Toray Advanced Materials Symposium 27,Sept. 2006

TorayToray ’’ss AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials -- InnovationInnovation byby ChemistryChemistry --

TorayToray Industries,Industries, Inc.Inc. ExecutiveExecutive ViceVice PresidentPresident andand RepresentativeRepresentative DirectoDirectorr HiroakiHiroaki KobayashiKobayashi

1 Innovation by Chemistry

ⅠⅠ.. TechnologyTechnology InnovationInnovation SupportedSupported byby MaterialsMaterials InnovationInnovation

2 SocietySociety inin 2121 st CenturyCentury && IndustrialIndustrial CircumstanceCircumstance

St Society in 21 Century Information Safety & Tele- Healthcare Environment Energy Industrial Circumstance communication Security

Ubiquitous Network Global Warming Taylor-made Solar Cell Personal Identification CO 2 Emission Medicine High Speed Wind Power Newly Created Communication Pollution Regenerative Air/Water Purification Industrial Fields Medicine Fuel Cell Next Generation Oil Supply Safer Construction Displays Etc. Nursing Care Materials Etc. Etc. System Etc. Etc.

Globalization Global Competition, Rising Korean & Chinese Companies,Entering Chinese Market

CSR Corporate Governance, Compliance, Risk management, Safety/Disaster Prevention/Environment

IP IP Management, Employee Inventions, Technology Transfer, International Harmonization

New Value Creation Product Design Strength Solution for Social Problems Global Competitiveness

Nanotechnology provides solutions for 21 st century 3 AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials LeadLead AdvancedAdvanced IndustriesIndustries

~~~19 th Century 20 th Century 21 st Century Natural Materials Emergence and Development of New Materials Advanced Materials

Iron & Steel Stainless Steel High Tensile Steel Aluminum Duralumin Metal Glass Alkali-free Glass Semiconductor Germanium Silicon Compound Semiconductors Carbon Materials CFRP Materials Inorganic Nanocarbon C60 CNT Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials Wood & Natural Synthetic Polymers Synthetic Fibers Engineering Non-petroleum Plastics Precision Polymers Optical Materials Organic Materials Functional Organics Photopolymers Biocompatible Materials Vacuum Electronic Electronics Transistor LSI LCD PDP Tube Paper Automobiles & Synthetic Hybrid Vehicle FC Vehicle Airplane Aircrafts Rubber Tire Next-generation Airplane

Life Science Contact Catheter Bio-tool 4 Lens Artificial Kidney DDS InnovationInnovation byby PursuingPursuing LimitsLimits

Social imperative InnovationInnovationInnovation Environmental issue Food Scarcity Energy Depletion Health & Healthcare TheThe deeper,deeper, thethe newernewer Increasing Social Value Pursuing of Technology Limits Higher Strength Increasing Higher Heat Resistant Science & Technology Economic Value Finer Structure Value Creation Higher Sensitivity

Innovative Product & New New Technology Universal Versatility Create New Field Feedback

5 Innovation by Chemistry

Ⅱ. TorayToray ’’ss RR && DD ActivityActivity

6 TorayToray ’’ss TechnologyTechnology FieldsFields && ProductsProducts

Advanced Tech. Synthetic fibers Materials先端材料

Textile Tech. , Apparel

Core Micro-fiber Tech. Synthetic suede Technology Film Tech. Film Processing High-performance films

Molding , Polymer Polymer High- Engineering plastics 高分子化学 performance Science Design Polymer Fine Patterning Electronic materials Specialty Polymers Printing materials Carbonization , Organic Technology Advanced composite materials Synthetic Chemistry Fine and Composite Industrial materials Technology Amenity materials Nanotechnology Synthetic raw materials

Bio - Microstructure technology Control High-performance membranes Medical devices

Fine chemicals

Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceuticals

7 TorayToray ’’ss ChallengeChallenge forfor TechnologyTechnology InnovationInnovation

PursuitPursuit ofof LimitsLimits Technology Main finer, thinner, stronger, more ・・・・・・・・・ TechnologyTechnology MainMain InnovationInnovation StrategicStrategic Area Area ““TheThe Deeper,Deeper, thethe NewerNewer ””

Information & NewNew MaterialMaterial Information & TelecommunicationTelecommunication InnovationInnovation Automobile byby Nano-materialNano-material Automobile ChemistryChemistry /Aircraft/Aircraft

BiotechnologyBiotechnology LifeLife ScienceScience Core Technology of Toray OrganicOrganic SyntheticSynthetic EnvironmentEnvironment PolymerPolymer ScienceScience ProcessProcess ChemistryChemistry /Water/Energy/Water/Energy

NanotechnologyNanotechnology BiotechnologyBiotechnology

8 -- ExampleExample ofof TorayToray ’’ss AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials --

Main重重重Main重重重点点点点点点 Strategic Strategic戦戦戦戦戦戦 略略略略略略 Region領領領 Region領領領 域域域域域域

TechnologyTechnology IT-relatedIT-related AutomobileAutomobile EnvironmentEnvironment Life Science InnovationInnovation MaterialsMaterials ・・・・・・AircraftAircraft Life Science ・・・・・・WaterWater ・・・・・・EnergyEnergy

Optical Circuit Carbon Fiber Innovative Synthetic Organic NewNew Board Materials Composite Materials pharmaceuticals Semiconductor MaterialsMaterials New Optical Film New transparent Bio-mass heat-resistance resin Fibers

Nano–multilayer Nano-composite Nanofibers PLA Polymers NanoNano Films MaterialMaterial CNT Nanoalloy DDS Membrane

Bio- pharmaceuticals BiotechnologyBiotechnology Green Chemistry Bio-tools

LCD Next Generation NanoNano Color Filters Next Generation Human-friendly Recycling ProcessProcess PDP-related Molding Material Materials MBR

9 -- ExampleExample ofof TorayToray ’’ss AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials --

Main重重重Main重重重点点点点点点 Strategic Strategic戦戦戦戦戦戦 略略略略略略 Region領領領 Region領領領 域域域域域域

TechnologyTechnology IT-relatedIT-related AutomobileAutomobile EnvironmentEnvironment Life Science InnovationInnovation MaterialsMaterials ・・・・・・AircraftAircraft Life Science ・・・・・・WaterWater ・・・・・・EnergyEnergy

Optical Circuit Carbon Fiber Innovative Synthetic Organic NewNew Board Materials Composite Materials pharmaceuticals Semiconductor MaterialsMaterials New Optical Film New transparent & Bio-mass heat-resistance resin Fibers

Nano–multilayer Nano-composite Nanofibers PLA Polymers NanoNano Films MaterialMaterial CNT Nanoalloy DDS Membrane

Bio- pharmaceuticals BioBio Green Chemistry Bio-tools

LCD Next Generation NanoNano Color Filters Next Generation Human-friendly Recycling ProcessProcess PDP-related Molding Material Materials MBR

10 New Materials Innovation Carbon Fiber PursuitPursuit ofof UltimateUltimate Composite Materials StrengthStrength andand ModulusModulus 10 Diameter=7um Merit of Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber ・・・Lightweight Specific gravity=1.8 5 Glass :2/3 of Al Fiber ・・・Rust resistance Fiber ・・・Chemical resistance Steel Wire ・・・High conductivity Strength(GPa) Fiber ・・・Dimensional stability 0 0 200 400 600 800 etc Modulus(GPa) IndustrialIndustrial processprocess andand technologytechnology forfor pursuitpursuit ofof ultimateultimate performanceperformance

PAN polymerization Oxidization Carbonization Sizing Carbon and spinning (((200 ~~~300 ℃℃℃)℃))) (Graphitization) Fiber (((1000 ~~~3000 ℃℃℃)℃)))

Polymer design Control of defect Control of graphite 11 Control of fiber structure Orientation by draw crystalline (((size, orientation ))) New Materials Innovation Pursuit of Ultimate Strength Carbon Fiber Pursuit of Ultimate Strength Composite Materials // ControlControl ofof SurfaceSurface DefectDefect 10 Image of fiber surface at nano-size(STM) 8 Size of defect

6 Nano

4 Sub-micron

Strength(GPa) 2 Micron 0 nm 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

12 New Materials Innovation Carbon Fiber PursuitPursuit ofof UltimateUltimate StrengthStrength Composite Materials /Control/Control ofof GraphiteGraphite CrystallineCrystalline 800 Surface(STM) 700 600 500 400 300 200

Modulus(GPa) Orientation 100 95% 1nm 0 6nm 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Graphite Cross Section (TEM) Orientation Crystalline Fiber Axis 80%

10nm 2nm 13 New Materials Innovation PursuitPursuit ofof UltimateUltimate WeightWeight Carbon Fiber ReductionReduction ofof AircraftAircraft StructureStructure Composite Materials ---CFRP ::: Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics ---

ReplacementReplacement of of 50% 50%ofof structure structure with with CFRP CFRP yields yields 20% 20%reductionreduction of of whole whole structural structural weight weight versusversus aluminum aluminum alloy. alloy. 40 1.0 ● CFRP ● ● ● SignificantSignificant 30 ● AdvantageAdvantage forfor ● ● ● ● ● LightLight StructuresStructures Fiber 20 ● ● ● 0.5 Composites ● ● GFRP Titanium Alloy 10 Steel Specific Specific Strength

(GPaSpecific / gravity) Aluminum Alloy Wood Whole WeightWhole Reduction versusaluminum structure [%] 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 100 Specific Modulus CFRP Weight Ratio in Structure [%] [GPa / Specific gravity] Resin Fiber (7 μμμm dia.) Prepreg Cured Resin

CFRP Carbon Fiber Cross section 14 Prepregging (Fiber / Resin Film) Lay-up Cure Cured Part New Materials Innovation Carbon Fiber ExpansionExpansion ofof AircraftAircraft ApplicationApplication Composite Materials B777B777 B787B787 Tail Fin Floor Beams “All-composite-materials Aircraft” Wings Fuselage

Tail Fin Wing Horizontal Mount Stabilizer Fuselage Engine Covering Components using composite materials Fuselage Fairing

Introduction 1982 1995 2008 Mode B767 B777 B787 Primary structures Primary structures Section using CFRP Secondary (tail assembly etc.) (main wings, tail assembly,etc.) structures Secondary structures Secondary structures Using CF type T300H T800H T800S CFRP utilization (wt%) 3 12 50 CFRP utilization/plane (ton) 1.5 9.6 35

15 New Materials Innovation Carbon Fiber ExpansionExpansion ofof AutomobileAutomobile ApplicationsApplications Composite Materials

NewNew Target Target ::::::FromFrom exterior exterior panels panels to to main main strictures strictures

First full-scale test of Trunk lid(-5kg) Roof(-10kg ))) CFRP passenger car Rear spoiler(-4kg) Front side member made of CFRP Impact beam(-3kg)

weight :::6kg Defuser( -10kg) Hood(-12kg) Propeller shaft(-5kg) Front side member (-6kg)


Approx. 200 kg weight reduction Total weight :::2060kg CFRP Application Sections and Weight Reduction Test speed :::47km/h ((()( )))comparisons with conventional materials such as steel ★★★ Approx. 200 kg weight reduction and improved safety by use of CFRP 16 ※※※“Innovation Global Warming Countermeasure Technology Program” (METI: 2003 to 2007) -- ExampleExample ofof TorayToray ’’ss AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials --

Main重重重Main重重重点点点点点点 Strategic Strategic戦戦戦戦戦戦 略略略略略略 Region領領領 Region領領領 域域域域域域

TechnologyTechnology IT-relatedIT-related AutomobileAutomobile EnvironmentEnvironment Life Science InnovationInnovation MaterialsMaterials ・・・・・・AircraftAircraft Life Science ・・・・・・WaterWater ・・・・・・EnergyEnergy

Optical Circuit Carbon Fiber Innovative Synthetic Organic NewNew Board Materials Composite Materials pharmaceuticals Semiconductor MaterialsMaterials New Optical Film New transparent & Bio-mass heat-resistance resin Fibers

Nano–multilayer Nano-composite Nanofibers PLA Polymers NanoNano Films MaterialMaterial CNT Nanoalloy DDS Membrane

Bio- pharmaceuticals BioBio Green Chemistry Bio-tools

LCD Next Generation Color Filters Next Generation Human-friendly Recycling ProcessProcess PDP-related Molding Material Materials MBR

17 Nano Material Innovation Nanofibers PursuitPursuit ofof UltimateUltimate ThinThin FibersFibers 10,000nm(10 μμμmμmmm) 1,000nm(1 μμμm))) 100nm 10nm

6μμμm Conventional Fibers ((( 、、、Nylon ))) (((Polyester 、、、Nylon )))

Hair (~~~50 μμμm)

Man -made Suede 18 Nano Material Innovation InnovationInnovation ofof SynthesisSynthesis ofof MicrofibersMicrofibers Nanofibers

Polymer-mosaic fibers Removing sea Microfibers ( Islands in sea fibers ) component

sea each island 3μμμm 40 μμμm 20 μμμm hair Microfibers


10 μμμm Industrial Man-made Suede Garments Car interiors Furniture Materials (launched at 1970) 19 Nano Material Innovation Nanofibers PursuitPursuit ofof UltimateUltimate ThinThin FibersFibers 10,000nm(10 μμμmμmmm) 1,000nm(1 μμμm))) 100nm 10nm

6μμμm Conventional Fibers Microfibers Nanofibers (((Polyester 、、、Nylon ))) (((Polyester 、、、Nylon ))) (Nylon,Polyester

Bundles ((( Aggregation )))

Hair (~~~50 μμμm)

Fiber Dispersion Man -made Suede 20 Nano Material Innovation Nanofibers NanofibersNanofibers

PursuitPursuit of of Ultimate Ultimate Thin Thin Fibers Fibers ) ) ) ) 100

-1 100 g 2 8080 m ( ( ( ( 6060 4040 Amount of fibers Nanofibers 2020 Microfibers to reach the moon Conventional fibers Conventional

Surfacearea 0 Microfibers :::450g 1010100 100 1000 100010000 10000100000 100000 Nanofibers :::0.15g Diameter (nm)

Features Applications ◆◆◆◆◆◆ commoditycommodity polymerspolymers fineness NylonNylon PolyesterPolyester adsorption abrasive cloth PolyolefinPolyolefin et. et. absorption filter ◆◆◆◆◆◆ usingusing existingexisting plantsplants

100nm slow release medical device

Side view of N6 nanofibers cosmetics LaunchedLaunched inin 20062006

21 Nano Material Innovation NanoNano --ScaleScale TechnologyTechnology “NanoMATRIX ” forfor ProcessingProcessing TextileTextile (Policy) Pursue and develop “Seeing and finding nano-processing technology” “Wearing and understanding innovative function” in Toray’s textile ‘nano-scale technology for processing textile’.

Coating on the single fiber surface by “NanoMATRIX” functional material. Thickness : 10 ~~~30nm Continuous Coating on the single fiber surface by functional material

Expected advantages Level up function Improve durability of function 200nm Keep soft handle SEM Photograph of Coated functional material on the single fiber TEM photo of Coated Bring a new products single fiber cross-section to market ★★★“BEAULAVAGE”(((2004 ))) ;Easy to wash out of rouge and etc. even if they stick ★★★“ANTI POLLEN” NT (((2005 ))) 22 ; Easy not to stick pollens and easy to shake off Nano Material Innovation Nano - multilayer Films NanoNano --multilayermultilayer FilmsFilms 1000nm 3 layers ~~~2000 layers (((=1 μμμm))) 100nm 10nm 1nm



( ■■■ e 1 g 600 5nm PET

a Nano Effect Better


n Copolymerization PET i ■■■

r 400


S ■■■


■■■ (N / mm) a Nano Effect 200


r Tear Resistance Tear Resistance e ■■■

h Better T 1 10 100 1000 10000 Single Layer Thickness (nm)

ExpandingExpanding Applications Applications

◆◆◆ Glass Protective Films (for safety & security) ◆◆◆ Electronic Materials ◆◆◆ Optical Functional Tapes 23 Nano Material Innovation Nano - multilayer Films NanoNano --multilayermultilayer FilmsFilms 1000nm 従来技術 新技術 (((=1(=1=1=1μFallingFallingμμμmmmm)))) Ball Ball Penetration Penetration100nm Test Test 10nm 1nm (Height 3m , Weight 2.2kg)

縦 方 111 ■■■ 向 FailedFailedナノナノナノ効果ナノ 効果 600 SucceededSucceeded

熱 ■■■ 400 収 400 縮 ■■■ 率 Penetrated ■■■ 200 ( % ■■■ ) 111101010 【【【PET100 Film 】】】 1000 10000 【【【Newly Developed Film 】】】 平均層厚みみみ(nm)

ExpandingExpanding Applications Applications ◆◆◆ Glass Protective Films ★★★ (for safety & security) Launched in 2004 ◆◆◆ Electronic Materials ◆◆◆ Optical Functional Tapes 24 Nano Material Innovation SeparationSeparation MembraneMembrane forfor WaterWater TreatmentTreatment Membrane - Types and Surface Morphologies - Size 1 nm 10 nm 100 nm 1000 nm Ions, Small molecules Polymers Colloids Organic matter Monovalent ions Coliform Multivalent ions Viruses Target Trihalomethanes Bacteria

RO NF UF MF (Reverse Osmosis) (Nanofiltration) (Ultrafiltration) (Microfiltration) Membrane 500 nm 500 nm 2000 nm Fine pores of RO Membrane (0.6~0.8nm) Seawater Desalination Drinking Water production Drinking Water Production (Removal of suspended solids & microorganisms) (Removal of hardly decomposed substances) Wastewater Reclamation & Reuse

Pursuit of limitation by deepening & fusion of membrane and 25 microorganism technology Nano Material Innovation HighHigh BoronBoron RejectionRejection RORO MembraneMembrane Membrane (Separation Membrane for Seawater Desalination ) Densification of membrane structure by using precise NewNew technology technology points points molecule design & nanofabrication technology Concept Performance of Membrane

RO Membrane )

Boron (Diameter : 0.4nm) 100% 100 ( High Boron Rejection Membrane

l a ●●● ● v ●● Support layer 95 95 ●●● ●●●

o ●●● m ●●● Substrate e ●●●

R 90 90 Conventional Membrane Pore n


r 85

o 85

B 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 [[[Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy ]]] Water0.4 Production 0.5 0.6 (m3/m2/day) 0.7 0.8 / Nanostructure analysis technology by TRC Proof of correlation between pore size & boron removal (The world’s first quantification)

) 0.0100.01

% . Increase of boron


s / a.u. /

i removal rate )


e 0.005 ( 0.005

y (存在確率




n 相対強度

e t 0.000 0 n 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 I 0.5 空孔半径 0.6 R / nm 0.7 Seawater RO desalination plant 図1 支持膜付 き RO 膜の空孔半径分布曲線 Pore diameter in each RO membrane 26 Nano Material Innovation HighHigh BoronBoron RejectionRejection RORO MembraneMembrane Membrane (Separation Membrane for Seawater Desalination ) Densification of membrane structure by using precise NewNew technology technology points points molecule design & nanofabrication technology Concept Performance of Membrane

RO Membrane )

Boron (Diameter : 0.4nm) 100% 100 Nano -pore Hollow Fiber Membrane Polymer( ElectrolyteHigh Boron Membrane Rejection Membrane


a (Direct Methanol Type) for Fuel Cells ●●● ● for Artificial Kidney for Fuelv Cells ●● Support layer 95 95 ●●● ●●●

o ●●● m ●●●

Fuel Cells e (Cell) Substrate Non-freezing●●● water

Artificial R 90 90 Conventional((( Membrane ))) Kidney Pore n Proton Conduction


Anode r 85 Cathodeo 85 HHH+++ B 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 [[[Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy ]]] WaterMethanol Production (m3/m2/day) / Nanostructure analysis technology by TRC Proof of correlation between pore size & boron Nano-pore 50nm Electrolyte removal (The world’s first quantification) Membrane ) Poymer 0.0100.01(((Radius : ~ 5nm ))) Membrane

% . Increase of boron (Non-Fluorine)

t surface

s / a.u. /

i removal rate ) Specificx removal of uremic substance High ionic conductivity and low methanol e 0.005 ( 0.005

y cross over (1/10 of conventional membrane) from(存在確率 blood (((first βββ2-microglobulin


i s removal in the world ))) (((world top level )))

n 相対強度

e t 0.000 0 n 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 I 0.5 空孔半径 0.6 R / nm 0.7 Seawater RO desalination plant 図1 支持膜付 き RO 膜の空孔半径分布曲線 Pore diameter in each RO membrane 2627 Nano Material Innovation // Nanoalloy PolymerPolymer AlloyAlloy NanoalloyNanoalloy Conventional Alloy High impact PA Polymer +++ Polymer Transmission Electron High impact PBT A B Microscope photo (cross section of polymer) High impact PPS Phase-inversed Alloy

Low water absorption PA Polymer Design Compatibilizer Design +++ Nano-dispersed Alloy High thermal Nano-dispersing resistant PLA Technology High thermal resistant PET Flexible PLA Nano-co-continuous Alloy High chemical resistant PET Innovative PBT ///PC

2728 Nano Material Innovation Nanoalloy NanoNano --coco --continuouscontinuous AlloyAlloy

TorayToray succeeded succeeded in in developing developing a a world’s world’s first first nano-all nano-alloyoy technology technology which which makes makes itit possible possible to to combine combine only only the the best best properties properties of of two two different different polymers polymers..

Conventional Alloy Tensile TEM photo 3D-model image Strength1

Heat Chemical Resistance Resistance6 2

400nm Nanoalloy Conventional Alloy Nanoalloy (((Development material ))) Alloy Wet heat5 Impact3 TEM photo 3D-model image Resistance Strength (-30 ℃℃℃) Practical4 Strength Comparison of Properties between Conventional Alloy and Nanoalloy 400nm (((PBT/PC system )))

We plan to place the material on the market within one year, especially for automobile parts, electric and electronic parts, and transparent sheet and so on. 2829 Nano Material DevelopmentDevelopment ofof Innovation PLA Polymers NonNon --petrochemicalpetrochemical RawRaw MaterialsMaterials Fibers & Textiles Fossil material Polymerization Nylon Refining / Synthesis Polyester Films Raw material Acrylics Plastics Polyurethane others others

Biotechnology Nanotechnology Polymerization Lactic acid PolylacticPolylacticPolylactic acid acid acid

Polymerization Examples of PLA plastics products Plant-based 1,3-propanediol raw materials (+TPA) 3GT3GT Toray’s Business FlexibleFlexible Photosynthesis Plant oil heatheat resistantresistant Domain filmsfilms

Water, Carbon Dioxide

★★★ Toray is developing non-petrochemical raw materials 2930 making full use of Toray’s technologies. Nano Material Innovation ExampleExample ofof ApplicationApplication ofof PLAPLA PolymerPolymer PLA Polymers

HighHigh heat-resistanceheat-resistance Non-halogenatedNon-halogenated flame-retardant flame-retardant ImprovedImproved heat-resistance heat-resistance and and realized realized ImprovedImproved heat-resistance heat-resistance with with original original high–levelhigh–level of of flame-retardancy flame-retardancy with with nanoalloy technology nanoalloynanoalloy technology technology and and non-halogenated non-halogenated

nanoalloy technology flame-retardant technology

) ) )

) flame-retardant technology ) ) ) )

( ( ( ( r


120 e

e ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ 808080 ( ( t ( ( ( ( ( ) ( t 80 60 ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃

t s


e 100 e


b 80 60 606060 40 404040 60 404040 20 r 40 20 2020 e


40 t

Conventional e Nanoalloy Time Burning after Ignition Ignition after

b Heat Resistance HeatResistance 20 Alloy 20 202020 000 000 PLA Nanoaloy HeatResistance PLANanoalloy PLA Nanoalloy

★★★Enhancing performances of PLA for electronics use with Toray’s original nanoalloy technologies. ★★★Toray has contributed to global environment thorough reduction of CO2 3031 emission and fossil resources consumption. -- ExampleExample ofof TorayToray ’’ss AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials --

Main重重重Main重重重点点点点点点 Strategic Strategic戦戦戦戦戦戦 略略略略略略 Region領領領 Region領領領 域域域域域域

TechnologyTechnology IT-relatedIT-related AutomobileAutomobile EnvironmentEnvironment Life Science InnovationInnovation MaterialsMaterials ・・・・・・AircraftAircraft Life Science ・・・・・・WaterWater ・・・・・・EnergyEnergy

Optical Circuit Carbon Fiber Innovative Synthetic Organic NewNew Board Materials Composite Materials pharmaceuticals Semiconductor MaterialsMaterials New Optical Film New transparent & Bio-mass heat-resistance resin Fibers

Nano–multilayer Nano-composite Nanofibers PLA Polymers NanoNano Films MaterialMaterial CNT Nanoalloy DDS Membrane

Bio- pharmaceuticals BioBio Green Chemistry Bio-tools

LCD Next Generation Color Filters Next Generation Human-friendly Recycling ProcessProcess PDP-related Molding Material Materials MBR

3132 Bio Innovation Bio -pharmaceuticals InterferonInterferon

NaturalNatural Human Human Interferon- Interferon-ββββββ:: Feron Feron ** Establishment of large scale production technology TheThe worldworld firstfirst interferoninterferon productproduct (Beads culture) Launched in 1985 (Toray, Daiichi)

Indication:Indication: Hepatitis Hepatitis BB && CC Interferon Stereo Structure Structure elucidation of mouse Melanoma/BrainMelanoma/Brain tumorstumors interferon-βββ Fibroblast cells on the beads ( Univ. & Toray)

NNewew Drug Drug Research Research ~140 nm We discovered the optimum binding site of PEG on IFN ( ●●●) 4 nm ●●● Innovated the active PEGylated IFN-βββ(World’s first) Glycol ・・・・Improved and durable therapeutic effects Interferon ・・Improved and durable therapeutic effects (PEG) ・・・・・・ManyMany indications indications ((((((StartStart clinicalclinical trialtrial inin 20082008))))))

3233 Bio -Innovation Bio -Tools DNADNA ChipChip

Appearance Magnified detection area Performance of Toray’s DNA chip High performance ::: DNA chip SensitivitySensitivity :::100-fold100-fold higherhigher than than conventional chip 100 μμμm conventional chip sensitive 1.0

“3D-Gene ” Columnar structure Toray’s DNA chip Feature of TORAY DNA chip 0.5 Flat substrate Columnar structure Conventional chip (((conventional ))) (newly developed) Signal/Noise Probe DNA Probe 0 DNA 0.01 0.1 1 Conventional Next generation RNA amount (((μ(μμμg)g)g)g) glass chip plastic chip

ColumnarColumnar structurestructure HighHigh Magnified Magnified IncreasedIncreased probeprobe DNADNA sensitivitysensitivity

AcceleratedAccelerated reactionreaction Scanned image Scanned image

3334 ※※※This project is partially supported by NEDO. Bio -Innovation Bio -Tools LabLab --onon --aa--ChipChip

RapidRapid testing testing with with Lab Lab-on-a-Chip-on -a-Chip (within (within 15 15 mins mins))))))

Blood Sampling Drop on the chip Measuring System Complete !!

StructureStructure of of Lab Lab-on-a-Chip-on -a-Chip 44 Key Key-Technologies-Technologies

Sample Port Micro-Valves 1.1. SurfaceSurface ModificationModification Waste Port ※※※Adsorption of proteins to the plastic Channels surface were reduced to 30-fold less than non-modified surface Reaction Chamber 2.2. MicroMicro FabricationFabrication

20 μμμm 3.3. BiologicalBiological MeasurementMeasurement 20 μμμm Micro-Channels Micro-Beads 4.4. MicroMicro EngineeringEngineering

(((Collaborators ))) Univ. Prof.Kawai, Nagoya Univ. Prof Baba ★★★ We have developed the diagnostic use Lab-on-a-Chip 3435 made of plastics. (Only-one in the world) Bio Innovation Bio -tools R&DR&D StrategyStrategy ofof BioBio --toolstools


Conventional Specimens(cells and tissues) Blood AcademiaAcademia diagnostic Tests

Kyoto Univ. Genetic Info. Proteome Info. (cancer) Clinical Info. et. al. (DNA Chip) (Lab-on-a-chip)

Creation of Integrated Database Development of TorayToray Bio-tools

Focused Disease related Genes/Proteins

Diagnostic MarkersEvidence Drug Target Molecule by inspection

Development of Exam/Diagnostic Tools Development of *High-performance DNA Chips New Drugs 3536 *High-performance Protein Analysis -- ExampleExample ofof TorayToray ’’ss AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials --

Main重重重Main重重重点点点点点点 Strategic Strategic戦戦戦戦戦戦 略略略略略略 Region領領領 Region領領領 域域域域域域

TechnologyTechnology IT-relatedIT-related AutomobileAutomobile EnvironmentEnvironment Life Science InnovationInnovation MaterialsMaterials ・・・・・・AircraftAircraft Life Science ・・・・・・WaterWater ・・・・・・EnergyEnergy

Optical Circuit Carbon Fiber Innovative Synthetic Organic NewNew Board Materials Composite Materials pharmaceuticals Semiconductor MaterialsMaterials New Optical Film New transparent & Bio-mass heat-resistance resin Fibers

Nano–multilayer Nano-composite Nanofibers PLA Polymers NanoNano Films MaterialMaterial CNT Nanoalloy DDS Membrane

Bio- pharmaceuticals BioBio Green Chemistry Bio-tools

LCD Next Generation NanoNano Color Filters Next Generation Human-friendly Recycling ProcessProcess PDP-related Molding Material Materials MBR

3637 Nano Process Innovation PursuitPursuit ofof ParticleParticle DispersionDispersion TechnologyTechnology Particle Dispersion

Nano-level Particle Dispersion 10 μμμm 1μμμm 100nm 10nm 1nm Particle Size

MicroMicro sizesize particlesparticles Light NanoNano size size ParticlesParticles Opaque Transparent Light AggregatingAggregating nanonano size size particlesparticles Visible light wavelength Visible light Light wavelength Visible light AggregateAggregate

★★★Expected Effect of Deepening of Nano Dispersion Technology ::: Control of refractive index, Improvement of Optical property,Fulfill New function 3738 Nano Process Innovation PigmentPigment ofof LCDLCD ColorColor FilterFilter (CF)(CF) LCD Color Filter Structure of LCD Clear, Bright Display Structure of LCD R G B Suppression of Light CF Scattering by CF LCD TV (Measure: Contrast Ratio) TFT Liquid Crystal Back Key Point: Nano-dispersion Light of Pigment Particle

StabilizationStabilization of of Nano-Dispersion Nano-Dispersion for for Nano-Pigment Nano-Pigment Aggregated Nano-Pigment Conventional Toray’s 8 Technology Technology 6 4 Frequency(%) 100nm 0 100nm 100.01 1000.10.10.1 1000111 Contrast Ratio: 1.8 Pigment Particle Size (nm) Contrast Ratio: 1.0

★★★ 1.8 times higher Contrast Ratio →→→ Already Applied to Mass Production

3839 Nano Process Innovation PDPPDP RearRear PanelPanel PastePaste MaterialsMaterials PDP -related Materials

StructureStructure of of PDP PDP TORAY’sTORAY’s technology technology for for forming forming barrier barrier ribrib by by applying applying photosensitive photosensitive glass glass paste paste ガラス基板 Mask Exposure Development Firing Glass substrate Photosensitive glass paste

ガラス基板 1. Short process & High productivity Barrier rib Electrode 2. Flexibility of pattern shape PDP-TV Phosphor Dielectric layer 3. High accuracy forming

RearRear Panel Panel Paste Paste Materials Materials Full high definition PhotosensitivePhotosensitive barrierbarrier ribrib pastepaste (barrier rib pitch ) PhotosensitivePhotosensitive electrodeelectrode (silver)(silver) pastepaste 270 μμμm (HD) DielectricDielectric pastepaste PhosphorPhosphor pastepaste ((((((RedRed,, GreenGreen,, BlueBlue )))))) <150 μμμm(Full HD) 500 μμμm

★★★ 3940 Supply to the world largest factory of the MPDP (250,000 sets/month) TorayToray ’’ss ChallengeChallenge forfor TechnologyTechnology InnovationInnovation

Technology PursuitPursuit ofof LimitsLimits Technology MainMain InnovationInnovation StrategicStrategic Area Area

New Material InformationInformation && New Material TelecommunicationTelecommunication InnovationInnovationInnovation Automobile bybyby byby Nano-material Automobile ChemistryChemistryChemistry Nano-material /Aircraft/Aircraft

BiotechnologyBiotechnology LifeLife ScienceScience

Process EnvironmentEnvironment TorayToray’s’s CoreCore TechnologyTechnology Process /Water/Energy/Water/Energy

Aiming at the Most Excellent Company for Advanced Materials by Challenging Technology Innovation 4041 AdvancedAdvanced MaterialsMaterials forfor PioneeringPioneering 21st21st CenturyCentury

PursuitPursuit of Biotechnology of NanotechnologyNanotechnology Biotechnology LimitsLimits

GenerationGeneration of of AdvancedAdvanced Materials Materials withwith Technology Technology InnovationInnovation Environment,Environment, IntegrationIntegration SafetySafety ofof Technology && Security Security Technology

Innovative Solutions and Products Only Come with Innovative Materials