P66_ copertina_R_OK C August 20-28,2004 Florence -

Field Trip Guide Book - P66 Post-Congress S. Critelli,A.Messina,V. Perrone Associate Leaders:A.Caggianelli, Leader: G.Bonardi TERRANE (SOUTHERNITALY) THE -PELORITANI GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS 32 Volume n°6-fromP55toPW06 GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS nd INTERNATIONAL P66 21-06-2004, 10:57:21 The scientific content of this guide is under the total responsibility of the Authors

Published by: APAT – Italian Agency for the Environmental Protection and Technical Services - Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48 - 00144 Roma - Italy

Series Editors: Luca Guerrieri, Irene Rischia and Leonello Serva (APAT, Roma)

English Desk-copy Editors: Paul Mazza (Università di Firenze), Jessica Ann Thonn (Università di Firenze), Nathalie Marléne Adams (Università di Firenze), Miriam Friedman (Università di Firenze), Kate Eadie (Freelance indipendent professional)

Field Trip Committee: Leonello Serva (APAT, Roma), Alessandro Michetti (Università dell’Insubria, Como), Giulio Pavia (Università di Torino), Raffaele Pignone (Servizio Geologico Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna) and Riccardo Polino (CNR, Torino)

Acknowledgments: The 32nd IGC Organizing Committee is grateful to Roberto Pompili and Elisa Brustia (APAT, Roma) for their collaboration in editing.

Graphic project: Full snc - Firenze

Layout and press: Lito Terrazzi srl - Firenze

P66_ copertina_R_OK D 27-05-2004, 14:25:03 Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06



AUTHORS: G. Bonardi1, A. Caggianelli2, S. Critelli3, A. Messina4, V. Perrone5 COWORKERS: P. Acquafredda2, G. Carbone4, G. Careri4, R. Cirrincione3, M. D’Errico1, R. Dominici3, V. Festa2, A. Iannace1, E. Macaione4, S. Mazzoli5, P. Notaro1, M. Parente1, F. Perri3, E. Piluso3, R. Somma4, M. Sonnino3, S. Vitale1.

1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università “Federico II”, Napoli - Italy 2 Dipartimento Geomineralogico dell’Università di Bari - Italy 3 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università della Calabria, Cosenza - Italy 4 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Messina, - Italy 5 Istituto di Geologia dell’Università di Urbino - Italy

Florence - Italy August 20-28, 2004

Post-Congress P66

P66_R_OK A 27-05-2004, 14:30:05 Front Cover: Southern side of Timpa delle Murge. North Calabrian Unit: pillow lavas, pillow breccias and radiolarian cherts of the sedimentary cover.


Leader: G. Bonardi Associate Leaders: A. Caggianelli, S. Critelli, A. Messina, V. Perrone

Introduction A3 highway, and, along the itinerary of the fi rst This guidebook describes the geology of the Calabria- day, at Terme di Latronico, Senise, and Terranova di Peloritani composite terrane, and of the adjacent . The fi rst day of excursions will be devoted Calabria-Lucania border region (fi g. 1). In addition to the ophiolite-bearing tectonic units of the Calabria- to the regional geologic framework of the following Lucania border region. They can be interpreted as chapter, an introduction to the itinerary and fi eld stops a possible ophiolitic suture between the Calabria- of each day of travel provides more details about the Peloritani northern terrane, and the Southern topic of the day and illustrates briefl y the structural Apennines thrust and fold belt. setting of the area that will be visited. On the second day, the structure and the tectono- The Calabria-Peloritani composite terrane, metamorphic evolution of the northern terrane, as interrupted by the recent structure of the Messina well as its relationships with the Apennine tectonic straits, is interposed between the South Apennine units, will be examined. The trip will begin in Lauria, and the Sicilian Maghrebid chains. Its N (N Calabria) and end in Camigliatello Silano, where we will stay and S (Peloritani Mountains in NE Sicily) extremities overnight. Camigliatello (1.275 m a.s.l.) is a tourist collided during the Miocene with the Apulia and site during winter and summer, and offers various Ragusa continental margins, respectively. A slab of types of hotel accommodation (better to reserve in recently subducted Ionian oceanic lithosphere (de advance during the high seasons). Voogt et al., 1992), bounded by the Apulia escarpment The third day will start and end in Camigliatello. The to the NE, and by the Malta escarpment to the WSW sedimentary sequences of the Sila massif, recording (Catalano et al., 2001), underlies its central part (S. both the rift-to-drift phase and the beginning of the Calabria). Therefore the present composite terrane orogenic transport towards the Apulia foreland, will be shares the postcollisional extension-controlled examined. We will stay overnight in Camigliatello. tectonic regime of the Western Mediterranean and A Hercynian crustal section exposed in the Capo the subduction-controlled setting of the Eastern Vaticano promontory and Serre massif will be analyzed Mediterranean, where the consumption of the Thetyan during the fourth day, going from Camigliatello to lithosphere is still active. Marina di Gioiosa Ionica, where we will also stay The aim of this fi eld trip is to illustrate the tectono- overnight for two days: many other lodging facilities stratigraphic and metamorphic evolution, during the are available along the Ionian coast (the holiday Alpine orogenetic cycle, of the two terranes forming season is July and the fi rst half of August). the composite terrane, from the rifting dispersal to The fi fth day excursion will start and end in Marina their accretion, amalgamation in the present composite di Gioiosa Ionica, and will be dedicated to the terrane, and docking to different continental margins. uppermost tectonic unit of the southern terrane. The The petrologic characteristics and the pre-Alpine structure and evolution of the latter terrane, as well metamorphic evolution of the crystalline basement as the petrological characteristics of the basements, of some tectonic units will be also analyzed. It has to will be observed during the sixth day, traveling from be pointed out that the terms “thrust sheet”, “nappe” Marina di Gioiosa Ionica to Messina, through the and “tectonic unit” will be used in this guidebook massif, and during the seventh day, with as synonymous, and the term unit, if not otherwise a trip in the Peloritani Mountains, starting and ending specifi ed, will be used in the sense of tectonic unit. in Messina. The fi eld trip will start from Lauria, where we will The itinerary can be easily followed with the aid of stay overnight for two days, that is nearer than other a good road map at 1 : 200,000 or 1 : 250,000 scale. towns in the area to important railway stations, and However some recent forest and cart roads are not Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume also to the fi rst stop of the second day. However there represented either on the road maps or on topographic is no possibility of renting a car at those stations, and maps. In this case, the best solution would be either for any one who wishes to run the trip by himself, to ask local people for information or to miss we suggest renting a car in Naples to reach the some stops. A relatively recent Geological Map of area by driving on the Salerno- A3 Calabria 1 : 25,000 is available online at the site highway. In this case, good hotel accommodations www.geocalabria.it. Geologic and geomorphologic are also available at the Lagonegro South exit of the maps of Calabria and NE Sicily at various scales

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi 26.Location oftheSangineto(SL)andTaormina (TL)lines. 22.Longi-Taormina Unit.Maghrebian Chain:23.SicilideUnits;24.Panormide andImereseUnits;25.Main faults; Unit basement;18.AspromonteandMelaUnits;19.MandanicPiraino Units;20.AlìUnit;21.Fondachelli Unit; CPST: 15.FlorestaCalcarenites,“Antisicilide”ComplexandStilo-Capod’OrlandoFm.;16.StiloUnitcover; 17. basement; 12.CastagnaUnit;13.Bagni14.OphioliticMalvito,Diamante-Terranova andGimiglianoUnits. CPNT: 8. Apenninic unitsoftheCoastalChaintectonicwindows; 9.Paludi Fm.;10.SilaUnitcover ;11.Sila Unit Chain: 5.CilentoGroup;6.Externalmainlycarbonateunits;7.Ophiolitic (Sicilide,N-CalabrianandFrido Units). 2.Aeolian volcanics; 3.Mt.Etnavolcanics; 4.Lower Pliocene-Serravallian,mainlyclasticsandevaporites; Apennine Figure 1-Geologicsketch mapoftheCPCT(modifi ed afterBonardietal.,(2001).Key: 1.Plio-Quaternary; 27-05-2004, 14:30:38 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

and printed at different times can be found at the site both by tectonic units formed by pre-Mesozoic www.e-geo.unisi.it. igneous and metamorphic basements, (sometimes with a Meso-Cenozoic cover), and by less extended Regional geologic setting ophiolite-bearing units (fi g. 1). It seems to connect The Southern Apennines and Sicilian Maghrebids are the Apennine and Maghrebian structural axes, and is segments, NW-SE, and E-W trending respectively, well known in the literature as the Calabria-Peloritani of an originally continuous orogenic belt, reaching arc by its present day arched shape, that has been from the Straits of Gibraltar up to northern Italy, interpreted either as an orocline (Ogniben, 1973; built up by orogenic transport towards the African Dubois 1976), or as the result of the distortion of an continent or the Apulia microcontinent. Opposite to originally straight segment of lithosphere, related to this “south-verging” chain, that continues into the the opening of the (Scandone 1982). Dinarids and Hellenids, there is a “north-verging” Probably due to the striking differences with the chain, that originated from the orogenic transport adjacent segments of the chain, the Calabria-Peloritani towards the European continent, and includes the arc has been the subject of interest, as well as a matter Betics, the Balearic Islands, NE Corsica, the Alps, of debate, since the end of the XIX century. Somehow and the Carpato-Balkanian arc. The S. Apennines and this debate still persists and i autochthonistic and Sicilian Maghrebids are both characterized by thin- parautochthonistic models, which would appear skinned tectonics, originating thrust sheets formed by anachronistic about other collisional orogenic belts the Meso-Cenozoic cover of the Apulian and Ragusan like the Alps, were proposed until the end of the continental margins, respectively. Thrust sheets of last century, in opposition to allochthonistic models. Meso-Cenozoic basinal deposits – ophiolite-bearing Among the latter, the main controversies arose in the S Apennines – overlie these thrust and fold about the provenance and tectonic evolution of belts. Between these two segments of the chain, the crystalline basement nappes, and two opposite which have traditionally been correlated with one interpretations were outlined: another (Scandone et al., 1974; Amodio Morelli et a) they originated from the European continental al. 1976; Grandjacquet and Mascle, 1978), it is margin, and were transported, together with the inserted an arc-shaped orogenic belt, characterized ocean-derived nappes, toward an African foreland Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

Figure 2 - Geometrical relationships between the CPCT tectonic units. Dashed line: boundary between the outcropping and buried (white) portion of the chain.

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi gin, andweretransported,togetherwiththeocean- a) they originatedfromtheEuropeancontinentalmar- 1986). (Ogniben 1969;1973;Bouillin,1984;Bouillinetal., margin andweretransported,togetherwithocean- b) they originatedfromthe African continental 1969; 1973;Bouillin,1984;Bouillinetal.,1986). derived nappes,toward an African foreland(Ogniben 27-05-2004, 14:30:47 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

derived nappes, toward a European foreland, to to the Calabria-Peloritani arc - was backthrust to form a Cretaceous-Paleogene eo-Alpine chain. override the African continental margin (Haccard et Afterwards, a fragment of this chain – corresponding al. 1972; Alvarez 1976; Amodio Morelli et al., 1976; Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi verging nappesofthesouthern sector(Guerreraet verging nappesofthenorthern sector, andthe Africa- (Meso-Mediterranean Terrane) ofboththedouble- the proposalofanoriginfromamicrocontinent Thetyan oceanicrealm. This conclusionhasledto units originatefromdifferent branches oftheNeo- that they and theN.Calabriaophiolite-bearing from theophiolite-bearingunitsofLucaniasuggest The biostratigraphicdata(Bonardietal.,1988;1993) 1998; Van Dijketal.,2000;Rossetti2001). about theageofextensional tectonics(Thomson, fi interpretation isnotstronglysupportedbyregional et al.,2000;Rossetti2001).However, this the model(a)even inthenorthernsector(Van Dijk been interpretedasextensional, implicitlysupporting Europe-verging structuresofthequotedauthorshave evolution ofN.Calabriahasbeenemphasized,andthe the roleofextensional tectonicsinthestructural orogenic transport,asinmodel(a).Inrecentyears, sector arebetterexplained bytheonly Africa-verging of thenorthernsector, whereasthoseofthesouthern be amoresuitableexplanation ofthecharacteristics Alpine chain,asproposedbymodel(b),appearsto Therefore abackthrustofCretaceous-Paleogene eo- only inN.Calabria; NNE), fi 3) oppositeverging foldsandthrusts(WSW the PeloritaniMts; is exclusive ofsometectonicunitsS.Calabriaand Ma) metamorphicoverprinti ofthe intermediateP/T units ofN.Calabria,whereasaLateOligocene(28-25 2) anHP/LT metamorphismaffects onlysometectonic from Lower Liassicto Aquitanian; contrary, recordacontinuousmarinesedimentation Some sedimentarycovers inthePeloritaniMts,on Aquitanian clasticsunconformablytransgressive. recent thanCretaceous,beingtheoutcroppingOligo- crystalline basementnappesofN.Calabriaarenomore 1) thesedimentarycovers ofbothophioliticand as follows: al., 1985). The maindifferences canbesummarized et. al.,1980;1982a;Scandone,1982;Dercourtet metamorphic evolution ofthetwo sectors(Bonardi and thePeloritaniMts.,duetoadifferent tectono- those ofasouthernsector, formedbyS.Calabria up toaSoverato-Mesima valley alignment,with of anorthernsectorthearc,includingN.Calabria impossibility tocorrelatethetectonicunits(fi More recently, ithasbeenpointedoutthe Grandjacquet andMascle,1978). eld evidence, andthereisagreatdisagreement rstdescribedbyQuitzow (1935),arepresent g. 2) g.

1993; DurandDelgaetal.,2000). (Wildi, 1983;Dercourtetal.,1985;Guerreraal. there isagrowing consensusaboutits oceanic nature Maghrebian FlyschBasinisunderdiscussion,even if future CPST, astheexact natureofthecrustin same cannotbeaffi was interposedbetweentwo oceanicareas,but the after theJurassicoceanicopening,futureCPNT sequences, evolving tobasinaldeposits.However, evolution, characterizedbyanalogousrift-related future CPNTandtheCPSTfollowed asimilar terranes. Duringtheriftinganddriftingphases, from theamalgamationofdifferent Hercynian CPCT was mostlyanemerged land,perhapsresulting beginning ofthe Alpine orogeniccycle, thefuture CPCT, canbebriefl of theCPST(fi The accretionaryhistoryoftheCPNT(fi (Van Dijketal.,2000). Apulia margin, isbetter evidenced bysubsurface data tectonic units,betweenitsnorthernedgeandthe the interpositionofLucanianophiolite-bearing derived fromtheMaghrebianFlyschBasin,whereas Ragusa margin, withtheinterposition oftectonicunits the dockingofsouthernpartCPCTto thrust withavariable geometry. The lattermarks component, andthe Taormina line,aNNEdipping to beafault systemwithaleft-lateralstrike-slip more recentsurface data,theSanginetolineseems in theCalabriannappes(Scandone1982).Basedon Morelli etal.,1976),andafterwards, astearfaults transcurrent faults (Scandoneetal.,1974; Amodio rather obscure.Bothhave beendefi of debatealsobecausetheirgeometryatdepthis Taormina tectoniclines(fi The CPCTisboundedNandSbytheSangineto Calabria PeloritaniSouthern Terrane). Northern Terrane) andasouthernterrane(CPST= of anorthernterrane(CPNT=Calabria-Peloritani Composite Terrane), resultingfromtheamalgamation a compositeterrane(CPCT=Calabria-Peloritani known asCalabria-Peloritaniarcwillbeconsidered segment ofthe Apennine-Maghrebian orogenicbelt will befollowed inthepresentguidebookand of us(Bonardietal.,1996;2001),slightlymodifi interpretation proposedinthefew lastyearsbysome (Bonardi etal.,1997;fi better understandableintermsofterraneaccretion with the Apennines andtheSicilianMaghrebids,are Calabria-Peloritani arc,aswellitsrelationships al., 1993). Actually, thecomplex evolution ofthe g. 4),andtheiramalgamationinthe y describedasfollows. At the rmed withcertaintyaboutthe g. 1),thatarestillamatter gs 3,4). Therefore the ned asdeep-seated g. 3) and 27-05-2004, 14:30:53 ed, GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

together with fragments of the eo-Alpine ophiolitic suture, towards the Apulia foreland ( Apenninic orogeny)occurred during the Burdigalian and it is related to the coeval closure of the Lucanian branch of the oceanic realm. The accretion of the CPST occurred between the Early Aquitanian and the Middle Burdigalian (Bonardi et al., 2003), and its docking onto the Ragusa margin occurred during the Langhian, as suggested by the closure of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin, and the emplacement above the CPST of material (“varicoloured clays”) derived from that basin. The amalgamation of the two terranes in the Figure 5 - Geometrical relationships between the Southern CPCT – after a period characterized by strike- Apennine stratigraphic-structural units. slip movements, which allowed their kinematic The two terranes followed an independent evolution independence – also occurred during the Middle from the eo-Alpine tectonic event and the closure of Miocene, when a widespread compressional regime a southward prolongation of the Piedmont-Ligurian led the CPST to override the CPNT. This is suggested ocean. The CPNT was originated by orogenic by the presence, between Amantea and Catanzaro, transport towards the European foreland, whereas overlying the CPNT nappe stack, of klippen of the the area of the future CPST was not involved in the Stilo Unit, that is the uppermost tectonic unit of the nappe stacking. The orogenic transport of the CPNT, CPST . They also include remnants of the Burdigalian Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

Figure 6 - Geological sketch map of the Calabria-Lucania border area. Key: 1.Upper Tortonian to Recent, mainly clastic deposits. 2.Cilento Group (Albidona Fm.; Langhian-Lower Tortonian). 3.N-Calabrian Unit (o = ophiolites). 4.Episcopia-San Severino melange (g = garnet and anphibolic gneisses, amphibolites, granitoids; o = ophiolites). 5.Frido Unit (o = ophiolites). 6.External Apenninic Units. 7.Fault. 8.Overthrust.

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi transgressive Tortoniandeposits. nappe stackoftheonlyCPST, andarecovered by Stilo-Capo d’OrlandoFm.,whichsealsthewhole The fi Field TripItinerary ophiolite-bearing “fl Group). Oneofthemisatectonicmelange(Spadea thick turbiditicsequenceofathrust-topbasin(Cilento tectonic units(fi continuous successioncorrespondstoapileoffour different interpretation. Actually, thepresumed (Bonardi etal.,1988;1993)hasledtoacompletely A morerecentrevision ofthe“Liguride Complex” remnants ofaCalabriancrystallinenappe. of SanSeverino Lucanohave beeninterpretedasthe the garnetgneissesoutcroppinginsurroundings Grandjacquet andMascle,1978);inadditiontothis, (Amodio Morellietal.,1976;Spadea and thoseofNCalabriahasbeengenerallyaccepted ophiolithic unitsoftheCalabria-Lucaniaborderarea has beenlaterquestioned,acorrelationbetweenthe Ligurian). Even iftheOgniben’s “LigurideComplex” the N. Apennines implicitinthename“Liguride”(= (Ogniben, 1973),besidesapossiblecorrelationwith complexes hasbeenproposedby thesameauthor and theN.Calabriaophiolite-bearingmetamorphic bulk equivalence betweenthe“LigurideComplex” would alsocontainophiolitesastectonicslices. A unmetamorphosed “Timpa delleMurge” ophiolites), stratigraphic contactonanophioliticbasement(the Formation of Vezzani, 1968),probablyrestingwitha to MiddleEocene.Itslower epimetamorphicpart(Frido continuous sequence,rangingfromLower Cretaceous Ogniben (1969)ascharacterizedbyaeugeosynclinal, A “LigurideComplex” was originallydefi forming thethrustandfoldbeltofchain(fi derived fromthe Apulia continentalmargin, and tectonically overrides theexternal Apenninic units, mainly preserved inthestructuraldepressions.It geometrically theuppermostof Apenninic chain, a majortectonicelement(internal Apenninic units), (oceanic orattenuatedcontinentalcrust)constitute with units(SicilideUnits)ofuncertainorigin derived tectonicunits(“Liguride”Units),together since theendofXIXcentury. These ocean- region (fi in theareaknown astheCalabria-Lucaniaborder rst dayofourfi g. 6),thathave beensubjectofinterest g. 7),unconformablyoverlain bya yschs”, extensively outcropping eld tripwillbededicatedtothe DAY 1 nd by ned g. 5).

Late Oligocenenannofl Frido Unitcover dometalimestones occur, bearing whereas onlyintheupperpartofepimetamorphic assemblages -asrangingfromCallovian to Aquitanian, Unit hasbeendated-byradiolariansandnannofl unmetamorphosed sequenceoftheN-Calabrian a cover ofbasinal,mostlyturbiditic,deposits. The analogy withotherNeo-Thetyanophiolites,andby ophiolithic basement,supposedtobeJurassicby – have beenreconstructed.Bothareformedbyan (Frido Unit)affected byHP/VLT metamorphism analyses, oftheremainingtwo units–oneofthem stratigraphic sequences,supportedbybiostratigraphic metamorphism and/ortotectonicdisturbances,the Notwithstanding somediffi with thesequencesofSicilideUnits. “parasicilide” unit,becauseofsomefacies affi the EasternMediterraneanandMaghrebianFlysch the LucanianOceancouldhave beenconnected with prosecution ofthePiedmont–LigurianOcean,whilst the CPNTophiolitesshouldhave beenthe southern Miocene respectively (fi during theCretaceous–Paleogene, andtheEarly et al.,1996). Their consumptionandclosureoccurred by amicrocontinent(Guerreraetal.,1993;Bonardi branches oftheNeo-Thetysoceanicrealm,separated and theLucanianophiolitesoriginatedfromdifferent sets ofdatahave ledtothehypothesisthatCPNT data (Beccaluva etal.,1989;Spadea,1994).Both same interval oftimeisalsosupportedbypetrological Miocene. A consumptionofoceaniclithosphereinthe to the Apenninic orogenicwedgeoccurredintheEarly Lucanian ophioliticunitssuggestthattheiraccretion The biostratigraphicdatafromthecovers of the introduction ofanew denominationintheliterature. been retainedbyus(even ifinbrackets) toavoid the name “Liguride”,mustbeexcluded. This namehas similarity withtheN. Apennines, suggestedbythe crystalline nappe. At thesametime,any possible gneisses” bestillconsideredasklippenofaCPNT has toberejected,andneithercanthe“SanSeverino Lucanian ophioliticunitsandthoseoftheCPNT Therefore, theproposedequivalence betweenthe base oftheunconformably-overlying Cilento Group. age (Selli,1962; Amore etal.,1988)recordedatthe al., 1988;1993)areinagreementwiththeLanghian and tillnow hasbeendefi unit shows characteristicsofabroken formation, rocks, andofserpentinites. The uppermosttectonic well ashugeblocks,bothofothercontinentalcrust 1982), includingthe“gneissesofSanSeverino”, as oras. These ages(Bonardiet g. 3). The branchoriginating ned onlyinformallyas culties dueto 27-05-2004, 14:30:57 nity ora


Basin. The hypothesis that the Lucanian ophiolites play the role of an ophiolitic suture between the CPNT and the Apulian continental margin (see also Perrone, 1996) is not supported by fi eld evidence, but it seems to be confi rmed by subsurface data (Van Dijk et al., 2000). Travel from Lauria inferiore to Terranova di Pollino and Stop 1.1 From “Lauria inferiore” reach the Lauria S. entrance of the Salerno–Reggio Calabria A3 highway, following for about 5 km a country road and then the S.S. (State Road) 19, for about 3 km in S direction. Drive on the A3 in N direction up to the Lauria North exit, and on the Sinni Valley S.S. 653 up to the Valsinni exit. Then follow the new Sarmento Valley road and the S.S. 92 up to Terranova di Pollino. The fi rst part of the itinerary up to Latronico crosses some of the external Apenninic units (fi g. 5). Up to the Lauria North exit of the A3, mainly shallow water carbonates (Cretaceous rudistid limestones; Paleocene to Middle Eocene limestones and marls; Lower Miocene calcarenites) of the Alburno-Cervati- Pollino Unit will be crossed, as well as fl ysch-like uppermost terms of the same unit, and klippen of “Liguride” Units basinal deposits, which are preserved in the structural depressions. The structural style is characterized by a system of ramp anticlines thrust onto the related synclines. At the Lauria North exit and some kilometers along the S.S. 653, the Monte Sirino anticlinorium – formed by the basinal deposits (Middle Triassic to Cretaceous) of the Lagonegro Units – is visible on the left. The S.S. 653 runs for about 6 Km along the contact Figure 7 - Sketch of the geometrical relationships between the Alburno-Cervati-Pollino (Cretaceous between the “Liguride” Units and the Cilento Group. neritic limestones) and Monti della Maddalena (Upper Triassic cataclastic white ) Calabrian Units and the Sicilide Units (fi g. 6). They tectonic units (right) and (left) the Lagonegro Units are largely covered by the Plio-Pleistocene deposits (Flysch Galestrino Fm.: Cretaceous siliceous marly of the Sant’Arcangelo satellite basin. Near Episcopia, limestones and dark-grey siliceous shales). The outcrops of dark green serpentinites, visible along mountain bounded by an high cliff (up to 1.000 the road, are blocks embedded in the Episcopia-San m) visible ahead to the left is Monte Alpi (Jurassic- Severino melange (fi g. 6). Cretaceous shallow water carbonates, capped by After Episcopia up to the S.S. 92, the road runs transgressive Upper Tortonian calcarenites). It is through Plio-Pleistocene deposits and – mainly along Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume the only outcrop of the homonymous tectonic unit, the shore of the Senise reservoir – the underlying interpreted as the most external and deep-seated unit Sicilide Units, easily recognizable by the presence of the S. Apennines (fi g. 5), strongly uplifted by faults of varicoloured clays. Along the S.S. 92, between in its present position. the San Costantino Albanese crossing and Terranova After the Latronico exit, the road enters a large di Pollino, it is possible to see the calciclastic structural depression, in which the uppermost and siliciclastic turbidites of the Middle Miocene (internal) tectonic units of the chain are preserved: Albidona Formation (Cilento Group, fi g. 7) cropping the ophiolite-bearing “Liguride” Frido and N- out on both sides of the valley, as well as with bad

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi lavas andpillow breccias arestratigraphicallyoverlain examine thesection shown infi Calabrian Unit(East). interposed betweentheFridoUnit(West) andtheN- the Episcopia–SanSeverino melange,tectonically the talusprobablyareevidence ofthepresence delle Murge, someserpentinites outcroppingunder Climbing alongamacadamforestroadto Timpa either uprightoroverturned dueto intensefolding. and Giardino,2001).Intheroadcutsstrataappear nannofl Eocene to Aquitanian bythepelagicforaminifersand The ageoftheSaracenoFm.rangesfromUpper is about300mthick. two metersthickarealsopresent. The wholesequence average thicknessof50-60cm,but somebedsabout exposed here). The beddingisratherregular withan characterizes theuppermostpartofsequence(not marls andshales. An increaseofsiliciclasticfraction thin, isgiven bygrey, sometimesredandgreenish, grey-brown chert. The peliticinterval, mostlyvery lithologies. cover andabiglandslideaffecting theCreteNereFm. stop 1.1,crossingtheN-CalabrianUnitsedimentary A countryroadfrom Terranova diPollinoleadsto village restsontheSaracenoFm.(N-CalabrianUnit). exposures intheroadcuts. The Terranova diPollino along thewesternfl Climbing asmallgully–aftershortwalk onatrail the baseofCrete Nere Fm.) sedimentary cover (Timpa delleMurge Fm.and North-Calabrian Unit:ophioliticbasementand Southern sideof Timpa delleMurge. Stop 1.2: the showing acompleteBoumasequence;sometimes composed ofcarbonaticandmixed turbidites,often tectonic unit. The wholesequenceoftheformationis uppermost rockstratigraphicunitoftheN-Calabrian part ofthesequenceSaracenoFm., The outcropsintheroadcutsarelower-middle underlie theophiolite-bearingN-CalabrianUnit. Alburno-Cervati-Pollino Unitwhichtectonically carbonates (Cretaceousrudistidlimestones)ofthe block ofanormalfault allows toobserve theneritic A gorge cutbytheSarmentoRiver inthefootwall Saraceno Formation turbidites the internal andtheexternal Apenninic units. Case delContelocality. Relationshipsbetween Stop 1.1: b interval issilicifi oras content(Bonardi etal.,1988;DiStaso ank oftheridge–itispossibleto ed, andappearsasabandof g. 8.Beautifulpillow After about1kmalongtheforestroad: composition (Spadea,1994). analyses ofthebasaltspointtoa T-MORB tholeiitic a sheeteddykes complex isabsent.Geochemical minor gabbros. As intheN. Apennines ophiolites, delle Murge hillisalso formedbymassive basaltsand exposed inthissectionanditssurroundings,the Timpa Besides theuppermostpartofanophioliticsuite the CreteNereFm.. greenish quartzarenites,thatcorrespondtothebaseof shales, alternatingwiththick-bedded,yellow- Fm.) gradesupwards todark-grey andblack quartzarenites. This sequence(Timpa delleMurge (Bonardi etal.,1988)–withthinintercalationsof variegated shales–bearingOxfordiannannofl – followed bypinkishallodapiclimestonesand Oxfordian radiolarians(Marcuccietal.,1987) by radiolariancherts-bearingLateCallovian–Early quartzarenites, siliceousandallodapiclimestones. shales, withsomeintercalationsofthin-bedded of theCreteNereFm.,mainlyconsistinginblack passes uptostop1.4throughthetypicallithologies The cartroaddescendingto Terranova diPollino interposed betweenFridoandN-CalabrianUnits. They areremnants ofthemelangeunit,tectonically scattered, mostlyabove FridoUnitmeta-sediments. ophiolitic basalts.Inthisarea,somesimilarblocksare geometrically underlyingthe Timpa delleMurge affected bylawsonite-albite facies metamorphism, Along theroadthereisexposed aboulderofgranitoid, Episcopia–San Severino melange. Catusa SpringPass. (1.360ma.s.l.): Stop 1.3: Figure 8-Geologicalsketch oftheTimpa delleMurge section (nottoscale). 27-05-2004, 14:31:03 oras


Stop 1.4: the Frido “Formation”, which has been defi ned and S. side of Timpa Angiolicchio. Stratigraphic described by Vezzani (1968). Actually, due to isoclinal transition from Crete Nere Fm. to Saraceno Fm. folding, the whole section consists in many repetitions Along the road there are exposed about ten meters of the same lithologies (phyllites, quartzites, and of alternating calcarenites and dark-grey shales that metalimestones), that can be observed walking some characterize the transition between Crete Nere and hundreds of meters along the forest road which runs Saraceno Fms.. Intensive disharmonic folding is along the ridge. The aragonite metalimestones of this related to the high competence contrast between the locality bear nannofl ora assemblages, not older than two formations, often responsible for a shear zone that Late Chattian, by the occurrence of Sphenolithus obliterates the transitional interval. ciperoensis (Bonardi et al., 1993). Structural analyses Directions: Back to Terranova di Pollino, drive to in this area (Knott, 1987) suggest an eastward San Costantino Albanese, and then follow the road orogenic transport. to Francavilla sul Sinni. The road runs through the Descending to San Severino Lucano, the road passes Albidona Fm. up to the ridge after San Costantino through a large klippe of serpentinites (serpentinized village, where the underlying Crete Nere Fm. crops lherzolites, with minor harzburgites and dunites) out. overlying the metasediments previously examined. It can be interpreted either as a huge block of the Stop 1.5: Episcopia-San Severino melange, or as a remnant of a Conserva locality, right side of Torrente Rubbio. tectonic doubling of the Frido Unit. The occurrence of Contact between N-Calabrian and Frido Units. small outcrops of metabasalts and of metasediments In a small, old quarry, it is possible to look at the above the serpentinites favours the second hypothesis. tectonic superposition of the black shales of the Crete At San Severino Lucano, the road joins the main road Nere Fm. (Lower Cretaceous–Upper Eocene) on the to Episcopia that will be followed up to S.S. 653. The Frido Unit metalimestones (Oligocene). Due to late general structure crossed by the road is roughly a tilting, at present, the contact surface steeply dips synform, whose core is occupied by the Episcopia– to the E, but the original geometry is still clear. The San Severino melange. Frido Unit is here represented by a thick interval of weakly metamorphosed limestones and arenaceous Stop 1.7: limestones, sometimes showing still preserved Ponte Frido locality. sedimentary structures, suggesting a turbiditic Episcopia-San Severino melange origin. Phyllitic fi lms are present along the foliation The road cuts a huge block included in the melange surfaces. The latter are related as axial plane foliation unit. It is formed by strongly weathered garnet to mesoscopic isoclinal or very tight folds refolding gneisses, cut by a basaltic dyke with MORB affi nity an older foliation. The Frido Unit metalimestones (Spadea, 1982). According to this author, this block are characterized by variable percentages of calcite, originated from a thinned continental crust very close aragonite, and ankerite, with quartz, albite, chlorite, to the oceanic area. Up to the stop 1.8, the road passes and sericite as accessory minerals (Spadea, 1976). through the melange unit, represented by blocks of Nannofl oras from this outcrop indicate an age no garnet and amphibolitic gneisses, amphibolites, and more ancient than Rupelian, by the concomitance of serpentinites with a scarce phyllitic matrix. Sphenolithus predistentus, and S. distentus (Bonardi et al., 1993). Stop 1.8: Drive about 6 km towards Francavilla sul Sinni, Episcopia crossing. Frido Unit basement and then turn left, following a macadam country A small outcrop of massive ophiolitic metabasalts, road up to stop 1.6. The road crosses the Frido Unit covered by strongly-foliated volcaniclastics, can be meta-sediments, but due to the vegetation cover, the observed in the road cut. In some other outcrops, far P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume outcrops are few and almost of no interest. from the roads, the volcaniclastics grade upwards to metaradiolarites, followed by phyllites and quartzites Stop 1.6: typical of the Frido Unit metasedimentary cover. The Serro di Tuppo Gentile. Frido paragenesis of the metabasalts (Beccaluva et al., Unit metasedimentary cover 1982) is: albite + chlorite ± lawsonite ± pumpellyite Along this ridge is located one of the type sections of ± epidote. In some outcrops Mg-riebeckite ± aegirin-

13 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi of themorning. Lauria follows inthereverse directiontheitinerary the Francavilla sul Sinnidirection. The way backto The Sinni Valley isreachedafterabout2.5kmin augite arealsopresent. defi Catanzaro graben(fi along the Tyrrhenian coastofCalabria,uptothe a mountainrangestretchinginNNW-SSE direction The CalabrianCatenaCostiera(=CoastalRange)is CPNT nappes,hasbeenevidenced byCampana 1and carbonates, typicalofsomethoseunits,underthe outcrop inthatmassif,but thepresenceofplatform days, isfullyrepresented. The Apenninic unitsdonot be thesubjectofexcursions ofthefollowing two side oftheSilamassif,whereUnit,thatwill The CPNTnappestackisalsoexposed onthewestern if theSilaUnitisonlypresentinitslower portions. better preserved inthestructuraldepressions,even and 9).Ofcourse,theuppermosttectonicunitsare Piemontese andNofFuscaldorespectively (fi thinning northward upto0,disappearNofGuardia present, becausetheBagniandCastagnaUnits, antiform (fi windows, openintheaxialculminationsof Apenninic units,canbeobserved inseveral tectonic The tectonicpileoftheCPNTandunderlying horsts arerelatedtofaults paralleltothehingeline. perpendicular tothehingeline;minorgrabensand and culminationsareenhancedbyfaults striking Tortonian-Messinian deposits,. Axial depressions to thecoastline,asevidenced bytheattitudeof an antiformalgeneralstructure,trendingparallel South oftheSanginetoline,CatenaCostierashows Donato Units(fi overlie theextensively outcropping Verbicaro andSan of theCPNTtectonicunits(mostlyophioliticunits) tectono-stratigraphic sequence.Inthisarea,klippen even ifthestructuralstyleishighlyvariable inthe it, thestructuralsettingismainlyfault controlled, whose signifi S oftheSanginetoline(fi traditional todistinguishaCatenaCostieraNand along thecoastNofBelvedere M.mo,anditis However, thenameisalsousedformountains S ofthissegment. whereas itlosesitsphysiographicindividuality Nand 9), beingboundedeastward bytheCratiRiver valley, ned betweenBelvedere M.moand Amantea (fi g. 9). The wholenappestackisnotalways cance isstillamatterofdebate.N g. 9). g. 1).Itisbettermorphologically DAY 2 g. 1),atectonicstructure g. 2 gs. g.

at thehairpinbendanaltitudeof137m. Castrocucco (gatepossiblyclosedtocars!)andstop close toanisolatedhouse,thatgoesuptoward Monte Then take anarrow aqueductserviceroadontheright, straight aheadthatwillcarryyounorthwards again. Leave theS.S.585atMarateaexit; follow theroad Verbicaro Unitcropoutonbothsidesofthevalley. Upper Triassic darkgrey andblackdolomitesofthe on therightside(hangingwall). Moredownstream, dolomitic limestonesofthe Verbicaro Unitarepresent Cervati-Pollino Unit,whereasRaethian–Hettangian formed bytheCretaceouslimestonesof Alburno- normal faulting, theleftsideofvalley (footwall) is electric power plantontheleftsideofriver –dueto to the Tyrrhenian Sea.Inafi runs alongthenarrow valley oftheNoceRiver up the S.S.585inPraiaaMaredirection. The road vegetation andaffected bylandslides-andthenenter (informal “parasicilide”unit),mostlycovered by the basinaldepositsofuppermost“Liguride”Unit from Lauriainferioreto Trecchina -passingthrough Directions: Drive about6kmonthecountryroad Scala Coeli1wells(Van Dijketal.,2000). highly foliatedmetalimestonesandMiocene superposition oftheNoriandarkdolomites,above the coastlinetoS(Serra Vingiolo), thetectonic Units (AmodioMorellietal.,1976).Lookingat Miocene Alburno-Cervati-Pollino andSanDonato Unit tectonicallyoverlies boththe Triassic to and byaLower Miocenefl Eocene to Aquitanian calcareous-peliticturbidites, Unit, whichelsewhere iscompletedbyMiddle This successionrepresentsmostofthe Verbicaro conglomerates. Maastrichtian-Lower Eocenecalcareous unconformity, toJurassic chertylimestones, Megalodontid-bearing limestonesand,afteran The Noriandolomitesgradeupwards toRhaetian a Mare(fi facies outcropextensively moretotheS,aroundPraia Rotonda, whereasthelower-slope torestrictedbasin facies arepresentimmediatelytotheNatMonte carbonate platform. The correlative platformmargin dolomites, thatwereformedontheupperslopeofa visible totheENE,ismadeupofNorianmassive Castrocucco, aswellofMonteCifolo,clearly Most ofthesouthernlower slopeofMonte of VerbicaroUnit Serra diCastrocucco. Triassic dolomites Stop 2.1: g. 10;Climacoetal.,1997). rsttract–uptoahydro- yc. h Verbicaro The ysch. 27-05-2004, 14:31:08 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Figure 9 - Geological sketch map of N. Calabria (Coastal Range and Sila Massif). Key: 1.Recent to Upper Pliocene clastics; 2.Lower Pliocene-Upper Tortonian clastics and evaporitics; 3.Stilo Unit Paleozoic basement and Mesozoic cover, including the Burdigalian Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Fm.. Sila Unit: 4. Mesozoic cover and Paludi Fm.; 5. Late Hercynian granitoids; 6. Low-grade metamorphics (Paleozoic); 7. High-grade metamorphics (pre-Triassic). 8.Castagna Unit (pre-Triassic micaschists and gneisses); 9.Bagni Unit (Mesozoic cover and pre-Triassic low-grade metamorphics). Ophiolitic Units (Lower Cretaceous-Upper Jurassic): 10. Malvito Unit; 11. Diamante-Terranova Unit; 12.Gimigliano Unit; 13.Verbicaro and San Donato Apenninic Units (Lower Miocene-Middle Triassic).

siliciclastics, is perfectly recognizable. of loose pebbles and blocks in the scree. The outcropping dolomites consist of heterometric, Such a peculiar, poorly-diversifi ed assemblage is rounded conglomerates, whose clasts contain strictly related to the disaerobic conditions recorded

a very peculiar biotic assemblage. In fact, they in the coeval, organic-rich, laminated dolomites P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume are boundstones of microbialites (thrombolites of the basin. The latter is an example of the many and stromatolites) encrusting an oligotypic fauna intraplatform restricted basins with specialized dominated by serpulids and small sphinctozoans. margin bioconstructions, that developed during the The cavities of this organic framework are fi lled with Norian-Rhaetian along a belt, going from S. Alps zoned dolomitic cements and locally also by quartz, to Betic Cordillera, and which were affected by as a replacement product after calcedonic crusts. Very extensional tectonics and were paleoceanographically good observations are possible on weathered surfaces disconnected from the open waters of the Western

15 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi porphyroblasts discordanttothefoliationS metabasites show apervasive foliation(S from diabasedykes. At amicroscale,thebanded medium- tocoarse–grainedrocks,probablyoriginated massive deep-blueglaucophanites;(iii)subordinate of alternateyellowish-green anddeep-bluelayers;(ii) consisting of:(i)fi Along asmallcliff arewell-exposed metabasites Terranova Unit:blueschistfaciesmetabasalts Guardiola localitySofDiamantevillage.Diamante- Stop 2.2: Scalea andDiamante. Scalea, andacrosstheLaoRiver fl through Triassic dolomitesofthe Verbicaro Unitupto on aLower PleistocenemarineterraceatPraiaaMare, Directions: Drive southwards ontheS.S.18,passing Paleo-Tethys (Cirillietal.,1999). view fromthesamepoint(above). Monte Castrocucco(below), andfor thesouthward interpretation, oftheUpperTriassic dolomitesat assemblages distribution, withrelatedpaleoenvironmental Figure 10-Cross-sections,showing thefacies actinolite, subordinateglaucophane,andlawsonite. and aremadeupofepidote,calcite,pumpellyite, yellowish-greenish bandsalsocarry foliatedtexture foliation S lawsonite andglaucophane alsorunparalleltothe the highly-deformedsamples,elongatedgrainsof titanite crystalsoccurparalleltothefoliationS epidote, andwhitemica.Elongatedaggregates of of glaucophane,lawsonite, titanite,subordinate bands have aporphyroblastictexture andareformed affected byalatecrenulationcleavage. The blue s . There arenevertheless somelawsonite ne-grained, bandedrocksformed oodplain between s ), locally s . The s . In (Liou, 1971);lawsonite=clinozoisite+margaritequartz + chlorite +quartz(Liouetal.,1985); Albite =analcime the microprobedatabyDeRoever (1972).Clinozoisite+ paragonite +zoisitequartzH aragonite =calcite(Carlson,1980);lawsonite+albite The XJdandXGlnisoplethshave beencalculatedfrom al., 1985);Clinozoisite+tremoliteH Fe-carpholite stabilityfi tremolite +H (Nitsch, 1968, 1972);glaucophane-outfi Figure 11-P-TpathoftheDiamante-Terranova Unit. quartz (Nitsch, 1968,1972);laumontite=lawsonite+ + quartz(Thompson,1971);heulandite=lawsonite tremolite +chlorite +albite(Maruyamaetal.,1986); quartz (Liou,1971);wairackite =lawsonite+quartz 1977); glaucophane+clinozoisitequartzH jadeite +quartzandisoplethsHolland(1983); 2 O =prhenite+chlorite +quartz(Liouet eld (Chopin&Schreyer, 1983). 2 O (Poli 1993);albite= 2 O =pumpellyite eld (Maresch, 27-05-2004, 14:31:15 2 O= GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

The Diamante-Terranova Unit metabasites have MORB tholeiitic composition (Spadea, 1980, 1994; Morten, 1993; fi g. 12), and their geochemistry suggests that they underwent early sea-fl oor alteration (Beccaluva et al., 1982). Meso- and micro-tectonic data and deformation-metamorphic events have allowed the tracing of the following evolution (Cello et al., 1991):

Stage I: a pervasive foliation (Ss) affected both the metabasites and the metasedimentary cover rocks.

Ss surfaces in the metabasites are marked by HP/LT mineral phases, i.e., glaucophane and lawsonite. Figure 12 - Ti ≠Zr variation diagram (Pearce and Cann, 1973) for metabasites of Diamante-Terranova and Few closures of minor rootless folds associated

Malvito Units. A = island-arc tholeiites; B = MORB, with Ss have been observed. A discontinuous calc-alkali basalts and island arc tholeiites; stretching lineation (Ls) occurs associated with Ss. C = calc-alkali basalts; D = MORB. Ls is characterized by an alignment of fi ne-grained Lawsonite and glaucophane are partly transformed aggregates of lawsonite, glaucophane, and epidote in into epidote and albite plus chlorite in the samples the metabasites. A set of non-pervasive elements are affected by the late crenulation cleavage. present, i.e.: i) minor sheat folds, with the direction of maximum stretching concordant with Ls; ii) kink- bands defl ect S in localized narrow, low-angle shear The glaucophanites have a texture and mineral s assemblage similar to those of the blue portions of zones; iii) centimetric shear bands with antithetic (R’) the banded type. In a few samples there are very thin orientation; Stage II: centimetric to metric asymmetric folds (f ) veins and/or aggregates of lawsonite and pumpellyite. c with about SSE plunging axes affected the S foliation The medium- to coarse-grained metabasites still s carry a relict magmatic texture, and are formed of in both metabasites and metasedimentary cover. A S plunging crenulation lineation (l ) originated under relict clinopyroxene, partly replaced by metamorphic c aegirine-rich term, that in turn is rimmed by a pumpellyite-actinolite facies conditions; blue amphibole, of lawsonite pseudomorphs Stage III: all the structural elements that originated in after plagioclase, and blue amphibole and titanite the physical conditions of the ductile-brittle transition aggregates after magmatic ilmenite or Ti-magnetite. are ascribed to this stage. They are minor extensional In the metabasalts, the mineral assemblage lawsonite and/or transtensional faults, fractures, and two + Na-pyroxene + Na-amphibole + albite + quartz generations of veins. The fi rst is formed of up to 1 m indicates HP-LT metamorphic conditions. The physical thick veins, that generally are faulted and/or folded conditions are constrained by the glaucophane (Gln ) about SE trending axes. The later second generation 95 of veins (S , S ) crosscut all the previous structural and jadeite (Jd ) mol contents of Na-amphibole and 1 2 18 elements. The S and S are defi ned by planar veins Na-clinopyroxene, respectively, by the aragonite in 1 2 veins within the basalts (Hoffmann, 1970; Cello et spaced 0.5 m apart, and up to 10 cm thick, and are al., 1991; Morten, 1993) and by the phengitic mica mainly associated with fractures and minor faults. (Siiv > 3.2 at. pfu) in the sedimentary cover rocks. The P and T conditions of the metamorphic peak Stop 2.3: (fi g. 11) have been calculated at about 1.0 GPa and Diamante harbour and beach: about 350°C. Subsequently, a retrogression along a Diamante Terranova Unit sedimentary cover P-T path, characterized by a more or less isothermal Along the beach, the cover of the Diamante-Terranova Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume decompression up to about 0.3 Gpa, may be deduced Unit crops out. It is made up of beds of calc-schists not only from the glaucophane and jadeite mol and marbles, up to 60 cm thick, in which the turbiditic contents of the amphibole and pyroxene, but also origin is recognizable, alternating with yellow and from the growth of crossite and actinolite around the green metaradiolarites and siliceous metapelites. glaucophane, from the lawsonite breakdown and from Metric to centimetric, generally asymmetric, tight to the crystallization of chorite, actinolite, pumpellyite, isoclinal folds affect the original sedimentary layering and prehnite. (Cello et al., 1996). These are the earliest structures

17 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi microfolds canalsobeobserved. a few outcropswheretherefolding ofthecrenulation with thoseabove, areparticularlywelldeveloped in resulting fromtheinterferenceofthesestructures and metasediments).Superposedfoldpatterns, have alsolocallybeenobserved (inbothmetabasites Centimetric tometric,mainlySWtrendingfolds schistosity surfaces. oriented crenulationlineationaffecting themain related tothesefolds. These defi microfolds, widespreadinthewholearea,arealso and typicallyexhibit class3geometries.Crenulation less competentlayershave angulartoroundedhinges, hinges andshow class1Bor1Cshapes,whereas class 3;competentlayershave angulartorounded overturned. Fold geometryrangesfromclass1to from symmetricanduprighttoasymmetric dip anglesoftheiraxialsurfaces, thesefoldsrange axes arealsopresent.Duetothehighvariability of folds showing subhorizontaltomoderatelyplunging NW trending,centimetrictometric,opentight pyrites. by calcitepressurefringesadjacenttoframboidal metasediments. A stretchinglineationismarked is associatedwiththemainschistosityin A NEtrending,discontinuousminerallineation well developed axialplanar, SEdipping,schistosity. graded metalimestonescanbeobserved, showing a outcrop, inparticular, ameter-size, earlytightfoldin folds, iswelldeveloped inthemetasediments.Inthis pervasive schistosity, roughlyaxialplanar tothese layers, andclass3inthelesscompetentones. A alternates betweenclass1C,inthemorecompetent to moderatelyinclined. The foldshapegenerally whereas axialsurfaces rangefromsub-horizontal horizontal tomoderatelyplungingNEtrendingaxes, recognized inthearea;mostoffoldsshow Figure 13-Geologicalsketch oftheLaisesection. ne aroughlyNW sandstones. along theway areUpper Tortonian conglomeratesand and follow acountryroaduptoStop2.4. The outcrops Laise village. At theentranceofvillageturnright, Belvedere Marittimoexit, andthenfollow theroadto Directions: ReturntoS.S.18,anddrive tothe equivalent ofthe Anisian to Carnianthicksuccession along theroad(CetraroUnit)areprobablyalateral Phyllites, metalimestones,andevaporites outcropping the road)andentersCetrarotectonicwindow. road crossestheSanginetoline(noevidence along Back toS.S.18,afterhalfakilometersouthwards, the contact correspondsrathertoanormalfault. plunge below thedescribedtectonic pile,but the Unit Noriandolomites. The steeple-dippingstrata foreground (MontelaCaccia),isformedby Verbicaro the metamorphics. The high reliefmountaininthe Tortonian coarsesandstonesrestnonconformablyon At thebeginning ofthesection, W-dipping Upper Unit (thebasementisnotpresentinthissection). phyllites andcalc-schistsoftheDiamante-Terranova porphyric ophioliticmetabasaltsofMalvitoUnit;(iii) Calpionella metamorphics ofthebaseSilaUnit;(ii) by: (i)cataclastictomyloniticmedium-highgrade The tectonicpileisformedfrombottomtotop meters alongtheroad. of themwillbeexamined walking somehundredsof or lesslarge klippen. A section(fi crystalline basementnappesarerepresentedbymore out extensively, whereastheCPNTophioliticand Apenninic units(mostlythe Verbicaro Unit)crop In theCatenaCostiera,NofSanginetoline, Northern CatenaCostiera Unnamed localitynearLaise.Nappestructure of Stop 2.4: limestones,radiolarites,massive and g. 13)throughone 27-05-2004, 14:31:21


of the San Donato Unit. This relatively small tectonic window does not correspond to a strong axial culmination of the Catena Stop 2.5: Costiera antiform. The window crosses the whole Scogliera dei Rizzi. Cetraro Unit lithologies pile of the CPNT tectonic units – with the exception and structures of the Castagna Unit, which only appears about ten Take the last exit to Cittadella del Capo, and follow kilometers S of this area. Looking to the NE in the the road that descends with some hairpin bends Bagni River gorge, you will be able to see a cliff, and shows the contact between phyllites and bounding the carbonates of the Verbicaro Unit, that metalimestones, calcite-mylonites, and dolomites (fi g. is the lowermost tectonic unit outcropping in this 14). Here the contact is marked by a thin cataclasite, window. However, the presence of San Donato Unit and is asymmetrically refolded with a NW vergence. evaporites at depth can be inferred by the thermal These post-metamorphic structures are related to a (about 50°C) sulphurous springs. late tectonic doubling of the succession. Finally, these structures are affected by low-angle normal faults Stop 2.7: dipping to the NW. Malvito village. Malvito Unit ophiolitic At the last hairpin bend, take the little path on basement and cover the left going S along the cliff. Here, the primary The type sequence of the Malvito Unit outcrops contact between phyllites and calcite-mylonites can near the Carabinieri station at the Malvito village. be observed. Locally intrafolial folds (phase 1) are From bottom to top, the following rock types visible. The phyllites main foliation is refolded (phase can be observed: pillow lava metabasalts, slates, 2) into tight to isoclinal folds, with their axis parallel metaradiolarites, and metalimestone, some still to the stretching lineations. Fold-axes within the showing turbiditic texture. calcite-mylonites indicate progressive deformation The pillow lava metabasalts outcrop at a small cut and fold rotation along the tectonic transport along the road to the ruins of the Norman castle, and direction. Beautiful examples of rotated dolomitic on the western slope of the hill on which the village boudins can be observed within the calcite-mylonites, is built. The ellipsoidal, slightly fl attened pillows with shear-sense parallel to the stretching lineations generally consist of aphanitic red-brownish basalts. (Mastrogiovanni et al., 2003). Nevertheless, in the upper part of the outcrop, the Follow the S.S. 18 southwards, crossing the core of the pillows have a porphyritic texture (porphyry index Cetraro tectonic window - mainly formed by phyllites 25-30), with large, whitish crystals set up in greenish- and evaporites – and a small depression occupied by brownish fi ne-grained groundmass. The interstitial ophiolitic units, then entering the Guardia Piemontese cavities are fi lled with fi ne-grained greenish material tectonic window. probably of sedimentary origin. The metabasalts are covered, with a sedimentary contact, by red siliceous Stop 2.6: slates with metaradiolarites intercalations. This Terme Luigiane. Guardia Piemontese portion of the sequence, less than 25-30 cm thick, is tectonic window followed by grey well-bedded metalimestones. Each Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

Figure 14 - Geological section illustrating stop 2.5 at the Scogliera (Cliff) dei Rizzi, S of Cittadella del Capo. Key: 1.Calcite-mylonites; 2.Dolomitic boudins; 3.Phyllites; 4.Normal faults; 5.Thrust fault.

19 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi T. Subsequentlythemetabasaltexperienced amoreor physical conditionsareabout0.7GPa, Pand350°C, De Roever (1972)intheFuscaldoarea.Estimated the glaucophane-lawsonite associationfoundby calculated fromtheJd-contentinclinopyroxene and prograde P-Tpath. The metamorphicpeakhasbeen which lawsonite + albitegrew, allows todefi Relics ofthepumpellyite-prehniteassociationon the mineralassociationofmetabasalts(fi The following P-Tevolution canbededucedfrom can stillbeseeninplaces and quartz.Relicsofintersertaltextured groundmass albite, lawsonite, epidote,andvery rarewhitemica isomorphously transformedintoafi opaque ores. The formerplagioclasephenocrystsare prehnite, pumpellyite,whitemica,calcite,and metabasalts consistsoflawsonite, albite,epidote, recrystallization. The mineralassociationofthe The sequenceunderwentacompletemetamorphic Nautiloculina oolitica. reworked, sp., Neocomian age,bytheoccurrenceof metalimestones have beenreferredtoa Tithonian- sometimes cross-bedding,hasbeenreported. The terrigenous material,showing gradedbedding,and in thesequence,ofstrataformedbysilicoclastic are separatedbythin stratum isabout10cmthick,andsometimesthestrata and Morten(1993). been calculatedfromthedatabySpadeaetal.(1976) the reactioncurves. TheXJdandXGlnisoplethshave Figure 15-P-TpathoftheMalvitoUnit.Seefi Stomiosphera Trocholina sp.,

grey slatelevels. The occurrence sp., (Lanzafame andZuffa, 1976). Nannoconus . Protopeneroplis striata, ne aggregate of and,probably Calpionella g. 11for g. 15). g. ne the ne

ne affi the metabasaltshave subalkaline, T-MORB tholeiitic crystallization. Fromageochemicalpointofview, and byactinolite,pumpellyite,prehnite content intheamphibole,bylawsonite breakdown, characterized bythedecreasingofglaucophanemol under greenschistfacies conditions. This stageis less isothermaldecompressionuptoabout0.3GPa a porphyroclastictexture witholivine (Fo serpentine groupmineralsandcalcite. They show and locallyarecrosscutbyfracturesfi The unserpentinizedportionsaregenerallylenticular calcite. is madeof:lizardite1T+crysotilemagnetite probably afterCr-spinels. The mineral assemblage while large magmatite grainsformpseudomorphs are concentratedinthecenterofserpentinefi olivine andorthopyroxene. Magnetitemicrograins the serpentinemineralsformpseudomorphsafter serpentinized peridotiteshave net-like textures, and orthopyroxene grains. At amicroscale,thewholly show porphyroclastictextures withmillimetric are extremely subordinateinvolume percent,and locally preserved. These unserpentinizedportions portions oftheperidotiteprotolithhave been blackish incolour. Small,greyish, lessserpentinized serpentinites aremassive andappeardeep-green- which elongatedserpentinefi In someplaces,thereareshearingsurfaces along a surfi The serpentiniteshave grey-greenish surfaces with metagabbro body. metagabbro dykes, awebsteritelens,andsmall peridotites intrudedbymetertodecimeterthick Castello village)consistsofhighlyserpentinized The Fosso dellaMadonnaoutcrop(WofFagnano of theSilaUnit and subcontinentalmantle-derived rocks Fosso dellaMadonna.Gabbroic magmatism Stop 2.8: estimates ontheOl-Splpairsfromperidotites 1T +crysotilemagnetitecalcite. Thermometric spinel (Cr/(Cr+Al)0.07-0.75)+chloritelizardite amphibole (Mg-hornblende-pargasite) +brown orthopyroxene (En olivine polygonal texture. The mineralassemblage is: orthopyroxene, that inplaceshasagranoblastic- by afi 2 nity (Pilusoetal.,2000;fi +clinopyroxene (Ca/(Ca+Mg)0.51-0.52)+ ne-grained neoblasticmatrixofolivine and 1 +orthopyroxene cial lineationofsmall,blackmagnetites. 89-91 ) porphyroclasts,surrounded 1 +olivine g. 12). bers have grown. The 2 + orthopyroxe- le with lled 90-93 27-05-2004, 14:31:27 ) and bers, GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

range from 650° to 750°C (Piluso, 1997). partial melting of partly-depleted mantle sources In the same outcrop, an about 30 cm thick websterite under Spl-lherzolite facies conditions (Morten and lens occurs within the serpentinized peridotite. The Piluso, 1999; Morten et al., 1999). websteritic rock show a granular fabric, medium- Directions: Drive back to the S.S. 283, and descend to grain size, with pyroxenes up to 3 mm in length. the Crati River valley, reaching the A3 highway at the Under the microscope, it shows a porphyroclastic Tarsia entrance. Drive on the highway in S direction texture with clinopyroxene (Ca/(Ca+Mg) 0.48) about 20 km up to the Rose exit, turn left and follow porphyroclasts set up in a granoblastic polygonal the S.S. 19 for about 2.5 km, up to the crossing with

matrix of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene (En89), the S.S. 279 (on the left), that reaches Camigliatello, spinel (Cr/(Cr+Al) 0.54), amphibole (pargasite), and passing through the village of Rose. The road crosses serpentine. Thermometric estimates on the Opx-Cpx in a fi rst tract the Sila Unit basement and at San pairs are about 790°C (Piluso, 1997; Morten et al., Marco Argentano, enters the Plio–Pleistocene marine 1999). The peridotites have a residual character suggested by the Cr/(Cr+Al) ratio of up to 0.7 of some spinels,

and by the MgO/FeOtot ratios, 5.1-7.6 of bulk rocks. The REE patterns, except some zig-zag behaviour due to serpentinization, are consistent with a depleted

signature (CeN/YbN 0.03-0.65) (Morten et al., 1999; Piluso et al., 2000). The banded brown-blackish metagabbros are heavily fractured. The thickness of the bands varies considerably, depending on the plagioclase/ amphibole volumetric ratio. Under the microscope, they show a nematoblastic texture where the amphibole predominates, and granoxenoblastic- Figure 16 - REE spider diagram normalized to Chondrites to-porphyroblastic textures where the plagioclase, for metagabbros outcropping at Fosso della Madonna. almost wholly altered, predominates. The mineral assemblage is made of: plagioclase + clinopyroxene deposits, fi lling the Crati graben. These deposits + orthopyroxene + amphibole + epidote + chlorite + widely outcrop on both sides of the valley, whereas prehnite + white mica + opaque ores. the bottom is covered by the Crati river alluvials. The metagabbro dykes within the serpentinites Climbing on the right side of the valley, after the have in general a porphyroclastic texture, with village of Rose, the S.S. 279 passes through the large amphibole porphyroclasts set up in a locally postnappe antiform, overturned to NW, shown in fi g. granoblastic polygonal matrix of amphibole, 17. The Gimigliano ophiolitic unit crops out in the clinopyroxene, hercynitic spinel, and ilmenite. core of the antiform, whilst the limbs are formed by There are also epidote-prehnite aggregates probably the Bagni Unit that will be crossed up to stop 2.9. after plagioclase as well. The mineral assemblage is: clinopyroxene + amphibole + epidote + chlorite Stop 2.9: + white mica + prehnite + opaque ores. The S.S. 279, near the Stio locality. Tectonic contact metagabbros show a tholeiitic fractionation trend. between Sila and Bagni Units Incompatible elements spider diagrams normalized The geometrical superposition of the Sila Unit on the against MORB, show more or less fl at patterns around Bagni Unit is clear, even if the overthrust surface is 1, except for a conspicuous negative Th anomaly. The not well exposed in this locality. As in the Guardia REE normalized patterns show either a positive slope Piemontese tectonic window, the Castagna Unit is not P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume from La to Eu, followed by an almost fl at trend at present: it appear,tectonically interposed between the about 10 x Ch. Some samples show a slight, positive above tectonic units, only some kilometers S of this

Eu anomaly (fi g. 16). The LaN/YbN ratios range from locality. Along the road, some lithologies of the Bagni 0.07 to 2.39. Their geochemical signature indicates Unit (phyllites, metarenites, and felsic metavolcanics), a MORB tholeiitic affi nity, and would be consistent and of the Sila Unit (biotite and garnet gneisses cut with an underplating magmatism produced by the by leucocratic dykes), can be observed, but they

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi Ordovician to (?) Devonian siliciclastic–pelitic– consists ofaweakly-metamorphosedCambro- The BocchiglieroComplex (De Vivo etal.,1978), be examined onday 4. facies rocks. The lower portionsofthiscomplex will rich gneisses)with crustal section(widespreadbiotite-sillimanite-garnet It consistsmainlyofaHercynian amphibolitefacies tectonic units:MonteGariglioneandPoliaCopanello. past consideredascorrespondingtotwo different al., 1982a;Messinaet1991a)hasbeeninthe The Gariglione-Polia-CopanelloComplex (Bonardiet and BocchiglieroComplexes. complex andtotheEinlow gradeMandatoriccio enters theSilabatholithintrudedbothinabove Unit (Gariglione-Polia-CopanelloComplex), and occurrence ofgraniticandapliticdykes, oftheSila and garnetgneisses,characterizedbythewidespread Up toCamigliatello,theroadpassesthroughbiotite Cocuzzo fault-bounded tectonicwindow (fi characteristics pointoutthecarbonatesofMonte massifs. Southwestwards, thesamemorphological the steepmorphologyof Apennine calcareous clearly visibleinthebackground,emphasizedby northward fromthislocality, theSanginetolineis are cataclasticandstronglyweathered.Looking Sea (modifi Figure 17-Schematic geologicalcrosssectionacrosstheCPNT, fromtheCoastalChaintoSilaMassifandIonian 10. Apenninic carbonatesoftheMt.Cocuzzotectonicwindow. 11.Eo-Alpinethrusts.12. Apenninic thrusts.13.Faults. 8. BagniUnitlow-grade metamorphicsandMesozoiccover. 9.Diamante-Terranova andGimiglianoophioliticunits. metamorphics (MonteGariglione-Polia-Copanello Complex).7.CastagnaUnitmedium-grademetamorphics. 4. LateHercyniangranitoids;5.Low-grade metamorphics(Bocchigliero andMandatoriccioComplexes); 6.High-grade Upper Tortonian clasticsandevaporites.SilaUnit:3.Mesozoiccover (b),includingthePaludi Fm.(a); ed afterBonardietal.,2001;trace A-A’-

wide relictsofoldergranulite g. 17). A’’ in fi A’’ in g. 9).Key: 1.Plio-Quaternaryclastics.2.Lower Pliocene-

the underlyingcontinentalcrust(Castagna,Bagni) and GreatSilaareformedbytheUnit,whereas separation duetotheCrativalley. MostoftheGreek Catena Costierabythelackofphysiographic and LesserSila(South),thelattermerging withthe subdivided intoGreekSila(North), GreatSila(Center) Cirò, andCrotonebasins(fi Catanzaro graben,andoffshore bytheRossano, by theCratiRiver valley, southwards bythe The Silamassifisboundednorthward andwestward complex willnotbecrossedduringourtrip. the thermalevent oftheSilabatholithintrusion. This and cordierite,have beenstronglyaffected by by cm-sizedporphyroblastsofstaurolite,andalusite, rocks. They consistofparaderivates, characterized made upofhighgreenschisttolow amphibolitefacies The MandatoriccioComplex (De Vivo etal.,1978)is has beenprogrammed. crossed duringthetripofday3,but nospecifi grade retrogressive phase. This complex willbe greenschist facies phase,followed byavery low evolution ischaracterizedbyasynkinematic carbonatic–volcanic sequence. The metamorphic DAY 3 g. 1).Geographically, itis 27-05-2004, 14:31:31 c stop c GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

and ophiolitic (Malvito, Diamante-Terranova, ocean opening. The Longobucco Group, about 1500 m Gimigliano) units, outcrop extensively only on their in thickness, includes a mixed siliciclastic-carbonatic western sides and in the Lesser Sila. sequence that begins with Upper Triassic (?) to Lower The Sila Unit (fi g. 9) will be the subject of today Jurassic (Hettangian) continental redbeds evolving and tomorrow excursions, dedicated respectively to into shallow marine mixed siliciclastic-carbonatic the sedimentary cover (almost exclusively), and to facies (Carixian-Sinemurian), grading to fi ne the high grade metamorphics of the basement. This carbonatic and siliciclastic slope (Carixian-Domerian) unit, including a very thick basement and a well- and deep-marine turbidites (Domerian-Toarcian). The preserved sedimentary cover, records the longest Caloveto Group, a condensed succession of about 200 geologic history among the continental crust units m in thickness, begins with shallow marine facies of the CPNT, even if its reconstruction is not always deposits, similar in part to the coeval sediments of the univocally constrained. Longobucco Group, but evolving to pelagic platform The occurrence of granulite facies ortho- and facies (fi g. 19). paraderivates in the medium-high grade Gariglione– Polia-Copanello metamorphic complex, suggests Pre-collisional clastics a re-equilibration in the amphibolite facies by the (Paludi Formation) Hercynian metamorphism of older granulite facies The Paludi Fm. has been defi ned by Dubois (1976) rocks: this interpretation seems to be suffi ciently as a sedimentary episode occurring between two supported by the available radiometric ages. tectonic phases, in contrast with the interpretation However, the relationships between the medium- of previous authors, who considered this formation high grade Gariglione–Polia-Copanello Complex and to be the uppermost part of the Sila Unit preorogenic the low-medium grade Bocchigliero and Mandato- sedimentary sequence. riccio Complexes, are masked by the Sila batholith More recent surveying and biostratigraphic data have intrusion (fi g. 9), leaving the fi eld open to different confi rmed the original defi nition by Dubois (1976), interpretations: (i) the low-medium grade complexes even if in the framework of a different interpretative are the Paleozoic cover of an older medium-high model. Actually, the formation rests nonconformably grade basement, metamorphosed during Cadomian or on the Sila Unit basement almost everywhere and intra-Cambrian tectonic phases: as a consequence, the only in a few outcrops on the Mesozoic cover with Hercynian metamorphism should have been of a very an angular unconformity. Nannofl ora assemblages low grade, such as that affecting the Bocchigliero Complex; (ii) the various complexes intruded by the batholith are a Hercynian crustal section; (iii) the various complexes are different Hercynian terranes, stitched by a Upper Hercynian batholith. Further studies will be necessary to clarify the matter. The sedimentary cover, well exposed on the NE side of the Sila massif (fi g. 18), provides less ambiguous information. It consists of a tectono-stratigraphic sequence that includes: (i) Upper Triassic (?)–Lower Cretaceous rift-related sequences predating the eo- Alpine tectonics; (ii) Oligocene (?) to Aquitanian clastics, predating the Apenninic orogenic transport; (iii) Upper Tortonian to Lower Pliocene post- collisional deposits. Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume Neo-Thetyan Rift related sequences Figure 18 - Geological sketch map of the Longobucco The Upper Triassic (?) to Lower Jurassic Longobucco area. Key: 1 Alluvial deposits. 2. Messinian-Upper Group, and the Lower Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Tortonian evaporites and clastics. 3. Clastics and marls of Paludi Fm. (Upper Oligocene?-Lower Miocene). Caloveto Group (Santantonio and Teale, 1987), Sila Unit: 4. Longobucco Group (Upper Liassic-Upper represent the rifted continental margin sequences Triassic?); 5. Late Hercynian granitoids; 6. Paleozoic developed during the syn-rift stage of the Neo-Thetyan low-grade metamorphics. 7. Overthrusts.

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi by: (i)theexposed data;(ii)thelarge stratigraphicgap the Apulia-verging orogenictransport,issuggested alpine tectonicphases,andpredatingthebeginning of Paludi Fm.,inapiggy backbasinsuccessive totheeo- and plankticforaminifers. The sedimentationof authors, hasclearlybeenbasedonreworked benthic Eocene agereferredtobyDubois(1976)andother of thelower partcannotbeexcluded. Therefore, the of an agenotolderthan Aquitanian, bytheoccurrence from themiddle–upperpartofsequencepointto C =Sant’OnofrioFm.(modifi Fm.; C=Petrone Fm;,D=Fiume Trionto Fm.Caloveto Group: A =Lower Caloveto Fm;,B=UpperCaloveto Fm;, Trionto Fm.correspondtoahiatusinplatform areas.Longobucco Group: A =Torrente DunoFm.;B=Bocchigliero Figure 19-Simplifi Triquetrorhabdulus milowii, ed stratigraphiccolumnsoftheLongobucco andCaloveto Groups.TheturbiditesoftheFiume ed afterSantantonioandTeale, 1987). but anOligoceneage latter inNEverging thrustsfi (?)-Aquitanian); and(iii),theinvolvement ofthe cover (Neocomian),andthePaludi Fm.(Oligocene between theyoungesttermofSilaUnitMesozoic unconformably over eitherthePaleozoic basement Rossano, Cirò,andCrotone(Critelli,1999). They rest to theNetoRiver, andincludetheNeogene basinsof the NEsideofSilamassif,from Trionto River Tortonian toLower Pliocene depositscropoutalong Post-collisional deposits g. 18;seeStop3.7). 27-05-2004, 14:31:38 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

of the Sila Unit or the Oligocene (?)–Aquitanian the continental clastics of the Torrente Duno Fm., the turbidites of the Paludi Fm. These deposits represent base of the Sila Unit sedimentary cover. the basin fi ll of wedge-top depozone of the S. Outcrops of granitoids will be observed descending Apennines foreland basin system. Conglomerate and on a trail from the bridge to the river bed, whereas sandstone strata with a rich macrofauna represent the the Torrente Duno Fm. will be easily examined by onset of the foreland sedimentation on the advancing passing the bridge and walking a few hundred meters Calabrian thrust belt. In the Crotone basin, they are along the road. interpreted as turbiditic systems, having an overall fi ning and thinning upward trend, and represent the Stop 3.1: main reservoir of dry gas. In other areas, these strata Granodiorites of the Sila batholith include also continental (alluvial fans), and near-shore The Sila batholith (Messina et al., 1991a; 1991b) and shallow-water deposits (Rossano basin). These consists of multiple and intersected syn- and basal horizons are overlain by fi ne-grained turbidite post-tectonic intrusions, heterogenous in texture systems, and by shelf and coastal deposits. The and composition, ranging from a few to several Rossano basin, from the Tortonian to Early Messinian, kilometers in size, and from metaluminous gabbro to abruptly receives huge volumes of olistostrome peraluminous leucomonzogranite. composed of a varicoloured clay matrix, including The intrusives had a Hercynian emplacement and olistoliths of Cretaceous-Oligocene limestones, cooling history (270–295 Ma 40Ar/39Ar; Sutter Miocene quartzolithic, and quartzose sandstones. The et al., 1994), reaching a medium-low to shallow components of the olistostrome show similarities with crustal level. Plutonites have isotropic to foliated the lithologies of the Ogniben’s Sicilide Complex of primary (syn-tectonic and border bodies), or the S. Apennines. These gravity fl ow deposits may be secondary (Alpine tectonics) fabric. Millimeter- to related to an out-of-sequence thrust accommodation, meter-sized microgranular inclusions (autoliths) or to a back-thrust of the Sicilide Complex. Actually, and/or metamorphic xenoliths, similar to the country during the same time interval, within the foredeep rocks, are ubiquitous. Common are hydrothermal depozone, similar olistostrome layers occur (Critelli, mineralizations (De Vivo et al., 1991; Messina et al., 1999). 1993), and shallow retrogressions. The Messinian sequence is characterized by evaporite The batholith defi nes three modal temporal evolution deposits which record the Mediterranean salinity calc-alkaline trends, with different K-contents. crisis. The evaporites consist mainly of gypsum and It exhibits I-types and ALLUMINIO-CAFEMIC halite, followed by a thin mudstone interval, and thin features, and 0.5 to 1.6 A/CNK ratio. The calc-alkaline clastic and evaporite beds. Overlying the evaporite affi nity is confi rmed by geochemical data (Peacock sequence, an erosional unconformity marks the base Index = 58). Major trace element variations and REE of an Upper Messinian to Lower Pliocene depositional patterns vary in a regular way, from the most mafi c to sequence within the Crotone Basin. This depositional the acidic types, suggesting a single cogenetic suite sequence consists of a basal conglomerate and for the entire batholith, but variations in the absolute sandstone strata with fi ning-upward trend, overlain by value and ratio of Hf, Nb, Ta, Th, and U (Ayuso et al., basin-wide marine shales. 1994), indicate two evolutionary trends for the syn- Directions: Drive from Camigliatello to Longobucco tectonic and post-tectonic plutonites, respectively. O on the S.S. 177. About 7 km after Camigliatello and Pb isotopic data indicate that the batholith was village, the road follows for some kilometers the shore generated from magma mixtures of mantle-derived of Cecita Lake, a reservoir for hydro-electric power. rocks and heterogeneous crustal melts. There is no All the outcrops along the road up to Longobucco unique solution to the AFC calculations, but it is town are Late Hercynian granitoids of the Sila Unit possible to conclude that all the Sila magmatic suite batholith. evolved by assimilation-fractional crystallization and P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume mixing processes. Stops 3.1 and 3.2: The plutonites of the Sila batholith of the Longobucco S.S. 177, bridge on Trionto River after area are post-tectonic. In the outcrop at the Trionto Longobucco town bridge, there are present: biotite tonalite, and two On the left side of the Trionto Valley, the granitoids of mica granodiorite main intrusions, and two mica + the Sila batholith are in contact by a normal fault with cordierite + andalusite + sillimanite granodiorite-

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi often show megacrystals ofK-felspar. monzogranite minorintrusions. The granodiorites Stop 3.3: strata exhibit herringbonecross-stratifi locally occur. Intheupperportions,grey-white environments. Plantdebris,suchasraftedcoals, from channel-fi These sedimentsshow typicalalluvial-fl conglomerate, sandstone,siltstone,andmudstone. diverse lithofacies, but typicallyarechannelized in thicknessfrom30to60m. The redbedshave These depositsoverlie thebasementandvary Torrente DunoFormation (Continentalredbeds) Stop 3.2: pelite andpelitic-areniteturbiditestrata,interbedded Trionto Fm.. These basinaldepositsincludearenitic- 19 and20)isformedofturbiditestratatheFiume The bulk oftheLongobucco Groupsuccession(fi basinal deposits Olistoliths withintheLower Jurassic S.S. 177,5kmfrom Longobucco. authors). Trionto Formation (“Longobucco fl sedimentary cover oftheSilaUnit, mainlytheFiume Up tothenext stops,theroadpassesthrough in asandymatrix,showing abasalerosive contact. mainly ofabout40myellowish conglomerate The Torrente DunoFm.inthisoutcropconsists pore-fi respect tothefl Torrente DunoFm.arequartzarenite,anddiffer with The grey-white sandstoneoftheupperportions illite, illite-kaolinite,kaolinite/dickite;kaolinite). pore-fi (cements) suchasquartzovergrowth, ironoxide, a siliciclasticmatrix,andvarious authigenicminerals porosity ontherocks.Interstitialcomponentsinclude solution andauthigenesis,producingminimum processes. They includeintensecompaction,pressure- modifi absent. These sandstones suffered intensediagenetic clasts (metafelsiticfragments).Feldsparisrareor (phyllite, quartzite,andslate),metavolcanic grains. Lithicfragmentsincludemetasedimentary dominant monocrystallineandpolycrystallinequartz sublitharenite incomposition,andthey include Fluvial sandstonesarequartzareniteand siliciclastic-carbonate strataoftheBocchiglieroFm.. latter gradeupwards intolittoraltoinner-mid shelf could indicateatransitiontomarineconditions. The cations attheboundarywithmetamorphic lling andpoikilotopiccalcitecement. lling, andpore-liningclayminerals (mostly uvial sandstoneforhaving abundant ll tocrevasse-splay andpedogenic ysch”oftheearly cation, which cation, uvial facies, uvial gs. considerable softsedimentdeformation,characterized On theEsideofblock,thereisazone and aroundthesidesofblockorover itstop. derived fromit. The surroundingturbiditeslaponto similar lithologiestotheblock,andareprobablytalus to-boulder-sized limestoneclastsoccur. They have the blockmargins, smallaccumulationsofcobble- show nosignofblock-related deformation. Along concordantly ontheunderlyingturbidites,which Fm. anditisabout20minthickness. The blocklies composed onlyofcarbonatestheBocchigliero base ofthesequenceFiume Trionto Fm.,is accessible olistolith. The blockis900mfromthe This stopdetailsoneofthelarger andmosteasily as introducedintothebasinindependently. as notoccurringwithinmass-movement deposits,but equivalent totheblocks. They interpretedtheblocks normal turbiditebedscanclearlybeseentolaterally within thesequenceand,accordingtotheseauthors, and Young (1987)detailedtheolistolithsoccurring readily observed featureistheturbiditeonlap. Teale block margins arerarely wellexposed, andtheonly of theFiume Trionto Fm.arequiteclear. However, the general relationswiththeinterbeddedturbiditestrata The olistolithsmainlyoutcroponvalley sides;their Caloveto Group. rare basementplutonicrocks,andcarbonatesofthe lithologies includeredbedsofthe Torrente DunoFm., similar tothoseoftheBocchiglieroFm.Other The mostcommonblocklithologiesarelimestones and steepsides. blocks areusuallytabular, withmarkedly fl thick, rangingupto250mlongand35thick. The 1987). They aretypically50-100mlong,and15-25 olistoliths areknown andmapped(Teale and Young, randomly distributed in thesequence. About fi meters fromthebaseofsuccession,andthey are the Fiume Trionto Fm.(fi The olistolithsaremostcommontoward thetopof minerals. fi arenite, highlycementedbyauthigenicquartz,pore- are quartzarenite,sublitharenite,andrarelyhybrid base isUpperDomerianinage. Turbidite sandstones for theupperportionofsequence,whereas tenuicostatum and Young, 1987). The presenceofammonitesthe truncated byerosion,orcut-outthrustfaults (Teale as thetopofformationiseverywhere either in thickness,andpresumablyitwas originallythicker, olistoliths. The turbiditesuccessionisabout1200m with marlstrata,hemipelagicpelite,andisolated lling carbonate,andpore-fi Zonesuggestsanearliest Toarcian age g. 3.2),ataboutathousand lling andpore-liningclay at bases at 27-05-2004, 14:31:45 fty GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

by recumbent folds, with associated boudinage, Stops 3.4, 3.5, 3.6: accomodation, and injection structures. The folds S.S. 177 near Ortiano crossroad have an eastward-verging asymmetry away from Stop 3.4 - Thrust structure of the NE side of the the block. This suggests that they were produced by Sila massif shortening in front of the block as it slid in, and so Paleozoic phyllites and their sedimentary cover, that this side was the front of the block. Further west, tectonically overriding Middle-Upper Liassic marls, along the road to Longobucco, a major debris fl ow is calcarenites, and sandstones (Fosso Petrone and exposed, with clasts up to 1.5 m long, and over 3 m in Fiume Trionto Fms.) – affected by folds overturned

Figure 20 - Summary of the sedimentological and paleontological features of the formations of the Longobucco Group (after Young et al., 1986).

thickness. The olistolith, chaotic zone and debris fl ow to the NE – are clearly visible on the opposite side of were all products of the same sedimentation event, the Trionto River (fi g. 21). The same structure can be because of the evidence of the same stratigraphic recognized along the road, of course without a general level as the base of the block. view from afar. A system of similar SW-dipping

All the information about the olistolith, debris fl ow thrusts characterizes the whole NE side of the Sila P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume and chaotic zone, suggest a provenance from the Massif. Besides the basement and the Mesozoic cover western (present) margin of the basin. Evidence of the of the Sila Unit, they involve even the Paludi Fm. (see entire architecture of the basin suggests that there was stop 3.7), and therefore postdate the Aquitanian. Most an active fault scarp along the W margin of the basin, probably they predate Middle Miocene paleosoils and and that the olistoliths were derived from it. paleosurfaces known in the Sila Massif. It is reliable that this thrust system is related to the beginning of the orogenic transport towards the Apulia foreland, as

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi and echinoids,intraclasts. The matrixinarenites brachiopod, lamellibranchs,andgastropods;crinoids radial ooidaltextures; bioclasts,thatarefragmentsof ooids having asiliciclasticcore,withbothfi detritus isexclusively intrabasinal,andincludes sandstone ofthe Torrente DunoFm.;carbonate Siliciclastic detritusismostlysimilartothatofthe extrabasinal carbonate andnoncarbonategrains. of thisformation,includevarious intrabasinaland is SinemuriantoEarlyCarixian.Hybridarenites crinoids, echinoids,fauna andplantdebris. The age having brachiopod,lamellibranchs,gastropods, limestone, withrareorsubordinatesiliciclasticdebris, of coarse,roundedclasts,passingintomicrosparite hybrid arenites,sometimesinterbeddedwithlayers includes ooliticgrainstones,skeletal packstones,and The BocchiglieroFm.,about60minthickness, whilst intheupperportions,they aregrey-white. mudstones, red-violetorred-purple-coloured,prevail, portion ofthesequence,sandstones,siltstones,and typical characteristicsthaninStop3.2.Inthelower The Torrente DunoFm.ofthisoutcropshows more water carbonatesofBocchigliero Fm. Fm., andSinemurian-Lower Carixianshallow- Upper Triassic (?)-Hettangianredbeds of T. Duno Stop 3.5: the CPNTnappes. suggesting thatthey couldaffect thewholestackof affect onlytheSilaUnit–hasbeenunderestimated, that theimportanceofthesethrusts–thoughtto age. There are someindications(Colonna,1998) suggested bytheirvergence andtheirEarlyMiocene arenaceous, andmarlyturbidites(Petrone andFiume Trionto Fms;Middle-UpperLiassic). Upper Triassic ?-Hettangian);3.Neriticlimestones(Bocchigliero Fm.;MiddleLiassic);4.Marlsandcalcilutites, (not toscale).Key: SilaUnit:1.Phyllitesandmetarenites(Paleozoic); 2.Continentalredbeds(Torrente DunoFm.; Figure 21–Geologicalsketch oftherightsideTrionto River Valley, fromtheS.S.177nearOrtianocrossroad brous and

of stratabelongingtothelower partofthesequence. Thalassinoides after thebridgeover the Trionto River, beautiful 177. However, following theroadtoOrtiano, The formationiswellexposed alongtheS.S. cement isexclusively carbonate. is subordinateanditmostlymicrite,whereasthe Along theroad,itispossibletoexamine the Paludi Fm. S.S. 177,about1kmbefore Cropalati village. Stop 3.7: to Lower Toarcian inage,describedthe Stop3.3. sequence, about1,200mthickandUpperDomerian These slopesedimentspasstothebasinalturbiditic Fm. olistoliths oflimestoneblockstheBocchigliero slump structures. This sequenceincludesalsoisolated of ammonite-bearingredmarls,showing frequent subordinate conglomeratestrata,andamarker bed having quartzareniteandsublitharenitecompositions, mudstones, interbeddedwithturbiditesandstones, Lower Domerianinage,includeabundant marlsand about 300minthickness,andUpperCarixianto is wellexposed alongtheS.S.177.Slopedeposits, red marlsandsandstonesoftheFosso PetroneFm., Fm., toslopemarls,mudstones,micriticlimestones, the outershelfenvironment, oftheBocchigliero A gradualtransition,fromlimestonesandmarlsof deposits ofFosso Petrone andF. Trionto Fms. Upper CarixiantoLower Toarcian slopetobasinal Stop 3.6: tracefossilsarevisibleatthebottom 27-05-2004, 14:31:52 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

average sequence of the Paludi Fm., that, however, is a condensed sequence, about 180 m in thickness, is laterally highly variable both in thickness and by whose age ranges from Sinemurian to Neocomian (fi g. the occurrence of debris fl ows and olistoliths. In 19). As the Longobucco Group, it stratigraphically this outcrop, the formation tectonically underlies the overlies the Paleozoic low-grade metamorphic rocks phyllites of the Sila Unit basement – exposed along of the Bocchigliero Complex. The Caloveto Group the road from stop 3.6 – and rests nonconformably on commences with a few meters of shallow-marine analogous phyllites, but the sedimentary contact is not limestone and hybrid arenites, white in colour, well exposed along the road. The sequence is formed containing coarse crystalline detritus (Lower Caloveto from the bottom by: (i) polygenic conglomerates, Fm.). This formation is stratigraphically overlain with a grey and pinkish arenaceous matrix (debris by red limestone of shallow pelagic platform facies and grain fl ows): the clastic material is furnished (Upper Caloveto Fm.), Lower to Middle Toarcian, by by the only Sila Unit; (ii) red marls, red, and grey the ammonites content. silty marls and siltstones, with intercalations of The condensed sequence evolves into Upper Toarcian graded calcarenites – bearing rare larger foraminifers clay-rich strata, suggesting a progressive deepening – and microbreccias, more frequent and thick, going of the deposition environment. The Upper Toarcian upwards in the sequence; (iii) muscovitic sandstones, and Aalenian to Upper Jurassic sediments are made with intercalations of siltstones and yellowish silty up of red marls with Zoophycos burrowing traces. marls. The total thickness is about 100 meters. The Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sediments At Cropalati village, take the S.S. 531 on the right up are represented by Aptychus limestones, radiolarites, to the bridge on the Trionto River, and then follow the and calpionellid limestones (maiolica facies). cart road along the Trionto and Laurenzana river beds. Resedimented detritus from the carbonate platform, as The road passes through phyllites up to the Cropalati such as ooids and hermatypic corals, are interbedded surroundings, and then through Tortonian-Messinian with Aptychus limestones and radiolarites. Finally, clastics and recent alluvials. the calpionellid limestones pass from pink to whitish limestones and marly limestones, with intercalations Stop 3.8: of thin, euxinic, organic carbon-rich layers and coarse The Laurenzana River. Paludi Fm. clastic resediments. All the pelagic sequence above A well-exposed section of the Paludi Fm., even the Middle Toarcian limestone, up to the Neocomian, if lacking the arenaceous uppermost part, can be is named San Onofrio Fm.. On the right side of the examined by driving and making some stops along road, the base of the Caloveto Group (Lower Caloveto the cart road on the left side of the Laurenzana Fm.) crops out. In the road cuts on the left, spectacular River valley. The sedimentary contact on the phyllitic sedimentary dykes cut the low grade metamorphics basement can be seen from afar on the opposite of the basement. Sedimentary dykes and sills are side of the valley. The base of the sequence is a present even in the Lower Caloveto Fm.. According grain-supported breccia some meters thick – with to Bouillin and Bellomo (1990), two systems of only phyllitic and quartzose clasts – followed by Neptunian dykes, related to different extensional one hundred meters of polygenic conglomerates. phases, can be recognized: Carixian and Dogger- The marly and silty member has a thickness Malm. exceeding 200 meters, and shows in the lower part Directions: Drive to Bocchigliero, and take the S.S. frequent intercalations of debris fl ows, mud fl ows, 282 and then the S.S. 177 to Camigliatello. The low and olistoliths, mostly of Calpionella limestones grade metamorphics belonging to the Bocchigliero (maiolica facies). Complex crop out along the road from Stop 3.9 to Directions: Drive back to the bridge, and after Bocchigliero. Cambro-Ordovician acritarchs have some hundred meters, turn right, and follow the been found in the outcrops near the Pietrapaola crossing road to Caloveto and Bocchigliero, passing through (Bouillin et al., 1987). Close to Bocchigliero Village, P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume Tortonian-Messinian deposits. the type sections of Torrente Duno and Bocchigliero Fms. (Longobucco Group) are well exposed, as well Stop 3.9: as the Fosso Petrone Fm.. From a few kilometers after Cozzo di Mastropasquale Bocchigliero up to the Cecita Lake, the road crosses (about 2 km after Caloveto village.) Tortonian-Messinian deposits and Late Hercynian Caloveto Group; sedimentary dykes granitoids in the nice wood of the Sila National Park. The Caloveto Group (Santantonio and Teale, 1987)

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi 1991) and Ayuso etal.(1994),whereasrecently crustal sections,weremadebyRotturaetal.(1990, granitoids, makinguptheintermediatepartof Comprehensive studiesonthegenesisof al. (1991),andCaggianelliProsser(2001). the crustweremadebySchenk(1990),Caggianelliet 2002). Estimatesofthegeochemicalcomposition Schenk, 1980,1984,1989andGræssner continental crustintheSerreandSilamassifs(see have defi chronological studiesbySchenkandhiscoworkers Starting from1980,accuratepetrologicalandgeo- early papersbyQuitzow (1935)andDubois(1971). exposed inCalabria. This hasemerged sincethe Blocks ofalmostcompletecontinentalcrustare references citedshouldbechecked. bibliography. For moredetailedinformation,the features ofthecrust,andtoprovide theessential This overview attemptstosummarizethemain continental crustexposed inCalabriawillbeoutlined. of thefi On thefourthday, andonthefi Calabria: anoverview The LateHercynian continentalcrustexposedin thrusts. 11.Stratigraphicandintrusive contacts. paragneisses, andaugengneissesoftheCastagnaUnit.9.Phyllites Pomo River (=Bagni) Unit.10.Alpinel.s. 6.Intermediate crusttonalitesandquartzdiorites.7.Medium-tohigh-grade metamorphicbasement.8.Micaschists, separates distinctintrusions).5.UppertointermediatecrustK-feldspar megacryst-bearinggranitesandgranodiorites. medium-grade basement.4.Uppercrustgranites,granodiorites(±K-feldspar megacrysts)andtonalites(thedashedline et al.,2000;DelMoro2000).Key: 1.Tertiary toQuaternarysedimentarycover. 2.Jurassic limestones.3.Low- to Figure 22-Geologicalsketch mapoftheSerreandCapo Vaticano areas(modifi fth day, ageneralpictureoftheHercynian ned thethermobarometricalevolution ofthe DAY 4 DAY 4 rst andsecondstops where amigmatiticborderzonecanbeobserved. be foundnearthegradualcontactwithlower part, Instead, minorquartzdioritictogabbroic rockscan be moreabundant towards shallower crustallevels. with ageneraltendency ofthefelsicgranitoidsto rocks arerepresentedbygranodioritesandtonalites, to leucogranite. The morewidespreadintrusive granitoids, withacompositionrangingfromtonalite intermediate partmainlyconsistsofcalc-alkaline intervening lensesofmetabasitesandmarbles. The migmatitic paragneissesofpeliticcomposition,with composed ofmetagabbros,felsicgranulites,and crust. The lower partfromthebaseupwards is and lithologicalcompositionoftheHercynian given infi interpretation bytheauthorsofthisguidebook,is km, andasimplifi thickness ofthecrustsectionamountstoabout23 over themediumgradeCastagnaUnit. The total continental crustoftheSilaUnitbasementthrust massif (fi The mostcompletesectionisexposed intheSerre performed byKruhlandHuntemann(1991). a studyonthestructuralstateoflower crustwas origin oftheanatecticmeltsinlower crust.Finally, Fornelli etal.(2002)investigated thenatureand g. 22),andthisconsistsofablock g. 23.Itisareconstructionofthestructure ed afterSchenk, 1980;Caggianelli ed sketch following thecurrent 27-05-2004, 14:31:57 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

estimated P-T conditions of 750 ± 50 MPa and 790 ± 30 °C. Afterwards, the lower crust followed an evolution typical of many granulite facies terrains. This consisted in an isothermal decompression of about 200 MPa, with an exhumation rate of 0.7 mm/a, and then in a slow isobaric cooling, with a rate of 2-4°C/Ma (Schenk, 1989). Ages of the granitoids range from 304 to 290 Ma, and their emplacement levels span from 7 to 23 km. Synchronously with the emplacement of the granitoids, the upper crust was affected by low-pressure metamorphism, with peak T conditions of 620 °C at 250 MPa. This event has been attributed to the magmatic heat advection related to the emplacement of the huge masses of granitoids in the intermediate crust (e.g. Græssner and Schenk, 1999). More recently, Caggianelli and Prosser (2002) also attributed the peak metamorphic conditions in the lower crust to the emplacement of the granitoids. A weak exhumation episode took place during the Jurassic, when the Hercynian crust underwent extensional tectonics that determined the opening of the Neo-Tethys. The fi nal, and more consistent, exhumation started in the Oligocene and protracted to recent times. This episode is well documented by Figure 23 - Reconstruction of the Hercynian continental fi ssion track dating of zircon and apatite (Thomson, crust exposed in the Serre. Key: 1.Slates, phyllites with 1998). The exhumation rate was faster on the western interbedded marbles, and metavolcanites. 2.Peraluminous side of the CPST, and the differential uplift was granitoids. 3.Granodiorites and granites. 4.K-feldspar responsible for the tilting of the crustal sections. megacryst-bearing granodiorites. 5.Quartzdiorites to Consequently, in the Serre massif, the crustal section tonalites. 6.Micaschists and paragneisses. 7.Augen plunges SE of about 40° (Festa et al., 2003). gneisses. 8.Migmatitic border zone. 9.Migmatitic paragneisses, with interbedded marbles and metabasites. 10.Felsic granulites. 11.Layered metagabbroic rocks. Trip on day 4 Dots in 1 and 6 indicate the contact aureole. From Camigliatello, leave the Sila Massif, and descend to Cosenza along the S.S. 107. Then take the Peraluminous granites and granodiorites are generally southbound direction of the A3 highway, and, after represented by small bodies intruded in tonalites and about 60 km, you will reach the Catanzaro graben. granodiorites. Intermediate crust granitoids are in This main tectonic feature divides the Sila from the contact with micaschists, paragneisses, and augen Serre Massif, and stretches for a length of about 30 gneisses. The latter ones represent pre-Hercynian km with an E-W direction from the Ionian to the intrusions in the intermediate crust. The upper part Tyrrhenian Sea. Just as for similar structures which includes very low- to low-grade metamorphic dissect the CPCT, and which are responsible for rocks. These are represented by slates, phyllites, with the present curvature (Ghisetti, 1979), the Catanzaro intervening marbles and metavolcanic rocks. A sharp Graben formed during Late Miocene. It was fi lled by contact aureole can be observed near the contact with Messinian evaporitic deposits, and then by Pliocene the granitoids. to Pleistocene conglomerates, sands, and clays. P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume An earlier Hercynian event is recorded in Leave the A3 highway at Lamezia, and proceed metavolcanic rocks of the upper crust ( 330 Ma by southwards along the S.S. 18. After 11 km, turn left the Rb-Sr isochron method). Apart from this, the most in the direction of Curinga. From the S.S. 19 dir, just signifi cant metamorphic events took place during the before the Curinga crossroad, turn right, and proceed Late Hercynian phases. Peak metamorphic conditions for a short distance along the earth road fl anking the were achieved in the lower crust at 304-300 Ma. At left bank of the Turrina stream. At the fi rst stop of the the bottom of the Serre crustal section, Schenk (1989) day (Stop 4.1) we will make observations on blocks

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi The lower andintermediatecrust di GioiosaIonica. trees, reachtheIoniancoastandhotelinMarina after crossingthefertileplainshadowed bygiantolive strait. ContinueinthedirectionofRosarnoandthen, Vaticano head,theEolianIslands,andMessina conditions, itwillbepossibletoadmiretheCapo 300 metersover the Tyrrhenian Sea, ingoodweather amazingly panoramicpoint.Fromanelevation of after Coccorino,youwillbeabletoappreciatean walls cutinquartzdioriticrocks. A shortdistance Vaticano promontory, andisboundedontheleftby The roadnow approachestheScoastofCapo direction ofRicadi,andthenproceedtoCoccorino. stop ofday4(Stop4.5). Afterwards, continueinthe head oftheCapo Vaticano promontory, forthelast of SantaMaria,ashortdistancesouthwards fromthe on Miocenecalcarenites. Then gotothecobblebeach and theBasilianchurchofSantaMariadell’Isolalie and famous touristtown of Tropea. The historiccenter the roadtrip,youwillseeindistancebeautiful (Stop 4.3),andParghelia (Stop4.4). After resuming Marina, thestateroadcontinuestowards Briatico the migmatiticparagneisses(Stop4.2).From Vibo harbor of Vibo Marina,wewillmake observations on sands plungingtoward the Tyrrhenian Sea.Nearthe executed in1815,characteristicallyrestonPliocene castle, whereJoachimMuratwas imprisonedand of PizzoCalabro. The oldtown andthe Aragonese Tyrrhenian coast,theroadcrossespleasanttown rich migmatiticparagneisses. After reachingthe chiefl see thereddishQuaternarycontinentalterraces, 19 andS.S.522. Along theroaditinerary, wewill Pizzo Calabroandthen Tropea, following theS.S. After the Turrina stop,continueinthedirectionof quarry. of metagabbroicrocksremoved fromthe Turrina quarry iscutinthemetagabbros(fi along theleftbankof Turrina stream,whereabig (1980). The bestoutcropsarelocatednearCuringa, to thegranulite-pyriclasite unit,asdefi crust isrepresentedbymetagabbroicrocksbelonging estimated thicknessof7-8km. The baseofthelower lower partcropsoutintheNW sector, andhasan of thecontinentalcrustisexposed intheSerre. The As describedbefore,themostcompletecrosssection Cava del Turrina – The metagabbroic rocks Stop 4.1: y madeupofmaterialderiving fromtheiron- g. 24).But the ned bySchenk Ma. SpectacularOpx-Plsymplectitescanbefound reached a T of790°CandaP750MPa at300 metamorphism duringtheLateHercynian phase the gabbrostookplaceatabout550Ma.Peak According toU-Pbzirconages,emplacementof general dipofthewholeSerrecrustalsection. plunge about40°SE. This isapproximatelythe front, itcanbeappreciatedthatthelayeredgabbros Their occurrenceisrelatedtofolding.Inthequarry and garnet,canbefoundwithinthemetagabbros. Minor felsicgranulites,madeupofquartz,feldspars, single layersspansfromacentimetertometerscale. preserved duetocrystalsettling. The thicknessofthe metagabbros, theoriginalmagmaticlayeringiswell anorthosite, andlensesofspinelperidotite.In represented bylayersofmetapyroxenite andmeta- metagabbro ±garnet.Minorlithologiesare The mainrocktypeisalayeredtwo-pyroxene angular gravel usedforballast. metagabbros arefragmentedinthequarrytoproduce geological terms)isnotsonoble.Infact, blocksof common fate ofavery signifi 6.Direction ofmainfoliation anddipangle.7.Altitude. Figure 24-Geologicalsketch maparoundtheTurrina 3.Metapelites. 4.Felsic rocks. 5.Metagabbroic rocks. quarry (modifi Key: 1.Quaternary. 2.Pliocenesediments. ed after Amodio Morellietal.,1973). cant Calabrianrock(in 27-05-2004, 14:32:03 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

between garnet and clinopyroxene. They are related stages of melting, under water-saturated conditions, to the reaction Grt + Cpx → Opx + Pl ,that took place whereas granitic leucosomes formed under fl uid- during a signifi cant decompression event (about 200 absent conditions in later stages. In the migmatitic MPa), between 300 and 290 Ma. This reaction was paragneisses, the record of the decompression event backcrossed during the cooling episode (Schenk, between 300 and 290 Ma is given by the reaction: 1989). The chemical composition indicates a calc- garnet + sillimanite → cordierite + spinel (Schenk, alkaline nature of the magmatic protolith. 1989). (Table 1) In going down the section, garnet, biotite, and cordierite Stop 4.2: become progressively richer in Mg (Schenk, 1989). In The migmatitic paragneisses - The outcrop of Vibo deeper levels of the crust, migmatitic paragneisses are Marina more massive and acquire a higher content of garnet, Migmatitic paragneisses are one of the most typical cordierite, and sillimanite at the expense of biotite, rocks from Calabria, often named in the past plagioclase, and quartz, consumed during multi-stage “kinzigitic gneisses”. They are chiefl y metapelitic partial melting reactions. Garnet- sillimanite-rich and rocks made up of garnet, biotite, cordierite, garnet-cordierite-rich rocks are typical restites that sillimanite, quartz, K-feldspar, and plagioclase, represent residue after partial melting of more than and showing migmatitic layering. Centimeter thick about 40 wt.%. They have a very unusual chemical leucosomes may have both granitic or leucotonalitic composition, characterized by low silica content and composition, being concordant or discordant with the high alumina content (more than 30 wt.%, Table 1). main foliation. According to Fornelli et al. (2002), The stop is located on the N part of Capo Vaticano, leucotonalitic leucosomes were formed in the initial near the harbour of Vibo Marina. The Capo Vaticano Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

Migmatitic paragneisses: n = 24 and n = 20 for major and trace elements, respectively; Garnet- cordierite-rich rocks: n = 8; Garnet- sillimanite-rich rocks: n = 9 and n = 6 for major and trace elements, respectively; felsic granulites: n = 16 and n = 10 for major and trace elements, respectively; metagabbroic rocks: n = 21.

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi weathered surface. garnet pyriclasites, frequentlymasked byayellowish paragneisses. They arecummingtonite-bearing outcrops ofbasicrocksintervening inmigmatitic Walking eastwards alongtheshore,wewillreach N, andsubhorizontallineationisdirectedNW-SE. to 10centimeters.Layeringplungesabout60°the leucosomes withatypicalthicknessvarying from1 is welldeveloped duetothepresenceofconcordant to garnet-cordierite-richrocks.Migmatiticlayering coarse-grained migmatiticparagneissestransitional Along the Vibo Marinashore,wewillobserve opposite directiontotheSerresection(fi rocks intheCapo Vaticano areaplungeNW, in the promontory andintheSerremassif.Infact, basement Hercynian basementexposed intheCapo Vaticano responsible forthedifferent attitudesoftheUpper the Mesimagraben. Tertiary tectonicswas also promontory isdivided fromtheSerremassifby LGM =low grademetamorphicrocks. deposits. 8.Faults. Intheinsert:S=sediments;Ggranitoids;HGMhighgrademetamorphic rocks; 5.Capo Vaticano tonalitesandgranodiorites(a).6.Two-mica porphyriticgranodiorites. 7.MiocenetoQuaternary 1.Migmatitic paragneisses.2.Ioppolotonalites.3.SantaMariaquartzdioritesand4.Briatico Figure 25-Geologicalsketch mapoftheCapo Vaticano Promontory(modifi g 22). g. conditions, defi developed fromthemagmatictosubsolidus present (Table 2). They typicallyshow astrongfabric, grained andfoliatedhornblende-bearingtonalitesare Briatico, intheNsectorofpromontory, coarse- X/Z ratioof1.8was obtained,andakparameterof of thestrainellipsoid.Inthisway, avalue ofthe from rockslabscutparalleltotheX-Zand Y-Z planes quantifi plunge of30°,canbemeasured.Fabric anisotropy was lineation ofplagioclasewithatrend320°,and dip directionof350°andaplunge35°. A mineral the plagioclaseandbiotite.Foliation planesshow a rocks cropoutforanareaof270km of theCapo Vaticano promontory, wheregranitoid outcrops, however, canbeobserved alongthecoast Serre sectionisestimatedtobeabout13km. The best to leucogranite. The cumulative thicknessalongthe crust, andtheircompositionrangesfromquartzdiorite The intrusive rocksmostlybelongtotheintermediate Tonalites nearBriatico Stop 4.3: ed byapplyingtheFrymethodonplagioclases ed afterRotturaetal.,1991).Key: ned bythepreferredorientationof 2 (fi g.25).Near 27-05-2004, 14:32:08 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Flinn of 0.38 was also obtained. Tonalites are rich in orientation of the plagioclase, and sometimes by a magmatic mafi c enclaves, with the shape of oblate schlieren layering. The dip direction of the foliation ellipsoids that outline a schlieren layering parallel plane is 350°, with a plunge of 30°. The level of to the rock fabric. The level of emplacement of these emplacement of the quartzdiorites, estimated by granitoids was estimated by Al-in-Hbl barometry, Al-in-Hbl barometry, amounts to a depth of 19 km. following the revised formulation by Anderson and Along the Santa Maria shore, extraordinary cobbles, Smith (1995). By this method, a depth of 21 km deriving from the migmatitic border zone, can be was obtained. Geochemical, together with Sr and Nd seen. They are mostly granitoids containing abundant 87 86 isotopic features ( Sr/ Sr = 0.7104, and εNd= -8.0 at metamorphic xenoliths, and spectacular coarse 290 Ma) indicate that the genesis of the tonalites took garnets (fi g. 26). Metamorphic xenoliths derive from place through contamination of mantle magmas with the neighbouring high-grade metamorphic basement, a large proportion of crustal material. and are chiefl y metapelites and amphibolites. Concerning the origin of the coarse garnets, a detailed Stop 4.4: study was performed by Clarke and Rottura (1994), Peraluminous granodiorites near Parghelia and only a short account of the main results will be Two-mica granodiorites are porphyritic for the coarser given here. Garnets in quartzdiorites are characterized and euhedral megacrystals of K-feldspar that reach the by a different composition with respect to garnet in remarkable length of 13 cm. The preferred orientation wall rocks, (mainly migmatitic paragneisses). These of the K-feldspars can be easily recognized. In garnets developed from the metapelitic xenoliths as the magmatic stage, both the accumulation and a consequence of the heat released by the crystallizing orientation of K-feldspar megacrystals took place. quartzdioritic magma. They characteristically The dip direction of the foliation planes is 350°, can be found as laces surrounding the metapelite with a plunge of 40° and also lineations dip NW. xenoliths. The main garnet-forming reaction was Bt Granodiorites contain muscovite and fi brolitic + Crd + Qtz → Grt + Kfs + melt (*). In the initial sillimanite. In addition, they characteristically stages, the proportion of melt was very low, and the show micaceous clots which are roughly polygonal garnet could not develop euhedral shapes. In a more in shape. These are mineral aggregates consisting advanced melting stage, garnet growth could take of muscovite, green-brown biotite with minor place in the anatectic melt, with free development plagioclase, and apatite. They probably developed at of euhedral shapes. When the anatectic melt mixed the expense of former cordierite. Granodiorites show with the quartzdioritic magma, the composition of large variations in many geochemical parameters, the system became unfavourable for garnet growth. that make it diffi cult to infer a derivation from the Eventually, the garnet started to be consumed, as 87 86 associated tonalites. Sr/ Sr spans from 0.7105 to indicated by the presence of biotite or amphibole 0.7110, and ε from -1.2 to -10.1 at 290 Ma. The rims. Biotite developed at the expense of garnet by Nd compositional characteristics of the granodiorites are better explained by a mixing process between a crustal acidic melt, and a component derived from tonalites by fractional crystallization or AFC (Rottura et al., 1991). Stop 4.5: The migmatitic border zone near the Santa Maria beach The last outcrop of day 4 is located along the Santa Maria beach, a short distance from the head of the Capo P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume Vaticano promontory (fi g. 25). Here quartzdiorites (Table 2) and tonalites from the migmatitic border zone crop out. They are characterized by a coarse grain size, and by the presence of abundant garnet Figure 26 - Blocks deriving from the migmatitic border crystals. Foliation is weaker than in the granitoids zone can be observed on the Santa Maria beach. previously seen. It is revealed by the preferred Here quartzdiorite contains metamorphic xenoliths surrounded by coarse garnet crystals.

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi The onlyfossiliferoushorizoninthemetamorphic Hercynian plutonites, withaMeso-Cenozoiccover. of Hercynian metamorphites, intrudedbyLate Stilo Unit(Bonardietal.,1984)isformedbyabasement In themainoutcropofSerremassif(fi the tectono-stratigraphicevolution oftheCPST. general structureoftheStiloarea,inframework of main characteristicsoftheStiloUnit.aswell The subjectoftoday’s tripwillbetheanalysisof and CPST)inacompositeterrane(CPCT). during theamalgamationoftwo terranes(CPNT considered asaMiddleMiocenethrust,originated the BurdigalianStilo-Capod’OrlandoFm..Itcanbe piling upoftheCPSTnappestackanditssealingby contact betweentheStiloandSilaUnitspostdates Capo d’OrlandoFm.. Therefore itisreliablethatthe Meso-Cenozoic cover, even thelateorogenicStilo– the CPNT, includes,aswellthebasementand Catanzaro city, thrustondifferent tectonicunitsof by theonlybasement. The klippeof Tiriolo, near Catanzaro, byklippenvariable insize,mostlyformed N oftheCatanzarograben,between Amantea and is representedalsointhe Aspromonte massifand, Furthermore, besidestheSerremassif,StiloUnit Fm.) intermediatebetweentwo tectonicphases. being thecoeval depositsoftheSilaUnit(Paludi independent tectonicunitbelongingtotheCPST, cover, favours theinterpretationoflatterasan resting ontheMesozoiccarbonatesofStiloUnit Aquitanian deposits(PignoloFm.),disconformably represent formergarnetsremoved bywave erosion. will show apittedquartzdioritesurface. The holes Ca-rich quartzdioriticmagma. A walk alongthecliff of theanatecticmeltwithalarger proportionofthe of tschermakitichornblendeisrelatedtothemixing the inversion ofthereaction(*).Instead,formation 2003) pre-orogenicsignifi However, therecentlyrecognized(Bonardietal., distinction oftwo different Alpine tectonicunits. (Del Moroetal.,1986),implicitlyquestioningthe as thetectonicnatureofitscontactwithSilaUnit Unit totheCPSThasbeenunderdiscussion,aswell geometrical position,theappurtenanceofStilo Unit oftheCPSTtoS(fi Sila UnitoftheCPNTtoNand Aspromonte sively represented.Ittectonicallyoverlies boththe Stilo Unit)ofthenappestackisexten- of theCPCT, wheretheuppermosttectonicunit(the The Serremassifisthemaximumstructuraldepression DAY 5 cance oftheChattian- g. 1).Duetothis g. 27),the a few places,even thebasement, 1973), overlying theStilo-Capod’OrlandoFm.,andin chaotic complex ( Antisicilide Complex ofOgniben, by: (i)aCretaceoustoMiocene“varicoloured clays” Stilo areatotheStraitsofGibraltar. Itiscompleted d’Orlando Fm.upwards, isalmostthesamefrom The stratigraphic-structuralpile,fromtheStilo-Capo on thePignoloFm.(fi CPST nappestack,restswithanangularunconformity Fm. (Bonardietal.,1980;2003),thatsealsthewhole carbonates. The BurdigalianStilo-Capod’Orlando the Stiloarea,disconformablyrestonMesozoic (Pignolo Fm.;Bonardietal.,2003),presentonlyin lepidocycline and in the Aspromonte Massif,andChattian-Aquitanian et al.,1985),outcroppingonlynearPalizzi village, to shallow marinedeposits(Palizzi Fm.;Bouillin Jurassic limestones.Lower Oligocenecontinental and calcareousbrecciasrestdisconformablyonthe found. At MonteMammicomito,rudistidlimestones thickness; locally striata, Pseudocyclammina calcilutites, with resedimented calcareousbreccias,calcarenites,and dolomites, disconformablycovered by Jurassic ?) isfollowed byafew metersofJurassic(?) horizon ofuncertainage(Upper Triassic ?–Jurassic for awhileduringtheXIXcentury. This basal that atPazzano, nearStilotown, wereexploited oxide andFe,Zn,Pbsulphidemineralizations, of continentalredbedsorapaleosoil,bearingiron (fi near Stilo(fi Stella––MonteMammicomitoridge nonconformably onthebasement,areMonte The mainoutcropsofthesedimentarycover, resting aureole andanetwork ofdykes have developed. forming abatholith. Along thecontact,athermal (291–270 Ma)dioritictomonzograniticplutonites, + muscovite zone,andintrudedbyLateHercynian facies chloritezonetoamphibolitefacies sillimanite Hercynian metamorphismprogradefromgreenschist intercalations. This sequencehasbeenaffected bya organic-rich pelites,withfelsicandbasicvolcanic pelagic limestones,cherts,sandstones,slates,and can berecognizedasabasinalsequence,including to Lower Carboniferous(Spallettaand Vai, 1989).It Carboniferous (Bouillinetal.,1987),orfromSilurian as rangingeitherfromCambro-Ordovician toLower sequence (fi fossils. However, theageofpremetamorphic basement isametalimestonelayer, bearingDevonian g. 27).Itbegins witheitherafew meters g. 28)isreferredto,byfacies analogy, g. 29),andMonteMutolo,northwestof Clypeina jurassica, Campbelliella Ellipsactinia Lithothamnium- g. 30). sp., exceeding 200mof and coralshave been

whose interpretation rich calcarenites 27-05-2004, 14:32:12 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Figure 27 - Geological sketch map of the Serre Massif. Key: 1. Recent deposits. 2. Clastic deposits (Plio-Pleistocene). 3. Marls (“trubi”), evaporites, and clastics (Lower Pliocene-Serravallian). 4. Varicoloured clays (“Antisicilide” Complex). Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Fm. (Burdigalian): 5. Conglomeratic and arenaceous turbidites; 6. Calcareous breccias and conglomerates with olistoliths of neritic carbonates and metamorphites. Stilo Unit: 7. Meso-Cenozoic cover; 8. Late Hercynian peraluminous granites; 9. Late Hercynian granitoids and tonalites; P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume 10. Low- to medium-high-grade metamorphics (Paleozoic). Aspromonte Unit: 11. Late Hercynian granitoids; 12.High-grade metamorphics (Pre-Triassic). 13.Overthrust. (nappe vs. olistostrome) is controversial; (ii) gypsum, commonly eroded), unconformably overlain Serravallian-Tortonian slope and base-of-slope by alluvial to fl uvio-transitional clastics (Cavazza clastics (Patterson et al., 1995), – erosively overlying and De Celles, 1998); (iii) Lower Pliocene regularly the “ varicoloured clays” - followed by a Messinian alternating limestones and marls, rich in pelagic sequence made up of evaporites (limestones and foraminifers and calcareous nannoplancton (“trubi”

37 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi sequence), inwhichsomeangularunconformities clays” -ofpostcollisionaldeposits(therestthe the syncollisionalemplacementof“varicoloured deposits (Stilo-Capod’OrlandoFm.)–followed by of thesuperpositionontothrusttopprecollisional the sequencecanbeotherwiseregarded astheresult (2001). ConsideringthewholeMaghrebianchain, named “leadingedgedeposits”byBonardietal. of thesouthernextremity oftheCPST, ithasbeen into accountthecollisionwithRagusamargin forearc basinfi interpreted astheproximalportionofIonian The above tectono-stratigraphic sequence hasbeen facies), onlappingalltheolderunits. Stilo Unit(redrawnafterBouillinetal.,1987). Figure 28-StratigraphyofthePaleozoic basementofthe ll (Patterson etal.,1995). Taking stratigraphic sequencedescribedintheintroduction. (“trubi”) tobottom(StiloUnitbasement),thetectono- from MonasteraceMarinatostop5.1crossestop and follow theroadtoBivongi village. The itinerary S.S. 110ontheleft,andafterabout10km,turnright facies. At theentranceofMonasteraceMarina,take the typical aspect,duetolimecontent,ofthe“trubi” regularly alternatingwhiteandgrey beds,exhibit the Monasterace Marina. The outcropsontheleft,showing Directions: Drive alongthecoastonS.S.106upto River andStop5.1 Travel from MarinadiGioiosaIonicatoStilaro terrace deposits,oftenstronglyuplifted. Pleistocene ismostlyrepresentedbyfl hemipericlinal generalstructure. The UpperPliocene- to faulting andlocalfolds–showing aUpperPliocene towards theIonianSea–withafew exceptions due above-described Tertiary depositsconstantlydip In S.Calabria(Serreand Aspromonte massifs),the record thepostcollisionaltectonicphases. -MonteGalloridge(modifi Figure 29-GeologicalmapoftheMonteConsolino- et al.,2003). A-A’ =location ofthesectionfi uvial andmarine ed afterBonardi 27-05-2004, 14:32:17 g.33. GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Stop 5.1: it is possible to see in the background the contact Stilaro River. Low grade metamorphites between the basement and the cover of Stilo Unit, of the Stilo Unit evidenced by the red paleosoil, bearing iron oxides Along the road, a section of Stilo-Capo d’Orlando and Fe, Zn, and Pb sulphides. Further along, the road Fm. is well exposed. Arenaceous-conglomeratic climbs with some bends on a talus slope masking the turbidites (450 m) are quite prevalent, and only contact, and enters the basement. the last few meters of the section are formed by arenaceous turbidites. They are interpreted as a Stop 5.2: canyon fi ll deposit, resting both on the basement, and S.S. 110, km 64, N side of Mt. Campanaro. against a paleosurface cut in the Mesozoic carbonates Stilo Unit: Late Hercynian plutonites and (Cavazza and De Celles, 1993), corresponding to the contact aureole cliff visible on the right side of the valley. The Stilo batholith (De Vivo et al., 1992; Messina The basement of the Stilo Unit, here formed by low et al., 1996) consists of heterogeneous in size grade metamorphics, is well exposed on the left side and texture post-tectonic multiple and intersected of the valley and along the river bed, whereas on the intrusions, ranging from main intrusions of biotite right side, it is covered by talus and vegetation, as ± amphibole tonalite to granodiorite, and biotite ± well as the contact with the overlying sedimentary muscovite ± sillimanite tonalite to monzogranite, cover. These “Stilo-” metamorphites became to minor intrusions of two mica ± cordierite ± Al- famous in the XIX century after the discovery of silicate granodiorite to leucomonzogranite. Felsic a trilobite (Phacops levis). This discovery was and rare mafi c dykes are the latest magmatites. later questioned, until 1970, when some Devonian Mafi c microgranular inclusions (autoliths) and/or trilobites and other macrofossils (Görler and metamorphic xenoliths, similar to the host rocks, are Ibbeken, 1970), tentaculitidae (Afchain, 1970), and ubiquitous. conodonts (de Capoa Bonardi, 1970), were found in Modal data illustrate a single calc-alkaline trend a metalimestone layer. for the entire batholith, which, as a whole, consists A lithostratigraphic sequence was reconstructed for of an I-type (Chappell and White, 1982) magmatic the fi rst time by Knoche (1978), who even recognized series. The calc-alkaline affi nity is also confi rmed by a prograde metamorphism from diagenesis to the Peacock Index (= 60). Smooth and progressive low grade by Kubler indexes. A more detailed chemical changes in major and trace elements, from stratigraphy (fi g. 28) was defi ned by Majesté- less to more evolved plutonites, are consistent with

Menjoulas et al. (1984), and Bouillin et al. (1987), chemically related magmatic series as a whole. SiO2,

confi rming the Devonian age of the metalimestones ranging from 58.92 to 76.21 wt%, Na2O < K2O, and and hypothesizing the age of the other intervals of a very low Fe/Mg ratio, are the main features of the the sequence by facies analogies. More Recently, major elements, in addition to A/CNK > 1.1, which Acquafredda et al. (1994) have described from increases from tonalitic to felsic types, suggesting a bottom to top the following stratigraphic succession, peraluminous character for the whole suite. partly corresponding to that of Bouillin et al. (1987), According to Rottura et al. (1990), the Stilo Unit but whose ages are supported by acritarch fi ndings: plutonites form two distinct associations, calc- Ordovician phyllites and slates, with metabasites alkaline and peraluminous, related in time and in intercalations, are followed by Silurian calc-schists space. The calc-alkaline suite is I-type, and derives and slates rich in organic matter. The Devonian is from the melting of hydrous mafi c lower-crustal represented by alternating phyllites and metarenites, materials favoured by the thermal input of the with a characteristic horizon of ochraceous limestones basaltic underplating. The peraluminous suite, rich in crinoids and bryozoans and, in the upper part, ambiguous in terms of S- and I-type designation, by fossiliferous nodular limestones of the griottes involved heterogeneous and different crustal sources P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume facies. Metaradiolarites (lydite), followed by black in its genesis. However, more recent studies indicate slates and metarenites (Culm facies), characterize that the entire Stilo magmatic series originated from the Carboniferous. In the thicker arenitic layers, plant magma mixtures of mantle-derived rocks and a remnants have been found. predominant, heterogeneous, crustal component. Directions: Reach Pazzano by passing through Stilo plutonites (San Todaro, Bagni di Guida, Monte Bivongi village, and then follow the S.S. 110 in the Cola, Monte Crocco, and Mongiana plutonites) Serra San Bruno direction up to km 64. Near Pazzano, contain clustering of signifi cant Mo, Rb, W, and

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi which defi and muscovite arethemostimportantthermalphases, metamorphic texture; andalusite,cordierite,biotite, The thermaleffect obliteratedcompletelytheregional granodiorites arelow-amphibolite facies hornfels. metamorphites nearthecontactwithSan Todaro of cordieriteatlow tointermediategrades. The pressure facies series,characterizedbytheprevalence The contactmetamorphismistypicalofalow mineral phases. Feldspar, quartz,andminorallanitearetheother size, characterizedbylarge euhedralbiotitecrystals. crops out.Itshows massive fabric andmediumgrain- one ofthemainintrusionsStilobatholith, In thislocality, theSan Todaro biotitegranodiorite, found. a base-metalorgranitophilemineralization,arealso and Rb/Ba-Sr>1),typicalofgraniticrockshosting specialization indicators(Rb/Sr>5,K/Rb<200, Host base-metalsulphideveins andshieldgranite Cu geochemicalanomalies(De Vivo etal.,1992). sedimentary cover (modifi Figure 30-Columnarsections(nottoscale)ofStiloUnit ne acornubianitictexture. At ashort ed afterBonardietal.,2003).

Capo d’OrlandoFm.(fi and theunconformablyoverlying clastics oftheStilo- both theMeso-CenozoiccarbonatesofStiloUnit, to thePignololocality(noroadsign),passingthrough From Stilo,follow thecountryroadtoPlacanicaup professional “cicerone”. (1568-1639). A visittothechapelwillbeguidedbya town ofthephilosopher Tommaso Campanella shell-shaped planoftheoldStilotown, thehome- Cattolica”, itispossibletolookatthecharacteristic From thelarge square attheentranceof“La (uncertain age,between VI andXcenturies). Stilo. Visit totheByzantinechapel“LaCattolica” Stop 5.4: Return totheS.S.110anddrive toPazzano andStilo. morphology, asmarker horizon. “varicoloured clays”,evidenced bytheirsmooth introduction, iseasilyrecognizablebyusingthe stratigraphic sequence(fi view oftheslopeuptoIonianSea. The tectono- cover cropout-itispossibletohave acomplete limestones andcalcareousbrecciasoftheStiloUnit From thetopofMonteStella-whereJurassic tectonostratigraphic sequenceoftheStiloarea Monte Stella.Panoramic viewofthe Stop 5.3: structures. Larger foraminifera( (10-30 cm),andshow nodularor pseudobreccia The grey orreddish calcarenites arethinbedded ferrugination oftheuppermostMesozoicstrata. the presenceofbauxiticclays,upto2mthick,orby The transgressionsurface islocallymarked eitherby in thePignoloarea,bymarlsandsandstones(fi calcarenites andcalcareousbreccias,followed, only Unit cover. Itismadeupoflepidocycline-rich and algalcalcirudites,calcarenites)oftheStilo Lepidocyclina lies ontheJurassiclimestones( The PignoloFm.(Bonardietal.,2003)disconformably of PignoloFm Pignolo locality, 6kmSWofStilo. Type locality Stop 5.5: Stella Sanctuary. about two kilometers,turnrighttotheroadMonte Directions: Drive backontheS.S.110,andafter moving away fromthepluton. dominant rocktype,withspotsdecreasinginsize distance fromthecontact,spottedslatesbecome sp.)arecommonlypresent,relatedto g. 29). g. 31)describedinthe Nummulites Elllipsactinia sp.and 27-05-2004, 14:32:21 g. 30). , coral GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Figure 31 - Geological sketch of the Stilo area stratigraphic sequence (not to scale). Key: 1.Calcareous marls (“trubi facies”; Lower Pliocene). 2.Conglomerates and sandstones. 3.Limestones and calcareous breccias (Jurassic). 4.Continental redbeds (Hettangian-Upper Triassic ?). 5.”Antisicilide” varicoloured clays and quartzarenites (Paleogene-Cretaceous). 6.Low-grade metamorphics (Paleozoic). 7.Contact aureole. 8. Late Hercynian granitoids. 9.Unconformities. 10.Tectonic contacts. algal, Solenomeris-rich, and coral layers, which form Drive on the country road from Pignolo to Placanica, a reef-like system. Lithothamnium and echinoids are and to the Ionian Ssea (S.S. 106). The road crosses also frequent. The calcareous breccias are formed by from bottom to top the same sequence that we clasts of Jurassic limestones, up to some decimeters looked at from the top of Monte Stella (Stop 5.3) in size, and sometimes rounded. Commonly, the and described in the introduction to the trip of today. calcarenites and the calcareous breccias show non- Drive on the S.S. 106 for 2 km in a S direction up to carbonatic clasts (phyllite, granitoid, and cornubianite Marina di Caulonia. Turn right, and follow the road fragments; quartz, feldspars and biotite grains) derived to Caulonia up to the Ursini crossing. Turn right from the underlying basement of the Stilo Unit. These again, and follow the road up to the fi rst outcrop of clasts increase upwards, reaching an abundance of 30- metamorphites (Stilo Unit basement). 40%, with pebbles up to 4-5 cm in size. The thickness of the carbonatic sequence is about 20-30 m. In the Pignolo area, the calcarenites grade into 7-8 m of yellowish marls, followed by about 10 m of medium-grained sandstones and micro-conglomerate, with beds 30-40 cm thick. These sandstone strata are characterized by parallel lamination, and contain both crystalline and carbonatic (mainly neritic fossils) grains. The stratigraphic section continues with about 20 m of marls and siltites, in which beds, up to 10-12 cm thick, of fi ne- and medium-grained sandstones are interlayered (fi g. 32). The unique fossils, with stratigraphic signifi cance in the calcarenites, are lepidocyclines of Nephrolepidina

sp. subgenus, indicating a Late-Early Oligocene to P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume Early Miocene age. The marls and sandstones of Figure 32 - Relationships between the Stilo Unit cover the top of the formation bear calcareous nannofossil and the Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Fm. in the Pignolo area. assemblages not older than Chattian in the lower part, Key: 1.Quaternary. 2.Upper Tortonian sandstones. and not older than Aquitanian in the upper part. The 3.”Antisicilide” varicoloured clays. Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Stilo- Capo d’Orlando Fm. nonconformably rests on Fm.: 4.Clays; 5.Sandstones; 6.Conglomerates. Pignolo Fm.: 7.Sandstones and marls; 8.Calcarenites. the upper part of the Pignolo Fm., but the contact is 9.Jurassic limestones and breccias. 10.Low-grade not exposed here. metamorphics. 11.Overthrusts. 12.Faults

41 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi Pliocene “trubi”)areofscarceinterest. locality. The outcropsalongtheroad(mostlyLower and follow theroadtoPrisdarella,up Armo a Sdirection. Turn rightafterabouthalfakilometer, Directions: Drive backtotheS.S.106andproceedin about 10cubicmeters,arepresent. granitoids boulders,andacalcareousolistolithof base, sandstoneswithfl upward organization. At about400mfromthe depositional sequence,withathinningandfi in thissection. They arearrangedinatransgressive the baseofformation.Facies (i)and(iii)prevail than Middle-LateBurdigalian,have beenfoundnear In many sections,nannofossilassemblages,notolder reliefs createdafterthenappestackingofCPST. can beinterpretedasduetotheerosionofimportant The sedimentationoftheStilo-Capod’OrlandoFm. upper partofthesequence. a Burdigalianvolcaniclastic event, arepresentinthe Silicifi olistoliths occuralsoatdifferent stratigraphicheights. many sectionsthebaseofformation,but isolated breccias, sometimesdolomitized)characterizein size (phyllites,neriticlimestones,andcalcareous conglomerates containingolistolithsofdifferent high-density turbidityfl beds, interpretedasdepositsfromdilutedand sandy turbidites,associatedwiththicker sandstone channel fi corresponding toslopesediments,frequentlycutby (ii) mudstones,containingsporadicsiltstonebeds, fl with depositionalstructuresevidencing massordebris 1993) inthisformation:(i)large conglomeraticbodies, have beendistinguished(Cavazza andDeCelles, of theStiloUnitbasement. Three facies assemblages low grademetamorphites(even somespottedslates) d’Orlando Fm.,hererestingnonconformablyonthe to examine awell-exposed sectionofStilo-Capo making afew stopsandshortwalks, itispossible Fiumara (“ephemeralbraidedstream”) Allaro, by Driving backalongtheroadonriver bedof Capo d’OrlandoFm Fiumara Allaro. Turbidites oftheStilo Stop 5.6: prograde fromStilototheS,reachingamphibolite The metamorphismoftheStiloUnitbasementis of theStiloUnitbasement Fiumara Romanò.Mediumgrademetamorphites Stop 5.7: ow-like deposition,relatedtomarinepaleocanyons; ed woods andsomesilexite strata,referredto ll, conglomeratedeposits;(iii)thin-bedded oat coal,conglomerateswith ows, respectively. Boulder ning Italian peninsula(fi is thesouthernextremity ofCalabriaaswellthe The Aspromonte massif,thesubjectoftoday’s trip, Marina diGioiosaIonica. on theS.S.106,andreachafterabout1kilometer, Directions: Drive backonthesameroad,turnright and scarceblackspotsofandalusite. effect oftheStilobatholithisalsorecordedbysmall metamorphic evolution (seeday6). The thermal regional thermalevent duringtheHercynian tectono- minor dimensions. Their growth isrelatedtoa of andalusite,andblastsbiotitegarnet of outcrop ofmicaschists,withvery large porphyroblasts After ashortwalk onatrailwewillreachbeautiful surroundings. and Antonimina greenschist facies, uptothelastoutcropsofLocri facies intheMammolaarea.MoreS,itdecreasesto and Stop6.1 Travel from MarinadiGioiosaIonica toSanLuca that affected S.Calabriaduringthe Quaternary. Aspromonte massif. They testify tothestronguplift are acharacteristicgeomorphologicfeatureofthe m (Tyrrhenian) to1300m(Lower Pleistocene)a.s.l., pianalti of themassif. A seriesofmarineterraces(named for theStiloarea,isalsopresent,mainlyatfeet Tertiary tectono-stratigraphicsequence,described Cenozoic cover, overlie the Aspromonte Unit. The of them,alsoformedbyremnantstheMeso- Unit, formedbythemetamorphicbasementand,some Mts.. OntheSsideofmassifklippenStilo that underliethe Aspromonte UnitinthePeloritani been noclearcorrelationfoundwiththetectonicunits underlying the Aspromonte Unit. Till now, therehas marble, garnetphyllitestoschistsatCardeto) metarenites, andmetalimestonesat , and windows show low grademetamorphics(phyllites, Aspromonte Unit. The Africo andCardetotectonic The bulk ofthemassif(fi the BurdigalianStilo–Capod’OrlandoFm.. by normalandreverse faults, thelatteraffecting even correspond totightsynformsandantiforms,bounded structural depressionsandculminations. They roughly more complex structure,characterizedbystrong tilting. The underlyingnappestackshows anolder, has beenachieved onlyasaconsequenceofrecent evidenced bytheattitudeof Tertiary deposits, =highplanes),ranginginaltitudefrom120 g. 1).Itshemipericlinalstructure, DAY 6 g. 33)isformedbythe 27-05-2004, 14:32:27


Figure 33 - Geological sketch map of the Aspromonte Massif. Key: 1.Recent deposits. 2.Calcarenites, sands and conglomerates (Plio-Pleistocene). 3.Marls (“trubi facies”), evaporites and clastics (Lower Pliocene-Upper Tortonian). 4.Floresta calcarenites (middle Miocene) and variegated clays of the “Antisicilide” Complex. Stilo-Capo d’Orlando P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume Fm. (Burdigalian): 5.Sandy-conglomeratic, arenaceous and sandy-pelitic turbidites; 6.Calcareous breccias and conglomerates with olistoliths of neritic carbonates and metamorphites. Stilo Unit: 7.Mesozoic cover (close to Staiti village); 8.Low-grade metamorphics (Paleozoic). Aspromonte Unit: 9 Late Hercynian granitoids; 10.High-grade metamorphics (paragneisses, orthogneisses, marbles and amphibolites; Pre-Triassic). 11.Low-grade metamorphics of the Cardeto tectonic window (Pre-Triassic). 12. Low-grade metamorphics of the Africo tectonic window (Pre-Triassic). 13.Overthrust.

43 - P66

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi rocks. metamorphic overprint: 5.Pervasively re-equilibratedrocks; 6.Partly re-equilibratedrocks; 7.Weakly re-equilibrated 2. -LateHercynianplutonites;3.Augen gneisses;4.Paragneisses andmicaschists withamphibolitesandmarbles. Alpine (after Messinaetal.,1996).Key: 1.Tertiary toQuaternarydeposits;Stilo,Cardeto,and Africo Units. Aspromonte Unit: Figure 34-The Aspromonte Unitinthe Aspromonte Massif:geologicalsketch mapandzoningofthe Alpine overprint 27-05-2004, 14:32:35 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Drive about 23 km on the S.S.106 in the Reggio Post-Dv1 garnet ± staurolite ± cordierite ± andalusite Calabria direction up to crossing. Turn are also present. Dv2 was responsible for a crenulation right, and reach, via a country road, San Luca, the cleavage. A thermal pervasive retrogression, up to the village where Corrado Alvaro (1895-1956), the complete pseudomorphosis of minerals, is related most important Calabrian writer in the XX century, to the intrusive magmatism and cooling effects. was born. The outcrops along the road are of scarce They occurred in isobaric conditions and at T < 520 interest. Inside the village, take on the left the road °C.-Late Hercynian plutonites (292 Ma Rb-Sr on descending towards the Fiumara Bonamico and, micas, Rottura et al., 1990) consist of many stocks having passed the river, follow the forest road that of calc-alkaline syn- and post-tectonic intrusives, reaches Gambarie, climbing up to a pass about 100 heterogeneous in size and texture, and spatially m below the summit of (1955 m above s.l.). separated. The oldest plutonites are syn-tectonic Go straight at the fork to the Polsi Sanctuary. All the biotite + amphibole tonalite main intrusions. The outcrops along the road, with the exception of a fi rst post-tectonic plutonites range from biotite tonalite- tract, where the Stilo–Capo d’Orlando Fm. crops out, granodiorite, to two mica + sillimanite ± Al-silicate are metamorphites of the Aspromonte Unit. leucotonalite-leucomozogranite minor and smaller Despite the lack of a Meso-Cenozoic cover, the intrusions. Mafi c microgranular inclusions and/or Aspromonte Unit records a very long tectono- metamorphic xenoliths are also present (Messina et metamorphic and magmatic history. Undated al., 1996). Felsic, often tourmaline-bearing, and rare pre-Hercynian events are followed by a Hercynian mafi c dykes are the latest intrusions. amphibolite facies metamorphism, and by Late Geochemical data of peraluminous intrusives are Hercynian intrusions. A neo-Alpine greenschist to similar to those of late- to post-collisional granites amphibolite facies metamorphic overprint, related to (Rottura et al., 1993). A mixed origin, involving both shear zones affects the older metamorphic and mantle- and crustal-derived components, has been plutonic rocks. deduced. A possible parent could be a distinct calc- The pre-Hercynian metamorphic history is witnessed alkaline magma batch, which was then dominated by by granulite facies hectometer-size lens-like relics. crustal assimilation and mixing with melts stemming This metamorphic event must have developed at T 700 from the lower crust. °C and P 0.9–1 Gpa, as suggested by the ortopiroxene The Alpine overprint (28-22 Ma, Rb-Sr ages on + plagioclase → clynopiroxene + Ca-rich garnet + micas, Bonardi et al., 1987; fi g. 34), that partially quartz reaction in the granulite relics. Pre-Hercynian or completely modifi ed the older features, occurs magmatites are widely represented by kilometer-sized along shear zones, increasing in thickness towards bodies of augen gneisses and metagranitoids. the geometrically lowermost portions of the unit. The Hercynian metamorphites (314 Ma, Rb-Sr ages It developed before the emplacement of the unit on micas, Bonardi et al., 1987), consist in the above- during the CPST accretion and originated a grain- mentioned augen gneissic and metagranitic bodies, size reduction and a variable recrystallization of the interlayered by banded paragneisses and micaschists, Hercynian rocks, up to the conversion of gneisses and by minor amphibolites, metaultrafemites, and micaschists into Alpine schists, and of plutonites marbles, and Ca-silicate fels. Despite the presence into Alpine orthogneisses. Metafemites are the best of the Alpine overprint, a Hercynian retrograde preserved rocks. Areas having different intensities of metamorphic zoning has been traced. The highest re-equilibration, locally with a gradual transition, can grade rocks mark the boundary between granulite be distinguished (fi g. 34). and amphibolite facies, whereas the lowermost Four Alpine deformation phases have been grade rocks can be assigned to the beginning of the reconstructed, three of them accompanied by syn- amphibolite facies. This zoning is characteristic of a and post-kinematic metamorphic recrystalllizations. Bosost-type metamorphism, developed in a P-T range The fi rst one (Da1), developed higher P minerals P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume from > 0.4 GPa and 690 °C, to 0.25 GPa and 570 °C. than the second (Da2) and the third (Da3) phases, In the areas not involved in the Alpine overprint, these that are characterized by higher temperatures; Da4 metamorphites show two Hercynian deformation originated only shear planes. Da1 was responsible phases: Dv1, originating the main foliation Sv1, for the fi rst Alpine foliation Sa1, defi ned by quartz, that is defi ned by quartz + plagioclase + biotite and, albite, epidote, paragonite (replacing Hercynian according to zoning, by sillimanite and/or muscovite. plagioclase), phengite (after Hercynian biotite),

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi amphibole II. and orangebiotiterecrystallizedattheexpense of bluish-green actinolitichornblende(AmphIII) originated Sa2mainfoliation,alongwhichboth amphibole and/orplagioclase,alsogrew. Da2 + ilmenitechlorite.Ca-richgarnet,afterrelict I) intogreen-bluishMg-Fe-hornblende(AmphII) Hercynian tschermakiticbrown hornblende(Amph re-crystallization oftheoriginalcentimeter-sized metahornblendite. Da1producedasubgranular developed garnet±chloritebiotiteintoaHercynian the fi P andnear-peak T conditions wererealizedduring 1992; Bonardietal.,1992). The Alpine near-peak metamorphic conditions(Messinaetal.,1990, °C intheoligoclasezoneofamphibolitefacies and Da3),was realizedatP<0.7Gpaand T >550 the secondmetamorphicstage(syn-topost-Da2 main foliation.Inthepervasively overprinted areas, foliation, marked bythesamemineralsofSa2 highly re-equilibratedareas,developed theSa3 crystallization. Da3,syn-metamorphiconlyinthe Also, thesemineralsshow syn-topost-kinematic biotite, quartz,phengiticwhitemica,andepidote. minerals thanthefi by thegrowth ofhigher T andrelatively lower P Da2 originatedthemainfoliation(Sa2),accompanied (Messina etal.,1990;1992;Bonardi1992). the garnet-zoneofBarrovian-type metamorphism = 0.7–0.8GPa and T =480-550°C,correspondsto P uppergreenschistfacies parageneses,realizedatP Da1 crystallization. This stage,characterizedbyhigh- (on Hercynian biotite). All mineralsshow alsopost- almandine, greenish-brown amphibole,andripidolite (on originalbiotite+sillimanitegarnetdomains), kyanite (replacingHercynian sillimanite),chloritoid Da2. This issuggestedbythebimodaldistribution of can beascribedtotheseconddeformationphase biotite orthogneiss. The foliationofthisorthogneiss an Alpine phengite+garnetpargasite ±kyanite ± plutonite hasbeenpervasively re-equilibratedinto -LateHercynian two mica+ Al-silicate-bearing Aspromonte Unit: Alpine ortho-gneisses San Luca–Gambarieroad. Stop 6.2: The Alpine metamorphicoverprint (fi pervasively re-equilibrated metahornblendites Aspromonte Unit: San Luca–Gambarieroad. Stop 6.1: rst andthesecondstage,respectively. rst stage,suchasoligoclase, g 34) g.

weakly re-equilibratedbythe Alpine overprint. along theroadare Aspromonte Unitmetamorphites, follow theStateRoaduptoStop6.3. The outcrops up tothecrossingwithS.S.183. Turn left,and pass ofMontalto,andthendescendtowards Gambarie, Directions: Continuealongtheforestroad,upto the onlymagmaticrelictphases. granoblastic aggregates. Porphyroclasticfeldsparsare layers ofquartz+oligoclaseK-feldsparpolygonal rimmed bybiotite(BiII),alternatingwiththick foliation. Sa2isdefi at theexpense ofbiotiteI)whichisrotatedonthis and bythepresenceofelongated Fe-garnet(grown indicates thetranspositionofaprevious Sa1foliation, white mica(WmIIand Wm III)andchlorite,which traverses oneofthecharacteristic“ Greco forabout10km,uptoStop6.4. The road the countryroadtoSanLorenzoandRoccafortedel About 2kmafterthevillage,turnleftanddrive on Directions: Follow theS.S.183uptoBagaladi. cordierite melanosome. leucosome, andlayersofbiotite+sillimanite± ptygmatic veins andlayersofquartzfeldspars gneisses andmicaschists,theneosomeconsistsof Therefore, azoning,presentlywithS-Nprograde lacks thethermaloverprint ofthebatholithintrusion. characteristics ofthemetamorphicbasement,which exposures toexamine, alongmany sections, the Bagaladi, andFossato Ionicovillages.Itoffers good structural depressionbetweenRoccafortedelGreco, Stilo Unitinthe Aspromonte massif,preserved ina individuate), theroadenters largest klippeofthe In thistract,afteravertical fault (very diffi then descendswithseveral hairpinbendstoBagaladi. composed ofbiotite-muscovite structures, arealsopresent. The paleosomeis phenomena, withfl late- post-kinematic.Inthisarea,localizedanatectic ± sillimanite.Garnet+stauroliteandalusiteare defi porphyroblastic texture. A singlefoliation(Sv1),is fabric, andxenoblastic/lepidoblastic todiablastic/ inequigranular grainsize,massive tofoliated are characterizedbyfi bearing pegmatites prevail), cropout.Paraderivates Late Hercynian dikes (amongwhichtourmaline- Paragneisses, alternatingwithmicaschists,cutby overprint Unit metamorphites notaffectedbythe Alpine S.S. 183,Croce diRomeolocality. Aspromonte Stop 6.3: ned byquartz+plagioclasebiotitemuscovite ned bythinlayersofmuscovite, eii-toaii diatessitic ebitic-stromatitic ne-to-coarse andequi-to - sillimanite-garnet pianalti 27-05-2004, 14:32:39 cl to cult ”, and


Dv3 is well recorded in fi ne-grained lithologies and in the northern portion of the outcrop. It originated a new Sv3 foliation, at high angle to the Sv2 fabric, defi ned by muscovite, chlorite and biotite crystallization; the same minerals developed in the post-Dv3. These last two metamorphic episodes have a presently SE-NW gradient. Dv4 produced only shear planes which cut the previous foliations. The Hercynian zoning developed under P = 0.3 to 0.4 Gpa, and T = 400 to 600 °C, and the metamorphic peak, in each zone, was reached in the synkinematic Sv2 metamorphic episode. The Hercynian evolution ended with a retrogressive process responsible for the growth of margarite after andalusite, and chlorite after garnet and biotite. Figure 35 - Cross sections of the San Lorenzo-Roccaforte del Greco area (not to scale). Key: 1.Aspromonte Unit Stop 6.4: (a = high grade metamorphics; b = granitoids). San Lorenzo-Roccaforte del Greco road, SE 2.Stilo Unit (phyllites, porphyroids, micaschists). side of Monte Argenta. Panoramic view of the 3.Fault. 4.Overthrust. relationships between the Stilo and Aspromonte gradient, has been recognized, and chlorite, biotite, Units; porphyroids of the Stilo Unit basement. garnet, staurolite + oligoclase and sillimanite + The structural depression, occupied by the large klippe muscovite zones have been distinguished (Bonardi et of the Stilo Unit, is a synform-like structure, bounded al., 1984; Græssner and Schenk, 1999). on the north side by a set of normal faults. More or Four Hercynian deformation phases have been less corresponding to the synform axis (fi g. 35A), a reconstructed, three of them accompanied by syn- and reverse fault, on the NE side of Monte Scafi , gives post-kinematic metamorphic re-crystallizations. Dv1 rise to a minor structural high. The original tectonic originated a slaty cleavage Sv1, at a high angle to the superposition of the Stilo Unit on the Aspromonte sedimentary layering, that is defi ned by large sericite Unit can be seen in the Glicorace River gorge (fi g. + chlorite layers, and is evident only in the low grade 35B). In the road cut, a layer of acidic metavolcanics metapelites. In the most evolved metapelites of the – often porphyric – can be observed. northern area, in the staurolite + oligoclase zone, Sv1 is preserved only in the microlithons. Stop 6.5: Dv2, in the low grade metapelites crenulated the Sv1 San Lorenzo–Roccaforte del Greco road at and originated the Sv2 main foliation, at a high angle to the Rapanadi forest road crossing. Stilo Unit the Sv1 fabric. It was accompanied by the development basement: chlorite zone metamorphites of synkinematic greenschist to amphibolite facies Phyllites with subordinate albitic paragneisses parageneses, with a SW-NE gradient, forming a intercalations crop out. A fi rst Hercynian (Sv1) prograde zoning with the progressive development foliation, defi ned by quartz + albite + sericite, is of albite, chlorite, spessartine, biotite, almandine, preserved only in the microlithons. The main Sv2 oligoclase, and sillimanite. Post-Dv1 ilmenite and foliation is defi ned by quartz + albite + sericite + chlorite + muscovite were transposed along Sv2. chlorite and, going to the bottom of the unit, Mn- An important post-Dv2 static metamorphic re- garnet and/or biotite are progressively associated. In crystallization followed, with the same SW-NE the post-Dv2, porphyroblasts of muscovite, chlorite, gradient. This is less evident in the southernmost area and, according to the prograde zoning, of biotite and P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume of the unit, where muscovite + chlorite ± spessartine almandine garnet rim, developed. Consequently, these ± chloritoid ± andalusite blastesis developed. N rocks exhibit a low-P greenschist facies prograde of the San Lorenzo-Fossato Ionico alignment, the metamorphism from chlorite- to biotite-zone in the biotite appears, and more northwards almandine, and syn-Dv1, and from chlorite- to almandine-zone in oligoclase rims around synkinematic albite, staurolite the post-Dv1. The third deformation phase (Dv3), and fi nally cordierite, crystallize. exhibits only a crenulation cleavage. Shear planes of

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi known asthe Taormina line (fi the NebrodiMts.isathrustwithvariable geometry, boundary betweentheCPCTandSicilideUnitsof sector oftheMaghrebianFlyschBasin. The present (Sicilide Units)whichoriginatedfromtheSicilian the intermediateunitsofaccretionarywedge margin occurredintheMiddleMiocene,alongwith extremity oftheCPCT, whosedockingtotheRagusa paragneisses, respectively. andalusite micaschistsandsillimanite+muscovite oligoclase +almandinestaurolitecordierite transition fromphyllitesandalbiticparagneissesto camp site. Along theroadthereisexposed agradual for about4km,andthenturnleftreachaforest Directions: Drive tothenext stopontheforestroad Dv4 arealsopresent. The PeloritaniMountains(fi sequence cropout. various termsoftheCenozoictectono-stratigraphic will bereachedbyaferry-boat. Along theitinerary, up tothe Villa SanGiovanni exit, fromwhereMessina city ofReggio Calabria,anddrive onthe A3 highway S.S.106 intheReggio Calabriadirection.Bypassthe S.S.183 uptoMelitoPortoSalvo, andenterthe Lorenzo–Roccaforte delGrecoroad.Drive onthe the reverse directiontheforestroad,andSan Directions: ReturntotheS.S.183,following in chloritization. and cordieritesericitization,biotitegarnet Hercynian retrogressionisresponsibleforandalusite phase (Dv4),producedonlyshearplanes. A Late- mica ±biotitegrowth. The fourthdeformation (Dv3), anew foliationisdefi crystallizations. Inthethirddeformationphase both inthesyn-andpost-Dv2metamorphicre- reached alow amphibolitefacies metamorphism, acquired analmandinestaticrim.Here,therocks and andalusiteporphyroblastsgrew, whereasgarnet + whitemicabiotite.Inthepost-Dv2,staurolite foliation (Sv2)isdefi muscovite, albite,andgarnetmicrolithons. The main Sv1 metamorphicepisodeispreserved inthechlorite, orthoderivates cropout.Inthemicaschists,fi In theRapanadilocality, amphibolitefacies para-and basement: staurolite +oligoclasezone. Rapanadi locality. StiloUnitmetamorphic Stop 6.6: DAY 7 ned byquartz+oligoclase ned bychlorite±white g. 1)(Scandoneetal., g. 36), aretheSW rst NE ofMandanicivillage,ontheIonianslope,to e) PirainoUnit:itextends, discontinuously, from Calpionella a Mesozoiccover ofcargneules, dolomites,and quartzites andmarbles)withafew remnants of kinematic garnet,biotiteandchloritoid–metarenites, facies metamorphites(phyllites –oftenwithlate-post- d) MandaniciUnit:undatedgreenschisttoamphibolite Carboniferous); graphitic metasiltitesandmetarenites(Devonian- (Upper Triassic ?-UpperCretaceous),restingon cargneules, pelagic limestones,marlsandradiolarites c) Alì Unit:weaklymetamorphosedredbeds, Mesozoic carbonaticcover; metarenites, metabasites),withafew remnantsofa metamorphites (phyllites,graphiticphyllites, b) Fondachelli Unit:greenschistfacies, undated turbidites; olistoliths, gradingupwards to Aquitanian siliciclastic limestones (“scaglia”),includingresedimentsand Cretaceous-Upper Oligoceneredmarlsandmarly Sila Unit,thesedimentationcontinueswithUpper calcilutites (“maiolica”facies). Otherwisethaninthe nodular limestones;(v) Tithonian-Lower Cretaceous and resedimentsfromseamounts;(iv) Dogger-Malm Middle-Upper Liassiccalcareousandmarlyturbidites (ii) Lower Liassicshallow marinelimestones;(iii) Upper Triassic–Lower Liassiccontinentalredbeds; of theSilaUnit,consistingfrombottomtotopin:(i) begins withariftrelatedsequence,similartothat and B. The Alpine tectono-stratigraphic evolution and betterpreserved intheCandDunitsthan A from Upper Triassic to Aquitanian, morecomplete Menjoulas etal.,1986)basement,andacover ranging metamorphosed Paleozoic (Truillet, 1968;Majesté- et al.,1976).Eachofthemincludesaweakly of thesedimentarycover (Lentini,1975;Bonardi area forthem,duetothestrongfacies changes A toD,becauseofthediffi that weprefertonameunformallywithlettersfrom authors). Four tectonicunitscanbedistinguished, (“chaine bordière”=“borderchain”oftheFrench direction fromSant’AgatadiMilitelloto Taormina bounded bythe Taormina line,stretchinginaNW-SE a) Longi-Taormina Units:they cropoutinabelt, from bottomtothetop: The following tectonicunitshave beendistinguished CPST, withtheexception oftheStiloUnit,isexposed. a structuralhigh,wherethewholenappestackof and Aspromonte massifs,thePeloritaniMountainsare 1974; Lentinietal.,2000).ComparedwiththeSerre limestones; cly f fi of culty nding atype 27-05-2004, 14:32:43 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Figure 36 - Schematic geological map of the Peloritani Mts. (modifi ed after Bonardi et al., 2003).

Sant’Angelo di Brolo, on the Tyrrhenian coast, old (Eo-Hercynian) eclogite facies parageneses, reaching an apparent thickness of 400 m. The unit well evident in the garnet + pyroxene-bearing consists of a basement of phyllites, metarenites, amphibolites. In the metasediments, the post-eclogite quartzites, and metabasites, affected by a polyphasic metamorphism, was polyphasic and plurifacial, with Hercynian prograde metamorphism from the chlorite Barrovian-type amphibolite facies minerals, such as zone of greenschist facies to the staurolite-oligoclase kyanite, staurolite, garnet, followed by sillimanite, zone of the amphibolite facies. Slices of Upper and by the subsequent growth of low-P minerals such Triassic ?-Lower Liassic redbeds followed by arenites as cordierite, and andalusite, and a thin rim of albite and marly limestones (Middle Liassic-Aalenian), around oligoclase (Messina et al., 1997); overlying the basement, have been recognized close g) Aspromonte Unit: showing the same characteri- to Sant’Angelo (Cecca et al., 2001); stics as in the type area (see day 6 and Stop 7.7). f) Mela Unit: it extends from the Ionian coast to The average dip of the tectonic contacts is NE, but the Capo d’Orlando, on the Tyrrhenian coast, with an actual structure is far from a regular homocline, by apparent thickness of 700 m. The unit consists of fi ne- the interference of late folding and faulting. A major P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume grained paragneisses passing to micaschists, marked structural depression is between Roccella Valdemone by large Hercyno-type static minerals, with thick and Patti, whereas the major structural highs are levels of impure marbles at the top of the sequence. the areas of Longi and Taormina. All the above Hectometer-wide layers of garnet + pyroxene- tectonic pile is sealed by Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Fm., bearing amphibolites, metric lenses of amphibolites, tectonically overlain by the Antisicilide varicoloured andesine-porphyroclast amphibolites, and K-feldspar clays. The Tertiary tectono-stratigraphic sequence is leucogneisses, are also present. The unit preserves similar to that of S. Calabria. However, an additional

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi the Lower Tectonic Slicescanbeadmiredat21.7 Slices. Mesoscopic Alpine deformationsaffecting Intermediate Tectonic Sliceover theLower Tectonic 114, ispossibletolookattheoverthrust fl Approaching the Alì CapefromS,alongtheS.S. condition hasrealizedsyn-Da1. T <300°C,andvery low P. The Alpine near-peak P-T magnetite, developed underanchizoneconditions,at by sericite+chloritequartzgraphitehematite Da1, responsiblefortheSa1mainfoliation,defi of theunit.Cover andbasement areaffected bya occurred before,during,andaftertheemplacement be synthesizedintothreedeformationstagesthat The Tertiary tectono-metamorphicevolution can and Ndipping,respectively. delimited byNE-SWandE-Wtrendingthrusts,NW “Medolo” limestones,andmarls). These slicesare and theLower Tectonic Slices(formedbydolomites, Intermediate Tectonic Slice(madeupofcargneules); (composed ofbasement,redbeds,andcargneules); the from toptobottom,as:theUpper Tectonic Slice a stackoftectonicslicesdefi 1996) israthercomplex, beingcharacterizedby The structuralsettingoftheunit(GiuntaandSomma, radiolarite intercalations(UpperLiassic-Cretaceous). limestones (Domerian);(iii)siliceousmarlswith clays” andthe Tortonian-Messinian sequence. stratigraphically interposedbetweenthe“varicoloured Peloritani MountainstosouthernmostCalabria,is (Carbone etal.,1993),whichextends fromthe formation, theMiddleMioceneFlorestaCalcarenites Triassic ?-Lower Liassic);(ii)”Medolo-type”marly partially heteropiccargneules anddolomites(Upper cover consists,frombottomtotop, of:(i)redbeds,and obliterated bythe Alpine overprint. The Mesozoic whose Hercynian featureswerecompletely metapelites andmetasiltitesrichinquartzveins, of Devonian toLower Carboniferousdarkgrey thrust andoverturned. The basementiscomposed The stratigraphicsequenceisstronglyfolded, over theFondachelli Unitishypothetical. Aspromonte andMelaUnits.Itsgeometricalposition and, locally, bycataclasticbrecciasderived fromthe tectonically overlain bytheMandaniciUnitphyllites by an Alpine anchi-metamorphism. The unitis basement andofaMesozoiccover, bothaffected The Alì Unit(Truillet, 1968),consistsofaPaleozoic structural pattern S.S. 114, Alì Cape. Alì Unit:sedimentarycover and Stop 7.1. nd geometrically ned, at ofthe ned

70°. 30° and80°,axialsurfaces plungingNbyabout trending axes, aninterlimbangle,comprisedbetween top-to-the-South shearplanes.Folds presentN90° accompanied byanaxialplanecleavage crosscutby are deformedbyS-verging tightorkinkfolds, km ontheS.S.114.“Medolotype”marlylimestones Campbelliella striata calcareous breccias,bothbearing underlies hugeblocksofJurassiclimestonesand Triassic ?–Hettangianredbeds.Itincludesand/or grey andyellowish), mostlyreworking theUpper and quartzinaredarenaceousmatrix(lessfrequently augen gneisses,paragneisses,porphyritic volcanics, clasts ofneriticlimestones(upto80%),granitoids, Forza d’AgròBelvedere. Itisformed byvarying sized conglomerate”: someoutcropscanbeobserved at Cape isformedbytheso-called“Novara red The ridgefromForza d’AgròCastletoSant’Alessio superposition oftheunits A, B,andC. at thesectionshown infi From Forza d’AgròBelvedere, itispossible tolook Roccella Valdemone andSant’AgatadiMilitello. whereas theuppermostunitDisonlypresentbetween unit A outcropsonlyinthe Taormina surroundings, 1994). According toourinterpretation,thelowermost and tothediscontinuityofoutcrops(Carboneetal., chain”, duetofrequentlateralfacies changes(fi correlation fromoneendtoanotherofthe“border from A toD,becauseofsomeuncertaintiesinthe – have beeninformallylisted(Bonardietal.,1976) The Longi-Taormina units–aspreviously mentioned Aspromonte Unit. that representsthesouthernmostremnantof the rightinforeground) isbuilt onaklippe, no morphologicalrelief. The villageofSavoca (on between theMandaniciandFondachelli Unitshas gentle slopestosteepcliffs, whereasthecontact shown bytheabruptmorphologicalchangefrom The frontalpartofthe Aspromonte Unitisclearly (fi upper unitsofthePeloritaniMts.canbeobserved weather conditions-anicepanoramicview ofthe From theroadtoForza d’AgròCastle-ingood “Novara red conglomerate” Longi-Taormina unitsof Taormina area; NE Peloritani Mts.and ofthe Forza d’Agrò belvedere -Panoramic viewofthe Stop 7.2: that have beeninterpretedasatectonicunit,probably g. 37). and g. 38,showing thetectonic Pseudocyclammina Clypeina jurassica, 27-05-2004, 14:32:47 g. 39), sp., GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

Figure 37 - Panoramic view of the upper tectonic units of Peloritani Mts. from Forza d’Agrò village: A.Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Fm. B.Aspromonte Unit (B1.Savoca klippe). C.Mandanici Unit. D.Fondachelli Unit. formed by the Stilo Unit sedimentary cover. On the Stop 7.3: contrary, we believe that the “red conglomerate” is a Castelmola village: Longi-Taormina Unit C fl uvio-deltaic facies that locally constitutes the base of basement and sedimentary cover the Stilo–Capo d’Orlando Fm., containing blocks of In the road cuts just below Castelmola village, a neritic limestones, probably originated from the Stilo section of the Longi-Taormina Unit C is exposed. The Unit, as well as the clasts of porphyritic volcanics, sedimentary cover (fi g. 39), resting nonconformably and of some granitoids and phyllites (Bonardi et on weakly metamorphosed acidic volcanics and al., 1982b). This interpretation is supported by volcaniclastics, begins with coarse red sandstones, some outcrops where the “red conglomerate” grades grading upwards to the dolomites (Upper Triassic upwards to typical arenaceous turbidites of the Stilo– ?-Lower Liassic). Capo d’Orlando Fm.. The Unit C basement consists of greenish to dark metapelites, metasiltites, metarenites, and minor black quartzites (lydites), interlayered by pinkish acidic Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

Figure 38 - The Longi-Taormina Units A, B, and C along the Capo Sant’Andrea-Monte Veneretta section, in the neighbourhood of Taormina. Key: 1.Metarenites and phyllites. 2.Phyllites. 3.Metavolcanics. 4.Continental redbeds. 5.Dolomites. 6.Shallow water limestones, oolitic calcarenites. 7.Calcilutites, nodular limestones.

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi distensive geodynamicregime. Middle Devonian effusive magmatismoriginatedina volcanites andvolcaniclastites. This syn-sedimentary sub-alkaline basaltstocalc-alkalineandesiteriolite one. The Longi-Taormina magmaticseriesrangefrom normal fault separatingtheoutcropfromprevious acidic volcanites, canbeobserved inthefootwall ofa of morebasictypes(mostlymetatuffs) underlyingthe ± actinolitecalcitere-crystallizedmatrix.Layers quartz phenoclastsinachlorite+epidotesericite – porphyroids,thatpreserve magmaticfeldsparand cuts, thereareexposed –underthesedimentarycover near-peak P-Tconditionrealizedsyn-Dv1.Intheroad chlorite zoneofthegreenschistfacies. The Hercynian western area,theunitreachedP-Tconditionsof GPa, typicalofsub-greenschistfacies, whereasinthe area oftheunitat T = 300-350°C,andPofabout0.2 oblique tothefoliation.Dv1developed intheeastern opaques. Relicsofquartz,micas,andfeldsparsare by quartz+sericitechloritealbitecarbonate crenulation cleavage Dv2.Sv1mainfoliationisdefi foliation (Sv1),overprinted byopentotightfoldsand isoclinal folding(Dv1),withassociatedaxialplane metamorphism hasdeveloped asyn-metamorphic and deformedacidicplutonites. The Hercynian pre-Hercynian low- tomedium-grademetamorphites and Roccella Valdemone. They containclastsof the metaconglomeratesoutcroppingnear Taormina a Lower Carboniferousagehasbeensuggestedfor Bouillin etal.,1987).Recently(Bouillin2003), (Truillet, 1968;Majesté-Menjoulasetal.,1986; conodonts inthemetalimestones,have beenfound associated withbasicmetavolcanites andDevonian Cambrian-Ordovician acritarchsinthemetapelites, greenschist facies metamorphism. affected byaHercynian anchizonetochlorite-zoneof metaconglomerates, arealsopresent. The greyish calc-schistsandmetalimestones,covered by In theuppermostportionofsequence,pink- (porphyroids), andgreen-violetbasicmetavolcanites. A.D.). Majesticruinsofthecavea (nine wedgesof B.C.) andre-built intheRomanepoch(IIcentury Sicily. Itwas built intheHellenisticepoch(IIIcentury Graecia, i.e.thegreekcoloniesofSouthernItalyand history of Tauromenium, amajortown of theMagna This theatreisthemostimportanttestimony ofthe Taormina Greek theatre Stop 7.4: the Taormina area(afterBonardietal., 1976). Figure 39-Longi-Taormina Units’ sedimentarycover in y have been 27-05-2004, 14:32:53 ned GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

steps, with a double arcade at the top), and of the they are formed by limestones and calcareous breccias scaena (columns and niches) are still visible. The identical to those of the smaller blocks inserted in the panorama towards the coast and the Etna volcano is “red conglomerate” on the right side of the view. impressive. Directions: Leave the S.S. 185 at the fi rst fork on Directions: Descend from Taormina to the Messina- the right, and follow the country road to Fondachelli Catania A18 highway, and drive in a S direction up to village. Pass through the village and descend to the the Taormina south exit. Drive on the S.S. 185 up to river bed, turn left, and drive on the road that runs Francavilla di Sicilia, bypass the village, and after 3 along the river. km, turn right at the Randazzo crossing, and continue in the Novara di Sicilia direction. From the A18 highway, Stop 7.6: up to some kilometers after Francavilla di Sicilia, the Fiumara di Fondachelli, about 2 km downstream road passes through sandstones and conglomerates of of Fondachelli village. the Stilo–Capo d’Orlando Fm.. Should time permit, Fondachelli Unit basement we may also look at the scenic Alcantara gorge, which The Fondachelli Unit basement consists of dark cuts into a Mount Etna lava fl ow. grey, often graphitic, phyllites and metarenites, rich After the Randazzo crossing, the road climbs to in quartz veins, with intercalations of quartzites, Portella (= pass) Mandrazzi (1.125 m above s.l.). metabasites, and minor metalimestones, which were Looking southwards, a nice view of Etna volcano affected by a Hercynian polyphasic and monofacial can be seen, whereas northeastwards, the front of greenschist facies (chlorite zone) metamorphism. the Aspromonte Unit is clearly evidenced by the Three Hercynian deformation phases have been morphological contrast. In the road cuts Fondachelli recognized, the fi rst two accompanied by syn- to post- Unit metamorphics, tectonically overlying Upper- kinematic metamorphic re-crystallizations. Middle Liassic marls and limestones of the Longi- Dv1 was responsible for the Sv1 main foliation, Taormina Unit C (?), and clastics of the Stilo–Capo defi ned by sericite + chlorite + graphite, with minor d’Orlando Fm., crop out. quartz and albite. Ilmenite, muscovite, and chlorite crystallized in a post-kinematic metamorphic event. Stop 7.5: Dv1 developed under low grade metamorphic About 1 km after Portella Mandrazzi. conditions, realized at T < 440 °C and P of about Panoramic view of Rocca Leone–Rocca 0.2 GPa, that correspond to the Hercynian P-T near- Novara ridge peak. Dv2 originated Sv2 foliation, characterized by This ridge (fi g. 40) is almost entirely made up of the transposition of graphite and new sericite and the “red conglomerate” – equivalent to the one chlorite crystallization. The Dv2 P-T conditions were outcropping at Forza d’Agrò – resting in this locality lower than those reached by the Dv1 syn-kinematic on the Fondachelli Unit metamorphics (Bonardi et metamorphic re-crystallization. Dv3 was responsible al., 1982b). The huge size of the Jurassic blocks, for kink bands and a crenulation cleavage. . This forming the top of Rocca Leone and Rocca Novara, outcrop is formed by mylonitized graphitic phyllites, furnished some support to the interpretation of a very rich in quartz lenses. Novara (or Rocca Novara) tectonic unit. Actually, Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume

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Volume n° 6 - from P55 to PW06 P66 - P66 Leader: G.Bonardi overprint arerecognizable. re-equilibrated, andinotherareasnotracesof Alpine Hercynian rocks arepervasively, partly, orweakly shown inthe Aspromonte Massif.Inmany areas,the in the Aspromonte Unitwiththesamecharacteristics Mts., an Alpine overprint isdiscontinuouslypresent the characteristicsteepslope. Also inthePeloritani Unit augengneissesareclearlyvisibleoverhead by During thetravel fromStop7.7,the Aspromonte was realizedduringthesyn-Dv2. each zone,theHercynian near-peak P-Tconditions produced kinkbandsandacrenulationcleavage. In realized at T from400 to550°C,andP<3GPa. Dv3 the almandine-oligoclasezoneofamphibolitefacies, from thechloritezoneofgreenschistfacies to post-Dv2 paragenesesgive ametamorphiczoning the secondstaticmetamorphicepisode.Syn-and episodes, whereaslocalizedchloritoiddeveloped in the fi almandine (garnetandoligoclasezones),grew in the zoning.Snowball Mn-garnet(chloritezone)to Fe-garnet, andoligoclasegraduallycrystallizedin the Sv1,alongwhichsericite,chlorite,albite,biotite, responsible fortheSv2mainfoliation,atabout90°to in thesyn-Dv1biotitezone,respectively. Dv2was garnet developed inthesyn-Dv1chloritezone,and Fe-rich garnetrimaroundthesnowball Mn-rich greenschist facies. Infact, diablasticbiotiteandthe originated azoninguptothealmandine-zoneof post-Dv1, theincreaseoftemperatureupto480°C realized at T =400-440°C,andP0.2GPa. In biotite-zone ofgreenschistfacies metamorphism, Mg-garnet. Sv1paragenesesindicatethechlorite-to according tozoning,alsobylocalizedbiotiteand foliation, defi zone ofamphibolitefacies. Dv1producedtheSv1 the greenschistfacies, tothealmandine-oligoclase a progradelow-P zoning,fromthechloritezoneof kinematic metamorphiccrystallization,producing phases, thefi and plurifacial. Itconsistsofthreedeformation typical Hercyno–type assemblages,ispolyphasic, two micaporphyroids. The metamorphism,showing of whitemicamarbles,andlocalizedchloriteor metric lensesofactinoliticmetabasites,thicklayers to garnetphyllitesandmetarenites,subordinate The MandaniciUnitbasementismadeupofchlorite village. MandaniciUnitbasement Fiumara diFondachelli downstream ofFantina Stop 7.7: rst syn-kinematictosecondstaticmetamorphic ned bysericite+chloritealbite,and, rst two accompaniedbysyn-topost-

and Castroreale Terme. When youhave reached this near Milicivillage,alongthecountryroadtoRodì Mandanici Unit. The PirainoUnitisvery evident river, overthrust onboththePirainoUnitand The MelaUnitextends ontherightsideof between the Aspromonte andMandaniciunits. Piraino unitsalsocropout,geometricallyinterposed Along theFiumaradiFondachelli, theMelaand garnet andstaticphyllosilicatesarealsopresent. quartz +albitebands.Large syn-topost-kinematic biotite +chloritelayers,alternatedwithgranular main foliation,thislatterdefi assemblage, ispreserved rotatedabout90°onthe the sericite+chloritealbite±biotiteilmenite fi phyllites. A The footwall isformedbyMandaniciUnitgarnet a completepsudomorphosisofHercynian minerals. responsible forintenseretrogressive processesupto are mylonitizedbymeter-thick Alpine shearzones, In thisoutcrop,augengneissesatthehangingwall equilibrated area. samples werecollectedinthe Alpine weaklyre- present authors,amixed age,becausetheanalysed the Hercynian metamorphism,thesecondage,by The fi augen gneisses,give 292and273Ma,respectively. data fromSicilian(Atzorietal.,1990)andCalabrian affi locally associated.Orthoderivates have calc-alkaline fabric andfi to two micametamonzogranites,withafoliated (metaplite andmetapegmatite). Biotitemetatonalites decimeter- to meter-thick leucorthogneisses polymetamorphic schlieren,andseveral concordant contain ovoidal mafi zoned plagioclaseandbiotite. The augengneisses K-feldspars (max4cm),includingmagmatic- have coarsegrainsize,withpoikiliticporphyroclastic during theHercynian time(Messinaetal.,2003). They a pre-Hercynian plutoniccomplex, metamorphosed According tofi the Aspromonte UnitinthePeloritaniMountains. to monzograniteaugengneissesformabout35%of plunges downstream atabout50°.Biotitetonalite The tectoniccontactwiththeMandaniciUnit Unit garnet phyllites Aspromon-te UnitaugengneissesandMandanici Stop 7.7. Tectonic contactbetween Fiumara diFondachelli about1kmdownstream of Stop 7.8: nity (FerlaandRotolo,1992).Rb-Srradiometric rst agehasbeenconsideredthecoolingof rst deformationphase,whichoriginated ne tomedium-coarsegrain-size,are eld andpetrologicalevidence, they are c microgranular inclusions, ned bymuscovite + 27-05-2004, 14:33:01 GEOTRAVERSE ACROSS THE CALABRIA-PELORITANI TERRANE (SOUTHERN ITALY) P66

locality, (passing through “ varicoloured clays” and Ayuso, R.A., Messina, A., De Vivo, B., Russo, S., a classical Tortonian–Messinian section), turn right, Sutter, J., Woodruff, L. and Belkin, H.E. (1994). and drive on the S.S.113 in the Messina direction. Geochemistry and argon thermochronology of the Reach the Messina-Palermo A20 highway at the Variscan Sila Batholith, Southern Italy: source rocks Barcellona-Castroreale entrance, and drive on the and magma evolution. Contr. Min. Petr. 117, 87-109. highway back to Messina. Beccaluva, L., Brotzu, P., Macciotta, G., Morbidelli, L. Serri, G. and Traversa, G. (1989). Cainozoic Acknowledgements Tectono-magmatic evolution and inferred mantle We wish to thank Carla Bucci for her precious help sources in the Sardo-Tyrrhenian area. In “The in improving the photos and in the drawing of most lithosphere in Italy” (A. Boriani, M. Bonafede, G.B. of the fi gures. Piccardo and G.B. Vai Ed.s), pp. 229-248. Accad. Naz. Lincei, Roma. References Beccaluva, L., Macciotta, G. and Spadea, P. (1982). Acquafredda, P., Lorenzoni, S. and Zanettin Lorenzoni Petrology and geodynamic signifi cance of the E. (1994). Paleozoic sequences and evolution of the Calabria-Lucania ophiolites. Rend. Soc. It. Min. Petr. Calabrian-Peloritan Arc (Southern Italy). Terra Nova 38, 973-987. 6, 582-594. Bonardi, G., Amore, F.O, Ciampo, G., de Capoa, P., Afchain, C. (1970). Présence de Tentaculidae Miconnet, P. and Perrone, V. (1988). Il “Complesso démontrant l’âge dévonien des niveaux calcaires Liguride” Auct.: stato delle conoscenze e problemi intercalés dans les phyllades du substratum aperti sulla evoluzione appenninica e i suoi rapporti du chaînon calcaire de Stilo-Pazzano (Calabre con l’arco calabro. Mem. Soc. Geol. It. 41, 17-35. méridionale, Italie). Com. Ren. somm. Soc. géol. Bonardi, G., Carmignani, L., Disperati, L., Liotta, D. France 5, 150-151. and Perrone, V. (1997). Apennine Peninsula. In: IGCP Alvarez, W. (1976). A former continuation of the Project N° 276, Terrane Map of the Alpine-Himalayan Alps. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 87, 891-896. Belt, Sheet 1: Southern and Southeastern Europe (F. Amodio Morelli, L., Bonardi, G., Colonna, V., Ebner, F. Neubauer and G. Rantitsch Ed.s). Ann. Géol. Dietrich, D., Giunta, G., Ippolito, F., Liguori, V., Pays Hellén. 37. Lorenzoni, S., Paglionico, A., Perrone, V., Piccarreta, Bonardi, G., Cavazza, W., Perrone, V. and Rossi, G., Russo, M., Scandone, P., Zanettin-Lorenzoni, E. S. (2001). Calabria-Peloritani Terrane and Northern and Zuppetta, A. (1976). L’arco calabro-peloritano . In “Anatomy of an Orogen: The nell’orogene appenninico-maghrebide. Mem. Soc. Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins” Geol. It. 17, 1-60. (G.B. Vai and I.P.Martini, Eds.), pp. 287-306. Kluwer Amodio Morelli, Paglionico, A. and Piccarreta, G. Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. (1973). Evoluzione metamorfi ca delle rocce in facies Bonardi, G., Compagnoni R., Del Moro, A., Messina, granulitica delle Serre nord-occidentali. Boll. Soc. A. and Perrone, V. (1987). Riequilibrazioni tettono- Geol. It. 92, 861-889. metamorfi che alpine nell’Unità dell’Aspro-monte, Amore, F.O., Bonardi, G., Ciampo, G., de Capoa, Calabria meridionale. Rend. Soc. It. Min. Petr. 42, P., Perrone, V. and Sgrosso, I. (1988). Relazioni 301. tra “fl ysch interni” e domini appenninici: Bonardi, G., Compagnoni R., Messina, A., Perrone, reinterpretazione delle Formazioni di Pollica, San V., Russo, S., De Francesco, A.M., Del Moro, A. and Mauro e Albidona e l’evoluzione infra-medio- Platt, J. (1992). Sovrimpronta metamorfi ca Alpina miocenica delle zone esterne sudappenniniche. Mem. nell’Unità dell’Aspromonte (Settore meridionale Soc. Geol. It. 41, 285-297. dell’Arco Calabro-Peloritano). Boll. Soc. Geol. It. Anderson, J.L. and Smith, D.R. (1995). The effects 111, 81-108. of temperature and oxygen fugacity on the Al-in Bonardi, G., de Capoa, P., Di Staso, A., Estevez, P55 to PW06 n° 6 - from Volume hornblende barometer. Am. Min. 80, 549-559. A., Martín-Martín, M., Martín-Rojas, I., Perrone, Atzori, P., Del Moro, A. and Rottura, A. (1990). V. and Tent-Manclús, J.E. (2003) – Oligocene to Rb/Sr radiometric data from medium- to high- Lower Miocene deposits of the Calabria-Peloritani grade metamorphic rocks (Aspromonte Nappe) of Arc southern subterrane (Italy) and geodynamic Northeastern Peloritani Mountains (Calabrian Arc, correlations with the Spain Betics and Morocco Rif. Italy). Eur. J. Min. 2, 363-371. Geodin. Acta 16, in press.

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