Hominid Adaptations and Extinctions David W. Cameron Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2004, 260 pp. (hardback), $60.00. ISBN 0-86840-716-X Reviewed by MONTE L. McCROSSIN Department of Sociology and Anthropology, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA;
[email protected] According to David W. Cameron, the goal of his book Asian and African great apes), and the subfamily Gorillinae Hominid Adaptations and Extinctions is “to examine the (Graecopithecus). Cameron states that “the aim of this book, evolution of ape morphological form in association with however, is to re-examine and if necessary revise this ten- adaptive strategies and to understand what were the envi- tative evolutionary scheme” (p. 10). With regard to his in- ronmental problems facing Miocene ape groups and how clusion of the Proconsulidae in the Hominoidea, Cameron these problems influenced ape adaptive strategies” (p. 4). cites as evidence “the presence of a frontal sinus” and that Cameron describes himself as being “acknowledged inter- “they have an increased potential for raising arms above nationally as an expert on hominid evolution” and dedi- the head” (p. 10). Sadly, Cameron seems unaware of the cates the book to his “teachers, colleagues and friends” fact that the frontal sinus has been demonstrated to be a Peter Andrews and Colin Groves. He has participated in primitive feature for Old World higher primates (Rossie et fieldwork at the late Miocene sites of Rudabanya (Hunga- al. 2002). Also, no clear evidence exists for the enhanced ry) and Pasalar (Turkey). His Ph.D. at Australian National arm-raising abilities of proconsulids compared to their University was devoted to “European Miocene faciodental contemporaries, including the victoriapithecids.