” shortly. May Be Witness vantage of a gimmick by which more alert. to this gimmick than the total cost' to ■ Kaiser of the Aku After KHON? Officer’ E. L. Cuskaden is ap it may save some money oh. .truck other Oahu plantations. station will be closer a million Meantime, Hal Lewis, or J. Aku- pealing his dismissal from the licenses by “storing” its vehicles, Oh Big Island, Too bucks than the $650,000 mentioned head Pupule as his large radio police force following an incident turning in license plates to the From the Big Island comes re in the press. audience knows him, is reported . involving Deputy Chief Arthur C-C Treasurer, and claiming a port that some plantations have For one thing, a lot of KULA’s considering a dicker along with .refund for a quarter of the year applied for vehicle license' rebates Tarbell three weeks ago~ when for the second quarter of this year, equipment is said to be only par other parties to purchase _ Radio. Tanbell had clocked him allegedly in which the trucks are not in use. tially paid for. Station KHON, presently owned driving 55 miles an hour in a Kahuku on March 31 notified while others have not. by the General Motors heiress, 25 mllle-per-hour zone. Treasurer Lawrench S. Goto that ' Those who hear of the move For another, Kaiser’s liquida express surprise because in the tion of his own station, the pres Shirley Louise Mendelson, and Attorney Howard Hoddick has it had put its vehicles in storage quoted at an upset price of $50,000. been retained by Cuskaden to help as of Feb.. 19, and at that time past it was impossible to "store” ent KHVH, will not be without an automotive vehicle and avoid loss. Many in the business consider make his presentatiorf before the turned in its license' plates to the price a bargain for anyone police commission. claim a $2,634,15 refund at the ‘paying the license tax. There were But Henry J. is getting what who wants a radio station,’ and At the time of the incident, end of June. cases in which an automobile he hoped for—a hookup with the they figure Akuhead might have Cuskaden had /been off duty for But if it seeks to reactivate the “stored” for a number of years American Broadcasting Company the cash to swing it. The talk is some time and walking with the vehicles before the end of , June, would be purchased by someone system and a better spot on the he could cash in the unfinished aid of a crutch as a result of a hip no refund will be made. who would find himself stuck for dial, not to mention such good part of his agreement with Henry injury. He ■ has applied for a dis The action is interpreted by all the unpaid license. time. will, as KULA had. The new sta J. for something like $125,000, ability retirement, but police of some who know of it as indicat Two legislative sessions ago, tion is to be called KHVH-TV just which would leave him the price ficials say the dismissal' will not ing that the plantation manage however, the law was changed, to the same, according to reliable of KHON with a few bucks to affect that - application, regardless ment expects the strike, gone now permit such storage, quarter by report. spare. § more on pa’ge 7 g past 100 days, to last through June. g more on page 4 g PAGE 2 HONOLULU RECORD MAY 15, 1958 HISTORICAL ECHO 1912 Stock Car INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE WORLD EVENTS Races at Waikiki KAUAI’S COUNTY Attorney, HAWAII COUNTY has finish Toshio Kabutan, had a complaint ed the technical work, but has not when the territory’s' civil service put the new job titles and pay Ired Esthetes officials met at the Reef Hotel levels into effect.