Collective Intelligence Framework

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Collective Intelligence Framework Collective intelligence framework Decentralised Citizens ENgagement Technologies FP7 – CAPS - 2013 D-CENT D2.1 Collective intelligence framework Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2 Contexts and crossroads for network movements today .............................................................................. 7 2.1 Social, economic, and political crises ............................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Network movements: some common characteristics .............................................................................. 9 2.3 Prototypes of network democracy ............................................................................................................. 12 2.4 Network movements and the internet: a sociotechnical tale ............................................................... 14 2.5 The architectures of the internet in dispute: the tendency towards fragmentation and centralization ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.5.1 Interoperability and portability vs fragmentation and centralization ........................................... 19 2.6 The post-Snowden scenario: massive vigilance and data control policies .......................................... 20 3 Theoretical and methodological framework ..................................................................................................... 22 3.1 Literature review ............................................................................................................................................. 22 3.2 Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.2.1 Networks movements ............................................................................................................................ 24 3.2.2 Technopolitics .......................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2.3 Mass self-communication ....................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.4 Connected multitude .............................................................................................................................. 28 3.2.5 Collective intelligence ............................................................................................................................. 28 3.3 Methodology: Data-analysis/Data-visualization ......................................................................................... 29 4 The emergence of a network movement: the case of 15M .......................................................................... 32 4.1 Gestation and antecedents: 15M and Internet struggles ........................................................................ 33 4.2 Explosion: exponential growth and self-organization .............................................................................. 34 4.3 15M topology, emotions and language on Twitter .................................................................................. 35 4.3.1 15M networks topology ......................................................................................................................... 35 4.3.2 Analysis of affects and emotions in 15M ............................................................................................ 38 4.3.3 Vocabulary analysis .................................................................................................................................. 40 4.4 Data-analogy: 15M and the brain ................................................................................................................. 41 4.4.1 Structural analogy between brain structure and 15M’s communicative infrastructure .......... 43 4.4.2 Distributed consciousness and dynamic core ................................................................................... 43 4.4.3 Lexical emergence and cohesion, and collective perception ........................................................ 45 4.4.4 Emotional and affective neurodynamics ............................................................................................. 46 4.5 Collective Intelligence .................................................................................................................................... 46 Page 3 of 81 FP7 – CAPS - 2013 D-CENT D2.1 Collective intelligence framework 4.5.1 Collective intelligence: three approaches .......................................................................................... 47 4.5.2 Collective intelligence: some general requisites ............................................................................... 49 4.5.3 Processes of collective action and collective intelligence: a few cases ....................................... 52 4.6 Technopolitical practices and self-communication .................................................................................. 54 5 Limits of technopolitical practices and new technical needs of citizen networks .................................... 58 5.1 Limits of 15M technopolitical practices and network culture .............................................................. 58 5.1.1 Dependency on corporate social networks ...................................................................................... 58 5.1.2 Limits of the “adhesion culture” .......................................................................................................... 60 5.1.3 Failures in the connection between on/offline procedures, channels and spaces of decision making ...................................................................................................................................................... 61 5.1.4 Difficulty for gathering, registering, and take charge of proposals. .............................................. 61 5.1.5 Dispersion, distraction and overloading by multiplication of channels, tools, initiatives and informations .................................................................................................................................................... 62 5.1.6 Absence or insufficiency of alternative tools for organization: the case of ................... 63 5.1.7 Securitarian and vigilance scenario in State politics ......................................................................... 65 5.1.8 Extractive and corporate scenario in social networks ................................................................... 65 5.1.9 Fragmentation scenario (affecting the web and other layers of the internet) ........................... 65 5.1.10 Infodystopian scenario: propaganda, spamming, overloading, filtering ..................................... 66 5.1.11 The dilemma between usability, effectiveness, security and privacy ......................................... 66 6 Conclusions: D-CENT: (socio)technical responses to some challenges of network movements ....... 68 6.1 General conclusions regarding the 15M movement ................................................................................ 68 6.2 Network movements, alternative scenarios, possibilities, and D-CENT ........................................... 69 6.3 A D-CENT conclusion: a technopolitical tale ........................................................................................... 73 7 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................. 75 Page 4 of 81 FP7 – CAPS - 2013 D-CENT D2.1 Collective intelligence framework 1 Introduction What has fallen apart is the link of the human with the world. From now onwards that link will become an object of faith: it is the impossible that can only take place again in a faith. The belief does not direct itself towards a different world, or a transformed one. The human is in the world as in a pure optical and sonorous situation. The reaction from which the human is dispossessed cannot be replaced but for belief. Only the belief in the world can link the human with what it sees and hears. (Deleuze,1987). If Deleuze was right, any attempt at transforming the world today would have to start by trying to recover it, by believing in it again, by recovering our confidence in our ability to affect it. This process may depend upon the practice of a new sensitive relation with the world: a growing awareness that it has been stolen from us, and that we can and must retake it. The movements and revolts unleashed since 2011 in countries so diverse as Iceland, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Turkey or Brazil ─ movements that, sometimes, garnered very high levels of participation and social support ─ may be understood as attempts ─ brief ones, sometimes ─ of nurturing that belief, that awareness and that retaking. In different ways and with varying results, 15M, Occupy, Yosoy132, OccupyGezi or the “June protests” have tried to stop and revert the work of world expropriation executed, on a daily basis and over millions of people, through different political, economic and media circuits. For a long time now, representative
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