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:*i#i ...*+. ier* l.A*.,.'##,€-i Si*;s] ARCTIC WITDERI\ESS The Sttr Wodd Wilderness Congress Vance G. Martin and Nicholas TVler Nonrn AunnrceN Pmss Golden, Colorado r995 Copyright @ 1995 The International sTilderness Leadership (\x4LD) Foundation Cover design is courtesy of artists Simon Fraser of Balnain Books (Scotland) and Kate Martin. Front cover photo is a detail of the nofthern coast of Siberia, a water color by Fridtjof Nansen (couftesy of University of Oslo). Back cover: photo by Matt Supp; woodcut by Fridtjof Nansen used with permission of Nansen Archives, University of Os1o. Section opening woodcuts and woodcuts on pages 35, 157,255,267 and 31'5 by Fridtiof Nansen used with permission of Nansen Archives, Universiqr of Oslo. Al1 rights reserved. No paft of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying' recording or othefwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 'World $Tilderness Congress (5th : 7993: Tromso, Norway) Arctic wilderness : the 5th'W'orld W'ilderness Congress / [edited by1 Vance G. Manin and Nicholas Tyler. p cm. Held in Troms@, Norway in 1.993. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-55591-931-6 (PaPerback) 1. Nature conselvation-Arctic fegions-{ongresses. 2. Nature conservation-Polar regions-Congresses. 3. Ecosystem management regions-Congresses. 4. Wilderness areas-Congresses' -Arctic 5. Nature conselvation-Philosophy-Congresses. I. Martin, Vance. II. Tyler, Nicholas. IIL Title. QH77.A68\V67 1.993 333.7'76'0911-4c20 95-4201 CIP Printed in the United States of America 0987654321 Norlh American Press The W]LD Foundation A Division of Fulcrum Publishing International Center for Earlh Concerns 350 Indiana Street, Suite 350 2162 Baldwin Road Golden, Colorado 80401-5093 USA Ojai, California 93023 USA TABTE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Rakel Surlien, Chairman, 5th \forld Wilderness Congress vii Governing Board Preface by Vance G. Martin, President, The VILD Foundation ix Acknowledgments xiii Introduction by Nicholas Tyleq Chairman, 5th World \flildemess Congress xv Program Committee Introductory Essay-"The Creative \Tilderness" by Thor Heyerdahl xlx Editors'Notes xxiii List of Acronyms )o(v SECTION I. WORLD WILDERI\IESS The \Wilderness Imperative Ian Player \Tilderness Designation-A Global Trend Vance G. Martin Unspoiled Nature-A Prerequisite f or Civilization 20 Dag Hareide SECTION tr. WILDERNESS AND PEOPLE Indigenous Peoples-North and South Indigenous Peoples of the North 27 Ole Henrik Magga The Concept of \Tilderness among the Indigenous peoples of the North 32 Evdokija Telekova iv Arctc'W'rronnNess: THn 5tr'Wonro'Wlronmsss CoNcnnss Indigenous Peoples as Managers of \Tildlife in the North 34 Caleb Pungowiyi The Recognition and Exercise of Inuit Rights and Responsibilities 37 Rosemarie Kuptana The Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic-Survival Demands 41 Henriette Rasmussen An Australian Aboriginal Approach to Wilderness 4b Mervin Franks Involving Traditional Knowledge and Rural People in 51' \Tilderness Conservation Windsor Shuenyane A Source for Inspiration and Transformation \Tilderness-Our Lifeline on Earlh 59 M. A. Partha Sarathy The Use of \Tilderness for Personal Growth and Inspiration 65 John Hendee and Randall Pitstick The \Tilderness as a Resource for Healing /4 Mamphela Ramphele Youth and W'ilderness 83 Silie Gamstobakk Recreation andToudsm Is Tourism aThreat to Polar \Tilderness? An Antarctic Case Study 87 Paul Dingwall Ecotourism, \Tildland Values, and Wilderness Preservation in the 97 U.S. National Forests Elizabeth Estill The Value of Polar -ilTilderness in a Global Perspective 103 Bjorn Kaltenborn SECTION ltr. VILDERI\IESS-A CIRCLiMPOIAR PERSPECTIVE Polar Wilderness Fridtjof Nansen and the Spirit of Northern \Tilderness 1'1'3 Geir Hestmark Polar \Tilderness: 'W'hat Does It Contribute and to \7hom? 118 Fred Roots Polar'Wilderness and Biodiversiry 128 PeterJohan Schei Wild Rivers of the Nonh: A Reconnaissance-Level Inventory 730 Michael McCloskey Tasrr or CoNmnrs v Management and Administration A Comparison of the Legal Environmental Regimes in the Arctic j.39 and Antarctic Carola Bjorklund The Arctic and Antarctica: Legal and Political Perspectives 748 Geir Ulfstein Governmental Structure of the Arctic-The Rights and Duties 152 of the Northern Peooles Sigbjorn Eriksen Regional Cooperation in the Arctic as a Strategy for Marine Management 157 Jan Henry Olsen Conservation Strategies National Parks and Protected Areas in Polar Reqions 161 P. H. C. Lucas Arctic Conservation Strategies I70 Jens W'ahlstedt A Protected-Area System for the Arctic 174 Peter Prokosch Finland's \flilderness Act-A Scandinavian Model 181 Sirpa Pietikdinen Exploitation and Sustainability in the North Sustainable Living in the Arctic I87 Nflalter Hickel Sustainable Management of the Polar Regions 195 Thorbjorn Berntsen Concepts of lifilderness and Sustainable Use of the Arctic 201 Bent Muus Sustainable \filderness in the Arctic 270 Pamela Miller An Ecosystem Approach to Fishing and Management across the 218 North Atlantic Michael Eade Fisheries Management in an Overutilized Ocean 225 Clem Tillion Developing the Natural Resources of the Barents Region: 230 Opportunities and Dangers Vladimir Kalinnikov and Anatoly Vinogradov Regional Development in the Russian Far North 240 Victor Mikhailov vi Arcrc'WrroenNnss: Tnr 5ru'W'onro'Wnormmss CoNcnnss \(eighing the Needs of Environmental Management and 243 Economic Development--The Challenge for Public Authorities in the Arctic Paul Fuhs SECTION IV. GREEN LEAF AWARD The Great Arctic Reserve:Tavmvr Peninsula 247 Rakel Surlien SECTION V. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Symposium Surrmaries The Idea of the 'Wild 255 David Rothenberg International -ffilderness Allocation, Management, and Research 258 John Hendee and Vance G. Martin Arctic \fildlife and Whaling: Conflicts in Management 260 Ian Stirling Translating \Vilderness 262 Nina'Sflitoszek Strategies for Protecting Arctic \Tilderness 263 Thor Larsen and Pamela Miller The Polar Basin and Its Arctic Rim: Productivity and Global Change 265 Paul'Wassmann Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and Modern Resource Management 266 N. C. Stenseth Resolutions of the 5th Wodd Wilderness Congress Table of Contents 267 Foreword 271 Nicholas Tyler Presentation of Resolutions to the Northern Forum 273 Rakel Surlien Resolutions 277 Appendix: Resolutions Procedure-Guidelines for Delegates 309 After-word 313 Tostein Mvkletun Presenters and Otga nizational Structure 5th World !filderness Congress Presenters 315 5th \florld Wilderness Congress Organizational Sttucture 11? Index 335 @ FOREWORD The \7orld \filderness Congress (\7\fC) is a permanent, international, public forum at which a diverse group of professionals gathers with con- cerned members of the public to address and act on critical matters of envi- ronmental well-being, especially as they relate to the role of wilderness in our society. The congress has convened on four previous occasions-South Ntica (1.977), Australia (1980), Scotland (1983), and the United States (1987). The 5th \[WC convened in Tromso, Norway, north of the Arctic Circle, under the theme lVild Nature and Sustainable Liuing in Circumpolar Re- gions. The aim of the 5th \V\7C was to enhance awareness of the natural beauty, natural resources, and the aesthetic and scientific impofiance of the Arctic and Antarctica-the two largest, continuous, relatively undisturbed ecosystems on Earth. A greater physical contrast between these regions and the woodlands of Umfolozi where the \XrS7C was conceived (see Preface) could hardly be imagined. But the inherent value of natural environment and the conselation imperative that must be upheld in these and all wild regions of the Earth are exactly the same. The \X WC has always insisted on a balanced, holistic approach to prob- lem solving in which philosophy, culture, and the arts are as important as the biological and physical sciences, economics, and politics. In this spirit, the fifth congress was convened in parallel with the first Northern Forum conference, the theme of which was People in the Arctic: Regional Rigbts and Regional Management. This cooperation was a new initiative, which provided an opportunity to present and discuss major issues in conserwation and sustainable development in northern regions from an especially wide v1l1 Ancrrc'WnoenNess: THn 5ru'Wonrn'%rorwnss CoNcruss range of perspectives. Dialogue of this kind is essential as never before to secure both preservation of polar wilderness and sustainable living for the people of the North. How well this experiment succeeded you can judge from the quality and diversity of the material in this volume. The papers report what was said; the "Resolutions of the 5th \7odd Wilderness Congress," which for the first time are included in the proceedings in full, repofi what we want done. Copies of the resolutions have been distributed to the heads of regional governments throughout the nofihern regions, both Arctic and sub-Arctic. It is my sincere hope that the resolutions be carefully considered, and that they will strongly influence future policy in government of the North. Surlien -Rakel Cbairman, 5th WWC Gouerning Board Oslo, Nonaay Iune 1994 PREIACE The day was hot and they had walked many miles through the thornfeld wilderness of Zululand's Umfolozi Game Reserwe. As the sun dipped below the horizon they sat on the bank of the Black Umfolozi River watching the